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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
October 30, 1958     Barnstable Patriot
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October 30, 1958
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAPER SUPPORTS REPUBLICAN STATE-COUNTY CANDIDATES Little time remains Iiefore Election Day. The basic issue of tliis election is onl y too clear . . . and devastating; Tt involves not only the future of our Commonwealth, but the personal future of every citizen in this State. According to figures compiled last year by the V. S. De- partment of Commerce, Massachusetts was carrying a debt of $733,381,000, the largest State debt in the nation. This meant that every man, woman and child in Hay State owed $162.38 ,,t that time , nearly five times the national average of $29.74. The State 's debt has grown even larger under the Furcolo administration and is now reputed to be close to one billion dollars. In all fairness it should be told that the bulk of this alarm- ing debt cannot be charged to the Furcolo administration but had been the accumulation of severa l administrations, both Democrat and Republican. Nobody likes to have a large debt hanging over him. Hut ,i debt is not necessarily disastrous if it exists in a thriving, expanding economy. But, according to Charles Gibbons, candidate for Governor the Town of Barnstable is plainly a matter of personal l:is| " and can be voted either way. Question three which is iu two parts, asking p ari-mutuel bct- ** °U horse and dog races in Harnstahle County uv believ e \ "lM be roundly defeated. A No vole would seem to be the H E°J! Barnstftbla County on this question. Option four asking approval of "An Act authorizing the (Continued on page 8) V' Barnstable \^ Under-Currents Skating Rink Commission Continues Special Barnstable School Ticket Prices Although the skating Rink Com- mission bad originally planned lo change the prtce of admissions to Barnstable Bohool pupils mi account or certain abuses encountered last year, the commission has decided lo continue the same scale of prices this season. Pupils of Barnstable seitonis win tie charged fifteen cents for nil afternoon ami even- ing sessions, in the hope that there will he more cooperation this vein- from Barnstable pupils the commission decided that the re ilnceil rates w ill he In effect again this year. Plastic hullons which ore to he worn vlsably after purchas- ing tickets, will soon lie renily lor distribution, Prices to afternoon and evening event's will continue to be 50 cents tor adults and 2a for stud ents for nil schools except Barnstable. At the games of the Cape Cod Amateur Hockey League on Wed- nesday and Sunday nighis, charges will be 50 cents for all but Barn- stable pupils who win pay SB cents ii was announced that iiu« seut- Ing capacity of the hockey rink this year has been set at TOO per- sons, Benson tickets for the Amateur Hookey League games ore being sold at the rink and from members Of the teams of the hockey longunH In Barnstable, Yarmouth, Ply- mouth, HHI .11 i. and Falmouth, Season tickets for the no scheduled games have bei n set at $5,110. Barnstable nigh school this your ims formed a four team Intra-murol league which will play nn Mnmlio afternoons from 8:80 to 5:80, Stu- dents ami the public will he ad- mitted at mi charge. The Saturday morning gomes tor teams of the Poo-Woo Hockey league win he continued »H win the Saturday morning sessions for children at which free Instructions win he given. I'lniiM are being completed for a skating show to be hold on No- v> mher 29, Complete details for the show win lie announced al a later ilnle. During the pasl few WOO IIH a number of renovations ami Improve meats have boon made at the rink. Stands tor the accommodation ot the public have been placed in po- sition, More protective rubber mailing has boon placed through- . ,.1 1 in* ri 'iii "nut :.i ; 1 ir ticoi s h.1.1 been provided to resi rooms. Play- ers benches hav e been provided on both sides, of Hie link and a new u< kei boot ii has been erected. Parent! are being aiihiircii by the management thai there win bo hot chocolate available al Ihe re I'reshiueiii booth thiH winter , es- pecially during ihe programs tor children. The management has also made arrangements (o provide more rente ai skates than last year. In order that there would ho an ailoi|iialo assortment of sizes Hkat e sharp- ening service will also be avail- able. Opening dale at the rink has 1 n definitely sol for November 21, MOSSEY ELECTED PRESIDENT HYANNIS ALLAMANDERS Edmund O. Mossoy, mall carrier from th e IlyiniiilH postofllce , hail been named president or the Alia mnnders, a dam e group which no el wei Wy al the Maritime building, Mr. Moasey is well known In local square dance circlet) Home time ago a call came Into the Crane Duplicating .Service, Barnstable from the New York publisher of Pantheon Hooks . The question asked was "could Crane copy a hook which hud Just ar- rived" and which Pantheon ho- ik-veil was going to be a best sell- er. The hook hail to he copied over night, to send 10 reviewers and book clubs. The proofs arrived and Crane's got lo work , ami returned 30 copies tWO days later. The book waH "Doctor ZhlVOgO" by Moris I' asleniak. This week It wan awarded Ihe Nobel prize for literature. The book, although writ ten by a Hus.dan , hail never been published there, Pantheon has had to deal with an Italian publisher and lias never even seen the author . The royalties on Ihe book to date are about $ (Continued on Page 7) Barnstable Schools Set Open House Will Consider Two Articles At Special Town Meeting The transfer of $ In .nun from available funds to the Hyannls Harbor