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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Classified Business Directory LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Special Town Meeting Warrant TOWN OF BARNSTABLE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstabl e, s». To either of the Constables or any Police Officer of the Town w used. Heing the same premises con- veyed I" us by deed of i>ai«y Bearse , dated March 21, 1949 and recorded with Barnstable County Registry of Deeds, Hook 716, Page :: 19. Including as •' part of the realty nil portable or sectional build ings, beating apparatus, plumbing, ranges , mantels, storm doors ami windows , oil burners. gOfl nnd nil uml electric fixtures, screens, sc reen doors, n u n i n n s . electric , anil gas refrigerators, nlr conditioning apparatus , ami other fixtures ol whatever kind mid nature , on said premises , or hereafter placed there- on prior to Ihe full payment and discharge m ll|is mortgage, insofar as the same are or can by agree- ment of the parties be made a pai l of the realty. Said premrSBH wi ll be sold sub leel to any unpaid real estate taxes , tax titles , municipal Hens and assessments, ami valid out- standing Federal income tax liens. Terms of Sale $500.01) In < amh by the purchaser at the time and place or the sale, and the balance wit h in ten (10 ) days thereafter. Other terms lobe announced al the yule. Sinned SECURITY FEDERAL HAV- INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA- TION OP BROOKTON nv Duncan w . Bdes, President George i, Walnwrlgnt, Attorney io« Main Street Brockton 22, Massachusetts December i 1058 THE BARNS TABLE COUNTY NATI ONAL BANK OF HYANNIS Hyannis, Massachusetts A N N U A L MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS You are hereby notified thai the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the j stockholders ol The Barnstable County National Hank of Hyannis will be sold al us banking renins at 112 M ain Street, HyanniH . Mass- achusetts, on Thursday, January X , 1969, nest , al 2 00 o'clock in the afternoon , to elect a Hoard of Di- rectors' and for the transaction of such other and further business OS may lawfu lly come before tho meeting. _ „,,, ., ELLEN P. PULTON, Cashier. Dec. I. 11. 18 LEGAL NOTICES TOWN OF BARNSTABLE Swimming, Bathing and Wading Pool Regulations Section i. Definitions: For the purpose of these regulations the following definitions shall apply: A. Swimming |> <)() i or "Pool". A swimming pool or a "pool" is a structure of concrete , inusonry or any other approved material , lo- cated either Indoors or outdoors, used for bathing or swimming pur- poses, nnd tilled with a controlled water supply, together with build- in«s and appurtenances used In Connection therew ith. H. Wading Pool. A trading pool is any pool used exclusively for wading and having a maximum depth of thirty-six inches. C. Poo] Bathing Capacity. Pool bathing capacity shnii be con- strued to mean the maximum num- ber of persons that may enter the pool or pool ares during a com- plete pool water turn-over period. Section 2. Application for Ap- proval . Before entering a oontract for the Installation, extensions, or alteration of a public swimming or bathing place, the person, persons. firm, corporation, company Institu- tion, municipality, or community, owning or constructing such pool of bathing place shall make appli- cation to the Town Of Harnstable Hoard of He alth Section 3. Plans to be Submit- ted. The application shall bo ac- companied by the following data: (a) Blueprints of drawings of the work to be done In sufficient de- tail as to make clear to Ihe con- tractor just what work is lo be done (in. Complete specifications as may lie necessary lo supplement the drawings, (i 'i. Additional data us may be requested by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Section l. Pool Construction. A . pools shall be constructed of concrete or of similar Impervious materia ) with a llnlsh adapted lo the bathing demands of differen t areas Of the pool. Side walls and Ihe bottom surface below a depth of five feel shall be as smooth lis possible Holtoin surfaces III areas of live feet deplh or less shall be smoolh but given a non slip finish, Floor and walls shall be light in color . A suitable paint -hail be used as often as necessary to maintain ihe wails in good oondl Hon and lo facilitate cleanliness. Section 11 Shape, Size, Slopes , etc. Pools shall be coiislrucled Of such shapes and size an lo be efficient!