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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 15, 1910     Barnstable Patriot
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November 15, 1910
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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—M^—— ¦— a————^^ PHONE ORDERS j m Call up 140 Hyannls , ( fame '- ..Cjfi. Distance ) or 25-11 Cape ¦Codf«TEk telephone , and have a talkl l M with us when you want print-l (5?%V ing. PerBonal and nromnt V ^ JO * attention given your request. P. B. & F. P. Goss, Hyannis. The Y. P. S. C. E. convention of Barnstable county will be held in Buzzards Bay Dec. 7. The Barnstable Congregational con- ference will be held with the society at Falmouth on Dec. 29 and 30. A Masonic exemplification for the lodges in the 27th district will take place in Falmouth Thursda y. . Rev. Dwight Fay Mowery, who served the North Falmouth church as pastor last year , was ordained asso- ciate pastor of the First church , Pittsr field, Nov. 4th. The New England Southern Con- ference of the M. E. church will be held at Warren , R. I., on March 29th This date was arranged at a recent conference of bishops at Washin gton. One party is said to have shot 300 wild ducks at Great pond on the Vineyard. Ducks have settled on that pond in great flocks and gun- ners are banging at them all the time. Eugene Car penter of Newton is enthusiastic over the agricultural possibilities of 1500 acres of barren land on the Vineyard. He says irri- gation will make them into produc- tive farms. The new Board of Tra de. Building at Provincetown was opened and dedi- cated on Thursda y evening. It is built over the water just west of the railroad crossing on Main street , and cost $6000, and the furn ishings about S1500 more. JUDGE ROBERT O. HARRIS of East Bridgewater Elected Congressman from the 14th District Vote for Congressman Harris Thacher Abi ngton 433 481 Attleboro 1055 808 Barnstable 382 540 Bourne 238 184 Brewster •. 55 87 Bridgewater 452 287 Brockton 3352 4112 Carver 56 48 Chatham 130 147 Cohasset 222 225 Dennis 106 249 Duxbury 156 112 East Bridgewater ... 406 103 Eastham 43 48 Easton 359 375 F almouth 319 221 Halifax 43 13 Hanover 182 82 Hanson 153 48 Harwich 141 146 Hingham 404 350 Hull 76 144 Kingston 218 98 Lakeville 38 34 Mansfield 324 294 Marshfield 120 79 Mashpee 35 ¦ 11 Middleboro 431 471 Norton 143 72 Norwell 198 98 Orleans 86 98 Pemb roke 90 46 Plymouth 754 746 Plympton 51 v 39 Provincetown 128 277 Raynham 118 50 Rockland 555 663 Sandwich 103 147 Scitu ^te 173 181 Taunton 2073 2239 Truro 43 -46 Wareham , 222 270 Wellfleet 79 62 West Bridgewa ter .. 176 83 Whitman 688 51 1 Yarmouth 133 .181 Totals , 15.742 15,606 JOSEPH T. KENNEY District Attorney Elect BRIEF LOCALS Barnstable School Census The School Census of Barnstable re- cently completed gives the following re suits as compared With that of 1909: Barnstable village, West "Barnstable , Plains , Newtown and Marstons Mills; between the ages of seven and four- teen , 154, a gain of 7; between the ages of five and fifteen, 209, a loss of 5. r .. ¦ Osterville , Cotuit and Santu it ; be- tween seven and fourteen , 158, a gain of 11; between five and fifteen , 209, a gain of 28; Hyannis and Cen- terville: between seven and fourteen , 236, a gain of 37; between five and fifteen 277, a gair. of 15. Total for the town : between seven and fourteen , o4S, a gain of 55; between .five and fifteen , 695, a gain of 38; total gain over 1909, ninety-three. The lar ger villages rank in the fol- lowing order in school population : Hya nnis , West Barnstable , Osterville , Cotuit , Barnstable village, Centerville. The census was taken by Misses ularion Baker , Anne L. Jenkins and Margerie Leonard. A convention of the Barnstable Central district of the Mass. S. S. As- sociation will be held in the M. E. church in Sandwich on Wednesda y with the following program : 9.30 Devotional , led by Win. F. Jenkins, West Barnstable. Welcome—Herbert L. Chipman , Sandwich. Response—Rev. Eugene E. Colburn , Yarmouth. 