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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 26, 2014     Barnstable Patriot
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December 26, 2014
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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5K runsoffwitha record BARRY DONAHUE PHOTO Sue E/eftherakis of Barnstable and Olivia Miller of Marstons Mills prep for the Jolly Jaunt in Hyannis Dec. 7. The final numbers are in!The 13th annual Santa's Jolly Jaunt 5K on Dec. 7 saw a total of 617 people, ages 1to 79, run or walk to benefit the athletes of Special Olympics Massachusetts. Run- ners and walkers surpassed last year's total by more than 200 participants and raised more than $40,000 for the cause. The race is sponsored each year by Special Olympics and the Barnstable Police Depart- ment. Toys for Tots also benefited , as participants were asked to contribute toysto the event,top- ping Cape Cod and the Islands up as fourth in the country for total toys donated. "Whelden Walking Sticks" ToBenefit WheldenLibrary E Thisstick willtakeyouanywhereyouneedto go ONE OF A KIND You will treasure this stick FOREVER g^g^g^g^g^g^g^ j^—^ ^^^g^ ^l l lg—p^lll^g^g^g^g^g^g^g^g— Millsmanarrestedfor drugs He was found slumped over wheel at gas station By Noah Hoffenberq SANDWICH POLICE DEPARTMENT Police say they caught Rene A. Dansereau, 28,of 250 Newtown Road,with this illegal ensemble of drugs and paraphernalia. A Marstons Mills man was arrested on drug charges after Sandwich police found him slumped over his steering wheel at a gas station on Route 130on Friday. The driver , Rene A. Dansereau, 28, of 250 Newtown Road, was arrested for unlaw- ful possession of narcotics, and after a search was also charged with possession of heroin, pos- session of methadone (16 tab- lets) with intent to distribute, possession of Klonopin (8.5 tablets) with intent to distrib- ute, possession of marijuana (5.7 ounces) with intent to dis- tribute, possession of two Sub- oxone strips, and possession of one buprenorphine tablet. At about 11:30 p.m. Friday, Sandwich police Officers Dan Perkins and Brian Fernandes were called to the Hess gas station at 336 Route 130 for a report of a man slumped at the wheel. When they approached , Perkins and Fernandes saw a loaded syringe and spoon in the driver's lap.The syringewas loaded with brown liquid. They soon identified the driver as Dansereau, and a search of his vehicle and back- pack turned up the aforemen- tioned drugs, drug packaging material and $782 in cash. / sat*is«faotion ...happiness with fhe way something is working ^ ^ ^ ^ S l The benefits of usinghearingtechnology I^i J i a^ f l s I arK * ^'mProvemenh ^ey b"n9 to a I'A^Br * I person's personal and professional life H Hk 1 *^B are we " documented.Additionalresearch K K K ^^^ Ki l ' rom ^Better Hearin9 Instituteshows JT^BI that9 out of 10 hearingaid users are Bflp p / BK satisfiedwith fhe benefit they receive. I L tr 'j Specific improvements includes: ¦ U| | j j U| j | j l | | j& • More effective communication B JB BBBBBBBBBB B I • Better social life BB j^BMBBBBBBBB J Improved relationships at home ^ ^^ ^^ ^¦ ^¦ ^SfH and in theworkplace ¦Br' -' ^ JBIBBBBBBBB V^ V BBB I H : " ^ ^[K i| • Improvedemotional health and '¦- • mL fl even ^etter P^ys'ca' health H f c^ ^f e B CML 508-775-0959TODAY ¦ I *°^°Y *° scr4ec 'u 'e a consultation. I ^ H ^ H Your satisfaction g|Mkl||ffij ^ is our priority! la BlT3 Ttnduton BBfl I """"* I 1Facebook| |BBBi 1 BBBBB ^^^ B BBB BBBBBBBBBBB B BB! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B aMaMMM fM^^^ Be Sure To Say Thanks' For Us... WhenYouPatronize OurAdvertisers! /T 7T W p ^arraitattt patriot WWW.BARNSTABLEPATRIOT.COM SUBSCRIBE NOW! 508-771-1427 YES, enter my subscription to MailingAddress «|* jBarngtatile patriot vi,,age bill me: ^ Zip ?$29foroneyear ?$53 fortwo years ?$75 for Signature £t* jBamJtaWt patriot.P.O. Box 1208, Hyannis. MA 02601 Please CheckOne: 3 MasterCard Q Visa ?AmEx Q Discover Phone (508) 771-1427 * Fax (508) 790-3997 Credit Catd Number: Exp. date: E-mail: Name tmkpvmkni & Locally Owned Since IS30 I .. •/ 4 * Christmasscenes? A pair of mallard ducks take advantage of the weather while paddling across cranberry bog in Marstons Mills. Meanwhile, pumpkins were for sale in the village recently. With temperatures climbing into the 60s, it doesn't look a lot like Christmas. Letters to the editor The Barnstable Patriot welcomes letters to the editor. Please keep them brief and either type or print them neatly. Include name, address and telephone number. Anony- mousletters willnot be published, but names willbe withheldupon request. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. THE BARNSTABLE PATRIOT, P.O. BOX 1208, HYANNIS, MA 02601 OR E-MAIL TO