November 27, 1958 Barnstable Patriot | |
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November 27, 1958 |
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Henry L. Murph y of Hyannls and
Centerville tins been nominated by
Governor Foster Furcolo for the
j udgeship of the 1st Barnstable Dis-
trict Court . If and when the nom-
ination of Mr. Murphy is confirmed
by the Governor s Council he will
succeed the former Judge .lames L,
Vallely who was promoted to the
Superior Court bench lust August.
The 1st District Court has been
without a presiding jus tice since
that time.
Mr. Murphy is a native of Ham-
stable und was graduated from Barn-
stable High school. (|e received hi-,
bachelors and law degrees from
Georgetown t' niverslty.
He has been an active Democrat
In polities and has served as town
moderator for a number of years.
He is a brother of E. Thomas Mur-
phy, Barnstable selectman.
' He is u former president of the
Cape Cod Bar Association and has
been active in fraternal and civic
organizations in the town of Barn-
stable and elsewhere.
Mr . Murphy is married to the
former Mary Elisabeth Mickey and
the couple have six children Henry
L. Jr .. 17, John Douglas 15, Mary
Jane II. Mary Patricia 7, James
William 5 and Mark Christopher 1.
Murphy Nominated
For Judgeship
Fifty Red Cross Volunteers from
various parts of the Cupe , Includ-
ing Orleans, Falmouth , Otis Air
Force Base, Chatham, Dennis, Yar-
mouth, Barnstable ami Hyannts at-
tended a general meeting and ten
held la the Cape Cod Synagogue
Thursday. This is the first of gen-
eral meetings to be conducted an-
nually so that Red CrOSS members
can become acquainted with each
other ami also to recruit new mem
iici a
C luctlng the meeting al the
Bynagogue was Mrs. George Mel-
lon, chairman of Volunteer Service
crimps which Included Canteen,
Entertainment, Gray Lady, Motoy,
Nurses ' Aide , Production, »**to l
Welfare and Btnfl Aide Services, as
»i ii us Volunteer Regfsti red
Robert \i Heberton , chapter
chairman greeted the Red Cross
members prior to the showing "i
;i riiiii depicting the life of Clara
Km inn and historj <>i the Amerl
can National lied Cross, Following
iiiis Mrs, Reuben Hopkins o( Or
leans, who Is chairman of the
Nurses ' Aide Service, spoke on the l
Red cross Blood Program ami an
nounced thai Blood Donor Days will
be held iii Falmouth December :i
and In Orleans December J. She
described the new method of col-
lectlng blood for special Open
Heart Surgery ai the Children's
Hospital iii Boston.
New members who registered
with the local Chapter for volun-
teer service Ihls Fall Include Miss
Pauline Crabtrae, Hyannls, and
Airs .1. Maude Myles of Mnrstoiis
Following the ting tea «.' :
orved by members of the Hyannls
i anteen Unll undei the chairman
ship of Mrs . Harriet! P. Cpx Of
South Yarmouth, Members ol hei
committoe were Mrs. Harold Hal
bit . South Yarmouth, Miss Clai h
su Flint, Barnstable, Mrs Augusta
Sohautfler .>r Hyannls, Mrs Thom
as Otis Cuntervllle, Mrs. Polly
Knl/.niaiin ol OSterVlIle
Red dross Workers
Hear Speakers
After announcing that the official
opening Ol the Kennedy Memorial
Skating Itink on Friday had been
postponed owing to trouble with the
Ice making equipment and the oo-
( ompanylng poor weather condi-
tions, the rink was opened on Sun-
day with nearly I00<; children and
adults inking advantage of the tirsi
day of skatin g .
A sudden chilly spell on Satur-
day night was all thai was needed
to gel the lie surface In shape lor
Sunday afternoon. Somehow ilic
word gol around and Die afternoon
crowd of about still youngsters and
adults took over the rink fur an
afternoon of tun, The crowd was
lei I in the evening when only
Bllghtly over 130 persons were on
the Ice.
Monduj told a different story
with the surface of Hie link bathed
in a layer ol wat er Instead of solid
Ice and the prospects were dim for
ai leasi a few days , when the "No
skatin g " sign would probably be
hung out,
inning the afternoon the number
who were walling to get Into the
rink wir BO great that long lines
extended oul to the street.
The official count of paid admis-
sions was IIS I persons with 851 al
the afternoon session and mo at the
I evening session, when adults und
1 high school Btudents used the rink .
Members or the Cape Cod Skat
lag Club used the rink bclw I I
and two o'clock.
skating until further notice
(weather permitting) win be morn-
ing session 9:30 to noon : afternoon!
