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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 11, 1912     Barnstable Patriot
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November 11, 1912
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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! Advertisin g Rules : Time.j ; 1 In. 2 in. 3 In. 4 la. 1-8 el I c. T*. ! i oo TnoTob 2 so Tool u og •. ' w. 1 35 2 *J5 S 00 3 7S 10 DO1 18 OO »'¦w. 1 50 ' - ' 75 4 00 5 25 13 00! '** 00 1 mo. 1 75 3 a5 5 00 U 75 lli 00: 30 nil - ¦m.i.i. J 50 4 50 8 00 11 50J-J0 OOj 33 00 H dhis. 3 50 « 80 10 00 13 eOjSO OOi 50 00 t; nn.s. ti 00 10 00 1U IKIi -. '- ' 00 40 OOj 7U 0(1 ' .) mos. 8 00 13 00 19 00 'J5 Ot 36 UOilOO 00 I year . 10 00 lli 00I-J3 OI)|2* H) 70 W>ll25 00 "Pot a signal light of your business in the newspa per. Keep the light trimmed and supply It with the oil ot facts and experience. Then its rays will penetrate into many and anlookedfor Holds or trade and bring business retails that have been little anticipated. " The Barnstable Patriot GOV. FOSS RE - ELECTED Lieut enant-Gov ernor and Secretary Democrats i A(\ l ' l] COD DEUOCRiT KLECTED TO CONGRESS GOVERNOR EUGENE N. FOSS Massachus etts swept from her political moorings last Tuesday. For the ^ first time since the Republican pa rty was established she gave a plurality for a Democratic pr esidential candidate and turne d over her elec- t oral vote to Wilson and Marshall. The old Hay State also elected Governor Foss for a third ter m by a pl urali ty exceeding even that which she gave him in 1910—which was then 35,000 over Draper—and 40,000 more than his lead of 8000 last year over Frothingham. This Commonwealth elected a Dem- ocratic lieutenant governor for the first time in her history. David I. Walsh of Fitchburg , who hist year lost the State to Robert Luce of Somerville by about 4uOO votes , is the man upon whom this unique honor has fallen. Walsh' s plurality was nearly 40,000. , Here , as throughout the countr y, the Democrats owe their overwhelm- ing victory to the split of the Republi- can ^;e by Roosevelt' s new organiza- tio n, ™hich is now a "political party " in Massachusetts under the statute defining as such any organization which polls tii ree per cent, of the total vote of governor. This will give the pro gressive party all the privileges now enjoyed by the Republican and the Democratic parties , and will ob- viate the necessit y of naming their candidates by nomination papers , as they were obliged to do this year. The birth of this party thus insures a trian gular contest at the polls next year. The Democrats also swept the coun- try electin g their presidential ticket in thirt y-seven of the 48 states. The Republican electors were successful in only throe states and nopp'blv foit " at the most. The Pro gressives car- ried six state s. Of the 531 Electors chosen Wilson has over 400, 2M5 only being necessar y to choose. The result of the election in this state was as fol lows: Presidential Electors For President and Vice Pre sident Wilson and Marshall At Larg o Jo hn W. Cumm lncs of Fall River William A. Gnston of Boston District i Ti!itii» t v nnhertv of WestGeM 2. Edward H. Lathro p of Sprin gfield 3. Frank H. Pope of Leomlnster 4. Joh n F. Meaney of Blackston e 6. J. Joseph O'Connor of Lowell f> . Charles A. Russell of Gloucest er 7. Walter H. Creamer of Lj nn 8. Thomas K. Dwjer of Wakefleld 9. Jame s