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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
October 30, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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October 30, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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BUSINESS DIRECTORY RATES . minimum of i lines of space will i , ,ed at 10c per line for one , aertion; 9c per line for two or more Insertions. REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY Th0 publisher will be responsible r V only one incorrect insertion. Tho patriot reserves the right to edit or reject any copy received (or publication. i^rf0 " lATES ~ AND SERVICE ~ pONTIAC / i l m W k^m * O.M.C. \ ^ f ^ VAUXHALL \S' '59 PONTIAC America's No. 1 Road Car Exclusive Wide Track Wheels. Cape Cod's Exclusive Pontlac Dealer. Robertson Auto-8ervice Inc. Telephone SPring 5-0826 Bstabllshed 1926 —" ~~ SEE THE 1958 OPEL WARREN BUICK INC. 100 Barnstable Road, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-4900 CAPE COD AUTO RADIATOR WORKS, INC. Established 1929 Body and Fender Work Complete Auto Painting Radiator Repairing Tel. SPring 5-0858 West Main Street , Hyannis HOMEMAKER'S NEEDS OSBORNE'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized Westinghouse Dealer Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration Sales and Service Route 28 West Yarmouth Tel. SPring 5-0213 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE USED BUILDING MATERIALS Cape Lumber and Salvage Co Route 28 SPring 5-2266 ROBERT P. IIAYDEN GENERAL CONTRACTING Building Moving and Flaking Complete line of building parts Falmouth Avenue Cotuit Tel. GArden 8-6380 MODELS - HOBBIES CRAFTS ARTISTS' MATERIALS Capeway Hobby Center 538 Main Street , Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-1924 SERVICES THE PATRIOT PRESS PRINTING 24 Pleasant Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-2445 H M. MESERVE CO. The Finest in OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 368 Main Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-0433 R. B. CORCORAN CO. Plumbing and Heating Supplies Iyanough Road, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-1818 IF IT'S REAL TILE you want use CERAMIC TILE call LOUIS SERPICO 32 yrs. experience SPring 5-0738 HAROLD " ATBOYNE Tractor Repair Hydraulics - Ignition Falmouth Road , Centerville Tel. SPring 5-0636 G. W. Hallett & Son PLUMBING & HEATING OIL BURNERS Myers & Burks Pumps Tel. GArden 8-6940 Ostervllle M A S S A G E ~ Given by Henry Askeli , register- ed physiotherapist, formerly of Cape Cod Health Center and Har- vard Club of Boston, at OLA STEWART'S home, South Main Street, Centerville, Mass. For ap- pointment, call SPring 5-2313. LAUNDRY AND CLEANING RUG CLEANING STORAGE Cash and Carry at Plant Office CAPE COD LAUNDRY, INC. Tel. SPring 5-3200 Bicycles Repaired — For Hire JACK'S BIKE SHOP 18 Barnstable Road, Hyannis Your Evlnrude Dealer MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE THE WALLPAPER SHOPPE Home of Fine Wallpapers Window Shades, Curtains, Drapery Materials 302 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1755 MARTIN'S Cakes - Pasteries - Cookies Breads Rolls Special Pasteries For All Occasions 27C Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0820 Wast Dennis EXeter 8-2621 MURRAY'S FUEL OIL SERVICE, INC. Heating Oils Service - Quality - Satisfaction Dennis Port, Mass. Phone EXeter 8-2408 Metered Ticket Printers Authorization for a Chicago firm to undertako all professional work relative to tho preparation ot a long-range plan tor the possible expansion of Ihe Cape Cod Hos- pita l has been given by the Hos- pital's Board of Trustees. Administrator Gerard A. Ouel- lette announced that the E. Todd Wheeler and Perkins and Will firm will start early next month to siud y and survey the hospital and outline its long-range expansion program, The survey is expected to lake six months to complete. Following a recent tour ot the Hospital, Mr . Wheeler expressed the opinion that the facilities and equipment are well above the aver- age, according to accepted stand- ards