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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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November 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¦ i ll C0L0NIAL CAN0LE co- ! ^|§|§yyto of CAPE COD, INC. j I "Christmas Ho liday " I j Imported — , Hand Decorated I 1 Italian Earthenware Specialties j I CHRISTMAS TREE PATTERN ¦ 1 7 inch Christmas Tree Hors D'oeuvre Plates 5 inch Christmas Tree Hors D'oeuvre Plates 6 >nch Christmas Tree Hors D'oeuvre Plates Candy Dish - Nut Dish - Ash Tray 1 CHINA BELL PATTERN I Large and Medium Size Hor, D'oeuvre Dish Candy - NMt - Marmalade - Ash Tray bait and Peppers - Cake Plates - Candle Sticks I 20% OFF all items j I 'And Many Other Beautiful Gifts For I 1 CHRISTMAS I ¦ BUY NOW AND SAVE!! I SPE CIA L This Week Onl y Winchester Flashlight Batteries 20^ each A Second Battery For lc - Save 19c BOB CROSB YSA YS. /TJAW "This METAL torch 'I " ~"*aw8 Wt is a really V^3 terrific gift for C&DEVERY HOMEOWNER" __Eho p GIFTS Knitting Instructions i Open Evenings 'Til 8 P. M. Main Street Opposite Pond St. Osterville GA. 8 8278 ! ¦¦ — "i NELSON BEARSE RICHARD LAW - SURVEYORS - CENTERVILLE Tel. SPring 5-3660 or 5-O2-70 [ l 'i f CASH FOR YOUR OLD and ANTIQUE i GUNS j Modern Guns For Sale | The Gunning Season is Upon You. Get your Guns and Fresh Ammunition NOW KENNEY'S SPORT SHOP j Tel. SPring 5-2200 16 Ocean Street Hyannis i f lpc a e a a a e s e w s e i r i c jo o^ | Thoughts of Home at CHRISTMAS ! Give Furniture this Christmas — 3 A Gift The Whole Famil y Can Enjoy. 3 We Have a Large Selection of is Living Room, Dining Room, and Bedroom Furniture. 3 Coffee Tables - Occasional Chairs and Loungers — f} Hassocks — Hostess Trays — etc. ii In Fact Practically Anything }| You May Need for the Home. \\ It Will Pay You To Make Us a Visit. 8 THE CHATHAM FURNITURE STORE | i Main Street Chatham, Mass. S S Free Delivery Easy Credit Terms g Open Fridays 'Til 9:00 P.M. rV Place Your Order Now for new listening luxury f or y our home! STEREO ^WEBCOR luteo © Inew iteitofonfc music on • Webcw! You'll hear """ .^Jr 1! . !m V0*10**«<>«>« «od dimeoiions... _u tbout rou! This a luting enjoyment st its fines. ... „„ M>nrt wSwSi7*%T U"*•••pIas ,hecomp,etenew DYER ELECTRICAL CO., INC. Electrica l Contractors "Serving Cape Cod for 50 Years" 332 Mai " Street Tel. SPring 5-2525 Hyannis BAXTER'S FISH MARKET Foot of Pleasant Street, Hyannis OPEN YEAR ROUND WINTER HOURS NOW IN EFFECT 9:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. - Fridays: 8:30 to 6:00 P.M. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Always Have Live Lobsters in Tanks of Natural Sea Water I^E^i I Ban | | jp C^TE_WlU^ CAPE COD. MASS. CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed — Personalized CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS TOYS FOR ALL AGES CHRISTMAS GIFTS Wonderful Sburp CUeese - Imported Plum Pudding BUCKLER'S AUTO BODY M O V E D to new location 100 Ridgewood Avenue Tel. SPring 5-2803 ft " 'r i L^aue \~-od Secretarial Scnoot All Business Subj ects Day or Evening Classes Enroll at any time Co-Educational 242 Ocean Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1372 November 21. 1958 To the Editor o( The Barnstable Patriot I concur wholeheartedly with ' your editorial on the subject of the repeated front do ->r hell pulling by solicitors for funds for various urbanizations , and the suggestion for a United Fund, long over-due , hut you neglected to mention the waste of time and effort by solicit- ors who may distaste the job hut cannot say no when asked to solicit. Furthermore, we sometimes have two or three calls in behalf of the . -iiime organization, in addition to « solicitation by mail. A combined ! effort would save considerable an- noyance , and would save a lot of expense. Iienj. F. Teel. Letters To The Editor _ __________^__——_ The Barnstable Patriot Founded 1830 Published every Thursday at 24 Pleasant Street , Hyannis , Mass. By The Patriot Press TK IlMSt Sa.llll per jnir