H. Malone of Chelsea 10. Joh n J. MRlioney of Boston 11. Joseph H. O1Neil of Boston 12. James F. Powers of Boston 13. Charles B. Strecker of Brooklln e 14. Albion C. Drlnkwater of Bralntr ee 15. Thomas F. Hlgglns of Fall River 16. George M. Harlow of Plymouth Governor *Eugene N. Foss, D, Boston. Lieutenant-Governor David I. Walsh , D, Fitchbur g. Secretary Frank J. Donahue , D, Boston. Treasurer •Elmer A. Stevens , R, Somerville. Auditor •John E. White , R, Tisbur y. Attorney-Genera ) •James M. Swift , R, Fall River. Congressman Thomas C. Thacher , D, Yarmouth. Councillor—1 st District •Eben S. S. Keith of Bourne. Senato r—G,ape District •Edric Eldridge of. Yarmouth . Representa tives—Barnstable Co. First District •Charles L. Gifford of Barnstable. Second District Henr y H. Sears of Dennis. Third District •Jerome S. Smith of Province town. County Commissioner Benjamin F. Bourne of Bourne. . • County Treasurer 'Edwa rd L. Chase of Barnstable. •Be-elected Vote of Barnstable Presiden tial Electors—Chafln 16, Debs 2, Reimer 1, Roosevelt 471, Taft 219, Wilson 296. Governo r—Bird 394, Fobs 295, Mul- ligan 1, Rand 9, Sawyer 4, Walker 276. „ Lieuten ant Governo r—Cosgrove 339 Evans 8, Luce 317, Martin 143, Me- Goff 2, Walsh 112. Secretary—Donah ue 202, Hayes 8, La ngtry 317 , Lindstrand 1, Nash 1 1 , W ood 342. Treasurer—Chace 20, Craig 6, Keit h 352, St. Coeur 189, Stevens 290, Weiss 3. Auditor— Carens 189, Grilfin 16, La Riviere 292 , McDride 15, McNally 2, White 348. Attorney-General —Anderson 190, Bohmbach 1, Cro mmett 11, Xewton 297, Roewer 1, Swift 370. Congressman—Bullock 191, Palme 5 Thacher 464 , Thompson 296. i Councillor—G reen 201, Keith 572. Senator—Bodflsh SOS , Burgess 73, Eldridge 307. Representative—Chip man 23, Gif- ford 458, McCann 263, Small 222. County Commissioner—Bourn e 439, Soule 4G5. County Treasurer—Chase 677. Amendment—(Chap. 21 Resolves of 19121—Yes 373, Xo 134. Amendment— (Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 344, No 115. (Chap. 503 Act s of 1912)—Yes 318, No 207. Vote of Brewster Presidential Electors—Chafl n 2, Roos eveit 80, Taft 32, Wilso n 39. Governor—Bird 53, Foss 29, Rand 2, Walker 57. Lieutenant Governor—Cosgrove 53, Evans 3, Luce 52, Walsh 26. Secretary—Donahue 24, Hayes 2, Langtry 44, Nash 2, Wood 75. Treasurer—Chace 5, Keith 57, St. Coeur 50, Stevens 47. Auditor—Carens 19. Griffin 2, La Riviere 53, McBride 1, White 51. Attorney-General—Anderson 17, Bohmbach 6, Crommett 4, Newton 53, Swift 51. Congressman—Bullock 32, Thacher 63, Thompson 46. Councillor—Green 23, Keith 67. Senator—Bodfish 56, Burgess 9, Eldridge 63. Representative—Poor 52, Smith 49. Count y Commissioner—Bourne 59, Soule 39. County Treasurer—Chase 80. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 39, No 13. Amendment— (Chap. 115 Resolves of 191 2)—Yes 42, No 13. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 48, No 15. Vote of Chatham Presidential Electors—Cha fln 10, Debs 2, Reimer 1, Roosevelt 160, Taft 64, Wilson 69. Governor—Bird 115, Foss 57, Mulli- gan 1, Rand 6, Walker 95. Lieutenant Governor—Cos grove 97, Evans 10, Luce 97, Martin 1, McGoff 3, Walsh 22. Secretar y—Donahue 36, Hayes 1, Langtr y 98, Lindstran d 1, Nash 7, Wood 88. Treasurer—Chace 10, Craig 1, Keith 100, St. Coeur 36, Stevens 87. < Auditor—Carens 34, Griffin 20, La Riviere 81, McBride 1, White 103. Attorne y-General— Anderson 38, Bohmbach 1, Crommett 7, Newton 87, Swift 108. Congressm an—Bullock 57, Thacher 124, Thompson 69. Councillor—Gree n 37, Keith 161. Senator—Bodfish 90, Burgess 23, Eldrid ge 125. Representative— Crowell 95, Ray- croft 31, Sears 123. Count y Commissioner—Bourne 134, Soule 110. Count y Treasurer—Chase 158. Amendment— (Cha p. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 87, No 29. Amendment— (Cha p. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 88, No 22. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 68, No 55. Vote of Dennis Presidential Electors—Chafln 4, Roosevel t 182, Taft 99, Wilson " 86. Governor—Bird 118, Fosb 77, Rand 4, Walker 148. Lieutenant Governor—Cosgrove 86, Evans 4, Luce 160, Martin 1, McGoff 3, Walsh 54. Secretar y—Donahue 36, Hayes 1, Langtr y 139, Lindstrand 1, Nash 5, Wood 95. Treasurer—Cha ce 6, Craig 2, Keith 96, St. Coeur 35, Stevens 146. Auditor—Carens 34, Griffin 5, La Riviere 81, McBride 2, McNally 1, White 163. Attorne y-Genera l—Anderson 32, Bohmbach 1, Crommett 2, Newton 74, Swift 186. Congressman— Bullock 80, Palme 1, Thacher 199, Thompson 42. Councillor—G reen. 37, Keith 231, Bassett 1. # Senator—Bodfish 96, Burgess 18, Eldridge 179. Representative—C rowell 103, Ray- croft 75, Sears 192. Count y . Commissioner—Bourne 219 Soule 84. Count y Treasure r—Chase 190. Amendmen t—(Cha p. 21 Resolves o? 1912)—Yes 84, No 18. Amendment— (Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 86, No 16. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes -65, No 44. Vote of Harwicn Preside ntial Electors—Ch afln 2, Debs 7, Roosevelt 172, Taft 95, Wilson 78. ' Governor —Bird 120, Foss 71, Rand 1, Sawyer 6, Walker 130. Lieutena nt Govern or—Cosgrove 112, Evans 4, Luce 132, Martin 6, Walsh 57. Secretary —Donahue 50, Hayes 7, Langtry 1 22, Lindstran d 1, Nash 2. Wood 95. Treasurer —Chace S, Keith 103, St. Coeur 45, Stevens 121. Weiss 6. Auditor—Car ens 35, Griffin fi. La Riviere 84, McBride 7, White 146. Attorney- General—An derson 39, Bohmbach 1, Crommett 2, Newton 85, Roewe r 15, Swift 148. Congre ssman—Bull ock 54, Palme 5. Thacher 190, Thompson 67. Councillor —G reen 48, Keith 200. Senator— Bodflsh 95. Burgess 21 . Eldridge 151. Representativ e—Crow el! 87, Ray- croft 44, Sears 167. County Commissioner—Bo urne 199. Soule 89. County Tr eaPii mr—(:hrisr> 205. Atrendmcnt — (Ch ap. 21 Resolves of !)1- —Yes 123. No 40. An 'ei' dmenl—- ,'Chn i- . IK , Repolve? .f 1912)—Yes 116, Vo ?.0. 'f' hnp. "03 Art s of 1912)— Yo- •f'3. Xo 09. Vote ^ of Provincetown Presidenti al Ein-.»~-- - ^>- -•¦ 1 h-- 1 T'cim-r 1, Roosevelt 2o5 . Ta ft !>•» . Wil?o n 163. Governor—K ird 101, Foss 14S , Hand \ Sawyer 1, Walker 185. Lieutenr.n t Governor- -Ccsgrove 9H Mv.'i r.s 4. I lire 150, Martin 3, McGoff 2, Walsh 134. Secreta ry—Donahue 102, Hayes 3 Tjingtry 135, Lindstrand 1, Nash 4, Wood 91. Treasurer— Chace 7, Craig 2, Keith 99, St. Coeur 93, Stevens 131, Weiss 3 Auditor—Caren s 93, Griffin -5, La Iliviere 86, McBride 2, McNally 2. White 134. Attorney-Gener al—Anderson 92. bohmbach 1, Crommett 2, Newton 98. Roewer 4, Swift 138. Congressman —Bullock 66, Palme 3. Thacher 274, Thompson 59. Councillor—Green 89, Keith 209. Senator —Bodflsh 119. Burgess 27. Eldridge 195. Rep resentative —Poor 61, Smit h 359. County Commissioner—Bourne 280. Soule 111. County Trea surer—Chase 190. Amendment —(Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Ye s 146 . Xo i7. Amendment —(Chap. 115 Resolves ol 1912)—Yes 129, No 22. (C hap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 