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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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November 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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; ~ ¦ , — ' -= * TOP TV~TheDinah Shore Chevy Show-Sunday-NBC-TV and the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom-weekly on ABC-TV. ¦* J, J 27*4-door Hum*SNwffd tftfe reqN/qctn,60c*seat and automatic rear windp * Be our guest for a p leasure test . .. THIS IS THE OHE FOR WAGONS!1950 CHEVY Chevrolet's f i v e stunning Wagons were never more beautiful or ing Safetv P/„,, r, new station wagons for '59 ^S^ J S ^S S A^ ^ ^A S Z S S & . a r e s h a p e d to t h e nexv J S L ^^S S w heV" *™ PuU Coil su*Pe™ and a roll- A f r i c a n taste withf resh, S tKS ^SffS S T S S - ? W T Wf* °T t/it-y're beautifully practical ™**overhead-curving windshield to waiting now with all the deta"3 on - w i t h roomier duieter BI Tn' f l0a<1 platform ' ^ hv thia ^ar-more than ever- witn roomier, quieter Besides add.t.onal cargo space, you Chevy's the one for wagons. Homes (iv ris/ier, an even al8° get added seating room (4 inches ¦ " ¦ MBB^__________ smoot/ier nV/V , new; ease of ™°_ein fr°nt* °ver 3 inches in b*<*). ___^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ **=S»*«* !* !: -sele5ti?n « m?d?!?J!?..your local.authorized Chevrolet dealer's' j GRANITE CHEVROLET CO., INC NORTH ST. AT SHERMAN SQ. ^ HYANNIS " SPRING 5.,843 OPEN YEAR ROUND ^Afc THE NEP TUNE ROOM <^^fe'W^^^ THE HOUSE OF ^^mm0^^^ Prime Rib Roasl Bed' ^^^^^Kg^lS Carved At Your Table §|JK|1|F Steaks — Lobsters «9p|| Complete Dinners A La Carte Cocktail Lounge -- Music Nitely Let us plan your Social Functions - Wedding Receptions - Dinner Meetings - Luncheon Banquets • Special Banquet Menu Open Daily 4:00 P.M. Sun. & Hoi. 12:00 Noon in the Airport Hyannis For Reservation Tel. SPrinq 5-4676 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE BARNSTABLE PATRiC, C A T O N ' S Friendly Service COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Route 28 SPring 5-9850 OSTERVILLE GARDEN VIL LAG E T A X I Tei. - GA - 8-6530 Bus - Train & Plane Service O J A L A F A R M Home Cooking • Roast Chicken and Chicken Pies Lunch Served from 11:00 A.M. Dinners on Reservation Route 6A Tel. FOrest 2-3814 West Barnstable C^idredae C jf (Jj ourne Hf iovin a C f Storaae Com p any (Agent for Allied Van Lines) DIRECT LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND STORAGE DIRECT AIR FREIGHT TO ALL PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES SPring 5-1050 Kimball 8-1 188 (Falmouth) Columbia 5-4400 (Boston) | Let Us Handle Your Christmas Parties I SPECIAL RATES . j Mildred 's Chowder House B ROUTE 28 Near the Airport SPring 5-1045 Fine Custom Upholstering I Custom Made Slipcovers Distinctive Fabrics and Workmanshi p Far the Discriminating Schumacher 's Carpets & Rugs Open Year Round rubrics uy H e n r v I »*w».i* Scalmandre «C II T y J . S(rr>h6lm & B\ Schumacher -„ _ _, _ _ . ¥ Romann Cheney L L L ti 3 K 1 •>¦ •<• Thorp Oreef M, Sundour ... . Pine Street Joffa .\runir Lee Centerville llrunsohwig & Hexter Phone SP MS702 FHs YACHT SMAN HOTEL 500 Ocean Street Hyannis | NOW OPEN A Genuine SAUNA (FINNISH STEAM BATH) under the direction of HENRY ASKELI, Registered Physio Therapist STEAM BATH MASSAGE Fresh Water Pool Public Invited For Appointment-Call SPring 5-4600 Telephone SPring 5-1010 TIME SCHEDULE Note Flaydates tor Correct Times. Wed. Thru. Sat. Nov. 26-27-28-29 in Ti i hniiaiu.i - in Technicolor The Big Country Gregory Peck - Jean Simmons Carroll Baker - Charlton Heston Burl Ives NOTE! Spedsl Show Times This Engagement. Wed.. Kri.. Sat. at 1: 1.1- 7: 15 Thanksgiving Day, Late Matinee at :S:U0 I'M . Evening 1 show al 7:45 Sun., Mon., Tues., Nov. 30, Dee.1-2 The Last Hurrah Spencer Tracy - Jeffrey Hunter Dianne Foster - Pat O'Brien Basil Rathbone - Donald Crisp EXTRA— 'CORONATION OF POPE JOHN 23rd" Shows Sundaj .- :: Slums at _ :;u . :, ir, - s:nu -Mori., Tues. Mats . II:nil Evenings y 00 p.m. Wednesday Dec. 3 ONE DAY ONLY "Julius Caesar" Special .Matinee at 2:3U Evening at 7:00-9:15 WELDING ¦ IF:I'M it - sri-i'LlKS - STEEL BAXTER WELDING N iiii .i View Street, llyannla Trl. si- rini; 5-08711 i ¦ ^¦^ M M M m^ ^M M H M * MRS. WILLIAM E. BELDAN Tel. SPring 5-9039 REDENTE - McGILLIS WEDDING Mi.