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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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November 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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The petit ion of Dr. Robert S. Tlirope requesting a variance-per- mit for premises at 50 East Main Street, Hyannls to allow him to maintain medical offices on the llrst door were granted by tho Appeal Board of the Town ot Barnstable . The Board in its findings said "The petitioner seeks il variance to allow him to re-model the dwelling on the lower floor to be used as medical offices. Tile aren In question allows rooming bouses and hotels; there are businesses and professional of- llces close by. It was argued that medical offices would conform to the spirit of the by-law , ami that to deny n vnrlance would effect a financial hardship on Hie owners." There was no opposition to the pe- tition. Advertising sign was lim- ited not to exceed three square foot lu size. Physician Allowed Building Variance (Continued from Page 6) Batch went up a highline in one , direction and 1 started up in the •IMiosite direction to meet him. Looking down the highline I saw Hatch standing perfectly still. 1 inspected that he saw something and stopped . Out came a pair of beautiful buck deer and started to feed. Out had a tremendous rack while the other wasn't behind in that department. Weil , one deer in tied around broadside to me" faced Batch while the other started 'II walk directly toward s ine as if 1 wasn't there. He advanced about 15 yards and stopped. These two •leor appeared to be at ease and "»l the- leaBt bit frightened. Only once did one of the deer raise and fleck his tall as if ho was aware of our presence, but he didn 't run ot. These deer were about 60 to 65 yards away from each of us •'"il we watched them for around 20 minutes. Finally they walked uitu the woods as if nothing had happened. If you have never wit- nessed a woodland scene like that >'0U have missed something. Of 'nurse you have to know where and when deer travel and feed and oa there at the right time and be ,IJ 1" to keep perfectly still, out I '¦ bis wind" and be fortunate. Vyiien you are out in quest of | '"""' deer, remember tbat a deer '"'it's mostly on his acute sense or Sll|ell and not , so m uch on his ears '"I < yes A deer is color blind and '" colors appear lo him like tho l"""'l> on your television , black 1,111 white. If you see a deer re- mb perfectly still and its a good '*T*S thai the deer won 't see you J'"'l On | s nearly face to face with 1 "" unless he smells or hears you. 11 you piuu to still hunt your '" walk him up. walk towards 8 Wind so that the deer won 't •*U you lung before you get any- J*«a near him. Walk slowly. A " er doesn 't like to have to rush j '* lie is (hen unable to distinguish *°lniate objects because of his 1 poor eyesight. A good rule to fol- low is to walk slowly ten feet , rest perfectl y still , look slowly around you and back of you, count to 25 and then repeat the procedure Maybe you won 't cover so much ground but, then are you mil I'm a ' wak or are you looking for a deer. A deer is a pretty small animal that is, he usually averages 75 to 10U pounds and stands around four, feet tall . You are not looking for an elk, moose or an elephant. Look close to the ground. Quite often all you will see in the brush is a white lull of the deer as he runs away from you. Sounds do not both er n deer as much as human scent. If he reacted to every sound be beard, he would be running away all the time from the ordinary woodland noises. Of course you can 't go around talking loudly, slamming car doors and making a general hurrah around where you expect to find a deer. A favorite method of huntin g deer with a gang is with the drive meth- od. Half of tho gang take stands along a highline, valley or clearing und the other half spread out and walk towards the standers . making noise to scare the deer out of the patch of woodland. That sounds easy anil some people might ask what chance does the poor deer have. A deer can go along ahead of tin . drivers , go out to the line of standers , get wind or them , sneak out around the end slander , stand perfectly still and let the drivers go right by him or just sneuk be. tween tho drivers and