10.00 How the Country church Can Solve the Problem of Leadership—Rev. E. McP. Ames, Osterville. 10.30 The Problem of Training Our Sunda y School Teachers—Harriet God- dard Francis , A. B., Hyannis. 11.00 Grading the Sunda y School, Why, When and How ?—Hamilton S. sonant , Boston. 11.30 Discussion. 11.50 Business. 12.00 Basket lunch. 1.15 Conference: Advanced Grades—Hamilton S. Conant , Boston. Elementary Grades—Miss Edna E. Cole, East Boston,. 2.00 Business, Offering. 2.1o Praise Service. 2.30 Our Boys, and what We Must Do for Them—Rev. William Robert- son, Sandwich . 3.00 Address—Miss Cole. 3.30 Realizing Our Strength—Rev. William D. Goble, Middleboro. A meeting of the Barnstable west district will be held in the First Con- gregational church , Falmouth , Tues- day. The following program has been prepared: Devotional Service. Echoes from North Adams—S. A. Holton , W. C. Davis. Address—Rev. H. E. Thygeson. Music. Ways of Helping Teachers—Mrs. Willena Brown Reed: Conferences—H. S. Conant , Mrs. W. B. Reed. Devotional Service. Music. How can the chur ch secure perma- nent workers—H. S. Conant. Address—Rev. W. D. Goble, Middle- boro. The annual convention of the East District will be held in the M. E. church at East Har wich on Thursda y. Sunday School Conventions The annual meeting of the Boston Marine Society was held last Wednes- day and was attended by a large num- ber of Cape members. These officers were re-elected for the ensuing year :' President—Lyman H. Richards. Vice-President—Henry H. Fisk. Secretary—J ohn L. Manson. Treasurer—Josep h. Stevens. Trustees—James P. Martin , William I' 1 . Humphrey, Henry H. Litchfield , Elkanah Crowell , Edward B. Atwood, Samuel Pray, J. Clifford . Entwistle , Fred C. . Bailey, William A. Carlton , James Gurney. The sum of $3290 was appropri ated on recommen dation of the relief com- mittee among the 84 beneficiaries of the association for the next quarter. Horace N. Berry, Robert M. Laven- der , Fred A. Crowell and Caleb R. Kel- ley of the old board of port wardens were re-elected. There was a contest for fifth member of the board. Candi- dates were Capt. George W. Dow, mas- ter of the seven-masted schr. Thomas W. Lawson, wrecked a few years ago on the English coast; Capt. Fred C. Bailey of Kingston; Capt. Martin E. Thomp son of Dennispor t; Capt. How- ard Kelley of Dorchester and Capt. George L: Howes of Centerviil e. Capt. Thompson was elected. - The society by unanimous vote in- dorsed the petition to Congress asking that old life-savers be pensioned. Capt. Orrick M. Rogers of the steamer New Orleans and Capt. B. W. Boody of the schooner Annie F. Con Ion were elected members of the so- ciety. The annual dinner at the Quincy House preceded the business session. The summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Davis of Brockton at Sias Point , Buzzards Bay, was entered re- cently by burglars and practically everything of value taken. It is thought that the entranc e was effected Sunday night , the 6th,. but it was not discovered until the middle of the week. Entrance was effected by a batn-room . window which opens off from , a balcony. It is report ed that District Attorney- elect Kenney will appoint former Rep- resentative Henry A. Ellis of Yar- mouth as assistan t District Attorney. The U. S.