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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 11, 1912     Barnstable Patriot
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November 11, 1912
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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^ th cf Her .ry w- - " - ^ Henry ^";, r..H '::: :» . , . . . , i nitariau ' , -r 1S% . , ' , ' . - iu 'i v ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦' ¦ ¦ .s ' o r. 1 U»V . ("-','.' y, :r- :;1' , : i 'lias. (.'. ir ! ...::l :: ¦¦ ' ' : ¦•.r.'silay at . '•' ; r " ' i , . ..i? : ' . •¦ ' .lie past >t l . ¦ -, ¦¦ :¦ ¦ '¦' . ;;:- l a n d i n g l "; : ':^ r ¦ ¦ > : " :.. ::i;; de.- V'- "'. . ..-- ¦¦ , • • «s by :J \; . : ' . ' ' ::i:ina gt 'd ; ' '" . ' : ¦ . :- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : i l " the ¦ ¦ ' ¦ :¦" , . ! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . . a u - (• ' ' . .. - ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦¦:: c o n ' :• ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦. ! • • . !m! .- . ' ' ' ¦ > lo r ii- . :. : ¦ h i - .:. ! .i u , • ¦ - • ' : ' : -¦ " ''! ' ¦ ¦ . . ' w :: i . ' ¦ ~ MO i ' l'S ; ' ¦¦ . Y o r k . ' ' ' . ¦11 11 r i > •• •¦ ' ' l-'ivil ¦• ¦¦ ¦ : M r s . ;.-. ..- • v i Mrs . '• " ." ' . . :1s who '' - ¦ " ¦ ¦; , '¦ ;: " ¦ ¦:¦ i ! i s - ^ ' r ' ¦ N 1 1 \" . i ¦ .:. ' hon y ¦' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ , ', ' . • ' ro i-k - " ¦ . "¦ '' ' ' . .^ i i a n i . :¦ ";;!:ctJ r> 1 r ¦ - ' ¦' ¦ . ¦ . , r - , - ¦ •'-'¦' . Wilton ¦ :> : ' . ; ;. ' . ¦ ¦ - ¦ 'unka . ¦ ¦¦ ' ' . M a m i e ; " ' - ¦ \ . H and . ¦;, -lson. '¦ • " . " - - ¦- ¦ " . W m . ..;/ ; ' ;v • ¦ ¦• - ¦ ' J o n e s, '~ .rV --- ' = • - - Jennie te-. i : C: s-:s" ;.- ¦:•. »r. • - ¦ A* 10.4." ., ..V . •.. . . - . u iission- ,^ : -: ' :. ' -•;: ¦ ' • - :.- ; v. ill bo %t:- y " ¦ ¦ s ( '- [':- "' ¦ ¦ '_ • ¦ ¦ - ¦ •" - .11! meet . '¦ „ ¦ : - . .- ¦¦r school. :•:- ¦ ' : ¦¦ • ' . : - . • -• ve i l i n g " -¦. L;;. - - :; >:e!. with V-; " . ' . ' . :. - . - : . ¦• ¦ -I T i O O I l . :.::- ¦. N • - ; ,: !:ing at : .;;;.; ¦..¦ ; .•:: : .::. • ¦• ¦ at t h e i-- '- .- .- ¦•¦;- ¦-. Sunday \ h' - '¦- V ' ~ ¦ ¦ ¦ *•!" >¦ Ti:r=d.'.; - ¦¦¦:. ¦ - ' :- at the '• ¦¦A-: :: ' ! : • - ::. the vil hi I-:..:- '•' ¦ - • ¦•-•nt last ':-¦::: ::. 1 - : • " i rH . A. J. Z-: >•¦::: ¦.-; ::-r that fr:! '•- .:. ' . . -' • - an>? down :": . : ¦ • •.:.: -¦ ; ¦ : . . : . i : ; y n i g h t . J':;; !' . .:• :'. .'! ::t:!>- down : : ; '~.::. ir -. ] ' : . : return ed i ,;oir. •• :- .. r . ; ; -.he week ¦ -iv:. ' ¦; ;:. ¦: ' - Howard. 't.'j.;':.- ¦ :..:.:. -• ; - • -he Barn- •; : ; " '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦- ' :¦' ¦'¦ ;: Ix jt h r o p ' -' ¦'- ' " -- '.- .:: . '¦ - r he win- :¦ .:; _-;..- : " •: . • ;••• visit- ^' ;:; ¦ - • ¦ ... - - -; Wade, Jx-a :- A:- : .: . Walter : - "- ; - ' ¦'' ¦¦ ": ¦ , ; . C h a s e , : -.;:: - •" : " ¦ I-io- >vles . j ^] '- - -: ¦ ¦¦ ¦ H a l l e t t, ;' -T : : ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ . -¦ village - -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' :"- - ¦¦ • - H a r r i e t t •' : ; ..- ¦ -" • • ' .. •. , : :. , ' h C. •'• '" ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ': .. • ¦ : T u e s d a y .-'••' ¦ ~ :r-- '-' ¦ "• " Sr.. spent :-- -^ f¦¦ ¦' " ¦ ~ - .niuel S. ¦: ¦ ¦ '- - married : ;- ;' ;:- ~ :: : ; ¦ ' Miss Kl- ' l' ~ : ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦• ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ : T ue s da v .5" : , ;: v :; ;: ; - " • " ¦ ->? <" hat- : r : ' r: ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' '. ;. ^r sister, ^ •p:-r ; :. - . -.--o-u ly. ¦; " ' " A . ¦ • - o Boston ;.; :^l :---y ¦ : the Bull ';:," ,l ""y:: ^ ;' •- :. • Temple. : i'.'_ '''::-.';" ' '¦ ' :- Taunto n . -, ¦ " . ' ~ :: "¦ :. ¦• -! 5-atur- •¦ . .. ' . ' . '" ,. :r '¦ - - ;;'U > 'o ; c V'. ': - ¦ " ¦ ¦ ; .:. •; I' rovi- ,.T.. "'¦ ¦ ¦ " •' • ¦ ¦ • . -. - an auto- ¦ v 'i' .. " ' ' '' • '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i- Ti - d o w n ;. ".': ¦' ¦ ¦ •• ' ¦ '¦ '¦¦ ¦' ¦¦¦ ¦ . ' V i n c pt o w n :t »' : ' "r :---"' ; - ¦' -;. F. Gor- 1; i-V'" .. : : ." :" " •¦ ¦ •'¦'! Brockton ;i- ' v " . ';:' : ' '•" :i 'iflie nce •v ' . "'. ' ¦• "' '¦; '¦ ' ¦ • • . ¦ : i : i : n e n t of ?¦ ¦ ¦ i! ' . ' rV ;L ' :: ¦ ' • ¦ (' ourse. £- ^~[ K- ' ¦¦' " ¦ . y 'a \ii them h lZ " ' ''' ' ' ¦ ' -:¦ '' the time iCVf.'; ' •' " :i h*'efl >*• ;;.V1 ." ¦ - "'¦ ¦ ' ' ¦- ¦ Ixiis Kent . t; '.. .J. ' ¦'¦¦ r - :. <• musical !>= " u •;=•;, . ¦ ¦;¦;. ' !: ' ¦¦'' • Master \~ j '[- il ' . r "' ' - " '¦ ' '•vr- re tne T^i ' : ' .;,';. !;" :r ; ¦¦¦ • • ; x for a two £jj» " :- 'r.' "" ' ¦''. ' \ ' : ¦- - r i r. in New kii-.y "/.j l ; : > ¦"'' -' !1 six;nt a h " v ~ ,j. i'. '' ¦ ' ¦ '\ ' ' i : hsr aunt , Cv-,r" "¦ •"" '¦¦ •?. lirad dock ili- -, ' '" ' ' ' : i'b .ildren of [ >. : ;;" \s S :r ' ¦ '¦ ' " -" ¦ '¦ ¦' th Mrs. !r,;- . ",; u "'": . ¦' "i f Hrookton ; r >.V;. 'Vl; r: . Mrs. Albert 'fey jr. u"- H p^Tit Sun- Hi^ ;'.-.r ¦ ¦ k Mr r ,i.'. ' "'" 's visit- •'•rJir ' d '" vi; : :" viai tinB in Vw' iii:.' ; r \ ' ¦ ' :-'.?.f . Mr . an d Sir. f f J ' " ,';. ' ' '' nsirc Sunday. ^ ¦ f ' ¦ ,-.