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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
December 4, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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December 4, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MRS. WILLIAM E. BELDAN Tel. SPrlng 5-9039 COMING EVENTS Members of the Women 's Fellow- ship of the Village Church will sather in the church vestry for their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening. Dec. S, with a scheduled plan of devotions led by- Mrs . Bruce Stewart; a business session conducted by Mrs. Peter Palettes, president, and a social hour . Hostesses of the evening will he Mrs. Lennox Bodman, Mrs. H. Heyworth Backus. Mrs. H. Allen Davis and Mrs. C. Wesley Bright. Members of Our Lady of Victory Guild will also hold their regulai monthly meeting alter the evening mass on Monday evening. l>ei S. in the parish hall of the church. A business meeting directed by Mrs. Walter B. Baker . Jr.. president, a demonstration in gift wrapping presented by Mrs. Jerry Monroe, Jr.. and a Christmas party with exchange ot gifts are scheduled. Mrs. Jack Jaxtimer. chairman. Mrs. (filbert Hearse. Mrs Bills Johnson and Mrs . living Harrison will serve as hostesses ot the evening. The members of the Centerville Hoard of Trade have scheduled their monthly meeting for Thurs- day evening, Dec. 11 at the Com- munity Building on Main Street. All members are urged to attend. Christmas lighting in the village, plans for the annual Board of Trade dinner party and future ac- livities of the group will be dis- cussed. Mrs. Bradley Parker . Mrs. Barbara Newton and Mrs. I,ouis Serpico are to be the hostesses during the social hour which will follow the business session con- ducted by Louis Serpico. president. The members of the Centerville Firemen 's Association have sched- uled another baked bean and ham ¦supper for Saturday evening. Dee. 13, at the Fire Station. Barle C. Williams is chairman of the com- mittee in charge. The Paul Revere Bell Ringers will present a program of music at th*' Village Church at 4 p.m. Sunday, December 11. This pre- Christmas or special Advent ser- vice is sponsored by the Women 's Fellowship of the church and is open to the public. A silver offer- ing will be taken to help ilefray expenses. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr . and Mrs. W. H. Springstead, Jr ., of Wichita , Kansas, have an- nounced the engagement of their ditughter , Brenda Jane to Airman 2/c Robert R. Thomas, son of Mrs. Mary E. Thomas of Pine Street, this village. Miss Springstead is a 1958 grad- uate of East High School in Wich- ita and is at present a student at an Academy of Cosmetology in Kansas. I Airman - ' c Thomas is a 1956 graduate of Barnstable High School and is stationed at McCon- nell Air Force Base, Wichita, Kansas. The couple have planned a Jan- uary IS, 1959 wedding at the Mc- Connell Air Force Base chapel with Chaplain James Eastland the officiatin g clergyman. M A Y N A R D - K I M B A L L WEDDING Mrs. Margaret K. Maynard of Greenwich, Conn., widow of Ed- ward B. Baynnrd. and Fordham B. Kimball of Boston and this village, were united in marriage in the chapel of Christ Episcopa l Church In Greenwich Saturday morning. Nov. 22 with Rev. Robert Apple- ton , the officiating clergyman. Mrs . Arthur C. Havlin of Weston was the bride 's only attendant . Mr. Kimball was the husband of the late Mrs. Alice Oilman Kim- ball. He and his bride are makin g their home at Hongwood Towers in Brookline. CAMP FIRE GIRLS Hirls of Centerville are members of two Camp Fire groups this year. The We-to-ina-chick group, form- erly made up of eight Centerville and Hyannisport girls , now in- I eludes Marita Bright, Joan Bloom, j Wend y Hayes , Susanne Oregoire I of Centerville; Janet Freeman of ! Hyannisport . and Mildred Gilford of Hyannis. These girls meet with j their guardian Miss Martha Porter \ of 92 Winter Street, Hyannis, on | Monday afternoons after school. Mrs . Carl Freeman is sponsor of the group. The girls have completed their j interesting tvee survey . Marita Bright and .loan Bloom have been chosen as a committee to plan spe- i cial recreation activities for a |three month period. Future pro- i jects and plans include the prepar- ing, serving and eating of a meal and a Christmas party later this month A different member is in , charge of after school refresh- j ments at meetings each month. A newly organized group of fifth grade Camp Fire Girls has been meeting on Thursdays at the home of Ounrdlan , Mrs. Jerry Curry, since October 9. The Indan name J Ta-wan-ka meaning "willing to undertake" has been chosen by the group and al) the girls of Cen- lerville fifth grade, together with a like number from Hyannis . are ' working under a large sponsoring committee consisting of M rs. Lau- rence Bearse. Mrs. Simon C.esin, Mrs. Leo Oregoire, Mrs. Warren Johnson , Mrs. Jack Renzi and Mrs . Frank Williams. A tree census , as part of the Camp Fire National Conservation program, has been completed; a field trip lo the open house at the Cape Cod Standard-Times was en- joyed; the group together with other Centerville Camp Fire Oirls and Blue Birds collected over $150 in the ONICEF drive mi Hal- lowe 'en; n nature hike to Hatha- way 's Pond was well attended; and the girls will have their second session of group singing tinder the direction of Miss Irene Cahrnl. secretary of the cape cmi Conserv- atory of Music and Arts on Thurs- day of this week, Dec . 4. Through the kindness of Mrs. James Burke , the girls have for sale 25 hand-made dolls which may be seen at Mrs. Curry 's home. A Christmas party for mothers is planned for December IS at the Centerville Community Building. Participating in the Camp Fire Girls Candle-lighting ceremony will be Clarice Oregoire, Pauline La- bodie. Susan Levine. Christine Long, Ruth McOillen and Michele Williams . Entertainment will be in charge of Christine Renzi; re- freshments . Ann Burke , and in- vitations . Christne Cannon. Officers for the present term are president , Patricia Sullivan ; vice- president . Donna MoArthur; sec- retary, Vlcki Pease; treasurer . Candy (iesln: scribe. Pauline Ce- leskl. As In the past . Louise Sar- kiuen is acting as junior assistant to Mrs. Curry. CONGRATULATIONS To: Carolyn Hallett, daughter of Fire Chief and Mrs. Charles A. Hallett, who was elected assistant editor of the "Fisher News ", cam- pus paper of Fisher Junior College in Boston . Carol served "her ap- prenticeship in newspaper work" while writing for the school news of the Patriot and for the Barn- acle, yearbook of Burnstable High. To: Barry Crawford , son of .Air. and Mrs. John Crawford of Fal- mouth Road , who served as right end and played an important part on the varsity football team of the New Hampton School in New Hampshire. The school team won 7 and lost only l game this season. CHEERY GREETINGS To: Peter Pendergast, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pendergast , of Long Beach Road, who is a patient at Cape Cod Hospital as the result of injuries suffered in an automobile accident In Marion his past w eekend. Peter was plan- I ning to travel to Del Ray Beach in I Florida to take up his duties at a hotel and had recently returned from a seven weeks trip and tour of Europe where he visited the World's Fair in Brussels, Belgium , and visited England , Switzerland, Italy and Austria. In Western Germany he spent sometime with William Childs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Childs of North Main Street, this village. who is stationed with the TJ, S. Army at Dim. Peter was also in Rome at the time of the coronation of Pope John XXIII . PERSONAL S Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Bryant and daughters Susan and Bonnio have returned from several days vacation in Florida . John , Jr., re- mained here with his grandmother , Mrs. Hilda Wahlowlck . During their trip the Bryants stopped at Silver Springs where they enjoyed rides in the glass bottomed boats, visited Mrs. Braynin's father , John Wahlowick and Mr . Bryant's relatives In Orlando . Mr. and Mrs. George Kinch and family, formerly of Centerville, in Lanutanu. and Mrs. O. B. Donti in Boca Raton , then went on to Key