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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lUISS MARY SPRAGUE FOrest 2-3854 COMEDY CLUB TI,e "llniresu ", from the novel , Washington Squaie'f, by Harry met W«« presented by the Barn- t0e comedy Club recently. 'Phi-re „ farge attendance both nights. AJ always i 1" rUlh K,lV( ' ? very '""' performance. Notable in their splendid pdr- rrayala » , rti «i"- !,,ine Howes as ferine Sloper, the Heiress; BHjabeth (MrB. Itasil I) . Edwards , ar ) iii the supporting rolo of La- va ' nia Penniman, the romantic old . liinl , 'l'*'1' Il(,wl,'-V aa I)r - AUHtin ' sloper ; Paul Merri ll as Arthur rownsend, the rather mercenary iorei What vvaa rather unusual waa that n!l the roles, however pilnor, were extremely well done. The costumes were gorgeous and could have not produced a love- lier effect The set design was by I.ouis Cary and executed by Basil Edwards, William P. Campbell , Vir- ginia Howell, Sally Sawyer, John Simiikins . Louise Green ami Lois Perry- AN NUAL CHRISTMAS SALE The annual Unitarian Christmas sale will be held at the Parish House on Dee. 13 f rom 2 to 8 p.m. Supper will be served at 5:30 and C:30. There will be aprons , fancy work , candy, food, doll, candle, sreens and men's tables. Grabs for ihe children and tea . This year dolls' clothes will be a new fea- ture. Mis. B. K. Jerauld and Mrs. K. H. Bernard are co-chairmen. WOMA N'S CLUB At the regular December 8 meet- ing of the Woman 's Club the en- tertainment will be under the?, di- | eetion ot Mrs. I,. M. Crocker, Jr. PERSONALS Mr and Mi's. Clarence Mason of Sullen Point Road spent Thanks- giving with their friends, Mr. and Mrs Harold Tisdale of Cochitunte, , Bradbury Mitchell was at home from college tor Thanksgiving and - the weekend. Mrs. S. T. Knott , St\, and Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Knott. Jr.. and fam- ily M" nt Thanksgiving with Mr. 'mill Mrs . John A. Crocker and fam- ily in Kpping. X. H.. stopping with Mr . and Mrs . S. S. Crocker and family in Manchester for Wed1 nesriay night. .Mr and Mrs. John Chase nnd children of Cohasset , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chase of Melrose and Miss Eleanor Oecrow of Wellosley were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Connor. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Barnard spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. A. p. McLean and family in Warwick . It. 1. Mr. and Mrs . William P. Lovejoy, Jr., spent Thanksgiving at the linnie of his sister and family. Mr . and Mrs. Clarence Hobson in Wey- mouth. Mrs. William P. Lovejoy, Sr., returned home with them. Mrs. Karl P. lleinzen spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her sister, Mrs. William Pettn Tuttle, in Dover, X. If. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nash en- tertained their granddaughter . I)i- .inuii (iarvin or Caracas, Venezuela , o student at Walnut Hill School in Natick, and Mrs. A. A! Cla/lin of Winchester, sister ot Mr. Nash, for Thank sgiving and t he weekend, ¦ KXal- ^^H^^Uau^M^HHM * Mr. and Mrs'. David Young of university of Massachusetts were at home with their p arents , Mr. and Mrs . J, L, Davles for Thanksgiving and the weekend . Miss Lucia II . Twomblev and Miss Mary Kil n O Uourke of Plain- field uni) Mi- , wnini m Brendan of Budbury were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. mid Mrs . \v. ii. T.wornbley, Mrs. Mat y Ann Montgomery and son Stuart, Of Wellesley, were weekend guests ot Mr, and .Mrs. Clyde T. Brennen. Stuart is a stud- ent at Deerfield Academy, Mrs . Edward S. Young spent Thanksgiving with her daughter , .M rs. David L. frocKer , and family. Dr. Ethel Cornell and Miss Mary Coynes entertaine d Miss Helen Elgin of Port Jefferson, N. Y., for Thanksgiving and the weekend. , Philip Breed of Lynn spent tin- past week al his home on Sullen Point Road. Mrs. Raymond Nell, Mr. and Mrs . Douglas Neil and daughter . Nancy spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs . Donald Nell and famil y in Attleboro. Mrs . John C. Howard , Sr., and her son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. John C. Howard , Jr., of Millway spent Thanksgiving with Mrs . Howard's sister. Mrs . Cordon Donald of Weston. Mrs. Donald sails shortly to spend Christinas with her daughte, Charlotte Ker- nel' , nea r Olso . Norway. Tom Veterino of St. John 's Prep School in Danvers and Jack Vete- rino of Frank Institute , Boston, were home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs . John Veterino for the Thanksgiving holidays, Mr. and Mrs . Paul Turner and daughter Dell spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bogeniief and family in Abington, Pa. Mr. and Mrs . Paul Kelly and j family spent Thanksgiving and the i weekend with Mr . and Mrs. Thorn- ] as J . Lennox, Jr. , in Plainlield , N. J . Mr. and .Mrs. I„ P. Kent of YVash- j ington , D. C, spent the holiday week at their home on Saltan Point Road. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sander and Mr. and Mrs. K en/. from Wash- ington , I). (' ., were thole guests. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Neves who hn ve been livin g In Hyannis for some years , are now making their linme at their son. Anthony Whit e 's apartment. Peter Droll , a student al St. Francis College . Loretio , Pa., and his friend , John Jones of West Vir- ginia, were home with Peter 's (flu- ents, for Thanksgiving and the weekend. Marianne Droit , a freshman al Setmi Hill . Greensburg, Pa., was al home for Thanksgiving and thi weekend. Mr . and Mrs, Herbert W. Chesley of Scnrsdale, x. v., were at their Kent Lane home for Ihe Thank - giving ho liday W06k Dr. Howard Shlras and William Uexander Ol NBW York were at the Shira's home 6n Rendezvous Lane for the holiday week . ' Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Coggeshall and family ol Dedhnni spenl Thanksgiving and the weekend at the Coggeshall home on Rendez- vous Lane . Mrs. James M. Barnard , accom- panied by Mrs. Theodora Barnard, spent Thankslvlng with her sis- ter. Mis. William Peters, and her family in KalmoUth, Mr . ami Mr- . Harry .1. Barrett and famil y ol New London. X . II., spent Thanksgiving ami the week- end with their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stone. Mis- Mary A. Spingue Spenl Thanksgiving with her sister , Mrs . E, A. Moore, and famil y in West Lynn . White there she visited her niece and family, Mrs. P. K. Hutchinson and family in Murble- tiead. Mr. and .Mrs. Moore and granddaughte r , Bonnie, Brought .Miss Sprague home by motor on Saturday. Miss Lorraine Fraser of Boston and Miss Carlene Fraser of Univer- sity of Massachusetts in Amherst were willi their parents, Mr. and Mrs . Carl Fraser of Main Street tor Thanksgiving and the weekend. Their other daughter 1st Lit. Ella Joyce Fraser, a physical therapist , attached to the Medical Specialist Corps of the V. S. Air Force re- cently at Scott A. F. P. in Illinois , was also with her parents for Thanksgiving nnd the weekend en- route lo Ihe Air Itase in Ititlierg. Germany, other guests of the Fra- sers included Mrs. Primer 's mother , Mrs. Edgar K. Ord e of Hart ford. Conn., and Mi. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood oi Welhersneld, Conn. Forest McXre of Xew Canaan , Conn., was the holiday guest of his daughter and family, Mrs. Timothy Coggeshall on Rendezvous Lane . Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Holmes of l.ocusl Lane are receiving congrat- ulations on the birth of a son. Collin Fuller . This is their second son and third child. .Mr . and Mrs . Raymond D. Hunt- I : ~ — ing of Rendezvous I .line siiil ei December t on the M V . Satttrnli from Boston. They will In- in Italy France nnd Mallorca before thai return sometime alter March 1st. ;iilPAPHSlABLE Olie 01 I lie 1UL! M MJsllipllM 'M ' , lected to speak al various schools, civic organizations nnd clubs in his home area during the Christ mns leave period , la Midshipman First Class .lames iv Murph) . sot of Ml. .mil Mrs. Wiliiini Ii P Murphy ot is North street, Hynn ll is. His appearances will he n pari of tfie Naval Acad emy 's "Opera Hon Information" Inuuguaratei two years ago to maintain a hlgl level of interest in the Nnva Academy, as well as the Navy, lie Will show the Bin), "Thl Annapolis Story", a c olor docu montarj ot the Naval Academy, a< well as pamphlets and other lit em tare to aid him in his presentation John S. Hearse, aviation median it- third class . I'SN. son of Mr am Airs. John S. Hearse ot 182 Se; Street, Hyannis, is iervlnp win Naval Air Anti Submarine Squad ion 39, at the Naval Air Station Quonset Point, Rhode Island, Before entering the \.iv > In Feb In The Service I INSURANCE i , and ANNUITIES i i . i . i I ;i Frank G. Thacher Insurance Agency i I ROBERT G. DOWLING i Masonic Temple Hyannis, Mas9. Tel. SPring 5-1620 >i > CAPE COD SPORTING CENTER selling a complete line of Sporting Goods and Sports Books • See us in relation to all your sporting goods and apparel . State Road South Yarmouth Tel. EXeter 8-2668 He B. L. TALLMAN , Inc. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS ORfcfl l-;«|iil|iinfMit mill Sti|» |iltr* III SlK- riumi Sqi SPring R-1788 II - i n , l , i s . >1||NN RAYMOND'S T. V. SERVICE PHILCO - ZENITH RADIOS - TV - HI-FI Fast Dependable Service on all makes Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. SPring 5-3190 i = GEORGE'S BARBER SHOP Main Street i , Osterville ^'. '.W/' /V//,' /' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,','//.' /'//'//' . ' /' /'//'/'/-'. '/. '///?/'/, '/,',',' I *h SKATING TIME! I ^Wl i ^v Have Complete Outfits Fotf $ *t & Your Skating Pleasure >; I I SKATING SKIRTS IN CORDUROY $ REDS and BLACK, 7 to 14 $5.95 £ >* TEENS, 10 to 14 $5 95 0 I — I § HELENCA STRETCH TIGHTS \ CHILDREN - TEENS - MISSES Turtle-Neck White Wool ;: SWEATERS $ ALL SIZES - $4.98 lo $7.95 1 ! 1 WOOL MITTENS and SCARF SETS ] I $1.98 | WOOL SKATE SOX >* $1 00 to $1.98 jj I — s j HYANNIS CLOTHING CENTER I Comp lete Family Outfitters £ fl 294 MAIN STREET SPring 5- 1758 HYANNIS \ > v ' ; LOUTS DEAN | I 364 Main Street Hyannis I PORTABLES /| 1 1 |^ HI FI RADIOS ^PP' STERK0 ; j ' DEAN - TENNAS | / The salt and weather resistant T.V. Aerials ], Improve Any Set's Performance / Ideal For Color T.V. Guaranteed \ = ^ ¦ - ~ For The Best In # W DINING or I)ANCIIN(; ; / ?y^ ^m CHARLIE'S . f fV\^7 I -^ SV , ' CRAIGVILL E BEACH ROAD *\r« V *^X[T^^l I I WEST HYANNISPORT DANCING every Friday and Saturday To ROCKY'S COMBO in our our Spacious Hyannis "Port" Room You'll want to dance all nigh! to the splendid music of ROCKY'S COMBO and of course you'll enjoy our wonderful Cocktails . . . . ruADi irc Ton You'll Never Taste Better! Plan on Dinner