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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
October 30, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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October 30, 1958
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L CEHTERVILLE uft S WILL IAM E. BELDAN Tel. SPring 5-9039 VILLAGE CHURCH Information Sunday was oh- flPr ved at the Village Church Sun- * i y Oct. 26, with a sermon, "Why Am a Protestant" presented by ' hP pastor , Rev. WaiTen H. John- The Junior choir sang two inlheni s, "Lead Me, Lord" and „. S| Ilg You a Song of the Saints ,-,( God." Twenty-three men of the parish net at 0:15 Sunday morning to iravel to Falmouth to attend the ripper Cape Division of the an- ¦ ual Men 's Communion and Break- fflS| sponsored by the Cape Cod CouBOn of Churches. Several Centerville people are attending the Tuesday evening ses- 8iona of the Cape Cod School of Religion held Tuesday evenings at ;he Federated Church of Hyannis. Men of the church who look for- ward to the organization of "A Village Church Men's Club" gath- er last Thursday evening, Oct. 23, ,n begin work on a special project. BARNSTABLE ASSOCIATION The Village Church (South Con- gregational) and its pastor, Rev. Warren H. Johnson , were hosts to ihe annual fall meeting of the Barnstable Association of Congre- gational Christian Churches and Ministers, Sunday afternoon and evening. The Rev. Myron W. Fow- ell, secretary of the Massachusetts Congregational Christian Confer- ence, was speaker during the after- noon session which also included the business meeting with the Roll { 'all of Churches and reports of committees and of delegates to the (ieneral Council held in Boston >hls slimmer. The Association went on record as opposing organized gambling pari-mutuel betting and state lottery. Supper was served to delegates by the ladies of the church and Women 's Fellowship assisted by members of the Senior High Pil- grim Fellowship. The Rev. Harry h. Meyer of Harwicli brought a timely message at the evening ser- vice of worship. PILGRIM FELLOWSHIPS A rally for the members of the Junior High Pilgrim Fellowship was held Sunday evening, Oct. 19, in tho vestry of the church . A wor- ship service, game session and fel- lowship hour were enjoyed at this first meeting of the fall season. Ad- visors of the group, which meets at 5 p.m. each Sunday, are Mrs. Gerard C. Besse, Jr., Mrs. John E. Monroe and Edward H. White, assisted by the pastor of the church , Rev. Johnson. "The Growth In Our Ideas of God" was the topic of the Senior High Pilgrim Fellowship meeting held at 7 p.m. October 19 with the showing of a fllmstrip and dis- cussion. WOM EN'S FELLOWSHIP Members and guests of the Women 's Fellowship of the Village Church gathered Monday evening, Oct. 20, for a covered dish supper , a business meeting in charge of Mrs. Peter Palches, president, a talk on Stewardship by Rev. John- son, and a filmstrip, "The Miracle of Warren Walker." Routine re- ports were received and plans were made for the Christmas sale to be held Friday, Nov. 14. It was announced that a show- ing of the film , " The Lady From Philadelphia" is scheduled at the church on Sunday evening, Nov. 9. The public is invited to see this "widely acclaimed film of Marian Anderson 's triumphant tour of Sontheast Asia as presented on CBS-TV network. Of 60 minutes duration the film includes several wngs, hymns and Negro Spirituals, hy Miss Anderson and is enjoyable '" all ages. No fee will be charged (b y agreement with the TV and I'm Industries). °UR LADY OF VICTORY GUILD Members or Our Lady of Victory ,;uild gathered in the parish hall 'if the church on Monday evening, "'• 20 for their monthly meeting. Opened with n prs ?er by the pastor, the meeting, conducted by Mrs. Waller E. Baker , Jr., president , in- cluded routine reports with final plans for the card party which was held last Thursday, Oct. 23, and the furthering of plnns for the Christmas Bazaar , Nov. 22. Hos- tesses of the evening were Mrs. Harold Bragle, Mrs. Charles Bax- ter , Mrs. Raoul Boudrenu and Mrs . Niles Tldesvilde. OUR LADY OF VICTORY CHURCH Masses at Our Lady of Victory Church are held each Sunday at 7, 8:30 and 10:30 A.M. with the Ros- ary and Benediction held each Sun- day at 1:30 as announced by the Rev. Howard A. Waldron , pastor. Instructions for children of ele- mentary school ages, grades 1 to 6 are held immediately after the 8:30 A .M. masses on Sunday. Young people of juni or and sen- ior high school ages meet at the church at 7 P.M. on Monday even- ings for their instruction . LIBRARY NOTES National Book Week is being ob- served at the Centerville Library with a special event for children and grownups alike. A Doll Show has been planned for 3 to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternons , Nov. . '!, 5 and 7, when people of all ages (hut especially children) have been invited to par- ticipate in exhibiting and in view- ing dolls of all sizes and descrip- tion including old fashioned , new type and dolls of other countries. Special books on dolls will also be on display. Watch for news of the Fall Flow- er Show to take place at the Li- brary Nov . 14. CATHOLIC MEN'S CLUB Members of Our Lady 's Catholic Men 's Club gathered in the parish hall Thursday evening, Oct. 23, to complete plans for their baked bean and ham supper to be held Saturday evening, Nov. 8, In the parish hall . Frank Mello is chair- man of the committee in charge. UNICEF—TRICK OR TREAT The UNICEF Trick or Treat pro- gram in Centerville this year will be conducted by members of Cen- terville 's We-to-ma-chick and To- wan-ka groups of Camp Fire Girls and girls of last year's Blue Bird group, under a community service project. Mrs. Seth Heywood of South Main Street , member of Ihe United States UNICEF committee, as in other years, has been instrumental in getting the drive started under various village and town chairmon in the Mid-Cape area. Mrs. Laur- ence W. Bearse is assisting Mrs. Heywood, the guardians and lead- ers of the groups, in planning the progra m here. Adult volunteers ' will drive the girls to various parts of the village where they will con- duct the drive Friday afternoon. Although most of us know the great good which is done with the money raised from these drives, we should like to stress that fact by use of the following quotation tak- en from a drive folder— "Hallowe'en goodwill ambassa- dors for UNICEF know that: one cent provides the vaccine to pro- tect a child from tuberculosis , five cents provides penicillin to cure a child of a crippling tropical diease called yuws, and 10 cents provides fifty glasses of nourishing milk vital to growth". When have we ever received such value for this amount of cash and how can wo measure the good which wlll be done to make the world a bet- ter place for so many children In over 100 countries , children less fortunate than ours? Our children , too , gain something specinl in their service to others. ANNUAL HALLOWE 'EN PARTY Centerville Fireman 's Associa- tion members have planned their annual Hallowe 'en part y for Fri- day evening, October 31 at 6:30 p.m. at the new Centerville School. Arranged for all village children from pre-sehool age through grade B, the affair will include a costume parade with prizes to be awarded , movies and refreshments . Chair- man of the affair is Clark Hallett. CHEERY GREETINGS To: Seabury Bearse of South Main Street who is a patient at Barnstable County Hospital in Po- caaset. To: Mrs . Herbert Snnderman of Pond Drive who Is u patient at Cape Cod Hospital , Hyannis. CONGRATULATIONS To: Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bishop of Randolph who are the happy parents of a baby son, Rob- ert Carl Bishop, born Oct . 