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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
October 7, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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October 7, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MRS. RUTH GIFFORD Correspondent Marstons Mills 02648 Tel. 4284223 IF If I could paint a picture On canvas one would see, • The warm and glowing colors , Of the lovely hornbeam tree. 1 * But since I am no artist , J'!! enjoy each shining hour While Autumn works her magic On every tree and flower. Bea Lapham MENS' CLUB A. group of 34 men, members 3 and guests of the Marstons Mills Athletic and Civic Club enjoyed a - supper here in Liberty Hall , pre- ceding the regular monthly meet- ing Sept. 27. In charge of supper arrangements was Frank Dick , who served quohaug chowder, hamburg cakes , home fries , salad , coffee and apple pie. A general discussion of village - affairs was held during the meet- ing. A chicken pie supper is being arranged by Arnold Hadfield for „ 6 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 16, in Lib- j erty Hall , benefitting the MMA& CC. Tickets will be available from club members and at the Cash ¦ Market. The annual Halloween party " will be held at the hall, with Wil- liam A. Thew, general chairman. There will be a movie, refresh - ments and prizes for costumes, Saturday, Oct. 30, at 7 p.m. THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE Mrs. Sue Davenport Johnson , owner and director of The Chil - • dren's House, has been given a scholarship to Gesell Institute at Yale University in New Haven, Conn . The scholarship will consist of a two-week workshop on school placement studied under Dr. Fran- ces L. Ilg and will start Oct. 18. I Activities at Children's House include finishing first part of unit on All About Me where scholars who are three- to-five- yaar- olds, with their teachers are making a chart, recording their height , wei- ght, body pictures, hand and foot prints etc. This program Is done three times in the school year, with a notation in the growth of each child. Some of the children picked cranberries and brought them to class, where the group together made cranberry and orange rel- ish. .Mrs. Dianne Bishop Costa of Columbia Avenue, this village, is a teacher at The Children 's House. She is a graduate of Barnstable High School class of I960 and of the Cape Cod Hospital School of Practical Nursing class of 1962 and the special Nursery Schoo Training Class of 1970 of the Mass Department of Education. Guests at The Children's House are Mrs. Johnson's father and hi: wife, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Da venport, who arrived Oct. 5 from their home in Virginia Beach, Va RUMMAGE SALE A rummage sale to benefit the Go-Getters Mothers Club is sch- eduled for 10 a.m., Saturday, Oct 23, at Liberty Hall and will fea- ture better- than- average cloth- ing for men , women and children in all sizes. There will be a toy table, where good usable toys will be found and a paperback book table. Also a Lemon- aid table, where items that were a lemon tc some will be an aid to others. Articles are being solicited and will be picked up if a call is made to Mrs. Adele D. Jones at 428-6687 or 428-2228, Mrs. Barbara Bell at 428-2129 or Mrs. Mabel Roderick at 428-6003. All rummage should be at the hall the day before the sale. HERE AND THERE The Quonset hut on River Road was moved Wednesday to a site off Route 28 on property of the A. G. Griffin Masonry. The hut was originally headquarters for the Marstons Mills Athletic and Civic Club until it purchased Liberty Hall on Main Street. Then the hut became the property of George H. Lapham , who used it for a carpen- ter 's shop. Moving was done by the R. F. Hayden Co. Mr. and Mrs . Allen F. Pierce were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodwin in Water- bury, Conn. Mrs. Ethel M. Thifault is on Martha 's Vineyard visiting her son and daughter- in- law , Mr. and Mrs . Frederick Thifault , and chil- dren Mark and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeHetre ^Kathryn ThliaulO and