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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The Sachem Speaks . . . "A Quitter Newer Wins ; A Winner Never Quits." Barnstable lli fj h .School lost the Thanksgiving day football game to Falmouth in a hard-fought contest, but this team won ii victory that was even more important. Each member .of the team played with everything he had in him—-strength, dili gence, and unfailing spirit. They all worked together, continuing their excellent effort t the very lust minute of play. The Barnstable students and fans also aided in this "un- recorded victory ". Demonstrating the same wonderful spirit. as the. players, they cheered themselves hoarse and readily showed that they felt theirs was a team to be proud of—win or lose. Often criticized for lack of school spirit , they showed at. this game that they could back ,up their team to the utmost— and did just that. The score, 14-8, said that Falmouth had won the game, but Barnstable won too. These players won the biggest victory of all—proving that they weren 't quitters ; that they were a loam—"all for one and one for all." Congratulations to the whole team and their faithful fans for a job well done. The actual score of the game left much unsaid ! - -SuHan Stein * * * * * WE WANT TO DANCE ! You see a crowd of smiling faces and a mass of colors from the girls ' party dresses swirling to the rhythm of the latest Rook and Moll record. You hear peals of happy laughter and friendly greetings being tossed gaily about the hall. Where are yon J At the Saturday Night Key Club dances, of course. The boys of this organization should certainl y be congratu- lated for the great success of these dances. For a very small entrance fee students of Barnstable High School have enjoyed some wonderful evenings complete with refreshments and some fabulous entertainment. Aside from the recently-opened skating rink there are very few activities offered to Barnstable •.tudenta in the winter. The terrific attendance at these dances certainly shows their great popularity. We feel sure that the uttendance and popularity of these affairs could increase if they were held for the remaining winter months. So Key Club , why not continue them ? —Mario Lazard CHAUCER RIDES AGAIN! Seniors ot Barnstable High School have been busy lately sell- ing ads for the Barnacle to local businessmen, The following are "poetic " descriptions of the five moat successful students to date . More next week! Charles Rosary rimrlie goes to Trade School lie 's la the Key Club, too. iVhun he heard there were ads to get, He knew what he must do. Before the dusk of evening, iefore the evening mist. He had just about collected All the ads on his list. Bui did Charlie stop there '. ' You bet he wouldn 't hear of it. Now I ask you fellow students Is this not real school spirit? — Barry Hallet June Cornwell .nine Cornwell is the gal 1 hear, Who gets the ads which are so dear And of which we so budly need , She la way out in tho lead. She comes to school most every day With so many ads that people say, "Jane's the girl that leads the class, She's doing all the work for the mass." Now let's give this gal a hand . And get ads from all the land. 'I'hankR to her we'll have a year- book yet, That'll win a Medalist Award , 1 bet. Larry Harmon Susan Stein Pretty, versatile , and smart is she. Industrious too she's proved to be, While Mrs. Towey keeps crying, "More!" Kusan brings in ads galore . •lei' marks are sure to head the list, Hut this poem 's point 1 hope you 've not missed; In majorettes and chorus she con- tributes well. But we like her best when those ads she does sell. Barbara Barnard Patricia Lovejoy 0a» and jolly fit our Pat to a "T". A1«'aya a lover of the kids ' com- pany. She can 't be content with reading a book. Rather , would she around her look . Pat has a knack for talking a good deal But she certainly doesn 't try to he a "big wheel" With short