October 31, 1865 Barnstable Patriot | |
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October 31, 1865 |
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A Prayer.
I ask not wealth , but power to take
And use the things I have aright ;
Not years, but wisdom , that, shall make
aiv life a profit and deli ght.
I ssk not '
.hat for me the plan
Ot >:ood and ill he Jet aside,
But that the common lot of man
Be nobly borne and glorified.
I know I may not always keep
Jlv steps in places green and sweet,
2sor find tla1 pathway of the deep
A path o!' i-alet y to my feet.
But prav, that , when the tempest 's bre ath-
Shall IkTcv ly sweep my way about ,
1i-.uike nut shi pwreck of my faith
\v the nnliouoiiit 'd hen of doubt ;
Aid that , thoug h it be mine to know
lluw hard the stoniest pillow seems .
GluhI ante 's still nmy conic and go
On tin- bli ght luddcr of iny dreams.
J do nut a:-k tor love below ,—
Thii: friends shall n-'ver be estranged ;
livi Tor 'he power of lov injr , so
My heart may keep its youth undianjred.
Youth , joy, wealth—Fate , I give thec these :
Leave faith and hope till life is passed ;
And leave my heart 's best impulsed
Fresh and uuf.iiiing to the last.
For this I count , of all sweet things,
The sweetest out of heaven above ;
And loving others sure ly brings
The fullest recompense ot lovo.
August 25, 1§G5.
Tapestry Brussels,
Three Ply,
Two Ply.
Stair Carpeting
Plain , Ycnctian. aiMl Tapestry.
Oil Cloth Carpetings
Best quality and very pretty sty le;. A very
larj^e assortment.
We have ja- ^ t rrtumed from jiiirehasing a
Lai;;c Stock of new "Wool Carpetings of all
qualities , ami ''an show the largest stock in the
County—prices low as tho lowest. Those in
want will saw money by calling upon us.
s. baker ' Jr., & oo.,
A short dift .ini'c to the east of our former
place of busi ;i»"-s.
Sept. :>, is;;:.
. tf |
1?8 Washiasglon -?ir o'clock ,
P. M. Leave New York Tcesuay , Tucks-
day and Saturday . The new sea-L:uiii<; j
Steamers Thetis, Metis and Doicis , 1500 1
tons each , will shortl y lollow , forming a dail y
line. Freight received dail y. Ko chaise ibr
wharfage. Bills Lading furnished to shi ppers
For rates of frei ght , &e., appvl y to E. II.
ROCKWELL , A-ent , end Central W harf,
Boston , or to ISAAC ODELL , I'kv 27 North
River , New York . |
THE E\'E. HP THE fcYE. j
©i* I. KHIft^T , !
P\y\,t s\eiaw a n d 0ccu\\at. i
HAS discovered a new treatment for th« Eye. ;
hv which lie is i-uring some of the worst |
cases of Blindness and deafness ever known ,
without instruments or pain.
CANCERS. —Dr. Kni ght 's new ireaiim-nt
for Cancers surpasses all others now in use.—
It cures without knife , plaster or pain , and j
heels without a scar. Every kind of Di.-easc j
treated with a great success. Humor * of «. vu- 1
ry kind eradicated from the sys tem. No "-hnivt j
for consultations. Olricu, li.V.l Truruon; St. , '
Diseases of th e Blood.
Dr. Ti. GREENE has for moro than twenty
years yiven special attentio n to the treatment
of Career, Sciofnla , Humor, and all Diseases
of the Iilood. His oilice is at 1
8 Temple
Place, 3d door from Washington street. Bos
ton. Pamp hlet descri ptive of treatment , tent
lice. Office liours from 9 to 3. His Indian
Remedies for sale only at the office.
v,i:l cu:e ITCH , SALT KlIKUM , arid all cutane-
ous dfceases.
J'rico o.'
, cuils. for eale by all Apothecaries.
is rilLELGIl ,y ROGERS,
ISOSroN , . . . . general Agents.
To Contractors & Carpenter s.
r BM!E undersi gned takes this method of in-
_ funning the citizens of Barnstable County
that he has nrranired 'o carry on the CARPEN-
TERING BUSINESS , and will enter into
Contracts on the most favorable terms to build
HOCSKS, STORKS, or any other biddings
required. All orders from his friends in this
and the adjoining towns and villages will be
promptl y and faithfull y attended to.
