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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BARBAKA W. WYNIAN GArden 8-2145 LIBRARY HOURS CHANGED Mrs. Arthur Weber, librarian has announced thai the library will be open Wednesday nighl In- stead of Friday night , so the Win- ter schedule Is a* follows: Tn- B . Wed. Tliurs.. 7-9 and Tries., ThUrs., Sat., 2-5. We bear the children are using the library parking lot us a rolli r skating , rink, thoroughly li it and nol abu ' privilege. The new shrubbery has h en planted and reallj ad I . ¦-. or the building. ALLIANCE CIRCLE Tin- Alliance circle of the Com- munity Church will meet next Wednesday at 2:00 P.M. for their busine ss meeting and Christmas Party. CHRISTMAS FAIR * The Our Lady of the Assump- tion Guild Is having Its Christmas sale and supper Saturday. Decern ber 6, nt Aunt Teinpy 's on Parker Una ,I from 3 to 7 P M. The teenagers of the newly formed C. Y. 0. will run n snack bar from 3 to 5 P.M. and a buffet supper will be held at 5:30 and 7 P M Mrs, Jerome Howes is general chairman of the affair and will tie assisted by Mrs. Louis Byrne, food table: Mrs. Charles Stavredes and Mrs . E. Lester Carroll, handmade articles; Christmas greens. .Mrs. Don James; children 's grabs . Mrs. Ahbie Bowes, white elephant table Mrs. William O'Brien; gift dona- tions . Mrs. Phillip Whiteley; re ligioua articles. Mrs . John Mur- phy; decorations Mrs . Charles Haskell: solicitations, Mrs. Frank Murray. Those serving on the snpper committee with Mrs . Howes wil.' be Mmes. Ernest Swift, Dexter Swift , Edward Soares, John Bar- boza . Marion McMahon . Peter Ker mino . Manuel Moniz and Wilson Perry. Waitresses for the supper will bl T, rry Howes . Kath y Nese. Carol Bowes, Sharon Lewis , Maureen f.inehan. Kathy Flanagan, Joyce O'Neil, Sarah Shields , Terry Ann Un;. " ^ and Gail Crosby. Johnny Howes and Danny McEvoy will serve on the clean-up committee. GARDEN CLUB PARTY Mrs. .I. Moti Hallowell has in- vited members and guests of the Garden club to her home in Wian- no on Monday. Dec. 14 at 2:30 p.m. for a Christina- Tarty. A singinR group led by Miss Virginia Fuller will provid e the entert ainment Mrs. Ronald CheSbro is In charge of decorations. STORK REPORT On November 15 Mr and Mi Luke P. Hay View Curb be atne the proud parents of a smi al st. Margaret's Hospital in Boston, They have named him James Richard. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James R. McLaughlin of f> r- « hester and Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lallj ol Arlington, STOCKADE BEGINS Boys Brigade and Stockade will commence their weekl y meetings for the season tonight at 6:30 at the Community Center . All boys from the age of S-ll are welcome to attend The boys will enjoy stories, crafts, games and will have the opportunity Ot earning badges under the leadership of Warren Eklund, William Hnberer and Al- bert Williams. CARD PARTY PRIZE W I N N E R S Our Lady of the Assumption Guild held a benefi t card party at Aunt Tempy 's Tea House . Thurs. day. Nov. 20. Miss Margaret Hansberry. chairman. has an- nounced the list of prize winners at the very successful affair. The door prize, an electric sheet was won by Mrs. John Harper. The lucky ticket on the turkey was helo by Miss Lee Shields. Winners in bridge were 1st prize , a turkey. Mrs . E. Lester Carroll; 2nd. a punch howl . Mrs Irving