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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 7, 1865     Barnstable Patriot
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November 7, 1865
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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GF'The following, which has beer overlooked by us, was originall y pub. lishcil in the Spring field Republican, and was some time since sent to us for pub- lication. The author will excuse the de- lay which attends its publication in ou: columns : Dead. [A hul v, jiibt after her arrival at the Mans field Iloiisc, at Stowe, Vt., while sitting in tin parlor conversing, sank into a. swoon, fron which she never revived.] "Dead '." IS'o ; not dead,—asleep. The way was rough and long ; Too well she seemed to keep Her spirits fresh and strong : It is not strange that now, The weary journev done, She droops her pallid brow And sinks to rest so soon ! "Dead ! " Xo ; not dead, but faint ; For she had mudi to bear, And yet no weak complaint , No sigh of anxious care. Xo word to tell her pain , Escaped that patient soul : The troubled , tired brain No longer heeds control. "Dead !" Xo ; she is not dead ! Cease not to chafe the hands : Tenderl y bathe her head ,— Dearer than gold or lands , To some fond hearts this life . ' Let it not now exp ire, Lest we, too late, may strive With pangs of vain desire. "Dead !" i"cs ; our fears were true ; The spirit is not there ; Swifter than thought it Hew From this sad world of care. Stiff hands and sightless eyes ! Your office here is o'er ; Beyond these gloomy skies You see, admire , adore. Stowe, Vt. , July 26. .1. l h. / i = w n a n B » i . iin ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ man ¦ ¦immp H m^ ^ H C O M ^n^K x^a m w r s lkt\n}. j iT-i^ who has been cured of great nervous debility, after many years of misery, desires to r t reliet 0Wn <0 'ellOW 6ufferera the sure means gAft1 ' l"cl°8in« a stamp, MRS. M. MBE- nmi, box d68, BoBton , and the prescription will t>»f *f >ttr.i"\ by return mail, " A Moilier's l.orc. I hav e stood beside the mother when the terrif ying intelli gence of her infant's death were first announced to her , and she bent over its lifeless form and wiped away the cold sweat from its brow. I have noted the deep intensity of her holy affection as she gazed upon its glassy, motionless eye, sunk beneath its half- closed lid , and its graceful limbs livid and stiffened by the touch of death. I have listened to her stilled shriek , and seen her turn away from this last rem- nant of mortality, alone , desolate , and heart-stricken being. From the first moment of that infant's , existence, her heart-strings had been twining around it , until every hol y feel- ing that a mother 's love ever knows , ev- ery fond hope that a mother's love ever forms, every cherished idea of purity and virtue and innocence were centered upon it, so that in its death she heard the knell of all worldl y hopes , of all her bri ght visions of future. The hope that he was to sooth her sorrows in after years by his filial love, was crushed , the cherished expectation that he would watch by her bedside at the hour of departure , to close her aching eyes , to whisper her farewell , 1 ' T" /i K cni: tli A o /Inmi clirli i n ¦n'liiri c t Ji -i f m 11 vm 111- m \\ _r i n V - l l L I I V\ * t 4-4 * w I U l ^ l l fc*_/ t v 1 1 1 U U L l l L f t .1* I 4 4 L 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 L low, And think on all her love and all her wo," was swept away, and she was left , bereft of solace, and sadly convinced that her hopes were "as the baseless fabric of a vision. " Oh ! who can measure the ex- tent of a mother's deep and sacred love for her offspring ! It cannot know change! It gushes forth in its holy power as she watches the couch of slumbering inno- cence, it lives in its freshness and beauty ¦when her child has assumed the stations and duties of manhood , and when time wrinkles the features and palsies the hand it ebbs not : her last prayer is that her child may be blessed—her last look for tenderness is for him alone ! How to be Hopeful. There are some persons that seem to treasure up things that are disagreeable , on purpose. I can understand how a boy that has never been taught better might carry torpedoes in his pocket , and delight cents. For sale by all Apotheca ries. BURLE1G11 ,y ROGERS, 1J0ST0N, . . . . (J ij nkral Agents. DERBY' S SURE CURE FOR PILES, An tjl ' tct unl nnif il y for tlli8 very common and f .rceed- ingly nnnvy i'ng disease. Cltnniy ill its application Jt needs but a trial to establish its value. Price 75 cents per Box. If your apothecary has it not already on hand , tell him to semi fur it to j ED RLE1GH & ROGERS, I (iXKKAL Ali KNTS. . . . BOSTON. ^____ . j FAIRBANKS & BEARD, Wholesale Dealers ill MINERAL ANDSOD A WATERS , ALE, PORTER AND CIDER , Miles ' Draught Ale. ISurkhardt's XXXX Ale in barrels arid hall barrel s. HOWARD ATHENJEUM BUILDING, HOWARD STREET , BOSTON . BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. . FROM - - 8. M. PJETTENGILIj & CO. TBJE Char ter Oak Mutual Coal Co. Capital Stock , - - - - 8:550,000 Number of Shares , - - - 35,000 Working Capital, . . . - 50,000 Subscription Price, - - §10 per Share PRESIDENT. THOMAS BELKNAP, Es , Cashier Phoenix Bank. F. A. BROWN , Es<;., City Treasurer of Hartford . W. II. D. CALLENDER , Esq ., Cashier State Bank of Hartford. JAS. G. BATTERSON , Es..., President Travelers Insurance Co. A. N. CLARK .Ewy. ,Editor "DailvCourant. " ROSWELL BLODGirr F, >•>...' Hon. GEO. P. SANGER , B.>-,to:i. Col. NEWELL A. THOMPSON , Boston ROLAND WORTHINGT OX .Em. .Boston. TREASURER AND SECKETAKV. P. A. BROWN , Es>i. AGKNT AND TRAXSKKU CI.KIi K. W. R. STOCKHKIDGE. Office , 49 Washington street, where samp les of the may be seen. [p^Eaeh Share of Stock in this Company entitles the holder to receive One Ton of Coal per annum , af, its annual i\.. -t uf production , for the term of twenty years. ll^T'iiis Company is organize:! with its headquart ers in Hartford , (.Vmiccticut , and with a princi pal in Boston , for the purpose of su pplying Uoal at Cost 10 Stockholders thio- out the New Eng land States ; ike Coal in all eases to be delivered by t!i'- most direct andfeon '- venient routes of frei ght l":om Piiiia -lel phu. to ihe point of its delivery. App lication for Stock can be made to either of the following persons : A. S. ii.u.L;;T i' mid Lot Hallett , Ilyamns ; Mattukw.s C. Uai.