December 28, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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December 28, 1831 |
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W5t)Nl3SI>AY , DEC. ««. lS»«.
[F rom th f Bn«lmi T.'l'rrni 'l' 1
TKlt. *
It is sometimessaid nnd pr obabl y willi
gron l fnilli , " IfycMi wisli lo l«-nrn l!ic; oli:ir-
nct er ofa Cliiisii iin j irofi -Mur, you mint
go home with him." It is natural for nil
persons lo clolli iMlicms elves in lln ir Ix-si
nppaiel , wlieii they wish lo appear in pub-
lie. It vve w<)tl '
S('fl ( '"'m "' their l< evei v
d.iy dress," we must (40 to their own il wel-
]jn"s. II *to they tin nw aside lliose (:;ir-
.nn'nts which wen.1 desi gned merel y for. ex-
Wmr beauty ; find hen- ion they cist oil
ntarnint . If,llieri llie Christian profess-
or has at/v griicc , il will shine in hiu own
f utnih
j . Il is hen; llie " lliei in onii/ter "
shows its tegular and nvrrago grad ation.
from day to-tltiy^wnimc here it is
n either
rxposed to llie pitfid ng chill of the tiolh-
rrn blast, nor to ilje scorching rays of tin 1
meridian sun. It V ranges "us il were " in
th e shade ," fr om itioiilh to month , /mil
from yen:1 to year. ll ' tho graces of the
pr ofessor of reli gion;, therefore do not shim1
in his own family , \l is because he has no
gr ace to shim1. It is here , lhat others
may judge of his Chlisiiifli character ;am!
it is her e he oug h t to y t fg c of himself. In
the family and pii viit eJirc.lt1, then we may
look for true cliarnrtlmstics of a genuine
reviv al of reli gion. iFwn cannot find llieni
here we can find llifm nowhere . Th e Ho-
ly Spiri t , in his special aiid oflfieial work ,
reviv es 'I ho graces of Christians in the
p rivate circle as'w ell as in public. lie
makes tin 1 parent more ilevniioinl , mor e
exemp lary, and more faithfu l In famil y
government and family instruction ; and
he makes the child more dutifu l , mor e af-
fectionat e , mor e humble and more teach-
abl e. In the little famil y circl e, where
th e graces of llie Spirit urn revived and
strengthened , Ch ristians may, indeed en-
j oy an earnest of heaven. It is here , if any
whe re , that religion must appear in its na-
tive loveliness ; and il", in a reli gions ox-
citement , the influeu tlfc of die Spirit does
not accompany Christian professors to
their own habitation , 4ind to their own
closets , we must conclude either , tha t
there is no genuine «vu!, or thai , if gen-
uine , these individual professors an; not
sharers in the great and glorious work.
Filial Duty.—Among the American
Indians , one of the fu st lessons they in-
cul caie on their children , is duty to the it
parents and respect for old arje ; and
there is not among the most civilized na-
tions any people who more strictly ob-
serve iht* duty of fi ™il obedience. A fa-
ther need only to suV in the presence of
his children, •' 1waft such a thins done ;
I want one of my Ihildren to go upon
such an errand ; let '
me see who is the
goad child that willllo it. " This word
good operates as it wire by ma^ and the
ciiiRi rt n immediately^vie wiilL^ach
)( .,.
to comp ly with the WLshesoMheir parent.
Il ii father sees an old? decjppid man or
wom an pass by, led HVngJfiy a child , he
will draw the nttenlionio#liis own child-
i-en to the object by ^ty ing " What a
good child that roust b/,
which pays such
jiueni '
uin to llie aged b Thut child indeed
:*k« forward to the.
time when it will
Wit-wise be oM !
» Of- heuvill S5y, « May
ttw Wt Spirit, v$o iLks upon him,
Sranl ll»» good chihj a lohg life !»
* ' ' j ' i ¦
Reltftion —T\k conquest af the world
•'"" "I 'Jurwlv«» is only io be obiained by
' , nl l'riiy«' und sternly resolutions ;by
^•qwni retii'enwnt from folly and vmii-
V > «rou» Ui« cares of av^ice, and th e
j oys of intemperance ; from the lullin g
sounds of prosperous wickedness. [Ram
To Rev. Mr. Harris — Hyatiuis , Mass.
