December 4, 1958 Barnstable Patriot | |
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December 4, 1958 |
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(ir„„„ „f skaters take; advantage of the ice at the Kennedy Memorial Skating Rink on the opening day
of stating in Hyannis. Opening day as originally planned was rained ou( but the skaters kept a weather
(jre on the announcement board and came in droves the minute the ice was ready.
Skaters At Kennedy Rink On Opening Day
A special town meeting lias beet)
called for Thursday, Dec, 11 a( the
hearing rooms of the Town Office
Building al 3:30 p.m. to acl on two
articles relative to the Barnstable
County Fire Training School.
Under Article 1. voters would
authorize the Selectmen acting in
In hah HI the town tn accept from
\ the Barnstable County Fire Train-
| Ing School, Inc., the surrender and
1 cancellation of lis lease dated June
i . I960 in ii parcel of land on Flint
I Rock Road , Hyannis.
Onder the second article the
town will be asked to vote to lease
: in the County of Barnstable for not
more than fifty years for the sum
of $1.00 for Are training purposes,
a parcel of land, containing an area
ni about live acres, on Flint Rock
Road, Hyannis . as shown on plan
mtitii 'ii "Town ui' Bttrnntable Plan
of Southerly End of Cobb ly-
inn southerlj from Pllnl Rock
Road, leased to Barnstable County
Pire Training School, Inc., June
Call Special
Town Meeting
William A . Jones, Inc., ol H i ,
Btable and All an P, Jones have UP
pealed to the Town of Barnstable
Appeals Board tor n variance to
allow the present non-conforming
asphalt ami stone-crushing plai n to
be maintained I enlarged iiy
creation of sand-gravel pit area , to
remove sand and gravel and ereel
a ni-w garage. The area is i la; B1«
tied as bUBineBS and RC I .
A public hearing will be held In
the T"u i, offii e Building on Tours-
doj . Dec. II al i 30 p.m.
Request Permit For
Sand-Gravel Area
. , , , , ,,.,, ,),.- crowd in " P 'P '¦'"> 1'"1'1 ;
" ""• ll 'Kh " l "'"' "l>; '" '"'"""
ff i^£& " •""" "' ""
Leading The Crowd At Pep Rally
'Higher taxes are inevitable unless Federa l and state gov-
ernment spending are brought under control !
A national sales tax like a Massachusetts sales tax-- is
nol merely ;i possibility— it is a probability, within three years
al most, if needless inflationary government spending continues
mid if reapntmettl against our preseul tax structure continues
to grow,"snid John 1> . BHaher, principal speaker al the A n n u a l
Mid-Winter Dinner of the Massachusetts Bankers Association
tins week.
f "Our greatesl single danger here al home is inflation
mak< no mistake about it—arid onl y the selfless cooperation of
management, labor and the Congress can proven! the A riean
tlollai from sliding downward in valu e to u disast rous level.
Communism could ask for nothing better ; America coidd fear
iiofluii f.' worse.
"Governmeni spending increases month-hy-month, year-by-
yeur, regardless of the Administration in power. We are enter-
ing tl -a of the 80-billion dollar budget and the end is not
yet in sight : The $71.8 billion appropriated by Congress in new
monej for operation of the Government during the pr esent
fiscal year is less t h a n half the a mo u n t thai Federa l depart-
ments and agencies could legally spend.
'The Federa l debt has reached a new all-time-high—281
billion dollars—a m o n th earlier than was expected.
"Before the year 's end. the Treasury will b orrow another
3 billion and inflation will spurt accordingly.
"Spending by the Government's Highway Trust Fund runs
consistently—month by mouth—ahead of lax recei pts.
The Federal Government has become the biggesl em-
ployer, the biggesl producer, the biggesl consumer, the biggest,
provider in the world.
"Federal employees today .
- 2,373,929 ; Federa l expendi-
tures for goods ami services alone , this y e a r : $i"
)4.5 billiou ;
Number of A m e r i c a n s today receiving Federal subsidie s of
"I or another ; 37,905,000 (21',* of our total population).
In short , the government of the United Stales is the biggest
business in the worl d and is growing bigger by the year.