} and safely controlled, and so Hint uniform circulation may he obtained, Size shall be adapled to the lialbin - load , and shall no| ln> such thai funds avail able will not permit Ihe uecessui y appurtenances to keep the pool in sanitary condition, Deep wat< r, except as required for safety In diving, shall be limited to such areas as are actually n led Section ('. Inlets and Outlets Inlets and outlets lo pools shall he arranged so as to fta l effective ami uniform circulation oi Hie In- coming wilier, throughout Ihe pool , and so Dial deposlls thai settle on the pool floor will he carried to the outlets ,\ Bufflctenl number of Inlets shall be provided lo ob lain adequate circulation ami pi e venl ib ad spots, A maximum Bpac lug of twenty foel shall be pro- vided. Outlets Bhall be ample in BUSS with a cross-section ol the gratin g Of mil less Iban tour times Un- cross section Ol tho discharge pip mi' , nutlets shall be located al low points ill Hie pool. win-re outlets me lo discharge Into sewers carrying sanitary sew age there Bhall be no direct con iiecliou , and outlets shall be so designed as lo prevent the possl himv ot i I contamination. Section 5. .Scum Cullers or OvOl Hows. A . All pools shall be entire!} surrounded by proper overflow gutters which shall be of Bufflcionl size to prevent a normal overflow from washing back Into the pool. Gutters Bhall be of such construe Hon Hull Ibey may be easily cleaned. Scum glider waste shall not be recirculated except In pools so designed as lo circulate a" water through the scum gutters, n. Recessed Type Cutter, The nutter ¦ hall noi be less tha n four Inches deep, foui Inches wide , ami shall have ;in edge uniformly level and satisfactory as a hand hold Su part ot the recessed gultoi shall be visible from ;i position di rectly above the gui ler and sli hi ing vertically down Ihe edge of the curb coping, A minimum slope Of one Inch la leu feel shall be provided for the bottom slope be l weep drains c open Type Gutter Tho gut- ter shall be nol less than six to eight Inches deep, twelve inches wide , anil shall have an edge mil formly level and satisfactory as a band hold The up of Hie gutter shall slope one to two Inches to- ward Ho- drains, and a slope ol one-fourth to three-eighths inches shall in- provided between drains in order to prevent standing water liolh types ot gutters shall be served by drains not less than two inches ia diameter nor mors 'ban It 'll feet apail or shall he sei ved by drains urn less than two and one half Ini hes In dlometi r nor more than fifteen feet apart. Section 8, Walk Areas, Walls areas around pool shall be ample tor bathing loads and adequately drained. For outdoor pools , walk ways .shall be designed lo drain away I mm the pool wi th a mini muni piii b of three Inches In U a feet, and the pool shall be protect eil wlih a curb at least nix im hi high and one loot Wide, for In- dooi pools, w a l k w a y s may drain lo nutters with a minimum pitch "i ihr, i! iii! hes lo ten foi I and no i urb l« required, Walkways nail noi be les than foui feel In width , and shall extend entirely around the pool area, , | ion '. : li p and laddi i, and Springboards, s te p , and ladders ¦ h. , 11 be oi as lly t leaned Impej i i oiis material. Tin y shall bs so di ;nj(i constructed, having a non-Slip surface , Dial no wa ter is left on them when the pool Is , D piled iiand rail i boll be pro- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE8 LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 1,'tS of the General Laws as Amended, Name of Applicant: Osterville Veterans ' Association Inc. Larkin- Swift , Manager. Kind of License : Renewal , An- nual , Club . All alcoholic beverages . Period Covere d by License: .Jan- uary I to December 81, I860, lncl Location and Description of Premises: Southwest corner of Main Street and WeHl Hay Itoad . Osterville . Mass . Public hall and stage on stree t Moor wit h lounge bar in basement. Three entrances on West Hay Koad and one en- trance on Main Street. VICTOR l'\ A D A M S GEORGE L. CROSS B, THOMAS tVmiiPMY Licensing Hoard Tor the Town oi Barnstable. Dec. I , 1858 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE iii accordance with Chapter ns ot the Oenernl Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant : Hyannis Yacht club Prank B. Hoarse, Sui rotary, Kind of License Renewal , An- nual , club. All alcoholic beverages Period Covered by License: .lan- uary I to December 81, 1060 ln cl. Locution and Description of Premises: off Ocean Street, Hyun ills . Mass. Four rooms on lirst Hour, tWO looms and balcony on second Hour , two rooms uml storage room In basement. Two front entrance . one rear exit, two side entrances and one rear exit. VICTOR K. ADAMS QEORCE I- CROSS B>, THOMAS MIIIIPIIV Licensing Hoard tor tho Town of Barnstable Dec . i . 