Address , ANDREW S. MAYO.
Chatham , Aug. 2'> 1865.
P"J JUNE 2d.
e*»%/«^@ NEW STYLES
All our stock at very low prices.
Boston , June 6, 1865.
>WOKTHl.NGTON ,EMi ,l5osiun.
¥. A. BROWN , Es.j.
Office , 49 Washington street, where
samp les of the Coal nmy h'j seen.
[E=F~Ea(:h Share of Stock in this Company
entitles the holder to receive One Ton of Coal
per annum , at its annual cost of production ,
ibr tho term of twenty year- .
[O^This Company is or^ani.vd with its
head quarters in Hartford , •• 'liisnectii- ut .aiul with
a princi pal branch in Boston , for tin1 purpose of
supp ly ing Coal at Cost to Stockhcil-icrs tino-
out the New England St.it.os ; ihe Coal in all
cases to be delivered !>v th 1: mosr direct aniljcoti '-
venicnt routes of frei ght froiu lJhi!mii ;ipiii.i to
vhc point of its delivery .
App lication lor btoek can ne nmde to eituer
of the following persons : A. li. Uallltt and
Lot IIallutt, Hyauni.-: M .vrTiiiiws C. Hal-
lett, rarinouth Port : Elij ah Ls-.wj s , ^l) .
Barnstable ; Ci.auic Lincoln. Cenii 'i'vi:!-.:.
HF"A. S. UALLETT corresjioudin ^ Agent
for the County of Barustahli ;.
aug 15—Cm
American & Foreign Patents
1 . II. JZ O t> -\' ,
Late Agent of U. S.Putmt Otlire , Washington ,
[wiiler tin- Act <,/ 1S3".)
76 State St., ojjjho siSs'MiSEsyStreei.
B O S T O N .
A FTER an extensive practice oi' ujiwarr
iFOf twen-
1 ty ye8is costinua? rc- eecuve I'utcn fii^ ?'¦" I*»>'-
ted States- also in (jreat Britain. Frauue , and other
forei gn countries. Caveat.1-. Hpevi ilicu'ions , liouds.
Assignments, ami all paiier.-. or JJrav.in^s lor l's-
tenty^xecuted ou libefii l term.", an-! v. h !i de^pate!:.
Researches mude into Aincricar.or Korci^ii works,
to determine the validity or uti'itv ot H.-^^nts oi
Inventions—and legal or ot' ivr »ilvic« s-miiirfd in
all matters touching tliesame. Cop ies oftlii.' claiuif
of any Patent iuruiel":tl tiv remittiii j- O>\e. Dollar,
AFsi enmeiiL? recorded a- ^Vii ' .rr:' ^ "! .
The A gency is not only tnc !i.rj;oiii in ?s>-,i Knp-
land, but throug h it iuvoi.li ';- !'
.;iv u n!v.iiita;-
,.:s for
aeeurin g Fatei.ts. of u^c^rt: ;:i;ii ;< ti.. 1 p:>itiitubi!ii\
of inventions liiisurpa^n-J \,y. i 1" not i^niiit:;? ura hly
superior to , any which u:i!: I t - oil'i-rci l ilii-rn t'lyi:-
wliere. The lt>linuiuiai.- bt- i.iw gi\ -cii in-m e that
none is JIOKK SL'CCKS-l- '1:.1. A I '!' •:!•' I' A I'KM
OKKXCE t han the oiib.-.- ril. . : :^:;.i :..
- Sl' fCKSS IS
1ES! l'KOUK '
;¦ ¦
¦ '¦
' A .\ i A < , 1C -i A N I >
ABILITY, he v\nu lil lahi t.'..t !•. .• !i-i> .
-ii.iim laist rea-
son to belitve , anil cu:. ¦
. i!i:,t :i! iioi.iiiit otlice
ol the kind :ir< :ihe cl;ai ;;<^ '
.:: ': i-rv ''- .
-:-iuh;il .-t-r victs
po moderate. '! tie iKiii3L_ ."- Hi aoiM oi !
¦, •¦ .snliscii -
ber aur iug twenty je ar.- pacr. lu.
