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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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(Continued from Par.n 1 I hours of skilled craftsmen's time and cuts down on the cost of these homes and the numbers of work- men required to finish the house or building. I Custom house buildin g requires a different approach , and many Cape builders are finding it diffi- cult to get workers who can keep their building operations at maxi- mum capacity. MORE VOKE TRAINING John W. Lebel , head of the Ost- erville based Lebel Construction Co. stated that he employs 60 peo- ple on a year-round basis and has a nucleus of 20 employees who have been with the firm 20 years or more. It was this firm that built the new Sheraton Motel in Hyannis. Mr. Lebel tries to utilize the specific talents of his staff. Work- ers who can shingle with dexterity and speed (and who wants a leaky roof) are as vitally important- to the building industry as the cabi- net makers who give the custom built home the finishing touches. Mr. Lebel thinks the present building boom on Cape Cod will continue for at least 10 more years. He heartily supports any building trades oriented vocation- al training programs for Barnsta- ble County. His company always has room for the skilled worker and also for people who are wilt- ing to work and learn the trade. He endorses the idea of the new Town of Barnstabl e Industrial Park as a way to attract highly skilled people to the Cape. Alfred Martin, head of a Santuit based father - son firm, employs one other persori on a year-round basis. Mr. Martin says it is very difficult to hire carpenters and finds that he has to train those that he employs. He says that it takes four years to develop a high- ly skilled carpenter. Other build - ers q u e ried corroborated thi s statement. This, firm keeps busy all year and has had to turn down two house building jobs this fall as it did not have the staff to do the ex- tra work. Mr. Martin figures that it cants around $21,500 now to build a small , good quality home in this area. MULTI-FAMILY ZONING Arthur Williams, a Centerville based building company, employs 25 - 30 men year round. He pres- ently has two trainees " working and learning " under the Mass. Veterans G.I. Bill. " ' Mr. Williams, president of Mass- achusetts Homebuilders A s s n . , says there Is a definite shortage or skilled craftsmen in the build- ing industry all over the country. His" firm , now working at peak capacity, primarily builds custom homes on the Cape. It does, how- ever , have a shop that makes cab- inets and glue-nailed roof trusses ordered by other Cape builders w h i c h speeds up construction deadlines. Mr. Williams stated that build- ing, activity seems to be slowing up a little now all over the Cape. The high cost of land , materials labor, and mortgage rates prohi- bits young families and those on fixed incomes from undertaking the building of a new home. Advocating a less stringent at- titude by local and regional plan- ning boards in respect to zoning requirements, Mr. Williams thinks more consideration should be giv- en to multi-family zoning. Young families and older retired people want this type of housing facility in desirable locations. They ' do not want to worry about repairs or the lack of repairmen , or lawn care or any other upkeep problem. lie thinks building codes throu- ghout the Cape should be revised so that all villages and towns will have the same building codes spe- cifications. Mr. Williams said the state is studying the possibility of a state-wide ordinance that would make all building codes uniform. L a r r y Weaver , employment manager for Volpe Construction Co., a Maiden , Mass. based firm that has the contract for construc- tion of the new Hyannis Mall on Routes 28 and 132, reported that there are presently 80 men work- ing on this job. This is a union - shop