2 :iu in 5:00 and evenings 8:00 to
The first hocke) game ,,r the sea
on will be next Sunday when the
starting ol 'he Cape <' «d Hockey
League will get ander way.
On Tuesdaj ice tva« present again ;
al the rink and th ere was a full
crowd both altera- ."ii and evening.
Weather predictions indicated thai
Iher e would be II poBSlbllit} Of h ''
for several day* to come.
Rink Has Unexpected
Opening On Sunday
The Hoard r >J Appeals Of the
Town of Barnstable on Tuesday
granted the petition of John J.
Pendergast to erect duplex col-
lages on 12 lots on the southeast
erly end of Cralgvllle Bench Head.
The original petition to the board
was Bled on September 211 nnd
hearings were postponed from Oct.
HI tO 81, after which the matter
was taken under advisement by
the board. The lots in question
vary from id. (Km to 12,415 BQuare
feet in area.
The Hoard of Appeals said In an-
nouncing the granting ol the
"This petition is similar lo a
number of others proponed to the
Hoard. It Is argued Hint the resi-
dence 11 1 area along Cralgv llle
Heach Road, on both sides, fro m
West llynnnlsporl lo the Residence
H I /one al Long Heach Itoad , Is
hull! up by clubs , businesses, and
duplex rental units; that there i-i
not a single residence along the
mile-long section; that the peti-
tioner's land Is so near to the
high-wate r level , ami so close lo
thriving summer businesses, thai
no single-residence use is practi-
cal or even leasonable; that the
allowance of the petition would
serve (,, bring (his valuable und
unused land Into a residential
usage which conforms lo the loiw
established usage along the busy
publi c way. and avoid a financial
"A local organisation was
heavily in Opposition, Dfl expressed
In letters and forms; a group of
residents In the adjoining area
were represented by counsel, .1
Blake Thaxfer , Jr., and the pnll-
tioner was represented by Attorney
Charles C Cunningham. Both coun-
sel argued on Hie law and tftOtS
as applicable lo the situation. (An
apparent Inconsistency in the
ground plans submitted was ex
plai ned by I he surveyor , who sub
milled a report thereon lo the
ami court; the lot areas shown on
Hie Inter plan appear lo hi' cor
reel , and those In the earlier plan
"in considering the matter, a
precedent established by the
Hoard in Hie pellliou ol Philip
Kriipp, dated June 2, 1064 , was
consulted , tin thai occasion , deal
ing wlih a petition lot multiple
rentals , the llnai'd unanimously
¦•¦¦I • £,- ¦' ¦ ' . M I . , srii''i»
foot lots permitting duplex rental
imfts. .
Since thill dflte, a minimum
lot i equlremenl ol 10,000 square
feel has been adopted. All of Hie
petit loner's propoi ed lots meet
this requirement, or exceed n
"i' iMin careful consideration, and
mindful "i possible precedent
established thereby, the Hoard de
elded Him a variance lu ihls case
would be Within the sp irit and Ill-
lent of the /oning by law , as effect
lug Ihls unique beni h area , at Hie
foot of a bluff "
II w as \ oled lo grant a variance
iii tile existing by laws subject to
the following conditions
"I. Imp lex family unll dwellings
may be built, conforming to local
standards of quality ami design ,
wiib u maximum of 1600 square
Teet ui (ItIIir surface on lots BOH
mining 10,000 in 10,800 square
leel ] and with a inixli l( 1600
square feel ol floor surface on lots
containing from 10,300 lu 12,500
square teet.
"2 ii the allowed i wo unit rental
use Is exceeded, Ibis variance shall
automatii ally terminate
":i. A single udvertli Ing Igu
may be a I, uol lo oxi eed 18
square fi el In area, Illuminated by
¦tut lighting,
•¦ i in order lo n i old I raffle ' un-
ci imn mi the public waj . access
by way "I New land Street, as
shown on the plan , la forbidden."
AppealsBoard Grants Variance
For Craigville Beach Motel Unit
"Hese board examinations are
J' ""i-ieil to be held at Barnstable
Jigii School on Saturday, January
Applications must be in
""' school office not later than Sat-
"-V December 1
The petiti on of Fred U Willia ms ,
a prospective purchas er, lo erect
a dwelling mi the H'OHI 110 tOOl
portion ol a lot which already con-
tain. , a du elling on the 160 loot
rear section al 263 Sea Street, "V
annis has been denied bj the TOWO
or Barnstable Board of Appeals .
The frontage of the lot is said lo
be 71 leei. fOtif feet less than the
minimum Homage requirement In
a Itesidellc e A district-
Appeals Board
Denies Petition
Registrar Clement A . Riley, chair-
man of the Massachusetts Highway
Safety Committee, today reminded
all hosts at holiday drinki ng par-
ties that they are responsible for
the safely of their guests alter the
party i.- ovev.