>- en.:L:i.'u liim to
accumulat e a vui- t cuJli-cuc.; ol t;.i-i'!ic:itic-iiri iind
otlicial deciriouH relative tt 1 i;at'.M^ .
These , be^ ii.iu-> iiis lxiciimu ii' ij- dry l>I lejrnl and
mechauicai wur lts , an d liiil ;;ccou.iits of ji:t teiit«
granted in tliu L-uiicd StutP.1- u'u\ Kin c.jie. render
liim able, btyond uucstkni. io (.
'ilei .
'¦u;>c'i ior ii;ci!i
ties ior obtain ing l'ati'iits.
All neceshity ol a juuruey to \Va*liir.{;teii . to pro-
cure a pa teiit , ;u. d ti;e UMiui ^ri-at d'j ii;
^ l.'.
'cre. art
here saved inventor )- .
T E B T l 51 O N 1 A t. P .
li I regard Mr. !'.iit!\ ;.t one ol tin- n:ut; C!iji..lj le
and t-iiccet-r-iu J piy'j utioin.-r-' i\i:|i iviioin i have liad
otiiciai j nteieoui>e. L U A Kl.lv.. jiA.':
Couiiiiir. -n;i:ei- oi I'alKiit.-!.
1 have i.o l.tM°ta:iou in i;.-. i:iinj : iiin- n ui* that
tlity cannot c-niii.oy » i.tis os. nio-v (.'•mj-ttent ai nt
t i u ^w o r i n y , iuhj muuj Jup::Jj :r nt p.t :;in ^ Uie ir t Eij>-
pli'oatioub ill a lorin to fttiiit io: !!.(.
'!ii ::ii i-aiiy and
j avorable coiK-
.iutratioi; at she i':.;.i.i dii:(.e. ':
l-.i J i l L N o lil j cl-.i- .
Late (.'oiii ::.i:.-i' .lie; ._ 1 1 :!i.:iit .
"Mr. It. 1
1. Eday Iiuh uunieioi na- !11 li. I i-.K.N ap-
plicatioiii', on a:l but >ut 1.1 wlj ic ii puiou! ,
- lim e
been granted , and iliut i.
- :.u - j.».:.(.u. _ . ^uch un-
init-taKa bie (nool ot >jieat iu.i> lii a:ni ;:ti.iitj mi Ins
part leads Um :o rtcoin:ni.::C j LJ.j i.vtuioit lu appi\
to him lo jj ris'-'Ui e U .ur liaKiiif. Hi-iiie y i:iu\ be ruie
of having the mout lailiilu: ui:;i: ':on Inviuwtd ou
their cate^ , aij i! ki very rc»M.ii;.o.': >Ji;.ivt'a ':
>> <.!ii 2\ I j'
.liii.vii l".
During eigiit Ji:oi:th^ 111*.
- r-i::.tt:; jm.-/\ m ii.ecourte
of hit large practice made o:i iwici-. jtjucted ap-
plications tiJ.X 1 Kt-JN Jii'l'l.ALs, J-.V i-.lc l UNI ', o!
'liicli was ileuitidi iu m> Jj'avhi:. Ly Die Coiainis-
sioiier ot i'ateu ts.
i:. li. i:ddy.
Boston , Ja n. S. 18K. \
Reputation EstablishedI ¦
*J?Irs, IS. Ji.J&lle&it truly m
public hessrf actresf i.and her
ivand-erf ti? success is un/ip-re *
cedented. MEer f &nie and
her discoveries hss.i'e gone
abroad ^ emid to-day she is
in her line the largest man "
uf actMress in the warld.
Everybody Interested
Ftessgft- asif l old etgcare alike
f d by the tv '
j e of tl
f Trs.
. «'5. rf t UiPs M*oy-M>s Mair
JZlf storer and 11^::* J&rcss "
iurj. F/3»rt. Kull direction. .