Wost before beginning the return trip home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Twltchell and family moved recentl y from Hyannis to the Taylor apartments on North Main Street , this village. Miss Judith Perry observed her 11th birthday anniversary with a family party at her home on Crocker Street recently and en- tertained some of her school friends at a skating party on Sun- day, Nov. 23. A "cook-In" was en- joyed upon their return to the Perry home. ThoBe present in- cluded Wendy Nelson , Linda Puk- ki, Mary Jane Murphy, Joan Stackhouse and Muriel Cole. Cheery greetings to Miss Pam- ela Marshall , daughter of Mrs. Betty Marshall , who is confined to her Strawberry Hill Road home with rheumatic fever. We are happy to report that "Pammy" is progressing nicely though still confined to her bed and that she would enjoy visitors. Mr. and Mrs. John Buckler and young Stanley are spending this week at Tanglewood , near Lenox, Mass.. where they are visiting Mr. and Airs . James Kiley and family, .lack and his cousin, Jim have scheduled deer hunting. Mary and Lynn are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Perry and Judy while their parents are away. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pute of Pine Street have moved to Har- wichport for the winter to be near Mr. Pate's business. THANKSGIVING GUESTS We were happy to see so many of our school and college young people home for the holiday and weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Philip French spent the weekend in Nantucket with En C. and Mrs. Maurice French nnd fnmily, enjoying their Thanksgiving on Saturday. Young Mnster Robert French retai ned with his grandparents to visit unt il Christmas. Mr . and Mrs . Warren W. Pierce, Dunn and Brian of Falmouth Road and Miss Terrie Borsnrl at Hyun- nls spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Eldredge and family at Chesterfield, N. H. "Ted" is serving as a redlo announcer ut station WKNE In Keeue, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lloyd and children Robert and Grace of Han- over , N. Hi, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Archibald and young David spent Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. William C. Archibald and William Archibald at their Pine Street home. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Serpico and son of Hyannis and Mr . and Mrs. Albert Leach ot Boston spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Serpico of Craigvllle Beach Road. Mrs. William Ferguson of Hope- dale was a Thanksgiving guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Robinson of Centerville Road. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllsrd Wheaton spent Thanksgiving with their son- in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Besse, and fnmil y of Park Avenue, Centerville Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Thorndyke Trull of Lowell were guests of Colonel and Mrs. Ceorge Blnney of We- tjuaquet Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Coggeshall . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coggeshall of Centerville nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tarr , Jr., and children of West Yarmouth joined a family party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Vincent in Fnirhaven. IYANOUGH BOWMEN At a meeting of the Iyanough Bowmen held at Centerville Fire Station Nov. 25, heads of commit- Ues were appointed by Gene Dun- bar , president. Chairmen of cotn- hittees include Peter Byers, touin- ment ; Miss Maude Parker, regis- trati on and scoring; Mrs. Agnes Cash, membership ; Mrs. John Bren- nnn, entertainment; Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt , ref reshment , Donald Camp- bell , in charge of junior members ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Littlofteld , housing. Norwood Bee, Fred Chadwick and David Sommers are a. com- mittee for by-laws; Mrs. Fred Chadwick and Donald Campbell , ways and means; Mrs. John Bren- nnn. Adolph Richards and Ralph Campbell , special activities, and Ralph Kimball and Donald Camp- bell, custodians. The group have planned