Whether it be anger or anguish
, we feel al such figures , one
lm'' vc may be sure of: t h e business of governmeni is NOT
'he governmeni of business—unless Americans choose to m ake
ii BO !
"Management and labor in the automobile ami and re-
'"ted industries negotiate new. upward-spiralling contracts
Mi i.II regard for the consumer and less for th e impa ct of
faeir accords ' upon the nati on 's economic health- and. in-
"dentally , w i t h little evidence as to belter product fi nan-
ageinem ,,r greater productivity greater effort-per-hour by
"Hig her t axes , in one form or another, are, I repeat, in-
stable bul may even be desirable in the nation 's besl interest
-if . lu nciir reuil y. governmeni expenditures are reduced. These
"Penditares must and can be reduced if we, as cit i/.c.,. m a k e
"'"' demand for it rdt on Cap itol Mill.
"Mr. George Momney, I'lesideiil of. Ameriuau Motors, in
'] '' i address before the A n n u a l Coufereuce of the New
'¦"'- d Counuil , urged both business and h
¦ to iiuil politick,
il • e i i h i c a l l v am! morall x wrong for economic orgaui-
mid these in clude unions-^to engage
•Mr . I;,,,,, ,,,. ., deserves the highest '-I " 1'1 *" "
'"! Mr Roninej in wrong, wrong, WRONG in th is re-
'"lines is everybody 's business and is becoming more
day ! For businessmen to retreal Erom rather than ad-
nt« the political arena will m ean, inevitably, thai the
il proper objectives of business in the n a t i o n a l economy
"""¦ ' ghoul om- society " i l l he lost Eoiwvw. Every Amew-
'""•"iz-eil has a crucial s l a k e in p olities. The A m e r i c a n right
.. l politics is as good, as proper, and as necessa ry as
'' r'"'11 I" work at nnvt.hin o - else!"
(Continued on n*ee I)
V" Barnstable \
The Set i tmen ot Barnstable
li'in- issue 1 .,, ¦« regulation* i.
irtlln ¦ iii.- inking of Rbellfli h In
Hai tmtnblu wi i.
On I i i . all that ran ot
Cotuii Baj previously closed to
the taking ol quuhogs was opened
for comim relal and family put
puses Tho new regulation rer< i
partlculnrl) to "Ropes Cove "
Slai'ting mi December ii . Barn-
siaMc II .II I MH will open Saturdays
ami Sundays onlj ror lbs taking
ni' i lams tor ftimllj purpoi es to
residents of the town of Barnstable
holding tnmllj pel nil
Selectmen Issue
Shellfis h Orders
\ 05 ii.i\ obi "\\st ory was solved
wiien two hunte located i n
lllg plane In Mn , PI woods en'
Mnrj Dunn Itond , iilioul ., mile
nort h ni the Barnstable Mime Ipnl
Airport Pound In the plane w«*i
the bodle ol Mi and Mrs. Mborl
•I- Uli 11 ill Ol Andoi ei . win , Innl
tnkon mi from Ihn alrporl on
Am llf I SO,
Their railuro to arrive al Mien
destination caused an Intensive
Beurch ot the woodlands, vrhtoh
in ted several days. After iin>
search II was thought thui tba
plane mlghl lan e crashed Into
Oape i' mi May, although no wreck
age was ever locnted.
Mr. Richmond, who was said to
have been n pilol with nboul SO
ye xperience, with his win .
made the trip iii the Cape on
Augttsi SO anil look on' for the Law-
rence Alrporl in North Andovei
late in tin- afternoon There was
Incoming fog it I the time of the
The hunters n ho dlsi o\ arid the
wrecked plane and bodies were two
snllors from the Boston Nnvtii shin
yard Donald FiUpatrlak of North
tJnini y ami Eugene II OIIHHC IH of
Columbus, Ohio.
Barnstable police wen fori ed to
call in brushbreakers to cut a path
in tiic dense woodland before they
could rem ii the " leakage of the
; '— — IPC B Copy ; fri.PU a Year
Hunters Find Wrecked Plane
Missing Over Three Months
i Uriah K. Connor , principal ol
; Barnstable III K II School , will be one
Of 1000 heads of school-- and col-
leges in all parts of New England
who will gather In Boston on Fri-
day, December .