¦; ' • : . ': - i! sP^ n d the £:::«• '.'.!'j, r'. r ' -rid a and Mrs. I^RNST^ L£ : Electric Lightin g Hearing The adjourn ed hearing before th*> State Boar d of Gas and Electric Light Commission on the appe al of the Buz- zards Bay Electri c Co. from the dl cision and o^er ot the Selectmen of Harnstab le, giving consent of said Se- lectmen to the Bar nstabl e Electric On to constru ct and use lines, etc. in ce£ tain public ways in the town of Bar n- stable , (Hyann is Fire District) was Frld i " las 80"10 HUU OU Thurs da y and The hearin g was called to order at 9.30 Thursday by Chair man Bark er The Barns table Elect ric Com pany had presen ted its side of th e con- tr ovorsy at the previous heariim and the tar ds Uay Co's side was hoirj on Thurs day. M essrs. Isai ah C. Sears and E. H l uller testi iied tha t the B. H. Comp any wa s luniishing satisfactor y Hirlu ' iii their resid ences. " Mr . Ku gene Carp enter , the manag er ot the H. B. company, took the stand at> - went through an exhaustiv e ex- amination of several hours , develop- niK their side of the case under th e lead of th eir counse l, Mr . Knic ht of !tost on. Lawyer H. A. Dana , counsel for the barnstablo compa ny, cross-examine d the witnes s and chairma n Bar ker askod many Questi ons and explan a- tions. Kt p rosentativ e Clifford of Cotult was called upon and spoke to some length , after which Ch airman Bark er announce d that there would be a re- f.'ss until 3.45 when arg uments would bt- heard. After th e short recess Lawye r Chase of the B. B. compa ny com- menced his argument . This lasted t or about two hours . He reviewed the evidence and went into details very minutely, citing figur es regard- ing technic al featur es of the specifi- cations and proposi tions involved in the electric lighting controversy tending to pr ove that the bid of the I M . H. company was lower than the Harn stable company, whose bid was accepted on the grounds that that i-ompany was the lowest bidder. At the close of Mr. Chase 's argu- ment the hearing was adjour ned until I' riday morni ng. The hearing commenced early Fri- day as the visitors were anxious to set out • of town on the 10 o'clock tra in . Mr. Dana's argumen t lasted about an hour , and was listened to with closest atte ntion. When Mr. Dan a finished chairman Barker said : 'On beh alf of the Board , I want to t hanK counsel for so full a pres enta- tion of the difficulties of this case [ from their resp ective points of view and to congrat ulate them upon hav- ing bo well fulfilled th eir profession- al duty in that regard. "There is a public interest Involved in this case which is superio r to any private interest , superior to the in- terest of any individ ual or any small gr oup of individuals and it will be the dut y and the effort of the Board to reach its conclusions upon a con- sideration of the public rather ' than of any private interests. "The questions rais ed are of such interest and importance that the Board will not undertake to dispose of the issues Involved at this time , but will take the case under advisement and make a decision as early, in view of its many complications , as the work of the Board will permit To 'he thin gs which have been presented here, the Board will add an y other informa tion in its official possession rela tive to the companies and consider all the facts in the light of its experi - ence and general knowledge of the bus iness. "I t is perh aps due to thme citizens who , in their official capa city or otherwise , have been called upon to inform and advise the Fire District in this matter to say that the Board assumes that they acted with a full sense of their public responsibility in an ende avor to fairly determine the very difficult and troublesome ques- tions with which they were not fami- liar but which were referre d to them and that they had no other intention t han to consider the public interest and do their duty by the District. "There are some peculiar considera- tions in this case which may dis- tinguish it from others ' which have been before the Board. Indeed, every case has its own individuality, its peculiar surroundings. The law has placed the interests of this communit y in respect to this matter in the hand s of this Board which , aided by its ex- perience and its best judgment , will be influenced solely by what it be- lieves to be for the public interest ." "The hearing is closed." A meetin g of the King's Dau ghters was held last week with Mrs. Emily E. Whelden. Mr . and MrB. James F. Kenne y "nave recently been guests of Mr. and ¦ Mrs. Arthur Lombard in Winchester. Amon g those coming to Hyannis to vote on election day was Dr. Peter 1 Pineo Chase of Providenc e. 1 Miss J . A. Guyer has been spending • a few days in Boston . 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Milton Chase went to Boston on Thu rsday to spend there • a week of Mr. Chase 's vaca tion . > Mr . and Mrs. Everett O, Bond en- " tertained their whist club at their home last Wednesday evening. Willing Hand Circ le will hold a fair in the H. W. C. rooms on Wednesda y 1 afternoon. Supper of cold meats , salads , spaghetti , etc., will be served 1 at 6 o'clock. Mrs . L. F. Maynara, supervi sor ui Drawin g for the town , and several of her pupilB spent a recent Satu rda y in a visit to the Art Museum in Boston. Wm . B«ndix and family have moved from Pleasant street to Sea stre et. Don't forget the Than ksgiving ball , Union Hall, Osterville.