Harrison: 3rd, stockings Mrs. Ralph 'Shea, and booby, oig IiretteS, Mrs Katherine Howe Whist winners were 1st . turkey. Willie Frechette; 2nd , ice cream coke, Mrs. Lionel Pierce; 3rd , la- dles slip. Mrs. Rosamond Searlea nnd booby, candy. Mrs . Teddj Ed- wards. HOLIDAY VISITO RS Miss Emily Chad wic k and Jo- ii pb QUI of Southampton, Pa., vis- ited her parent- . Mr. and Mrs . Karl Chadwick, Parker Koad fi r the Misses Berntce and Elsie Chadwick and their mother, Mrs . Florence chadwick Joined them for Thanksgiving dinner. Mr . and Mrs John Alcock of village and their daughter and famil) Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vesen- k;i of Woodbrldge, X. .( . jonrni yea to Landenburg, Pa, where they -i "ii! Thanksgiving with another BOB and his family, Mr. and Mrs . John Alcock. Mr, and Mrs . Richard Carroll and two children of New Bedfoi I spent Ihe holiday weekend with her parents Mr . and .Mrs. R. David Hinckley, Mam Street. Mr. and Mrs. llonalil Chesbro, David and 1'iiul spenl Tbanksgiv- In • .'Willi Mr. and Mrs. Allien Mar- lins. West Peiibody. Mr. and Mrs . John BlstoB ami family of Frtimingliaiii ;nu| Miss Joan Hansberry, who Is in nurses training ai Faulkner Hospital spool the holidays vvltri their parents, Mr . and Mrs. Jnmes Hansberry. Mrs . Robert Cross. Sr. enter- tained her son and fnmily. Mr. and Mrs . Robert Cross. Jr. of Cen- terville for the holiday. Miss Charlotte Rledell spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr . and Mrs. Carl Rledell, Scud- der Road. A friend of hers , John Shane of M.I.T . spent part of the time there, Mrs. Franklin Perry and two children of Cranston , R. I., spent the holiday vvilh her par- ents, the Rledells. Mr. and Mrs. Fred HarW I have returned to their home after spending the holiday weekend Will i her sister in Worcester. Mrs. Hester Larrahec and Vlr Charles Powers spent Thanksgiv- ing with Mrs. Powers ' son Austin Powers and family in Hriiintr ei 1. Mr . and Mrs. R. .1. ProCacclno of West Acton , Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- Ing Knight and daughter Judy of Chelmsford and Walter Lewis of Stockbrldge spent the Thanksgiv- ing holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs . Nason Lewis, First Ave. PERSONALS Recent Boston visitors liav been .Misses .Margaret and Cather- ine Hansberry, Mrs . Ellen McCllts- ky, Mrs. James Hansberry and Mrs. .lames Shields . Ballet! Gardner, John Parrlng- ton, Alan leaser a>d sc-n David have rctiirm'rt from n three tins' dflcfc hurttihg trip io Merry t- Ing Bay, Maine, Mr. and Mrs . Artnur Weber huve returned to their Old Mill Road home from a ten day tri p. fo New- York . Washington, Baltimore and Virginia. Mrs. Trufflan Lewis , lllossom Avenue is a patient al Cape Cod Hospital, Mr . and Mrs. Eric Newman of Hammondon , N. J. recently visited their daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Carol Wolsleffer. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Murray and grandson spent the. holidays with their daughter and family Dr. and Mrs. Robert Maxwell of Nashua N. II. ^SilJUsTERVILLE Fine Custom Upholstering Custom Made Slipcovers Distinctive Fabrics and Workmanshi p For the Discriminating Schumacher 's Carpets & Rugs Open Year Round Fabrics by II | Fabrics by Scaln.audre "C "l J •> • Strob. in, & i-\ Schumacher r, r .F-I n i/- v Romann Cheney t L L L iS K 1 -1 ' '•• Thorp /¦ . . .