job and most of the workers come from off the Cape. He did not know how many of the men stayed on the Cape during the week. Mr. Weaver did say that for the past month and a half the mall job has needed 20 more brick lay- ers and they are having a very difficult time finding these men. New Bedford is the headquarters for the Bricklayers Union in this area, and most of the bricklayers are either employed or not inter- ested in driving back and forth to the Cape each day when the wea- ther can be precarious. There is plenty of work available in their own communities. Edison C. Marney, partner in the building firm of Rogers and Mar- ney, Osterville, said they now have six men working for them but they would like to find two more highly qualified men. They are looking desperately for one vari- skilled person whose whole time would be devoted to roof leaks, storm windows, small repair jobs and other maintenance work. This type of worker is very difficult to find although he might come from the retired ranks. Mr. Marney says it takes a month now to get shingles and other supplies. John Botello, a Santuit builder, re - echoed the sentiments expre- ssed by all the other builders in- terviewed. Mr. Botello said, "You can't get enough skilled workers on the Cape." He- has two other men working with him but could use two more year - round car - penters. '" ¦ " He has had ' four helpers quit in the past 8 months because of the hard work and the weather condi- tions one encounters in the build- ing industry at various times on Cape Cod. The day I talked to Mr. Botello was a bitter cold day and he said young people won't work under these weather conditions ^ The number of jobs Mr. Bqtel- lo's firm can undertake is scaled to the help he ,tyas available and he has had to refuse many home , building Jobs. REGRETS FIRE SCHOOL LEASE Paul ,. Lorusso, head of Hyannis Sand and Grav«l,_Cpmpany, one of three companies,,„pn Cape Cod , whose products are very impor- tant to the building construction business, employs 23 men ana could use 8-10 more. He finds it very difficult to get , workers from the Cape. His company particul- arly needs mechanics, welders , and five to six men with mechan- ical ability who could learp the processing plant system. Mr. Lorusso, chairman of the Town of Barnstable Ind u strial Park Development Committee , - is devoting many hours to this pro- ject. He feels strongly that this park will bolster the Cape's econ- omy and also will serve to attract, and hold the young ambitious fa- mily to Cape Cod. Town of Barnstable officials re- negotiated a 50-year lease with the County Fire Training School offi- cials on land in the proposed I -ndustrial Development Park area Which will limit the full utilization of this land for industrial expan- sion. He strongly urges that town voters reconsider this lease An interview with Victor Mazz- arello , director of Barnstable High School Vocational Training Pro- gram, will be described in a sep- arate article. Tradesmen Needed 1 BUSINESS ffiffifo " "*XT0RY aa H*a«IMaaaaja«aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHallaMaaVB3aaVaa«MaaaaaaaHaia NOTICE $100.00 REWARD The Cof-uir Oyster Co. offers this reward for evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of poachers on Grants Numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Ccruir Bay leased from the Town*' of Barn- stable. ANDREW G. POST, Manage* COTJIT OYSTER CO. Tel. 428-6747 «PMHlaVa>«.lMLMHL«HHMMHMHM MHMLaL«kJ K \ * No Homework? WELL . . . JUST A LITTLE, BUT ITS' REALLY WORTH YOUR EFFORTl HERE'S A RARE FIND: 2 BEDROOMS, LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE , NICE KITCHEN WITH DINING AREA ROOM FOR EXPANSION - AND IT'S LOCATED IN OSTERVILLE AND ONLY $17, 900 ^^L POYANXfe^ ~^a^ESEE& ^ 279 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Telephone 775-0079 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WE HAVE I Cape Cod Snow Scenes "Ready to Hang" $5 - $7.50 - $10.00 - $17.50 Robert Brooks Studio •Oil Paintings aWatercolors •Prints -.Jlr tiitic Qifh - Falmouth Rd. (Rte 28) Hyannis ?A 1968 CADILLAC Fleetwood 1968 CADILLAC Conv. 1968 CADILLAC SecT D. V* 1967 Mustang Coupe **» 1966 "OLDS" Conv. 1966 CADILLAC Sed. -P. V. 1965 CADILLAC Sed. 1965 CADILLAC Conv. . 