curly hair and bi g blue eyes Many an advertiser just plain siglis And tosses over his ten dollars Clad to help the B.H.S. scholars. Nancy •Stiles Jeannie Van Leeuwen .Aaiinie Van leeuwen Is her name And her most recent claim to tame Is that she goes out with a dash To bring in for the Barnacle much cash . She is easily able with just a look To persuade you to give something to our book . She's tall and slim and very smart And in many activities she takes a part. She's well dressed and always neat And even has orange shoes for her feet . Her hair is lovely—curled and brown. And you 'll hardly ever see her frown. She'll bring into the room a little light And in her presence there is de- light. Arlene Krazier LETTER TO THE EDITOR WILL THE RE BE H OCKEY? Would you deprive your child or other children of playing a sport which they enjoy very much ? Of course not , but this soems to be what the new management at tho Kennedy Memorial Skating Kink is doing. This last vacation many studyits fro m private schools were home for tho holidays, and since the rink was open , they challenged the lo- cal boys in hockey. One week he- fore Thanksgiving one boy's moth- er made arrang. ments witli the rink to play this game on Friday | morning at 8.00 A.M. Thanksgiv- ing night the boys were Wld thai tin re would he no game the next day. Two of the reasons given were thai arrangements had noi been made SOOn enough, ami the men had to work until 12:00 that night and didn 't want to get up at 7:no the next morning. These excuses seem to be very fei hie becaune last year we could ask the manager the night before and he would let us use the rink. Tho second excuse isn't very valid either , because there are at least five persons working at the rink at different times ; and If ono of them couldn 't just open the doors in the morning, then some- thing is radically wrong. Last year the manager would work until 2:00 A M. and would sleep at the rink so he could open the doors for the boys in the morning. This Incident has not gone down well with the teenage hockey play- ers of the town. Tin y are hoping that something can be done before Christmas vacation to settlo this situation so that their grudge game can be played. Will it? Teenage Hockey Player SENIOR RANKS HIGH IN ESSAY CONTEST Charles Converse, a senior, re- ceived word on December 1 that he had placed third In the state- wide essay contest entitled "How 1 Can Help Elect Fighters for Freedom ", sponsored by the Mas- sachusetts farm Bureau. His prize for this achievement was a check for $25. Nine entries from the Barnstable. High School journalism class were submitted early in October by Mrs. Catherine I). Towey, head of the Rnglish Department . When told of his accomplish- ment , the surprised winner stated , "It couldn 't be!" NEITHER RAIN NOR SLEET NOR SNOW— Could keep the Key Club fro m holding their football rally last Wednesday night. After much toot- ing of horns and racing around to put streamers and sign on every car. the motor-cade of about 30 cars started up the Main Street of Hyannis. Kveryone seemed quite surprised to see such a long line of headlights all beaded for the high school with a police cruiser leading te procession. The cars ended up in the high school park- ing lot where everyone piled out and crowded around a truck , hired by the Key Club , to listen to cheers and to hear the manager ot the football team speak To add lo the excitement , a huge snake dam e was formed , anil around and around the parking lot the) went until everyone was too tired to breath. Dwight Coggeshall and John Donahue , teachers at Barn- stable High School , Introduced each ot the football players after which Coach Hughes gave a final speech, Mary Shepard BASKETBALLS BOUNCE A GAIN AT BARNST ABLE The first fall of Bnow marks the opening of the 19!