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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
November 7, 1865     Barnstable Patriot
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November 7, 1865
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GREATEST TUSPOVEB Y OF TH E AGE . T^ xrMEHS FAMILIES AND OTHERS F^an S ta-» e,,ua. to Dr. To- Has 1 Venetian Liniment , for dysentery, col,,, rroup chronic rheumatism, sore throats , tooth- £S" - iiiies lor one. «1'O. U euliii'fi ler.U'iit iu the >ha J.t ol nvidurery. Iiad both his if!. '? broken. , -piue severe li 'iiii ured". and was lor neari }" a \cur entirely lr.lp i',..* ' flii- man found relief very toor by the up-" el' a y!s>ter to his fpine lie was soon | eLab' eii to work, and now lie labors as well at. ev- er lie would clieerlullv !•»> *' r> i'or a sing le pla s- te r i! tiiey could not be had at a lower r.tte. 1 am rii-wi sed 'that surgeon? do no: Ii':ike use of these iit riorati - d plasters , to the exeiUf -.-Jti C. all othe rs, a« tlieir flexibility ami adlit>ivcues< are greatly iu allia nce oi all ¦other pla>ters with which 1 am ac- , uainttd ; while the ptrlorat inus peculiar to tnem r'f mleied 'tlum u-rtatl y superior to ail others lor .¦rdiuary i-urp ical ures. Knowing the l'laster.-. to be 50 u-'elul , 1 ha\e uo scruples that my sentiments I -'.l.uiUl be known . J. W. JOUN80N . il. L) . I l'rincipa l Aaency, Uramirrth Uo'.hj . iN. l ork. Sold ly all Doaleis in .Medicine?. ool Ij h Extra ct of Rye. A pure sini]'le Extract ol live , used as a beverage , or for nvdicinal purpovj s , is tlio best ;hin^ to i'O had. For sale ITCH : ITCH ! ITCBI I e Unwardal liy mail , free of poster , to a-.-.y part ot the I'liitei l States. o-t . '51 ly 1 The Golden Sheaf Bourbon, Made tiom wheat , rye and corn , the purest and ' -if t whiskey :o be found. For sale all over the lo uniry. Try it. ARCANA WATCH. ! An Elegant Novelty in Watches. j ' The eases of this watch are a new invention j composed of several different metals combined, j rolled together and planished , producing an exact imitation of 1S carat gold , calle l Arcana. They arc as beautifu l as solid gold , and are tif- :1 forded at one-eighth the tost. The eases are '• heautiiully desi gned and are engraved, in the exact st^ le of the celebrated (jold Hunting Levers , and so exact an imitation of gold as to dify detection. The movements are manu- factured by the well-known St. Jimer Watch Company of Europe and aie :>uperblv finished having engraved pallets , fanev carved brid ges, adjusting regulator , line dial and skeleton hands. These watches are all Hunting Cases and ol three sizes , the smallest bein^ (or Ladies. A case of six will be sent by Mail or Express for SI25. A sing le one sent in a handsome case for S25. They will readil y sell for three times their cost. We aUo impcrt a veiy superior fin- ished and elegant watch which we can sell lor $30 each, or S!50 per ease of six. These are also hunting cases and !or Ladies and Gents.— We are sole agents for this Watch in the Uni tud States and none are genuine which do no- bear our Trade Mark. Persons' ordering watch es , C U. D., will please remit '2j per cent- of the amount with tlieir order. Orders deis for any kind of watches promptl y and faithfull y fulfilled. Address, A R C A N A WATCH CO., No. 62 ITLTOX ST.. New York City, Importers & Dealers in Watches ot every descri ption. Successors to Girard W. Devaugh & Co. Oct. 10, 186.- >,—4m. Pure Old Gin. Dunster 's fine old London Dock Gin is new the standard article of the kind. It is sold gen- erally 1)} grocers and drugg ists, in larji e bot- tles , and at a very reasonable price. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICIL- IAN HAIR EENEWEE has proved itself to be the most perfect preparation lor the hair ever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound , and contains no injurious properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair fro m falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft , lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person , old or young, should fail to tise it. It is recommended axd used by the first medical authority . Op-Ask for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer , and take no other. R. P. JiALL & CO., Nashua , N. II., Proprietors. For sale by all drugg ists. aug 15—6m A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, Requires immediate attention akd SHOLlD BE CHECKED. If ALLOWED TO CONTINUE , Irritation of the Lnogg, a Permanent Throat Affection, or an Incurable Lung Disease IS OFTEN THE RESULT. BROWN S B R O N C H I A L TROCHES HAVING A DIRECT INFLUEN CE TO THE PARTS , GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. For Bronchitis , Asthma, Catarrh , Con- sumpt ive and Throat Diseases, TROCHES ARE USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUC- CESS. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches usefu l in clearing the voice when taken before Sing ing or Speaking, and relieving the throut after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommend- ed and prescribed by Physicians , and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country . Being an article of true merit, and having prornl their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world , and the Troches are universall y pronounced better than other arti- cles. Obtain only "Brown 's .Bronchial Tro- ciies," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered. Sold everywhere in the United States, and in Foreign Countries, at 35 cents per box. oct 24—Gm BEEVES' AMBROSIA FOR TH E IIAIR. The Original and Genuine Ambrosia ip prepared by J. Allen Kkkvks and is the best hair dressing and preservative now in u«e. It etops the hair iiill- ing out, causes it to grow thick and long and pre- vents itirom turning prematurely gray. It eradi- cates dandruff , cleanses, beautilies and render* the hair soft , glossy and curly. Buy it. try it and be convinced . Don't be put off with a spurious arti- cle. Ask for BeeveB'Ambrosia and take no other. For Sale by Druggists and DealerB in Fancy Goods everywhere . Price 75 cents per Bottle—S6.00 per dozen. Address REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, oct 10 4m 62 Fulton Street. New York City. lEP^Dr. Mattison , of Providence, treats ex- clusively all special diseases and accidents re- sulting from imprudence in both sexes, giving them his whole attention. Persons at a dis- tance, and ladies especially, having any trou- ble of the kind , should be sure and consult him. See advertisement of his Sure Bemedies or Special Diseases, in this paper. We invite the attention of our readers, when visiting Boston, to the large and well selected stock of Boots and Shoes for ladies and Gentle- men, at the store of T. E. Moseley & Co., Sum- mer street, which they offer at the lowest cash prices. ~lhtdi Hfota F L O U R O F B O N E . E A G L E B B A N D . This article is distinguished from Bonn Af cal and Bone Screenim/s, and from all preparations of Bone with vitriol , by being "floured" from the broken , unburned bone , ia the same man ner that flour is made from grain , without chem- ical process, mixture or adult eration. The following quotations from Professor Lie- big, recognized as the very firs t authority , are of the highest importance to all interested in agriculture : "Bone dust is the agent best adapted to sup- ply phosp hate of lime to the deeper layers of the.arable foil ,/o;- n-hich the superp hosphates are not suitable.." "Forty pounds of finel y ground bone (if un- adulterated) furnish more than twenty-two pounds of pure phosphate." "One pound of bone produces , in three sea- sons, ten pounds of corn ; while one pound of guano, in a course of five years, makes five pounds of corn ." Tbe above quotations from Liebig, who is the best authority in regard to the facts, as well