Wif^M, accompany eac!. bottle ,-Pnce :
MiaPi a^- KKu '
.MBElt;— Tiis mtdiont
f W £
4i ifj Hig *'" 'W
,S,ly f or OBSTINATE
'W* ~M CABB6. which all CH KA P remtdits of
^~3{a£i the kind have f ailed
£ that
it is
an represente d is
^^^j2=^^? KVKKY BESl'KOT , or the },nc» WU- be
T,f un,lf ,l. [E7-BK\VAKE OF IMITAT IONS! and
especially th ose hai'iujf a counturi 'j it of ray ism
an FIGURE for a deception None gcnuirif unli-s.-
obtaincd Et Dr Madison 's Off
ice. s
y l .
i hf i who
wish, can have boar '! in the city ilutius; treatment.
mure™ (jonpu cm
E7*Far Diseases of the L">inary Organs, re.'ult
ing lio m imprudence , caupir.g improper discharg-
es, heat, irritation , &c. It conta ins no Co/mna ,
Cubtbx. Turpentine , or any other offensive or inju-
rious driiir. but is a safe, rure and pleasant reme
ey that wiil cure in one ii:;l( tiie 'ime ol any oil'-
er, or the price trill be rrj 'uw!> d You that hava been
taking iialt^am t'opaiva tor months without beue
lit, until sick acd pale your bre:i:!i aud clothes are
tainted with its offensive cdor , throw it away ami
send for a bottle of this .Sure Kemed y. It will
uot onl y cure j ou at onte. but alto cleanse the
Hyt>trin from tip hurtful drugs you have been tak-
ing foloiii/. [C7= For Clirj nic ca?es. ot mouths and
even years' duratiou. it i.-:a .'tf.-'M 'iv . Try it once:
aud >ou will never taste t!ie (iisgn-'ling mlxture^
of Bultam Caynira again. O^-Oiie large bott)e
geuerally suilicient to cure,-Trice ;-5.
For Impurities of the Hlood resu lting from im-
prudence , causing Eruptions on the .
-ikin ; Hun-
Throat , Mouth mid Nose ; Loss of Hair; Old Sons;
Swellings; 1
'aias iu the Bones ; snd all other fiu'ii.
of an active poison in the sj Htem. GT7"No remod)
ever discovered has done what has bem achieved
by this. It cured a gentleman Irom the nouth.
stopping at Newport and lor which )ie presenter!
Dr. M. ivitli S50U, alter having been under tbe treat-
ment of the most emine nt islivsichtus in Baltimore ,
Philadelphia and Kew York , lor ki ve veauf —
Never (le^pai r of a pirmaiieut cure , no matter
how obstinate j our cu>e has been , until you have
tested the virtue s ot ti.i? potent Alterative . It i.-
prepared t xpressly lor thf juiijiOm .and i^ supeiio.
to any other rmieiiy (or .
-i.cli cuit~ . lO^Oue larg i-
bottle lasts a mouth. —J' rice slu.
For Nervouc Debility. .Seminal Weaknecf. I.o.
of J'owci , Impote ncv , Ccnlut-io n of Thoug ht, Lo^-
ot Mtraor; , Initable Temper , (Jloomy Apprehe: ;.
sious, Fear, Despondeucy. Mt!.iuoho!y. and »il
otlier evils caused by s-.rr. i kahits or ixce\sive in-
lialzmee. This sura remedy is conipo .-ed of the
most soothing, and iuvig:»U to swindllnn
ijuacks daily, which is worse thy;: thrown uwa-.
This comes "from trusting t o tho uectptive ai:vi'i-
tisemen ts of im. n calling ihciutelvts --Doctoi.-,"
whose only recommenda tion is what they s:> y of
themselves. Advertising ;.Mysic::iiii- . iu nine c;:.-e.-
out of ten , are impostors; tnni nit-iliciues ol thir
kind found in dru^ stori-s »iv g'iin.vall y wor thle .--.
—got up to sell and not K> c.
i re. I' ae Sure Keine
dies can be obtained at i:iy Uliii:*: only, aud i:n
warranted as represented , m every respect, or tin
price wn l be reiuuded IV-r.
-ous at a uiM ai.ce m i
be cured at home in the s h m t i s; possible time , b\
sending 'or tnem. Dr. .
'i^ttixm is a educate"
physician of over twenty year.-' experience, Uii
in atneral f iraclirt , until , couioelle I b> ill lieaiili tu
ad opt an oilice practice, t reating all accidents ;e-
Eu lting Irom imprudence in Loin .
-exes.givin g tin.-::,
liib whole attention. Circ;: l iirs giving full info-
mat ion. with undoubted U- .