then bide in a nearby swamp or thicket, St) it isn 't as easy as rolling off a log. It takes loads and loads of pa- tience but the stay put method usU' ally pays off . A hunter picks out a spot where deer are known to travel and just parks himself there, keeping as quiet und motionless as possible until the dier comes along, Face into the wind so thai I lie deer won 't smell you and re- member if you see a deer remain perfectly still and let the deer come up as close to you as he will, You will be surprised how close a deer will walk up to you if you rema in motionless. Here are a few general bints nil,,in il er limiting. I hop'' that they will help you get yours . l. A d ' is an Intelligent ani mal. "lie of the smartest , but the smartest deer isn 't as smart as Hie average man. _. ,\ deer will not li. down aim hide beside a running brook or fiver, as (lie noise of Ihe water will tend to drown out the sound of approaching hunters. ,'i. if you hit u deer, remember if you don 't see him after looking around a tew yards , sit down and »Agt. Von can 't catch a running deer anyway. A wounded deer after lying down for a while stiffens up and then lie won 't be able to run off when be hears you coining . Usu- ally a wail of half an hour is siiffi - cieni. I . ii you think that you hit your tb er look around for signs. If you see white hair around you have lilt him in the stomach region and sometimes a deer can go for miles if bit there. If you see brown hair il usually means a lilt In the BOlM pari of the body. If you see blood you bet that ho is hit solidly. If the blood shows bright red and foamy white it shows that yon have hit the deer In the lungs and ihe blood will Chdke nil bis I HI ' and he won 't go tar. 5. A deer Is a curious animal. If you jump a deer and you don 't (boot at him be may go but a short ways, circle around you and then follow you along just to see what it was that disturbed him. 6. Don 't stay homo on a rainy day. You can 'l shoo! a deer while home. A deer dislikes moving In the wet as well as yen ,|„ and you can very often actually walk on top of a deer before he Jumps up to run away. The wet leaves are quieter and you can sneak along through tho woods much quieter. 7. Remember that a deer bounces along when It runs and he usually doesn't run in a straight line. 8. A deer 's coat blends in very easily with dead brush , oak leaves and dead grass, so remember that a deer may be standing still right before you. Look around thor- oughly before you move on. 9. Very often there Is a buck and a doe together. Mr Buck will re- member Indies first. If she makes the crossing without being shot at he. will follow very shortly. Re- member there may be but one deer so you had better be on the safe side and shoot the first one you see. 10. And last but not least, make sure that what you are shooting at Is a deer and not a man. If you aro in doubt , don 't shoot. No man ever looked like a deer and no door ever looked Hko a man. SOMSMMMSMaMai^^ SPORTS With Rod & Gun Classified Business Directory I BUSINESS DIRECTORY RATES , minimum of 4 lines of space will h« used at 10c per line for one insertion ; !)c per line for two or more insertions. REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY T„c publisher will be responsible lor only one incorrect insertion. The Patriot reserves the right to edit or reject any copy received for publication. ^UTO ~ SALES " AND SERVICE !'"TMC f a * VAUXHALL Vf^ '59 PONTIAC America's No. 1 Road Car Exclusive Wide Track Wheels. Cape Cod's Exclusive Pontine Dealer. Robertson Auto-Service Inc. Telephone SPring 5-0826 Established 1926 SEE THE 1958 OPEL WARREN BUICK INC. 100 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-4900 CAPE COD AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Hody and Fender Work Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairing Tel. SPring 5-0858 West Main Street , Hyannis HOMEMAKER'S NEEDS OSBORNE'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized Westinghouse Dealer Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. SPring 5-0213 "~ L,AUNDR,Y AND CLEANING RIG CLEANING STORAGE Cash and Carry at Plant Office CAPE COD LAUNDRY, INC. Tel. SPring 5-3200 Bicycles Repaired — For Hire JACK'S BIKE SHOP 18 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Your Evlnrude Dealer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THE