tor the size and type of insti- tution such as the Cape Cod Hospital, He said the greatest advantage °f a long-range expansion plan is that the plan utilizes the profes- sional ideas and guidance of ex- perts in the field of hospital func- tion and design, to support the "'inking and work of the personnel actively concerned with the oper- ation and performance of the in- dividual institution. Mr, Wheeler described the over- il " Plan as a team operation to bring together members of the board, the medical staff , the hos- pital staff and technical advisors to Produce a facility that will meet ""' Standards of medical care established in the community. i'he long-range plan will project "llu stage of development for the "'"i ID years and a second stage '"' Hie following 10 years, it •rould accomplish considerable "'mud work illui present the Mart of Trustees and community *IU» a specific program. Members of the Hospital's Ex- D&DsiOfl Committee include Fred '• Howell , chairman; Mr. Ouel- 8lt *. secretaryj Hospital President Hospital Authorizes Professional Survey ^^v. NICKERSON f | JS j| FUNERAL and \JL\1/ MONUMENT \Jf SERVICES BOURNE - SANDWICH. MASS. Serving CAPE COD end Surrounding Communities ^APETCOD SECRETARIAL SCHOOL Typewriting Mimeographing All Public Stenographic Services Call Day and Evening Tel. SPring 5-1372 212 Ocean Street, Hyannls CLOUOH & H1GGINS GENERAL TRUCKING Gravel - Cinders - Rubbish Hauled Excavating and Cesspool Cleaning 302 Main Street, Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-1179 LEGAL NOTICES Re: SALE OF OSTERVILLE FREE LIBRARY CORPORATION PRO- PERTY , Main Street . Barnstable (Ostervllle), Massachusetts By virtue of a decree In equity of the Probate Court ot Barnstable County dated October 8th, 1958, sealed bids of not less than Ton Thousand Dollars ($10,000 i wil l he received al the office of Albert W. Rockwood, Attorney, 829 Main Street, Ostervllle, Massachusetts . up iii ta o'clock noon, November lib , i!>r> K , for the purchase of the parcel of land , with the building ther i , situated on Main street In Barnstable (Ostervllle) Barn- stable County, Massachusetts, and shown on the plan entitled "Plan of Land of Ostervllle Free Library Corporation, Ostervllle , Barn- stable" by T. II. Btegmaler, civil |.;n ;ineer, dated September C, 11)50, and to bu recorded , said parcel being bounded and described as follows : Southwesterly by Main Street , seventy-nine and 15/100 (79.15) feet; Northerly by land now or formerly of Margaret J. and Catherine j Hansberry, one hundred thirty-five and 33/100 (135.33) feet; ami Southeasterly by land now or for- merly of Robert K. Sims, a total distance of one hundred twenty-four and 79/100 (124.79) Ieel ; Containing according lo said plan about 1, 931 square feet , be all ol said measurements more or less, or however otherwise bounded and described. Said premises will be sold sub- ject to any and all unpaid taxes which have been assessed on said premises, If any, and other muni- pal lions , if any, there be. All bids must be accompanied by cash or a 1 ertifled check payable to the Ostervllle Free Library Corpora* lion in an amount equal to ten (10%) per cent <>t the amount of the bid price. The successful bid- der will be required to pay tho balance in cash or certified check ,,n or before December 1st. l'.iaS , or upon delivery of the deed. Said ostervllle Free Library Cor- poration reserves the right to re- i n, 1 .111 v and all such offers. OSTERVILLE FREE LIBRARY CORPORATION lly WalCOtt Ames, Treasurer in 16-98-30 NOTICE TO THE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CAPE COD HOSPITAL The Annual .Meetinn of the members ot the Corporation ol the Cape Cod Hospital will be held in the Medical Library of the hos- pital al 2:00 P.M., Wednesday. November 12, 1958. Oct. 30; Nov. 7. MOVING, TRANSPORTING Tel. SPring 5-0232 BAXTER TRANSPORT, INC. Boston - South Shore Cape Cod ¦4ELP WANTED FEMALE Immediate placement with Avon Cosmetics for energetic lady over thirty-five. Can work 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 40% commission. Write: Irene M. Davey, 100 Tyler Street, Attleboro, Masa . HELP^rVANTED MALE "MAN WITH CAR for full time business In Barnstable County. Run your own permanent business. Household Medicines -- Food Pro- ducts Extracts — Farmers' Sup- plies Hlg line. Good Profits. Wri te for particulars, Rawlelgh'a Dept., MA.I 124-194, Albany, N. Y." REALTORS REAL ESTATE Ot Every Description Bought , Sold and Exchanged JAMES A. WOODWARD Real Estate Agency Tel. SPring 5-0302 or 6-1247 SEE ME FIRST SCHUMAN REALTY CO. 255 Main Street Hyannis, MasB. Specializing In Cape Cod Properties Since 1929 Member of Multiple Listing Service Tel. SPring 5-0277 WALTER I. FULLER REALTOR Main Street, Ostervllle Call GArden 8-2165 Genleve C. Bearse REALTOR Centerville, Craigville nnd WeBt Hyannlsport Main Street, Centerville Tel. SPring 5-0865 CAPE COD REAL ESTATE INFORMATION CENTER SALES & RENTALS Route 28 Iyanough Road Hyannis Thomas M. Aylmer Evelyn Crosby SPring GArden 5-2645 or 6-1685 8-2469 WANT TO SELL? List your property with Barnstable County Real Estate Exchange 255 Main Street , SPring 5-0277 REAL ESTATE CAPE COD REAL ESTATE Exclusive Listings given Prompt and Personal Attention by James F. Kenuey, Realtor 18 Ocean Street, Hyannls Tel. SPring 5-0907 BEN GRASSI REAL ESTATE SALES RENTALS Specializing in good building lots as low as $250.00. $25 down with convenient monthly payments Evenings: SPring 5-4976 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES Special Town Meeting Warrant TOWN OF BARNSTABLE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss. To either ol' the Constables or any Police Officer of the Town of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable . Greeting : i n the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, yon are directed to notif y and warn the Inhabitants of the sniil Town of Barnstable qualified to vote in elections nnd in Town affairs , to meet at the Barnstable Junior High School Auditorium, Hyannis, Massachusetts, on Thursday, the S i x t h day of November, l!)r>8, at 8:00 o 'cl ock in the evening, th en and there to act on the following Articles! Article 1. To see if the town will appropriate $40,000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account to augment Ihe previou s appropriation for tho dredging of Hyannis Har- bor entrance channel , provided the Federal Government and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts mak e contribu- tion thereto. Article 2. To see if the town will appropriate $o()0.0n from the Excess and Deficiency Account for a study nnd report relative to the cost and feasibility of enclosing the Kennedy Mem orial Skating Rink. (By request of the Town of Barnstable Playground and Recreation Commission.) -V iui yon are directed to serve t h i s warrant by posting up attested cop ie s thereof at each and every Post Office Dist rict in the said town nnd by publishing th e same in the Rarnstahl e Patriot , a newspaper published in said town , seven days at least before the time of holding said meeting, HEREOF FAIL N OT , and mak e duo return of this Warrant, w i t h your doings th ereon to the Town Clerk , at the time and pla ce of meeting aforesaid, (liven under our hands this twenty-eighth day of October, l !»f>8. VI CTOR F. A D A M S GEORGE L. CROSS B. T H O M A S MURPHY Hoard of Selectmen of the Town of Barnstable A tru e copy, A t t est : Gail C. Nightingale Acting Clerk of Selectmen LEGAL NOTICE The Commonwealth of Massachusetts EDWARD J. CliONIN Secretary of the Commonwealth Boston, Octoher 10, 195S I certif y that the following is a list of all tho candidates duly nom- inated to he voted for in the Cape & Plymouth Senatorial District, November 4, and tho form of all questions to bo voted on nt eatd election. Edward J. CrOnln, Secretary of the Commonwealth 1 9 5 8 SENATOR IN GONGRESS Vote for One .John B\ Kennedy of 122 Bowdoln Street, Boston, Democratic. Vincent ,l. Celeste of 7 Havre Street , Boston, Republican, Lawrence (illfedder of 11 l i- Chap- man Street , Waterlown , Socialist Labor. Murk It. Shaw ilf 111 Trenton Street; Melrose . I'rolllliition. GOVERNOR. Vote for One foster Furcolo of ^12 Longmeadow street, Longmeadow, Democratic. Charles Gibbons ot 53 Oak