- Senate stands 48 to 42 in favor of the Republicans. The Democrats have near ly 40 majority in the House. For the benefit of our readers we publish to-day on our fourth page the revised time-table which went into effect Nov. 6t*. President Taft is visiting the Canal Zone making an inspection of the Panama canal . The Cape delegation in the Legis- lature is solid for the re-election of Senator Henry C. Lodge. Congressman . Greene of; .the 13th District is re-elected by a majorit y of 4.205. ••' V.. The Boston Marine Society, THE STATE ELECTION FOSS ELECTED GOVERNOR Otherwise Republica ns Successful Governor—E ugene N. Fobs, Demo- cratic. ' Lieut-Governor— Louis A. Frothi ng- ham, Republican. Secretar y—William M. Olin, Re- publican. Treasurer—Elme r A. Stevens, Re- publican. Auditor—Henr y E. Turner , Republi- can. Attorne y-General—James M. Swift, Republican. Congressman—Robert O. Harris , Republican. Councillor—Charles O. Brightman , Republican. District-Attorne y—Joseph T. Ken- ney, Repu blican. Democratic. Senator—John E. White, Republi- can. Representatives—1st District , Asa L. Pattee , Republican ; 2d District , Benj. D. Gifford , Republican ; 3d Dis- trict , Alfred W. Cushman , Republican. Count y Commissioner—L. K. Chase , Republican. Associate Commissioners— Elisha H. Bearse , Republican ; Jonathan El- dred ge, Republican. Sheriff—Henr y M. Percival , Republi- can. Unofficial returns of the vote for Governor from the entire state were as follows: Eugene N. Foss, (Dem.) 220,148. Eben S. Draper , (Rep.) 187,161. Foss pluralit y, 32,987. Complete returns for lieutenant- governor give: Louis A. Frothin gham , (Rep.) 198,- 292. Thomas F. Cassidy, (Dem.) 193,158. Frothingham 's plurality, 51ii. The Legislature The next Legislature will stand as follows : Senate , Republicans 25, Democrats 15. House, Republicans 128, Demo- crats 111, Socialists 1. Democrats make gain of fifty in legislature. The new Legislature will decide whether United States Senato r Henry Cabot Lodge shall be given another term and in the joint convention the Republicans will have 153 to 126 vot es for the Democrats. The Congressme n Tne loilowing are the Massachusetts congressmen elected: First district— *iieorge P. Lawrence (Rep.) Second—*F. H. uillette (Rep.) Third—John A. Tnay'er (Dem.) Fourth—John J. Mitchell (Dem.) Fifth— *Butler Ames (Rep.) Sixth—?A. P. Gardner (Rep.) Seventh— *E. W. Roberts (Rep.) Eighth— *S. W. McCall (Rep.) Ninth—William F. Murra y (Dem.) Tenth—James M. Curle y (Dem.) Eleventh— *A. J. Peters (Dem.) Twelfth— *John W. Weeks (Rep.) Thirteenth— *W. S. Green e (Rep.) Fourteenth—Robert O. Harris (Rep.) *Re-filep.t.fid. Vote of Barnstable Governor—Dra per 512, Foss 414, Nic- holls 6, Ruther 3, White 5. Lieutenant Governor—Cassid y 298, Frothingham 526, Hess 6, Mahone y 7, Merrill 15. Secretary—D'Orsay 10, Martell 229, Mortenson 4, Olin 554, Thomas 10. Treasurer—Fredrikson 10, Frissell 16, McBride 6, Peach 233, Stevens 521. Auditor—Holt 13, McNally 1, Miles 6, Paine 345, Turner 466. Attorney-General—McGoff 4, Metcalf 8, Ratigan 213, Swift 570. Congressman—Harris 382, McCart y 3, Thacher 540. councillor—Brightman 586, Palme 67. Senator—Thorndike 321, White 550. Representative—Bodflsh 288, Dalton 300, Pattee 352. county Commissioner—Chase 474, Nye 431. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 577, Eldredge 28V. District Attorney—Bannon 329, Ken- ney 410. Sheriff—Percival 743. Vote of Bourne Governor—Draper 277, Foss 157, Nic- holls 7, Ruther 1, White 1. Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 102, Frothingham 283, Hess 16, Mahoney 2, Merrill 15. Secretary—D'Orsay 11, Martell 76, Mortenson 4, Olin 283, Thomas 13. Treasurer—Fredrikson 4, Frissell 18, McBride 1, Peach 85, Stevens 274. Auditor—Holt 17, McNally 2, Miles 4, Paine 110, Turner 253. Attorney-General—McGoff 3, Metcalf 3, Ratigan 86, Swift 288. congressman—Harris 238, McCarty 4, Thacher 184. Councillor—Brightman 319, Palme 24. Senator—Thorndike 98, White 302. Representative—Bodfish 79, Dalton 157, Pattee 192. County Commissioner—Chase 102, Nye 331. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 278, Eldredge 148, District Attorney—Bannon 137, Ken- ney 206. • Sheriff—Percival 335. Vote of Brewster Governor—Draper 85, Foss 59, Nicholls 2, Ruther 1. Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 38, Frothingham 77, Hess 2,'Merrill 4. Secretary—D'Orsay 1, Martell 36, Mortenson 1, Olin 76 Thomas 4. Treasurer—Fredrikson 1, Frissell 3, McBride 1, Peach 38, Stevens 74. Auditor—Holt 4, Paine 46, Turner 70. Attorney-Gener al—McGoff 1, Ratigan 40, Swift 80. Congressman—Harr is 55, Thacher 87. councillor—Brightma n 91, Palme 3. Senator—Thor ndike 92, White 49. Representativ e—Cushman 99. County Commissioner—Ch ase 61, Nye 63. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 76, Eldredge 32. District Attorney—B annon 35, Kenney 73. Sheriff—Percival 116. Vote of Chatham Governor—Draper 185, Foss 105, Nic- holls 4, Ruther 1, White 2. Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 58, Frothingham 190, Hess 3, Mahoney 2, Merrill 4. Secretary—D'Orsay 1, Martell 49, Mortenson 2, Olin 179, Thomas 4. Treasurer—Fredrikson 1, Frissell 7, McBride 2, Peach 42, Stevens 181. Auditor—Hol t 6, Miles 1, Paine 57, Turner 17z. Attorney-General —McGoff 2, Metcalf 4, Ratigan 43, Swift 184. Congressman—Harris 130, Thacher 147. Councillor—Bright man 190, Palme 9. Senator—Tb.omo.ik e 60, White 188. Representativ e—Gifford 165, Nicker- son 132, Raycroft 9. County Commissioner—Chase 117, Nye 138. Associate Commissioners—Bears e 181, Eldredge 120. District Attorn ey—Bannon 80, Kenney 127. Sheriff—P ercival 222. Vote of Dennis Governor —Draper 203, Foss 156, Nicholls 3. Lieutenant Governor—Ca ssidy 98, *rothihgham 215, Hess 1, Merrill 7. Secretary—D'O rsay 1, Martell 82, Mortenson 1, Olin 205, Thomas 7. Treasurer—Fr edrikson 3, Frissell 7, McBride 2, Peach 76, Stevens 204. Auditor—Hol t 3, McNally 1, Miles 2, Paine 94, Turner 188. Attorney-Gener al—McGoff 3, Metcalf 2, Ratigan 78, Swift 207. Congressman —Harris 106, Thacher 249. Councillor—Brig htman 211, Palme 24. Senator—Th orndike 121, White 196. Kepresentativ e—Gifford 138, Nicker- son 68, Raycroft 127. County Commissioner—Chase 148, Nye 183. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 217, Eldredge 94. District Attorney—Bannon 118, Ken- ney 160. Sheriff—P ercival 275. Vote of Eastham Governor—Dr aper 68, Fobs 26, Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 14 Frothingham 71, Merrill 1. Secretar y—D'Orsay 1, Martell 12, Olin 66. Ireasurer—Fredrikson 2, Peach 11, Stevens 60. Auditor—Holt 1, Paine 18, Turner 60. Congressman—Harris 43, Thacher 48. Councillor—Brightman 38, Palme 4. Senator—Thorndike 20, White 58. Representative—Cushman 75. County Commissioner—Chase 30, Nye 57. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 47, Eldredge 25. District Attorne y—Bannon 25, Kenney 36. Sheriff—Percival 80. Vote of Falmouth Governor—Dra per 354, Foss 192, Nic- holls 12, White 1 Lieutenant Governor—Cassid y 133, Frothingham 3<7, Hess 5, Mahoney 4, Merrill 6. Secretar y—D'Orsay 4, Martell 117, Mortenson 4, Olin 367, Thomas 8. Treasurer—Fredrikson 6, Frissell 11, McBride 3, Peach ±17, Stevens 352. Auditor—Holt 10, McNally 5, Miles 2, Fai ne 138, Turner 345. Attorney-General—McGoff 5, Metcalf 9, Rati gan 111, Swift 377. Congressman—Harris 319, McCart y 5, Thacher 221. Councillor—Bri ghtman 402, Palme 27. Senator—Thorndike 148, White 364. Representative—Bodfish 37, Dalton •171, Pattee 349. County Commissioner—Chase 347, Nye 193. Associate Commissioners— Bearse 358, Eldred ge 169. x District Attorne y—Bannon 