WALLPAPER SHOPPE Home of Fine Wallpapers Window Shades, Curtains, Drapery Materials 302 Main Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-1755 MARTIN'S Cakes - Pasteries - Cookies Breads Rolls Special Pasteries For All Occasions 275 Main Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0820 West Dennis EXeter 8-2621 USED BUILDING MATERIALS Cape Lumber and Salvage Co. Route 28 SPring 5-226G MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE MURRAY'S FUEL OIL SERVICE, INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality - Satisfaction Dennis Port , Mass. Phone EXeter 8-2408 Metered Ticket Printers ROBERT F.HAYDEN GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue Cotult Tel. GArden 8-6380 MODELS - HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1924 SERVICES THE PATRIOT PRESS PRINTING 24 Pleasant Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-2445 II. M. MESERVE CO. ~~ The Finest in OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 368 Main Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-0433 R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1818 IF IT'S REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE call LOUIS SERP1CO 32 yrs. experience SPring 5-0738 HAROLD A. BOYNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics - Ignition Falmouth Road , Centerville Tel. SPring 5-0636 G. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers & Burks Pumps Tel. GArden 8-6940 Osterville M A S S A G E Given by Henry Askell , register- ed physiotherapist, formerly of Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home, South Main Street, Centerville , Mass. For ap- pointment, call SPring 5-2313. J ^% NICKERSON jj VfJ FUNERAL and V^ ]J MONUMENT \ J? SERVICES BOURNE - SANDWICH. MASS. Serving CAPE COD end Surrounding Communities CAPE COD SECRETARIAL . SCHOOL Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening Tel. SPring 5-1372 212 Ocean Street , Hyannis SERVICES CLOUGH & HIGG 1NS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel - Cinders - Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool Cleaning 302 Main Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-1179 Y O U N O ' S Paint Removing Service Reflnlshing and Repainting West Main Street , Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-906a KENT'S COVERS -" Canvas Awnings, Aluminum; Auto Tops and Seat Covers, Boat Tops, Covers and Cushions; Aluminum Comb, Windows and Screens. 27 Center Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-2933 REALTORS REAL ESTATE Of Every Description Bought, Sold and Exchanged JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate Agency Tel. SPring 5-0302 or 5-1247 SEE ME FIRST SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. Specializing in Cape Cod Properties Since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tol. SPring 5-0277 WALTER I. FULLER REALTOR Main Stroet, Osterville Call GArden S-2165 Genieve C, Bourse REALTOR Centerville. CrnigviUe and West Hyannlsport Main Street , Centerville Tel. SPring 5-08G5 CAPE COD REAL ESTATE' INFORMATION CENTER SALES &. RENTALS Route 28 Iyanough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn CroBby SPring GArden 5-2645 or 5-1685 8-2469 WANT TO SELL? List your property with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 255 Main Street, SPring 5-0277 REAL ESTATE CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt and Personal Attention by James F. Kcnnoy, Realtor IS Ocean Street , Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0907 BEN GRASSI REAL ESTATE SALES RENTALS Specializing in good building lots as low as $250.00. $25 down with convenient monthly payments Evenings: SPring 5-1970 if yon are Interested In buying or, selling Property on Cape Cod, p lease contact ns for Promnl and Courteous Service! We invite all out of town subscribers of the newspaper to write us tellin g of lheir desire ill buying or renting property, CRAJGV1LLE REALTY CO, Cralgvllle Beach itoad West Hyannlsport, .Mass. SPring 5-3174 or SPring 5-1318 Joseph .1. .Silvia. Broker. MOVING , TRANSPORTING Tel. SPring 5-0232 BAXTER TRANSPORT, INC. Boston - South Shore Capo Cod *.K WANTED FEMALE Immediate placement with Avon Cosmetics for energetic lady over thirty-live. Can. work 10;00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 40% commission . Writo: Irene M, Davey. 