Rev. Sir I—-Being present hist Sabbath ,
in llie aflertfcH)!) , at the House where you
was , a few in%nihs since , ordained to preach
llie word s otvlernal f if e, to that part of
ihe 'fi 'Id of (Jmi s t entrusted to your care , I
had an opportuni ty of Rearing yon , and
of j ud iMii!.' froii wlnt/^ou taug ht us , Iki w
you perfii i-in ihr» dittos of iliiit imp orlant
.—llwi t ulUcii This is tin ; sure way
Io det ermine \vhi\j er the preacher sp eaks
agree able to K'asjAi and scri ptur e. Kor
iii slaiwc : il ' y ou«*i;*d asserted Chrisl
woidd s;i ve ii*M N y the grace of (jiod should taste
death for rrcri/ man. "
If you had stated that tint a part was
gi ven |o CliM"! , then you would have de-
nii'd llie expres s di claralion of our Sav-
iour :for he declares, .lohn. '
>. ,'i.O, lli al
" Thei'aiher lovelh the Son , and h at h
given n// thing s into his hai 'd. " And il
you li ad said tliat onl y a p url of what
(iml lias hivcii him woulii enme to him ;
llien you would have denied your Saviour.
Hear him. St. John , li. 'AT, " //// lli at ihr
Father giveth me sbij ll come Id me ; |M;n I;
till: last clause of ibis, verse,J and him llial
coinelh to me I will ki no wise,cast out. "
I/ ' you was so lost fti the import of the
|hrase "eternal life,"+-lbilj fvords of which
von w asoi dained Io prlarlj f—as to declare
that a pail of your felh^v^realures,— llio '
nol. so worth y as yoursi'K,— would sufler
eternal denili in an i m , 2.'3, 2I ,
25 ,— tin ; correspiind'ing testimon y ol St.
Paul as recorded in liis [E pistle io llie. Phil.
'2. {). 10, II ;—and what was revealed to
St. John when lie beard every creature
praising and adorini; the i.amb of G'od ,
would never lie full lilled. See Rev. 5, l.'i .
Thus you discover , fioin ihe si' examp les,
the imp ortance of comparing the doctrines
which the pr eacher inculcates , wi th llie
scri pl u n s of Divine until. lint ' this , I
confess, could nol be accomp lished with-
out llie assistance of rettxon,—llie choicest
g if t of (iod to man ,— whi ch you are soine-
lini"s disposed to lay aside, in mailers of
thi s kind.
Your 11¦xI is found in Rev. '
A. 5. Upon
llie doctrines which you attempted to build
on this passage you will permit me to mak<
a lew remarks. In consequence of y oui
being a professed minist er of the Uospel ,
I have reason to expect lhat you will indul-
ge no unchristian sp irit towards any per-
son who mav dilTi'i from you in his reli g-
ious op ini ons ; nor, an uncharita ble sp iii t
Inwards those wli6 may , in a Chri stian
manner addiess yi>u relative to doctrines
whi ch you m ay, a r a ny time , advance. —
As a public. Teacljer ,yo n are bound Io im-
part to mankind tjie instruction which is
calculated lo reciiFy their errors ,— and , as
lar as possible, to alleviate the cares and
troubles of human life ; by impar ting to
, by the wisdom of
man—ihu everlasting truths of the Gospel
of peace.