Street, Stoneham, Republican. Meaning A Blomen of 120 Powdei House Boulevard, s rville, Su clalisl Labor. Guy s. Williams ol 777 Pleasanl Street , Worcester , prohibition. LEGAL NOTICES REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vole for One. First Barnstable District Allan K. Join's of HynnnlH Koad , Barnstable, Republican. REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vole for One. Second Barnstable District Hurry It. Alhro of Main Street, Harwich, Republican, Walter w. Oilraore of Pleasant Luke Avenue , Harwich, Demo- cratic, REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vole for One. First Dukea District Joseph A. Sylvia of Who; Itoad , oak muffs , Republican. REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vole for One . First Nantucket District Robert F. Mo'iney of 10 Wesl Chefl tor Streei . Nantucket-, Republi- can Democratic . AUDITOR. Vole for One Thomas .J Buckley of lxo Com- monwealth Avenue , Boston , Dem- ocratic. Thomas il. Adams or 29 Bucking- barn Place , Springfield, Repub- lican. John it. Lauder of 38 Barretl Street , Revere, Prohibition. Arno A . Sortell ol 9 .vorrowuy Ave- nue, Randolph, Socialist Labor, ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for One. Christian A, Heiter , Jr.. of 181 Hammond Street , Newton , Re- publican. Edward J. McCormack, Jr., of l l i o Morton streei , iioston , Demo- cratic. Charles A, Couper of lfix I'ike Ave - nue, Attleboro, Socialist Labor. Oustaf li. Nissan of 4 Davis Court , Concord, Prohibition. CONGRESSMAN. Vote for One Ninth District John AJmelda , Jr., <>f 166 BVank si reel . New Bedford , Demo- cratic. Hastinga K eith of 81 River Street, Weal Bridgewater, Republican. COUNCILLOR. Vote for One . First DIstrli i. Kranklnnd W. L Miles of Rocky Hill Road, Plymouth , Republican, Finest c Btaaiun of 52 Center Street, Fairbaveni Democratic, SENATOR. Vole for One Cape and Plymouth District Edward C, St°ne of p. o. Box il , Ostervllle, Barnstable , Repub- lican , p,. olaralu A. .Merrlhew of 14 Eighth Street, Wareham , Demo- cratic . L I E U T E N A N T G O V E R N O R . Vote for One . Robert F. Murphy ot 80 Weal Hol- der Road, Maiden, Democratic, Elmer C, Nelson of Mlacoe Road, Memiiiii . Republican *. Harold E. Russell of ill! Easl SI reel Clinton . Prohibition. Francis A, Votano of 95 Park Street, Lynn , Sin iulisl Labor. S E C R E T A R Y . Vole for One . Edward .1. Cronin ol 13 Plnecresl Avenue , Peaboiiy, Democratic, Marion Curran Boch of 744 Nepon- set SI reel , Norwood, Republican Fred M. tngersoll ot 516 ESBBS Street, 1,vim , Socialist Labor. Julia li . Kohler of 302 Marlborough street , Boston, Prohibition TREASURER. Vote for One John F. Kennedy Ol 2222 Washing ton Street, Canton, Democratic, John BJ, Vei -x.-i of :ID Highland Street . Dedham, Republican. Warren (' . Carborg of Shaw Street, Medway, Prohibition. John Erlandsson of 152 Walter Streei , Boston, Socialist Labor. REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vote for One . First Plymouth District John A. Armstrong of 14 Nelson Street , Plymouth, Republican. Bradford II. Dole of nigh Street, Carver , Hen inte REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vote for one . Second Plymouth Distrlcl i i.lnirne A. MoMol rev. of Is Jnine Way. Sciiimie , Democratic. Francis W. Perry pf Temple Street , Duxbury, Republican. REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vote tor one Fourth Plymouth Distrlcl Vinson Bluncbard of 100 Cheatuul Street, Ablngton, Republican, j ames p. Fitzgerald of 3d George Street, Rockland, i " mocratlc REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT. Vote for one Fifth Plymouth DiBtrlcl Malcolm B Boynton of 253 School streei , whi tman, Republican. Richard J Bradley of 200 Elm si reel . Bridgewater, Democratic R t H K t b t l N lf t l l V t let umunni. COURT. Vote for one . sixth Plymouth Distrlcl Alum II. WniTall of Wcw cantic shores , Wareham, Republican. Thomas D. Sena of Staples Shore Road, Laki'vilie , Democratic, DISTRICT ATTORNEY Vut c for One. Plymouth Distric t John R, Wlicuil c) or 80 Aahluud Street , Ablngton, Republican. Henry C. QUI Of 68 Arlington