100 Tyler Street , Attloti orn . Mass. -,T—.,-—..—,i—,T—iaTm'ranii^icricrcjcaeK The pet ii ion of Henry Theodore Clroop for a variance which would allow the buildin g of a 20 x LTi fool eii to the present gift shop on Main Street, West Barnstable was al- lowed by the Board ot Appeals ol the Town or Barnstable. Of the P< - lit Ion the Appeals Hoard said "A special permit Is sought to add a ¦ j o \ 20 tool ell onto the present gift shop conducted In the business- limited area. The present building is well kept; there is room to In- crease the size of the business and to provid e ample parking space off the travelled way. '' The use of ilu> enlarged building Is r< striated to usual gift-shop items. Additional advertising signs on neon li ghting . re forbidden. Board Allows Gift Shop Addition The construction of the new Mar- stons Mills postofflce buildin g was allowed when the Hoard of Appeals of the Town of Barnstable allowed Hit) petition of Loring s. JOIIOH , jr., tor a variance In the zoning by-laws Which WOUld allo w Hie now buildin g to be constructed on a lot of less than 5.001) feet. The Appeals Board in grantin g the petition said "The variance soug ht la to allow con si motion of a nevs post-office , in Marstons Mills , near the present sile . Since the proposed building must conform lo federal require- ments for size .and usage, no useful purpose would bo lulilllod iii deny- ing the petition , especially as a new structure would bonolit the district." There was no opposition to granting Ihe variance. Appeals Hoard Allows M. M. Post Office A new group of 1st year, nine- j year old l-l I girls was formed »l the borne Ol Mrs . William ilabbitl on Newton Streei recently when the girls and their rnntb i rs met wiih Miss Harbaru Kuwtiing, III County Ag'-ni. The gnls held their lirst meet- ing on Nov -'I and ihcir first proj- acl is learnin g In use tho sowing machine. Officers i lerieri are Peggy For- n,Hide. -, president; Caul Heffuer, vice-president! Jill si. Coeur, sec- retary and Donna Jone*, treasurer Other members of the group are Deldia Babbitt, Deborah Hill, .lane DolJoff , Nancy Dunne , Janice Lynch and Cheryl Mahoney. The next meeting of the group j will be held on December 1. New i-li Group Elects Officers LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts liarnstable , ss. Probate Conn To all pei .ntis interested in the eslale of IRVIN E. PEAK, late of Barnstable (OBtervllle), in said County, deceased, A petlton has been represente d to said Court (or probate of a cer- Instrumeni purporting to be the last will of said decoasod by ELLSWORTH 11. PEAK, of Sttu- gus , lu the County of Essex, pray- ing thai he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on Ills bond , and further praying thnt said will may be proved and allow- ed without the testimony of the subscribing witnesses. If you tlesiro to object thereto you or your attorney should file u written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the L'llrd day of December, 1968, Ihe return day of this i llation. . Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire , Judge , of said Court , this 17th day of November , 11158. ALFRED C. KNIGHT . Registrar, Nov , 20. 27 . Dec I Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To all persons Interested in the esiate of UJCY K. RANKIN, late of Barnstable (Osterville), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for authority to mort- gage certain real estate of said deceased, if you desire lo object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in I lie forenoon on Ihe LVIrd day of December . I!I5S , the return day of this citation Witness , KENRICK A SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court , tills _ut h day of November . 1ilfiS. ALFRED C, KNIGHT , Registrar. Nov ::7. Dee . I. II. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To the Commissioner of Corpora- tions ami Taxation, creditors ami all other persons interested in the eslale of JOHN F. MBDDICK, lain ol Swedesboro, in the County of Gloucester, In the' Stale of New Jersey, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court by KATHERINE MATTSON , of ill! Allen Street, Swedesboro, New Jersey, appoint- ed-Administratrix of th e estate of JOHN K. MBDDICK, by the Coun- ty Courts within and tor the Coun- t y of Gloucester, and Stale ol Now Jersey, for license to sell al pri- vate sale certain rea l 08ttltfl of said deceased, if you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should Hie a written appearance in said court at liarnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 28rd day of December . |lir ,S . the return day of ihls citation, Witness . KRNRlCK A SPAR now. Esquire, Judge ot said Court, this 20th ilay of November , in the year one thousand nine hundred nnd fifty-eight, ALFRED V, KNKIHT . Registrar. Nov. 27, Dec, I . il. Commonwealth of Massachusetts HariiHlahle , MS Superior Courl No, 26215. In Bqultj To I.EN A II McOLAMEHY, RAYMOND P. SPRINKLE, I J A C K .1 PUItMAN. all ol Ham stable i Hyannls), Barnstable Coun iv . Massachusetts; STRATFORD CREDIT CORPORATION, of Strat- ford , Cot itlcut; BASS RIVER SAVINGS HANK , of Yarmouth ( South ) , Barnstable County, Mass- achusetts ; and lo all whom II mav concern, NORA G riAROUFES, of Barn stable (Hyannls), Barnstable Conn iv . Massachusetts, claiming to be the holder of n mortgage covering real property situated in Barn table i Hyannis) in aid county ul Barnstable given by Lena il Mr Glamery to Nora <; . Guroufea dated April 30, 1054 and recorded wit h liarnstable Comity Heeds . BOOH 874, Page t(J8, lias filed with said courl a bill in equity for authority in foreclose said mortga ge in the following manner, to wit: by entry mid possession and by Hie exer- cise Of II power Of sale COIltUl I iii said mortgage, If you are entlll ed to the bene tits ot the Soldiers ' and SallOl ' Clt il It ' llel Act Of 1040 and amend meats thereto and you object to the foreclosure of said mortgage you or your attorney should Hie a . i iin n appearance and answer In sair court al Barnstable on or bs tore December 22, 1968, or you may be forever barred from claiming that urb foreclosure made under sin b authority is Invalid under said act. Witness, PAUL c. RBARDON, Esquire , Chief .lilslice Of our Superior Court , the nineteenth day oi November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred ami fifty-eight. HAItliAHA HOLME S NEIL. Clerk, November 27, 1968 LOST PASSBOOKS Notice Is hereby given that Passbooks, Nos, 2i»r,u and DR3221, issued by Hyannls Co-operallve Hank , lias been lost or destroyed and that applications ba>ve been made to Hyannls Co-operative Hank to i ue duplicate books In accord- ance with Sec in . Chap. BOO, V ' of 1008. Nov 13, 20, 27 PASSBOOK LOST Notice i» hereby given thai Passbook, No. 8085, issued by Hj annls Trust CO . has been lost or destroyed and that appli cation lias In en made lu 11 van ills Trust Cu. to i IS B duplicate book In IO i an. e with Si C 10, Chap. 590, Acts ni 1908. Nov . 13, 20, 27 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given thai Passbook, DK 4027, issued by Hy- alite, Co-operative Bank, has been loel "r destroyed and thai applica- tion lias been made to Hyannls Co operative Hank to issue a duplicate book in accordance with Hoc m, Chap. 590, Acts of 1908. Nov. 20, 27, Dec. 4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF A PPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE ' in accordance with Chapter 188 or ihe General Laws as Amended. Name of Applicant: Ostervlllo Package Store, Inc. Rachel D. Campana . President, Kind of License: Renewal, Re- tail Package Store, Annual. All alcoholic beverages . Period Covered hy License: Jan- uary 1 to December 21 , 1!!5!) Inol. Location and Description of Premises: 11 Wiannn Avenue , Os- terville , .Mass.. Westerl y side. One front entrance and one rear exit. Three rooms on street Moor and cellar for storage . VICTOR F ADAMS OEOROE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for the Town of Barnstable. Nov. 27. iocs. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE In accordance with Chapter 138 of the General Laws as Amended, Name of App licant : Prince A . Fuller and Stella W. Puller. Kind of License: Renewal, An- nual Retail Package Store Wines and Mail Beverages, Period Covered by License: Jim- nary i to December 31, 1959 Inol. Location and Description nf Premises: Centerville Pour Corn ers, Centerville "! Mass. one room on street Hour. Three rooms on sec- ond Hour. Basement for storage. One fronl entrance , two side exits and one side exll on second floor. One axil ill basement. VICTOR K. ADAMS GEORGE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Hoard for the Town of Barnstable Nni 27, I9B8. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE lu accordance with Chapter PIS Of the General Laws as Amended . Name of Applicant: Harry Wes- ley Coleman, Kind of License: Renewal, An anal, Retail Package Store. Wines and Mall BeverageB, Period Covered by License: Jan- uary I to December 81, 1959 Inol, Location ami Description or Premises: 128 Main street . Corner Camp Street, Hyannis, Muss Wood en buildin g with one room on street Hour. Basement lor storage. VICTOR F. ADAMS OEOROE L. CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Hoard for the Town of Barnstable Nov. 37, Iflfi.S. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE in accordance with Chapter 188 of the General Laws ss Amended Name of Applicant James It. Pa/akls. Kind of License: Renewal, An- nual, Common Victualers 7 Hay All alcoholic bevera ges . Period Covered hy License: Jail nary I lo I lee her 31, 1959 Incl. Locution ami Description ol I Premises : Mavllnwor Cafe', . 'IS4- :isi| Main Sheet . Hyannls . Mass j Two front eiilr :oH and ear ev il. One safely rear exll. Two nI .I in and kilebeii on si reel floor, Vl i Toll F ADAMS (IJSOROB L. CROSS B. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board for ihe Town or Barnstable. Nov. 27, 1968. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE til .III nl d/l fee wl/b Chapter I ,'I.S .,i the Genera l Laws as Amended. . Name of Applicant All'porl lies luuranl Inc. d/b/o. Neptune Res tuuranl Irving Booksteiu, Mgr Kind of License , Iti wal , An mini, Common Victualers, 7 Duj All alcoholic 'leverages, Period covered by License: .Inn- ii.ny | in I ni .-uilii-i 31, 1969 Incl. Location nnd Description of Premises; Municipal Alrporl Four entrances and exl its on ' no Barn- stable Road and Rotary Circle, Hj minis, Mass . Brick structure with lour rooms on street floor. VICTOR I'' ADAMS GEORGE !¦ CROSS E. THOMAS MURPHY Licensing Board I'm lli " Town of Barnstable Nnv 27, IWiX . LOST PASSBOOKS Notice is I iby given thai Pa books , Nos. 11641, 18060, 10806, 20273, 21463, 2ISH1 . 23086, 23207, 23381, 23497, 23512, 23682, 23720, Issued by Hyannls Trust Company , have been lost or destroyed and Hint applh tttlon has been made lo Hyanull Trust Company lo issue duplicate books in accordance with Sec 10, Chap. 590, .V I Ol 1908. Nnv. _7, DSC. 4, II. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss, probate Courl To ail persons Interested In the mi. i estate und er the win of ROSCOE w. HAMBLIN, late or Barnstable (iiyaunlsi , in said count v. deceased, for the benefit of MADELINE N. HAMBLIN ET AI.H. Tile II II lee ,,| ;,l I 0| hlle ||,l|, presented to said Courl for allow- anre Its Hth, 71 Ii . ' 'Ii 'Oil and 10til accounts, h .mi ,i, , ne in object then to •, ,,ii or your attorm > should rile a ¦,..1 iii .-n appearam i In i aid Coui i , i Barnstable before u n o'clock In the forenoon on ihe 23rd daj oi ii . ,, mber, 1968, tbe rutin n da) ol this citation, Wlin e s. KENRICK \ BPAH now . Ei quire, Judge ol laid Court, ul , 20Ui daj ol Not 1 "'1,1 1 HifiS. ALFRED ' KNIOHT, P e r i 1 11 Nov 27, Deo. 1. 11 j Nov 27, He. 4, IL LOST PASSBOOK . ,• 1 hereb) rr. < n thai Pass- book, No DR23S2, 1 " ,: '' •' tly*D nix Co operative Bs r ,> ; has b< 1 ti ' lost or destroyed and n^' 1 applica- tion lias been made m HyannlH . , u r n Hank U) 1 US a dupli 1 aie book iii accordant u with Bee , in , Chap. 690, Acts ol 190J .\,,v |7, Dei I , II. LEGAL NOTICES 28660 Reg. Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Barnstable, a municipal corporation located in the county of Barnstable and said Commonwealth; Edward M . Ken iiedv and Rockwell C. Tenney both of said BarnetAble; Roberta H. Laughlln of Princeton , lu the Stale of New Jersey; Joseph P, Kennedy Of Went Pnlm Heach . in (he Slate of Florida; and to all whom it may concern: Whereas, a petition has been presented tO said Court by Mildred ti . Tenney of said Barnstable, to register and conllrni her title. In tho following described land : A certain parcel Of land with tilt- buildings thereon , situate in said Barnstable, bounded ami described as follows: Northwesterly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly by Merchant Avenue 11.11 feel, 168.46 feel and 16.29 feel respectively; Easterly by laud now or formerly of Joseph P. Ken notly and Edward M. Kenned