—Adv. Charles H. Hinckley, Jr ., who Is em- ployed on the steam tug Howard at Buzzards Bay, has been home for a few days. Mrs Betsey R. Wyman has sold a lar ge lot or cleared and brush land on the Mary Dunn road to John S. Palo- maki. ' The American Clothin g House has a new adv . in Its old position on the first page of our paper today. If you are not prov ided with suitable cloth- ing for cold weath er dro p arou nd and see Mr. Arenovski 's fine stock . At the Idlehour election night the house was packed to its full capacit y un til after midnigh t. * <** ™ '«« also received in Mason ic Hall where an interested crowd was Bothe red. Our democratic frien ds 1»«J *JX head quarters at Connol ly & Mur ray s gar age office and ther e was somethin g doing all the time after the return s began to be interes ting. It was ¦ a grfat nigh t for the democrat s, and tne office was packed. Mr. Samuel W. tiallett was in Bos- ton a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H Fish West Barnstable , were at Capt Allyn s a '•winSj XJT dnae met In the Thef ladles tied two 9ullt i*? * * * "£- noon and did other work In P/epara tion for the fair on Wednesday. Sup per wae served to fort y-five ™emto*B and guests Dy Mrs. Henry ^Sherman . Mrs Walter M. Sti ff and Miss Mertte ^Tkassett is offeri ng thta j^J apples at $2.50 and $3 a barrel , as will be seen by his new adv in ten day's Patriot. He Is also quoUng low pr ices on onions, potatoes and tur nlna. _ ,_..; _» xranr Miss Charlotte Kam«u«» - ---_ Fedford is the guest of her sister , Mrs. Amelia A. Ram sdell- ^ During the hara blow of ThJjW night the beam-tra wler BBCort or Boston, Capt Sherburn e. ** « & * ««J her anchora ge off the Yacht Clu o m Lewis Bar and went ^or e near MJ es Reed's summer plf«f- *n*,7of floated the next day with the aW of the Ripple and Annie T- Ma«r oi CUod. Cro»e ll »nd »»« «' wo oUrtre «a*^ Ei»»j*5 columns this page, «»d on 4tb page- Adver tise In The Patriot. | HYANNIS. . ""¦ "aa Mrs. B, H, Hall ett left for B Ashfleld the past wfeek to be present t at the marriag e of Elmer Sears Hal- ;. lett whijeh occur red last Thurs day ,. af ter which they visited Rev*and Mrs. f Hora ce P. Halle tt at Mr. Halle tt' s ,. pr esent pastorat e near the Canada i. line. Before ret urning home the y will .. visit Boston. !- Miss Edith C> Ayling arrive d at the 3 Barr acks Tuesd ay night, j The furni ture has been taken out of the Miller house, Phi nne y'B Lane , t and shi pped to their home in the city. Mr. Frank Hand y has purchased the ,. place. Don 't forget the Thanksgiv ing ball , I Union Hal l, Ostervill e.—Adv. j Amon g the large number s cf people from all part s of the town to nttend the pictur es and hear the election re- I turns Tuesd ay night , were man y from ( Cent erville. Mr . J. P. Hall ett and Mr. Howar d O. . Lumbert went to Sandy Neck Wednes- I da y for a few days ' gunni ng trip. Miss Ma bel E. Phinney has been . en ter taining a lady friend. , The Misses Codding ton have closed ' Sea Turn , retur n ing to their winter home Wed nesda y.. , Mr. Chester Bearse went to Boston j Wednesda y. Camp Lotus was recen tly broke n into bu t appa rently nothing was stolen. Mrs . Benjamin W. Lewis made a , Fhor t visit her e while on the Cap e to . att end the funeral of a relative. Mr . Ambros e Lewis visited North Dighton a few days recently. Mr. Theo. Kel ley, Jr., and Mr. , Frank Nye went to Sandy Neck the past week with the other men, men- tion of whom was pre viously made. Mrs . Theo. Kelley, Jr., visited rela- tives in Barn stable the past week. Scallops were plentiful on the beach th e last of the week. Many people seized the opportunity of gathe ring them. Man y bets were lost and won at the recent election. Me ssrs. Howard Marston and Frank Wheelock were here to cast their votes. I Miss M. A. Thurber recently re- turned to Cummaq uid. Mr. Thomas Wanne visited his fam- il y over Sunday. Courtland G. Morse , son of Attorney W. A. Morse , was married a week ago Frida y to Miss Marion Hart of Jamai- ca Plain . It is ru mored that when Mrs. Stra- ley and daughter , Mrs. K err , return- to Ph iladel phia, a care taker will be left in charge of their pret ty lakeside home. The house when unoccupied seems to be the target of thieves. The second in the series of five whist par ties to be given by the Li- brar y was held in that building Fri- da y evening. Our Library Is much more commodious than popularly sup- posed, eight tables being easily ac- commoda ted. Mrs . Arthur Lake and sons, Messrs. ¦Edwin and Wilbert Brown , are visit- ing at their old home in Nova Scotia. Mrs. Zenas Bearse returne d from H yannlsport Thursday night. Mrs. Elmer Hatch and little son Ed- ward returned to Brockton Sunday. Nathan Ray mond of Plymouth ar- rived several da ys' ago for a visit to his aunt , Mrs. A. B. Gardner. Mr. Charles Brennan went to Ver- mon t last Mon day to spend the win- ter. The Patriot is lor sale at the P. O. each week. 5 cents a cepy. The conferenc e will meet here Tuesda y and Wednesday. The , Armenian famil y which has been occupying Mr . H. N. Perry 's cot- tage through the past summer has departed. Mrs. Edi th Childs and two little dau ghters are visiting Mrs. H. N. Perry. j CEN TERVIkLE. I m, E. Church Notes J The Junior League will meet at the M; B. vestr y at the close of school Tuesd ay Af tern oon. The Ladies ' Aid will meet on We.