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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
October 30, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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October 30, 1958
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HYANNIS MRS. MIRIAM BLAIR Tel. SPring 5-5919 READING HOUR RESUMES For the sixth consecutive year, the Reading Hours sponsored by ihe Hyannis Woman 's Club will he resumed at the Hyannis Library to- morrow morning from 11:00 to noon. Reader tomorrow will be Mrs. Charles Fauteaux, who is also re- sponsible for this program this year. All pre-schoolers are welcome to attend this hour of reading and story telling when they will hear of the witches and hobgoblins one apt to come upon at this time of rear CKI-CI-YAPI CAMP h in t GIRLS After their weekly meeting at the .Maritime Building last Monday, the Okl-Ci-Yapi Camp Fire Girls had a Hallowe'en party to which their sponsors, Mrs . Bruce Besse and Mr.-. Fred Oehme had been Invited . The girls played games and had the traditional donuts and cider for re- freshments. One of the members reported on a recent trip of the group to a newspaper plant. Susan Oehme and Susan Rood have been named program chairmen for the month of November FAMILY NIGHT SUPPER Next Sunday, November 2nd, the first of a series of Family Night Supper s will be served at the First Baptist Church at 6:00 p.m. Each family is asked to bring a casserole dish , while the Church will pro- vide rolls, dessert and a beverage. After the supper Mrs. Frank Me- haffey will review a book, "Middle East Pilgrimage". "Where Jesus Walked", a beautifull y filmed tra v- elogue of the Holy Land and Mid- dle East, Jerusalem nnd Gethsem- ane, and the ruins of Baalbek , will be shown later. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. A. King BoutweU Sunday 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Pastor s Adult Bible Class 11:00 Morning Worship and Communion. Sermon , "Gideon 's Three Hun- dred" 6:00 Family Night Supper .Monday S:00 Meeting of the Craft Circle Tuesday 7:30 Teachers Training Course at the Federated Church Wednesday 10:00 Meeting of the Sew and Serve Circle 7:00 Boy Scout Troop 66 Thursday 7:30 Choir Rehearsal 8:00 Meeting of the Liter- ary Circle. Note: Because of the public supper scheduled for November 21st by the Baptist Woman 's Union , the week- ly ham, tish and bean supper on -November 1-Itii will be cancelled. GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE Sunday, Nov . 2, Sunday School , 9:30 a.m.; Matln'e Service, 10:81 a.m.; Divine Liturgy, sermon in English and Greek , 11 a.m. Choir rehearsal every Wednes- day, 8 p.m. and Tuesday throu gh Friday, 3:30 to 5:30, Greek after- noon school. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Preble Cobb, Pastor Sunday 10:00 Adult Sunday School "The Walk and Worship of God' s Peo- ple" 11.00 Morning Worship - "Putting Principals into Practice " 7:30 Evening service - "Manhood' s Aspect of Reconciliation " Thursday 7:30 Mid-week service - Guest speaker - Rev. Da- vid Nettleton , pastor of Grace Baptist Church Springfield. Mass FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. Les- son-Sermon "Everlasting Punish- ment" taken from ProverbB: "For- sake the foolish and live; and go in the way of understanding " (9:6). The Golden Text is from Psalms (130:7): "Let Israel hope in the Lord : for with the Lord there Is mercy and with him is plenteous redemption. '' HYANNIS GARDEN CLUB A group of members of the Hy- annis Garden Club met last Tues- day at the East Dennis home of Mrs. Greswold Van Dyke and there they discussed the ordinary garden variety of plants. The Round Table discussion was led by Mrs. Edward Nicholson and touched upon many plants familiar to us all but whose likes and dislikes may not be as well known. For instance, it was mentioned that this is the time of year to bring in those geraniums, stick them in a paper bag and store them