=s Cnrmel Redente. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs . Andrew Redente ot East Haven. Conn., and Robert Ward McQllllS, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McGillis ot Craig- ville Heat h Itoad. this village, were united In marriage at Our Lady of Pompeii Roman Catholic Church in East Haven on Saturday. Nov. Mh . with Rev. John P. O'Neill , pas- , tor of the church, officiating at . the double ring ceremony. (liven in marriage by her lather , the bride was attended by her sis- ter . Miss Louise Redente as maid of honor , with Wade McGillis, of Hyannis, serving as best man for his brother . The bride 's uncle , Michael Pappacodn . served as ush- er and Rose Izzo of East Haven was soloist presenting "Ave Maria " and "Because." The bride is a graduate of the East Haven High School and has been employed as a clerk by the Southern New England Telephone Company. Mr. McGillen attended schools in Boston and in the Town of Barn- stable and is now a landscape contractor. After a reception held at the Pair Haven Club of New Haven , the couple left for a motor trip , through the New England States I and are now making their home in ! West Yarmouth. WE QUAQUET LAKE YACHT CLUB Members of the Wp quaqnet I.ake , Yacht Club have scheduled their I pre-Christmas party for Saturday. Dec. 6. at Taunton Inn beginning with the reception at B:^0 and din- 1 tier at 7::i0. Reservations should 1 be made by Monday. Dec. 1. with ' Henry S. Gere. 107 Manning Street. ' Needham 91. Mas;-. CONGRATULATI ONS To: Staff Sergeant and Mrs. Ken- neth W. Rearse of Quincy who are the parents of a baby daughter, Masa Lee Bearse. born at Chelsea -Naval Hospital. Thursday, Oct. 30. Mrs. Bearse is the former Karen ' Kay Bailey. Grandparent honors go ' to Mr. and Mrs. B< rnai 1 K, Bailey ' ul Corona del Mar . (' al . and to Mr. | and Mrs . Kenneth S. Bearse of | N ye's Point Road , Wequaquet j Lake, this village, with grea t grand- parent honors going to Mrs . Ber- narcl Bailey, Sr., Corona del Mar, j and to Mrs. Emery Tompkins, Old Town Road, West Hyannisport. To: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arehi- | liald of Cralgvllle Beach Road who tire the parents of a baby son, j David Thomas Archibald , born on I Thursday, Nov. (i. at . Cape Cod j Hospital. Mrs. Archibald is the , former Lorraine (leribo. Grandpar- ent honors go to Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Geribo of Dorchester and to Dr. and Mrs. William C. Archibald , Pine Street , this village, with great grandparent honors going to Mrs. Mildred Brenrley, Nantasket . To: Lieut, and Mrs. Richard Upp- -.lium. former South Mnin Street residents) and now ot 171 Lincoln Road, Hyannis . who are the par- ents of a baby son . Kevin Carl Upp- strora. born Sunday. Nov. 9. at Cape Cod Hospital . Mrs . Uppstrom is the former Celestla Ludtke . Other member of this family is lit- tle Miss Erica V' ppstvom , aged 17) months. Grandparent honors go to EUchatf Ludtke of W ilmington , Del., and to Mr. and Mrs. G. M. I' ppstrom of Washington. Pa., with ci cat grandparent honors going to Mr. and Mrs R. W. Ludtke of Wil- mington. Del . and to Carl Upp- strom of Washington , Pa. To: Airman 1 /c and Mrs. Albert Tarza of Falmouth Road who are parents of a baby son. Dale Albert Tarza. born Saturday, Nov . 15, at Cape Cod Hospital. Mrs. Tarza is the former Sylvia Prada. Grand- parent honors go to Mr. and Mrs . Edward Prada. Sr.. of West Barn- stable and to Mr. and Mrs. Tarza of McKeesport, Pa., with great grandparent honors going to Mrs . Eloise Kresge of West Barnstable. to Mr. and Mrs . Stephen Bogacik and to Mrs. Tarza . Sr., of Du- quesne . Pa. To: Mr. and Mrs. H. Angus Perry of Pond View Drive, who are parents of a baby son , Dana Angus Perry, born Tuesday. Nov. 18, at Cape Cod Hospital. Mrs. Perry is the former Genevieve Hord. Other members of this famil y are Wendy 5; Corlnne, 4. and Jennifer , 2. Grandparent honors go to Mr. and Mrs. Hilding Hord of Marstons Mills and to Mr, and Mrs . Raymond Perry of Pine Street, this village . with great grandparent honors go- ing to Mrs. Mary M. Perry. CUB SCOUTS The meeting of Cub Scout Pack .14 held in the vestry of the Village Church on Friday evening. Nov . 