n Christ- mas party to be held at the Bar-B- Que Restaurant in DennlBport on Thursday, Dec. 77. Mrs. Dorothy Hewitt , Mrs. Agnes Cash and Nor- wood Bee are the committee In charge. ^| GNTERVILLE FOR V &EN ! F°R ^ S* I .. _ . K Complete Service Mrs- Eva M- I Mr. O. A. Dumas Dumas I S. H. CAMP CO. SURGICAL GARMENTS Trusses - Elastic Stockings - Arch Supports Zenith Hearing Aids. Cords - Batteries CAPE COD HEALTH APPLIANCE CO. Tel. SPring 5-2320 219 Main Street Hyannis j FANTASY SHOP ti Mulberry Corners Ostervillc $ I CHRISTMAS SALE 30% OFF except greeting cards I All Sales Fina l SHOPPING HOCKS DftUy 10:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. | | Closing for Ihe .season Jmiuury . ',, 1059 I I — He-opening April J . 'J, 1959 — | Wr^ 'r^aWS^n&W^' t^WSW^ltT^fa 1 ! ^ ^ I I J I I f ®3rZM I 1 yL ^L-J^irs ®1 *S °meM 'nf 1 '^SpC * »Me #04f£/ I | Dramatic as a new decor ! Sparkling Mirafoam throw- j Jj cushions that make your home sing with color ! Soft as only I % Mirafoam moulded foam rubber can be, non-allergic, and | cleverly zippered for easy washing. Exciting selection of | | Corduroy in 15 rich colors and 6 decorator shapes, to mix j !/: or match in any room of your home. f i'i ?i,M . : . (A> Round Box< u dion>- * 3Vi" (B) Squor. Box, 14 x 14 x 3Vi" . U (C) Oblong Knlft , 13 x 17". 2 i'i Colors: No»°« Orong., I.lond BUo, Bilt.nwc.l, Poorl Guy, Black, f " lurquoit., 5un Gold, Camput Green, Snow Ro.e, Homo, Monie 9o Brown, I | Bit!,, Gr..n, Mimo.o Y.llow, While-, Homy Boig*. I | J^—Vy-^Jj | I Ca pe Cod 's Best 1 i UV .K FRK DEUVERY-BUDGET TERMS I ^W i ! i }gi,,>i,l>i,ltl-T- „,, ^, u| J^B^jjfJfflr-i ^>SSSSSSSSSS !?SSSSS ^SSSSSS@SSS»SSSSSSSSSS&SS SSSSS» 1 GIF TS Igt; 1 FOR ALL * St j I PORTABLE HAND MIXER I jS 3 Variable Speeds controlled by easy flick switch | Reg. Price 16.95 - Now $8.93 I MIRRO ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR I te Perfect Coffee the Way You Like It Automatically. I I Reg. Price 12.95 - Now $8.62 I 1 PUSH DRILL (Stanley) 8 For every Home Work Shop I 8 Magazine Handle Holds 8 Drill Points \ | Special — $6.75 I I BIT SET (Stanley) j jx Fine Cutting Tools. For use with | * All VA " and Larger Chucks j | Special $3.38 1 (S ^*v I 1 ^CENTRAL HARDWARE | 8> ^ ^ 243 MAIN STREET - HYANNIS, MASS. | \ ^febw TELEPHONE SPRING 5-088O | \ ^^f e iw ROBERT E. TOEIN, PROP. | * S* THIS C H R I S T M A S I Of iy i l l wurcm/awith a letter i f r o m < j)cmta CJaus ^r*i-M^^ wi ^ ^ ^9f '-'jpi¦<¦' ¦ '% v._ . x Vs* £r' ~*- TL, ¦ m • " *i ^^&' ¦>% ¦ $*T 0" ' ' T"*V. ^H ^m I L ^ k^ ^ sv^sff ssi ' >- . . \ i ^ doiCUt^ V .« . _^BT- . . T«*\ W-a^^^T* \ | | I^ ^t^&Vv ' /^•*»'"<\v . ' 'ttfc* \ here's all you do s< krt " h',lcr f rom °"r lrulon and mU in our special Santa Clans mailbox, v . j ' Imagine Your Youngsters ' Delight wlicn they > 4 Beautiful , Full-Color Letters , each one i icceive i personally aulogiaphed letter liom designed and written by nationally-known Santa, with the envelope officially postmaiked i cxperls , each with a type and age of child in by the Santa Claus, Indiana , postollice! | mind. Come in today lor your selection. I It's our uuy of saying Merry Ch ristmas to you! GRANITE CHEVROLET CO., INC. NORTH ST. AT SHERMAN SQUARE HYANNIS I ^ f/uwMte* SJ TA OPERATION I I M imomf ig ^SANTA I mammW ® CLAUS :{: Working Closely With St. Nick , We Bring You: j £ THE NEW STEREO INSTRUMENTS | THE NEW STEREO RECORDS J J TELEVISION - RADIO - CLOCK RADIOS \ I PHONOGRAPHS - GUITARS - T.V. and PHONO TABLES \ I ED GOSSELIN ' j| | RADIO - RECORD - MUSIC SHOPPE j ! \ ) 290 Main Street Hyannis Tel SPring 5-O060 fl is I Jan. 6 Provlncetown ni ,, lncetown 6:30 P.M Jan, ft Falmouth nt Falmouth , P.M. Jan. 13 Open Jan 1(6 Yarmouth at llyanniH i P.M. Jan, 20 Bourne at Bourne 3 p^ Jan. 23 Harwich at Hyannis j ¦ ' • M. Jan, 27 Orleans at Hyannis '( i. M. Jan . 30 Provlncetown at Hyimnin 6:30 P. M. Feb. 3 Falmouth at Hyannlu \ P. M. Feb. 6 Yarmouth at Yarmouth j P.M. Feb. 10 Bourne at Hyannis 3 l'.y, Feb. 13 Harwich at Harwich % p M. Barnstable Girls Sel Schedule Misty's French Poodle Pups Standard Black - Homo Raised the perfect gift Call Neal, Dennis 22