1 858 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss Probate Court To all persons Interested In the trust estate under the will of ROSCOE W. IIAMIJLIN , late ol Barnstable (Hyannis), In Bold County, deceased, for the benefit of MA OKI.INK N. I I A M H L I N BT ALS. The trustee of Maid estate has presented to said Court for allow ance Us 6th, 7th, KHi , 8th and !«f/i accounts. If you desire to object thereto yuii or your attorney should Mb- a m i l ieu appearance in said Courl ni Barnstable before ten o'clocs In the forenoon on Ihe 23rd day of December, 1868, the return day of this citation. Witness , KKNItICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge Ol said Courl , Hhs 20th day of November, 1 litis. ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Registrar. Nov. 27. Dec I. II. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. TO the Commissioner «f Cor pora lloiiH and Taxation , creditors and all other persons Interested in the estale Of JOHN !•'• MKDDI CK. late of Swedesboro, In the County of Gloucester, In the State of New Jersey, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court by K A T H K I M N K MATTSON . of ID! Allen SI i t, Swedi Sboro, New Jersey, appoint- ed-Administratrix ol the estate of JOHN I' . MKDDH 'K. by the Coun- ty courts within and to* the Coun- ty of Gloucester, and state ol New Jersey, lor license In sell '•' n o- vate sale certain real estate ot aid deceased, ff you desire lo object thereto you or your attorney should lib - a writ ten appearance In said comt ai Barnstable before ten o'< lock In the forenoon on the 23rd day of December, IOCS, the return day of ibis citation. Witness, K K N K I C K A. SPAR R O W . Esquire, Judge of said Court, ibis 30th day Of November, In the year one thousand nine hundred and ilfty-elght. ALKUKD C. KNIGHT, Registrar. ] Nov. 27 , Dec. 4 , 11. _ LEGAL NOTICES viiled on all steps , and al the lop lending oh! over the coping lo the waiuw ay. Springboards shall have a non- Blip finish, and if covered with ah soi bent material, such covers shall be dislnl 'ested each day. Section 8, Wading Pools. Wading pools shall meet same require ments as swimming pools, A wad Ing pool may he any shape as long as the thirty six Inch maximum depth is not exceeded They shall be provided with a sulTcleiit sup ply of clean and Chlorinated water at all times. They shall be entire- ly emptied , cleaned and refilled daily. Water removed shall he wasted ami not returned to cir- culation. Telle! facilities shall he provided , unless already available in convenient location. Sect ion !i Wate r Supply for Pools. A. The water supply for all pools shall be clean and meet bacterial requirements for a domes tic water supply. It shall he clear and reasonably tree fro m objection able minerals, or the necessary nitration or other equipment shall be provided lo correct such de flclenoles. To eliminate a cross connection , an atmospheric break must he Installed In each water line connected lo a municipal or other supply. B, Where water wells are used as a source of water , (he color shall nol exceed 1(10 and Ihe iron content 0,3 pails per million I'll trniion. Haw water not meeting these requirements shall be given approved preliminary treatment prior to lis Introduction to pool. c. Sanitary Quality of Watet in Pools Water samples for bin topological analysis shall be taken from the corners and cenler of the pool, during use by patrons , nnd with such frequonoy that results may be used to aid In proper con trnl and show the sanitar y quality Of Ihe water. The following stand arils shall he maintained : ii . Bacterial Quality, supply ami pool water sh»n meel the U S Treasury Department standards for drinking water, ill . S Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards.) E. The pool water shall be main Inland In such alkaline condition that the Ph or the water shall equal or exceed 8.0: hut not lo ex ceed X .9. The chlorine level of I 1)0 lo 3.88 parts tier million must be maintained. Section io. Filtration, Adequate clarification ami iilirstion ciiuip meul shall lie provided on all pools where pool water Is recirculated , and on other pools where Ihe water Utilized needs clarification. -Such nitration equipment shall meet the following requirements: lal. Kilter Capacity. Killer cupac iiv for recirculation pools shall be provided lo obtain a six hour turn over of the entire contents of