lu ailvnncr, lis month* S2.00 It K I I Mil) II . IIISKIXS , PulilUlier and General Jlan«fr j . HOIII .HT KEttsH.vw. editor KKNM--.TH It. l.KO.VVIUi, Advertlnlnit Heprrnenlntlv* The Barnstable Patriot Is entered as second-class matter at the Hyannis Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Wo assume no financial responsibilit y for typographical errors In advertisements , but will reprint that part of an advertisraent In which the error occurs. Offl eei Patriot Itoll.lltlK, llvnnnl. , Slui. Tel. SPring; 5-2443 COMMUNITY CLUB SILENT FOOD SALE During the past few weeks the Community Club has been conduct- ins; a "Silent Food Sale". Each lady of the village is invited to con- tribute a money contribution in- stead of baked goods at this busy season . The money raised is to be used for fournishings for the Com- munity Building, it is hoped that all the ladies of the village will want to aid this drive. Contributions may be sent to Mrs . Frank Maki on Oak Street. SANTA CLAUS COMING DECEMBER 15 Santa Claus will arrive In the village Monday evening, Dec. 15, and the annual Christmas party , sponsored by (he Community Club, the Village Improvement Associa- tion and the Village Firemen will he held at the Community Build- ing. Mark the date on your calen- dar, plan ah early dinner , and bring Ihe entire famil y to this neigh- borhood party. FAMILY THANKSGIVING DINNERS The glorious American custom of observing Thanksgiving will bring together for the day many village families and their friends. The Earl P. Merritts. ,1r.. will have as their guests front out of town Mrs. Merritt 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Starr of Summit. N. J., and from the village, the Karl Susan and Karen and son Paul. P. Merritts. Sr. and their daughters With the Lawrence Johnsons will be Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bratt. Mrs. Johnson 's parents; and her sister. Mrs. Vera McMullen , and daughters Judy and Nancy, all of Lynn. Around the table at the Forest Browns will be their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCullum of Scarsdale and daugh- ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hinckley, and grandchil- dren John McCullum and Penny and Howard Hinckley. Mrs . Rosa Wiinikainen will have her daughter and son-in-law . Mr. and Mrs. Vitie V'iliesis and their daughter Alii e with her for the day. ME. und Mrs Francis Owen . Jr.. will entertain at a family dinner Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Parker and Mr . and Mrs. Norman Everutt. Airs. .(. Jenkins-Bailey of Meffose and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin and children Deborah and Peter of Framlngham, and Miss sheila Ctlase of Centerville will be the guests Of Mr, and Mrs . Peter I'ineo Jenkins. Captain and Mrs. Louis Wood- land and son Peter M' Auburndale. Mrs, Edna Davenport of Fall River and Miss Lillian Acheson of Fal- mouth. A large family gatherin g is planned at the Henry Manni's. Present will be Mr. and Mrs. Larry Manni and children Kobert and Janice. Uno Manni and his son Steven. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kmricli and their sous Richard and Mark , and the Elwoml Mannts and their daughters Marsha, Meredith and Melissa and the young Hun- garian student who lives with them, Bcla Foldi. Also Vuner Man- ni from Washington , D. <' .. Mr. and Mrs. Kaavlo Manni and children Sonia. David . Wayne and Charlotte from Littleton, and Arthur Berg- strom and his daughters Dianne and Donna fro m West Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Kussell Syrialla will entertain at a family dinner Mr. and Mrs. Heinonen and Paul Syrialla. With Mr. und Mrs. Glen Hart- well for the day will be Mr. Hart- well's sister, and her family, the Charles Quinns. and daughter Phyl- lis and son Jake of North Attle- boro. HOME FROM COLLEGE At home for the Thanksgiving holiday are the following college students: | Jud > Carlson , daughter of Mr. ' anil Mrs. J. Frederick Carlson, is at home from her studies at West- brook Junior College. Betty