>X-r>fl basketball season at Barnstable High. Sixty hopeful candidates seeking berths on the varsity and junior varsity squads reported for the first prac- tice held Monday, December 1. Returning veterans from last year 's team are Captain Oeorge Williams, William Phillips. Peter Vondt . Peter Brum-. Chnrlns Con- verse, Douglas Mit chell . Robert Sears . Robert Delano, David Plna. Kevin O'Nell and Allied Faria, Tho team will be coached by John Hughes and his assistant Dwig ht Coggeshnll. Charles Converse BELLS IN THE DIST ANCE With Thanksgiving over. Autumn releases its last feeble hold on the land and gives way to Win- ter. Now the chill winds blows in earnest , without a leaf nn any tree io Impede Its tierce progress, The sky is cold , grey, and dead, and the earth is a sullen brown. Hut soon , dulling th e wind' s roar will be the sound of Christmas bells with tlie earth covered by a bright sheot of snow like thick , frosted KIIIBH . Yes, today 's cold drabness of weather and spirits Will soon be dispelled as the beau- tiful, gay holidays approach, Vicki Colonnn A STEP , A TWIRL AND A SMILE "Who is the little girl Willi Ih- red lights leading the band?" Well , the pint-Size I wirier who helps io pin ihe Barnstable nigh School Rand through its puces iii Joanne Elizabeth Drow . Joanne , a second grader al Hy- annis EJlementary School , learned baton twirling from her aunt Bar- bara Haiti head majorette "i the high school band. But what good Is n irfajon ite without ., band lo lead? Seeing Joanna and 'Barbara leading ihe other majorettes and the band ai football games nnd pa- rades shows how thai problem was solved, Joanne is an avid football ran and likes to waich the names . She thinks bato n twirling is tun ami int. nds lo continue this hob- by, BUI don'l think this is tier only hobby, Joanne also likes to collect grass .-ii.ikes. This sandy-haired, junior-si ze majorette is sure to be seen Btrulttng and Broiling as Bill- heads the band for a few years yet to come, WHAT' S YOUR SUGGESTION.' Why did yon. the students of Barnstable High School, elect the student Council representative 1 To serve you by acting us a medi- um between you and Ihe powers that he . ot course . So in eider lo serve you better we have placed g suggestion box made by Michael Oson the trade school representative, on ihe win- dow sill by Ihe bus-port. It' s up te. you now lo see that we set youi Ideas. Last year , through your sugges lions , we w ere utile lo have soups and salads sold during the lunch periods with music played then. town meeting type assembles, i Inst elections to id in the spring , and I' ilge , submitted a demerit system )<> Hie teachers, without your sugges linn of these Wo WOUld nol have known thai yon wanted them In order that we may ai'.ain ho a \ iv active organi -al ion u e need your help We have jtven yoti the lion bos the :¦ i , mi in you ! ,l_ \ ¦:.. -» Barnstable Hi gh R A I D - I U S i wo more Barnstable fli-h seniors are college bound. Penny sir;, he,- has been accepted al Southern Seminary and Louise vi luteiev at High I'oini College. I'\ve Butts and Patricia Plynn have been helping with the Barnacle advertising, The Barnacle staff thanks you , girls. Tom Totem Quote-em ; "Him who put-Utt many suggestions in suggestion box get mn resultsI" Next year 's Raiders will he led by newl y elected oo-oap- tains Bruce Woodruff and William Dow . Here 's hoping they "scal p era " all. The Thanksgiving game resembled old home week with HO many Barnstable High grads home for the long weekend. The Code Club will be round bagging 10(l(i pounds of candy Thursdaj and Friday afternoon: Somebody had better remember to bring the aspirin. One hundred and eighteen seniors with 1 IS parents as sponsors makes $118,00 Tor the Barnacle. All members of the Code C) u) > nn- writing book reports to be posted in the library. Please cooperate and read them to help Mrs . Margaret S. Archibald decide what new hooks to order. These senior pirl s are getting quite adopt at the hand jive. Willie will be out of a ,ji>!