the pool , based on a filter rale of throe gallons per square fool of Dlter ai i a per minute, or an eight hour turnov er based on a rale of two gallons per square fool per minute Kales lor simple clarlllcatlon of an otherwise satisfactory water not to be recirculated may be Increased JIH conditions Justify. Hale of flow Indicators or other approved ds vices shall be provided lo in ll u rntol y Indicate i an- 1 of nitration Section II Bathing Load, The maximum bathing loads ami uapacl ties will be specified tor all pools ai the lime plans are Im warded lor approval oi permits applied tor , bused upon size , equipment, etc . These loads and I iipa clllc shall nol be exceeded III any Him- The maximum bulbing load shall he aonsplCUOUSly posted al Ihe pool cull ance . Bathing loads ami pool caput I lies shall be computed as follows ( a). Pool Capacity. I. The capacity of any pool shall in- determined as one person h»i each live hundred gallons o|' walei recirculated or newly added pei twenty-four hours exoopl thai the sanitary quality and standard must be maintained, ( in. Pool Bathing Load I. The bathing loads lor all pool I shall be computed an follows and the number at bathers permitted Into the pool areas al one time shall nol exceed Ibis limit ii. Pools wiiii Limited Walk Areas. I I ) Twelve persons fol I lii- poiil surface area wllb ln a toll tool radius at the extremity ol each diving board . i:.') One person for each thirty square feel of pool surfat e with II deplh of Ave foel or OV " 1 . (3) one person for each flftaon Sl|IIUJc lei-l ol pOOl Slll'lili e wllb a depth ol less than live feet. II. Pools w l l b large walk areas lo allow a normal Dumber of persons ashore. ( l i Twelve persons tor the pools Surface area wi thin a ten loot ladbis ai He- extremity oi each (living board or tower 12) One person for each tWSUt) seven square tool ol pool sur face with a depth of live feel or over. (.'() One person lor each ten square toei or pool surface with a deplh of less than firs font. Section \2. Peiuoiiiml and Su[ M-I vision. Kvery pool shall be under the direction ol a qualified, i om potent operator Suiii i lent attend antH shall he provided lo opeiaio the pool in an orderly and aanl l.n , manner, Adequate life guards shall In- provided ami shall SSSlSl In HUM ii .ai ¦, i octroi No person shall be employed H ''o has , or Is u carrl i of a oommunli able dlsi lupet ¦ . i ion i b a l l be prOVld' d on all w id ini - pools wbiii they are In use WILLIAM K BEARSE, Chairman I I A K K Y I. IONES J O H N O NII.KS, M D Sei : - I Town ul llaniiilalil- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE BAHN8TABLE PA1 Rl i BUSINESS DIRECTORY RATES SJSm V Perdue for two or more Insertions. REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY The publisher will be responsible i. r only one Incorrect insertion. Th r „ patriot reserves the right to edit or reject any copy received for publication. A I JTQJALES ^NP SERVICE PONTIAC f^BBsikW G.M.C. V^J VAUXHALL Vi' '59 PONTIAC America 's No. 1 Road Car Exclusive Wide Track Wheels. Cape Cod's Exclusive Pontiac Dealer. Robertson Auto-Service Inc. Telephone SPring 5-0826 Established 1926 ' ' SEE THE 1968 OPEL WARREN BUICK INC. 100 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-4900 CAPE COD AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Body and Fender Work Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairing Tel. SPring 5-0858 West Main Street , Hyannis HOMEMAKER'S NEEDS OSBORNE'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized Westinghouse Dealer Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. SPring 5-0213 LAUNDRY AND CLEANING RUG CLEANING STORAGE Cash and Oarry at Plant Office CAPE COD LAUNDRY, INC. Tel. SPring 6-3200 Bicycles Repaired — For Hire JACK'S BIKE SHOP 18 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Your Evinrude Dealer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THE WALLPAPER SHOPPE Home of Fine Wallpapers Window Shades, Curtains, Drapery Materials 30! Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1755 MARTIN'S Cakes - Pasteries - Cookies Breads Rolls Special Pasteries For All Occasions 276 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0820 West Dennis EXeter 8-2621 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Cape Lumber and Salvage Co. Route 28 SPring 5-2266 JfcSMfcfeiMMMMMfcfleSt ^^ LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Harnstable, BS. Probate Court To all persons interested in the estate of IRVIN E. PEAK, late of Harnstable (Osterville), in said County, deceased. A petltou has been represented to said Court for probate of a cer- instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by ELLSWORTH II. PEAK , of Sau- CUB. In the County of Essex, pray- ing that he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond , and further praying that slid will may be proved and allow- 'il without the testimony of the Mibscriblng witnesses. If you desire to object thereto vnu or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court •it Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 23rd day of December, 195S , the return day of this citation. Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court, 'his 17th day of November, 1958. ALFRED 0. KNIGHT, Registrar. -Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 ol (he General Laws as Amended. -Name of Applicant: Silas J. Wardwell inc. Rocco Collucci, Manager, Kind of License: Renewal , Inn- holders , 1 Day, Annual. All alco- holic beverages. I'erlod Covered by License: Jan- m,D" 1 to December 31, 1959 , lncl. Locution and Description of Premises: Wooden structure lo- cated on Craigville Road , West Hysnnigport, with three rooms on hfst fiiHir , six rooms on second ""or. Basement for storage. Three 'font entrances and two rear exits. VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS B. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the „ Town of Harnstable. I)c*'- 4 . 1958 LOST PASSBOOKS , Notice is hereby given that Pass- ' «,'„ ' NOB. 11541. 18666, 19865, MSI?' 2116;). 21846. 230SG. 23207, M381, 23497 , 23512 , 23582 , 23720, k, ued by Hyannis Trust Company. *yo been lost or destroyed and .. dt application has been made to oin?i? Dls Tri,Ht Company to Issue uiciit e books in accordance 190S 8fl°" 4°' ChU P' 59°' ACU °f ' Nov ' ' 27 . Dec. 4 , 11. SERVICES CLOUGH & HIGGINS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel - Cinders - Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool Cleaning 302 Main Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1179 Y O U N G ' S Paint Removing Service Reflnishlng and Repainting West Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 6-9069 KENT'S ~ COVERS ~" Canvas Awnings, Aluminum; Auto Tops and Seat Covers, Boat TopB, Covers and Cushions; Aluminum Comb. Windows and Screens. 27 Center Street. HyanniB Tel. SPring 5-2933 REALTORS REAL ESTATE Of Every Description Bought , Sold and Exchanged JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate Agency Tel . SPring 5-0302 or 5-1247 SEE ME FIRST SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specializing in Cape Cod Properties Since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tel. SPring 5-0277 WALTER I. FULLER REALTOR Main Street, Osterville Call GArden 8-2165 Genieve C. Bearse REALTOR Centerville, Craigville and West Hyannisport Main Street , Centerville Tel. SPring 5-0865 CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES & RENTALS Route 28 Iyanough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn Crosby SPring GArden 5-2645 or 5-1685 8-2469 WANT TO SELL? List your property with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 256 Main Street, SPring 5-0277 REAL ESTATE CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings Given Prompt nnd Personal Attention by JAMES F. KENNEY IS Ocean Street, Hyannis TeL SPring 5-0907 BEN GRASSl REA L ESTATE SALES RENTALS Specializing in good building lots as low as $250.00. $25 down with convenient monthly payments Evenings: SPring 5-4976 If yon are interested In buying or selling Property on Cape Cod , please contact us for Prompt and Courteous Service. We Invite all out Of town subscribers of the newspaper to write us telling of iheir desire in buying or renting property. CRAIGVILLE REALTY CO. Craigville Beach Koad West Hyannisport , Mass. SPring 5-3174 or SPring 5-1319 Joseph J. Silvia , Itroker. MOVING, TRANSPORTING Tel. SPring 5-0232 BAXTER TRANSPORT, INC. Doston - South Shore Cape Cod ifclP WANTED FEMALE ~ InniTedlate placement with Avon Cosmetics for energetic lady over thirty-live. Can work 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 40% commission. Write: Irene M. Davey, 100 Tyler Street , Attleboro, Mass. ^__i-«[ EGAL NOTICE NOTICE Charles !