Street, iiriicklou, Democrain DISTRICT ATTORNEY Vale for One. Southern District Edmund Dial* of 29 Arnold place, Now Bedford) Democratic. Alan S. Falk of 399 John Street, New Bedford, Republican, CLERK OF COURTS Vote for one Barnstable County Barbara Holmes Nell ol Main Street, Barnstable, Republican, CLERK OF COURTS Vote for one Dukes County. James A. DoylS of Main Btl ' bury, Republican. CLERK OF COURTS Vote for One, Nanlin :kel County Wesley A. Pbrdyce 'if ' ¦ ' . Berlins . Street, Nantut tat, Republican. CLERK OF COURTS VotS for One-. Plymouth County. George C. P. OlSSOll of Clifford Road, Plymouth, Republican John ¦'• Daley ot 187 Su strei t, Bridgewater, Dene. LEGAL NOTICES REGISTER OF DEEDS Vote tor one . BarnBtable District, I lean S. Sear ol 7 Sea Street, Den- nis , Republican, REGISTER OF DEEDS Vole (or One . Dukes County District. Philip J. Norton or West Tisbury Road. Kdgiirtow n . Republican. REGISTER OF DEEDS Vole for One. Nantucket District Josiah s. Barrett of :i Martins Lane, Nantucket , Republican. REGISTER OF DEEDS Vote for One. Plymouth District. Richard W. Holm of 22 Free Street, Illnghnm. Republican. John R. Buckley of 198 Centre Avenue , Ablngton, Democratic. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Vote for One. Barnstable county. Oscar j. Oahoon of 88 Harbor Road , Harwich, Republican, John 11. Tulis of Yarmouth, Demo- cratic. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Vote for One. Dukes County. Stephen C. Luce , Jr. of Greenwood Avenue , Tlsliury, Republican. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Vote for One. Plymouth County. Loo F. Nourso of 20 Clarence Ave- nue , Bridgewater, Republican. Paul j. ( Hills of ir, Captain Pierce Road, ScltuatO, Democratic. Q U E S T I O N S IN ALL CITIES AND TOWNS QUESTION NO 1 LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Do you approve of a law sum- marized below which was dis- approved Iii the House of Repre- sentatives by a vote of 73 In the affirmative and 132 in the negative and was approved In Ihe Senate by a vote of 21 in tho .Y Esi affirmative and 17 In tho ' zl negative? 1 NO I SUMMARY The proposed measure provides that every former public employee, other than a judge , who Is pen- sioned or retired for disability, shall reporl to his retirement auth- ority, annually, his earnings from gainful Occupation during Ihe pre- ceding year; and that, If such earn- ings , plus tho pension , exceed Iho regular compensation of the posi- tion formerly hold , ihe pensioner shall refund that portion of his pension equal lo such excess or the entire pension If such excess Is greater than Ihe pension. A re- fund , if required , shall nol include any purl of a pension represented by salary deductions from or spc dui purchase by the former em- ployee, The requirement or a re- fund is uoi applicable to Income received Iu or prior lo P. I5S. QUESTION NO. 2 A. shall licences be granted In this city 'or town ) for the sale I herein Of all alcoholic beverages (whisky, rum , gin , mall beverages, wines ami all v l ; oilier alcoholic bever- aces I? ' N O | II. Shall licenses lie granted in Ibis city lor town) for Iho sale therein of wines and mult bever- ages (wines and beer, „ , „ , ule ami ail other malt [ bevarges) ? ' NO I c. shall licenses lie granted In ibis oily (or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic hevorngea in packages , su called, y , g mil to lie drunk on Hie premises) ? MC> QUESTION NO. 3 A. shall the pari inutuel ayaloro nt betting on licensed horse races be permitted In this y ES | | N Oj P, Shall Ihe pari muliiel BJ Iti in oi betting -.ii licensed dog i ni • be permitted in tit le y t i county ? „,„ NO iii the ' oiiiii ) ni Barnstable QUESTION No. 4 •'Shall an act passed hy tin- tien ei ni Courl In Ho- year nineteen hun- dred ami flfty eight, entitled 'An \ i i authorising the conatructlon HI . i maintenance ol a training school for IIro fighters , Y E S in the county ol Barn- stable', lie accepted?" NU In Ih e Town nl Cay Head QUESTION NO. 4 "Shall sections one iii twenty eight Inclusive of chapter thirty- two of ihe General Lawa, authorhs ing any ei 'y or town In establish I