-. M, Sundour , , , ''i' 11 ' stl'oet J°fta Artnur Li i Centerville Ilrunscliv vig & Hexter Phone sp 5-5702 i'i!- YACHT SMAN HOTEL 500 Ocean Street Hyannis NOW OPEN A Genuine SAUNA (FINNISH STEAM BATH) under the direction of HENRY ASKELI, Registered Physio Therapist STEAM BATH MASSAGE Fresh Water Pool Public Invited For Appointment—Call SPring 5-4600 . O J A L A F A R M Home Cooking - Roast Chicken and Chicken Pies Lunch Served from 11:00 A.M. Dinners on Reservation Route 6A Tel. FOrest 2-3814 West Barnstable (Lutreclae C f (teourne Iff loving. C f ^>loraae L^omp anu (Agent for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE DIRECT A/R FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES SPring 5-1050 Kimball 8-1188 (Falmouth) Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) WELDI N IT I t K I ' A I H - SIIPIM.IF.H - S'l'l/,01 IUXTER WELDING H liny View Street, i!v„„ „,„ Tel. .Sl'i-lng- . ' -O. -ITfl I0B ^^^^^HW SH7& Omain* s&'iisof t i l l o \J WdAG bulloc* Only Sunoco Custom-Blends 6 great fuels to fit all cars with exact octane...perfect winter performance! H I ^ | ! No 2 or 3 grades can $* * I uL^ 1 ^ fit a11today'scarsfor exact Hb. I I r* \ I wasting somebody's money ' . j ' qui«ker'sl ! t ! J mS. JM IT "^ 6 different prices scaled H i P" inht pi^' r^Fl l l Hp^*\f !?£=* i S l P l I * TL ' jMJ^Ljii.' ' ^ ^ ^uWB SS? ^ * m & r' dt/j m^ ^. ^^^S W*1:'1 you XV: "" to tln soon - is Bet next - ! i l ^ ^ ^ ^ feiSK% ^ X l i ! ^ %'Tfflffii - ! ^ ^E S PU mp al y°Ur l "'a n 'sl Sunoco station . PwU J &%gs p& ^|(r mSSSf % S For this iB ' he ""'" place can dis" j k JT j Jfal^UL JBWv ity ' "regular " pXj l l l- OTRSb y ^m m ^m •" Mend '260\ ihe highest octane sold J^Uif t_ ^ I^ ^S J' anywhere- These «nd the blends in be- Jgjp^Pf > JBS ^hfSSi : ^ P ^ J^^gllJgilJLi^iiJnh^l^Ht performance ||jggg^»^^. W f '^^^ ¦ak. First tankfu l, get the blend specifically ,«gg>5 iwrg "" recommended for your car. But next time, --^y PI try ojoppmgdown to thenextlowerWend j^Jf".l """Jt Thllt 's how you save at Sunoco ! \ . \ UEtf^i|K M01'° ! F°r "Re8ular" buyers, too! i i V^-a^BrP^ Y QM can get higher octane at "regular" V • »f«e With Blend '200'' s proved r Z^~ . 1^ ^RWW ™y Its higher in quality... hlgheat in valuel JM fi "^><: ^ Note buried t a n k s . Fnnn these, pump draws SS li .rii • " (a) premium quality Blue Sunoco '200', and (b) Pn Ip1 * •¦« Sunoco Octane Concentrate (speciully refined f/ I 'iVpj.«, '-'"'¦I . motor fuel). These are precisely blended by the I Vu ^^*v.l pump to the exact blend number ordered. Approved ¦ n j A by various governmental authorities! CUS71£ff i f— y\ m fcs§»» BLEMDED ^ >W I ^ The only ^ ,, ^ M ^ \ , HL ; « - ^ thrift y way to buy ^^^$51SjM j flf* f| S ^^PT< I premiums today ! U ^UPlUbU ARROW OIL COMPANY S. D. Kesten - President Telephone SPring 5-1010 TIME SCHEDULE Note Playdates for Correct Times. OSTERVILLE G A R D E N VILLAGE T A X I Tel. - GA - 8-6530 Bus - Train & Plane Service Thurs.. Fri.. Sat. Dec. 4-5-6 Home Before Dark Jean Simmons - Dan O'Herlihy Mats, .-it 2, Eves. Coat, from (1:-I5 FEATURE nt - IS - (I:.7 !" - 9:20 Sun.. Mon.. Tues. Dec. 7, 8, 9 Technicolor HOUSEBOAT Cary Grant - Sophia Loren Shows Sun . Com. from 2:W Monday nnd Tuesday Mats . 2:00 Evenings 7:00 and 9:15 WEDNESDAY Dec. 10 "THE BLOB" Steven McQueen Aneta Gorseant Mat. at 2:00, Eve. at 7 and 9 STARTS THURSDAY Dec. 11 "In Love And War"