Your text was addressed to the Angel
of the church at Sardis. li Hi:that over-
cth the name shall be cUp hcd in white
ra/ni nt." This being cloihe/r
f in svhile ra-
nient in consequence of overcoming some-
thing; which existed ajinoiig some of llie
church at Sardis,you I'eJfJrt.'d to Man 's fu-
t ure existence. Wh y fttil you not inform
us what it was which/line of this church
was warn ed to overrule that tiny mi g ht
be clothed in white/ rai lent ! Why d'
you not inform us/fr f wl utihe y wen; warn-
ed to be watch fu l ? And why »"t iniuVrsta nd this Hook ? What
doubt , will admit the gfeat importance ol
overcoming thosu temptations which have
a tendency to desuyy our peace ; or hin-
der our pivscnt^j VvMKni..fih,. King dom
of God. Tha'
t i M l»,|
u |h^ieved in its u-
tility, us u du ty, is ab'jiinlafiily prove d by
the various quotations , you made from
h is Lpistlrs. But where do you find thai
he ever threat ened any of his hearer s, or
any man , with an endless hell in nl sin 's
future existence , if he did not overcome
llie worl d, ilesh , and the devil i You will
not deny but what you preached ,—for
the portion tho se who do not overcome
these foes lha t (jod permits to exist ,—un
endless hell ! But was you not ordained
Io preach th e word of eternal Ilk '
i How
the n , with a conscience void of offence
towards (Jod and man , did you preach
that ciu el —that unmerciful doctrine ?—
Did you r Heavenl y Father ever call you
to pieach .the doctrine of un endless hell
for a part of IJi s o/e/i offspring, which Ik-
lo ves wilh infini te compassion j* To tin;
feet of this cruel .seiileiiieul its true belie-
ver falls a viciiin. Many of our citizens
have fallen beneath its iron grasp victims
to desp air , insanity, and suicide! Tile
i nvention of the piutracted , or , four-days
meetings so abundant , of late, in this
County, has hurried many, according to
the belief of those engaged in carrying this
distruciive woi k throug h the la nd , not un-
Iv to llie grave , but to an endless hell !
Siand with Uie.this evening ll you p ease
and ga/,e upiU| the starry firmament ol
heaven. Surwy ils vari ous constellations
airanged by fm; hand ofiuiiuite wisdom,
Tuin to the y\»llll)(' observe the cloud-
less moon aslslre arises , v\n.\. in the east-
itii lioii zou/diHl iensing li y hl und heal to
all expos ed Io hir lunar lays . A midst
Mich an exhibili ift i of Gods universal gou4 obj ect of a futhers
care—of the mother 's ulli.'ction , sunk un-
der die iiillu ence of'illre doctrine of etern-
al niisery ,-as servetjuip at one of those
deadl y meetings ,—ifflo a slate of insanity ;
a nd al last , after lliiu most horrid strug-
glings of both body aid mind ,to llie grave
where the wicked cfase from troublin g.
Could you , being a jvi'olessed minister ol
the blessed ( Jospei , pour the Oil of conso-
latio n into the bleeding hearts of those be-
rea ved— distressed parents ? Follow our
Saviour throug h his ministry and sue il
history records ; Merc hantable and Refuse
\9\J (Dead Kiver) I'iue Hoards.
4O M llemlork do
0 M- Hemlock Dank.
50 ^'
I'i ne ami Hemlock Timber and Joists.
50 M- Ceda r Shin g les.
I' i uc do
C'loards , I.alh s, Uc.
A lot ol' :< by 4 and A by 4 Tin e Joist (Clear.)
Cedar l'osts and Kails , bv
.I OSIAM lll.NCKI.r.V . anil
Who will hereafter keep a con stant suppl y of al l
the above tlesc ri plious of nl ier lo sell , a s rea-
sonable as can be purchased in this place.
ISainslable , Oil 4lh , 1HU1. If
I710It side at the Marnsla blc Put riot Office
n few dozen of this valuable: wiii U, viz :—
An ep iioi ne of IJnivkiisaI. Ii ko gkaimiv , or a
descri pti on of the various Countries of llie Globe;
with a view of th eir political condition , at Ihe
pr esent lime—accompanied with xi.cly Mavs .—
By Nathan IIai .k.
dlT P urchasers can be furnished with the Book
neatl y bound in sheep, at the very lo w pi ice ol
fll' OO. A 127
J OHN P A I N E , Chaise and II.irn rss Mnkci
continues to can v oo the above busine ss , nl
his old slaud , in Uarn atitble , near tin ; Old Court
Chaise and Wagnit M lnrnesscs of the first qua!
ilV , constantl y on hand.
Com.aiis , by Ihe do/.en or sing le .
Trunks of various kinds made lo order.
J -\ i\l K S A. .S .\l I T II , h avin g mken M
WII.UA.U C. liK OOKS , inio Opart
ii ci' *hi p with him , the business will be cuu
dueled io Inline 1 under the linn of
lit their Mor e , I\u 7 , .Ninth A l a i k i - i M i t e l ,
— Where they have on hand —
A general assoi iini -nt of WEST IND IA
GOOD S 4- (i li OCF.IUF.S, for the suppl y ol
Trailer *, and furnishin g- of Famil y, Shi p, and
Fishin g Stores .