son, Mi- chael Thomas, born Sept. 6, of Blyeville, Ark., motored here and will spend a month at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Thifault, on River Road , They will also visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson in ' Santuil. A weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Knowl- ton and sons, Harold and Andrew, was her aunt, Mrs. Delia Donevan of Quincy, who was in attendance at the family party held at the Know!ton home Saturday, with other guests from Quincy includ- ing Mrs. Knowlton's father, p. Er- nest Carson , her uncle, George Carson and her aunt, Mrs. Miriam Carson, as well as her brother , George Carson, his wife and chil- dren of Sandwich. Mrs. Spurgeon R. Weaver has returned to her home on Flint Str- eet after a week's trip with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly of Paw - tucket, R.I. They visited Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver and Mr. and Mrs . Donald Weaver in Charlotte, N.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blaxham in Spartanburgh, S.C. Mrs. Hllding S. Hord and Mrs. Merrill C. Gifford were dinner guests on Tuesday of Mrs. Spur- geon R. Weaver. Four sisters and their brother , who had not visited for some time, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Colby on Prince Avenue for several days when Mrs. Colby entertained her sister , Mrs. Richard Haydon , the Doll Lady of Route 6A, West Barnstable , an- other sister , Mrs. Norris Howland , of Falrhaven , another sister, Miss Mary Bremner of Montreal , Can- ada , who plans to visit at the Col- by home for an indefinite time , and their brother , John Bremner , and his wife from New Brunswick. A joyful reunion was had by all. Kim Roderick was an overnight guest of her grandmother , Mrs . Mabel L. Baker , in Centerville. Mr. and Mrs . Karl Aittaniemi and son Trey of Park Ridge , 111. are spending a week with his grandmother , Mrs. Frank T. Lap- ham of Main Street, and will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Aittaniemi of Ostervllle. Karl Is a pilot ior American Airlines. Mrs. Ruth B. Price and Ernest M. Baker of Hyannis were Sun - day guests of Mr . and Mrs. Rob- ert A. Parker on Route 149. Rev. and Mrs. Peter Palches have returned to their home on Weather-vane Pond after a trip around the world , which took them a year. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fisk have returned from a trip to Nova Sco- tia. MARST0HS MlLLSj ^agJPOYANL^ ' ¦gaa^i goBE^p 279 Barmtable Road, Hyannis T.lephon. 775-0079 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE EVELYN CROSBY 445 Main Street ' Centerville 775-1685 Established 1927 MLS William E. Dacey, Jr. Realtor-Developer-Builder 570 WEST MAIN STRIET - HYANNIS 773-3948 • SELLING? • BUYING? LISTINGS WANTED REYNOLDS REALTY 772 MAIN ST. OSTERVILLE TEL. 428-5711 CECIL I. GOODSPEED & SONS O. 'TERVILIE 428-6919 CRAIGVILLE REALTY "Small Home Specialists" Craigville Beach Road 775-3174 Dudley & Kerr REALTORS, SALES and RENTALS PHYLLIS B. DUDLEY COTUIT, MASS. 428-6929 GENIEVE C. BEARSE Opposite the Library Centerville 775-0865 ! | k John A.! fc/ DREW ) ! 'John A. Draw Charlei F. Lockhart! [ ¦ j >Lila Draw Beane Seward K. Raid ! JV . ' | [Malcolm B. Boynton Dorothy B. HoaioJ ;, ( j ! Mombcr Multiple listing Service J ?HJ ;;749 Main Straat, Hyannii - 775-1404! ! %44444444444444444444444004*04i f HELEN W. ROBINSQN Ahu. .^r MAIN STREET COTUIT 428-6564 . no, |F f ? * f f > ,y„¥ v v v fjjf w « ; j£^*V;; ; ( Vivi«n '* , Vivian and Al Nault 627 South Main St. ; OXUt Centerville, 775-0153 ' , MEMBER M.L.S. < R r T « i 7 | ]7a| I...j-- k\r. & Mrs. Wm. D. Knott REAL ESTATE Sales & Rentals Tel. 362-3159 Main St . Barnstable HELEN M. WEBSTER Berry Avenue West Yarmoutl 775-2202 - ii ¦ LEBEL I REALTY i L ^o-^. it Wianno Ave i i T II " ¦ • ' ». ¦ Otlcrvlll. IP-»»)L 1 P UIUSI 7 T * I •>¦ ¦«*?