-l- I nefday at 2.30 with Mrs. W. O. Crock- I er. Verno n Childs while at his sister s. Mrs . Bernard Ames, last S;. This lecture is free , bu t a free- will offe ri ng will be taken. The pic- tures are exceedingly fine and ar e of travel , . history and invent ion. The church ought to be packed to hear Mr Tranmer. A great many choice lar ge pictures will be th rown on the canvas. Come for the lecture and pictures. It is given under the aus- piees of the Epworth League. Come to the bargain sale at Sears ' department store at Cotiiit on Wed- nesda y, Thursda y and Friday. See adv . on 2d page for details. —Adv. Mrs . E. Churchill Alley has been the guest of her br other , Mr. Wilson E. Ryder, in Somerville. Mr. Shirley Evans , who has been in New York stat e for a short time , is at home. Mr . William Coleman has a porker that will probably weigh 600 pounds. Mr. J esse Murray and Ger ald Chad- wick have been stopping for several days at the Plains , hunting. The y had good luck and found an abund- ance of fowl and partridge. Mrs. Murra y was with them at her home at the Plains. Mrs . S. F. Braley, who has been visiting in Sandwich , has returned. Mr. Wal ter Baker has returned from a trip to Boston. • See "Special Notice" Robe lost.— Adv. The Parkers , wbo came early and have spent the summe r and fall at their elegant summer home, returned last Thursday to their home in Cam- bridge. Mr. Henr y P. Leonard made a busi- ness trip to Boston last week , going in his. touring car, Mrs. Leonard ac- companied him. Mrs . Jennie Parker will leave some time this week for Brai ntree to visit her daughter. Miss Dorothy Berry will visit nor aun t in New Hampshire this week. Miss O. M yrtle Crosby of Pelham Hei ghts , N. Y., has returned aft " " spending several days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs . Daniel Crosby. Mr s. Pierce of Provlncetown , who has been the guest of Mr. and Mr= Ed Crocker, has returned much im- proved in health . Mrs. Ed. S. Crocker spent Thurs day and Frid ay in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Crosby are in Maine. | OSTERVILLE ' Dr . Gor ham Bacon of New York was in town Tuesday to vote. He was the pnest of Mr . and Mrs. T. T\ Hall et while here. Miss Isab el Shove closed her home Th ur sday and will spend the winter in Boston with Miss Maria Grote . *• Mrs. Hannah Lovell will spend the winter .with her daughter , Mrs . Fr ank G. Phinney, in Boston Mrs. R. W. Rogers and daugh ter, Carrie have closed AInswor th cqtt age and returne d to New Orle ans Satur- da y. Miss Lena Little has return ed to New Yor k, but will Join them In New Orle ans later. Mr. Joh n H. Clark is the guest of Mr . Nathan Sears .in Tyngsboro. Messrs . Char 'es R. Howes, John H. I Clark , T. T. *Tallrt , Charles R . Bas- . seti . -P. E. Fan nnn were in Boston Tre rday evening to receive the elec- , tion ret urns. I Mr. Ebpn Etdr *>rt ge, who has been spendin g a few dny a with his sister. Mrs. George H. Kelley. returned to his home in Buzzards Bay, Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Abbot and fara- , ily left on Thursday for Beaufort, S. C, for the winte r . Misses May C. and Louise G. Baker accompani ed thoir cousin , Mr. Charles Wiggin , and Mr. Jo hn Simpkins to Boston by auto Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Geor pe Tro w and two childre n of New York ar e guests of her moth- er. Mrs . Phebe Vincent. Mr. Chas. S. Kn owles of Boston was in t own for the week end. Mr?. Sarah Fisher suffere d a paraly- se shock Thursday and is criticall y ill. | YARMOUTH. The har d rain of Thursday evening did not prev ent the initi ation exer- cises at the grange , bu t the number of members pr esent was less than usual . Mrs. D. I. Whe lden is in ISrewste r, with intent ion of wintering there. Mr. Howes Crowell has left town to winte r in Missouri. Mr. Willia m ltain was in town last week. The V. K. social at the chap el last week was well enjoye d by ihe large numb er prese n t. I DEhNIS. Reception to Pastor and His Wif e Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Hoyt arrived in Hyannis on Tuesday last after a short wedding trip. It was very pleasant to the member s of the Uni- versalist society and others to have the early opportunity to meet Mrs. Hoyt , whi ch a reception given last Friday evening offered. The reception was given by the Uni ty Club and was held at the church. In the receivin g line with Mr. and Mrs . Hoyt were Mr. Horatio S. Bond , president of the Club , Mrs. E. E. Stevens of the Prudential Committee, and Mrs. Edward L. Chase , president of the Sewing Circle. The evenin g was social and a pro- gr am of orga n music , songs by Mrs. L. M.