Boston , Feb. 24th , 1831. epi,2m
CJ NEATHI NU COPPER. —The subscr ibers ,
£c9 »S1!1I|S l»r thc Tnonton Copper Company,
arc constantl y supplied with an assortment of
Sheathing Cupper , and will cause orders for nn v
descri ption of s,heet Copper tn be executed at
shot t notice,
n 22 lawif I ndi.i street , Boston.
Boston Curved Combs , Utel y fi niOicd »t
Willnrd ' s COMH Factory , opposit t||C
Old South-c hurch , Boston.
•Ladies are invited to examine them befor e
urchrtsini '. tf J 22
Jrj l
f Mff lf r RAILWAY .
TI 1 K subscrib er would inform the publi c,
tha t his Ma rine liailtcny, at the Na rro w*
in Wftrehnin , is now read y for the reception ol
Vksskls , of any size under 200 toni—on the
following terms , vis :—
Fkes for haulin g out and launchin g, inrl udin g
all expen ses of labour , &.C. are twenty ceittt pp»
ton , nnd fi vecents per ton each day lhat the Vis
«cl remains on tin: Ways. No Vessel •*ill he
ihar ^i-'l lor less than forty tons VpsspIs lo
liauli -d out are to be delivered at the yard
\iy Owners ofVesseU wishin g repairs of an-
kiud , will fi nd ever y thins; nn «.
-s»ai y for convi h
ii'in e and ilespatrh. —Carp r -nt em , Catlik e'" ,
rimb rr , I'lauk , K nei s, Tar , Pit ch Barrels , he,
will be supp lied if desired , and Black«mith work ,
liv a first r ale workman , can be procured in fli p
yard. This Hail Way ti n.- advanta ge o\cr
irmiy others , in the convenience of working cm
the bottom of Vessels, as all the Ways nre re-
mo ved , giving a free passage under the VcmH 'h
lioltoi n l>- NYK .
W.ireham . M ay 2, 1831 3mo
1NF0II .MH h.s roiislaiit &i atte ntive cusloiners
an I thi- public , that he has on hand , .i lul l
r i pp ly of (.iOOD.S , in bis line , consistin; : »[
K u " lish and Fr ench , h ard-en aincl 'd , seconds
and plai n and P VT E NT I.KVEK
W A T C HE S ,
Sil ver , silver plated , and lii iiama Inbl e , ten ,
De scil , C •emu and inustan l Spouns—silver pl at-
imI and linlania Soup L adles— silver nnd sihir
plated , and steel Spectacles—Spectacle *, v*it h
• ides , and concave Glasses— S pectacle 'il.issci
-i-l In suit a' 1 age *—>teel and morocco Cases-
(io ^ i' lei—superior silver-steel and common Ka -
/,,,, ,— Knieisou 'k mil Kitler 's Ka/.or Straps—
I loin s—Shaving S<>i p and Brushes.
A gum! a-iortm i nl of
Biiiaii ia and block tin Tea Pots — Coffee do—
ISriiunia , hard inched , hia *H , iiim I j ;lns« Lamps —
silver pi,Hid. and brass Candlesti cks—Knive t
ami Finks—c ommon , and (j ilt fil led Waite rs —
Snuff ers , a nd Tray —Bread Trays—press 'd r,i({
cut g lass C'iislors—Sail s—Nurse Bottles—Biean
Pi pes , fcc.
Wai runted Ki ght Dnv
Kver Pointed and plain Pencil Cases—superioi
Lead Pencils—silver und steel Pens—W utch
(• uards—Pocket , a nd Penknives—Ladies ' trav-
elling and fancy Work Baskets—fancy wire em-
broidered .
rW l' ll' SiiIki ilu-is have formed a conue xiun
JL in bu siness , under Ihe firm of
an d have tak en Store No. 57, Loso wtiAitr ,
w here the y will keep constan tly on hand a gen-
eral assortm ent «f WEST INDI.1 GOODS ,
G110CE IUES , COUD.'IGE , £,-c. for supp ly ing
r-ouiit rv traders , and fiiruishing Fishi ng ond oili-
er Vessels with Stores , which the y mil sell on llio
most reasonable terms.
