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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 27, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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November 27, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BAR BAF.A W. WYMAN GArden 8-2146 CHRISTMAS FAIR Don't forget the Community Church Methodist All Church Christmas Fair to be held next Tuesday December 2 at 10:00 A. Mi in the Vestry . Fancy work , aprons , home maVHl-^iik^XySC™ ¦ B R' •' -Cry'l^cSSSSSsSiGlS^B ¦ Ti»L^3? ^¦^^^ f l I .^KE^^^4 PS THE STONE OF THE MONTH FOR EACH CHILD nrii'in '8 nS K}U ' .'i?1 Motn er will cherisb always and wear with , , , , ; n, ! ' , Mother 's Ring " radiant with the memories that f illv rr, otn f r oan have- t6lls the story of her life , and so beaut 1- . Ihn m™ .V W(> > KOlU ban(ls BiKIlff y husband and wife , the stones ' ™ mollth , Which link the two bands, represent the proudest Possessions in her lire—her children . f t c me now accepting orders for Christmas on our layaway plan 0ne Child $25.00 Two Children 30.00 prices include Three Children 35.00 tax Four Children 40.00 GUER T IN BROS. JEWE LERS OF NOTE MAIN STREET HYANNIS PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL GROCERY STORES r — B. L. TALLMAN, Inc. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS oillce 1Equipment ami Suppiim 10 Sherman S<|. SPring S-1T83 ll .i mini-,. )lua ,A„ NEW 14 TIRES REGULAK « 8, ... . ....... , ,rv SNOW TREADS | 7.50 x II j 19.95 1 Black Wall f Each Phis Ta* > . Exchange 3 \ O. K. RUBBER WELDERS | f 37 HIGH SCHOOL ROAD HYANNIS » GEORGE H. MELLEN, Jr. ^ 9i j ^ DEPENDABLE INSl'HAMJK^W ^ 561 Main Street , Hyannis • Tel. SPring 5-0569 MISS MARY SPRAGUE FOrest 2-3854 UNITARIAN CHURCH Sunday, Nov. 30, at !)::il) a.m., Sunda y School; 11 a.m.. Worship Service and Sermon: "More Light from the Dead Sea Scrolls; " Super- vised play for children , ;! through 12. during worship; 6:15 p.m.. Lothrop Guild meets at the church to go to Libera l Religious Youth meeting in Brewster. Wednesday, Dec. 3, at G. ' .iO p.m. supper meeting of the Flower Guild Alliance. Friday, Dec. 5, at .1:15 p.m.. Junior choir rehearsal at the flow- ery home; S p.m., Senior choir re- hearsal at the church. CHRISTENING SERVICE Little Katharine Lee Ramsden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ramsden of Providence, R. I., was christened at the regular morn- ing service at the Unitarian Church on Sunday, Nov. 23. She wore the same dress that was made especiall y for the christening of her great aunt , Mrs. K. E. Calvin , and later worn for the same occa- sion hy her grandmother . Mrs. A. F, McLean. In church for the service were Mr. and Mrs . Herbert Rawlinson of Pawtucket, R. I.; Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Barnard, Mr . and Mrs. A. F. McLean of Warwick , R. I., and Mr. and Mrs, James Ramsden of Rumford , R. I. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward B, McLean , Providence; Miss Sallie Lu Moore of Ilyannisport; James It. Calvin of Tabor Academy, Marion, and Miss Mary A. Sprague, great, great aunt. After the service there was a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Barnard. UNITY CLUB The Unity Club of the Barnstable Unitarian Church will meet for a work party on Saturday, Nov. 29, at 2 p.m. at the Furish House. The Club plans to paint partitions that have been built In the Sunday School rooms. Charles Matthews, president of the organization , will net as foreman. A supper will be held following tho work party. Miss Margaret Craig Is In charge of arrangements. A business meeting with Mr. Mat- thews presiding will follow. PERSONALS Mrs. Walter Robinson celebrated her 80th birthday on Nov. 25. Her family, including six great grand- children were with her for Thanks- giving which was a part of the celebration. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanBuren are spending a few days Including Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Abraham and family in Albany, N. Y. Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Harrows of Scudder 's Lane have returned from their southern (rip which in- cluded Florida. Annual Christmas Sale and Tea will be held at the Piuish House of St. Mary's Episcopal Church on Saturday, Dec. 6 from 2 to 6 p.m. A class in the making of lump shades was held Thursday of last week at the home ol Mrs. Balfour Bassett on Freezer Road , under the auspices of tho Extension Bureau, Mrs. F. T. Nickerson was the in- structor and may ladles were in at- tendance. A box luncheon was enjoyed. James It. Calvin ot Tabor Acad- emy, In Marion, spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr . and , Mrs. K. H. Barnard . Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Pltzpatrick and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Michaels of New Haven were weekend guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gal- lagher. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Hinckley they all nt- tended the Harvard-Yule football game In Cambridge on Saturday. Mrs. Mary Clifford , sister of Mrs. A. Richard Baker of Koveney Lane, died nt Pocusset , after a long Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth II. Croene loft Friday afternoon for Winston- Salene, North Carolina, where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. James Sheets (nee Sally Grocnel and while I here will visit their -son John and his wife at Camp Lejeune, They will return about Dec. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. William C, Hinckley of Chelmsford were in town at their home this past week. Mrs. Melvln II. Hale of Center Harbor, N. II., and Mrs. Herbert Wormwood of Kingston, N. H., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs . James B. Mitchell. Mrs. Hale Is a sister of Mr. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Liimatainen, Jr., and daughter Ann left Saturday for a week 's visit with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cox of St .Albans, Vermont . Philip M. Broed of Lynn was at his Salten Point Road home for the weekend. Mrs. John Clarke of Lexington and her childre n Joe, Elizabeth and I Eric were weekend guests of their aunt , Miss Alice Beale over . the weekend. Mrs. William Rueter and daugh- ters Margaret, ftatnerine ami Susan of Manchester arrived Sat- urday to spend a week with her mother, Mrs. B. D, Edwards , Sr. Mr. Rueter and two sons are ex- pected to join tho famil y on Wed- nesday for Thanksgiving. James Edwards of Providence was the weekend guest of his mother, Mrs. B. D. Edwards, Sr. Penny nnd Sally Edwards, daugh- ters of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards of Dover spent the weekend with their grandmother , Mrs. B. D. Ed- wards, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon O. Jerauld of Seaford , L. I., are spending the Thanksgiving weekend with his parents , Mr. and Afrs. Brace K. Jerauld. THANKSGIVING SERVICE The annual Union Thanksgiving Service In Barnstable village will be held Wednesday, November 26, 8:00 p.m., at the Barnstable Uni- tarian Church . The Third Baptist Church , St. Mary 's Episcopal i niircn , ami the Unitarian Chn,,i, sponsor the service each year The congregation will bo ln,i , the pastoral prayer by the Rov to Wyeth Willurd of the Third BaitS Church. Tho Rev. George S TT bun of South Dennis , who h ' pri„B, ' In-charge of St. Mary 's Church Z* ing the absence of their rector «„ read the scriptures . The serm will be given by the Rev. Kenneth R. Warren, minister ot the h0 , church. Donald P. Tulloch, HUh Sheriff of Barnstable County JE read the Governors' Thanksgiy(J Proclamation. MUBIC will be pro vlded by the United Choir directed , by Mrs. Lauchlan M. Crocker, jr and accompanied by Roland T. ' PIM at the organ. The offering win be contributed to the United Clothing Appeal of the National Council of the Church es of Christ. BARNSTABLE fPCOOO OQOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOO QQPQOOOOPO OCQOOP OOO qOOOQ OCOO POOO OOOOOOCO OOOOOQO Oe ^f^ jjjw^o Mjj" METERED / ^T^ t^ nmrn '^ t i ^ 1)13233- DELIVERY iM^ra¥6iil1 -Af* EARIVI F(]EL F OIL <^~^»W PHINNEY COAL & OIL INC. COAL - WOOD - ICE - FUEL OILS Telephone SPring 5-0050 145 YARMOUTH ROAD IIYANMS STUDENTSI ^^ mm$150 7^1 15 3A WKK ^Z^REMTNGTON Gto f et-Jicf at. &4wd&e& 337 Main St., SPring 5-2810 Open Every Friday Evening till 9:00 P.M. Painting - Decorating KARL F. SOLLOWS 293 Sea Street Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-1877 ^H MP f e^ QUALITY yfyfSJffHplHl^g*r=r—k see tlie best ^ »ffl^i | J^yil^ lsiBy assortment of 7^ V./fnlln\.SJ on Cape Cod Bernard C. MacQuade USED CARS 1TA.NOUOH ROAD ROfJTF 28 »-—' | "'AOONALLY OIM-..SIT E THE BUZZARDS BAY q.J cp ^ EVERT EVK^'^" P. M. AT YOUR LEISURE a Pendleton No casual jacket in years has attained the popularity of this Pendleton jacket. It is so attractive and so practical for both home nnd sports wear. We are showing many new patterns for fall. The fabrics are all dyed by Pendleton, spun by Pendleton, woven by Pendleton from pure virgin wool and are soft, rich and luxurious. S-M -L-XL. 5] 7.50 ^iMMsV^k, P a l yjB-: IP-K^^fefBJfeW^ "IEf» 0Mswtf ** «wPK ifiPJ^fB! sK^UsI I mM i 4 . ^3 ^ there's only one *—-'--¦¦, I Pendleton if ulw°ys v'r