">. for the T.'ini an-
nual meeting of the New England
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary School' .
An important subject ol discus-
sion by the group will he the rapid
growth of the teen-age population
in New England. It Is expected lliat
the preseni 3,250,000 students now
in college will have iieen Increased
lo uboul six milium** within "
"Meeting New England's Higher
Education Needs" will be discussed
by Robert II . Kroepsch, executive
secretary ol the New England
Hoard of Higher Education ; presi-
dent Victor I. , linit . i iiciii of Wes-
icyan University ami Provost Shan-
nun McCune of the University of
Connor Will Attend
! Education Conference
The petition of Margaret M.
I Qoulding of South Main Street,
I Ccnierviiie , lo sell antiques and
gifl shop items in a llesldence in
area an existing business, was
allowed by the Board of Appeals.
The hoard agreed that although a
business use caniiol ordinarily DC
Instituted in a residential area, (he
continuance ol reai enable exten-
i Bion of a non-conforming use comes
within the spirit "i the *onlng by-
laws , it such use is MI safe-guarded
as not in set a precedent tor the
widespread avoidant B of the pro.
lectin- by-law, Tin- Bpecjal permit
was Issued in the petitioner alone
ami lainioi in- transferred.
Appeals Board
Allows Petition
A bequest of 110.000 to the Cape
cod Hospital for "general hospital
purposes", was announced today
by Hospital Administrator Clerard
A. Ouellette,
Mr, Ouellette announced thai in-
I has been Informed by Gerard C.
Besse, president ol Mn- Hyannis
Trust Company, ihui the bequest
was made available following the
death of Harry Robinson, a bene
licinry or llo- estiili- Ol Mo- late
Joseph H. Halleti ol Hyannis,
The win i,r Mi. Hallett, a f t
tiled employe of ihe New Vork ,
New Haven & Hartfoj d llallroad
Company, who died lu tastf, pad
nauttd Mr. lioblnsou u beneficiary
,,: a mi i fund. The Hyannis Trust
I Company bad been appointed ""
iee ami was designated to settli
Mr. Ilalleii 's estate
When Mr, Robin on died, Mu
I was legullj ti rmjnated and
provided In Mr iiaiien
il,,. CUP" Cod Hospl' il »as i" n
reive the residue, mn lling ' ¦
, ,, -,i, , yti r, i il the n man
I , Bd Ul ' ';,,,.
Cod Lodge JI
2U, I O, O. W,
Ml. Itoliin soii dlfid in War eliaa
In November, 1867. He was a toi
,„,.,- resident of HyanjjMl btton
moving I" Boston and Uuifl '
War eliiiiii.
Hospital Receives
$10,000 Bequesl
A Christmas concert , in the
Cape Cod Chorus sponsored by the
Hyannis Rotary Club and eon
ducted ii\ Miss Virginia Puller, will
lie presented at the Barnstable j
lli «li School Auditorium. The dale
is December 7, I9B8 ami the time
Is 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon,
Tickets are SI. nn ettch,
This concert is for the benefit
of the Rotnry Club "Good Works
Fund". This Hind helps such organ-
izations as Hie Boy Scouts anil Mill
Scouts, as well as for scholarships
for deserving youngsters on the
The chorus will in ,i i ted by
an 18-plecc orchestra directed by
Miss Fuller, This year marks Ihe
tenth ot these popular Christmas
loin- concerts,
Soloists .ne Sopranos: Eva A
Smith and iiia M. Jotie«, Catilritl
Ins : DorOthj K< lih .lone: ; ami Prail-
ces Guyon, Tenuis: Carl Kerili lis!
ami Warren n Johnson. Hass solo-
ists are Lawrence Lfppard and !
David Chesbro.
