October 7, 1971 Barnstable Patriot | |
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October 7, 1971 |
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Cotuit 02635
,?i '/-1.428-2269
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Oct. 10, Laymen's Sunday, •will
have John Christensen of the vil-
lage preaching the 11 a.m. wor-
ship service at Cotuit .Federated
Bible study group will meet each
Sunday in Bruce Hall at 9:30 a.m.
The junior choir rehearses each
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., followed
by the senior choir at 7:30.
The finance committee will meet
on Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 7:30 follow-
ed by a meeting of the joint com-
mittee at 8 p.m.
Cotuit Women's Fellowship of
Cotuit Federated Church is .spon-
soring a rummage sale on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 13, from 7-9 p.m. and
on Thursday, Oct. 14, starting at
10 a.m.
Residents of the village who
have things to donate to this sale
are asked to leave their articles in
Bruce Hall of the church.
The first of the winter season
programs at the library will be
held on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 8
p.m. in the Kirkman Room. It will
be an evening of poetry with Leo-
nard Peck reading.
Approximately 25 ladies of Co-
tuit Group of the Cape Cod Exten-
sion Service met Tuesday in Bruce
Hall and enjoyed a luncheon of
foods from Portugal and Spain.
Mrs. Ethel Campbell of the vil -
lage and Mrs. Doris Wylie of Mar-
stons Mills were the leaders..
Next meeting of the group will
be a pot luck supper in Bruce Hall
on Oct. 19 at 6 .p.m. At 7:15 pan.,
Mrs.(J MuiijBlj[i Bola.
s,' ¦ Exterision
Home economist, will speak on
Ecology of Cape Cod. Any interest-
ed person Is invited to attend.
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This.., week sympathy is sent to
Mrs. Robert Dottrldge (Helen)
and Mrs. William Perry HI (Jean)
in the loss of their father, Harland
L. Matthews, in a tragic boat acci-
dent pn Sept. 30 In Nantucket
Mr. Matthews made his home
with the Dottridges and was an
ardent fisherman and sportsman.
He will be missed by all in the
village who knew him.
He also leaves a son, Donald P.
Matthews in Westminster, Cal., 10
grandchildren and f o u r great
Sympathy is also sent to Mrs.
William G. Morse, Jr. in the loss
of her sister, Miss Frances Van-
Cleve Hitchcock, in Banner Elk,
N.C. on Sept. 21. She was a resi-
dent of 'Port Charlotte, Fla.'
Word has also been received in
the village of the death of Mrs.
Bessie Cyphers in Scarsboro, Maine
on Sept. 22. Mrs. Cyphers was a
resident of Main Street before
ving to Maine. She was a'
of the Women's Fellowship of Co-
tuit Federated Church. She is sur-
vived by
two flitts,
Cotuit Campfire Groups are hav-
ing their' first meeting, today, Oct.
7, from 8:15 -4:40 p.m. Leaders
are 1st year Bluebirds , Janet An-
shewitz ; .second year, Loretta Lan-
ders; 1st year Campfire, Rose Me-
rieiros ; .2nd year, Carol Sisson;
and 3rd year, Hazel Kuliga.
Saturday, Oct. 9, the girls are
sponsoring a food sale at Cotuit
Grocery from 10 a.m.- noon.
Clair Crocker is the new ladies'
champion at , Cotuit Highground
Golf Club. In the finals held Satur-
day morning, Clair defeated Mary
Orme, 2 up. First flight winner
was Joyce Ellis who defeated
Alctta Lentell . 2 and 1.
The ladies meet each Wednes-
day at 9:30 a.m. for an 18-hole
tournament and on Saturday mor-
nings at 10 for a 12-hole tourna -
Men 's best ball tournament is
held each Wednesday at 5 p.m.
and on Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
The mixed scotch tournament is
held each Sunday at 2 p.mi
At a ceremony at noon on Sept.
25, James (Jimmy) Miller, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller of
Braintree, married Marie Caputo,
daughter of Mrs. Alfonse Caputo
and the late Mr. Caputo of Meri-
dan, Conn. The Rev. Francis An-
derson of Old Souls Church in
Braintree officiated at the cere -
mony held at the beach behind
the Hayden home Lilacs on Ocean-
view Avenue.
„ Jimmy's mother was the former
Catherine Hayden, sister of Bob
Hayden of the village.
A reception followed the cere-
mony at the Lilacs.