as the science of agriculture , in Europe , show eiear ly lhat a pound of bone is worth more than two and one half pounds of Peruvian gu- aiio , when time and effect are both taken into account. But crushed bono is several years in producing its full offert. The reason ' is that the fragments being of a visible size , require a long tirue to dissolve. We reduce, the bone to n /inr j /our , and thus enable the fruit and grain grower to use a much smaller miantitj- , and to obtain , the sunn, si-uxon, all the benefi t" of what be uses. In tin's state of flour , it immulinldii assimilates with the soil , decomposition ut ow'-t goes on , and the full value is reached iu the first season. At the same time , the phosphate of lime and ammonia , stored up in the particles of bone, are not so easity or so rapidly dissolved as to be washed away and wasted ; nor will the am- niimiti evaporate and bo lost in the air , as is the case with guano w hen exposed. There tan be no question that th is article of "Flour of Bone ,"is the most valuable and n- liuii li: ffitilizt-r that has been ofi'eivd for sale in this c-ouniry . Bone is the most powerfu l, valuable , and sure fertilizing agent in the world. We Newspapkh of our countrv— comp lete in all the departments of an Ameri- can Family 1 'aper—U aki'er 's Weekly has earned for itsel f a right to its title 'A JOUR- NAL OF CIVILIZATION.' "—.V. 1 . Eren- iinj Post. "This paper furnishes the lust illustrations. — Our future historians will enrich themselves out of Harper 's Weekl y long after wi iters, and painters, and publishers are turned to dust.— New York Ecann etist- "A nccessiiy in every household. —Boston Transcri pt. ''It is at once a leading political and histori- cal anualist of the nation. "—Phila . Press. "The best of its class in America."—Boston Trf ivtj/lt:r. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1§66. The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supp ly the Masa- zijte and Weeklv promptly to those, who pre- fer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be supp lied with a handsome Pictorial Show-bill on appli- cation. The postage on Harper's "Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the .s-k'j- scrtier 's post-office . Torins : Harper's Weelly,one year, $4 00 An Extra. Copy o f either the Weekly or Magazine icill be supplied (/ratis for every Club of Fve Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one re- mittance ; or six copies for S20 00. Back Aumber* can be supp lied at any time. The Annual Volume of Harper's Weekly , in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for S7 each. A complete Stt, comprising Eujht Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of S5 25 per vol.,freight at ex- pense cf purchase r. Address ' HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 7 i'ranklin Square , New York. The Best Known Fertilizer . Boys' and louth s' Clothin g. a • i . • 1 * ~\ ¦ rf% 1 Agriculturists ana country iraaers V2STS1HG BOSTON , CAN FIND A Ver y Large and Full Assortment of 1DYS' Sffl YOUTHS' CLQTHIK&, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND , No. 20 Winter Street, Boston. OARiraiS iAOE TO ORDER , —FOR— GENTLEMEN , YOUTH OR BOYS, J.AVALTER READ, PROPRIETOR. oct 31 TOWN MEETING. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, BA-RNSTABLE , SS.-To either of the Con- stables of the town of Barnstable d'R.'P'FTr T^Cf* • Y'OU are hereby required in the name ' of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to no- tify and warn the inhabitants nf the town of Barnstable qualified to vote in Elections, to meet at the Town House in said town on TUESDAY, the seventh day of November next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon , to give in tlieir votes to the Selectmen of said town for a Governor , Lieutenant Governor , Secretarv Treasurer and Receiver General , Attorney General, Auditor of Accounts , nnd for a Coun- cillor for