*« - REALTORS COLUMN § Not all real estate brokers are REALTORS. They are * rr+* . REAITORS only if they are members of the National ^ S^ ^ Association of Real Estate Boards. To become a mem- /jj33F\ ber of this organization a broker must demonstrate FHulKB his professional competence and most subscribe to an VJEREK! established code of professional ethics. This me.ins he K^SSr ¦»;;. is pledged to protect your interest. ximv , What for 16 years has been a successful one-man operation has recently sprouted into a multi - faceted group of experts. The name of the firm is Boucher Associates, with headquarters in Hyannis and an associated office in Boston . Heading the combine are Nor- man Boucher , founder of the ori- ginal organization, and Thomas A. Dewlre III, investment real es- tate broker from Boston , with a number of supporting "Associates" in various fields of real estate sales and management. Mr. Boucher has been a rest - dent of Cape Cod for many years with a home in Centerville. After graduating from Yale in 1942, he served as a Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy aboard a destroyer and a submarine. He is active in many Cape organizations , including the Hyannis Rotary Club and Oster- vllle Men 's Club. He is past president of the Yale Club of Cape Cod , past chairman of Barnstable School Committee and currently a town meeting member, He is also president of Cape Bowl Hyannis, Inc., a mem- ber of the Cape Cod Board of Real- tors and the National Association of Real Estate Boards. Boucher is married to the former Phyllis Spooner. They have two sons and a daughter. Mr. Dewire graduated from Har- vard in 1952, saw service in both World War II and Korea. He 'di- vides his time between Boston and the Cape. His wife is the former Sheila Fallon of Newton and Os- terville. They have two children , a son and a daughter. From 1955 to I960 Dewire was active in Residential Real Estate in the Lexington , Bedford and Concord area. Since 1960 ,he has concentrated in the brokerage and management of investment prop- erties and is a consultant for de- velopers and Investors throughout the Boston Metropolitan area and' greater Massachusetts. His pri- mary function in the new organi- zation will be to serve Cape Cod investors on both sides of the ca- nal. Four others have joined the Bou- cher and Dewire partnership who will be designated as "associates." Their names arc to be announced shortly. Each member brings an individual specialty to the firm to provide complete diverslflcatjton' in1 the fields of residential and c6m - merclal sales, investment proper- ties, development and real estate management. , 4.' Expanded Realty Operation Attracts Variety Of Talent BUSINESS fpg^0DIRECTORY REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY T»,„ T o e . Publlsher wUl °e responsible for only one incorrect Insertion. publication reS6rVeS the rlght to ecUt or reJect aQy c°Py received for ART SUPPLIES hyannis art supplies "your cape art supply headquarters" Sherman Sq., Hyannis 775-2976 BOAT YARD (Hyannis) BRADBURY MARINE, INC. Formerly KLIMM'S BOAT YARD COMPLETE MARINE SERVICE 157 Pleasant St. 775-1707 BOOKS YOU'RE MISSING SOMETHING - if you haven't yet visited the Cape's Christian Bookstore, "THE WORD", Cove ROad, Orleans - don't wait any longer. Open year round, 255-4473 ^ 11/11 CABINET MAKING ROD ADAMS, INC. Zp our ^rormlca Center Custom Built Cabinets Hyannis Tel. 775-2416 CAREER ¦ - . ¦ . -.!• -,¦¦ • Why not consider a career In Homemaker - Home Health Aide service? If you would like to help families in need of temporary home care because of illness, why not apply for a place in the Fall train- ing course? Hourly wage plus travel. Call Cape Cod Homemaker Service, Mrs. Hall, 775-8181 for an appointment. _. . LEGAL NOTICES 36878 Re*. Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Yarmouth, a municipal corporation, located in the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth : Scuta Sea Village, Inc., a duly existing corporation, having an usual place of business in said Yarmouth; and Harry Cash or his heirs, devisees or legal rep- resentatives and to all whom it may concern : Whereas, a petition has been presented to said Court by Joseph M. Walker and Barbara Walker , both of said Yarmouth, to regis- ter and confirm their title in the following described land : Two certain parcels of land with the buildings tbereon, situate in said Yarmouth, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Parcel One : Northerly by Lewis Creek; Northeasterly bv land now or formerly of The South Sea Vil- lage, Inc. and by land now or for- merly of The Town of Yarmouth 234 feet, more or less, 500 feet, and 76 feet, more or less, respec- tively; Southerly by Nantucket Sound; and Southwesterly by land now or formerly of The Town of Yarmouth, by land now or former- ly of The South Sea Village, Inc. by a line crossing Sea Gull Road, and by land now or formerly of The South Sea Village, Inc. 77 feet, more or less, 500 feet. 48.85 feet, and 54 feet, more or less, re- spectively. Shown as Parcels 1 and 2 on a plan hereinafter men- tioned. Parcel Two: Southwesterly by South Sea Village, Inc. 52 feet , more or less; Northeasterly and Southeasterly by Lewis Creek: Shown as Parcel 3 on said plan. Petitioners deny the above- de- scribed land is subject to the fol- lowing; That so much of Sea Gull Road as lies within the limits of •said petition legally exist as a pub- lic way, and seeks to have the same eliminated. The above- described land is shown on a plan filed with said petition and all boundary lines are claimed to be located on the ground as shown on said plan. If you desire to make any obj ec- tion or defense to said petition you or your attorney must file a writ- ten appearance and an answer under oath , setting forth clearly and specifically your objections or defense to each part of said peti- tion , in the office of the Recorder of said Court In Boston (at the Court House) or in the office of the Assistant Recorder of said ; Court at the Registry of Deeds at , Barnstable in the County of Barn- , stable 'where a copy of the plan , filed with said petition is deposit- ed , on! or before the eighteenth day of October next. Unless an appearance is so filed by or for vou, your dpfault w"l be recorded , the said petition will be ; taken as confessed and you will be forever barred from contesting said petition or any decree enter- ed thereon. ___*. Wi' ness, JOSEPH B. SILVERIO . Esquire, Associate Judre of said Court . Ws ninth dav of Rpntem- , ber in the year nineteen hundred , \nd seventy- one . Attest with Seal of said Court. MARGARET M. DALY, j Recorder. I Sept. 23. 30 Oct. 7 ] LOST PASSBOOK, Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 200-0357 issued , 3y Sandwich Co-operative Bank, Bon'-no Branch, has been lost or destroyed and that application las hpeu made to Snndw 'pn co- operative Bank , Bourne Branch, . o issue duplicate book in *c«nr- . lance with requirements of ow- ' >rn i T,a«' Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, ; Section 20. ; 3ept. 23, 30 Oct. 7 j FEED & GRAIN ¦ ; ¦ ; ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ Cape Maid Farms, Inc. Wild Bird Foods — Grain Purina Chows — Pet Foods Route 28 — Hyannis — 775-3785 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A mother in Centerville Schoo' area to take care of a klndergar tener for a mother who works 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Call or write 775-3204 Box X, Hy- annis KITCHEN CABINETS BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Co. KITCHENS-Designed-Instailed FORMICA BATH ROOMS & VANITIES Show Ro*m & Office Main St. RTE, 6A BARNSTABLE 362-3639 SERVICES HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES Windows, Floors , Rugs Painting & Genera l Cleaning Call Johnson 775-8009 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FRANCES DOREY Landscape Contracto r LAWN - WOOD CHIPS - FENCES TREE AND BRUSH CUTTING Tel. 775-9056 West Yarmouth, Mass. LEGAL NOTICES 36758 Re*. Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Barnstable, a municipal corpora tion, located in the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth; Town of Barnsta- ble Planning Board ; Amos Jones, Marion Morris, Winifred L. Post. Rebecca B. Wells, Lawrence A. Partelow, Dorothy C. Partelow, Frederick A. Nickerson. Mary C. Souza , Nelson Nickerson, George W. Nickerson, Sadie Kennedy, and A'. Mavis Cnlcoine, all of said Barnstable; William A. Nicker - son, of Athol, in the County of Worcester and said Commonweal- th; Neil G. Nickerson of Province- town in said county of Barnstable; Margaret L. Gerstle of New York City, in the State of New York; Lorraine Jones and Cyrus Jones, both of Costa Mesa , in the State of California ; Walter E. Hill, Al- bert B. Nickerson, Nelson A. Nick- erson, Anna B. Jones, deceased , Neil Nickerson, Kenneth Nicker - son, and Elizabeth Nickerson, or their heirs, devisees or legal rep- resentatives ; Ethel Davis Hill , Walter E. Hill, Christie A. Nicker- son, and Gordon Nickerson , or their heirs, devisees or legal rep- resentatives ; and to all whom it may concern : Whereas, a petition has been presented to said Court by Edwin S. Mycock , of said Barnstable, to register and confirm his title in the following described land: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situate in said Barnstable, bounded and de- scribed as follows: Westerly by Piney Road 9.37 feet; Northerly and Northeasterly by land now or formerly of Wini- fred L. Post, by land now or for- merly of Margaret L. Gerstle, by land now or formerly of the Heirs of Aaron Nickerson, and by land now or formerly of Lawrence A. Partelow and Dorothy C. Parte - low 140.81 feet, 108.74 feet, 113.12 feet , and 193.11 feet respectively: Southeasterly by Mam Street 107.50 feet; and Southwesterly by land now or formerly of Rebecca B. Wells 239 feet, 99.96 feet, 152.77 feet, respectively. The above- described land is shown on a plan filed with said petition and all boundary lines are claimed to be located on the ground as shown on said plan. If you desire to make any ob- jection or defense to said petition you or vour attorney must file a written appearance and an ans - wer under oath, setting forth clear- ly and specifically your obiections or defense to each part of said pe- tition , in the office of the Recorder of said Court in Boston (at the Court House) , or in the office of the Assistant Recorder of said Court at the Registry of Deeds at Barnstable in the County of Barn- stable where a copy of the plan tiled with said petition is deposit- ed , on or before the eighth day of November next. Unless an appearance is so filed by or for vou , your default will be recorded , the said petition will be laken as confessed and you will be forever barred from contesting said petition or any decree pnter- 3d thereon. ' Witness, JOSEPH B. SILVERIO, Esquire , Associate Jud^e of said Sourt, this twenty- eitrhth dav of September in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-one. Attest with P«al of said Court. JEANNE M. MALONEY, Deputy-Recorder. iSeal) Del. 7, 14, 21 The first American automobile mow was held in the fall of 1900 in Madison Square Garden. Ma- jority of the cars were electric and steamers. OFFICE EQUIP. & FURN. NEW STEEL FILES $34.95 Each Del. Cape Cod H. M. Meserve Co., Inc Hyannis Tel. 775-043 OIL-FUEL 1 MURRAY'S FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICES 24-HR. SERVICE CONTRACTS 2-WAY RADIO CONTROL | Dennisport Tel. 398-2401 1 PAINT LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE 382 MAIN ST. HYANNIS 775- i091 CAPE COD COLOR CENTER PUPPIES FOR SALE Black Labrador puppies. Gcntli and protective with children; idea for hunting:. Il-wceks old. Call 775-8087. RUBBISH REMOVAL CLOUGH & HIGGINS COMMERCIAL CONTAINER PICKUP — CESSPOOL PUMPING — GENERAL TRUCKING 775-1179 — 775-1351 TREE SERVICE CAPE COD TREE SERVICE • COMPLETE TREE SERVICE • BRUSH CLEARING • LANDSCAPING HYANNIS PORT TEL. 775-5448 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ~ ELECTROLUX REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Salesmen and salesladies needed 775-7538 Route 28 — Hyannis LEGAL NOTICES 36962 Rejr. Commonwealth of Massachusetts LAND COURT To the Town of Barnstable, a municipal corporation , located In the County of Barnstable and said Commonwealth; Robert D. Rud - den , of said Barnstable; John F. Sherman. Phyllis M. • Sherman, George E. Sherman, and Marion T. Sherman, all of Weymouth, in the County of Norfolk and said Commonwealth; and The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank, a duly existing corporation, having ah usual place of business in Har • wich, in said County of Barnsta - ble; and to all whom it may con- cern: Whereas, a petition has been presented to said Court by Eugene C. Ciccarelli, of said Barnstable , io register and confirm his title in the following described land: A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situate in that part of Barnstable called Hyan - nis, bounded and described as fol- lows : Southerly by Cedar Street 107.98 feet; Southwesterly by the Iunc- tion of Cedar Street and Camp Street 31.11 feet; Westerly by said Camp Street 119.30 feet; Northerly by land now or formerly of Robert D. Rudden and Gena P. Rudden 131.21 feet; and Easterly by land now or formerly of John F. Sher- man and Phyllis Sherman, George E. Sherman and Marion T. Sher- man 137.59 feet. Petitioner denies the above de- scribed land is subject to any casement to overhead electric and telephone lines over the southeast corner of the premises. The above- described land is ¦shown on a plan filed with said petition and all boundary lines are claimed to be located on the ground as shown on said plan. If you desire to make any objec- tion or defense to said petition you or your attorney must file a written appearance and an ans- wer under oath, setting forth clear- ly and specifically your objections or defense to each part of said pe- tition , in the office of the Recorder of said Court in Bostqn (at the Court House) , or in th« office of the Assistant Recorder ol said Court at the Registry of Deeds at Barnstable in the County of Barn- stable where a cony of the plan filed with said petition is deposit- ed , on or before the twenty- five day of October next. Unless an appearance is so filed by or for you, your default will be recorded , the said petition will bp taken as confessed and you wUl be forever barred from contesting said petition or any decree enter- ed thereon. Witness, JOSEPH B. SILVER^,. Esquire, Associate Judtre of said Court, this fourteenth dav of PPO- tember In the year nineteen hun- dred and seventy-one. AUp«t with Seal of said Court. (Seal) MARGARET M. DALY. Recorder. Sept. S3, 30 Oct. 7 From 1780 to 18B0 Truro lost over 600 men at sea. LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To The Attorney General of the Commonwealth, if required, and all persons interested in the estate of GEORGE E. LARSON late of Barnstable in said County, deceas- ed. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Constance S. Larson of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable pray- ing that she he appointed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto , you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 26th day of October 1971, the return day of this citation. Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT, Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 17th day of September 1971. FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN. Register. Sept. 23, 30 Oct._7 ; " LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ings Passbook No. 5622 issued by Sandwich Co- operative Bank, has been lost or destroyed and that application has . been made to Sandwich Co- operative Bank , to issue duplicate book in accor - dance with requirements of Gen- eral Law Ter . Ed., Chapter 1G7, Section 20. Sept. 23. 30 Oct. 7 , Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To The Attorney General of the Commonwealth, if required to all persons interested in the estate of FRANK P. RATHBONE late of Barnstable (Hyannis ) i n said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to .said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Ro- bert W. Bodflsh of Lon?meadow in the County of Hampden pray- ina that h" be anpointed expeutor thereof without giving a surety on his bond. If you desire to ob'pet thereto you or your attorney shou 'd fl' e a written apneararce in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'c'ock in the forenoon on the 26th dav of October 1971, the return dav of this citation. W'tn e=s, ALFRED C. KNTGHT , Esquire, Judce of said Court, this 22nd (in" of P°ntember 1071 FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEN, Roeister 9-30, 10-7. 14, 1971