- i.ett, Yarmouth Port ; Elij ah Llwis, -lit , Barnstable ; Clahic Lincoln , Ceiiservillu. 02?*A. S. 11ALLLTT one.-poudii::;- Agent for the County or Barn.^iabie. uug 15—Gin American & Foreigu Paten ts IX . II. Jl J> I> V^ , SOLICITOR OF PATENTS Late Ai j ent of U. 8. Pain: ' , (Ijjice, Washington , (under the Art ,1/ 1S37.) 7G State gf., O]? ;><>£ii< > £t.j2J!>y SJj 'ceS, V , O S T O X . AFTER an extensive jirac tiee oi'upwnrdsof twen- ty years, continue.!-to secure J.'atentsia !?¦¦¦ '••"- ted States;also iu Great BritM-.i. Krai'.oi1, aiut other forei gu countries. Cavc.t. -, : ;peeiiicaH on.-, Bond.". Assignments , and ail ji:' i>er.- or Drawings ior ;'. •;- tents.executed on liberal ' .erri:*. :>.!if) with despatch. KesearclieK made into American oi- l-'orei^u works, to determine the validity or utility of i'ateuts or Inventions—and legal or oilier advice remlt-red in all matters touching the same. Copies of the cluirnc of any l'yteut. lurniske'.l -,y rnmittins j One .Dollar. Assignment;: recorded n! V-. ;::-:i :¦;;'<;;> . The A gency is not on!y the kirgest in New Kng- land , but t!irouj;u it inventors have ailvautaj ies !>>r securing 1 'ntents, of asecrtr.ining (' ,¦ _' j:aiciit:ibility of inventions u:isurpa«!-ed Ij y, ifi . -ot immeasurably .superiorto , any wl'iefi c:ui '..(• ul!i r»ii thorn tl-c. where. The testimonial.* below g:reii prove that none is JIOKK SCCCK.S-U' L L Al "iiJK I'ATK.NT O!<'K1CK tha n the subscriber; an,! us S!" (' (_'i SS IS rj lK JiKST I'iiUOf OV AL'VAM'Ali K-j AS I) A BJL1TV , he would add tiiat i::- •>¦¦ •<•¦abu>idaiit rea- son to believe , and ok1.: ji rov. ;irn a: i\o other oliice ol the kind are the charge:: : 'or ;M'o!i' .«.-i.-;i):il .-.ervices so moderate, 'ihe ii rrnc ^j -. 1 pi.cticL ' olt-n; subscri- ber miring twenty < our-; l:a»t . hj s eiiat 'lcd hi:n to accumulate a vast collection 'of . «j;ei.i:icati.,iis and otlicial decisioni- relalive to pateiiis. These, hes-iile s his exiesiMve iilirary of legal and mechanical works , and lull accounts of patenis granted in the Unii '-d States and Kiiruj 'e , render hi m able, beyond i" l'llli'li; ;. "Mr. K. ii. Kddy iiiail'; lor me i !llt;l>.K.\ ;¦;. E lications , on ail but mm; (, • \«. 1,ie! 1 t.».;eiiis i i . \ e eeii grunted , and 1iir. t is vuv. j.-iik:i:i '- . . •ju cM m:- mibtakable ii-oo f 0! fin-at tali in ;.i;u ;.!iiiiiy i.!i l,n part leatia nie 10 recoiiiiisend aj. i.iirVfi.t; :.- ;o aj/jj lv to him lo jirocnie tlair 1 ul; ills , a.- tliey >,i;:\ Lesure of havin;; the most laiimul ulicsi 'iust ne.-tuwed on th eir Ci,.'es, ::ii d at \ t i y r'.ason;.b!e charges ': J ti:;.. 'lAti tjAHr. During eig ht nsoutlia ll;e subtcuLer. m ihecoune ot hit large practice mude 0:1 T'.vici. njectoi ap- plicatiuii.-i SI -\ iKKA Ai'1'l- .A i.ri. LVI-.KV u S h u| which was decided it; m.s fa vijii, by Dm L'oni:ii:s. sig ner 01 i'atent., '. „ , , I.'