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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 14, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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November 14, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Church members of the Cotult Federated Church have chosen n new minister this week. The Rev. Robert H. Clark e of Scituate was selected to be the new pastor at a special meeting of the- church mem- bers Inst Tuesday night. Mrs. Clarence Boden , who was repre- sentative for the joint committee, made the motion to call Dr. Clarke, and Mrs. Eliot Robinson acted as moderator at the meeting. Dr. Clarke was born In England. Before coming to the United States he attended Victoria College, Vic- toria Seminary and Manchester University. Later, he attended Temple University and Milton Col- lege. He was ordained as a Con- gregational minister In 1915. He was also a chaplain during World War I, when he held the rank of captain. During World War II. he was stationed at Camp Wallace, Texas, and at ABhford General Hospital , N. C. He also was chaplain of the 63d Infantry Division. Mrs. Clarke was a Gray Lady during the war. The Clarkes have two sons who saw Army service overseas. " Previous to serving as pastor at Peoria, Dr. Clarke was a minister at Lacrosse and Lake Mills, Wisconsin. Headed Board He was chairman of the advisory board for the Central-West Associa- tion of Congregational Churches of Illinois, a member of the State Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Conference of Congregational Churches, n member of the board of directors of Northern Area Illin- ois Congregational Churches and an Instructor at the Young Peo- ple's Summer Camp at Tower Hill , Michigan. He has been a fraternal delegate to Peorin Trades and Labor Coun- cil , president and Peorin Goodwill Industries and a member of the ex- ecutive committee of the Peoria Council of Social Agencies. For 1 1 years, Dr. Clarke was chaplain of Peoria PoBt 2, Ameri- can Legion, and was post command-, er for one year. He also was de- partment chaplain of the Illinois Reserve Officers Association. Gotuit Church [Has New Minister •For Sale SALES BOOKS 100 books of 50 pads $9.00-; 600 books, $18.60. Cash with order. Patriot Office, Tel, Hy. 1216. H I G H BACK HAND-CARVED Hall Chair. Will sell cheap. Box 12, Patriot Office. FOR SALE 40 gallon Piatt Hot Water Heater , fully automatic , in good working order. Call Barnstable 253-2 after 6:00 P.M. _ MISCELLAN EOUS Wedding Stationery, Engagement and Wedding Announcements, In- vitations, Calling Cards. Six Day Service. The Patriot Office, Hyan- nls. Tel. Hy. 1216. • Business Services PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Nese, Powers & Ramsay Hyannls 135SM—1194-W—34RK SINGER REPAIR SERVICE. In Chatham and Orleans every Tues- day. All make sewing machines re- paired; work guaranteed . New Singer Sewing Machines and Sing- er Vacuum Cleaners on display. Or- der yours today. The Singer Shop, A. MacEnerney, Sherman Square, Hyannls. Tel. 1S40. ARTICLES mothproofed with Ber- lou are guaranteed against moth damage for 5-years. Dry cleaning cannot remove Berlou. Average cost to mothspray a suit or dress is Sc a year. Tbe Wallpaper Shoppe , 302 Main St., Hyannnis , Mass. FLOOR SANDING & REFINISH- ING. Also machines to rent. Wall- paper Shoppe. Tel. Hyannis 1765. PAPER HANCING - INTERIOR and Exterior Paintin g. Floor Re- flnlshlng. Arviii W. Jacobson, 23 School Street , Hyannis. Telephone 1142-M. tf FOR YOUNG PEOPLE American Girl 1 yr. $2.00 Boys' Lite 1 yr. 2.00 Child's Life 1 yr. 3.00 Junior Bazaar 1 yr. 3.00 Seventeen 2 yrs. 3.60 (Has to be 2 yrs.) Outdoors 1 yr. 2.00 HELEN M. BERRY Bass River, Mass. Tom O. Crosby REFRIGERATION SERVICE Barnstable 295-3 Est. 1924 SaaaaaaalSBBaaaaa ^SBBaa^SBBaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVSBiBaWSBBanaaeeel —:—^—-———~zz: Tel. Ostervllle -1942 CLARENCE M. MacLEOD PIANO TUNING Repairing Refelting (20 years experience) Marstons Mills Mass. —————————i—. f J^=i—' i-i\,Tw^>& !—s| u H f &t\cv.