December 4, 1958 Barnstable Patriot | |
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December 4, 1958 |
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As ray materinl is written up rintl in the rj'fflce by the
flrs'l ihi .
v of the week, 1 will have to eommenl on i h<> deer sea-
son in my iifxt week's eohwjm, 1 suppose there will be a lurmor-
otfk note li'-f- . let 's hope there is n 't n tragic note, some tall
stories and some exciting ones,
11, i .• u. a story thai 1 Iii .nd
abom .i mother ,from down the
i 'etittal < ';ipi waj Sei m« thai the
mother look.-d out oi hej kit
wlndrrn and Saw n deer come out
oi (He nearby woods and drop b)
tho clothesline, she wenl out to
look arid B«w thai th e den was
hadlj wotfnded ami unable to nov<
again. She did not know how to
shunt her husband's gun so -in-
went down to the high Bchool, bad
her boy excused and home thej
Came: Her hoy took Had - shotgun
and killed the deer and went back
lo school, tiuess she could have
strangled the deer with th e c lothes-
line or called lor Mary Maki and
her bow.
The only meinbei of the weaker
sex 1 saw out during the archery
season was Mary Maki. I was go-
ing out in the eurl y hours of the
morning, around seven o'clock to
look for deer signs when I saw
her (oming out to her car. Mary
hudn 't seen any (leer but said that
she had heard one. To quote "(!ee,
it 's cold Now I' m going home and
-;et breakfast for my family. I'm
going out again during the gun
season. I'erlwps some of the hunt-
ers will drive one out to me." Best
of lin k. Mary.
.lake Hurley. Ed Daley. Jim
.Miitochi and Walt Kraft were out
during the archer} season for deer
iiml hunted the West Barnstable
ii< ,, Mm- MaeDonald of Kenney 's
X port Shoji said, tha t he hadn 't
heard at any luck by the hoys .
Ken Sears , l' rel Morris and
Theron Burlingame Have returned
from a deer hunt in Denny .-\ille ,
Maine .
pblph Richards was out a couple
of day's during the archery season.
Hunting in the Brewster area south
oT !h> Xii kersou State Park. Dolpb
says ihat he didn 't see any deer
but thai there were plenty ol
One ii.-iialii associates sailing
with the summ ertime Inn John
l. inehan certainly doesn 't put his
boat away with the ending of the
summer. John goes oui for what
lo- . ;iils some frostbite sailing. 1
listened to a ver> interesting ac-
count of a sailing trip around ihe
Cape em! io Hyannis from the
nOrth side , it certainly was an In-
teresting trip tor a "frostbite
sailor ". During the trip John says
lie saw many docks of din ks off
Moiioinoy region all the way round
In Hyannis.
Was oul looking around one day
wiili Mollis Batchelder and I saw
; "Bud" Bednark out with his how.
He hasn 't seen any deer hut a lug (
buck bad been seen in thai area
the das previous.
Had one of my Interesting (hats
with .Mel Sturgis a couple Of days
back. Mel says thai the windy
days had slowed down the fishing
m Mash pee Wakehy hike . There 's
been lots of partridge around ilr.s
season and plenty of rabbits. It
has been a terrible duck season
but we should have a good deer
season as there -eeins to lie plenty
of them around , was bis comment.
I.airy Biooks was out testing his
Winchester Model 70 in ,243 Calibre
a tew days ago and shot this group.
At 200 yards he shot a live shot i
group that covered a space on one
and one-half inches. Larry 's rifle is
fitted with a I.y uian ten power
Target spot scope. That 's pretty
fair for country shooting.
It has been found that pellet
feeding ul the Sandwich Trout
Hatchery has saved approximately
$,'H)0 a month in food costs while
increasing the total weight capac-
ity of the station. The goal of rais-
ing eight inch lish in one season
may he exceeded if present growth
rates continue. In addition. 2000
rainbows are being tested with the
pellets. To be stocked next year are
two year old lish . now weighing
slight ly over a pound a piece and
ruu 1
3 to 14 inches in length.
Band returns from pheasants
Stocked tin's vein- are running
slightly ahead of last yea r, but j bnt
most sportsmen were .
their usual failure to send the
bands in. About 101)0 of the bands
from some 33,000 birds stocked in
open course have been received
to date . However, bands from birds
storked on public hunting grounds
are showing nb,QUl a 609! return.
Some sportsmen have the mis-
taken idea that the Division will
sio, 1; more birds if they don 't re-
[ i-eive many hands . Nothing could
j lie further from the truth. A very
low band return indicates either
that sportsmen are lazy and don 't
wain to cooperate or the stocking
is a fat waste of sportsmen's
money and should be discontinued.
If sportsmen want more birds
they had better prove they can
harvest them by sending in the
wire bands.
The deer checking program con-
ducted by the State was reduced
to just two days, the lirst and last
days, because it was found that
past years records indicate that
?U r; of the deer are brought in
during those two days . It was felt
that sufficient data could be Ob-
tained from this sample and a con-
siderable saving in cost to the
sportsmen 's fund realized,
The fish and game division tech-
nicians are not going tn collect
reproductive tracts from does this
year. They teel that too few speci-
mens can he collected to provide
an adeq.
te sample, so the check-
ing station will concentrate on
weights, aces and sex ratios.
Massachusetts hunters harvested
1096 deer lasi year , oi' which 1976
were examined at the cheeking
stations. Of the total . 56$ were
bucks anil -1-1% were does. Redac-
tion of the deer herd from all
cause- vehicle accidents , dogs,
natural causes and hunting , was
about :i!' r ; of the population hut
j the herd' s replacement was 12%
lor a net gain of three percent.
The deer has maintained approxi-
mately thi s average rate of in-
crease for the past ten years.