. H. KUIlV . Jioston , Jan. gi ],S(;5. j ., COAL AT COST ! Special Diseases. INDIAN EMMENAGOGUE. S nyrrepared expressly for La- 3* t dieb. and is superior to anything /¦ gH) else lor regulating the ay&tem ill fiffi^Hk cases of obstruction from ivhnttrer nF» W*> eaiiM . and tlu relore el the greatest PTC£5j?/£\ value to those who may wibh to L«/e. Full directiimg | T'ni^wS accompany each bottle ,—Price ?10. | -JJMWP ' ¦ LCr - KKJ tKMBKK;— Tnis medicine \ -"5s H^" ''¦ •¦ '*' 'lui ^nf d ,7).Tt:<\ly tor OBSTIKATK ^WST 1 -^1 CAPi-.s." which nil VUKAl' Temrifirs oj SSsS j ^m ' -y-'A t-i'tk' 1' - '1 ¦ 'l"ve failed to wax ; also ££8*i%&r ''.*i' * thai 't is wnr muted a.; represented m *6§i£3j{£g.", -'¦ ' evkhY i:ksi-j-;ct, or th* . price will be ref unded. I 7"J>E\V A HE (JF IMITATIONS! and especiall y 1 :"se having - a counterfeit of my Indi- an Fiock: for a ceceptiou None geriuiniunless olit . -iii u-i] a; tir M-i!tisua '.s OJlke. JO =-Ludin who wi\h , rmi /!¦ •' bnnn! in the city durin g trrutinoU . DU'RETIC C031P0HD . DTT^ForLi -.uses of the L'rinary Organs, resul t ing from in ¦j inleiicc , causing improper discharg - es, heat, irr ; ition , fee. It contains no Co/miva , cV'/.i,. T"i , •„// ¦.< , or any other offensive or inju- riot's drii ;;, !.nt is v. safe, Mire and pleasant reme- ey tlnit will cure hi one hall the time of any ot\\- vr. -ir tin- j.t if win .1,1 r-imidi d . You t hat have been j tatinj f IlaKim Copniva for months without beli e lit , u.'ii -:!sic!: and jKi!t- your L-reath and clothes lire taiMed uitii ':¦:¦ ol!V-:.-i vj odur , throw it away and | send lor a I -trie o! (hit :iure J{enn/d y. It will! no! ei; ¦• you «t once, b ut al.-o cleanse the syi-tcm from tin hurtful drug" you have been tak- ing .¦<> loiur. ICrFor Chronic cases, oi months and even year. ' ..nratio'- it is a ..ic m.-o.. 'J'ry it VLCe , and }*ou will never iaste the (lingu ^ting mixiures of .'.'•..'•.'/;;! ( '•' ,//¦/ ;•.; :c _-di u. L'J/^iJiie large bottle ueiuraliy sii 'ih:ieii t 1c cure , -I'rice ^o. ALTKlUTlVf! Sl'filP. For I mj.'iir: ie.-- oi ;!ie Hlood resulting from irn - prii tl cnce . e:'.'!-i :i:f F.riij )tioi ;. < on the '.Skiu; Sore Tliroyt . Mnu:ii aiiti A<;sl- : I.osh of Hair; Old Sores; 5j\\ elijpj ;.'-; I' :::!'*: i;; the i)0 nt:s; and all other signs of ;:n active ;.-'i.-c: n ii; the system. ifr 'So remedy evi . -r :iini 'nt physicians in Baltimore , i i'hihidcSphia and - New Y ork , fo r yivK years — | i\tvi -r lie.-] air oj a jiiTinautut cure , no matter how i)l stiu:.t. your i-n-eh y - been , until you have tested the \iM ues ei t¦.in potent Alterative , it is prepared < X] rf pily inr the j -urpose. and is supenor to u'.iy oilier iemc:y lo r such cases.' [Lr 'Oia: large bottle lasts i! uioiirh. —!' r:ee .^lU. iSERVK iXYItlORAT OR. For 2verv o!is l.- i l i i i i y . Si-minal Weakucp s , Loss of l'nwer , IiKj iot eii. 'v . t . 'iiii i usion of Thoug ht , Loss of Memory, -Irritai:- iemp irr , Uloomy Appre hen- j sions , rear , ;>es ;:oii.ieiicy. iiel.'iuch ol y , and all Ot h e r c v i N <\i -.;.- '...l ') -,' .