191, Ken- ney 262. Sheriff—Percival 407. Vote of Harwich Governor—Dra per 176, Foss 109, Nicholls 2, Ruther 1, White 8. Lieutenant Governor— Cassidy 80, Frothin gham 181, Hess 2, Mahone y 8, Merrill 3. Secretar y—D'Orsay 7, Martell 74, Mortenson 3, Olin 176, Thomas 9. ' Treasurer—Fred rikson 3, Frissell 9, McBride 7, Peach 67, Stevens 171. Auditor—Holt 6, McNally 2, Miles 9, Paine 90, Turner 167. Attorne y-General—McGoff 4, Metcalf 9, Ratigan 65, Swift 185. Congressman—Harris 141, McCart y 7, Thacher 146. Councillor—Bri ghtman 190, Palme 26. Senator—Thorndike 93, White 179. Representative—Gifford 112, Nicker- son 116, Raycroft 67. Count y Commissioner—Chase 127, Nye 150. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 220, Eldredge 113. District Attorne y—Bann on 62, Kenney 156. Sheriff—Percival 233. Vote of Mashpee (governor—Draper 39, Foss 11. Lieutenant Governor—C' assidy 7, Frothingham 39, Hess 1. Secretar y—Martell 6, Olin 39. Treasurer—Fredrikson 1, Frissell 3, Peach 5, Stevens 37. Auditor—McNan y 1, Paine 5, Turner 40. Attorney-General—Ratigan 4, Swift 40. Congressman—Harris 35, Thacher 11. Councillor—Brightman 40, Palme 1. Senator—Thorndike 3, White 40. Representative—Bodfish 1, Dalton 13, Pattee 34. County Commissioner—Chase 29, Nye 16. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 41, Eldredge 8. District Attorne y—Bannon 2, Kenney 42. Sherifl—Pe rcival 42. Vote of Orleans Governor—Draper 103, loss 87, Nic- holls 2, White 1. Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 43, Frothingham 120, Hess 1, Mahoney 1, Merrill 3. Secretary—D'Orsay 1, Martell 47, Olin 119, Thomas 4. Treasurer—B redrikson 1, Frissell 4, McBride 2, Peach 47, Stevens 115. Auditor—Holt 3, McNally 1, Miles 2, Paine 60, Turner 107. Attorney-General—Metcalf 3, Ratigan 41, Swift 120. Congressman—Harris 86, McCarty 1, Thacher 98. Councillor—Brightman 123, Palme 7. Senator—Thorndike 77, White 99. Representative—Cushman 138, Kil- burn 1. County Commissioner—Chase 78, Nye 80. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 108, Eldredge 54. District Attorney—Bannon 55, Kenney 93. Sheriff—Percival 141. Vote of Provincetown Governor—Draper 151, Foss 300, Nic- hols 2, Ruther 1, White 1. Lieutenant Governor—Cassi dy 202, Frothingham 159, Hess 5, Merrill 3. Secretary—D'Orsay 3, Martell 177, Mortenson 3, Olin 164, Thomas 5. Treasurer—Fredrikson 3, Frissell 4, McBride 1, Peach 175, Stevens 154. Auditor—Holt 6, McNally 3, Miles 4, Paine 187, Turner 139. Attorney-General—McGoii 5, Metcalf 7, Ratigan 163, Swift 159. Congressman—Harris 128, McCarty 2, Thacher 277. Councillor—Brightman 172, Palme 30. benator—Thorndike 209, White 148. Representative—Cushman 257. County Commissioner—Ch ase 151, Nye 243. Associate Commissioners—Bearse 169, Eldredge 76, Raycroft 1. District Attorney —Bannon 56, Kenney 195. Sheriff—Percival 255. Vote of Sandwich Governor—Draper 144, Foss 109, Nicholls 6, White 14. Lieutenant Governor—Cassidy 94, Frothingham 136, Hess 4, Mahoney 14, Merrill 7. Secretary—D'Orsay 16, Martell 84, Mortenson 2, Olin 141, Thomas 9. Treasurer—Fr edrikson 2, Frissell 9, McBride 14, Peach 86, Stevens 135. Auditor—Hol t 7, McNally 2, Miles 13, Paine 98, Turner 127. Attorney-G eneral—Mcuoff 4, Metcalf 14, Ratiga n 80, Swift 142. Congressman—B rown 1, Harris 103, McCarty 13, Thacher 147. Councillor—Brig htman 145, Palme 34, Senator—Th orndike 108, White 131. Representa tive—Bodfish 31, Dalton 179, Pattee 60. County Commissioner—Ch ase 154, Nye 97. - , Associate Commissioners—B earse 147, Eldredge 68. District Attorney—Bannon 37, Ken- ney 157. Sheriff—Hull 1. Percival 198. Vote of Truro Governor—Draper 48, Foss 35, White 2. . Lieutenant Governor—Ca ssidy 15, Frothingh am 7u, Mahoney 1. Secretary —D'Orsay 1, Martell 