Marie is a graduate of Central
Connecticut State College and,
Jimmy is from the University of
Mass. The young couple spent
their honeymoon in Nantucket.
The Santuit- Cotuit Villagers are
sponsoring a recycling of bottles
and cans in the village. Bottles
are to be sorted as to color and
washed and all metal removed.
Cans must have labels removed
and both ends rernbved. They must
be clean and crushed.
Residents of the village may
leave them at the Cotuit P.O. on
Saturday, Oct. '-9v,frorH 9-10 a.m .
Next recycling will be oh Satur-
day, Oct. 23V at the P.O.
Information may be ttbta'ihed by
calling' 428-9737 or fesl-2860-.1'<¦''
Dorothy Cabral has been caring
for Lorimer Lovell since his re -
turn from Cape Cod Hospital. It
is reported that he is "Just fine".
Mrs. CD. Crawford and Mrs.
Bertram Ryder of Oceanview Ave-
nue spent a long weekend recen-
tly at the Crawford Homestead in
Guildford, Vt.
Mrs. Mary Mello of Falmouth
is a patient at Falmouth Hospital
after suffering a heart attack. She
Is the mother of Mrs. Fred Savery
of the village.
Donald Cabral, a student at Nor-
theastern University, is in the
"Coop" program at the college
and for the next six months will
be working for the Army Main -
tenance Center In Watertown.
Mrs. Liz Simpson of Ithica, N.Y.
is in the village for a "getaway"
at her 'new home on Oceanview
October Bloodmobile Schedule Listed
The Cape Cod communities of
Barnstable and Sandwich will be
hosts to Red Cross Bloodmobile
visits in October.
Tile sites will be at St. Mary 's
Episcopal Church on Rte. SA in
Barnstable Oct. 13 from 1 to 6:30
p.m. (for appointments call Red
Cross Chapter House- 775-1540) ,
and the First Church of Christ on
Rte. 130 In Sandwich on Oct. 14
from 1 to 6:30 p.m. For appoint-
ments at Sandwich call 888-2828.
Records received from the Re-
gional Blood Center in Boston indi-
cate that our three Cape hospitals
received 596 units of blood or
blood products in July and August.
Red Cross Bloodmobile collections
In the same period were 603 units.
Many Cape patients at off-Cape
hospitals also received treatment
involving therapeutic blood or its
products. Therefore it appears
that we are approaching closer to
collection of needs than ever be-
fore in recent history. However ,
new uses and quicker recoveries
apparent from surgery with trans-
fusion give rise to greater needs
for more participation and recruit-
ment of new and flrst-ttme donors.
Who can give blood : Persons
from 18 to 65 (until 66th birthday)
who weigh at least 110 pounds and
are In good health. Certain medi-
cations, immunizations and ill -
nesses do require temporary de-
ferment of varying periods. Some
diseases, such as malaria and
hepatitis, are cause for permanent
deferral for the protection of reci-
pients and donors.
There are some rare types of
blood which occur infrequently,
but on the other hand patients
requiring rare types also occur
The regular Thursday Red Cross
Bloodmobile Is changing site and
hours of operation. Beginning on
Thursday, Oct. 14, the three- bed
unit will be located at the Red
Cross Chapter House on South St.,
Hyannis, and be in operation from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., with final ap-
pointments scheduled for 1:45.
At the state-owned Palace of
Weddings in Leningrad , marriag-
es are performed 10 hours a day,
seven days a week. The charge is
$1.65 for the 8- minute ceremony.
Flowers, photographs, and cham-
pagne reception are optional and
cost extra.
The initial meeting of the Cape
Cod Chapter of the Massachusetts
Association of Paraplegics, Inc.
was held at the Bay Wing of Cape
Cod Hospita l, with Richard P.
Washburn of Harwich as chair -
The meeting welcomed 16 mem-
bers and several prospective mem-
bers. Among members present
were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Daniels of
Centerville, Miss Grace Crory and
Mrs. Norma Weissent of Harwich
Port and John F. Rodgers, Jr. of
West Harwich. Also in attendance
was Mr. Thomas C. O'Brien of
Peabody, president of the Massa-
chusetts Association.
GUILDANCE COUNSELORS—More than 503 Massachusetts guidance counselors recently attended the
fourth Bi-Annual Guidance Counselors Dinner in Braintree. Anion s the counselors was John Rodgers of
the Town of Barnstable School system (center). He is flanked (left) by Carl Ponder , Brockton High, and
Dr. Peter V. Corca. president of Chandler School, Boston.
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