«*es ^^ i--//jj\\ UUbew i nf| Ca»-vt *5Vxo p I W XVArirvS. I rjfBlbt ^K o^Aes j^inminTrjn M*<*«_»» Order ^ JACK BEST Plumbing and Heating Tel. Hyannls 1685 16 Chestnut St. Hyannis, Mass. • Boats and Accessories MULLINS FISHING GEAR ; INC. NKW URDU-OKI! I H U R l l 1 CANE-tested Moor- | ing line. Start the season right ; by using cut-proof , rot-proof and ; worm-proof mooring line. Ma-;; ' ! rine hardware of all kinds. ! • Wanted SALESMEN WANTED MEN WANTED for Rawlolgh busi- ness. Sell to 1500 families. Write today. Rawlefgh's, Dept. MAK-I5- SA, Albany, N. Y. i SALESMEN WANTED DEALER WANTED. 200 farm-home necessities, odicinos. vitamins , spices, foods , DDT etc., well known every county. For particulars write Rawleigh's, Dept. MAK-100- IJ") Allinnv 1M V , /tesfe_, O^-- f l l l f ( \t^4 Jack's Bike Shop 17 IhiriiMlnlile Honil llynnnlN • ' ¦ — 1 N Insurance Real Estate i i J. L. ROGERS Orleans Tel. 110 Mass. ' i - ; STOP Drafts ¦ Rain Leaks - Rattles with INTERLOCKING M ETAL WEATHERSTRIPS Call Harvey Wright W. Yarmouth Tel. Hy. 503M ttWmWmWSBMmWmWtmm1mmWmmTee W^*M^ti ( PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS I WATER PURIFYING TABLET DEVELOPED BY ARMY A new tablet for purifying water I fn the soldier's canteen which is ! considered superior to the chlorine- I type tablets used during the war, i has been developed by the Quarter- ! master Corps, it was anonunced to- day by Colonel Bernard J. Finan, Commanding Ofllcer of the Boston Quarter Quartemaster Depot , With iodine employed instead of chlorine, the new tablets make the | drinking water less objectionable in taste and odor. Tests have shown that the Iodine'—containing I tablet has greater sterilizing flexi- bility In that it can be used under | a wide range of conditions. It Is i also more suitable and dissolves more quickly than Its predecessor. Wbon the chlorine-containing tablets were dissolved in water , soldiers complained that they made the water unpleasant to the tusto. It was found that even with strict supervisio n it was sometimes diffi- cult to prohibit the soldiers from drinking water from streams or wells of questioned purity. After examining a large number of different compounds , scientists found that trlgiyolne hydroperio- dlde poHHPKsoil the highest military i-liuractnrlstlcB . Quickly dissolving tablets containing this chemical which liberated 7% pnrts ppr mil- lion of elcmontul lodltu' were sub- ' jocte il to extensive testing, It was found to be a safe and highly ef- fective agent., , Additional tests of the. new "tab- l let, water purification, individual, Iodine ," as the compound has horn designated, will be carried out during the ensuing year. AMMONIA KIDDING The fumes of ammonia are help- ful In softening the dark, greasy stains that accumulate on the In- terior surface ot ovens, thus mak- ing them easier to wipe off. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS L E G A L N O T I C E S HEARING Manuel O. Sylvia anil Raymon d Rogers of Snntult, Mass., having ap- plied for permission to erect a building for the purpose of conduct- ing a Grocery Business on the property now owned by Manuel O. Sylvia and situated on the south- erly side of Route 28, (Falmouth Road) in the village of Santult , bounded northerl y a distance of 156 feet more or less, by Route 28, easterly by land of Manuel Duarte, a distance of 172.5 f&et more or less, southerly a distance of 240 feet, more or less by land of An- tone Souza, Jr., and westerly by the Newtown Road a distance of 177 feet more or less, we the un- dersigned Selectmen of the Town of Barnstable, will hold a public hearing at the Town Office Build- ing on Friday, Nov. 29, at 11 A.M. CHESTER A. CROCKER JAMES F. KENNEY VICTOR F. ADAMS Selectmen of Barnstable, Nov. 14, 1946 HEARING General Ice Cream Corporation of Schenectady, N. Y„ having ap- plied for permission to erect a building for the purpose of con- ducting a wholesale Ice Croam Dis- tributing Business on the property now owned by Curl E. and Saline W. Young and described as fol- lows : situated on the southerly side of Route 28 in the village of 'Hyannls. bounded easterly by prop- erty now of the Corcoran Supply Co., westerly by property now of Back- us and Gullerani , known as Air- port Motors, southerly by prop- erty formerly of the United States of America , and northerly by the Main Highway, Route 28 of Iyan- ough Road, wo Iho undorslgued Seectmon of the Town of Barnsta- ble will hold a public honrlng at the Town Office Building on Friday, November 29, 1940, at 10:30 A.M. CHESTER