-i ii.;o..::tl.i; alro a bo^il.
ou special Disea>es , in :
; r-e a.' .ii u.velope, sei.
free, lie sure trnd send lor tii ^iii. ;:ir witnouc le.-t i-
iuon ials no si/anger can bt ti i:.- t i d . Ei.cIom- .
tamp lor postage , an d uirec. to UU. AIATiTsOi1!.
28 Union St., Providence , K.J .
feb 1i ?
Imiiortant te 1lic AHiictccI !
Dli. DOW continues to Iv ounsiiMed at the office
Nop . 7 andt' Endicotf Si!-ci. Loatcn , on all di.
eases oi a
By a long cenrse of simh a:nl practical experi
ence of unlimite d extent. i>r !) . has now the gnu i
tication of pretexting the ii!ifV:r1ur.ate with rena
dies that lnive never, sines he lirt-t introduce then
failed to cure the most alarming cases ol .
Beneath his tita'ment, all f lie Knr: ors of venera
and impure blood , Impotency. Scrofula, oonorrhtc.
Ulcers , pains and distress in t '
ne reg ions ot procrea
tion , lnfhmati "n of lhe liiadder ai!d Kiiiiiey
Hj drocele Abcsses, llurnors. frightfu l Swellii.^s
and the long tinin of horri'nlc symptoms atteudin;
this class of dis-'d .-e , are m:;de to Income as harm
less as t!ie simplo-t ailin/>- of a cliiid.
SF..U IN AL W i¦:AKN !:.SS.
Dr. D. devotes a great )> .irt of his time to t'l-j
treatment of those cases cau-cd by a secret and.-ol
itary habit , which ruins tlsc- bo(ij and mind, unlii
tingthe unfortunate individual lor business orsoci
ety . Some of the sad ami melarclioi y effect pro
duced by earl y habits of yoi:!h , nit Weakness o! the
Back and li mbs , Dizziness of the head , Dimness ol
eight , l'al pitatiou of the lit-sn I. Dyspepsia , JS'ervou--
ness. Derangement of the di gestive functio ns, Sy mp-
toms of the Co).Mini;, tion , (it. The fearful effect on
the mind are much to be dreaded ; loss of memory ,
confusion of ideas depression of spirits , evil fore-
bodings , aversion of society, self-distrust , timiditj .
&c, are among the evils produced. Such person?
should , belore contemp lating matrimony, consult
a physician of experience , and be at once restored
to health and happ iness.
Patients who wish to remain under Dr. DowV
treatment a f«w days or weeks , will be furnished
with pleasant rooiriH , and charges for board moder-
Medicines 8eDt to all parts of the country , with
full directions for use, on receiving descri ptions ol
your cases. Dr. Dow has aNo for sale the French
CJapottes. warranted the be.-t preventive. Order by
mail. Three for *1 and a red stamp.
C A U T I O N .
To Fouialrs in DriicKte filoallh
DK . DOW , l'h\ siciau and tinrgeou , No . 7 & y En-
dicott btreet. lioston, is consulted dail y lor all
diseases incident to the fem;,le system. Prolapsus
Uteri , or falling of the Womb , Hnor , Albus , bup-
pression. and other menstruai derangements , are ail
treated upon new pathological principles , and epee
dy relict guaranteed in a lew days. Bo in va-
riably certain is the new mode oi treatmen t , that
most obstinate complaints yield under it , and the
aillicted person soon rejoices in perfect health.
Dr. Dow has no doubt had greaier expertence in
the cure of diseases of women and children , thau
any other physician in Boston.
Boarding accommodations for patieu ts who may
wish to stay in Boston a few days under his treat-
Dr. Dow, sin ce iSSO , having confined his whole
attention to an otiiv;e practice , lor the cure ol 1
vate Diseases ana > emale Complaints ,acknowledg-
es no superior in the United States.
JN. B.—All letters must contain four red stamps
or they will uot be answered.
Office hours trim 8 A. 31. to 9 P. M
In nil cases, or No Chains j Tlutfc-
iK, DOW is consulted daily, fro m 8 A. M. to 8
L/p. AI., as above, up on all ditlicuii and chronic
diseases ol every name and nature , having by his
unweaiied attention and extraordinary success
gained a reputaliou which calls patients Irom all
parts of the country to obtaiu advice.