\-irr t iw', ~ i! s or tsc-'i ^iri- ttl- dn '^if ? . Tin -:uij le medy is rompo-cd of the must ao otliii ) ; , -. ami i:i'. i_'i.r;:ting mvdiciues in the whole vi. -gi't able king dom , forming in combina- tion, the most p "rfect amidote for this obstinate eht > -; of in::!:idies , ever _\ er discovered. It has been tent to every Mate in the Union , positivel y curing Uio'.isiinds w i n have never seen the invent- or, ic-loring mem to sound health. Nervous suf ferer ! wherever yon may b.u . do n 't fail to test the virtues ot this Wonderfu l Kemeriy. One large bottle lasts :i muwli.- I'rice £10." The.-e FOUK SUKK KlO VIKi.HK.S:uv ])repare'l at ray Ulhce , and sem b) Kx;ne--i everywhere, with full directions , in a "e'lleii package secure from obsei ration , on ' IBsVoitTA ST CAI'TIOJ. Cr^ 'rhounKiid " of Dollars are paid to swindling (]ii aeks uail y, wl'.ic ii is wor.-e than throw n away. I This comes lrom t;i:st:ng t'> the dcceplise adver- t ist-iiii-nls «i ni'.n exiling ;!iei:iselves -'Doctors, " whose IU1.Y itcomiiieadatiou is what they say of themselves. Adve;;i.-ing ]jh _\ sicians , in iiiu« ca-es out ill ten , are impost' :!.-; :>;ji! medicines of this kind found m drug ¦ ¦ ',<_:;.s uie generally worthless. —;;ul up to sell au,i not t" cure. Tlie Jj ure lieme- d ies can be obtained a! my Oilice onl y, and ai e whi rant ed sis leprc—uted. in every respect , or the pnee will be rnuuiicd. l'ersons at a uistance may be cured al home in the shcitest possible time , by seiiGing lor tlieiii. Dr. »Vat!ison is a educated p h; . -icii'.n 1 I' ov er twenty year.- " experience , ten in £¦ M-nii rf i rthi , until, conluelled by ill health to ado pt an pn;e:ice. treating all accidents re- sulting lio;:. inipm .¦ •iice in both sexes.g iving them hi.- w h o l e uttentioii. (.'irvulars giving full 111for- mation , v.ii:i uud - i'iLie d te-tiinonials ; also a book ou . -peei.-ii Ui.-ea-'er. in a sealed envelope , sen! ire e. ]>e mi:v and . -._nd Ior l iiem , for wi thout testi- monials ;:¦> . -irang-r cm be trusted. Enclose a I tamp ior » e , ai. 'l dirict to DK-. MATflBON , 1\\ Union St., Provid ence, K. 1- fe!) 11 "t;r. imiXFi'tani to tlic Afflicted ! T\ '' DO iV continues {o be consultertuiiate with resne- dies t !;:'.t h nv m- ,,;r! be first introduce them faiied to cur'- ti.e in:-: alaruiing cases of. O(ir.i) i;K iiti: ;A a;m. ' sy i ' i i i l i s -Bene;:tli liis trealintii t. all the horrors oi vcneral and impure blood. Impotency. Scrofula. Conorrluca U lcers , pains and d,: !re-s in the reg ions ol procrea- tion , lufirniiiiion ol lhc Kladder and Kidneys , lljd rocelu .Vl.'fi e.-ses. llii inors. fri ghtful Swellings ^ and the long iiai>i -;i Jmrrible symptom* attending this c!: -s ( ; disci-e , :.r_- ri.-.di' to become as hu.-m- les.i r.s t!ie siii:|-.l:- -t agings of si chil d. . v KJi i >.\ i, \V i;a K A'KSS. Dr. D. dewiies a •_-:c:it pan ol hi.-; time to V n trcsitn.ciil ol :!;on- cv.e.- e;;u.-td bv a secret and -ol itaiy hsibit , whi ch itiii. - the body and mind unlit tingthe uiif 'iriuc ate lor business orsoci- ety. t'i>i;n- o; the .-::d and inelauchoiv eflect pro d ucd by i ;:iiv hs'iu! .