10. Mrs. Bishop is well known here as Ihe former Anne Hanson. Other mem- bers of this famil y is young David, two years of age. Grandparent hon- ors go to Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter O. Hanson of South Brnintree , and to Mr. and Mrs . Raymond L. Bishop of Qulncy. To: Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus of Cnlirornia and Main Street, this village, president and general man- ager of tho Technicolor Corpora- tion , who has been named an hon- orary member of the Society of Mo- tion Pictures and Television En- gineers. The award was given in recognition of his achievements over a period of many years in bringing color motion pictures to audiences throughout the world and was presented to him at the society's 84th semi-annual conven- tion held at tho Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel in Detroit , recently. PERSONALS Herbert Hutchinson of Framing- ham has been a weekend guest of the Gerard C. Besse, Jr., family. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Cummings, daughter Sherry and son Russell of South Paris, Maine spent a re- cent weekend with Mr. Cummings' parents , Mr . and Mrs . George Cum- mings of Camp Opecheo Road, Wilton Childs wns host at a fam- ily parly for his son, the llev. Felix S. Childs , at his home on Centerville-West Barnstable Road , on Thursday, Oct. 23. A special birthday cake from Martin 's Bak- ery was featured. The Very Rev. Don Domemico DeLuca of Romo has been a guest of Rev. Childs at his Fall River church parish. MRS. CAR RIE HOWARD Mrs. Carrie L. (Sweetser) How- ard , 86, a resident of Pond View Drive , Centerville , for about nine years , died at Cape Cod Hospital on October 9 after a long illness. The widow Lester L. Howard and the mother of Mrs. Arthur B. Boole, also of Pond View Drive , she was a charter member of the Brockton Woman 's Club and a member of the South Congregational Church , Brockton. MRS. MABEL HOPKI NSON Mrs . Mabel W. (Burnham) Hop- klnson , 82, mother of Mrs. II. Angus Connors of Wequaquel Heights and a resident in Center- ville for ten years, died Monday, October 27. Survivors besides Mrs. Connors include two other daugh- ters, a son, three grandchildren, and seven great grandchildren. MRS. ARMAND DROU IN Mrs. Martha Katherine (Delnnoy) Drouin, 40 , wife of Arniand Droiiin of Wtquuquet Heights died on Monday. October 20 at Cape Cod Hospital. Born In Concord and a resident of the Town of Barnstable for 23 yeurs, the last severa l in Centerville , she wns a charter mem- ber of Hyannls Woman 's Club and a member of the Emblem Club . Our sincere sympathy to her sur- vivors who include besides her has- band her mother , Mrs. Jessie De- laney; a daughter , Janet (' .; a sou Paul F.j two sisters, a brother and several nieces and nephews . Services were held at Doane , ileal and Amos Funeral Home on Wed - nesday, October 22 , und burial in Oak Neck Cemetery in HyunnlH with the. Rev. Curl F. Schultz, D.D. of Hyannis Federated church , tho officiating clergyman. ADVENTURES IN READING GROUP Nine members of the Adventures In Reading Group Of the Villago Church Women 's Fellowship mot at the home of Mrs. Edward II. White Monday evening, Oct. 27. About 30 books wore revluwod , briefly, and an Interesting discus- sion period was much enjoyed. Re- freshments were served by tho hostess. Anyone Interested in Join- ing the group should contact Mrs. Chester Horvoy, chairman, .^ , 1 * 9 Craigville Beach Road Charlie s HYANNISPORT NOW OPEN the NEW and truly BEAUTIFUL HYANNIS PORT ROOM Dining and Cocktail Lounge Specializing in STEAKS - CHOPS • CHICKEN :ocktail Lounge Dinln9 Room )pen Dally 10 A.M.-1 A.M. Open 6 P.M.