*Bood y, read ing by Mrs. Charles C. Pa ine, etc., added to the pleasure of the occasion. Refreshments were served. Mr. Horace Evans and famil y have moved into the house on Nor th Ocean street owned by Mr. James Murphy and recentl y vacated by Geo. Baker and famil y. Mrs . George Sibley- of Stonybrook is visitin g Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Smith. Mrs . Harry Bearse has recentl y been in New Bedford and Providence. Mrs . E. H. Phinne y has returned from Por tsmouth , Virginia , where she has been for several weeks with Mr. Phinney, who is stationed there. Mr . and Mrs. Fred M. Blagden of Quincy spent Sunday with his mothe r , Mrs. Ka tie Blagden , on Cedar Btreet . Misses Stella and Mild red Percival I have been spending a few days in I Brockton. Mr. and MrB. Harry Bearse ana son and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chase spent Sunday in West Dennis. Little Lillian Phinne y has returned home after a visit in Dorchester with her " aunt , Mrs. A. C. Hallett. Miss Mar y Cash is visiting her brothe r, Mr. A. G. Cash. Henrietta Chase spent Sunday with her aunt in Newtonville. On Tuesda y evening at the Idlehour a special attraction will be given comprisin g the world 's series base-ball —Boston Red Sox vs. N. Y. Giants. Fans will have a chance to renew their interest in base-ba il and see photo- ! reproductions of the- greatest games j ever played anywhere Mrs. Edit h Lancaster and mother ,. Mrs. Earl , arrived in Hyannis lasti week and are occupying the Keveney house on North Ocean street Miss Grace Read , who has been in Hyannis several weeks, left on Sun- day. Mr. Eben A. Thacher and Mrs. David G. Eldrid ge of Boston were week end visitors at Mr. Frank Thacher 's. Camp street Mrs. Myron E. Drew has rented the lower apartment of her house to Mr. Watts , a railroad employee. Mr. and- Mrs. Sidney E. NIckerso n spent the week end in Brockton , going by automobi le. Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Pier ce of Boston spent Sunday with Mrs. Maria . L. Bear se and Mrs. Isad ore V. Hallett. Edward Gira rd, shoemaker at Bart- , lett's shoe store, spent Sunday at home in Fall River. Irvin g Walker , clerk at Megathl in's, has been spending several days at Provin cetown, visitin g his father , Joseph Walker. Rev. J .T;: Theodore of Center ville preached at the Congregational church yesterda y in the absence of the pastor ; Rev. P. L. Schenk, who filled a pulpit 1 in a church near Boston. Mr. W. " D. Baker is spending: a week ' in New York. • Mr. D. W. Paters on spent last week in Boston. r Mr. Jose Godoy of Boston was a > guest at Mrs. Mari anna Baker's Sun- Aav . .. r- M!sb F Isabel Bowlcer, ww u i »" ' H Capt C. H. Allyn and Mr g fe g^atLdS^ the^gSsI^ 4 ! l^atFremontTemple,Boston,on Sat- I *S£ T^Doran of North.T&.t on , ^arKS5w HYANNIS. Roll of Honor The following ar e the names of those pupils in the training school perfect in atten dance for the past four weeks: Grade I—Hilda Bacon, Willi am Bryant , Alfred Chase, Christine Coveil Wm. E. Cox , Jr., Addie L. Cox, Claribel Crowell , Halcyon Goodspeed , Leroy S. Nicker son, George A. Peak , Arthur F. Phin ney, Francis Crowell Pierce , Ora Richards, Homer Doane Sears, Kenne th Wilson, Frances Wil- liams, Madeleine Washing ton , Lillian Marsh, Helen Pelton. - Grade II—H udson Boody, John CrosB, Hannah Crowell , Eldred Cur- rier , Frederic Ma hony, Nellie Mal ch- man, William Mur phy, Margare t O'Keefe , Leslie Washington , Bertha White. Gra de HI— Kenneth Baxter , Doro- thy Binford, Olive Chase , Horace Cobb Herbert Cox, Elsie Cross , Christopher Marsh, Homer Phinne y, Theodore Jen- nings. Grades III and IV—Geor ge O. Bond , Genevieve Marsh , Prlscill a Paine , Louise Phinney, . Kenne th Bond , Doro thy Brackett , Wal ter Brooks , Lil- lian Bryan t, Mary Cash , Hilda Cook , Andrew Mackey, James Murphy, Lil- lian - Nelson, Wesley Quackenbush , Vincent Sala , France s Starratt , Rosa- lind Veazie, Beatrice White , Harold Lamprey . Grades V and VI—Florence Betterl y Alice Coleman , Dorothy Ellis, Mary Powers, Vivian Sherman, Winifred Veazie, Sara h Washington , Elizabeth Williams, Rober t Baxter , Robert Boody, Clifton Bowen, Hector Ch ase, Leslie Chase, Daniel ^ Clifford , Donald Crocker , unaries urowen , tiowam i Crowell , Angus Gray, Raymond Hal- lett , George Mitchell , Raymond Smith Richard Southworth , Raymond Thom- as, Francis Varnum , Antonio Visco, Elwood Gra y. Grade VI—Doroth y Gifford , Lillian Harrison, Edna Marchant, Ellen Nick- erson, Helen Powers , Gladys Sawyer, Vernon Bearse, Raymond Cash , Rich- ard Harris , Ernest Runne ls, Richard Soule, Albert Stri plln. Grade VII—Elizab eth Boody, Geor gie Cook, Miriam Crocker , Mabel Crowell Mary Macke y, Louise Murph y, Vir- ginia Paine , Priscilla Stevens, Horatio Bond , Harry Edwards , Parker 8ears, Pay Temple.- ¦ . Grade VIII—Do ris Baker , Genelve Bradford, Florence Crowell, Etta Jackson , Gertrude Mitchell , Evelyn O Keefe, Vernon Coleman , George Sllva, John Smith , Karl Weber. Grade IX—Elma Baxter, Bernice Bryant , Helen Brown, Marion Chase, PHJh r^^bwSlf/Doroth yfawcett ,Hes- ter Small, Arthur Fuller , Milan O*Neil, William Baldwin. Miss Annan Chase left .on Monday morn ing for a vacation of two -weeks which she will spend with friends in Boston and vicinity. ' Mrs. - James E. Baxter return ed on Saturda y evening from a visit away of a.week which she spent in Dorchester, Providenc e and Atlan tic. - :Mr. Winthro p D. Basset *visited the western part of the state on business the past week. : - AdmtiM dmatter In HjannlsFostflfflce: l. P. Bower* .Hiss OoUttu, Jos. Carries ,John Coyne. 