- cf youth. ;.re Weakness ot the Back siiid 1,i:i!j s , i!s//j nej 'S of the head. Di mness ol ¦iig hi. I- :il piia!ii )ii ol the he:;:; . Dyspepsia , Nervous- ness. Peri.n .j .piei: ' ol the digestive functions. Symp- toms ultlse ruiiK!Ti';.i:oii. .\c. The learful ellect on the mind an- much ;o be duaded ; loss oi memor»\ ! jcnlii-iou oi ideas ivsion of sjiiiits , evil fore- j boilings , s;v< r-i on ol societ), seif-distrust, timidity , &c, are among the evils produced. Such pernon? should , beloi e conlemp iating matrimony, consult a })h ; ."ii-ian yf expedience, and be at once le^tored to h'-alth and happ iness. j I'srsciitu who wi.-:!i to remain under Dr. Dow 's t reatment !>. l.iw i1:ivh or weeks , will be furn ished with i)leaaaiit roo;ris and charges lor board moder- ate , _ Medici nes sent to ail parts of the country , with l ull isirectioi-s lor ;i-e , on receiving descri ptions of \ our ca-es. Dr . Dow iius also for sale the French Capottes , warrantf-i t!ie best preventive. Order by ;:iail. 1hre« lor 5-1 and a red stamp. C A U ~ T ~ ! O N . To I->EEi:r.!<>K :«3 ?>^tical« JI« n!Hi |)'v DOW , Thysiciun and Kurgeon , Xo. 7 & 9 Lu- 1/Ui.;ot t Street , Uo.-to n , is consulted daily lor all aii'eiises iucidcut to ihe female system. Prolapsus Lteri , or fstllin g of the Wooib , Klnor , Al bus , Sup- pression , and other men.-trual derangements , are all 'reared upon new pathologic al principles , and spee 'iy reli ef guviranUed in a isw days. So inva- riabi y certain is lh i new mode ol treatment , that most oustmate com;i:::inte. yield under it , and the umicted ptrsou soon lejoiccs iu perlect health. Dr. Dow has no lio-bi had greater experience in the cure of di-eases of women and children , than any oth er pliy.-'iuiaii :;i 15osto;i. lioanii ng sn.coni :ii-: ,i:it:o!i!i for patients who may « u u tos'.ay m lioni.:i a few ilays under his treat- ment. Dr. Dow , since lV.i,, having confined his whole attention to an oil. ---.- practice, lor the cure of Pri- vate Disease-and 1 .-m:.Ie Comp laints , acknowledg- es no . ' uperior in the United States. N. 15.—All letters must contain four red stamps or they will not be :i::twered. v ' Oiiiee hours from S A. II. to 9 1* . M. CEliTAIN ~ CURE '!V-^Ar.v'' *-"*^' *'r , Ko €I'««'S- r«s Iflatlc- )K , DO\. is contu sed daily, fr om 8 A. M. to 8 IT. M., as.above , upon all dillicult and chronic ¦iisea?ea o!every he ine and natur e , having by his uawi-uned attention and extraordinary success gained a reputation which calls psitienta lrom all parts oi the country u> obtain advice. Among the physicians iu Boston , none stand hieh- e-r m llie piolession than the celebrated Dii DUW So. 7 J-;i.dic.-ittstr-j. 't , i5oston. Those who need the ^houM givelimTe -: 1 !,:^ P"ySiCiaU ™« Sur»eon } '• ,' S-D,1;- iJojv imports and has lor sale a new article , ca led the i rench Secret. Order by mail 1wo !or I?!mid a rt-il slsirnp. y Jioeton , A jTil 19, isiJG. lj- [Copyright secured.] IS. iiTTIl'S SURE fiEMEDIE von "HIGHLY COXCEXTEATED" COMPOtJIO) FLU ID EXTR ACT BUC HU , A positive end £peci:.or.rrn-j. ' .y for dlseaseB of the Bladder, Kliiu.y*, «i-::vi-l "'"'I Dropsical Bwcllln c,. This Jlcdlcir.o incrcssca the powers of digestion ,an,j excites the ctiLorbcatr, lr.lo Jsca' .tliy action ,l;y -jvhlch tho matter of cclcarccus :uM-u:tr P; . Thc.:cE-uipto-jii ,i f s:' .:-¦•..