the eighth Councillor District for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; (or one County Commissioner and two Specinl Com- missioners for the County of Barnstable. ; for three Commissioners of Insolvency for s;iid County ; for one Senator for the Inland ]>is- tricl , and for three Representatives to represent the first Representative- District of the Count)' of Barnstable in the next General Court of Massachusetts ; for u Sheriff for the County of Barnstuhlc , and for a District Attorney for the Southern District of Massachusetts. AH the fore^oinK officers to be voted for on one ballot. Tho poll will h-j open for receiv- ing ballots for the aforenamed officers at ten o'clock in the forenoon , and may bo closed at twelve o"c!o'.-k nuon of said day. You are also require d to notify and warn the inhabiiants of said town ul ' Biirnstalile quali- fied :o vote in Town Meetings , to meet at the Town House aforesaid at one o'clock in the afternoon , on said seventh day of N:;vumber ,to act on the following articles , lo wit : First—To choose a Moderator of said Meet- ing. Second—To act on the list of Juror; as re- vised by the Selectmen. Thiul—To j.::ss <>:i the Accounts of thv A-;- sensors and any other persons. i'"ou;th—To know ii' the town will vote i;, fund their debt so as to pay a proportion there of yea; lv , i:ud to do and a: t hn 'y and gem raii\ in me premises. Filth—To know if llie to'.vn will give Fran- cis Bacon and others liberty to set out thiidv. trees on th'j sides (.•; the U.kuIs iu t':e Kasl Par- ish cf the lov. n , ami in 'lo and act full y in the. matter. Sixth—Tu kno-v if the lov.n will authorize t he Sme'-liiiiM i in purchase :i suiublvs lot fj r a Biu yin:; Ground m the south part of tiic town Iriucu t-ie t'iw:i road called "Pitcher 's Way " and Yarmouth line. By request. And you :-rc dia'ded to serve tins warrant t.v pu -tni j; i*.I!••>t s 11 oij iie.s tlicicoi , :u:d enurin g I bo . -a::i!- i n i > ¦ pubi 'i-hcd ii; th u i!rw>|.api.T> printi 'l ai r= ui ¦ I HiWii , agiTL'.ibii; lo a vote ol the tow n. l i i ivi.-f Sail i.'o l ati 1 mak-; due p -t i s n i of tiiis ! w a i r : . i n . w a l l u ill' d o i ng ', - : h - i e. ;:; , t , u- , a i t h e I :mie ;ii!'S ;>Kiee named iiciviii I'm1 i m l d i i i .'; >:i. -i ¦ M e e t i lii; . ( ih e n u n d e r v.i'.v lu-.nd :- .it lir-i i u t a b l e t h i - i i w e i ! iy - l i ! i :i :ia\ of Oe f.i'i'i', in t h e _\ e a r on:1 I l i i o u a n d l i g- .i l i i i t u i i e i i .'.u.l s i x' y- l i v e . I ciiAiu.r.s c. jjj .' .i. ';.<;: . . , > ¦ ,/ , ,¦/,-,„•» ; j :i;!:m:/j -:h ; .Af < >x , !• »/ ./U.-\'-:. "/l /.'. HM.:., ) f ilms;,,:!. . ¦ A re;.-, — A lie .-;, ' llKOifi .i l-: B. C'KOCKK ;: , Constable. : """ Tin-: " " - - - j NEW YORK OBSERVER. ; A W EEKLY ! KiaiGLOl T^ANl ) SECULA 11 | Xi:w.-[':!per for t :ie Fairilv ami the Fireside, ' wiil f-oou cut' r on its ; roR'FY-roL'ai'ii'ia vkas* ! of pub licatinii. Tru 1- to ! Tlie CHVKt'H, the / " i -f p np irx will eoin- inc-nce wln -n ti:c names are entered. Sing le cop ies to an y address fi-ir . Terms, ^>'oj) 0 'cmn!es may use them under any circumstances when a laxative is required. Travellers Ihul these Lozenges the most conveni- ent remedy to liavo by them as they are so compaot and inodorous that they may be carried in the vest Ij ocket. KXUO15SEU UY ALL MEDICAL JOURNALS. U vei'Ei-siA.—The most common synoptomg are a dep ress;nj; dullness alter eating, llatulence or buj uhmg up wiud. sour ftomach , heart-burn , and sputiux ot lood. <)n= Lozenge eaten at any time m-tautly relieves the most indigestion and r.-Mo ris Uil-stomach to health y action. Costivknkss-WiI! be cured by a regular use of the Lozenges. 1wo taken at ui^ht move the bovr- els next mori. iiif; o.nceonly . They never gripe, nor exhau.-t , do uot require iucrease of dose, and are a Mire thing for elderly per.-oiu and children as well as ::!1 utkrj . 1 ilks.