1965 CADILLAC 605 ' Many with air conditioners. All Fully Powered. FINANCING ARRANGED CORSON'S CADILLAC OLDS 92 Barnstable Rd. Hyannis, Mass. 775-3600 LEGAL NOTU l > Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of ANTON S C H M A L - HPFER, late of Barnstable, in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by AN- TON W: SCHMALHOPER, of Barnstable (Hyannis ) , in the Coun- ty of Barnstable, praying that he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond, Karoline Schmalhofer, first executrix named in said will , hav- ing predeceased the testator, and further praying that said will may be proved and allowed without the testimony of the subscribing wit- nesses. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 23rd day of December, 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT. Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 18th day of November, 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUS8EN, Register. Nov. 27 Dec. 4, 11 ^^ _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of CHARLES G. HALL late of Barnstable (West Hyannisport ) in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court, praying that BERTHA M. HALL of Barnstable, ' (West Hyannisport) in the CquntyM Of Barnstable or some other 'suitable person, be appointed administra- trix of said estate. J . - , If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in, the forenoon on the 9th day of December 1969, the return day of this citation. Witness ALFRED C. KNIGHT. Esquire, Judge of said Court/ this 12th day of November 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN. Register. Nov. 20, 27 Dec. 4 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the trust estate under the will of ROH- COE W. HAMBLIN late of Barn- stable (Hyannis ) in said County, deceased, for the benefit of Made- line N. Hamblin. The trustee of said estate has presented to said Court for allow- ance its 17th, 18th , 19th , 20lh and 21st accounts. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 23rd day of December 1969 the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Esquire, Judge of said Court , tlv ^ 18th day of November 1969. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register. Nov. 27, Dec. 4. 11 _ Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate (if AXEL M. SUNDOUIST, also known as AXEL M. SUND- KVIST , late of BARNSTAB L E (Hyannis) in said County, .deceas- ed. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be, the last will of said STINA A F. SUNDQUIST, of Barnstable (Hy annis), in the County -of Barn- stable, praying that she be appoin- ted executrix thereof without giv- ing a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten O'clock in the forenoon on the 13th day of January, , 1970, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire , Judge of said Court , this 26th day of November, 1969. Frederic P. Claussen, Register. Dec 4, 11, 18 . FOUNDATION TO ROOF WE CAN DO THE JOB , > WHAT'S UP TOP REALLY COUNTS Don's risk having faulty roof- ing damage ceilings and hike heating costs. Have our ex- perts check your home for proper roofing. If repairs or re-roofing are indicated, we'll do the job" reasonably. Come in or Call BERNARD WILBER '40 Bsartas Way . Hvannia r.l 775-5186 ' I 1 **2 .' • « » ' "I. ¦'¦ i , ii i I «.I i Friends, students, teachers, board and corporation members and all others interested have been invited to the third annual Nog-i, id-Carol party of the Cape Cod Conservatory of Music and Arts " .his Sunday at 3 p.m. in the Village Hall, Barn- stable. Admission is free to the event, sponsored