21, was opened with the traditional flag ceremony with Marc White and Dere k itussell as flag bearers. In a candlelight ceremony con- ducted by Richard Hinckley. Cub- master , seven boys were welcomed into the Pack as Bobcats. All re- ceived their Bobcat pins and Keith Beyer, William Denningei . Mark Stanley, Mark Thomas , David Thompson and John Johnson re- ceived their Wolf books while Dean Partl y received his Rear book. Other awards were: lo Wayne WoO. | a Lion badge and n gold arroiv . to Robert Coggcsball. a gold arrow for Wolf rank; to Rich aid Thompsn. a Hear badge , a gold arrow , Lion bonk and denner 't stripes: to Mnrcu s White and tc George Hinckley , denner's stripes: to l.eighton Hesse and Wlllian Dennlnger, •assistant denner't stripes. Meetings of the separate dens , re h dd Monday afternoons ant the next pack meeting is tentative Ii -i heduled for January. PERSONALS "The Advt mures In Reading Group " of the Women 's Fellowshil met on Monday evening of this week at the home of Mrs . L. G 1 Kimball of Main Street. Miss Virginia Fuller , organist al the Village Church , entertained tlu Guild of Cape Ood Organists al the church Monday evening. "Ron Voyage" to Mrs. Kvei' etl I Hiller of Monument Avenue , whi left for New York Nov. 20 before sailing on the Javanese Prince ol the Prince Line on Nov. 26 for n trip around the world. Mrs . Hazel Boucher has enjoyce two weeks vacation from the Cen i terville News Stand and with het brother from Vermont made a trij to Schenectady. N . Y.. visiting other relatives there. Mrs. Johr ! Monroe was in charge of the store in Mrs . Boucher's absence. Fred Reed , formerly of Coins Garage, is now at Fairfield Pines j Rest Home in Marshtield. Mass. He : had been with his brother , Harold Reed at Marshtield since leavinf Centerville. Mrs. Dorothy Marckus, former]) of Puller Road, is happily situntet at Sunsel Manor Rest Home or Hearse 's Way in Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Buford W. Goini speni several days recently attend ing a Herald-Tribune Fresh Ail Forum in New York City. While there they were guests of Miss Dagne Knutsen and visited several Fresh Air children including Jo sette Hernandez , who was witl them last summer, Anyone wishing to re-invite a child for the Christ mas vacation should contact Mr or Mrs . (loins al SPring 5-2137 oi , SPring 5-1309. Mrs Isabelle Crandon of Center- ville-West Barnstable Hond , left earl y this month for a winter 'sistny in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hayes, Jr., nnd children , Stephen, Norman and Wendy, attended the Boston Universit y - Syracuse game in Bos- 1 ton on Nov. 7 as a speclnl family 1 observance of the wedding nnni- 1 versnry of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Dugan . Patrice and Arlene of Milton were ' recent guests of the Hayes family while inspecting the Dugan prop- ! erty on Sound View Rond. Craig- 1 i llle. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beaumont and daughter, Patricia Ann. plan to spend the Thanksgiving weekend , with Mr. Beaumcmt's mother and J grandmother, Mrs. Susan Beau- mont and Mrs. Elizabeth Burke at their Phlnney 's Lano home. Mrs. Roscoe H. Goddnrd left on Monday to spend the Thanksgiving , holidays with her brother-in-law nnd sister . Mr. and Mrs . Sumner A. Dole who plan a family party at their home, Storrs Heights , Conn. i Mrs . Howard G. Lumbei t will I have three of her sisters from [ Bralntree heer for Thanksgiving i day. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Hawes are I travelling to Grafton , Wednesday to enjoy Thanksgiving with their ¦ son-in-law. daughter and grandson , i Mr. and Mrs. Reginald D. Anderson ; and baby Stephen . i Miss Shirley Andersen, counsel- . sellor of the Placement Service at Boston University, will arrive Wed- i nesday to be with her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Andersen , for . Thanksgiving. Mrs. E. R. Merry, Jr., of Wequa- ; quet Lake and Fuller Road, is spending several days with rela- . lives in New Jersey. I , LT. COMDR. L. F. MacFAWN Lieut . Commander Laurence E. i ~ MucFawn , 38, son-in-law of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Nlckerson of North Main Street, was killed on Friday, Nov. 21, when a propeller driven plane he was testin g crashed al Oceana, Vir ginia. A veteran ol IS years service in the Navy, he served in World War il and had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross three times. A native of South Weymouth , he was a star athlete while attend ing Weymouth High School , attend ed Tufts University and was gradu- ated from the Navy Pro-Flight School n,t Chapel Hill , N. C. The family have spent some time here over n period of years at the Nlck- erson home. Lt. Comdr. MacPawn leaves his wife, Mrs. Ruth (Nlckerson) Mac- Fawn; two children Thomas, 8, and Susan 1; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mac Fawn of Wey- mouth and two brothers , Bruce of Weymouth and Malcolm of Florida. Services were held at Old Soiilh Union Congregational Church at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 2G with a military funeral. Burial was at Beechwood Cemetery, this village. G. B. DONATI News comes from Florida of the death there of G. B. Donati on Nov. .17. Mr. and Mrs. Donnti had been proprietors of the Bianca JBhop at the comer of Paine and West Main Streets for several years and sold their place early last fall and had been living In Boca Raton. He had been a patient f#r some time In a hospital there. 4-H NEWS Congratulations to Miss Eva Jane Holway of Centerville and the Uni- versity of Massachusetts who was initiated into the Delta Chapter of the Massachusetts 4-H All Stars at Mount Pleasant Inn in Amherst re- cently. Eva is well known in Cape Cod 4-H circles having been a mem- ber of clubs here for eight years and also assistant leader or Center- ville groups , a member of tho 4-H Service Club , and received the Cape Cod I H Scholarship last year. Other 4-H All Star members from Barnstable County include Betty Thomns , Joseph Mello »nd Fred Mitchell . There are now three 4-H Clubs in Centerville. The Singing Needles group is composed of Cynthia and Jeannette Wilber , Mary and Lynn Buckler as Clover Buds, nnd Linda Wilber , Judy Perry and Susan Johnson of the original group. Offi- cers are Judy Perry, president; Mary Buckler , vice-president; Lin- da Wilber , secretary ; Jeannette Wilber , treasurer. The girls meet at the home of their leader Mrs. Bernard Wilber , assisted by Mrs. Alvin Perry. Miss Barbara Kawding has met with the group and showed a movie on "How To Cut Patterns", ns well ns slides of the club exhibit at the Springfield Exposition this fall. President Perry also told about her stay at Camp Farley this sum- mer. Traveler 's sewing kits have been made . The Clover Buds mem- bers are doing art and craft work while the 4-H members are work- ing on night gowns. The club's apron display is in the Bass River Savings Bank win- dow this week. Business meetings, song sessions and refreshments have been other parts of the meetings. Since one member of the group, formerly the Busy Eight , has moved away, the girls of this group have chosen the new name of The Seven Little Tailors". Meetings are held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Maddalena, Jr., leader, with Mrs. Eugene Cole serving as co-leader. Officers recently elected to serve i u.«> H I U U P um: president , j_ .u Jane Murphy; vice-president , Kri! ten Fuller; treasurer, Joan ' s_l(lk< house ; secretary, Linda Pukki ' news reporter , Muriel c0i(> . j ' tess, Pamela Mnddalenn. The giri * are working on blouses which are to be completed by Christmas Mrs. Robert Walsh ig again sen ing as leader of the group, formerl y known as the Sew and So Club Since the girls of this group will be doing arts and crafts work this year they have changed (heir name to the A & C 4-H group. Meeting at the home of their leader , Mon. day afternoons , these girls nava chosen Sandra Slranitis as pregi. dent; Yvonne Terry , vlce-presl " dent; Penny Delano, secretary Susan Walsh , treasurer; Patricia Sunderman , reporter. The first pro- ject of the group has been making of pocketbooks in felt craft. CENTERVILLE ft--* tilfX