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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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UNITARIAN CHURCH Sunday, Dec. 7. at 9:30 n.m., Sun- day School ; 11 a.m., worship ser- vice, and sermon! "Hope Springs Eternal") Supervised play for chil- dren . :: through 12, during worship. 3:30 p.m., Lothrop (luild meets nt church to go to Hay Shore Federa- tion meeting in Rockland. Tuesday. Dec. il . at 7:110 p.m., parish meeting. Friday, Dec. 12. at 3:15 p.m.. choir rehearsal nt the Clowcry home; 8 p.m., Benlor choir rehear- sal nt the church. Saturday, Oec 13, 2 to 8 p.m., Christmas Sale, Tea and Supper , in the parish house. MID-CAPE JAYCEE'ETTES PLAN CAKE SALE The cake sale of the Mid-Cape Jaycee 'etts will lie held tomorrow at Ihe Hyannis Stop eft Shop start- ing al two o'clock. The sale will feature many holiday treats. Mrs. Orrin Eaton . Jr., is chairman in charge of the sale. Barnstable JEANN1E VanLEEUWEN Tel. GArden 8-4605 POSTOFFICE STARTED Ground for the new Marstona Mills postoffice lias been broken and construction is expected to atari soon. The new building which will lie one story without basement ' will be 25 by XI feet and will be i recied mi Main Street near the present postoffice building , George 11 . Lapham will lie the builder. -10th ANNIVERSARY PARTY A rally in honor of the 40th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thomas was held at their home on Mystic Lake . Marstona Mill ;- Sunday afternoon. Attending were .'IS members of th eir family Including their lirst great grand- ehild Deborah Ami'' fierce , daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce fierce o! Marstona Mills . Children and grandchildren at- tending the observance came from several Cape towns. Huston and Lakeville. Telephone congratula- tions were received from Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and family of North Bergen, .V. .1 Mrs. Davidson is a daughter who was unabl e In attend. Celebrating her seventh birth- day the same day was a grand- daughter Cheryl Anne Chase of Marstona Mills. HORIZONS TO HOLD DANCE The Hob Hayward trio of Fal- mouth will be the featured artists at the Marstons .Mills Horizon Club dance to be held December 20 from 8 to 12 al Freedom Hall. Santult. PERSONALS Mis. Barbara R. Moore enter- tained 2:1 persons on Thanksgiving eve al the Old Host House. Mr. mid Mrs. Knute Carlson and Mrs. Barbara Moore and children had Thanksgiving dinner in West- wood nt the home of Mr. and Mrs . C. G, Mulo . Jr. Mrs. Edna Muuomber entertained IS guests at Thanksgiving dinner including guests from Orleans . Brewster and Forestdale. C. J .Fair has i losed Fair Acres Day Camp for the season. Mrs. Alfred R. Davis of Lowell' s Lane recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Brown ni Attleboro .nn] Mr. anil Mrs. Georg e Davis of Nni walk . Conn. Mrs . Merrill c. Gilford has re- turned to her home after several days ui the Cape Cod Hospital n here shi received treatment. .Mis. Alfred it. Davis entertained Mis~ Kftie Johnson, superintendent of nurses al a Providence Hospital , over ihe holiday weekend. Other guests were Mr . and Mrs. Harold Davis nf Norton ami Mr. and Mrs . Edward Davis of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Word has been received of the death of Frederick Pollard. 75, of Jamaica Plain . He was the brother of Hairy II. Pollard and was a for- mer resident of Marstons Mil's. Thanksgiving favors made by the Campliire Girls under the di- rection of Mrs . Stewart Childs were delivered to the Lombard Home in West Barnstable. Mrs. It. E. Weller has returned to her West Wareham home affei visiting her Bon-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs Chester Howes. Miss Alii e Howes , who is a -Hid em at Hay State Academy. Bos- ton . recently visited her parents, .Mr. and Mrs . C II Howes. .Mrs . Charles M. Chase and son I David of Race Lane returned Sat. | urday from a two weeks vacation i ai the