-10 P.M FOR RESERVATION - PHONE SP 5-9666 ' BUCKLE ITS AUTO BODY M O V E D to new location 100 Ridgewood Avenue Tel. SPring 5-2803 GUmtiTttD PtRFia Hyannis Jewelry Shop 37t Main St. - Hyannis SHOP LEISURELY! SHOP NOW! for your 4}A££VUA/IL CHRISTMAS CARDS to be imprinted with your name. "When you care enough to tend the very be*t" H. M. MESERVE CO. 368 Main Street Hyannis Tel. SPring 5-0433 VISIT COLBY PHOTO SUPPLY ;H7 MAIN STREET HYANNIS Cape Cod's Photographic Center Tel. SPring 5-0345 „UUUUUL mm innnuMMi i i i i mi I ¦ " ^gg-j^sIT'S Wl$t TO OKDM METERED /^'T^C^T'S"" « M0"S (SS jgTTrj DELIVERY C^^FUElOlli Md ^EARLY ! FUEL OIL * ^ T ^/^ vv ^ % PHINNEY COAL & OIL INC. COAL - WOOD - ICE ¦ FUEL OILS Telephone SPring 5-0050 nnkTk HYANNIS 145 YARMOUTH ROAD i n nnnnnn-rJ i.¦¦»» * ¦M MM "rv ,oi"VTO»'wv PER GALLON REBATE M CJ Toward the Purchase of * DUPONT ZEREX " Permanent Anti Freeze CASH AND CARRY **' Regular Price $3.20 ¦ * * 09- Rebate 1 .00 P* < rjj Net Cost To You $2.20 P I > O. K. RUBBER WELDERS <* ^ 37 HIGH SCHOOL ROAD HYANNIS *- $ $ 3AV$ $ $ 3AV$ $ $ 3AV$ AW S ^ I ^ MS ^ "Think u k i i ii Milan j m ^A \ \W 1 . . . In buy iir Inillil .i hemic . . . GNr *9\- f i mid live in II while you 'rn puyiiiK W I , \..j) _*W/7 '"' '" L! " many happy home own- J -S. ^7 i L^s ll: ' 'lll v '' accomplished this goal / ^^ J2^ (• / through the Sandwich co-operative / ^ ^' / Hindi Direel Reduction Mortgage, Come in and learn tbi details nl your eorlios.1 convenience, Payment! may be made at Barnstable Count y National Bank of Hyannls The " Friendl y Wank A^ j xHetwicn \^ r IHCOaPORATED 1883 MAIN STREET, SANDWICH, MASSACHUSETTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT iPsTERVILLE BARBARA W. WYIVi AN GArden 8-2146 HISTORICAL SOCIETY ELECTS At a meeting of tho Board of Directors of the Ostorvlllo His- torical Society on Thursday, Oct. 2:t , i ho following members were voted Into office: President, Mrs. (' . Koscoe Hinckley; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Konald Chesbro; secro- tiiry, Mrs. V. J, Bingham; director , Andrew Mall . it was also announced thai there are Ave new llfo memberships! Mrs. John McWilllniii H, Mrs. Wil- liam Tripp, Mrs. J. ,1. Ilodell , Mrs. Lewis Burlingttom, Mrs. Edward Legge. The society will hold a fond snlo in the Ostervllle Drug Store on Saturday, Nov. 22 al 10 a.m. W.S.C.S. MEETING The Woman's Society for Chris- tian service of ihe Community- Methodist Church will meet Nov. 5th at 8 p.m., in the vestry. Mrs, Alfred Whlleley wlll preside . GARDEN CLUB The Qarden Club Will meet Mon- day, Nov . 3 at 2 p.m., in the Com- munity Center. Tho speaker , Mrs. Williaiu P. Susan, has chiisou as her topic, "Let's ColobnUo Thanks- giving." The hostess will bo Mrs. Rudolph C. Llml. PERSONALS Mrs . Susie Crocker Shaw of liuworih . N . .1 . recently visited her cousin, Miss (Catherine Hlnokley at Marstons Mills. Mrs. Ilarland Matthews of lliiin- anl Road is confined to her home by illness . Her mother , Mrs . Eugene Leland or Bar Harbor , .Maine is visiting her for some time, Mrs. Philip Andrews of Miami . Florida is visiting her mother , Mrs Harry Tallinan, Wianno Avenuo. Mrs, Francis Varnum <>r Detroit , Michigan visited friends and rela- tives in the Village lust week. Mrs. Thomas Dowd of Needlmm , who has been III , recently visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Hanks , W ianno Avenue. -Mis. Mary Situs , l'ino Lane, is visiting her sister and family, Mr. ami Mrs, William Scanlon In Law- rence, Rev, and Mrs A. Alan Travel s are In Now York City for n raw days. Mi's. Francis B, Hearse Is con- fined to her Tower Hill Head home with pneumonia, We expect to be In South Royal- ton, Vermont nil next week , so if you have news Hems will you please call the Patriot at SPring 5-2115 . IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PATRIOT