¦ ' -¦! ' .to ; :o on (wlilch tbU .MciU- ciae irivariablv remove^) , roo.i follow— VATvn -i , ¦;r ;Li:i'Tic fits, :h-- ::M of me:1'. ::••" :" > :rcr,I';!h3^ finClnvlgor ats t!:o :•¦ •. :cr. i, v.-hi ch IIE'.MIKJI ""• ¦ -• KXTK.iCT OF IiUf'II " J-variably docs. A! convince the most Eccp'.lcil. In many afi'eciione peculiar to rcmiiScs, th e ruRicT Bfcnu la uac(;ualcil V.y v.ny otber i-amedy, and for all complaints Incident ' .o tl-c ce^ , or in the DECLIXE Oi: CIIAX Gi: OF LIFE, CS-SEE SViLTTOrS iliOTC. ^~ No Family should bo without it. ttsSsksiLzS f isBs Tnfaeno Enlj arn, Mcrc.:ry,cr ur.p!cacant mcdlclno for Gr.plensurj t i'.'.id »' un^cr^ -i ¦Mi^ca-e.: . iiij iiiiDuiiiJ O usinXiiii i i)Uuilij Cures iC-corc!; TJiscases In f.H their stages i:H:c i:iper.;-c ,Ht(lc or no chanpe ol dici .no inconvenler.-c , :-.r,'l Xf > EvposURE. USE H^LMBOLD'S E X T R A C T B U C H U Forn!l nfl'ec'lorp an-! ''i-cn^cn of th'-EO organs,whether i:xisTiy, i:; y.M.v. ot:ra:.\u!., rionTliP.t'-.vrr r~- je ori' !".riui r.ota r.ttcrhowlODg :lii ii(llng. Dlscustd of llieso ori;ji!i.--. require the niaof a diuretic. IIELIBBOLD 'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. Ar.rtIt Is cer»iln to havo ihe (Icsircd effect In all dlaeasw fcr which H is rceomn'.c-'.c' .cd. BLOOD ! BLOOD!BLOOD! I-Ielnibolcl' s HI0JH.T co:;ci->tthati:d cojrp ouxD FL UID EXT RAC T S AR3APA RILLA , Tot purifying the Blood,removing all chronic constitu- tional clitcaseis siri?!::1! IVo:n . -r.impure state of tbo Blood, an.' the only reliable rU:cLual J:no~n remedy for tho cure of f-'crofiila , Ec^ld I' c:i'l, fait riieuni, Talno and EvcHings cl the Bones, Ulcoratioae of tho Throat cad Less, Eloir.lica,rin;p: .c3 on the Fsicc, Tetter,Eryelpclas, and all sc:ily Eruptions of the PMn , A\I) TJKATTTTFYIXCr '1'IIE COMPIBXIOX. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders thr.taCilctmankind arise from tho corruption that accumulates iu tlic Wood. Of all tho dis- coveries that have been mndu to purge it out,nono cm equal in eflcct II:::.m:;oi.d':i Corrot::n> Exthact or Sal- b.u'aeilla. ItclcauFcaand renovates the Blood,lnstliis tlic rigor of health into tie cyctcm .and purges out tho humors -which make cUccssc. It etlmniatcs the health? functions of tl:c boii . T.r.r. d cnpe^lbe (' .lsordcrs thatgroTT end rankle in the blood. Such a remedy that could ho relied on has Ion™ uccn Fought for,and now,for the llr:t time tho pubiic hr.vcone on wliicli they cy the celebrated Dr. Pnrsic Phlla. See remarks ::mdo by Dr.ErarAin McDomi,a cele- brated Physician and Member cf tho Royal CollcCoc( fanrgcons , Ireland , pnbl!shcd la the Transactions of the King and Qnecn 'a Journal. Sco Mcdico-Chlrurgical Ecvlcw. relished bv Dem's TRAvrrs,Fellow of tho Royal Collego of Surgeons. Seo most of tho late otgadgrd worka oa Medlclno. ^0I't> v* AiL DRUGGISTS EYEETTrHERE. Addrc^ V-.i 'era for Information,In confidence ,to H. 7. HELMBO LD, Chemist. Princip al Depots— Helmbold's Drug and Chemical Warehouse, No. 594 BROADWAY, N. Y., OB TO Helmbold's Medi cal Depot, No. 