Selections to he offered lij Ihe
elionisVml orchestra are ; "Hujolco
Beloved Christians" .in Buxtehuilo;
"for It's a Child" hj .lolian Sell,, Bach; also "i in- i iiiiiihooii ot
Christ " bj Jobnn Chi Istopher Bach
Hyannis Kolary Sels
Christmas Concert
The petition ol Theodore C,
Holmes. Iin a special permit to
allow him In use a front room at
I 16 South Street ror a gift shop
has been denied by the Board of
Appeals of the Town oi Barnstable,
in denying the petition the board
said , "Although ihere ore busi-
nesses on South Street , they have
existed before eoplng and hence
,.,,., protected by the b) law, With
on i specific authorlts under tin
law the Board "i Appeals cai '
authorize a new uu Inoss use, In
Hie alls. Iiee of S|,eeial cite
slam es nut common In Hi" Hi
n ici. Such an action would amount
to resuming, which is beyond tin-
legal powers ol the i Appeals)
Board. Business usei allowed In u
Residence A distrlci do nol In
elude the operation of a cli'
Hoard Denies
Special Permit
The schedule of hm key games of
the Capo Cod Hockey League arc
slated In I" played al '," :"U aud
I' . IHI al Ih . I'.ei n.i ,'lj . V.etnoi lal
Skating Rink, Hyannis, Team- pm
tlclpntiug in league ulnj are Hani
' H I.- , l-'alinoalh, Middlehoro, Var-
i. ih ,in 1 CI* III .
Me, . ;:; ¦
) in nn ,II h vs I'lyaioiu h ,
r,,ii nsi.ilile vs, Middlehoro,
Hie . , : Barnstable vs. Varmoutb ;
Knl mouth \ i
l> lit l
i ¦ i n Bai ,i, table \ i Plj inoul h ,
i-'nhiiiKiiti \ Middlehoro,
Hi e. ii: Mlddluhoi II \s, Plj i oh .
Calinonlh vs. Uiiinonlli .
Dei i , Ba rnstable c . Knlmouth ;
MUIdleboro n l m uth
Dec. -i: Viu mouth vs. Plj mouth .
Barn table > Mld dlel ,
.i.ui. i. Hmm.i.iiiie vs, Plymouth;
Cain Ih vt Middlehoro
.I .UI , I' niiiioiiiii vs. Yarmouth;
Middlehoro vs. Ply uth
.i.ui . 11: Barnstuble vs. Eulnioutti ;
Middlehoro \ Vi uth,
.hui . ll: Yarmouth vs. Plymouth;
Burnstable vs. Middlehoro,
Jan.IS 11 i.ilile is. Yin mouth;
l-'alinoalh v PlyilUIUlh,
.i ,u : i ii, II ii lahie vs. Plymouth;
l-'alni 'inlh vs. Miilillehoro.
,i in .:., It |i born vs. Plymouth '
PaImou Hi vi Y.i. niiiiiih ,
.ii ¦ r, ii a table i (Talmouth ,
Middlehoro vs. Yarmouth
I' eh . i: Yarmouth »s, Plymouth ;
Barnstable vs. Mlddleburo.
i' eh i Barnstable vi Yurm It;
Palmouth vs. Plymouth
Cell, g; Burnstable vs, Plymouth;
Falmouth \ Mlddleboru
f e h 11 l- 'allliu illll VS V i n a , u n t i l .
'.Intel, boru
¦¦ Plj iin.icii
Kennedy Kink Sets
Hockey Schedule
Bruce Woodruff and Bill How
weie elected to lead the destines
oi ihe Barnstable High School foot-
ball team during Hie i960 cam-
paign! These two outstanding ends
of the I!ir> s team were named ™-
captuins oi the squad which will
lake the Held nexl year They
were both spark plugs fur Barn-
stuble durlnn the recenllj clot .-.I
si nodule,
Barnstabl e Cridslers
Select Co-Captains
Ai niuf. f iut m nj-fl hi mr. com
Dieted for Ihe ' 8no Boll" dnnre
pou on ii bj i in- 11 itei i Ills P T \
in in tii Hi on fi Him I let •in iII- i i ¦
al Veterans Hull,
MII niin- Palmer « in he chairman
of tin- committee in charge which
Mill Include VH ami Mi Ii Hm
don Puller, Mr, and Mrs, David
I ;..I i, v, noii. MI Harold Clifford An
drew Hai l , Arnold [lurch ami Han
Dunclng will he from 11 i" III
o'eloi ii wiin music by the M UH IH
ans Trust l-'iiml. 'I icketi maj In-
preured from member of tin
ponsurlng organization.