—This painful malady is sure to be re- movtd by tlicsu Lozi-nge«. When there is a great deal ol ]j :ii n use UurriBi m 's Tile Ointmeut also. In Bleeding Piles or falling of the Kectum two or three taken every day will iu a reasonable timo cSuctuuISy cure the wor.-t cases. Fii.MALKlisuK iifLAUiT iER.—I u suppre>sious ,scan- tine^s ol the secietiuus , especially iu young per- toii ^ producing 1' eadache. .Flatulence , Lowue68 of Spirit.-, iiot H ushes. Dizziness. Paleness,Laugour, Weak Back , (ie;ie rn! Debility, fee. Tuese Loleu- ^e-' are perii-ctiy sale aud we warrant them to el l- -ct a speedy cure. When there is great pain ev ery iiicnih. ;i->- the .Lozoiiges tiery day for a week be!»:e '. '! ¦ . ' rttiirn. J.ivLit C"Mi'j .Ai5T.-liiis may be known by pain in [In 1 i-: !e. e'j atcil luiiguc , costivcucss , yellow skin and (' .<¦ ¦ , iiiie:i>nu'.<. --'. L>e the.-e Lu/.enges every h:>'Ik Icr lea oa will prevent a lever. J>ick ili:Ai)Ae'iiE. —I >izziii '. '.-. -, Weak Stomach , r.:!i!i.u.-!!t-. -s , i'aii'iiati on , JScurulg iu, Kheuinatism , ii:i(; all :-orn i>t ' lii health tiie result ot costiveuess aieat cuce cured by these Lozenges. Price UO cciil:- ; . -mall boxes o'J ccmh. —A !.:?(>— Dil. HAIlKliilJ'S'S Pectoral Troches -OF- %% E2.55 tSiJiiSSSY. isoniEti 'ing entirel y new and orig inal. A mrst lielicHia-i cculec tiuu lur alleviating and curing all L'»i:j:h< , v old- , lioniseiK'ss, Sore Throat , Loss of W.ic. 1, iJi' viii ctiiii.-, Whoop ing Coug h, aiid other af- ioclions ol lij i- iia ucoiis membrane of the Throat mid Lung-' . Pi ice :J.n.eiil-; a hi-x. l o r ?:ile by J. S. Harrison ."£ l i' ., Chi-aiiMs. Ao. I Iremont Temple, Boston , are.l by :::1 l'rn .;^ i.-i.-. may 10—ly ie £?i;xpezif iia or Indig estion. DR. HARRISON ' S C l i l a y b e a t e T o n i c , Irouised C'atawa' oa Wine. T!io a'c-w Discovery in - JU'^cuorating and JU^torii: ^ l:i>.puirLtl Ilealtb. it I:: ;- ai! ihe !iu' : iizing ell'».o!s ol the purest \Vi.:<- . j a: repeated. V. e :\- .\i-i: all si: !^'rii: ¦_- u nder Di-oi!:'.), I.asitude i : W-.-:.riiii- . -.- . I' i/i-.i ne.-. -. S'j ur liisiug ot Pood , Op- ;ii-->--M;>.i Ait '.'r i-'.-.iSii.'. i-'aint 'ii 1.--, Loss ol Appe- !:.^. ;.r iiliy s", Iilji!l );u- 1)1 :'. iow Cr-lldUlOU ol the r.l.. -j ii. {u i.i.-.V. ii u i;i ! o: tlii- new a:id satislactory n-ii;. Till ". II ;;>. Ol- LI1K1.N WO.MEX. At tliis cri'ical i'l-ri ' .il. ladies lintl the Touic a j il;i ; u.^i:i;'.M tn ULiuir. by itriipplj iug the waEt- i uj;' nuiriiiou ol' i\y body, ami all tendency to a i:i '1i:ikolint : in i.enlth :.iost purely obviated oren- int'ly pr ^ e i i u d . l' Met ^i -. " ' per bottle , or six bctt 10 cents to" EVEKAUDUt? WAHNER , Publisher Box No. 3,121 , or No. '1 Vtsey St. , Astor House, New York. ! oct. 17—4w I The Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Or- j gans, forty different sty les, adapted to sacred I i.iid si cular 'music , for SSO to SGOO eauh — | TH IRTY riVE GOLD or SILVER MED- 1 ALS, or other iirst premiums awarded them.— j Illustrated Catalogues free. Address , MASON & HAMLIN , Boston, or MASON BROTH- ERS , New York. oct. 17—ly WJ I ESKEKS ! WHISKE B4S ! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our I Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin , or hair on bald heads , in Six Weeks. Price , SI.00—3 pack- ages for 52.00. Sent by mail anywhere , close- ly scaled , on receipt of price. Address , WARNER & CO., Box 138, Brook- lyn , N. Y. apr IS 1y ttrs. WINSLOW, T"lie Pa tTiot's circxilationt>eing largrej - tlaan that of any other paper in Barnstable Coun- ty renders it decidedly the l>est medium lor ADVEKTISING I Auction . dsasKSfc, Will be offered at Auction on M&jtegt SATURDAY , the 18th inst. , at 1 ilfSflinc o'clock P. M., on the premises , a lot XZL of 0AK W0P.DLA^D> adjoinin g —1™r~*~ the westerly silie of Centcrville road and southerly side of fl-ithawa y's field , of 15 acres, on which are three acres of wood proper for immediate cutting. Also 4 acres