[ suppos e that many hunters
will be waiting patiently for the
start of the second half of the split
waterfowl season. This will start
on December S and will run until
January 10. Heavy weather such as
snow squalls, -cold windy days,
rough seas should make the birds
fly. We should have more ducks
moving down from the north and
the duck s should be larger than
the ducks one sees around during
the first half ot the season. These
earl y ducks are often referred to
as puddle ducks because they are
found around ponds , pot holes and
small hodii-s of water.
ui' i _
S P O R T S /^\ I
ROD & GUN / jjffij af
10 Years Ago
Al a meeting last night in Bald-
win Hall , the east ot the Barnstable
Comedy Club who will be In the
play. "Yes . My Darling Daughter ",
which will be played Nov. ll, 12,
and 13 at Village Mall , wen feted
by the llya#nis Kiwiuiis Club.
approximately 100 persons at- 1
tended the annual dinner of the
Hyannis Yacht Club .
Cub Pack 56 has announced a
Hallowe'en party to be held in
Barnstable Village Hall oh Oct 29,
There will be games, awards , cere-
monies and refreshments,
Al the annual guest night al Co-
tult Grange, a turkey dinner was
served to about 100 members and
guests. Entertainment was furnish-
ed by .lames O'Neill . Mrs . Elsie
Clifford, Kenn eth Bearse, Rodnej
Sennett, the Bearse family, Nova
(lifford . Mrs. Lena Childs. Mrs.
Stella Pollard, Oust! Savery and
Wallace Ryder each received gifts
at its the oldest persons present.
They are each: 87 years old.
20 Years Ago
Mrs. Margaret Waterman of Hy-
annis will direct the play "Candle-
light" which will be produced in
Barnstable , Woods Hole and Chat-
ham next week.
On Sunday the Center Theatre
in Hyannis observed its lirst
The year 1030 will bring more
promin ence to Cape Cod as this
year will mark the founding of
three towns . Barnstable, Sandwich
and YarmoUth.
More than 200 young Barnstable
Republicans met Id Union Hall,
Osterville and heard their County
and Congressional District , repre-
sentatives speak.
30 Years Ago
Buttner's of Plymouth has open-
ed a Hyannis branch store.
The Hyannis Rotary Club has
elected ('omiuaiuler Donald B.
MacMillan, Arctic explorer, as an
honorary member.
William I) . Ring, veteran of ihe
Civil War and last Commander of
Ynnno Post: (i.A.ll., passed away
at his home on Tm sday, at tho age
of S4 years. He was a native of
Preeport, Maine and bad lived In
Hyannis for 40 years.
40 Years Ago
Stuart K. Bradford has returned
to Cambridge and joined the
Student Army Training Corps .
Hyannis Hoard of Trade held its
first autumn meeting at Red Men 's
talk by state I.lliranan Lawretica
ii. Evans.
Thomas c. Timelier Is chairman
of ihe United War Work campaign
for the Cape. Barnstable village
chairmen are John K. Hlncklej
Barnstable; Edward P. Maher, i\\.
aiinis ; Walter I. Kullcr , Ostervill,.
Howard Dumber!, Centerville: it, ,,,.
jamitt K. Sears, Cotuit; Dr. j,
Haydn lliggins , Marstons Mill -.
nnd Tracey H. Darker , West Barn-
50 Years Ago
A Democratic Rally was held m
Masonic Hall Wednesday with 1.
K. Paine, chairman . Addresses
were by George T. McLaughlin ol
Sandwich and Edwin S. Ph'
Dr. and Mrs . K. A. Binl'ord and
daughter Dorothy and Charles p.
Nye have gone to Walte , Me . for
several weeks.
The Barnstable Teachers (')>,),
met Saturday io elect E. E. renin ,
president; Mary L. Crocker, vice-
president; Charlotte S. Sibley, Us
secretary and Lillian O. Chandler ,
L. Arenovskl has been offering
men 's suits ut $10, $12 and $15.
I From The Patriot'
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j Early Tiles j
Order Now!
Christmas Curds On Display
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Someone's got a raise...or heard good news...
WL\ ^ttyll B^fyiLm,. VSMWB ^ "MeyBBHltfB BttcB&t:¦'¦"
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-£fe ---A *J
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^'w iII
i iiiiinMB^MMi*,.. fiwH* JMM^mmyuu *vlf^
w*-* JajHEt I
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found a dog...©*lost the blues...
Happiness is yours to choose
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¦ •"'in oi Biit best ol all, your telephone brings
harness ,8 the sending-ot you lmpp inesH.
receiving— of good news,Which j
you do by telephone . Eager, 1 You can call i
bubbling words Umilil ,. over the ' ^ny irhere in the Country \
wire as you share good fortune f ar $2.20 or less, including
with those you love. Yom id,. Federal tOXt after 6 p.m. \
phone brings you many things — "nd all day Sunday j
Miss Verna Martin of Hyannis seated at her desk ut the Harnstable
County Registry of Deeds for the last time as she ronqltided her 34
years of service at the Registry and Land Court last Wednesday. Miss
Martin was given a testimonial dinner at the Neptune Room, Hyannis
and a party at the Registry Building by friends and co-workers, she left
for Florida with her brother Loring Martin on Thanksgiving morning,
where she will spend the winter at Clearwater. She will return to the
Cape tn spend the summers at her Hyannis home. (Patriot photo, i
For Sale—A Pontioc
House Trailer 26 Feet Long
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Mrs. Bowman - Bass River Park
Bass River
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^Prescriptions Our Specialty ,
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| Earl A. Hunt Falmouth Road (Rte. 28)
Funeral Director Hyannis ! ||l
Telephone SPring 5-0155
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