entrance channel project Is the reason for a special town meeting called for Novembe r 6 at Barnstable Junior High School auditorium, The meeting is slated to open at 3:00 o'clock. The money will bo added to tho 132,260 which had already been appropriated at the last annual town meeting as tho town 's share of the $622,500 project of which the state and Federal governments will provide $555,250. The project provides for a 150 foot wide, 12 foot deep channel from offshore deop waters to u spot off Dunbar 's Point and a 100 foot wide, 12 foot deep channel from Dunbar 's Point to the Inner harbor. Also to be provided is a live acre mooring liusin north of Harbor Bluffe which will have a depth of about 12 feet, Victor K. Adams . Selectman , said that the costs might be cut to somo extent If some oilier method of dredging could be used. The orig- inal figured was based on having to cart nil dredged materials to deep water. A second article on the warrant ¦will ask for $500 from tho Excess and Deflioiency account for a study and report relativ e to tho cost nnd feasibility Of enclosing the Ken- nedy Memorial Skating Kink. ThlB article WIIB inserted in th e warrant at tho request of the Town of Barnstable Playground and Recre- ation Committee. The Barnstable county Commis- sioners have announced that the Barnstable County Bench Commis- sion win be continued another year and that the two vacancies caused by the resignations of John li. Talis and M. !•'. Patrick will not in tilled until after January 1. The third member of the commission is Joseph R. Sorentl Of .Sagamore. County Commissioners said tlint the decision to keep,, the coiwmW- - 1011 came after members of the Selectmen's Associati on of lite County asked lo have Ihe beach 11 mmittee continued. Will Continue Beach Commission The following dipping from Lloyd's List and Shipping (la/.el le , of London has been Bent in by Miss (ienieve (' . Hearse of Ceuli rvllle. Cape Cod Cranberries Again Included In the cargo of the Unit- ed Slate; Lines' American I'llol due at Royal Victoria Docks, Lon- don, today, are BOO casus, with cel- lophane lops , containing Cape Cod Cranberries Which have been spe- cially packed and shipped by Ihe National Cranberry Association of America. The consignment is for J. O. Sims , Ltd., London , and will be the lirst , of what it is hoped will be many, for 2" years . Nol ilnce 1938 has the English houae- Wife been able lo purchase Ibis fruit. American residents and visi t 01s will appreciate the flavor of a fruit that has been absent for too long from English menus, Mr Wil fred Sims stated thai he honed tht fruit would be avail able iu shop:, later In the week, and that he thought the price would be reason- able. London Receives Cape Cranberries Senator and Mrs. P'hii F. Ken- nedy greeted nearly D00 persona at Hie llyanuis National fiuard Arm- ory on Friday night , at a monster political rall y. In addition to Mr. Kennedy a number of candidates for state ami County offices are Introduced. Senator Kennedy 111 a ball hour talk touch ed on many Important problems which are confronting the nation and especially the New England area. He told those In the audience that hardl y a week goi by but that be h8Jto consider some bill or other whi ch touches on the Cape area , an area he proudly I all ¦ home The tally was held during a downpour , but it was noted thut the ball was well filled hall an hour before tho meeting was to be called to order. Practically ¦ town and village on the Cape was repre sented in tho crowil which gathered to greet tho j unior sen ator from Massachusetts. Kenned y Creeled At Hyannis Armory A meeting for Elementary Bchool principals will be held al Ihe new East Falmouth Bohool, Blast Pal mouth, President of the olub and hoi I to the group Will be Howard Barrows, The meeting "Hi be held mi Tuesday November 1 at U'.QQ The business meeting will be lol lowed by a :,peal. or . Elementary School Princi pals To Meet The Barnstable comedy Olub will present "The Heiress " at Hie Barnstable Woman 's Club, nam stable village on Novembi r 21 ami 22, One of the most highly praised dramas to have reached I ho Am- erican stage in recent years lias been chosen by the Barnstable comedy club for tin ir fall presen- tation This Is THE HICIKIO H S, the ituth ami Augusts Qoets dramati- sation of Henry James' famous novel , Washington Square, sche- duled io open at the Barnstable Woman 's Club the week before Thanksgiving for two perform- ances, November 2ist ami Novem- ber 22nd In tile evening. TIIK HEIUKSK net in New York a century ago, Is tho compelling siiuiy of a sh y unloved girl made bluer by the cruelly of a fortune seeking suitor and a Stern father, Having been Jilted by the baud some young man she loves when lie realises Hho will be disinherit- ed If shu marries liin i . and desplsi d by her sardonic father because she lias none of her mother's thai m the disillusioned heiress of tile play wails tWO years for her Ir! ninphunl hour of revenue During Its highly successful one year run In New York the play was bailed by the critics as "something lo i beer about", and "a thrilling bit." UobearsalH of the play are aboul to commence ami the casl will bo announced shortly. Comedy Club Will Present "The Heiress" Registrar Riley makes a last- minute appeal to motorists to have their cars Inspected before No- i' l a b o r I. Registry personnel and police will be on every highway early Sat- unlay morning, November flret, and drivers of cars which do nol dis play ihe mi October man Inspec- tion • ii ' win be pro ecuted in c o l l i I A word lo the wise I sufficient ' There are still three daj - In will , h in ban- your car Inspected Do it now! Last Reminder Of October Inspection