l "Sno Ball" Dame Set
For Ostemile
Pi hlny, Decembei •'¦ IH6I Is the
i.e i day for recelpl bj the Regis
in ot Motor Vehn ies ni regl liu
Hon applications, THROUGH TIHH
\t A I L . on w in. Ii dellve j to the
registrants ol 108 i tllli ntes of
r, K|
SI ration an I nuinhiir plates
I .nn in ri a uunblj rn , II , II .I lor
H o mi New Yeui ' Hay
'I h, iien ' i ii. in n ided :•,:;
in in , h nil lei . n i l eii i hruughoul
ihe i 'onimonu eultli and motorists
,ii. in reil i nke "ovei Mn coun
icr " appih i n ui the in anuls
nit n i in in urerem 8 to auilllnji llieni
to the Boston oflU •¦
Registry Sets Last
I Day For Application
Members of all branches of the
Masonic Fraternity, from one end
of the Cape to the other, with offi-
cers ol the Pall River and Massa-
chusetts Consistory Clubs and of
Aleppo Temple Of the Shrine from
Boston are expected to be preseni
at the Cape Cod Consistory Club' s
annual "Go To Church" service on
Sundaj ul 11 a.m. at the Federated
Church <>i Hyannis.
Martin Brown, club president, is
heading the committee promoting
the observance of the eighth an-
nual "Go To Church" Sunday with
the Rev. Carl !•'. Schultz, ui> ..
chaplain of the Cape's Consistory
Club, chaplain ot Fraternal Lodge,
A. !•'. & A. M.. Assoeiai e Chaplain
oi: Orient Royal Arch Chapter, and
a member ot the Shrine.
The invitation to attend lias
been extended nil Masonic lodget
from Provlncetown to Falmouth,
and Sandwich with members of
all branches of the fraternity ox-
tended a cordial welcome.
At the service at 11, also at the
regular 9:30 service . Dr. SchultZ
will preach on "Concentrating On
The Things Hun Make For Har-
mony." The IliKh School Choir ,
numbering 29 voices , will sinu at
;>. :ai. Tin- church choir will render
special music at 11:00.
The church BChoO] is In session
during both services except for
Junior High al 8:30 only, and the
senior High attending church al
8:30 with class sessions to follow.
The Church »l hOOl enrollment this
,;,)i. not including Tiny Tots or
faculty, has passed 5fi0. Nevi mem-
bers are welcome In all depart-
Consistory Club To
Attend Hyannis Church
Richard H P Sommei of liy-
,,, | i, i petitioned the Board ol
v , , , ui , Town ol Barnstable, tor
j Bpei ial permit to move u lodging
hones at I'll) .Main Street, Hvan -
nj . Hyannis, to u loi south of the
business area, remodeling so as to
add elghl roomi 1 '"
" •' la ,'1"s-i
tied as Residence A and Bustm
A public bearing "in be held al
the Town Office Hiui 'iuiK. Thurs-
day, December 11 w ' - " P-m-
Asks Permit To
Move Lodging House
Peter Brune, senior of Barn-
stable High, was picked on the tlrst
! All Cape Cod football team ill the
tackle position. Also picked from
the Barnstable squad was William
Dow . junior in the hacklield.
The Cape Cod All Stars is a
mythical squad picked by members
of the Coaches Association. Myron
J. Caddis of Falmouth was named
coach of the team . Receiving hon-
orable mention on the squad from
the Ha instable team were Wil-
liams , sophomore end, and Peter 'liin . senior liacklli-ld , man Of
this year's Barnstable UinU svdnni
Others on the squad were from
Bourne, Dennis - Yarmouth, Fal-
mouth ami Provlncetown iiir ,h
Coaches Pick
All-Star Team