of Oak Woodland , a short distance north of Hatha- way's field , lying each side of said road , ad- joining the westerly side of Isaac Davis' wood- lond. Also 4 acre s of prime Oak Woodland , lying easterlv of Isaac Davis' woodland and north of O. M. Hiuckley's woodland. Also — acres of common land , lying north of the last named lot. Sale to commence with the first lot. For information applv to "ASA YOUNG, Agent for the owners. Barnstable, Nov. 7, 1865. ^ kxtntmmis. Furs. Furs. A LARGE stock of elegant FURS , AMERICAN SABLE, FITCH, SQUIRREL, RIVER SABLE, AND CONEY, in Victorines, Collars and Muffs, in Setts/rom Five to omqt One Hundred Dollars a Sett. AI so Children 's Furs in Setts,just received at JAMES KNOWLES'. Yarmouth Port, Nov. 7, 1865. Crockery. WE now have on hand a large assortment of Crockery, among which is tho Moss Rose, a new and very pretty pattern , which we are selling very low. DANIEL B. CROCKER & CO. Yarmouth Port, Nov. 7, 1365. Ready Made Cloaks. HAVE received a new lot of Ready Made CLOAKS , and a new lot of Cloths for Cloaks which can be cut and made when wished. L. NYE. B*rastable.NciY. 7 i afi5. Wood. Wood. f \ AK and PINE WOOD for sale by V LEMUEL NYE. Barnstable, Sept.|26,1865. FRUI T T REES. Graps Vines, Small Fr uits, Roses, Shrubs, Climbing Vines,Bulbous Roots, rhif,' ilill , Sandwich , in a very good fiiJtW uei ^libuilioud, two miles from tho >!!>Hn village ol' Sandwich , and 3-4 ot a IUA^JSb?milu irom the Depot , and convenient •"' -1" "1 " lo Ch Schools , &c. Eighteen auie.i of Mihl i' ann is thrift y Woodland , eleven acre." of .Suit ai:iivL-uieut HOUSK. 1 )-2 stories, painted and blinded , and in good repair , with Wood Shed at- ta ched ; also a BaKN , 3d by '42 feet, with cellar un- uer the same. Fur further particulars inquire Of UieHiib. -criber on the premises. S. B. WING. Sandwich , Oct . 10 1SS5. 6m For Sale. . „ The Sch. FRANCIS D. DEC- v^^ KER .well found and in good con- ) jKliW ^k. l^' t'on i "3 tons register, will bo jJ ^OyiP'sold at a bargain. For further ^KUKDmm*; * particulars , inquire of VOLENT1NE BAKER or Capt. LEONARD CHASE Hyannis , April 8, 1865. For Sale. j ^j. A SCHOONER B O A T , five -^rj ar years old , copper fastened, well JWtYn\ found in Sails, Cables and Anchors, ^SAifcay has a Compass and a new Stove, **^*^^™ and is in j;ood order. She is 20 feet keel , ft feet beam, and will be sold at a bar- gain. Apnl y to ALVAN NEWCOMB, or AUGUSTUS PAINE. Brcwster, Sept. 19, 1865. Photo graphs — Photographs ! $2.50 per Dozen. THE subscriber would inform tbe Public that he is located for a few weeks in the village of Barnstable, near the Unitarian Church. where he is prepared to take all kinds of Pictures.— Come One, Come Ail. HENRY F. HATCH. Barnstable, Sept. 26, 1865. DUPEE, BECK & SAYLES, ^$fc^ ^ ^ m$ AMD DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 22 STATE STREET , BOSTON. Boston, October 3, 1865. ly \n« ; dn A i l o 1 \ Tm i r UamI g V ni/n uuvuu • nt^ n uvuuo ¦ I should be happy to show all who will favo me with a call, my stock of Fall and Win- ter Goods, consisting of Thibets, Ottoman, I Black Alpacca, Colored Alpacca, Lyonece, Silk Wark Canton, Granite Poplin, Cashmere Plaids, All Wool Delaines, Common Delaines. Also a good assortment of Gloves, Hosiery, Linen Handkerchiefs , White Linen, Damask Towels, Crash, Flannels, &c. Also a new lot of Cloth for Men's and Boys' wear, al1. of which will be sold cheap . LEMUEL NYE. Barnstable, Sept. 26, 1865. Insurance. rpHE Atlantic Mutual Fire and Marine In- JL surance Company of Provincetown, here- by give notice that they are now ready to insure against LOSS BY FIRE on BUILDINGS and PROPERT Y at fair rates. Those wishing to insnrc with this Company will send in their ap- plications. ENOS NICKEBSON, Sec'y. Provincetown, April 18, 1865. tf Blankets i pr r\ Pair BLANKETS less than Market j U Prices to close out the lot. JAMES B. CROCKER,JB., & CO. I Yarmouth Port, Sept, 12,1866.