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHELA. Beware of Connterfeits ASK FOR HELMBOLD 'SJ TAKE NO OTHER! HBIiI€BOIflD'S o-Er ^uiT^rE Acw Dress Goods. f ADIKS of i::.iii,iablc and vicinity, please _e_J cal l mid fxiiiii iim our slock of THIIitT.S. ALPA (.:AS , LVONKSE C LOTHS, L HEX1S, ALL WOOL DkLAINES , COTTOX & WOOL , do dc LUSTltES , 1'illXTS , &c, &c. >\ c arc constantl y milking add iuons to our ulM-ad j larx c assortment , nil of which we shall will, S i '0 tO a"y Wh° WiU favor us P , . n c WALES "& CONANT, __ -L>_arnst ulilc ,__Si'j. t. }2 , isfij . Kiel Gloves, IlL-iec call ,,oon and examine oir assortment B-.r. -.sta-- «-- - ¦ 't^*& CONAOT. iteady Mad e llothing. A large assortmeiu of COATS, COATS, PA NTS &. VESTS just received. Those in want , will do well tn examiuc our stock he.ore purchasing "l° B-rn^blo . S^. ^fJ^ '^ANT. Keady Made llothing. CISn f e .H0Ck Of KEA1)Y MADE V j LlU rniJsG ''t'Jure purchasing elsewhere ^ B^utabl e ^ Sept. ^ l865 LEMUKL*YE" Cloaks—Cloaks. ]\TEW Ready Made Cloaks for sale by , t> s- BAKER, Jr. & CO I Barnstable, Sept. a6, 1865. HARRIS & PHINNEY , AUCTIO NEERS. Old Auction Store No.9 Central Wharf, For many years occupied by John Tyler, Esq. nPHE business of parties selling Ships or -",. Vessels of any class, Wreckcd ^Cargoes&c, is most respectfully solicited. Merchandise consigned to us will be disposed of with des- patch and care, and prompt settlements made CYRUS L. HARRIS, GORHAM P. PHI NJSEY . Boston, April 4, 1865. Notice. THE subscriber can be found at his residence in Barnstable, near the Court House, t r at the Telegraph Office in Barnstable, when not in his oflice at Yarmouth Port. E. M. GARDNER. N. B.—Please direct letters "Barnstable Mass." ' ' Nov. 15, 1864. Wood. Wood. OAK and PINE WOOD for sale by LEMUEL NYE. Barnstable, Sept.' .26,1&5. Notice To Contractors & Carpenters. j rpHE undersi gned takes this method of in- JL forming the citizens of Barnstable County that he has arranged to carry on the CARPEN- TERING BUSINESS , and will enter into Contracts on the most favorable terms to build HOUSES , STORES, or any other buldings required. All orders from his friends in this and the adjoining towns aud villages will be promptly and faithfully attended to. Address, ANDREW S. MAYO. Chatham , Aug. 22, 1S65. JHME 2d. ^® NEW STYL.ES LADIES'& MISSES' BOOTS JUST RECEIVED. All our stock at very low prices. T. E. MOSELEY & CO SUMMER STREET. Boston, June 6, 1865. ]\cw loi k and llyaiuiis Packet , ^v« The Schr. ELTSHA BROOKS , •KKS^\ Capt. J. E. BAKER, will run be- lM\ HvSW twecn ityannis and New York, -*4sMMUPri regularly, as a packet, and will "¦*^~™—*take freight on reasonable terms. CORN and FLOUR will be bought and sold as low as can be had in the market. For par- ticulars, inquire of J. E. BAKER, Master. Hyannis, July 18, 1865. Groceries. WE keep constantly on hand a good stock of choice Family Groceries of all kinds, which we will sell as low as the lowest. WALES $¦ CONANT. Barnstable, Oct. 3, 1865. erA-UVEKTJSV ! a. nvtTRTlSK l