y about 221.87 teet; Southerly by Nantucket Sound ; Westerly by land now or formerly of liohorlii 11. Laughlln about 292.20 feet. Petitioner claims us appurtenant I to tho above described land a right of way Over said ptivutn way formerly known as Mnrchant Ave nue to and from Ihe Town Way known as Scudder Avenue , subject however , to the right s Ot others as may appear in Instruments or deeds duly recorded in Ihe Registry of Heeds for Harnstalile County Tbe above described hind is shown on a plan died wl llt said petition and all boundary Hoi's are claimed lo be located on the ground as shown on said plan. If you desire to make any objec- tion or defense to said itollllon you or your attorney must nil- ,t writ- ten appearance and an answer un- der oath, sotting forth clearl y and specifically your objections or tie tense to each part of said petition, in the office of the Recorder of said Courl In Huston Hit lllo Court House) , or In the office of Hie Assistant Recorder or said Courl at the Registry of Heeds at Barn- stable In th e County of Hiirnslahlii where n copy ol ihe plan lllod with said petition is deposited, on or before the eighth day of Decern her next . Unless an appearance la so tiled by or for you, your tlnl' aull will be recorded, the said petition win be taken US confessed and you win be forever haired from contesting said petition or any decree entered thereon. Witness , JOHN E. EENTON , BSQUlre, Jud ge of said Courl , this third day of November lu ih e ynar nineteen bundl ed and llfly eight Attest: with Seal of said Courl (Seal) SYBIL 11. H O L M ES . Recorder, Briokley, Sears A Dole 7f. Federal St., Boston, Mass. Aiiys. for the Petitioner. Nov. 18, _n, 27 MORTGAGEES SALE OF REAL ESTATE iiv virtue and execution of Ibo POM er nf Sale contained In a 1 el tain mortgage given hy Al uy Jo- sephine Broome 1111 ,1 Anna Mane Vtoore, both o| Barnstable, (Con leivlllei . Sarin (able Counts , Alii " aachusetts to Tbe VVarelinm Buv- Inga Bank, ol Wurehaii), Plymouth County, Massachusetts, dat ed He eeinber I'll , Pis I and recorded III the Barnstable County Registry ot Heeds as Dm in I No . 12800 HOtOll mi Certificate of Title No, 1280S In Land Registration Hook 86, Ps too, of which mort gage tbe undei signed |g the mortgagee and i"' i onl bidder , for breach of Hie conditions Of sUld mort gage apd for the pui pose of foreclosing H>o sumo, will ho sold ill Publi c AUCtloU al II : 110 o'clock A M.i on BTIduy, the twelfth day of December, 1958, on the premises, all and Ingular, Ilia pieinl: , d0 I i Ibfld In said lien ' gage, lo wll : "The bind together with the build lugs thereon located In Barnstnbl i (Centerville), Barnstable Count) Massachusetts, bounded and tie HI rlbed os follows; 8 O U T H E A ST Ell I.Y: by Main Street by two linen measuring U8.64 reel ami 33.88 tei t, re spectlvely : SOUTHWESTERLY : by Lol D, 157.33 feet; NOItTHWESTKltl.V: by Land now or formerly Nelson Boarse, (Certificate No. 8484), 40 feet; and NORTHEASTERLY by Lot c I . I«1 ir, if. t All of laid boundaries aro dclei min ed by Ihe Colli I In be located as shown nn .Subdivision plan 16087 0 dated January 25, 1936, drawn b Nelson Bearse, tiled with the Land Court at Boston, a copy of whi ch Is tiled in HntiiHlablii County Reg Istry of In ,, i In Land Keglstrulloo Hook 17 Page HI with Ceitlllrlll " of Title No. 3876, and said laud Is idiown lliei emi ns Lot CS. Bald laud in subject lo ibo es- tablishment ol a buildin g lino nn siilil Main Hire , I by The ToWU of Barnstable, as set forth lu an ord«r dated May 2, Pi:!i duly recorded '" Hook 10 1 Page 1IU. I' m title of tbe mortgagor refer- • m is made to Certificate of Title No. 12:!li:i Land Registry Hook 86 Page 10:1 . Hy a partial release dated Dot" her 17, 1667, Document No, 563 ¦ 1.m t' o, nn the plan above refei 1 i n . waa nh - .i ,,/ f rom tin operation of this mm'cage Said premises nil be i old sun joci to unpaid taxi tax ill los ami tax assessments, ir air. Terms of sale |l,ooo.00 to bs paltl In cash m certified I bl elt hi,' the pur , bgser al I IU lim e and ; of sale; other lei 111 , In he . 1 nonin e,I at Hie sale Authority lo foreclose -aid mm 1 gags was granted by Decree of the Barnstable County Buperlor Court in i n e No 26043, dated Q< tobi 1 11 L058 THE WAR Ell AM HAVINO fl HANK , MORTGAGEE Hy Plain Is P. Hie- I , Tie 1 ,nr t Nov. LI, 20, 27