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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1969     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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World - famed pianist Richard Casper will be featured in the next program of Cape Cod Community College's Visiting Artist and Lec- turers Series Dec. 0 at 8 p.m. Originally scheduled to appear at the College, Mr. Casper will play at Barnstable High School auditorium instead. Mr. Casper 's recital, open to the public , will in- clude selections from Schumann, Mozart , Ginastira , Chabrier, and Liszt. Concert is open to the pub- lic. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the Julliard School of Music, Mr. Casper has completed four highly successful European tours. A brilliant Car - negie Hall recital has highlighted his American performances. Between recital and orchestral appearances, Mr. Casper serves as artist in residence at Elizabeth Seton College in Yonkers, New York. He is also a member of the summer faculty at Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Klley Jr. and family of Chestnut Hill were at their Eel River home recently, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matti- son Jr. and family, also of Chest- nut Hill , have been in residence at their home on Sea View Aven- ue. Mrs. Kil°y and Mrs. Mattison arc ulsters. Among other &el River Riad residents spending the Thanksgiv- ing' holidays here were Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Hornor of Green- wich, Conn, and Mr. and Mrs. Long Ellis and children of Pasa- dena , Calif. The John F. Maddens of Brook- line have been staying at their home on Sea View Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Mat/on of Waban spent a few days at their home on Little Island. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Gerald Peny of 18 Hinckley Circle are proud parents of their first bora, a son, whom they have named James Phillip. He was born Nov . 23 at Cape Cod Hospital and wei- ghed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. His, mother is the former Joan Evans. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Evans of Old Mill Road and his maternal great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Lang of East Bay Road . His paternal grand - parents are the Joseph Henry Perrys who just moved to Old Stage Road , Centerville, and his great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Devlamick of Ar- lington. The New Cumberland Farms store which is located in back of the Post Office opened its doors to the public for business last week. .. UNITED METHODIST CHRISTMAS FAIR TO BE HELD DEC.11 Table committee for the Uni - ted Methodist Church Christmas Fair to be held Dec. 11, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., have been announ- ced by Mrs. George Fickett , clnh- man. At the food table will be Mmes. Thomas Milne, Fred Mc L a ne, Roy Chase, Gwendolyn Hinckley, Burleigh Leonard and Ernest De- Witt ; aprons and pot holders - - Mmes. Ella Todd , Alexander Kit- tila, Clifford Jones, Charles San- derson, Walter Carter , Eleanor Stewart, Arthur Weber and Carl Corliss. Also, fancy work - - Mmes. F.J. Bingham, Wlllard Patch, Allison Whorf , Axel Anderson, Max Whit- ing, Stephen Crellin, Roy Cowing, Herman Dillingham, Fred Nick - ersori and Ross MacMullen; an- tiques , treasures and trifles - - Mmes. Claiborne Van Zandt, John Pearson , Wendell Barber , Charles Boynton, Harold Cowain , Dana Disney, Margaret Frazier , Carl Tongberg and the Misses Mar - guerite and Marjorie Tongberg. Also, snack bar - - Mmes. Ru- dolph Llnd, Joseph Wier , Harold Cowain, Chester Crosby, Earle Kemplon. Harvey Mousley, Ches- ter Morrison, Malcolm Cros by, Waldon Caldwell, Kay Thayer and J e a n Stewart; decorations -•- Mmes. Alfred Neves, Leaonard Cloud, Henry Perry, R. P. Evans and Shirley Carlson . At the recent annual meeting of Cape Cod Conservatory of Music and Arts re-elected to the corpora- tion for a two-year term was Mrs. Philip M. Boudreau of South Field Lane who was also elected to the building and grounds com- mittee. Her husband remains on the corporation for the second year. Elected chairman of the fi- nance committee was David Ro- ckwood of Oyster Harbors. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Taylor, Jr. of Beechwood Lane, Duxb u ry, have announced the engagement of their daughter, June Elizabeth, to John F. Bevans Jr. of off Old Mill Road , this village. A June 7 wedding in Duxbury is planned. OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CHURCH The annual Christmas bazaar sponsored by the Ladies' Guild of the parish of Our Lady of the As- sumption Church will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 13 at the Community Center, Oster- ville. Featured will be handmade art- icles, wreaths and holiday decor- ations, tables of "white elephants", grabs, games and jewelry. There will also be a food table and snack table. Mrs. Richard Cain and Mrs. Miles Pawlosi are co - chairmen for the event. LIBRARY DISPLAYS CARY DRAWINGS Osterville Free Library has on display the original drawings of Louis F. Cary of West Barnstable for the book , "Song For Young King Wenceslas" by Cecil Maiden of Centerville. The library has Just added to its collection the Dictionary of Amer- ican Biography. It has also been given the Rand-McNally Inter- national Atlas. MRS. TENNEY NAMED A REPRESENTATIVE OF WILSON COLLEGE Appointment of Mrs. Harry W. Tenney, an alumna of Wilson will nae representative of Wilson Col- lege' , Chambersburg, Pa has been announced by president P a u l Swain Havens. President Havens said that Mrs, Tenney, a alumna of Wilson will become an important part of the college's student recruitment pro- gram. In her new capacity she will serve as an official representative of Wilson in furnishing informa- tion to prospective students and their parents and guidance coun- celors. FIVE RIVERS BRANCH PLANS YULE PARTY Five Rivers Branch of the Hos- pital Aid Association will hold a board meeting next Wednesday, Dec. 10, to complete plans for a Christmas party for the group 's Dec. 15 meeting which will be held at 10 a.m. at the Community Cen- ter. Hostess for the party will be Mrs. Eric Erickson, assisted by Mmes. Harold Smith, Rodney Dar- ling, Gordon Bailey and Thomas Alexander. Mrs. Gorham Crosby and Mrs. Harold Lombard will be the greeters. UNITED METHODIST The text of the sermon Sunday, Dec. 7, at both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services by Rev. Harvey K. Mous- ley will be a Text Come True. Coffee is offered at the Driscoll Art Gallery next door between ser- vices. At the 11 a.m. service recogni- tion of acolytes will take place , Those to be honored are Howard Bearse, Stephen Marney, Alan Hadfield , Jay Potter and Keith Williams. At both service.- the second Ad- vent Candle of the season will be lighted by an acolyte. At 7 p.m. both junior and senior youth fellowships will meet. Monday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p.m. the Pine Cone Group will meet in the parish hall. Tuesday, Dec. 9, at 7: 30 p.m. the council on ministries will meet in the church. BAPTIST CHURCH The sermon topic on Dec. 7 at 1 1 a.m. by Rev. Earl B. Hunt will be Revival?. At the 7 p.m. service Rev. Hunt will preach on Commended. Tues- day night is an important choir re- hearsal- -the Christmas) Cantata. r ) BURLINGAME-BOWEBS WEDDING M i s s Aurora Burling a m e , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dunbar Burlingame of St, Johns- bury, Vt. and Osterville, became the bride of John Pennington Bow- ers, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hubert Bowers Sr. of Norfolk, Va. Nov. 23 at West Parish Congrega- tional Church, West Barnstable with Rev. Thomas Dix Bowers of Washington D.C., brother of the bridegroom, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Edward L. Salmon of Natchez, Tenn. Given in marriage at the three p.m. double-ring ceremony by her father, the bride wore a cream - color peau-de-soie gown fashioned with a square neckline, wrist - length sleeves, and chapel-length train. She wore a full-length Bel- gian lace mantilla and carried a nosegay of white sweetheart roses, stephanotis and baby's breath. The bride 's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. Vivianna Joslin , who was attired in a white silk blouse and red plaid taffeta skirt and carried a nosegay of pink and red sweetheart roses. The bridegroom's father served as best man. Ushers were George Hubert Bowers Jr., brother of the bridegroom, Gordon Murray, R. Ray Wellman and Rodney Kauber Mrs. Burlingame chose to wear an ice blue silk ensemble and a corsage of white gardenias while Mrs. Bowers selected a pale yel- low silk suit dress and wore a cor- sage of cymbidium orchids. A reception at Cummaquid Inn , Yarmouth Port followed the cere- mony. The new Mrs. Bowers is a gra- duate of St. Johnsbury Academy and Katherine Gibbs School of Boston. The bridegroom was gra- duated from Norfolk A c ademy and University of the South in Se- wanee, Tenn. at which he was a member of Blue Key and Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. After