•'. Stanley of Center- ville , Mass., having made applica- tion for the approval qf ^ plan en- titled "Plan Of Land In Hyannis, Harnstable . Mass., belonging to Charles i\ Stanley, Centerville . Mass.. " for land subdivision show- ing private ways for public use. Said land being located on Pine Street in the village Of Hyannis , bounded northerly a distance of approximately 936 feet, by Pino Street , easterly by land of Walter llenneherry and James .1. Cannon a distance of approximately 478 feel southerly by Estate of Lewis c perry a distance of approxi- mately 835 fpe t and westerly by property of Evelyn and Sumner Crosby a distance of approximately ITS feet , we the undersigned Hoard of Survey for the Town of ISarn- Btable, will hold a public hearing at the Town Office Building on Monday, December 15, 1958 at 10:30 A.M. VK'TOU F. ADAM S GEORGE L. CROSS I-:. THOMA S M U R P H Y Hoard of Survey for the Town of Barnstable. Dec. I . 11. 1958 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Harn stable , ss. Probate Court. To all persona interested in the estate of LUCY K. RAN KIN , late of Harnstable (Osterville ), In said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court tor authority to mort- gage certain real estate of said deceased, H you desire to object thereto you or y°nr attorney should Hie a writt en appearance in sabi Court ¦,l Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 23rd day of Becomber, 1958 , the return day of this citation. -„»- Witness, KENRICK A. SPAR ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court , tihs 20th day of November, 1958. ALFRED C. KNIGHT , Registrar. Nov. 27. Dec. 4 , 11. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MURRAY'S FUEL OIL SERVICE, INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality - Satisfaction Dennis Port, Mass. Phone EXeter 8-2408 Metered Ticket Printers ROBERT F. HAYDEN GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue Cotuit Tel. GArden 8-6380 MODELS - HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1924 SERVICES THE PATRIOT PRESS PRINTING 24 Pleasant Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-2445 H. M. MESERVE CO. The Finest In OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 368 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0433 R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1818 IF IT'S REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE call LOUIS SERPICO 32 yrs. experience SPring 5-0738 HAROLD A. BOYNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics - Ignition Falmouth Road, Centerville Tel. SPring 5-0636 G. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers & Burks Pumps Tel. GArden 8-6940 Osterville M A S S A G E Given by Henry Askeli , register- ed physiotherapist, formerly of Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home, South Main Street, Centerville, Mass. For ap- pointment, call SPring 5-2313. J ^ "\ NICKERSON nJS^fl FUNERAL and W\jJI MONUMENT \ J? SERVICES BOURNE - SANDWICH. MASS Serving CAPE COD and Surrounding Communities CAPE COD SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening Tel. SPring 5-1372 212 Ocean Street , Hyannis rOrafcSrstsri T^ttesfcitajTSWME^ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant : Hyannis Steak House Inc., Harold Smith, Manager. Kind of License: Renewal. An- nual , Common Viotualers—7 Day. Period Covered by License: Jan- uary 1 to December 31, 1959 lncl. Location and Description of premises : Iyanough Road , Hyan- nis. One front entrance, one side entrance and one rear exit from dining room. One rear exit. Two rooms and kitchen on street floor with building in rear for storage. VICTOR V. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS M U R P H Y Licensing Hoard for the Town of Barnstable. Doc 4 , 1958 NOTICE OF APPLICA TION FOR ALCOHOLI C BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 13.S of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: Alfred A. Dumont. Kind of License: Renewal, Drug- gist , Annual. All alcoholic bever- ages. Period Covered by License: Jan- uary 1 to December 31, 1959 lncl. Location and Description of Premises: 278 Main Street , Hyan- nis Mass. One room on street floor. Basement tor storage only. One rront entrance and one rear exit VICTOR F ADA MS GEORGE L. CROSS K. THOMAS M U R P H Y Licensing Hoard for the Town of Harnstable. Dec 4. 1958 ' NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE in accordance with chapter iss of the General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: John L- Terry d/b/a Hyannis Pharmacy. Kind of License: Renewal. An- nual, special Retail Keg. Pharma- cists Package store, AH alcoholic beverages. Period Covered by License: Jan- uary 1 to December 31. 1959 lncl . Location and Description of Premises: 302 Main Street . Hyan- nis Mass. One front entrance and one rear exit. One room on Btreel VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS B. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. Dec. I. 1958