96, No 77. Town of Bourne Presidential Elect ors—Chafln 10, Roosevelt 191, Taft 13b , Wilson 112. Governor— Bird 151, Foss 114, Mul- ligan 1, Rand 9, Walker 156. Lieutenant Govern or—Cosgrove 128 Evans 11, Luce 179, Ma rtin 1, McGoff 2, Walsh 87. Secretary—Donahue 80, Hayes 4, La ngtry 165, Lindstrand 1, Nash 10, Wood 121. Treasurer—Chace 13, Keith 141, St. Coeur 62, Stevens 162, Weiss 2. Auditor—Carens 70, Griffi n 13, La Riviere 105, McBride 2, W hite 183. Attorney-General—An derson " 69, Crommett 9, Newton 114, Roewer 1 , Swift 192. Congressman—BullocK 110, Thacher 187, Thompson 121. Councillor—Green 57, Keith 336. Senator—Bodfish 151 , Burgess 43, Eldridge 188. Repre sentative—Chipman 23, Gifford 130, McCann 71, Small 202. County Commissioner—Bourne 343, Soule 86. County Treasure r—Chase 239. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 158, No 50. Amendment?—(Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 135, No 46. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 143, No 69. Vote of Falmouth Presidential Electors—Chafln 8, Roosevelt 246, Taft 170, Wilson 147. Governor—Bird 185, Foss 137, Mul- igan 2, Rand 9, Walker 231. Lieutenant Governor—Cosgrove 154 Evans 6, Luce 250, Walsh 124. Secre ta ry—Donahue 101, Hayes 5, Langtry 234, Lindstrand 1, Nash 12, Wood 151. Treasurer—Chace 15, Keith 155, St. Coeur 90, Stevens 236. Auditor—Carens 96, Griffin 16, La Riviere 125. MeBrlde 1, White 259. Attorney-General—Anderson 113, Bohmbach 1, Crommett 8, Newton 133, Roewer 1, Swift 271. Congressman—Bullock 160, Palme 1, Thacher 241, Thompson 152. Councillor—Green 118, Keith 368. Senator—Bodflsh 182, Burgess 117, Eldridge 230. Representative—Chipman 21, Gif- ford 286, McCann 112, Small 127. County Commissione r—Bourne 327, foule 193. Count y Treasurer—Chase 322. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 233. No 47. Amendment— (Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 230. No 46. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 193, No 109. Vot e of Yarmouth Presidential Electors—Chafln 1, De "Bs I, Roosevelt 147. Taft 106, Wil- son 67. Governor—Bird 111, Fobs 68, Rand 2, Walker 143. Lieutenant Governor—Cos grove 98, Evans 3, Luce 147, Martin 5, McGoff 17, Walsh 37. Secretar y—Donahue 53, Hayes 3, Langtr y 142, Lindstrand 1, Nash 1, Wood 96. Treasurer—Chace 1, Crai g 1, Keith 96, St. Coeur 54, Stevens 139, Weiss 2. Auditor—Carens 52, Griffin 3, La Riviere 99, McBride 1, McNally 2, White 150. Attorne y-General—Anderson 46, Crommett 4, Newton 85, Roewer 1, Swift 165. Congressman—Bullock 74, Thacher 184, Thompson 58. Councillor—Green 53, Keith 205. Senator—Bodflsh 93, Burgess 14, Eldridge 186. Representative—Cro we 'ii 97, Ray- croft 30, Sears 190. Count y Commissioner—Bou rne 203, Soule 85. Count y Treasurer—Chase 207. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 111, No 35. Amendment— (Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 102. No 46. (Cha p. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 101, Nq 49. Vote of Truro Presidential Electors..Chafln 1, Roosevelt 58, Taft 13, Wilson 32. Governor—Bird 39, Fobs 22, Walker 35. Lieutenant Governor—Cos grove 36, Luce 31, Walsh 20. Secretar y—Donahue 14, Langtr y34, Wood 35. * Treasurer—Chace 3, Keith 38, St Coeur 9, Stevens 3L Auditor—Carens 13, Griffin 2, La Riviere 36, White 34. Attorn« y-General- *Anderson 16 New ton 37, Swift 34. Congressman—Bullock 18, Thacher 54, Thompson 23. Councillor—Green 16, Keith 43. Senator—Bodfish 45, • Burgess 4, Eldrid ge 33. Representative—Poor 40. 