Woodland , daughter of Captain and Mrs. Louis Woodland, is at home from Leslie College in Cambridge, and Mlja Robbing, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robblns, is at home from Host on University. Home from colleges in Maine are Peter Field son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Field , from Bowdoin; and Edwin Jenkins , son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pineo Jenkins , from Colby. Carl Syrialla from Wesleyan College is at home with his par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Russell Syrlella. FIREMEN'S WHIST PARTY Over 100 whist enthusiasts play- ed at the Firemen 's whist party in the Community Building on Thurs- day night. Much credit is due Jack Jordon anil his committee for a mosl successful evening, both so- cially and financially . Dancing fol- lowed the whist games. During the evening many prizes were awarded, among them were a large basket of fruit as a door prize which was won by Mrs. Edith Fish. Mrs. William Pace won the turkey drawing. A turkey, the first prize for the whist playing, was won by Mrs. Donald Fields, and a capon , the second prize , was won by Russell Syrialla . Mr, Jordon 's committee included Paul Atwood , Harry Atwood , Albert Aittaniemi , Kenneth Bailey, John Hines, Elwood Leeman and Elwood Manni. Congratulations Firemen, it was a good evening. WEST PARISH CHURCH On Sunday, Nov. 30, a White liif t Service will ho observed at the West Parish Church, (lifts brou ght by tho children to be given t<> needy families will be dedicated as part of the morning worship ser- vice by the Rev. Stanley Plainer, guest preacher. CHRISTMAS SALE AND LUNCHEON The West Parish Guild will serve one of their famous chicken luncheons on Wednesday, Dec. 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . Men of the town have found the serv- ings at these buffet lunchoous sat- isfy their appetites and the ladies have found thorn attractive and tasty. Angel cake with fresh straw- berry sauce is planned for dess ert. Tickets are still available and can be purchased from Mrs. Richard Ilaydon FOrest 2-0003 or Mrs. Jos- eph OlkelmUS FOrest 2-3876. A Mystery Gift Christmas Tree for adults and children will be one of the features of the Christmas sale to be held in the Parish House during the afternoon. Christmas greens Will be plentiful and pies, cakes , bread and Christmas cookies can be purchased at the home- baked foods table. There will be a table of aprons and fancy work and at the stationery table, the West Barnstable Birthday Calen- dars will be available. Th.-r.' will be no I'harge at the luncheon tor pre school children. GUILD MEETING There will bo a meeting ot the, West Parish Guild at 8 p.m. Tues- day. December 2. preparations for the luncheon and sale to be held the following day will tuke Ihe place Of the regular meeting. Mem- bers are asked to bring an itditlt and child's mystery gift and aprons or other hand work for the sale to DIP meeting with them. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP The flrat official meeting o| the West Parish Pilgrim Fellowship was held at the Parish llouss on Sunday evening. Program iilans for the year were outlined and it was decided to meet one Sunday evening each month lor a. joint meeting with the Lutheran Luther League. Election ot officers was held and the following elected for the coming year: President , Bruce Carlson ; vice-president , Miriam Ca- hoon; secretary, Francene Pel- loiien; treasurer. Karen Mervitt; refreshments, Nancy Olkelmtt, news reporter , Susan Merrltl PERSONALS Wanda Johnson win arrive Thursday evening from her trail " ing at New England Baptist Ho. pital tO spend the weekend wit h her parents , Mr . and ,vi ls |_ rence Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson H ili a| s have as their guests for the week ' end Mr. und Mrs. Uno Fahlberg of Lynn. Peter Pineo Jenkins . Jr., wm ( at home for Thanksgiving from the U. S. Naval Officers Candidate School in Newport. 1_fc>es5_S^_S^2__S&H__** rfFVf R—^ts*r_ ?