iu the cellar until next Spring. Then replant outdoors and watch them bloom . And after your holiday Poinsettia has stopped blooming, be sure to keep it cov- ered each night , for this is a plant that needs a good night's sleep to revitalize itself and flourish again. The next Round Table discussion will be led by Mrs . Ernest Fritze at the Hyannis Library on Tuesday November ith at 10:00 a.m. The subject at this time will he holiday arrangements. The Executive Board of the Club will meet at the Library at 9:30 a.m. on November 10th. Mrs. Ktn- neth Barnard will be hostess . TOMORROW IS HALLOWE' EN . . . . and many of the young peo- ple will be busy with their annual Trick or Treat plans. But — we hope - all in good fun , ami no vandalism. The members of the Junior and Junior High Depart- ments of the Federated Church Sunday School "ill join other i hli- dren In the nation In the UNICEF drive to raise funds for children in the Doited Nations. Members may report at the Federated Church be- tween 2:30 and 3:30 on Friday to gel their banks and receive their tags authorizing them to collect The banks may he turned in Hint evening at the Memorial Buildin g between 7:80 and 9:00. When these youngsters come culling encourage their efforts with a "Treat" . The American Legion Hall will be the scene of the festivities spon- sored by the Klwanis Club. There from six to eight the youngsters will appear in costume and have a real old fashioned Hallowe 'en party com jilt to with prizes and games. The teen-agers will then take over when dancing gets under way from eight 'till 11:30. UNITY GUILD Members of the Unity Guild will meet in Memorial Building at 12:30 for luncheon next Monday, No- vi mber 3rd. There will he a table for ihe men Mrs. Robert Davenport is chairman of this meeting, as- sisted by Mrs. Harold C. Anderson, Mrs. Albert Morris, Mrs . W. Stan- ley Mann and Mrs. Raymond Hunt- ing. A short business meeting is scheduled tor 2:30. This will be followed at three o'clock by a doc- tor who will speak on "Adventures in Heart Research". The talk will be accompanied by a film of the Massachusetts Branch of the Am- erican Heart Association A group of members will meet next week to discuss further plans for the Christmas Sale which will be held in conjunction with that of the Matron 's Club on December 3rd. Plan to do some of your Christ- mas shopping at this time . WEST END INVESTORS ASS'N At an unprecedented meeting, members of the West End Invest- ors Association combined their an- nual meeting with Ladles' Night at a dinner held last Monday even- ing at the Hyannis Inn. Members reviewed their current portfolio and elected new officers for the coming year: William C. Howes. IV si,lent; Walter Fish. Vice Presi- dent anil Carl Salo. Treasurer. MATRONS CLUB More thun sixty members and guests of the Matron 's Club were taken bad to the good old Twen- ties when the Club met last Mon- day night to celebrate its 35th bin Inlay. The room was arranged with on. long table al which past presidents were seated. All hut about five or six past presidents were able to attend. Others a: tending were sealed in small groups at tables scatten d about the floor. All the charter members of the club with the exception of Miss Miriam Crocker , who is hospital- ised, were there The refreshments were chicken salad rolls , coffee and a really super birthday cake. A round of applause Is due Mrs. Robert H. Jones who planned tho gala evening. A quiz game, based on a brief description of person- alities of the Roaring Twenties was won by one of the guests, Mrs . R. D. Celentano. A past president, Mrs . Lester Williams won another quiz based on music from the same period. A highli ght of the enter- tainment was the rendition of the Charleston , done by Mrs. Ray Fisk, which turned out to be a solo due to the unexpected illness of her partner . There was also a fashion show, which pointed out only too clearly that we are now dressing in a mode not too far removed from