> prettj Booh. The sophomore Class is holding its (irsl dance . " Winter Wonderland", Saturday, December 13, The school is alread y sprinkled with gay posters. Let 's all ixo and hel p them make it a success. The photographer will have a Ion": day ahead of him when he comes hack for retakes . See you then , kiddies '. ' The lirst snow (lurries of the year were greeted at the Key Club dance with squeals of delight and "Jingle Bell Rock. " The Code Club and Key Club are helping the Board of Trade with the Santa Claim parade Saturday, December (i . The Chorus is having trouble enunciating "Adoramua to, Christc ". Better go hack to lirst year Latin and start all over again, The moon shines over the mountain and Chuek y Con- verse 's black eye shiner all over Barnstable High, Some people have skeletons in their closets , hill locker 209 had a real live girl in it, Wasn 't it a little stuffy in 'there , Mare ia? We hear that Louis Ciiitf means thai Louis can 't swim, •lane. And for two years you 've been suffering from the de fusion that it means Louis V. Joe Ifnsselt had his east removed last week and is now having physical therapy to help remove the blood clot in his leg. The seniors made over $200.00 on the concession Thursda y. That 's a powerful lot of doughnuts! —M. Montgomery. Birch Barks William L WAHT0LA Registered Master Plumber Plumbing & Heating Water Heaters liadlaut Heating oil Humor Sales and Service SPring 5-1617 f FHfjgl- ACME REFRIGERA TION SALES and SERVICE • KELVINATOR HOT POINT • I Cubic Tool Murine Refrigerators 21 Noll System 612 Yarmouth Road Hyannis Tel. Spring 5-2 1 53 IClC3 '. ^'_J,.J»'^H^»iaS=«^»,^^^'=*ClC3ir3a ! ^a^! ^^ f ^ "Mildred's " j] Let Us Handle Your Christmas Parties SPECIAL RATES Mildred ' s Chowder House [ ROUTE 28 Near the Airport SPring 5-1045 | CAMPANELLA CARDI CONSTRUCTION CO. Asphalt Paving and Estlmato on • Driveways Yarda • • Sldewalkt • • Parking Areas • • Gaa Statlont • | Route 130 Sandwich GArden 8-2433 i-^ f rnolj oZ) . (ADitrch \ Qtfu \ CHRISTMAS CARDS S I 25% off A f See the Fabulous Costume i i Jewelry for Fall and Winter I I Wide Selection of J t HOME ACCESSORIES I t (11PTS FOll THE T J BRIDE AND HOSTESS J iy>W Main St reet Tel. SP 5 ^ 147 jj WHY DO WE UNDERSELL ANY STORE? Because our store is located in the basement of our house. Low Overhead-High Quality Merchandise at PRAGER S 67 East Main Street W- *"™<"h Telephone SPring 5-2W8 Open from 8:00 A.M. to 9:0O P.M. fiKm* (^jEJW^t aulgflt t ' 'JulMBrLj ' [j BARNSTABLE COUNTY MUTUAL ({ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Rte. 6-A Yarmouthport I O ff ering. . . n fl New Advantages and , Old Fashioned Integrity During the life of the company It has uerer paid leas than y 30 percent dividends. j U S (1 Applications for Insurance should be made to any of [] the following: U Robert G. Dowling Cecil I. Goodspeed Hyannis ' Osterville Edward L. Harris Howard J. Carlson U fj Barnstable Sandwich jj i-jacBacsaaqsagsaggagn ^ i . ii -"¦^•a»si«^HB*l^J»^KfldP*™^ nC?M(^sfc^ |l || 07\ M j Z u w i a n a* Qhah^ i ROBERT M. KELLETf INSURANCE AGENCY 1 ! SPring 5-2680 i .J xV/V/^^^O^^V^^' /^v'/Z/^/^^^^V/V/ '/^'^V^^V^^^' /V/' /Wi 1 ' : | There's another way to | deposit your savings with us I I j. , ;M^ .^" ^¦( ti \4 i td %,M >v m/- x I il m l * '^fe-«>#a» ;" if #v \m il l\l i jm^*^~~ . -\ 8 Come in often. Bui when you can 't tall Ofl us — h bank by mail. You 'll save lime, steps and money 8 this modern way. 3 j HYANNIS TRUST COMPANY j 307 Main Street, Hyuniiin , Mass. ) ¦ »J NIGHT DEPOSITORY | S DRIVE IN TELLER SERVICE 3 1 * 5 S BANKING HOURS S | Monday Through Frldav 9:00 A.M. - ZOO P.M. H Fno.-iy Eveninyt: 6.10 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. !> • » 9 BRANCH OFFICES 5 >» Main Street , Oiterville 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. S 0 *1r>nl..r I .'ilI' Mll lll- |»..«ll IIIMII , Hfi.'r ' „'H.>r.ll„li H \ M».»M»»».r V»**rm * U w r % m %,mi ^m A ^§gggf§gggg^MMMAtM6«o««<>«<»<» ^i' #o««<<»«««>«.