contributory retirement system for Its employees, be accepted by ihis town us applicable to ail or its employees except Icachet H who are eligible for membership .y^g, In the leueliers' retire . . ¦ ment system ?" I NU In the Town ol Marshllolil QUESTION NO. 4 "Shall section one bundled and eleven of chapter forty one of the Cr ucial Laws , iinn liliii ^, fur VtUSO tlons for certain munlcl y g g, pul employ i . he in' ..pied?" I NO QUESTION NO. 5 "Shall ihe Representative from ibis Distrlcl be Instructed to vote io establish an exclusively state conducted lottery once s yea r, on about July lib, to be known as the 'Massachusetts Bweepstakes Draw- , v< uii one hair ur the 1m ome to he given as cash pi tsea and the Other one ball ' used to ygg , ni real 8 itute laxi ! ,.,_, NO in the - 'd Plymouth if . prei entatlva Biatrial d cepl the Town ol Mm hfluld): QUESTION HO. 4 "Shall the R( w t utatlva from Ho Ulatrli t be In - i . . , tabllsh .HI exelu ¦ ¦ ly late i omlui oil loiter) once a yeaj , on ni abOUl July tth. Iu he '• the 'Massachusetts Sweepstakes Drawing', with om hall ol thi In , ome lo i"- given a ¦ cash prises and ii« d othei one hall YEt) used tu mi. real eatutc taxca? " N O Commonwealth ot MnBtinc nuBctts Barnstable, HM . Probata Court Tu nil persona luteroati d In tho estate or CARRIE L. HOWARD, late of Barnstable (Centerville), In said County, dooeaei .1 A petition has been pie enlcd to aid i lourl for probate of a cortaln nil. ni purporting to h» iho he i will of auld deceased by ELIZA FiETH H. POOLE, of l i n n tlll l l l (Cen terville), in the County of Bu iisltiblo, praj Ing lhai she be up piilnieii executrix ihereol VMI I I . HH giving n surely on her bond, and further praj Ing thai said will ma) h.. proved and allowed wltl i te ii niniiy of aubscrlblng wltno II ¦. ,, i do II e in objeol iie i oln vou or your attorney should, (Ilo n writ ten appearance In auld Courl ui Barnstable befor ten p'plock Iu the forenoon on the I2lh day of ., ember, 10B8, ihe return d i a thl citation, Witness, K K N K i c K A : • lam will of aald deceased hy MAHY P. D I L L I N G H A M , of llunisUibl.- (Ostervllle), In llu- County of llurn- i.lalile . playing thai SOS be up pointed executrix thereof without giving J surely mi IH T liond ami further praying lhat laid wi ll may tut proved and allowed without llu- testimony of ihe subscribing wii nesses. If you desire to objeol thereto you or your attorney nhouhl lllo a written appearance in aei court at Barnstable before ten O'clock In the forenoon on the c i h dux til November , Pl. 'iX , the i el urn day nf en . citation. Witness , K K N R K ' K A. SPAK ROW , Ksiiuire , Judge o) auld Court, this niih day or October, 1958, A L K H K D c KNIGHT, Register, I li i 88, ::i) Nov (1 LOST PASSBOOKS Notice is hereby given thai Passbooks, No 8779, K' MI, I:;V ;H . 16014, 18620, 18C88, 14067, S052r». 88301, 23466, 88474, X :;1«1 Issued by ilyaiilils Trust Compan/. tm I been h/si or destroyed, ami that appllcal Ion ha ¦ In i n mads to Hj annis Trust i' i,,npuiiy lo issue duplicate booka li ordani a wi th Bee 10, chap. 690, Acts or 190 D' I :¦ :, 30, Nov 0 LOST PASSBOOKS i borelj - i. . II i ti.ii Pasi hooks, No DHI il ' ¦¦ DH li . n't , 3337, 309 t, 1899 ¦ 170, 3466, i by iii>- iiyatiniii Co-Opei aiive Bank, have been losl oi da Iroyed ami that applications have been made to the Hyannis Co Operative Bank to I me duplicate books In accordance A I I II Set 1" Chap. 690, Acts „r 1808, Oct, - '¦) . 30, Nov 6. LEGAL NOTICES MORTGAGEES SALL OF REAL ESTATE By \ i i i n e ami execution of thi s Power of sale contained In a cef lain mortgage given by Mary Jo Bephtne Broome ami Anna Marie Broome, both or Barnstable (C( a- tervllle ) , Barnstable County , Mas- sachusetts to The Wareham Sav- ings Hank , of Wareham , Plymouth County, Massachusetts , dated De- cember :!