1. X. Lawrenc e , W. A. Stereos, AddleWright. HYANNIS. I Amon g the recent arr ivalB ar e Mr. and Mrs. Jame s G. Hallett , Hln gham, Mrs . J. M. Lewis and daughter , Wol- ' laston . Miss Lenora Crow ell, Saga- more, and Mrs. Ferdinand Bray and son, Pawtucket. Mr s. Percival Butman of Point I Gammon is the guest of Mr . and Mrs. G. B. Sears. Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Thatcher have closed their house and accompanied by t heir daughter, Miss Helena , will spend the wint er in Orlando , Fla. Mr s. Martha Whit e has gone to Brookiine for the winter. A series of meetings is being held at the Baptist church , conduc ted by Rev . Mr . Richard son of West Med- ford. Mrs. I. F. Homer entertained a large number of her lady friends at whist last Saturday afternoon at her bungalow near the water. The oc- casion was most enjoyable to all pres- ent. Mrs. Man ton H. Crowell entertained the Chouette Club on Monda y evening it being the first meeting of the sea- son. Miss Helena E Alex.ander of West Philadelphia has been the guest of Mrs. Fre d A. Hurst the past week. SOUTH TARMOUTH Mr. P. T. Morin , who has been in char ge of Hotel Englewood for the past seven years , has purchased that propert y of the Englewood Beach Land Co. I ' Mrs. Julius Crowell was in Boston ' on Monday. * Miss Flora Baker, after spending r several weeks in Springfield , has re- j turned home. ¦ A very delicious and attractive < salad supper was served In School ' House hall on Hallowe'en. Those in ' char ge were Mrs. Julius Crowell, Mrs. ' Joshua Baker , and Mrs. A. Johnson , j The proceeds were used toward mak- ; Ing necessary improvements in the haiL Miss Brid ie Cronin recentl y spent a few dayB in Boston. Mrs. Annie Baker has closed her house and will spend the winter- with relati ves in Newport. Plans are being made for a temper- ance concert to he given by the Sun- day Bchool, from one to two o'clock on Nov. 17. The publ ic is cordiall y invited. Mr. Fred Hebd itch has been in New York for a week. MK and Mrs. C. R. Stacy have been spending several days in Boston and Taun ton. - Mr. Stacy attend ed the New England Superintendents ' meet- ing on Frida y. Rev. Philip L. Schenk has returne d from a vacation spent with his mother in Ann" Arbor , and occupied the pulpit again on Sunday. ; Mrs. Mat Crocker of Maiden and Mrs. Henr y Puller of Camb ridge vislt- f ed tneir mother , Mrs. lacy Berry, ; Fri day. ' i"- WEST TARHOUTH s I Town ot Barn tUblp, Oct. 28, 1912. Ordered, that tn« following regulations Sreacribing the taking of elkmt from tbe ftts of the Town ot Bar naUbt s tre hereby established. Regulation 1. Tbe Selectmen of the Town of Bar osUble may, from time to time, at their discretion, fjnot permttain writing, to aach resident *of the Town h they may deem expedient , prescribing tbe terms and methods and quantity of taking clams from the flata of tbe Town ot Barn- stable. Begnlation 2. Mo clams to be taken on South side of Barnatable Harbor for market pur poses. Begolatlon 3. No person shall in any one day tmke more than four and ona-hsif bushels of dams including shells. Regulation 4. This licenseis not trans- ferable. Regulation s. This license shal l be- come void on violation ot any of its con- ditiODB. Theseregulations ate made to conform with Chapter 91 , Sea 85, Revised Laws Commonwealth ot Massachuse tts. EDGAR W. LOVBLL ALEX. G. CASH HOWARD ft. PARKER Selectmen of Barnatable. I- Regulation ^ for Taking Clams. «, er 9. l9io -iv T T 2 House, Boston, fceih * on M Qn , .rfa e Joint 8peclal CmhVke to SOT .Fin ancTwill JCIV" cl«« tho lnte re8ted in the C Ss ^ Proses for which «l eL, Hme which ' i "ow mPney» the • « Objects ,,, »- ns 8haI« ron , and '^fv S»:k°vss lthe Comm!tt£ BEHT T> BRADY , Mrs.B.I*Marshand two daughters of Providence harebeenrecent guests of Mr. Atonxo H. Weeks. Subscr ibe for Tbe Patriot. F PLAINS. Mrs. Moses Stur gis and Miss Sara Sturgis visited Boston recently. Mrs. Addie Chase hasreturned from a visit with . her .daughter , Mrs. j Elisha Penniman in Pawtucket t Mrs. Horace Cobb is at home after some time spent in Boston. Mrs. Mar y Thompson, who visited Mrs. Charles B. Marchant last week, has returned to Centerville. Miss Helen LJnnell was In Brockton and Boston last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hallida y of Yonker s, N. Y., who are havin g a cot- tage built here, were down Wednes- day. Mr. Herbert A. Smith has the contract for the same. Master Clarence Chase of Hyan- nis Is visitin g his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs? Edgar-W. Llnnell, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Holbrook and daughter of Sprin gfield were in town, in their auto Tuesda y, Mr. Holbrook -coming down to vote . Dr. I. T. Herrick and son of Sprin g- field came down Tuesday to vote. HYANNIS