Among the physicians in Boston , none stand high-
er in the profession than the celebrated DK DOW
No. 7 Eudicott street , Boston, i hose who ueed the
services ol an experienced physician and surgeon
should give him a call.
'. S-Dr. Dow imports and has ior sale a new
article, called the French Secret. Order by mail
Two for SI and a rtd stamp.
Boston , April 1U, 1SG5. ly
[Copyright secured.]
A positive and Fpc--iac Kcmoily for diseases of tho
Klaildcr, KlilKiy. Cr»vtl ::n:?c^C3, L'
ab!:.5 of Tteina.
tion , rzzly Icilisorc -.Io-; ,
¦ c--.il':A v.
-'.'U the fv!!oTrli,j
lmll.nos.Uion toI-:i.fr::cD, Lo.3 of I'uwcr ,
Logs cl ::err,ory, ;:i::j'M:i:y cf -rea:Ha;.
'i Serves, Tr-.n-.Y.in-,
Horror cf Dl.caso, V,-^;cr^:ac-,3,
Dimness of Vision , r;.l;i 1q the I'-ack ,
Eot Iliads , : ¦- -'^ S °r i::0 -'O'-'
Dryness of the Hiin , i:r-p'!oni of tUo i"ncc ,
UclvcrLt-J I.a:.-;i'.-ji:e, I':
! CountcLance ,
^.'ttc::'r.r F; :i"ra.
Tliecs s;-:-ptOB!s, If £':
¦.- .ci !to t;'> on ,'n-hicb t!i".3 .
cine iavariaoly remove ,, torn: folloTr—
l-'ATI.'lTl", Jiri/.LL'TIf: I"IT S, ic,
In one of T-hich t!u prilicrj ! :v.:.y cxj lre. ^"l. -, c.-.n Ejy
they arc tot lrcu.nc:i::y iollo'.v..-: t,y those '¦ llrcM ulj.
i-r '/ AX!) <:< >"
.. I.MPTIO::?
Jlanv r.roav.
-arc of the cr:. '- ot !>iclr; ufierlt.T .li..* :
•Kl.lconfer Tho t^-j :- ~. ' r.\: :
. -::u .-v.:-./.;¦> "¦> '
i-C".r ;.ii;.l'j •¦vJil.;^ \r,
tho ti".«t'
J 'f fi2 v.iseK'.ou.
T!.e Cor.'i'.i'.utlon , ow: ?.UV-cte.! hy orjsslc —ealici:? ,
rcqulic- t'.ir. r.ifl of EK.i'
.i-.i-j« t- .¦
-.l.-csgtL2^ .ir-'/Jnv^ori
tj .DPVf.cni, •,T;i:cunrL:i;:o:.:. '.; r..7.
TA.v ' T o i' v\;n\;-
lavarii:!/y c^o'.
-a. A t-\AvVi\co:i". luce :
e iuc-s! 6ccp'.
i l.
In many affections peculiar 's,"cnitlcs, tri e ^rrBiCT
Lucnu Is unequa'
.cd \
: .-r-.y o'A-
.ct rcrucly, enj for a'
complaints Incident to tin. f.?x:or in '
pecllN'icoi: c:i.v::'.;k of life,
Z3~ £zi.,? L-^»TO\ViAnovE.
^~ Ko Family should be without It.
Take no B&lsam .T.Icrcur/, or n^pleasaat cietllclnc for
unpleasant u:rl cianser. -!:.: u^circs.
iiiiij iiJJuii ij o .
'i-'-iilJiui i)uij :iU
.^ i'.i>
r r-v-
| r7^ ™ ¦ - ^ -¦. ¦-- , - ¦
.. rj ?r n - I? r -
L L'-j J-' i
; l ¦:. L :J ..
. ' -
'i' Lj v. .. .
w) _ J
Cur^s Secret lii.
In ell their rtages '
: r -:r,c^£t,IJt'.V- c-no cliansrc of
diet ,no Inconvenience 1.V.>"O i:Si'Ci5-"K:i:.
^W^pf 2
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use tiT:L:\TBoi
Tor ail ElIectiniTi di.1! ¦U-c-^'i :.';' :on orcr.r.
