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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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November 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Congressman-elect H a s t i n g s Keith i>f West liridgeivater litis boon called up for a two week tour of duly with the United States Army Reserve Corp In which he is a Lieu- tenant-Colonel. Colonel Keith will make a lour of army installations in Europe. While overseas lie will make D study of Defense policy and Mutual Security. tributlons as against fff.OOO of tho year before. The finance committee feels that the work and effort put Into the canvass, details of which Were worked out ably and efficient- ly by the Publication Committee, were more than Justified and wishes to thank all ot those who gave tangible );lfls t„ the rliiiivh and those , maybe mure blessed , who can give only the Intangible support. THANKSGIVIN G SERVICE A special Thanksgiving Day ser- vice will bo held at the Ciituit Fed- erated Church at 0 a.m last Inn for one hall' hour. NURSERY SCHOOL PENNY SALE The annual Penny Sale lor tho Cotult .Nursery School, inc., will lie held Monday evening, Dee . 1. ill Freedom Hall with Ihe doors open Ing at 7 p.m. Many lovel y Christ I 4 items have been donated for the sale and Ihe public is Ufged to attend this sale where for only pennies many Christmas needs inn lie filled PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs Bernard Btetn "( Lisbon Falls. Maine , p arents of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Stein , are vislllli i; their family here In Cotult. Keith Called To Active Duty MRS. MIRIAM BLAIR Bond Court. Tel. SPring 5-591§ CHUR CHES JOIN FOR -THAN KSGIVING SERVICES This yenr the Thanksgiving Eve ervices in which the Federated , , ' .,„„.,.), and the First Baptist Church have traditionally Joined, „ill he held at the First Bnptist l- mrh at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Dr. i Ufred H- Boutwell, father of the pastor of the First Baptist Church, „ ' ill |,ring the message. Dr. Bout- null is currently serving as pastor . (he Church of the Acres in gpringfleW i and In addtion to being president of the New York State Baptist Convention , he has occu- p|ed pulpits of the Baptist Churches in Lowell , Detroit. West Hartford. Denver und Ithica. A Coffee Hour will be held for ,l„, members of both congrega- tions after the services. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO ENJOY RINK A committee of members of the Hyannis Elementary Schopl P-TA. under the chairmanship of Mrs . Stephen Bates, are making plans for the use of the Kennedy Me- morial Skating Rink by the Elementary Shool pupils during the uoon recess. Final details, such 3g which days will be available to the pupils will be announced shortly. FRATERNAL LODGE HAS HISTORIC MEETING For the Arts time In the history „l Fraternal Lodge, a son raised his lather, in ceremonies conduct- ed last Nov. 10 on the occasion 0( Father and Son Night. More than 200 witnessed the ceremony 09 Worshipful Master William lliililii lt raised his lather , Corey Babbitt. Thirty-seven lodges were represented by 120 visitors. Thir- teen Past Masters of Fraternal Lodge were present and the Dis- trict Deputy Qrand Master attend- ed with a distinguished suite of over .10 brethren. The ritual work of Fraternal Lodge was outstand- ing, as was that of the degree team of the Network Association of the New England Telephone and Tele- graph Company. The memorable evening WHS completed hy a wonderful roust beef dinner , the singing of HtiRh Findlay and the inspired work of flight Worshipful Peter A. Day and Rev. John N. Mark. ST. FRANCIS GUILD BAZAAR This Saturday, Nov. 20, members of St. Francis Xavier Guild -will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar In the church hull from 10 