PORT. I Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I.AMI COlMtT. Uaknhtah lk , k.s. ALBEKT K. SANl'OHU , Petitionkr. Petit ion (or the DUcbarg u ol Mortgage. Kea pectf ully ropreHonts Albert E. Han- ford of Huston , In tbu Cou nty of HufTolk , ilj Ht bo Is tbu son of and one of tbe devl- stea un der th e will ot Oliver 8. San ford , Into ot Bunio n , deceased , and in tbo sole ourvlvin g executo r of eald will: That as eucb bo ban a freehold estate Id curtail ) real estate owned by said Oliver S. Sanford at tho timoof bis doatb , to wit: Curtain parcels of land situated In Hy- uiiiiIh Port, lu tbu Town ot Harnstable , tn nalil County , dencribed ln a deed from tbo I t'runiiii Kba tu Having! * Hank to mid Oliver S. Hiinford , dated April 30, 1888, and re- corded wltb lianiHtablu L)ced» , Uook 178, Pa ge 686 ; That tbu title of your petitioner to these parcels of land aupour s of record to be on- cumbured by an undiHcbar gcd mortgage CIven by nald Oliver 13. Hnnford to tbe Kramlngbatn Savings Ban k , datu d April 30, 1888, and recorded on Juno 14, 1 88, with Uarnst able Deeds In Uook 178, P ge 587, given to secure tbe paymen t of tour hundred dollarH In one year fro m Its date , w ltb Interest at six per cent, per annum ;| Tbat BBid Oliver b. Sanford and those b uvloK bla Interest tbureln bavu been In uninterru pted possession of said lan d over ulnce tbo date of said mort gage , w hich la more than twenty years sIdc o the expira- tion of tbe time limited Id said mortgage for the full performan ce of tbo condition ther eof; That said mortgage was long since paid , but tbe dischar ge tbereof was by inad- ve rtence Dot recorded , aod canno t now be found ; Wherefore your petitioner pra ys that a decree may be entered establishi ng tbe payment of ffald mor tgage , and forbiddi ng tbe br lnglDg or maintaining of any action to enforce title under said mor tgage. Uy bis attorney , Clabenck Alfred Uunkkb. . A t rue copy, Attest: CLABENC iS C. HMIT H , Mr. and Mrs. J. il. Jonks , Jr. , and > Air. and Mrs. Jos . Butler re cently too k an uut o trip to Hro ckton. Mr . and Mrs. Jo seph Hiller anil two childr en have returne d to Philadel- phia. They were accompanied 1>\ Capt. Ijevi Crowell , who will spend the winter with th em. Miss Flora Maker is visitin g in ltoston and Miss Bessie Howes is staying with her aunt , Mrs . Harriet Baker. Miss Mary Niekorson and Messrs. Caleb ami Ha rold Nirkerson recently motore d to Boston . Amlover , l' rovi- ' dunce aid Kast (iree nwich. ! Mr. At herton Crowe ll Is havin g a garag e built. Messrs. Caleb Crowell and It. \V. Rogers are doing the work. Miss Barrows of Providence if stopping at Mr. S. Covil' s. Mies Edith Small has gone to Brockton. Miss Mary Sprague and Misses Geneva and Lizz ie Small visited l' rovi dence last week. A public Hindi parly was held at the home of Mrs. K. S. Osbonie Sat- ur day evening. The Saturday previ- ous Mrs. O. F .Crowe ll entertained at whi st , the proceeds of both to he for the benefit of Pythian Sisters . Mrs. (irace * (Ireeiilea f and children recently visit ed at (" apt Josh ua F. Nickerson 's. Mr. and MrB. \V. A. Cillion and Miss Harriet Gillion recently returne d from Harwich. Capt. Abram Hearse is at home, for two weeks from th e lighthouse , also Mr. Charles Chase is in town . Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nye have re- turned from their bridal trip to New Vork and Washington. Miss Knline O'Neil , who has been spending her vacation horn **, has returned to Rutland . Messrs. J. H. .Fenks , Jr., (Je.o. Baker and Irvin O' .Wil visited Boston the pa st week. Mr. Chester Baker <:f Taunton la at home. Mr. H. U. Lori ti K spent Friday in Boston. The Class of l!lKi , I) . S. H. S. held a very nice supper in the chapel Mon- day night and a goodly Hum was add- ed to the treasury. I WES 7 DENNIS. j Miss Leila Williams and Curtis Williams of Providence were guests of their aunts , Misses Ada and Eva Nickerson , over Sunday week. Mrs. D. B .A. S. StepheiiKon and daughte r Josephine of Porto Rico are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. Allen. The Union circle met on Tuesda y evening with the president , Mrs. David L. Matthews. Mr . and Mrs. Charles Wid ger have been guests recen tly of Mr. and Mrs. Judah W. Baker. Mrs. Geor ge A. Rogers has gone to Waltham to spend the winter with her husband. Miss JfD tiie G. Norri s accompanied Mrs . Fred Warr en to Lynn on Wed- nesday. Mr . Geor ge Porter will be in Boston for some time, and the Nor- ris home Is closed for the present. Mrs ohase, the nurse , has returned to her home in South Yarmou th. Mr s. Selena Crowell , who has been taking a vacation fro m Mrs. S. F. 15. Hard lng 's, has returned. Miss Lolra Kelley was with Mrs. Hardin g durin g her absence. Capt and M rs. C. A. Emery have re turned home from an extended visit in Maine , Providence , Fall River Nan tucket and other places. On Capt. Emery 's re turn home he found the news awai ting him of the sudden dea th of his bro ther, Oliver of Provi - dence, whom he left In usual health a few days previou s. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wiader died last Monday, the funer al , taking place Wednesday. SOUTH DENNIS Miss Laura M. Uoyie, a iormer resi- dent , bat of late a resident of Maiden died in Somerville Nov. 1st. Her body was brought to Provlncetow n for interment. Rev. J. H. Buckey read the committal service at the grave. Miss Doyle was the daughter of tbe late William Doyle and was born Jul y 24, 1860. Besides two sisters, Mrs. Amelia Chase and Mrs. Nellie Con- noly of Maiden , she is survived by two brothe rs, Edward Doyle of this town and Cha rles E. Doyle of Dutton , OnL Mrs. Eliza Smith , widow of Joseph Ayres Smith and dau ghter of Nathan and Winifred Smith , died Oct. 31st, aged 73 years, 1 month , 12 days. Mrs. Smith was born in this town and spent her whole life here. She is survived by a son and daughte r, Isaac E. Smith and Mrs . Susie Jaso n, both of Provincetown , and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Hatchin gs and Mrs. Hannah Dill. Misses Annie and Mar garet McKen- xie, Sidney, C. B., are visitin g their aunts , Mrs. Jessie Crosb y, Mrs. Flora McQuarrie and Mrs . Annie Mayo. Mrs. E. A. Westcott and daugh ter Alice nave retur ned from a visit m Boston and vicinity. Mrs. Ellen' Atkins and Miss Emma Atkins nave gone to Melrose where they are to spend the winter. Dr. M. P. Campbell has returned from a vacation spent in New Hamp- shire. Capt and Mrs. Erank I. Sears have returned from their vacat ion trip. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Lewis have gone to Brookl yn, N- Y., to visit War- ren Hallett and daughter. ,., Mr , and Mrs. Josiah Swift have re- turned from Brockt on and Plymouth, where they had spent tbe last six weeks. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters reached the caoM." — J. H.Walker, Sonlmryv Ohio. —Adv. PROVINCETOWN. I Commonwealth of JUssaeaosett*. fUucffrtnuE. m. Probat k Court. To the bolrs. »t-law, nex t of kin, creditors and all oUi«rc«r- soo* lntere«t«4 la tie tatate at ZBPKASrl AH A. PERBT , tote ol Barn .table, ln aatt Ownt f, deceased. lnw«t»te. \\rilK &KAJi. m petition haa been presented to " antd COQitto tTraiit a tetter of ufmlDlati sttoa on the eatete ot aald deceased to NeUis A. Pen ?of said Bar ustaM eor toao neouter mUuMo , person. Von are hereby cited t» appear at a Probate Court , to tie held at Banut able, la aaid 0o«Biy of Banulable, on U>e Tenth Say ol Dee««ber, A. D. 1»1», at nine o'clock In tbe forenoon, ta afcov eaiae. If any joo have, whj the aams tboaJd a*6 be granted And aald petitioner is hereby diieeted to gire public notice thereof, bjr paMUbta ft tbu dUJ ioo once in each week, for tbree saeCeaatTe WMkJ .la the Bara suble Patriot a newspaper pabiu bed in eaM Banu tabte , tbe lastvabueatlo oto tie one day at least before cald Court. wno*a«, f XMMntMh. bonsor, Eaqntr* , J mAf * of au Court ,tbla Slat day of Oetoa er, uPlfce year one thwnaand nine hondred and twelr*. m^JSXHDOX A. WXXXXAS. Bagtate r. CfensMMweilUi 9tUwu mUunU$. SJadn rAM , as. P«o«*Ti oovxr. To afl ptr . sons latereated la the estate of OLIYtS CBOCKEB tot*ef Banattbk iis aald Oamrty. deceased: WHEBEAP , Olirer A. Clodurexecutor ef fj» *" will of aaiddeceased .bM presentedfor allow- ancethe Atth. and tilt *or BnL aeeoutaofH* artnUalatmtlonepon the estate ofaald daeaaaefc Xtmare hereby etted to app ear at a Pnfeete Court to be heldal BanMable,n aaldCousty. on Teath Day mt BeeesBhar , A. 0.1 0 1 9, at nUXfcjo dln the tcreaaoo. ta stow eaoae , if w m have, w«r tke aasaeaaeald mc «w ABtf ^.^S*S f r ** «" %—* J» "F™ *¦*• dtat ica by deUrertw &esMfla inaf t* SBymoaa asra^SffiSBffi SS Em tet en u UtC omiU.- J__ » . . -.._ ¦ ... !ar .etSroaSg^a gil^ ^ ^ ^ gM^s); **%¦*,»»»fT^y %l ffi5ESAi^Jtti$ifih • ' * Mrs. Delia Doiino ol' Chatham . K'lost of her sister , Mrs. J. H. l'aino , is work- ing at the laundry at llov. Thomas Rickfo rd 's . Mrs. N' ilcs Wlson is visiti ng hor sister in I' roviiltMico , It. I. 1 Mrs. K. A. Burgess lias arrive d home from Orlea ns . Mis * Kmily Kill s rall t d on Mrs. Olive O. Kllis Wednesday. Master Sydney Kills and friend of Orleans called on his grandfather Kl- lis Sunday afternoon. Mrs. May T. Parker has returne d to ! North Abington ami Mrs. Hatlio I. ; Peterson to Avon. I : i Don 't fnil to mention "The Patriot" when wri ting to advertisers. | EAST BREWSTER. jT;r c^ f r ',j',[\ ' ;. ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦'> Ryder have "' ' -'ir d'^w - : ' ' ¦'• Vf-ral weeks <; !r?- LV " C : " , ' ¦ ' • ¦ • ¦ •r r-tt. • £ the i- .s- "!' ¦¦' !!; Onset a few fr£. Ho ' ra ;r. ";:• ¦¦ ' ¦ , , . K \v!ne ?. f..- '• ' r has been ?., SC:E f 'rof- '- ,¦ ' Boston . -, •*&>• ir, .."' ; ' : l!; 'ss moved ^ Of ' -Mr ' < ru r: '' : ': ':s "' thev faave fc ^ - H . K i w ' ' ' " °- H:iilett - j,5 a few ,i..^." ' r' ;' y :!:i5 been spend »;if Henry p" "¦ V ::i -"-r dau ghter , ^> ^ ^ '- •¦ :r ' '- -- '? on , in Newton- M> OUMMAOufb IK L U fUD I , Commonwealth op Massachusetts. I3AKNBTABLE, 88. LAND COUKT. [SEAL] Upon tbe foregoing petition , It la or* dere d that toe petitioner give notice io all persons Interested In aald petition to appear bsforo tbe Land Court , at Bar n- stable , within and for oar Bald County ol Barn»table (wher e appearances and an- swers may be filed wltb Jch o A. Hoiway , Register of Deeds for tbe Registry District ot