8mlth 46. Count y Commissioner—Bourne 48, Boole 38. Count y Treasurer—Chase 54. Amendment— (Chap.21 Resolves of 1912)—Yea 36, No 6. Amendment—(Chap . 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 26, No 11. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes IS. No 14. Vote of Wellfleet Presi dential Electors —Chafin 3, Roosevelt 130, Taft 35, Wilson 57. Governor —Bird 101, Foss 50, Rand 3, Walker 55. Lieut enant Governor —Cosgrove 88, Evans 3, Luce 51, Walsh 45. Secreta ry—Donah ue 34, Langtry 49, Nash 3, Wood 87. Treasure r—Chace 3, Craig 1, Keith 91, St. Coeur 32, Stevens 47. Auditor—Ca rens 37, Griffin 3, La Riviere 80, White 43. Attorney-Gen eral—Anders on 39, Cromm ett 3, Newton 96, Swift 37. Congress man—Bullock 25, Thacher 111 . Thompson 70. Councillor— Green 36, Keith 95. Senator —Bodflsh 96, Burgess 12, El- dridge 61. Representa tive—Poor 94, Smith 93. County Commissioner—Rourn e 92 Soule 87. County Treasurer—Cha se 86. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 1— Yes 57, Xo 12. Amendment —(Chap. lit". Resolves rf 191 2)—Yes f,0, Xo 8. i Chap - ! "'°3 Acts °r 1912)—Yes ¦ .2. Xo 16. Vote of Orleans Presidential Electors—Chafln 1. Hobs 1. Roosevelt 124 , Taft 51 , Wil- son 44. Governor—Rir d 97, Foss 49, Mulli- j.a ;i 11 , Rand 1, Sawyer 1. Walker •!!». Lieutenant Governor— Cosgrove S2. Kvans 1. Luce 67, Martin 1, Walsh 42. Secretary—Donahue 31 , Hayes 1. I.:i " gtry 63. Xash 2. Wood 85. Treasurer— Chace 1, Keith S."., St Coeur 31, Stevens 62. Weiss 1. Auditor—Carens 31, G riffin 1 . l-i Rivie re 75, McBride" 1, White 68. Attorney-General—Anderson 29, Crommett 2, Newton 81, Roewer 1, Swift 52. Congressma n—Bullock 40, Palme 1, Thacher 89, Thompson 75. Councillor—Green 33. Keith 108. Senator—Bodfish 83, Burgess 11, El- dridge 71. Representative—Poor 158 , Smith 44. County Commissioner—Bourne 122, Soule 45. County Treasurer—Ch ase 115. Amendment—(Chap. 21 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 75, No 15. Amendment—(Chap. 115 Resolves i of 1912)—Yes 79, No 13. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes Kl , No 36. Vote of Sandwich Presidential Electors—C hafln 6. Debs 5, Roosevelt 91, Taft 74, Wilson 99. Governor—Bird 59, Foss 100, Mulli- gan 3, Rand 8, Sawyer 6, Walker 94. Lieutenant Governor—Cosgrove 55, Evans 9, Luce 90, Martin 7, McGoff 2, Wal sh 90. Secretary—Donahue 84, Haye s 9, La ngtry 99. Nash 13, Wood 47. Treasurer—Chace 9, Keith 56, St. j Coeur S2, Ste vens S9. Weiss 11. I Auditor—Caren s 74, Griffi n 10, La Riviere 48, McBride 9, White 96. Attorney-General—Anderson 76, Bohmbach 1, Crommett 7, Newton j 53, Roewer 9, Swift 99. j Congressman—Bullock 67, Palme 8, ; Thacher 160, Thompson 44. Councillor—Gree n 65, Ke ith 183. Senator—Bodflsh S3, Burgess 31 , El dridge 102. Representative—Chipman 19, Gifford 67. McCann 168, Small 31. County Commissioner—Bourn e 118, Soule 135. County Treasure r—Chase 132. Amendment— (Chap. 21 Resolves of 191 2)— Yes 99, No *9. Amendment—(Chap. 115 Resolves of 1912)—Yes 83. No 37. (Chap. 503 Acts of 1912)—Yes 8. No 42. (Continued on 2d page ) A Gift With A Thought In It There 's one very simple way out of the Christmas shopping problem : don 't shop, but sit quietly at home and subscribe for The Youth' s Com- panion. The chances are , too, that no present you could buy for the young