Registrar lliley said. "It is the
duty of tveiy host at holiday drink-
ing parlies to make sure that per-
sons who must driv e away from
the pariy are nut served Intoxicat-
ing drinks or to Provide a driver
who has not been drin king to drive
for them. This includes all holiday
drinking parties al home in the
office -or at the cluh,
"Holiday trains tragedies ean bo-
avoided by this application of rea-
sonable thinkin g durin g the holiday
season .
"The life and licen se you stive
may he your own '"
Warn Hosts They
Are Responsible
William W. Peters of Falmouth
was installed as High Priest of Ori-
ent Royal Arch Chapter recently
iluring ceremonies conducted at
Masonic Temple , Hyannls.
Otuer otttcers installed were,
Theodore C. Holmes, King; Oeorge
H. Bigelow, Scribe; William D. Wil-
kinson and Rev. Carl P. Schultz,
Chaplains; Bertraml 0, French,
Treasurer ; (ierard C. Besse, Secre-
tary ; liussell H. Brown, Captain of
the Host; William F. Bassett , Prin-
cipal Sojourner ; (Ierard C Besse,
''''•. Royal Arch Captain; Carroll E.
Baker Master of tie Third Veil;
Walt, . )|. .Ic-ukins , Master of the
Second Veil ; .1. Arthur Van Buren.
Usstei ») the Pirsi Veil; Joh n X
Valentine, Steward ; Frederick M .
Hodge, Organist; lleorge A. Canon
anil Garfield <',. Slymiesl , Tylers.
Installing Grant) officers were
Hours •¦'. smith . Past Grand High.
''''"" lit the Grand Royal Arch
CnapU of Massachusetts , assisted
,v Kv James K. O Hoole as Install-
'"8 Grand Captain of th e Host , and
1 1:,i
¦ «i Hall as installing chap-
lain .
Orient Royal Arch
Chapter Installs
. — «
The mild November weather on (' ape Cod hus done nothing
for the program set for the Kenned y Memorial Skating Rink
at HyanniSi
Mild weather , moderately warm nights and daytime sun
do absolutely nothing to hel p make ice in an open air fink .
Although the official opening of the Kenned y Memorial
Kink had been set for Friday, November 21, the management
found it impossible to form ice which would hold for more hiin
a few hours.
The mild weather conditions combined with I rouble with
(he compressor made it necessary to call off the official opening
sad hope for more seasonable weather conditions in another
This all seemed to point up the fact that the town must do
something to protect the ice surface from the hoi rays of the
Of course if the town of Barnstable were to do the right
thine;, the entire operation should be shielded from all elements ,
„im and mild weather both. At some times during the winter
mouths, the weather becomes so mild that ice anywhere but
indoors will melt. This would require an outside wall and roof
as well.
Perhaps temporarily the rink could be roofed over , 1 Allied
Kellc y. pri sidenl ol the Cape i !od
< Council ut Hoy Si outs . ||,
made awards to the follow Ing:
Tenderiool . Robert Set hares .
Drew Paris, Roberi Lamberl and
.lolm CelcniuKii : I S B 0 D d-l la'-s
badges . Waller HedUai'k, William
Howes, Lloyd Senno, Fred Smith,
Mie n Campbell, Joseph Powers,
Harold Beaver and Larry BUcoo
First class pin , Jafiif Kovnei : tfl
phen Sheafler. and Itoberl Fail-
leaiix ; star badge, ''hiille- Fau-
teaux and Lurry Heed . merit
badges, Larry Hoss, .lack Rovner
and Itoberl FanteaiU.
Scout Receives
Eagle Award
L.unstabl e High will be snooting
r,, i ,is eighth victory in 8 row over
Lawn-nee High Of Falmoulb on
Thanks giving Hay. lu the last 11
years Falmouth has succeeded u>
defeati ng liarnstable only three
limes. Total score for the 11 names
ghows liarnstable scoring 163
points against fjfj tat Falmouth
, , ... , i , .,,,,,. |,i,|i| al K i met Kenn el - . Wakcbv Itoad MUI LOU* Mills, 'I lo
Hungarian Vtssla wun aw IIUH " . -Ability in Hunaurj bus hen, introd uced Into this country during
VlSSla, """"'"" >' '"•'¦.' .. "« " '"¦*¦
' ;
; ,, , i 11 ,.
nal a 10 M a r i o n , Mills Is believed LBS HrSl In
""• '"
': """ ¦'
, " " ""'• " ,' , Si allI when Xura *« laken and went to sour. .. or r. supplj by In
SSF^SF ™'* ff-Sttta R£2 - * M- *'» '•'"¦•< WUMM