a wedding trip to the Is- lands of Martinique, Grenada and Barbados, the couple are residing in Key West, Fla. where Bowers is stationed as a lieutenant Com- mander in the U.S. Navy. Fame*/ Pianist To Give Concert Here On Dec. 10 ( IMPORTANT J / NOTICE ) l f i> *^y ^ f <: --* *^ t»*^ ^' C \ Sundays, 1 to 5 j J Tuesdays thru Saturdays, I ) 10 to 4 \ 1 Wednesday Evenings 6 to 91 / are the / | Christmas Shopping Hours I I at fabulous r ( DON ROBERTO'S ) fCorner Rte. 28 & Newtown Rd.C / SANTUIT / | Of all the gifts you could choose for Mother f I this is the one.she'll treasure longest I t wmBmsmmaaammaamB mmamms ^ /m 1 i l E l $B EHI is v I W&Bk PSAW' Sfcl 31 i Ifjgiil llfF^wJS^^ra I i ¦^MRNQ ^B^^^^HHH I t> ^BMTT» H 7"'liiTI^^E ^FTtTiiTu iHn^Hnn^r^^Tlr^^E^^^TI^3T^^^n7t^^r^^fl ^H s ; M 1 ^ H| |M^ ^ M a I H I K- Hers alone — The Mother's Ring. She is the only one ft w who may wear this beautifully-executed tribute created v) S by fine j ewelry craftsmen. Can you think of a gift so g fi significantly right for Mother — so individual, so per- SS V . sonal? The Mother 's Ring symbolizes all of the love you jjft f» and your children can give her 1 % K There is only one Mother's Ring. It is so distinctive, » vj so unique, it has been awarded U. S. Patent #186,188. « K Ask for it by name, confirm it by its identifying tag. i;j GUER TIN BROS. \ I "Jewelers of Note" 8 I370 MAIN STREET 775-1441 HYANNIS | W iX/j xr ^vrsrz^'vcz.j .;^:.;^ Mi^BiBivrai ^r" TWT JT»uwnwi— W$g > M DOANE.RCAL-AMF.S 11 *" ^ ,wera * Service ¦ 111 HYANNIS Jel 775-0604 I B MJU1H YrtHMOliTH 390-2201 Jf ™ * HARWK PORT '132 0593 ¦ . •¦;; - " . '. -.'•- ¦ ¦,:¦:¦ ¦ ^\' NftfMPtgMP »^ k4m^*4 *^m>d^dm^kdms4mdm^^4m j akMt> j m>dmk j m j ± *k ^f j M O T O R V A L E T ] Vlow Offering 1 GENUINE SIMONIZ PASTE WAX - $15.00 2 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 775-2393 j IN NORTH STREET - - HYANNIS \ ¦ g j. " 2 ^S/^ 7 Almost Atop The Stop & Shop T»^* I OPEN DAILY 9-6 - SUNDAY 8-1 J NORTH STREE1 ' at BASSETT LANE HYANNIS «W3RS;J8S3JSS335JS W3jsaJR5jaSiJSSSBgSSSaSKSJS:SSSJSaSSSSStJSg5SS3J8SS5SSSSS3a&i 1 ffffl/HBi^ffllJI^JiM^J. P.fl !^ i I B,^t)KS.! I of all descriptions - on all subjects fg ij : $5 | for all members of the family $ i I § All the new current BEST SELLERS § | QUALITY PAPERBACKS — ART SUPPLIES | | TOYS — CRAFTS | I LORANIA'S I | TOY and BOOK SHOP j g 543 MAIN STREET - HYANNIS - 775-0311 & Central Cape Dodge DART CORONET POLARA MONACO CHARGER by DODGE SALES & SERVICE RTE. 28 — HYANNIS OPPOSITE AIRPORT 775-8424 Two Hyannis residents have been awarded sums by a Barns- table Superior ' Court jury in the taking of their property by the Commonwealth in the construc- tion of Cape Cod Community Col- lege. Mrs. Ruth H. Schuman, owner of a 14.5-acre parcel off Rte. 132 was awarded $10,700 and Wray H. Lockwood , the owner of 9.22 acres was awarded $4,600, The jur y was told the state took the property by eminent domain three years ago. The trial began Monday afternoon. The first stage of the Saturn-V moon rocket generates as much energy per second as a million, automobile engines Jury Makes Awards In Land Takings Charles F. Moore, Jr. of Orleans was elected president of the Cape Cod Baseball League for the coming year at the annual meeting held recently at the Heritage House, Hy- annis. Other officers chosen were Judge Eugene A. Hudson, Harwich; Har- old C. Cleveland, Wareham, and Fredei ick V. Lawrence, Falmouth, vice presidents; George P. Marble, Orleans, secreatary-treasurer. Reappointed commissioner was Bernard T. Kilroy of Centerville, who reappointed Philip Sanford of Bourne and Robert McNeece of Chatham as his deputies. Repre- sentatives of teams from Bourne, Chatham, Cotuit, Falmouth, Har- wich, Orleans, Wareham and Yar- mouth indicated they would enter teams in the league for the 1970 season. Baseball League Elects Officers j ^R^s^s^^j ^^^^ . j ^ j ^^ :^:^^ I A subscrip tion of I i I I The Barnstable Patriot § 8 1 I f or Christmas 1 1 > 1 I A lasting g if t f or I Y'i if i a Relative 1 I I I . . . Friend I | or Shut4n 1 i i I' | | BARNSTABLE PATRIOT SUBSCRIPTION FORM 6 | $4.00 for 52 weeks 8 K Name n V] Address „ ft p City _ j . _ I | State Zip Code . „ „ _ _ g 1 ? PCecide tend gift Card $ | Enclosed Please Find $4.00 for my 52 weeks Subscription | K | ? New ? Renewa l » 8 Signature w tjj This offer good only within the continents! United Statel $ \ Fall decorating begins with a i i p lentifu l supply of candles I ) in beautiful decorator colors ) I M ** " t d f I \ / vVr l ~~-Jian of- \ i S^^E£3 *IL Y* j f *7\ * » i ( wWl SBB&SL handle fti