by the Conservatory Guild. The program will include two groups of Christmas songs by the Guild chorale, directed by Har- rington vanHoesen, and Christmas music by a student brass choir. There will be carol singing for everybody. Members of the brass ensemble are Raymond Scovilland David Thomas, trumpets; Edwin Mac- Lean, trombone; John Thomas, bar- itone ; Frank Limouze, tuba. Paul- ine Dary of the faculty directs the group. Mrs. Philip M, Boudreau ac- companies the chorale. Arrangements for the party are in charge of Mrs. Walner L. Peter- son, Mrs. J. F. Miller and Mrs. vanHoesen. Hostesses are Mrs. Allen Minkonen and Miss Virginia Sears. Once in the air, many insects stay there easily because of air pockets In their bodies. Grasshop- pers have been seen 1000 miles at sea, mosquitoes at one mile above the earth, and bees six miles up. Nog-Carol Party At Conservatory Sunday Afternoon Cape Cod United Fund announ- ced that it had exceeded 75 per- cent of its goal of $250,000 in the 1969 campaign now in progress. Latest total of contributions re- ceived is $191,000, and with about two weeks to go, the United Fund needs $60,000 to reach its goal and to insure that the minimum needs of its 15 member agencies are me.t Already four Cape Cod commu- nities have reached or exceeded their assigned goals. In Osterville Chairman John Reilly, whose vill- age goal is $14,000, has already raised $17,379. Genera 1 Campaign Chairman J. Norman Fitzgerald, expressed confidence that with a continua - tion of the support already evi - denced by the people of Cape Cod the United Fund will reach or ex- ceed its goal within the next few weeks. A final report dinner is planned for all Cape Cod United Fund workers in the near future. i . United Fund Heads Towards Its Goal CHECK YOUR POLICY NOW! Be sure it's up to date. Rising property values and replacement costs could make your present fire insurance in- adequate. SEE US ABOUT IT SOON ME LLEN^/ROCKWOOD ^, — ^ 561 MAIN STREET I WF 1 HYANNrS, MASSACHUSETTS 02601 \JEMB/ 617 . 775-1224 I NEVER KNEW THERE WERE SO # MANY LOVELY GIFTS ? at HINCKLEY'S Gift Dept. You really must plan to come in very soon. You'll be pleased to find so many things. • WALL DECORATIONS • COCKTAIL SETS & GLASSWARE • SEASONAL NAPKINS AND TABLECLOTHS • ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES etc. etc. etc. r>HINCKLEY**. SINCE JS72 49 YARMOUTH ROAD HYANNIS TEL. 775-0700 rh. n„hi.fihJ5 EPO n R I ANY ERR0R IMMEDIATELY The^ftrtot rS^v W i U *h be ^ £? < ? 8lb i? for only one "^correct insertion. Jublication reserves toe rl *ht to «»» or reject any copy received for AUTO BODY REPAIRS NEIL'S AUTO BODY SHOP RT. 6A — WEST BARNSTABLE TEL. 362-3390 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS " RAY SPRINKLE CO. WINDOWS - DOORS ROOFING - SIDING Hyannis Tel. 775-1778 ART SUPPLIES hyannis art supplies " your cape art supply headquarters" Sherman Sq., Hyannis . 775-2976 . BOAT YARD ~ (Hyqrmi») ~ } KLIMM'S BOAT YARD FOR SMALL BOAT OWNERS COMPEETE MARINE SERVICE M 157 Pleasant St. Tel. 775-1707 CABlNET ~ MAKlNO " ROD ADAMS, INC. 14' our Zrormica L ^etiter Custom Built Cabinets Hyannis Tel. 775-2416 CLEANERS (Hyannis) SPARTAN CLEANERS Fast Cleaning Service 242 Barnstable Road Hyannis Tel. 775-8119 KITCHEN CABINETS ~ BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Co. BATHROOM VANITIES Show room and Office Main St. RTE. 6A, BARNSTABLE, 362-3639 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, ATTENTION 68 Singer (Touch and Sew), Sewing Machine. Gray with Blue Dial in Walnut Cabinet $44.00 - Terms $2.00 weekly. Tel. 775-3434 MOTORS (Electric) CAPE COD ELECTRIC MOTORS Oil Burner Controls & Parts 24-Hour Electric Motor Service HYANNIS Tel. 775-3031 Reg, of Motor Vehicles Bldg. MOVING & STORAGE CHILDS MOVING & STORAGE Agent: MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE HYANNIS Tel. 775-5544 OFFICE ~ EQUiP7& FURN. NEW STEEL FILES 4-Dr. Letter Size $39.00 (Delivered Cape Cod) H. M. Meserve Co., Inc. Hyannis Tel. 775-0433 OIL-FUEL " MURRAY'S FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICES 24-HR. SERVICE CONTRACTS 2-WAY RADIO CONTROL Dennisport Tel. 398-2408 PAINT - ~~ LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE 382 MAIN ST. HYANNIS 775-1091 CAPE COD COLOR CENTER "LEGAL NOTICES ] LOST PASSBOOK , Notice is here given- that Passbook No. SS 4258 issued by Sandwich Co-operative Bank, has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to Sauawich Co-operative Bank to is- sue duplicate book in accordance with requirements of General Laws. Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Sec- tion 20. NoV. 27 Deq.^J! H i LOST PASSBOOK Notfo<» I" hpre Hven t h n t Passbook . No. ss 5061 issued by Sandwich Co-operative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and that apjU'O on has been made to Snnr'"- !f v' fo-onerative Bank to is- sue duplicate book in accordarc" wi.n .moments of .^nwal Laws . Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Sec- lion 20. Nov. 20, 27 Dec. 4 REALTORS GENIEVE C. BEARSE - Realtor 580 Main St. Centerville Tel. 775-0865 H. W. ROBINSON REALTOR COTOTT 428-6564 REAL ESTATE Mr. & Mrs. Wm. D. Knott REAL ESTATE Sales & Rentals Tel. 362-3159 Main St. Barnstable JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate — General Insurance 51 Elm Street, Hyannis, 775-0301 "See Me First" SERVICES ELECTROLUX SALES & SERVICE New Factory Branch We refurbish and restore to full power any make cleaner. Trade- ins welcomed Salesman and/or Salesladies Needed. Telephone for Interview 775-7533 RT. 28 Hyannis near Registry Motor Vehicles. CLOUGH & HIGGINS RUBBISH SERVICE SEASONAL k COMMERCIAL — CESSPOOL PUMPING GENERAL TRUCKING 775-1179 ^ — 775-1351 JULIO R. RENZI GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Centerville, Mass. Sewage Systems all types, Drain- age, Excavations, Trenching, Fill and Loam. Call 775-2981 after 6:00 p.m. TRAVEL CAPE COD TRAVEL AGENCY (A Complete Travel Service) FREE TRAVEL FILMS TOURS — CRUISES — RESORTS STEAMSHIP and AIR 347 Main St., Hyannis 775-3109 TREE SERVICE" CAPE COD TREE SERVICE • COMPLETE TREE SERVICE • BRUSH CLEARING • LANDSCAPING HYANNIS PORT TEL. 775-5448 TROPICAL FISH ~ Cope Cod Aquarium M. J. Coute, owner TROPICAL FISH - GOLDFISH PLANTS & FROZEN FISH FOOD CLOSED MON. & TUES. Wed., Thurs. & Sun. 2 - 6 p.m. Frl. & Sat. 2 - 7 p.m. MAIN ST., RT. 6A , BARNSTABLE Tel. 362-6969 USED CARS - RENTALS MocQUADE MOTOR MART MINI-COST CAR RENTAL LOWEST RATES IN MASS. LONG TERM LEASING 135 Barnstable Road Hyannis Tel. 775-7720 WELDING CAPE COD SCALE COMPANY FOOD SERVICE MACHINES WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS HARRY JONES Tel. 775-1720 WANTED ~ WANTED - . Home - 4 or more rooms - fixer upper. Single lot or acreage. Charles Menella 960 Waltham Street , Lexington, Mass. LEGAL NOTICES _ LOST PASSBOOK Notice is here given t h a t Passbook No. 2000314 issued by Sandwich Coopera 11 v e B a n k Bourne Branch has been made to Sandwich Cooperative Bank to is- sue duplicate book in accordance with requirements of General Laws, Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Sec- tion 20. Nov. 20., 27 Dec. 4 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is here eiven t h a t Passbook No. 2-3267 issued by Sandwich Coopera t i v e B a n k Bourne Branch has been made to Sandwich Cooperative Bank to Is- sue duplicate book in accordance with requirements of General Laws, Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Sec- tion 20. Nov. 20, 27 Dec. 4 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hrre rtven t h a t Passbook No. S-9049 issued by Sandwich Co-operative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and th'i t application has been made to Sandwich Co-onerative Bank to is- sue duplicat" book in accordance with requ*r°m«nts -of nenera) Laws. Ter. E^., Chapter 167 , Sec- tion 20. Nov. 20, 27 Dec. 4