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j 'romr.-hE!cvcrc -.i:-eo. ' • 'i: ,:;i .:.- !;.lroi=st'crhow ;.->ns
:li:itling. L-l3ea.-Vo cr tL.vc ur;_:,.:.:. ic.Tiirctli^ .-.l-K-.
Is the Croat Diuretic.
Ami It Is ccrv.lntf iu-.vc ih-.dcrire J cli'cct la ell disc:;;!
for Y/hicli it ii rccPKim<: "
.f. !
Ilelinliolcr ss
nionxY coxcEXTiuTrD coMPOiTsn
For puriiylnrr tha Blood,rcrnovlrg all chronic coastItu-
tious' (i1fcu .
".cs crij !:.":from r.nluipnro Btatc of tl:c r.iood,
anc the only reliable r.'-,;l eli'ect ual I:no\rn remedy for tbi
cure of frVofBla , Ecald Ucm\, Belt, lihcara, Prjna an-l
EwelliEga ci tho Eoc'jp , Ulcoratlo ns of the Throat r.nd
Lc^s, Eio!clirs ,PIini,'
.c;-. ou the Face,Tetter,Erysipelas,
end all scaly Eruptions of tlio Skin,
kot a Tew
of the -worst disorders tliut aCict mankind arise from the
corruption that accumulates In the tlood. Of all tho dis-
coveries that have been made to purge It out,none c:j
equal In cUtxt IIrLMiiOLu '3 Coapocxn Exteact or Ea:>
-.. It cleanses and renovates the Blood,icsli"?
the vigor of health into the system,and purgco ont tbo
humors vhith mnko disease. It stliculctcs the heaUli ?
functions of the bod r,and espels the disorders that :;row
and ranlcle in the Mood. Such a remedy that coaM la
relied on has Ions been sought for, acd now.for the Crst
time the public have one on v.'hlch they oan depend. Our
space here do23not admit of ccrtiQcatC9 to shotr Itseffects,
but the trial of a alnglo bottle -will showto tho sick tb:ti'.
ba3Its virtues Burpassicg anytliing they havo ever tiScn.
T^70 tablespoonsful of tbe Extract of Sarsaparllla ncldcd
to n pizt of -water 13equal to tlio Lisbon riet Drink,and
one bottle Is fully eqn^l to v.gallon of tho Syrup of Eursa-
parllla,or tUo decoction ns usually made.
An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from hfibi!? ol
dlsEipatlon,used In connection with tho Extracts Eacbn
and Sarsapiuilla,In snoh diseases as recommended. E';-
donee of the most responsible and rcllablo character iriil
accompany the aicdicinc=. Also explicit directions for
use, icllh hnndrcli of tUou:HKKB.
Addre^j .-.ttcrs for Information,la confidence, to
Principal Dejtots—
Helmb old's Drug and Chemical Warehouse,
No. 594 BROADWAY, N. Y.,
Helmbold's Medical Depot,
Beware of Counterfeits
HEiMBt&jy s
Family Discipline.
Theie "i
e a thousand ways of adminis-
tti -ir.^
disci pline without resorting to the
red. We remember lhe course a mother
•o. k with her children in the absence of
i.iv husband. No sooner was the father
^;-r,e tiian her son manifested a disposi-
tion to assuir.e the veins of government.
His mother's treatment and conduct ,
thoug h she spoke not a word , were cal-
culated to prove to her son that her au-
thority was his law . The next morning,
v.bile engaged in famil y prayer , he show-
ed sj ir.e slight marks of disrespect ; this
she passed over in silence. When , iq
the course of the fame day, she made
some remarks upon his improper treat-
ment cf a younger brother , he manifested
die st.me spirit of disrespect by a pecu-
liar curl of his li p (so often seen in lads
from 14 to 18), al the same time calling
the attention of a little sister to a. cater-
pi 'iur crawling o:i the floor ; this , too.
.-he j iasu'd by, Mvniii y noticing the fact.