friend or the family you de- light to honor could confer so much pleasure as this gift of The Youth' s Companion for a whole roun d year— fifty-two weekB ' issues, and the flfty- Etcond as keenly anticipated and en- joyed as the very first. Tnere will be stories for readers of every age ; sound advice as to athletics; suggestions for the girl at college or making her own way in the world; good thin gs for every member of the family—all for $2.00—less than four cent& a week. The one to whom you give the sub- scription will receive free all the re- maining issues of 1912, as well as DEMOCRATS SWEEP THE COUNTRY WILSON AND MARSHALL ELECTED UcnculoKlrul Note* or Bitrn - stab le Fnnillle« being a reprint of tbe fro m tbe BAIIft §T4lfLE I'ATHIOT In Two VolumoH BOUND IN ONE "Oenea loKlcal NoU* of Hari uital il" KaniilleV Is a re print of thu Amos OU/i paprr *. originally [mlilhlied in Hie Uarn ntnbin Patriot , now r«vl»«! bye V. Swift, two volanifg In on*. (If . II. A i . V. (loiui, Banui table , pnblta ben.) Nowhe re t'l.i" la to Ixi found n mom aecurota or clever picture iif colonial life man In those pa per *. Ju tt Iidw thH first whltM ll»«l. bo* tlin linllni m llvtvl , itie relations between tbe settlers ami the aborlKlnen, cburcb and famllr blutor r, am nil 5«t fort b, not , of count *, In msjue nc*' , but wltti lihoioicra pulc wnty. To lbose whose ajio^Uirit wtp mnoiig the first Mttle n cf BarruUtbtn tlin book will bar e an atMitlosiaJ and Mcrtxl viUii" . ninl all reader will fwl doeplr ifrat fful to tbe m:tbor for tbe Indust ry which baa produc Ml u mont striking picture of tb« founding of an etn- pirn. —Bestou Olob«. Tbe price for botb Volumes (780 Pages ) booud In one , cloth bindi ng, |5.00. Copies will be forwarded by mail on receipt of pr ice and &>c additio nal for postage. «<•. B. * K. I>. (JON S, Publiab er * Htaw his, Mahm A MOS OTIS PAPERS -—- j The Compan ion Window Tran spar- ency and Calendar for KH 3 , in rich , trans lucent colors . It is to be hung i in the window or over the lamp-shad *.1. I You , too, as Kivcr of the pres ent will receive a copy of it . Tin; Yout h ' s Companio n , 114 liiiki ' lcy St ., lloston , Mass. —Adv. i W ill Insist on Baths. The maste r of Navan Union , County Vleath, Ire land , in which Institution sompulsory baths for able-bodied j xamp s have been introduced recently, j •eported that 14 tramps were admit- ; ed the previ ous night , and , rather j han take bath s, bgvoii left. The chair I nan then atate d that the motto of the natltutl ftn fro m hencefor th , should be •Swim or Shift." Freak Fashion Disapproved. A freak fashion on the part of a nan who has been attracting consider- ihle attenti on of late at the theaters ' j i London Is regarded by the West snd dres s exper ts with contemp t . With Jae regulation black evening dress and whi te collar and tie this eccentric wears a black shirt front , re lieved by t white waistcoat. Constipation causes headache . Ind i- gestion , dizz iness, drowsiness. For a mild , opening medicine , use Doan 's Kegu lctB. 2"ic a box at all stores. — Adv . Let this newspape r wor k for you through its advertising columnB. It is read all the week , by people you want as customers. Black and White vs. White and" Black. For many years a lar ge department store has spent thousan ds of dollars on placards with which almost every article of mercha ndise is ticketed throu ghout the stor e, 'and only with- in a short