home of Mrs. John David son . sister or Mrs. Chase in North Bergen, N . J. Earle Chase of Jamaica Plain, a student at Northeastern Univer- sity, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr . and Mrs . Charles Chase Miss Beverly Cottle lias been ac- cepted as a member of the Mars- tons .Mills Horizon club at a busi- ness meeting on December 2 .At the meeting plans were discussed lor the Christmas dance . ' M^STOHS ;%»- I IILLa^^^Sgig (Continued from Page 1) JONES FILES TAX REPEAL BILL The repeal ot the preseni tux on unearned income which at preseni is at 7.38 percent with virtually no deductions has been requested in a hill tiled with the Massachusetts leg isla- ture by Representative Allan F. .(ones of the First Barnstable District. Mr Jones tiled his bill with Representative Robert Mooney of Nantucket in the belief that the withholding tux and a three percent sales would I K - passed at the next session of the legislature. Mr. .limes . said in announcing the filing of the bill that "although (he Commonwealth is in critical financial shape . this legislature by its encouraging peop le to retire and live on the Cape and in the Berkshires will In- the Commonwealth' s gain," We are happy to endorse the bill proposed by Mr. .lones. and arc glad to see that there are still people representing the peop le who are appreciative of the fact that the increasing taxes are working a tremendous hardshi p on those of fixed income . Barnstable Under-Currents The Barnstable Patriot Founded 1»30 Published every Thursday at 24 Pleasant Street, Hyannis. Mass. By The Patriot Press TKHSIS! fH.00 per >eur in Btlvniire, nil month* S2.(IO ¦urnAttn n. I I V S K I V S . Publisher ami (toners! Unimicer j. ltoiiKii r KEHSII \\v , Editor K n \> K T H l«. l.KO.VA ItU. AdvertlalnK Ilepre«en«a«lve The Barnstable Patriot Is entered as second-class matter at the Hyannis Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 . We assume no financial responsibility for typographical errors In advertisements, but will reprint that part of an udvertlsraent in which the error occurs. OHffeei Patriot Unit.lint. H. vnunU, }l """ to be imprinted with four name! £\& Sf* NOW ON DISPLAY TT^Ji vj> I C^^r^^55* ^ ^ i ^Tje— Come in today and shop through our collectionof the 1958 Hallmark Christmas Card Albums. Every card is an eloquent expression of the friendship and thoughtfulness that is Christmas. You'll find ifs easy and pleasant to make your selection in our conveniently arranged Personal | Greetings Department. Trained salespeople are ii here to serve you. | H. M. MESERVE I COMPANY jjj 368 Main Street Hyannis if Tel. SPring 5-0433 Place Your Order Now for new listening luxury for your hornet STEREO^WEBCOR Listen to new statotonic miuio on • Webcoi! You'll hear muuc with all in glorious (ones and dimensions . . . »U about voul This u limningenjoymentu io finest...M a Vihtrt LSF " She? ^ Vfawi" n o w . . .plat the complete new Wcbcortine tot 'joj ifcsjBL ~ i_ rij^^^^t* DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. Electrical Contractors "Serving Cape Cod for 50 Years" _ 332 Mai n Street Tel. SPring 5-2525 Hyannis FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS The Altar Guild of First Luther- an Church will meet at the home of Mrs Ellen Mackey on Monday, December S, at 7:30 p.m. On Wednesday . December 10. a men 's brotherhood will be organ- ized. All men are Invited to attend this meeting at the church, begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. The Katherine Luther (luild will hold its annual Christmas Covered Dish supper for members and their guests on Thursday. December 11, at 6:15 p.m. at the church . Co- chairmen for the supper are Mrs. Walter Marchant . Jr. and (Miss Miriam Kyllonen. The December meeting of the Hoard of Administration has been postponed to Friday, December 12. | at 7:30 p.m. The Annual Christmas Sal" sponsored by the Altar Guild will be held on Saturday. December 1 3 from 1:00-5:00 p.m. at the church. Featured