thirty five years ago, what with the chemise, trapeze and sack! The Matron 's Club rummage sale will be coming up a week from Friday, November 7th. Anyone hav- ing rummage for the sale may leave it at the church or arrange to have it picked up by calling either Mrs. Richard Sturges at Spring 5-1562 or Mrs. Arvld Anderson at Spring 5-0115. The committee will meet at the Memorial Building Thursduy evening to arrange and sort the rummage, after which will be held the Executive Board meet- ing. SEW AND SOS MEET The next meeting of the Sew and SOB will be at the home of Mrs. Paul Sethares on Monday night at 8:30 p.m. HYANNIS WOMAN'S CLUB LITERARY COMMITTEE Members of the Literary Com- mittee will meet at the home of Mrs. Eugene R. Cole at 7:45 p.m. next Monday, November 3rd. The program will be under the leadi r ship of Mrs . Hubert A. Shnw. BAPTIST CHURCH SCHOOL TEACHERS MEET At the monthly meeting of the Officers and Teachers of the Bap tlst Church School held lasl Sun- day In the Nye Room tho group dis- cussed "The- Teacher 's Relationship in God". Rev. BoutweU spoke to the group on the "Aims and Pur- poses of the Church School" . Mrs . Dorothy Moore , the school superin- tendent nnnounced that Miss Doris Kramer , Director of Children 's Work in the Massachusetts Baptist Convention , will visit the church school next Sunday and have con- ferences with the teachers on Tues- day and Wednesday, November 4th and 5th . FRATERNAL LODGE GUESTS Approximately 30 members of Fraternal Lodge. A.F. & A.M. ac- companied by their families at- tended Friday night services at the Cape Cod Synagogue. It Is the first time that Fraternal Lodge as a group has ever done this , although Fraternui Lodge has among its membership several members of the Synagogue who naturally take part in the religiou s rites of the Lodge. In view of the recent head- lines, it Is good to hear of organ- izations who are taking the time to further their understanding of other 's beliefs. PERSONALS Miss Elizabeth MacOregor and her sister Stella MacGregor left last Saturday for St. Petersburg)! where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Antone Souza, Jr., of New- town Road , Santult left Logan air- port lust Sunday for London where she visits until the Christmas sea- son with her daughter and son-in- law, Airman and Mrs . Edwin S. As- kew. Ted is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Askew of Hyannis. James McGillen , son of Mr. anil Mrs. Francis McGillen of Craigville Road, Hynnnlsport has recently been elected president of the senior class of Bridgton Academy, North Bridgton, Maine. In addition to this he is an end on the football team and has scored the only touch- down in a recent game against the University of Maine freshman team . He is one of two honor stud- ents in the school with all A's for the firs t marking period. Fine Custom Upholstering Custom Made Slipcovers Distinctive Fabrics and Workmanshi p For the Discriminating Schumacher 's Carpets & Rugs Open Year Round Fabrics by U 1 Fabrics by Scalmandre « C U r J J - Strolielm & F. Schumacher r r ir fl I/ I Romann Cheney ti t i L L I S K l J- H. Thorp O-pof M. Sundour , ,: T Pine Street Joffa Arthur Lee Centerville Bransonwig & Hexter Phone SP 5-5702 Fils ' B. L. TALLMAN, Inc. ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Ofllce Equipment and Bnpnllea 10 Shannon 8q. SPring; S-lfOS llyjiuula, Maui, fflmphflsis was on growth when members and friends of the Cape cod Junior Museum met recently in Brewster Town Hall for the fourth annual meeting ot the organization. Announcement ">• J°lin Huy* president , that the Museum now has about hal f tho sum necessary to purchase a permanent site led to acceptance of a motion by Ad- mont (1. Clark of Dennis that the Hoard of trustees be urged to ac- ii lire this land at the earliest op- porl unity. The plannin g committee was further instructed to return a re- port by early spring on the speci- fic aims and purposes of the j,m. Museum and to