A. CROCKER - JAMES F. KENNEY VICTOR F. ADAMS Selectmen of Barnstable. Nov. 14, 1946 About 20% of the world's wheat and 58% of the corn Is supplied by the United States. Classif ied Advertising Two cents a word first Insertion; 1 cent a word each aubaequent In- aertlon; minimum charge for each insertion 25c. Display rate on ap- plication. To order a Classified, telephone 1216 and ask for Ad-taker. The 10th District of the Ameri- can Legion, Commander John! L. Murphy. Commandering, has re- quested the Barnstable Post 206 , that they give their support in help- ing to organize a Junior and senior Basketball League with each Post on the Cape having representation. This league would offer both recre- ational and entertainment to the respective communities. A meet- ing will be- held at the Barnstable Post's new home on Barnstable Road next Monday evening to dis- cuss plans for the proposed league. Legion Plans To Organize League Board of Trade Cf intinutil from Page I the summer school could use Camp Howes. Another point that was brought out by Captain Copeland was that the Academy would build a dock . '100 ft. long and a channel would be dredged 1000 ft. Senator Nicholson and Repre- sentative Ellis both thought that some legislation might be put for- ward to help the situation. Town properly that is next to Camp HoweB was suggested as a place where the Academy could have the waterfront needed. President Finkelstein ended the night's discussion by saying that the Board of Trade would appoint a committee to study the problem. Continued from Page / and the veteran work the same number of hours as the duy Hhlft , the increase earnings will have to be reported and will uffect sub- sistence. In the cose where the vet eran does not work a certain number of hours then all compen- sation for productive labor will have to be reported for the purpose of deter mining the rate of subsis- tence allowance payable. Vets Overtime INTERSTATE CAPE COD THEATRES—WEEK STARTING NOV. 14 Daily 2:16 • 7:00 • 9:00 Evenings except V/eaT^ThTriTat 7:46 Evenings except TuesT^ Tb 'ui a. at 7 45 -* Sunday Continuous from 2:80 Matinees—8at.-8un. at 2:30 Matinees—8at.-Sun. at 2Jao Phone 1010 P H Q ~ N £ 7 2 Phone 490 THURSDAY - FRIDAY ~" ~'~ ~ ~ AT BOTH THEATRES I'VE ALWAYS «-¦« LOVED YOU Nobody Lives Forever PHILIP CATHERINE jonn Garfield Geraldine Fitzgerald DORN McLEOD & SUNDAY ¦ MONDAY 8UNDAY^~MONDAY™ "™ " ~ ™™ ' " " ™ ^ rvE ALWAYS rVE ALWAYS CRIME DOCTOR'S LOVED YOU M A M U I IWT PHILIP CATHERINE IA/ V £_» IUU MANHUNT DORN McLEOD PHILIP CATHERINE Warner BAXTER - Ellen DREW ~ A^° ~ . DORN McLEOD _____________________ Along The Navajo -Trail ' 8UN. • MON. - TUE8. ROY ROGERS WEDNESDAY ONLY ** MY DARLING ^^ SUrTVALLEY RENDEVOUS CLEMENTINE SERENADE WITH ANNIE HENRY LINDA SONJA JOHN EDDIE PAYE FONDA DARNELL HENIE PAYNE ALBERT MARLOW * *Z ^ *~ ^ ; Friday - Saturday At Both Theatres HER ADVENTUROUS November 15 - 16 _ N,GHTHE ™ My Darling Clementine O'KEEPE WALKER ~ _ _ Henry Fonda Linda Darnell f{/1IT A DT TlH'O "t]" """""" "iimiiii "it,""mi,iiitjiii"||||i""""»i»»iK' 1 InAKLll} 0 Fried 01 B,Sviohe;pafi:hetti I I Tel. Hyannla 1016 Choice Liquors—Beer—Wine—Ale a | Kitchen Hours: 4 to 10 P.M. Cra lgville Road, West Hyannlaport i | Open 1 to 12 P.M. dally. Closed Mondaya. *' ••¦HUMniiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiit3iiuHiiiuiuiiimiiiiiii3iiiiinmiicaiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiicjiiiiiiiiiii iEiiii$ DANCE and DINE fe.ThePilgrimCafe WSF Open 9 A.M. to 12 Midnight ' ! ' l * Tel. Hyannis 624 < • ; DEPOT SQUARE HYANNIS | > "'"llllliiii I Illllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll Illlllllllllllllll lllllllllliii llliiiiiiiiiiiiiji 1 f mUL For Christmas ( | Sm&g U jM Genuine Welch Quality I |i sSBBx! DOLL CARRIAGES I _J^J_^r^ Easy Fold Easy Turn i S ___ H Simmon's Bedding and Studio Couches | IFUR^^LlRg = Main Sireel o STORES n-1 - IBS "nlii Slreetl =Deim|.porl—Tel, Hnr. 4211 • OlUJMiO Hyaiinln—Tel. IKW = iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii ^ FLOORS SANDED AND RE- finished. Linoleum and tile renew- ed. Call Hyannls 65W3. Hyannls Floor Service, Box 9, Centerville. i Largest Assortment — of — CHRISTMAS CARDS on the Cape. Shop early for best selections SMALLHOFF & HAINES INC. 282 Main Street Hyannls SPORTS