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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
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^ MRS. MIR IAM BLAIR B„nd Court. Tel. SPring 5-5919 HYANNIS LIBRARY HEADING HOUR I After a week's vacation for the r mank Day week-end. the „„.,,, hour for pre-schoolers on S»ft»« " t0 U "'clork Wi" ,., resumed tomorrow. Reader for ,„„ hour this week which is pre- lC(, regularly through the ef- forts of the Hyannis Woman 's ..lull, will be Mrs. William Babbitt. .,„„ ' of her stories , we hear, will be llK)„l. the angel with the crew cut! ' There are more new books on ,|„, shelves of the library. One that Wj|| surely be widely read is "Doe- „ir ZhlvagO," a novel by a Rus- SJaTI> about B Russian, which de- jM 'the Totalitarian 's way of life. This is the novel, already widely r,vid and discussed In Europe , »Mch has won for its author , Bor- | , I'anternak. the Nobel Prize for literature . Aside from the interest created by the awarding of the . Sobel Prize , critics have acclaimed this novel as one of the moKt sig- nificant of our times, and it will surely be one of the "greats" - islring Its place with the other classics, Another book on the Mau-Muu ronntry has appeared, "Man Hunt In Kenya ", by Ian Henderson with phillp Ooodhart. Mr . Henderson, a „hito man born in Kenya , was (Tiief Superintendent of the Nia- robi police and he was assigned to capture the Mau-Mau leader, Ded- ;,n Rimatbi. This fascinating book ban many of the aspects of fiction ncept for the fact that Mr. Hen- derson has told his story with u Health of detail that could come only from a thorough knowledge ,,f Hie Kiguyus their language and the way their mind works . Anoth- ,r fascinating book new to the Selves of the library is Thor lliyisrila hl' s "Aku-Aku " a story of :ho tiny (16 miles long and 8 miles wide) Easter Island which lies some 2.000 miles off the coast of finite Thi. nearest habitable land It pitcairn Island tying some. 1 ,500 railtis to the west. North and south there is nothing but the vast ex- panse of the Pacific Ocean. On '!iis remote little island are found [gome monuments of one of man 's most extraordinary cultures , typi- fied i"< several hundred giant mon- olithic statues that dot the barren island. Nevil filmic bus a new book oal, "The Rainbow and the Rose". Australia and aviation , which have apparently exerted great influences mi Mi Shute's life , have been wov- en into the novel , and while the plot leans rather heavily on co- incidence and concealed identity, tiie romance of the story of avia- tion in more than enough to over- 'iitn i these defects and make for a deeply moving novel . Mildred Savage, a new author, maieH her debut with a book call- ed "Parrish". Miss Savage is said '" nave many of the qualities of Edna l erber. and a comparison can be made between "Parrfsh" and "fi'am '. allowing for the differ- fni'ii" ni actual story and setting. i™<- w iting Is the tobacco country M Connecticut, and tells of young ^rriq, MacLean who works in ""¦ '"Ids and learns of the feuds and itruggles of the area. HV^KJ NIS GARDEN CLUB ri't Executive Board of the lly- ""is ^ardt-n Club will meet next rnesday, December 9, at 9:30, at »• home of Mrs . William P. hn"1*!l0» '»» Cotult Road in Mar- slons Mills . CAPE COD CONSIST ORY CLUB EiRlitrj annua] "(;„ To Church '»i'ia.» - services will be held at "lock i„ the Federated ¦ " " *¦ sponsored by the t'ape *> <' «nslatory Club. All Master Tht- •""' illvlte<1 tP attend. *« will be special mush- for E > service. The service will be J"""''l by „ „()l.ial hour , be- ™B ai ten o'clock in the Me- ,r *' nmidinn. J*««*I8 WOMAN'S CLUB J*»EON MEET ING ' monthly luncheon meeting ^ Hyannia Woman 's Club will be bold at Hyannis Inn next Tues- day, December 0 at 12:30. Mem- bers who plan lo at tend are asked to call Mrs. Karl llolden . Spring 5-1118 , for reservations by Satur- day. This meeting will be a Christ- mas Party, and all who attend are asked to bring a 50c. gift. The meeting room will lie decorated tor Christmas,' complete with a tree, and as part of the entertain ment there will be carol singing. Mrs. Robert Scudder wh reads so be&UtlfUlly, will tell tlie story of "The Littlest Angel '. CONGRATULATIONS To Mr. and Mrs . John S. Askew of Fisher Bond , who became the grandparents of Debra . horn No- vember 21 at Bovingdon Air Force Base , outside of London. Debra's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Askew. Mrs. Askew , the former Patricia Souza. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antone Souza , Jr.. ol Santult. Congratulations too, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Askew of Cherry Street who. incidentall y, are the great-grandparents ol young Debra. They celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving Eve und last Satur- day a reception , attended by those both far and near, was held in the Memorial Building of the Fed- erated Church in their honor CHRISTMAS DECORATION SUGGESTIONS Now that the Bury of Thanks- giving Day is past, the lime has come that we can settle down and make plans for Christinas festivi- ties. It is a good time to recall some ol the suggestion- made by Mrs. John E. Fairbank when th e members of the Hyannis Garden Club last met . Mrs. Fairbank led the members on an imaginary tour of the house and suggested designs appropriate for each of the rooms utilizing inexpensive and easily ac- cessible materials , and also keep- ing in mind that these shoul d be projects for tti<- entire family. An intrigin g suggestion for the dining room table was a center - piece designed to compliment the silver service. A regular pineapple, the age-old symbol of hospitality. was sprayed with silver paint in such a way that on looking down al it the leaves wi re green inside and silver outside. The entire pineapple was studded with pearl- beaded corsage pins. For the chil- dren there was a min iature Christ- mas tree dotted with lollypops which could later be removed tor the important purpose of being eaten, hi the kitchen there was a ring mould filled with juniper. A fut red candle , anchored to a custard cup, was placed 'in the center.' Mrs. Fairbank showed bow lib- eral use of wire coathangers, bard- ware cloth and chicken wire could be used as foundations , and how native shrubs and trees, sparkled by the use of the gold, silver , cop- per and bronze paints available In pressure spray cans could be con- verted easily and Inexpensi vely In- to the mos t imaginaliv , lecnro- t ion. HYANNIS LIBRARY RECEIVES GIFT The Trustees of I be Hyannis Library Associatio n . represented by President HolHg Wordellj were presented with a check represent' Ing the proceeds or a dance spon- sored by the Hyannis Woman 's Club al Hie Club' s last meeting. For the past few years members of the Hyannis Woman 's Club have held a Harvest Ball lor the benefit of the Library Association. This year the check totalled a little more than $200 Another feature of the meeting was the art corner which will be held at each meeting by members of the Art Committee . Mrs. Walter Baker displayed lour beautiful pieces from her collectio n of Roy- al Dalton. The program was con- duct , d by Mrs. John Sheaffer, Sec- retary of the Barnstable County chapter of the Massachusetts Heart Association, Mrs. Scheaffer showed a film on various types of heart conditions , and introduced Dr. Robert Thrope , who answered tiuestions from the audience. Members of the Hyannis Wom- an 's Club are asked to bring the squares they are making for an ftfgan to .Miss Margaret Ossenbeck at 216 Main Street , as soon as pos- sible, Time is getting vi ry short , and there is still much work to be done , alter the squares are turned in. Those members who are work- ing on assembling the squares will appreciate the co-operation of the members in being as prompt as possible. Other activities of the Woman 's Club this week will be as follows: The Executive Board will meet at the home ol Mrs Lawrence Lip- paid Ibis evening. Mrs. Ronald Humbly and Mrs. Emerson Cloutier will be co-hostesses. On Tuesday. December ilth , the regular month- ly luncheon will lie held at Hyan- nis Inn. as previously mentioned. Tuesday evening the Art Commit- tee will meet al. 7:4.1 at the home of Miss Eloise Crocker. Mrs. Ev- eretl Lewis will preseni the pro- gram. Next Thursday, December u t h will be the regular month!) meeting al the clubhouse, A Christ- mas party has been planned, and members are reminded to brin g a gift of under a dollar for a gift t xchnnge, BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. ami Mrs . Alexander J, Hol- land (the former Dianii Eldred gei of Hyannis . have announced the ar- rival of a son and second child , Stephen Alexander , born N'ov . 2ii at Doctors ' Hospital , Freeport . L. | „ New York. Maternal grandparent is Raymond Bldredge or Hyannis, Great-grandfather is Harold w. Sears . Sr., also - iliictlini .Mortgage service into your pluiiH. Tlini Information l» yours - without obligation. I 'OIIO' il HO,,11 . The Friendly Bank ^S|ggfesgfjL „„„ ^ ^r INCORPORATED isas MAIN STREET, SANDWICH, MASSACHUSETTS ] KrfwrfKTOOTJBBTJS? ^JBr^r^ H ^ «^^ JHif «* ffifcflgffii Jr\ Aff llt ^LV I W ]^K3 Sf|H| ^ftLlgJ^L I I Vrfrg *"w I tr io. ^m \'i — —-.¦¦- ¦---_ ^H Bl .. i By now you are tho proud owner of a VIA TEL telephone book cover, which was sent to you with the best wishes of your local, authorized VIA-TEL merchant. Designed to protect and preserve your phone book, it places valuable telephone information right at your fingertips. Your authorized VIA TEL merchant is a neighborhood business man. Perhaps you passed him this morning with a "Hi , Joe, line dayl" If you didn 'l, and you don't know him, you should. He is the right "Joe" to know and a good man to do business with. He is not an "absentee owner". He contributes to the growth and welfare of your community. When you need him, he's there ready to do his part. 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