13, Mortenson 2, Olin 73. Treasurer —Frissell 1, McBride 1 Peach 13, Stevens 71. Auditor—H olt 1, Miles 1, Paine 17, Turner 67. Attorney-G eneral—Metcalf 1, Ratigan 1 3, Swift 69. Congressma n—Harris 43, McCarty 1, Thacher 46. Councillor—B rightman 74, Palm e 5. Senator—Thorn dike 24, White 59. Representativ e—Cushman 78. County Commissioner —Chase 56 Nve 29. , Associate Commissioners —Bearse 69 Eldredge 22. District Attorn ey—Banno n 20, Kenney 52. Sheriff—Pe rcival 77. (Continued in 7th col., this page.) A seahorse , a rare fish of mytho- logical fame, which , according to all good mythologies was a fish driven by the sea gods and ridden by the Nereids , was caught in Buzzards Bay recently. This fish, caught by Brad- ford Brightman , is hardly of suitable size for driving or riding purpose s. It measures perhaps thre e inches in length when its curled up tail is straight ened out, but in shape the fish has a head very much like a horse. The str ange creatur e was caught off Round Hills and was pulled into the boat on a: piece of rope. The fish lived but a few minutes after it came into the boat. As the nabita t of these fish is in warm water it is said that u is only seldom that they ar e' seen ab jut here. . . N •. ¦ . The Seahorse acter Building. II. The CriBes of Youth. " Mrs. Lamoreau x said in part. Hab- its are mostly formed before the age of fourteen. They can be changed after that but only with a desperate effort. Actions make set habits. They are the savor of life unto life or death unto death. The greatest incentive to action is the sight of it in someone else. Don't moralize too much but make yourself the hero " line to EDWINM.CHABLTOi 278A TREMONT ST.. BOSTON Successor to Thomas .1. Mali .11 20 years experience ought to assM j 011 I am always in tbe market to purclj i^e empty Flour, Sugar, Vinegar and Molasses Barrels I have for sale two 48 gallon milTiGALH IBOliiiS Good (or water butts or (or buoy- HENRY A. THORNDIKE Box 453 NEW BEUPORI ) , MA - .-- Firs t National Ban k of Van n. mli STOCK WANT ED Anyone wishing to sell shares, or (ra- tions of shares, in the First N^t "' 111 Bank of Yarmouth , will plnase cotnni"" 1' cate, staling price, with CHARLES OTIS , 44 Broad- 8 reet . New York < ¦' *¦ _ JOHN E. WHITE of Tisbury Re-elected Senator from :: (¦.,. District CAPE LEGISLATORS ELECT Vote for Cap e Senat or Tllliniillkf Whu,. Barnstable ;, 'i -lSll "'¦ Bourne (is ¦ ',,, Brewster ;: ,r, Chatham \\» ,,; Dennis y \ j,,, Easlham ¦ ", ;,;' raimoutli ".'. m-. •',, Harwich m '.-, Miishpee ;; !'. Orleans . , ' . ... . 77 „ Provincetown ,Z Sandwich ' ' ' u>\ <\, Truro /| •' Welltleet . '' fr, "', Yarmouth s-> j,' Kilgartown j" if, Tisbury .;•> ,r, Oak rinffs ; ;;' Gay Head j ',, Chllmark i> " -, (iosiiold ¦¦ \\ Wrst Tisbury „ : . £ Nantucket ..; -{^ Totals IT ¦ ,/•. White 's plurality 1,597. DR. ASA L. PATTEE of Falmouth Elected Representative from tii<- I'irsi Barnstable District for ;i Second Term Boilfish D.-i lim. l ;iihv Barnstable 2Hr i :\w .. j Boufiut 7:i ir.7 \ \< _ Falmoutli ! ! 7 171 :;•¦ Mush pee 1 l:; :i| Sandwich Kl 17:' n Totals -I*; sm :••; Pattee 's plurality Ki7. • Vote for Representativ e First Districl DR. BENJ. D. GIFFORD of Chatham Representative-Elect Second i: .n i f i , ble District Second District. ( iilVonl iNicki-i'sim It. > ;i Chatham „ 1K5 i\>i Dennis : 13H (iS I. : Harwich 112 11« 1; Yarmouth •.. 211 :)4 Tola's 6-21! " (!iu j - Gifford' s ^ plurality 276. Third District (' 11 lin ;i:i Brews ter " EaHtham " • '• Orleans ! • ¦ Provincetown :¦¦" Truro ¦ ¦ < Welllieet : llh Total ' • ' ¦' ¦> Itching, torturing Pkin eruptions ;' >•¦ ¦ fi gure, annoy, drive one wi ld, li ^ iu 'i Ointment brings quick relief anil !a-::i^' CO res. Fifty cents at any firm; ston .