a.m. to It p.m. Mrs. Simon Miller is chairman of the sale this year. There will he tables featuring food , gilts , aprons , handwork and special attractions for the childre n . For the hungry shopper, food will be available at a snack bar and sup- per will be served In the evening. Those who recall the beautiful Hummel creche from last year's bazaar, will be interested in the lovel y four foot by six fool hand- hooked rug, made and donated by a parish members, as well us a .Mother's ring. FEDERATED CHURCH LADIES SPONSOR SALE At 10 n.m. next Wednesday, the doors of the Memorial Building will open on a sale representing the efforts of the members of the Unity Guild and the Matron's Club. The sale will continue throughout Ihe day and evening. In the morning, coffee and dough- nuts will be available . A snack liar , in charge of Mrs . Frank Bourse of the Matrons , will be open from 11 to 1:30. The snack bur w ill fea- ture lobster salad rolls , and also serve ham , tuna and egg Salad sandwiches and brownies. Tea , in charge of Mrs. C. ft. Burleigh of the Guild , will be served from 8:30 in i.ou . A Christmas buffet supper will be held from S to 7. Tickets for the supper are Bfle for adults and 50<- for children under ' 11! years. Reservations may be made for the suppe r by calling either or the co-chairmen , Mrs. Robert Thomas, Spring 5-2107, or Mrs. Harold Anderson, sp 6-1500, or by getting tickets from any of the dub's members . Mrs. Carl F. Schultz and Mrs. Hoi Skende are also co-chairmen nf the supper. Members of the Code club will baliy all in the afternoon and eve- ning und at 3:30 o'clock movies for the youngsters will be shown in Baldwin Ball. Chairman for the various tables Food table will he In charg e of Mrs. have been announced as follows: Alexander Light root of the Guild and Mrs. Anna Jones ur the Mat- rons. The apron table will be In charge or Mrs . w . \ Jacobus of the Guild; fancy work table , in Charge Of Mrs. George Whitney and Mrs. William llencks. both of the Guild; Mrs Joseph ECelley of the Matrons will be in charge of an- other apron and fancyWork table A table of books, stationery and tiles will be in charge of Mrs. Charles Moreton and Mrs. Howard Whiting ot the Guild and Mrs. George Sturges ot Ihe Matrons . There will be a "new and abused'' table in charge of Mrx. Walter Maker of the Guild and Mrs. Har- vey Wolf ot the Matrons . The grab table will be in charge Of Mrs. Josie Ferguson of Ihe Guild and Mrs. William Sears of the Matrons. A table of Christmas greens and plants will be in charge of Mrs. Joseph Walker of the Matrons and George Prosl 2nd will be in charge of a table of Christmas decora- tions. Publicity for the sale has been in charge of Mrs . Joseph Small. NAME OF BAND WAS OMITTED The name of tin liarnstable Town Hand was omitted in the ac- count of the Veterans ' Day parade held in Hyannis on .November 11. The liarnstable Town Band as usual hud .1 prominent place in the parade as it 1ms for several years . CHURCH ACTIVITIES First Baptist Church of Hyannis Sunday. 9:30, Suhdaj School in the Parish Ball; Pastor 's Adult itihle class in the Sanctuary, 11:00 . Morning worship. Sermon topic, "Why no Men Suffer?" 5:00 .. Junior High Fellow- ship in the Nye Room followed by Junior lli nh recreation at 8:00. 6:00 p.m .. Senior tl lgh Fellow- ship in Ihe Nye Room followed by recreation at 7:00. 7 p.m.. worker 's Conference, Mrs . Doroth y S. MOOre, Supt.. and Mrs. George .Knowles, assistant, Monday, Dec. 1 lit S p.m., Craft circle Christmas party at the home of Mrs . Ronald Hoaie. Wednesday . Dec . ::. at 7 p.m. . Boy Scout Tropp, No. 55. Thursday, Doe. 4 al 7:110 , Choir rehearsal in the Sum tuiiry; S:00 , Literary Circle meets at the home of Mrs. Robert Austin. * * * * First Church of Christ . Scientist Sunday, Nov. :I0, al 11 a.m., Les- son Sermon: "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and ——— Hypnotism, Denounced". Wednesday, S P in.. Testimonial Service. All ate welcome . • * ? * Greek Orthodox Church of V.. Ccorge Sunday, Nov. ;io, "SI. Andre w, the First Called", and the "Philop- tocnog Name Day Celebration ". Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; Matins service , 10:80 a.m.; Divine Litu rgy, 11:00. service or Artoklasia (the blessing of Ihe live loaves of bread) sermon in English and Greek, Every Wednesday, S p.m., choir rehearsal . Tuesday through Friday. ;!:.'I0 to 5:30 Greek afternoon school. I r MNNIS CHURCH CANVASS SUCCESSFUL The finance committee of the Cotuit Federated ('Inuvli reports that Sunday afternoon 's canvass brought results amounting lo almost $8)000 in pledges and con- COTUIT NEWS LARRY TILLGREN Painting and Decorating Tel. SPring 5-0131 ! BILL PERRY'S S | Westing house \ Appliances and Television j j R C A [ ne Kl 8-2605 Main Road, West Falmouth ! CADILLA C TRADES 1957 Cadillac Conv. 1956 Cadillac Conv. 1955 Cadillac Conv. 1954 Cadillac Conv. )954 Cadillac Coupe 1951 Cadillac Coupe 1956 Cadillac "60S" 7953 Cadillac "60S" 195 1 Cadillac "60S" • Cape Cod's Only Foctory Authorized Dealer EVERETT H. CORSON Cadillac Olds Barnstable Road Hyannis SPring 5-3600 WINTER CLOSING I SALE ! I 30% OFF J except greeting cards I EVEN CHRISTMAS ITEMS | I All Sales Final | I CHOPPING HOURS | Dail y 10:00 A.M. TO 1:30 1\.M. I « CLOSED WEDNESDAYS • j FANTASY SHOP | t MulWri y Comers Osterville ;J 1 • s -, For The Best In i&lm$ DINING or DANCING tll Sff' CHARLIE'S H f^7 / jgW ] CRAIGVIUE BEACH ROAD || V "<—sfOWil1 I I WEST HYANNISPORT || DANCING every Friday and Saturday To ROCKY'S COMBO in our our Spacious Hyannis "Port" Room j You'll want .0 dance all night to the splendid music of ROCKY'S COMBO j| and of course you'll enjoy our wonderful Cocktails . . . jj You'll Never Taste Better! Plan on Dinner at CHARLIE'S Too Steaks - Chicken - Spaghetti or Pizza lD4\rirvr ¥9mXS 8 '" ,:°° RESERVATIONS I -V^lNl, SATLRDAVS 8 lo 1*00 II fl!-l- " feS9*s ^ P^iyttN l MYtftl VMii M f f i i ' j- in • 11 r 'TTTfi"— i^^F ' ^ ' l * i \ ^ ^ ^L —*" ^ r t Ami l^^^K^P^&MllMHrmU fBIE^ nnMKEnuiV* *'Eliir^ *^* * JL* wK \^BQ IT- i jH^B j , *w^2zL ///$t.. w '^!^J,*'"ft \Tv- ' ' ¦"¦•• ¦'••"''''"'"'%? zr v/ $ h w / 1 T Jc^^B JA ! ¦ \* f * JMf e< *4; ^^K*^') w&^^^ffl " J i } ;en Ky \/ewerJwm ' f j c / m i d the' t yl/eel / ^vXz rST^Z^iirr. # f itts&&± — zxtf zE&zStf z ™ -Ir^*^ i ; ""•" V. of 25' could be as niperbtive in performan ce ai it even the byway* travel hkc boulevard., cai 01 cw» cij iiiu m 1 Indeed, il"' evidence »ill be overwhclminit-tf tommy is 111 appea rance. . ,, ¦¦ ,. 1 al ;.. .,,/„ ,/ ,, //„ world'i most oloriom interval between Well once you ve found out for yourself, we flunk tne at // < • < ' < truth will very likelj mm you. Fo. thin Cadillac is even start and tie* ^ ( ( "Xf35 s:!r',;'";;t'! *. ¦„.„„„ 4*» "-• A-1 *•, f iW* ?r f8rthw :iw:,y " J ' [ih „,.,..,, „,.... ,.,i„;Mi. nearest authorized ( auillac dealer, • f t S "S ; i f S: S r- i; He'll be Wted to ^ hi. ; gpUin the cover th otto wonders of Cadillac' new ¦:,format , ¦ ¦ virtue of each of ( addla . s tWr.Ml. nrw Fleet ""rcsLSi< > immediate and s„ silkc, , in every crafted - bb, incluAm he fobubw new Eldorado dHung ,an gc that it is difficult to believe H o ighan^wul to lei you take th, u l„,-l for you,,.!.. VISI T vol H LOCA l Ai 1 iioiil/i.n G tin l. l. IC l>i: EVEflETT H. CORSON BARNSTABLE ROAD . HYANNIS SPring 5-3600 livery Idi^ty of t.vrr, CaMllai i> ^I^Ji fijgjj OlOU i KIDDE i Alarm Systems Marine Systems \ At The Home At The Pock SHERWOOD FIRE EQUIPMENT CO. Itoiih- (>A Yarmouth, MoMi Tel. FOrcM 2-:»U2 (Day or Night) GEORGE'S BARBER SHOP Main Street Osterville For Sale—A Pontiac House Trailer 26 Feet Long Fully BHjulpped - Slospj i Priced Reasonable Mrs. Bowman - Baas River Park Bass Rivtr