() , 1964 nnd recorded i" the Barnstable county Registry of Deeds as Document No. 12800 noted on Certificate or Title No. rati!) In Land Registration Book 85, Pago 109, of which mortgage the under- signed Is the mortgagee and present bolder , for breach of Iho Conditions of said mortgage and for tho pur- pose of foreclosing the same, will bo sold al Public Auction at 11:00 o'clock A . M. On I'YIday, tho four- teenth day of November, Ifl fiS, on the premises, all and singular, thn premises described In siild mort- gage , to wit: "The land together with the build- ings thereon located in Barnstable (Centerville), Barnstable county, Massachusetts , hounded and de- scribed as follows: S O IT T II K A S T 10 R LY by Main Street bv two lines mousm-ini; 118.64 feel and 38.38 feet, re- spectively : S O I ;T H W I.:STI.;R I , V by Lot D, 157.1!:! feel ; NORTHWESTERLY! '»' '-and now or formerly Nelson Bearse. (Certificate No. 8494), 40 foot : and NORTHEASTERLY by Lot C-4, ISt 15 foi l All of Bald boundaries are deter- mined by the Courl lo he located aa shown on Subdivision plan i&os7- C dated January 2U . 1988, drawn by Nelson Bearse, filed with the Land Courl at Boston, n copy of which is tiled in Barnstable County Reg istrj of Deeds in Lund Registration Book l" Page to wlih Certificat e o( Title No. 8870, and snld laud In Bhown thereon as Lot C5. Said land is subjec t to the es- tablishment of a building lino on sulci Main Street by The Town Ot Barnstable, us set forth In an order dated May ' i , 1929 duly recorded In Rook 484 I' ago 410, for title of the mortgagor refer- ence Is made lo Certificate oi Title No. 1^:100 Lund Registry Hook KT, Page 109. lly a partial release dated 0pt° her 17, l!>57 , Document No . 55858 , Lot CO , on the plan above referred to , wns released from the operation of this mortgage. Said premises will be Bold J*11 '1 Jecl to unpaid tuxes , lax lilies ami lax assessments, ir any. Terms or sale: 81,000.00 to be paid iu cash or certified clu ck bv the purclinser al the time nnd place ¦>r sale; other terms to be an- nounced til the sale . Authority lo foreclose snlil morl cage was granted by Decree of the Barnstable county Superior court in Case No, 26048, dated October li, 1068 THE WAREHAM SAVINGS HA NK . MORTOAQEE iiv Frauds P. Reed, Treasurer Oct, 23, 80, Nov II Classified Business Directory ' LfcUAL. IMOIIOkb Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , su . Probate Court To all persons Interested In the estate of A R I E L H. TALLMAN, late of Barnstable (Ostervllle), In said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Courl for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be tho last will Of said deceased by CATH- E R I N E T A L LM A N , of Hai lislabli - (Ostervllle), in the County of Born- stable, praying that she be ap- pointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object therein you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock iu the forenoon on the 12th day or November, 1958, the return day of this citation. Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- ROW, Esquire, Judge of said Court, this Kith day of October , 1968, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Register. Oct.23. 30, NOV . 6 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons interested In the estate of H EL E N A F. ROBBINS, late of Barnstable (Centerville), in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to he the last will of said deceased by C H A N D L E R ROBBINS, of Port Washington In the County of Nas- suu , State of New York, praying that he be appointed executor thereof without giving a surety on his bond. If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should tile a written appearance in said Courl at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the l- 'th day of November , 1958 , the return day of this citation. Witness , KENRICK A. SPAR- HOW. Kstiuire , Judge of said Court , this 20th day of October, 1958. ALFRED 0. KNIOHT, Register, Oct.23, 80, Nov. 6 . LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given (hat Passbook, No. 25835 , issued by Hy- annis Trust Company, has been lost or destroyed, and that applica- tion has been made to Hyannis Trust Company to Issue a dupli- cate hook in accordance with Sec. tit , Chap. 590, Acts of 1908. October 16, 23, 80. Randolph Payson, Walter G. Bob- insoii , Miss Klhel M. Barton , Di- ector ot Nursing; Dr. John O. Niles and Dr. Donald E. Higgins.