will be handwork , coffee bread, and baked beans . Coffee will be served throughout the af- ternoon. West Barnstable MRS. FRANCES E. ANDERSON Tel. FOrest 2-3042 PERSONALS Miss Suzanne Gallant is a new member of the Wellesley College Choir which opened its 1958-1959 season this month with the tra- ditional Fall Vespers Concert. Miss Gallant , whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand .1 Gallant , Is is a member of the sophomore Class, She is also 8 graduate of Barnstable High School Mr. and Mrs. George Dlaiu hard and children spent Thanksgiving I day with Mr. Blanc-hard's sister, \ Miss Alice Blflnchard in Abinpton. Mr and Mrs . Herman N'ewcomb and family of Chicopee spent the Thanksgiving weekend with her parents . Mr. and Mrs . William Buckler , this village. Mr. and Mrs. William Buckler eptertalned for Thanksgiving din- ner their daughter and son-in-law , Mr and Mrs. Herman Newcomb , and children fro m Chicopee: an- other daughter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Wiilard Ellis, and their children from Yarmouthport; also Miss Margaret Osenbeck . R.N. from Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buckler and family of Hyannis joined Mr. Buckler 's parents and party for Thanksgiving supper in the evening. Mrs . Mary Clifford , sister of Mrs. A . Richard Baker of Reverter Lane passed away at I'ocasett Hospital last week after a long illness. Mrs. Harry Philbrook recently at- I tended the 1st District Leadership Training Institut e of the State Fed- eration of Women 's Clubs held in Wareham. I v I CUMMAQUID Charles Gabriel , former legisla- tor, will address the Hyannis Hoard of Trade on "Improving Husinoss For Vint and Cape Cod" at the next meeting to be held at the ITiscilla Allien Room on Tuesday. Dec. 9. Dinner wil be served at 6r30. Gabriel Will Address Trade Board LEGAL NOTICE LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Pass- book, No, 26229, issued by Hyan- nis Trust Company, has been losi or destroyed and that application has been made to Hyannis Trust Company lo issue a duplicate book in accordance with Bee. 40, Chap, :,!>(>. Acts of 1908. Dec 4, 1 1, 18 Nov. 21. Dec. 4. 11. LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereb y given that Pass- book, No . DR2352J issued by ll . van - nls Co-operative Bank, has been lost or destroyed and that applica- tion has been made to Hyannis Co-operative Bank to issue a dupli- cate book in accordance with Sec. 40, Chap. 590. Acts of 1908. Nov. 21. Dec. 1. 11. LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Passbook, DR 1027, issued by Hy- annis Co-operative Bank , has been lost or destroyed and that applica- tion has been made to Hyannis Co- operative Bank to issue a duplicate book In accordance with Sec. 40, Chap. 590, ActB of 1908. Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4 . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE in accordance with chapter i:is ol the General Laws as Amended Name or Applicant : Community Pharmacy Inc. Bertram A . Wood- ward, Manager. Kind of Incense : Renewal , An- nual. Druggist. Period Covered by License: Jan- uary 1 to December 31, 1959 Incl. Location anil Description of Premises: Main street , Barnstable (New .lones Block). Wooden struc- ture with threo rooms on street, floor. No Basement. One entrance on Main Street and two rear exits . VICTOR F. ADAMS GEORG B L. CROSS K. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. Dec. I, 195S LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 188 „f the General Laws as Amended. Name ,.t Applicant: Bruno K Voss. , . ,, Kind Of License: Retiewa . An- nual . Druggist. All alcoholic bever- Period Covered by License: Jan- uary 1 to December 81, 1959 Incl. Location and Description ol premises! Voss Pharmacy, z»o Main Street. Hyannis . Mass. One frohl entrance , two rear exits. Three rooms on street Moor. Base- ment for storage. VICTOR F. ADAMS GBORGB L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Burnstable . Dec. -I. 1958