time did they realize the amount of money that was being wasted 1 in using the -white card board with black lettering. These white clrds soon became soiled and shop worn if allowed to re- main in place any length of time. The cards which are band ied by custom- ers in bins, tra ys, etc., are even more so. By substitutin g the black card - board with white lettering thiB stor e has overcome this difficulty to a very great extent The show cards ' are always clean, fresh and bright-looking and they last many times a* 1(m*» saving the firm several hund red do • lars In the course of a year.—Busi- ness. Pleasu res of Childhood. "Well, what bus my little girl been . doing today?" asked a Kansas City mother of her daughter of Biz year s who had Just return ed from play. | "Why," was the reply, "we had a couple get married , and then they went away for a wedding trip and then they had a baby and then the baby died of spinal meningitis. Ob, we had the most fun!" N«ed of Haste. Two Irishment 'were walking along a countr y road when they came to a persimmon tree laden with green per- simmons. Pat walked up to the tree and pulled several , and began eating ' them. Soon they began to pucker op his mouth. Turn ing to bis comra de he said, "Molke, ef you have got any- thing to say, say It quick, before 1 close up." BARNSTABLE COUNT Y MUTUAL , OKKU K I10UT18:-9 u.m to 1 p.m. A. I.. WK KKK3 . I'mtMent JOHN H. LXAH K, t*cjr . Bin) Trruit. •KMll l'A E. HOW K-S. Amlntanl Secjr . l.o.-i.sesb; Ilulitnin jj are paid tbou ^li no murk * ot tire bt> visible. Dwelling. Furniture , Clotblii K, Dun n, Horiu xt , I'ltlll e, lkimrs. v Corrl utfvi, liny, lira iii, Fariulii K Tools, <.'tmrc ti<\s, School uiul Toon Hnuw.i. Mechanic *' Shopi , etc., etc., tnnii ml at reason- ab le rates. No tuue.sM utMit ban otim been intufc by Una conu>mi; 011 It-t deposit note/i. iirnl none will probably ever tx> necnuu iry, as Itx rUkj lire so well scutte rtH l. Tblcklj tettlrd portlo ux are. onlj partially Infltiml by lots office . Applica tion* for Insu rance ibould b« inmlii to the Secretary at Yarmou tbport . ot to any ol Uio following of tba Compa ny'* Directors: M. N. HAimiS, Banut nblff HII. H TUDMAN , WellUeet KIXiAK W. LOVKLL. Santul t CLAKKNDO N A. FREEM AN, North Chatham ! a. I . WKKKKS , Harwich i KltAN K THACHKH , llrniml n .IKUKU 1AU K. WliO S. North BrewMto r JONA THAN f. EDWAR IW . Denntsport (iKOK IiR W. JONES . Kalinoutb WAUKK N «. SMIT H , Orlean * CHAH1.E S H. MOOKKri. Sftndw tcb K. I.AWH KNCR JKNKINS , South Yarmou th K C. BWIKT. Ynrmo uthport Fire InsuranceGo. YAItmOUTil l'OIl T No. 105. Ituri iNtnblc Town KccokIh 60 p. p. 91 ..- >(> No. 104. Stimlwlcli ami Hoiirne , Colony and Town Itei-ord s, 38 p. p. l.OO No. 103. C'rowell ritm lllra of Yar- mout h , 16 \ \!'• 2.OO I Uenualo gltu by Jaim -H \V. Hu nts: No. 102. W illiam N .r.iert.011 , 17 ! p. p. .GO I No. 101. IC irf rt -d gr. 2ii j>. p. 1.00 No. 100. MHi olti s Husby. S p. p •"><> No. W. Alkin» .75 I N 98 ItyrtiT .7~, No. 97 John .Miniroe uni t Old Hit rii.*it-iit> le , fc liz ihelh .Miniroc. i 2OO It n VVHliT S»til |ttli imith, Hchth , 2(1 edit ion,clotu . 200 "< m|i.- rod, " t>y ChvrlcH V. rfwifi 5.OO N<> . 78. 2001 li Aiiiilvi -r iury A(l> , Comfiam , llmt.i oli All publica tion s Hunt noetpuid en ic cutpt oi price . Bend for catalog ue of other publication * . C. W . SW IKI " , l>ub 1tali«r , Yarmouthport , Mush : LIBRA RY OF CAPE COD I History and .Gene alogy