'J't-.-j followiiij ; mcniin^, whtn this disaf-
;'-_t '
.cd son cntficd ll:e breakfast roo;n , he
did not , as usual , bid his irsuther a good
Tiiorning. ^hc- umitti' d to send him a
L'.ip of cctTcc. Tieatntl y, with a consid-
e:^bi:: pclitencs* , he requested a cup cf
^effi e, which was at once granted. Tb.3
younger brotiier. having caug ht the same
spirit of insubordination , was guilty of
i !i-v same effense. A cup of coffee was ,
in like manner , withcld from hi:n . Tho
ycupgf .T prother cautiousl y asked , ''Ain 't
I r' -'-1'
;o nare
"omc coIIV l1 r" "When
vo ) f..-'
k properl y for i' , aiul imt till then "
'.v-:.? '.ho niuther 's rep ly ; adding, "Whe n
¦r.y !-otis forget to hid their mother gi;od
j'-i.-rning, she wiil remember not to give
'!.' m a cuj> of eoiFe--." On another oc-
Ct":>i'"i;i , a 'little boy in thu same family,
who had been hel ped to some honey, ate
it vociferousl y, and , wit hout say ing any
iliing, held out his plate for mora. No
one at the table appeared to notice this
rutle conduct . He said somewhat angri-
ly, "Give me seme more honey. " "I
sh ill not help you to any more ," was tho
rep ly. "Then may I hel p inj'selfr " said
the unmannerl y boy. "You may leave
ihv: table ," said his mother. "If you do
r:ct know how to behave better , you must
iirrcaiier eat by yourself. The child , as
uhuci i, be gan to cry and to make bitter
com; luints. "You may leave the table ,"
said his mother , at the same time forbid-
ding him to uiter a syllable ; and as he
continued to poui , he was sent by him-
self into an adj oining room.
This mode of punishment , subjecting
children to some self-denial , depriving
them at once of some lawful gratification
unaccompanied by a word , probabl y wil
have more effect in curing the faults ol
children than an ill-timed chapter on th<
rules of politeness, or an hour's lecture
on the duly and importance of obediencs
to ptrents. It is believed that salutan
disci pline and restraints are more fre
quentl y wit held from children to save thi
feelings of parents than their children.
[Moth er's Magazine.
Woman at her Needle.
There is something extremel y pleasant
and even touching,—at least of very
sweet , soft, and winning effect ,—in this
peculiarity of needlework , distinguishing
women' from men. Our own sex is in-
capable of any such by-play, aside from
the main business of life ; but women ,
be they of what earthl y rank they may.
however gifted with intellect or genius,
or endowed with beauty—have always
some little handiwork ready to fill the
tiny gap of every vacant moment. A
needle is doubtless familiar to the fingers
of them all. A queen no doubt plies it
on occasions ; the womanpoet can use it
as adroitl y as her pen ; the woman'e eye
that has discovered a new star, turns
from its glory to send the polished little
instrument gleaming along the hem of
her kerchief , or to darn a casual fray in
her dress. Aud they have greatly the
advantage of us in this respect. The
slender thread of silk or cotton keeps
them united with the 6mall , familiar,
gentle interests of life, the continuall y
operating influences of which do so much
for the health of character , and carry off
wha t would ot herw ise be a dangerous
accumulation of morbid sensibility. A
vast deal of human sympath y runs along
this electric line, stretching from the
throne to th£ wicker-chair of the humb-
lest seamstress , and keeping high and
low in a species of communion with their
iondred beings. Methinks it is a token
of gentle characteristics when women of
high thoug hts and accomplishments love
to sew ; ( specially as they are never
more at home with their own hearts than
while so occupied. And when the work
falls in a woman's lap of it own accord ,
and the nerdie involuntaril y ceases to fly,
it is a sign of trouble quite as trustworthy
as the throb of the heart itself.—H aw-
TJte Lord's Prayer.
Supeiior is this prayer in comprehen-
eiveness , excellence and brevity, holy in
substance , solemn in manner , an d sim-
ple in expression ; so plain that the most
ignorant, may understa nd it; and yet so
full that it comprehends all our wants
and intimates all our duty, showing not
only what :s fit to be tsked , but what
manner of persons we that ask ought to
be. And well , therefore , mi ght 1
lian speak of it as the epitome of the gos-
pel , since it contains our persuasions of
God's love, cur desire of his honor , our
subjection to his authority, our submis-
sion to his will , our dependence on his
providenee : together with our earnest
sup plication for mercy and to deliver us
from the guilt , and for grace to deliver us
from the power of sin : concluding with
acts of faith , and praise , and adorat ion.
ICabirs' gcjartmrat.