T H O M A S R A N D ,
Boston ,Feb. Mth , l8.'Jl . ep isUi nq
r'W^HE subscriber
~riiisJi'.--'!->^^Sl I
s on hiind.
r[~ -tfTrS'
' w'"
to or-
I' '
J: \iW ll tin i rj{ tier , Fvimilure of i-vc-
f rs$f i~a**':£
. i r)' r
ipscri pti()ii , \v;ir-
t] I? ii \
\ r;uitffl to bt- fititlil 'nl
ill workmanshi p, ;i nd
;is cle^nnt
any Crom the city . Those
who wish to pur chase , will do well to
call before tliov purchase olsewherp , fit
his Cabinet If' rirrho tise, a few doors
west of the Post Office, B;i rnsinhl<\
THE subscr ibers have formed a copartner
shi p nnd will transact Commis ion dusikk ss ,
under the fimi of
No. 4, Central wharf , Bosto n
J ^^^
i\. 4, C kn ikai Wii akf ,
W ILL keep constantly on hand and Tor safe
R U N N I N G B I G G I N G of Ml site*,
—MANI LLA R0P K , SPUN YARN. «tc. at
retail. —Gan gs or
, Cable *, Haw»-
eus , kc. from the manufact ory of Joiinh Rob-
bins , Esq. of Plym outh , will be furnishe pe rm ,tied to refe r to Doctor \Vaiib k *<
Professor of Anatomy anil Surgery , in Harvard
L'piVrrsi ty.
Oct. IS, 1831.
m*"O S E S C l l O C K E R, begs leave to
XIM. inloi in the inhahi iaiils of the Coun-
ty ol Uitrustn blt! , that he hits secured to himself
ihij ri ght of this Va luable Machi ne , for thi *
County , Fnlmou th and Piov incetown execpted ,
und will fur nish ull those tha t may wish to pur-
chase an inventio n of so general utilit y.
Ohdeks for thu above Machine , directed to
Moses Cuockkb , West Batnstab le, will be
punctuall y attended to.
XJTrtc c lor each Machine , £3.
Janua ry 5th
by tin; subscribiT, at his shop in Barnsta-
f tf * Customers supp lied at short no-
tice. All favours thankfull y receiveil uiu.
duly atte nded to. JABEZ NYE.
June 27 tf
" W by," says Ossinn , " shouhlst thoii
builil th y ball , son of ihc wiiijreil days ?
thoii lookesl from llio towers today, yet th«;
desert comes—it howls on the empty court
mul whistles around th y half-worn shield
Then w'hy should man look' forth as he.
fomll y liop gs.'frpon the sunny future with
the eye of fancy, and lny m> tho golden
visions , which have passed Hkesun beams
in his pilgrimage , iu tin- ho\u; ,of bn»liter
ones yet to come, when lo-'morrow tlie
clods may he heaped on his coffi n, and a-
bove liis quiet relics the sepulchral views
tremble in (he wind ! Alas! 'if there is
aug ht on rarth which should siibtlix? pride
—which should make men feel that " the
ri ch and the poor meet logeilj er , and thai
the Lunl is maker of them all*!"—it is the
Grav e I \v is there rpsentmerft dies—re-
venge nnd umlmion , arc satiated ; it is
there above tUe.»vn of sorrow ,* that man
must learn thut
fe is a torrid day ,
Parch 'd by the wind and sun—
And death the culm, cool m'
/ii ,
When the weary day is done .
TUB fMrS^lC.
Horrid case o
f Jnt \mpcrancc.—The
Portland Courier of \^ v.'d ne>>iJay says,
yesterday a smoke was sfci'ii issuing from
a house in (Jenlre street fthicJrChuwed ii
to be. on tire. An alann ^ps yueu mul
peop le went in. Tiie.|
HiuiuoLT from
winch ihe smoke caino \4|Vta»(eued , miU
th o iiniuuti 't . loukt tioi MVievaili.'il upon
lo open it. Tii e door 'wfe loiei'd open
wli i n a siglil most sliu^fvinj to
humauit y
was presented. A man wJjs lying on the
bed so drunk its to bi/uuulfe lo move, the
woman was also intu'xicatew und ravin;*
iibotii the ruum , ctlisiiijj S»nU sweariug
l ike u ijm tiiae, und in the trudle was a
little child burning to deaf/t.
The cloths tun! pillow in the cradle
wen-' mu ch burnt , and th e ji liysiciun who
was called in considered"ItUoubtful whetlj -
er the clula would recover. The Tamil}
was given in churge to the overseers of the