at CHARLIE S Too Steaks - Chicken - Spaghetti or I'izza DANCING SATURDAYS 8 to 12.00 RESERVATIONS _ _ w^^ Buy an y%^Electric Clothes Dryer— %% $ Get an Electric Blanket Limited Time! i i / Buy any electric dryer from us lid ore ( hiistnuis and I you will receive u G.E. automatic blankel ahsolutrly free! 1 This blanket is light-weight, mothproof, non-allergenle, i and completely washable. And G.B.'s farnoitt Sleep-Guard ) system automaticall y keeps the temin'ralurc you set . I Both the dryer and blanket make wonderful Christ* mas tfifls both t reasured for years to come. ! ; | ^ 5 5S.^ T| 1959 FRIGIDAIRE I /—- | Automatic Uothes Dryer I LJ $ 15995 | 2| ^__^---^-n Only $10 down \J -fyw) ^W ^ ^ ^J SI SB WH ^ (payable monthl y) " '- -^ • T ally automatic •"Wrinkles-Ana;, " drying cuts drying ttos by hours • l ast Frc<- -\Va . \ air How system Dtraatlwr Ul, u id I ^T ^M . ., I„I ,,„ I ,i .... HI ..-!¦ i« i.ui' lum-'i F> v. '\ . ^ aa^^k. ii,,in "i 1 >i e J . ^ f l ^k iin- V "'V ^fli 9^ ^,^,^ j u L ^ \ m SITTIR^ CAPE «Sc ^% ELECTRIC ^ g ^crmcr> v VIN EYARD '$$ COMPANY KEWWJWPfWfl | ; ¦ — LARRY TILLGREN Paintina and Decorating Tel. SPring 5-0131 STUDENTS I l#v. , . -¦r? ^^^rjW^^g J^KL^^H >^>V s&^^^^^r f y « # eREMINGTON Qtdet-AtfaL ($6«, >U&et4. - ' Main St., SPrinfl 5-2810 Optn Every Friday Evening till 9:00 P.M. 18 lut! was realised l>j ins Barn- stable Cunnty I' nlilic Health elation during the tirst week nr Us annual mail Bale ol Christmas Si-ills . "We iin- Indeed hnppj over the returns to do,te", Philip Jones, As< soclatlon president, said. "If tin response to out1 ORntpalgti continues to iioiii up, we i nn i-xjH 'i i ;i record total". A blood test to detect active tuberculosis is one pi 88 researi b • ¦ . ID56, iii attended Hiirni faiilt | High School. * * + 4 John (' Roderhmes, III, radar- j nun) Beuman, t' s\. ot - ' Uroukaltlro ; Rood, Hyannis, I ervinn ahoai'd |the escort destroyer rss Wnlbor | at Pearl Harbor, T, ll. The Walker Is n null »t the i r . s. Seventh Fleet, i • * * • Warren W. Seekell, chlel avlo- ¦ tion eectronics technloian, USN, I HOII of Mrs. Jessie V. Seekpll ol 04 - Strawberrj Hill Road, Route I, Hj I minis , uiul liiislinmi of the Former i MisH Kutii p, Williams ni Taunton, I is si'i'vliiR aboard the anti-sub- marine aircraft carrier I'ss Prince- ¦ tun operating with the t' .s. Seventh ¦ Fleet i" the Western Puclfli projects being upported tills year hj Christmas Seal contributions, Five ot the Investigations will bo conducted In Massachusetts, I'lic blood to • invei ttgatlon , which Ims been supported bj Christmas Seal monej tor throe years, II pi i ¦ i ted , «iii provide a badl) needed ti I to diagui ¦ e i U, it is imped that the lesi win en- able detection of rn at an earlier ; stage than Is routine today. Tills will assure eartior treatmeni and taster recovery. So Important is tho blood tost re- search that the National Tuberculo- sis Association has called upon Its 2700 local associations to provide additional Ctinds, Several Massachu- i i'i i \ ¦oi fations responded with extra tiwarcla to this resettiTIi projoi i. » "o« »* — 1 Pari ol the Christmas smi . on- trlbutlons to the Dnrnstable>Count} \ oi lation, as part of the national TS control movement, goes toward ,i research, Additional funds were awarded bj the \ 101 lation this year to support the "Bai nstable County Hi niiii Meodi Survey" con- dtu ' . il b) the Harvard School ni Public Health Health Seal Sales Will Continue 0^ ^ CiflNA ,/v * * * * * -.__ _ Aj rmAitta. GIFTS D I N N E H W A R E - G L A S S W A R E 483 Main Strei t , Hyaftnls