present Pfactlcat moans of Implementing thoni Further proof of the growth or Ihe Junior Museum project supplied by Mr. Hay in tho inrc,r ", atlon thnt the museum now own enough loan exhibits of its own that there Is no longer any need to borrow from Blmilar organisation' All officers of the Cape (¦„,, Junior Museum were re-elected with Mr. Hay as president; Harry IIoII , Dennis, vice-president; Mrs Joseph Walters, Brewster , ' Becrc nis , treasurer. Sheriff Donald p tary ; Mrs. Philip N. Colby, r)(m Tulloch , Mrs. Corwin Perisho oi West Harwich, and Mrs. Reuben Hopkins of Orleans will continn,. to serve on the board of trustees with Miss Ann Halliday of Oster. vflle , the only new member. The meeting concluded with a short talk by Mr. Holl on the im. portance of the Junior Museum a3 an educational venture to supple, ment the curricula of the pubu0 schools. Junior Museum Holds Annual Meeting [ BIT OF HOME ^ " RESTAURANT Serving Fine Foods \ DAILY SPECIAL - - 99k5y*i^J ^^F^Pft^ps HH9^*"l^^5B|'r"^!SBR5k ^^pjApi^ l,J^^ll "1 frL_JLMJLlj3U^ji*1JsWffitMm jdm Hjfl^^ j TUESDAY, NOV ~ 4 «Z | ibl /?*fffffffJS- I H ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ¦ QUESTlOr^J^^^BSk I m BE SURE TO VOTE 'YES ' ON ALL THRFF PADTC ~„ I NUMBER2 ^^ ^**B | B nilCQTinw O .ov^ ", L THREE PAR TS OF 1 A. Shall license, be granted ^ M M QUESTION 2. .ANY OTHER VOTE, OR A FAILURE TO vnTe Ih.*M <°r ?•««) *« «» |w |vl I ¦ W i l l C A B B Y A l K C / i r u n c r r r / LUKt ' O VO T E , M Ml. therein, of all alcoholic YtS X M M WILL CARRY MASSACHU SET TS TOWARD PROHIBITION I * ",??" ,wh,st y rum¦ "'" ¦ "^~ O W Akin TUB ATTCAin>l»iT ........ r K U n iB i T I O N M "Wi beverages , wines and all H0 itA M AND THE AT TENDANT EVILS WHICH IT BPlNr c 1o her al>•»•»»»)? ' ' ' tj ma • • oninvjij, ; ¦B. Shall licenses be nnntpd Fj I rSSCs; LT,T US« co. N.MIl . N ,. 1^{jairw*r»« n^-Tvl I 1 CASING BREWING CO, INC.. Na.ick . M.„. NAM M ^R S ^CO"'^"1 ?- W "' I * ™ £* AS . S bt. "^"** U :J DAWSON'S 8REWERY . INC.. New B.d.oid. M.„. '*«« BREWING COMPANY? MM./. ' . " . '.'"* R ' '' 1^ *"* •" •»¦>« milt b.^ NO M fM ENTERPRISE BREWING CO.. Fall Ri»«, Ma„ ^ AC0B ^PPERT . N.w York Ci" , N Y ' W ''C ' « <»->9es)7 I I I Ii Kj HAFFENREFFER |CO.. INC Boston Mni ?! * M- SCHAEFER BREWING rri n L. 1 9 C C .h.11 II . . . KSI r l HOLIHAN BROS ¦ tcVjiut i ... J0S - SCHUTZ BREWING Co uV B '00kl »". N. Y. : IVv,r hal ''"ns.l be granted _ ¦ * M HOLIHAN BROS.. BREWERS . M.„. WORCE STER n S c§ ^ " f H ! Wi 'c ' I ln , th,s L d,V or town) for the IVK V E^ H ¦-¦ «• -•¦3... ;: : :;: : .:::...,„ l^.s;",;'A:si: ^-X H WrV » « —.^ — — — - . ,a ' IM»«d . "ot to bo drunk on "° i M ^ M HSSH 1 ^ premis es? ^™ — M BROILED CLUB SIRLOIN STEAK with FRENCH FRIED ONION RINGS Special Steak House Style Relish Tray - Appetizer - Chef's Salad Choice of Potato and Fresh Vegetables Dessert and Beverage Complete Dinner - $3.75 FEATURED NIGHT LY IN OUR LOUNGE Evelyn Bauman at the Organ — Ralph Stevens at the. "Piano Bar" KING SIZED COCKTAILS THE Hyannis STEAK HOUSE Dining Room Open 4 P.M.-1I P.M. — Sundays 1 P.M.-11 P.M. Cocktail Lounge Till 1 A.M. Rte. 28, lyanough Road, Hyannis For Reservation SPring 5-2532 : Metal Railings : ! fisry? ; : RUST-OLEUM i • Stop present rust!-and give ' . I youi metal railings lasting • • beauty in the Rust-Oleu m J • coloi of your choice. Brush • I Rust-Oleum 769 Damp-Proof [ • Ri-'f Primer right over the < • ri ttd surface , after wire- • • brustiing rust scale and loose J • rust away! Follow-up with • I your desired Rusl-Oleum fin- J • ish color! Let us show you • J how Rust-Oleum can stop • • yout rusi problems, ' . CENTRAL HARD WARE 248 Main Street, Hyannis, Mass. Tel. SPring 5-0880 Robert E. Tobin, Prop. C A M P A NE L L A CARDi CONSTRUCTION CO. Asphalt Paving and Estimates on • Driveways Vardt • • Sidewalks • • Parking Areas • • Gae Station. • Route 130 Sandwich GArden 8-2433 WELDI NG HKI 'AHt - SUPFMRS - STBOI BAXTER WELDING H liny View Streei, llyaunla Tel. M'rlii n Il-0»7!i