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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 14, 1831     Barnstable Patriot
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September 14, 1831
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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•WrKIJ .VRSOAY , SKPT . 14, 1.831. " tJIE AUTOCRAT'S P R AY K R . " Kurope ! he;ir the voice ttml rose I'Votn the rhief of Freedom 's Iocs-*— W hen lie tniidc war 's thunder 's roll O'er the country of the I'ole— I,o his cognnckii on [tai rifle , Thus the Cnlnuick robber said— Mine the might , nml mine the ri ght , Stir ye, npur ye to the fi^lit-- Jinre the blndn nfir! strike the blow To the he art 's core of the foe— Slaughter all the rebel bnmU Found with wenpoos in their hands— On ! the holy work of fiite , Russia 's Ouil will consecrate ! 'Ti* decreed that they shrill bleed For their dark and truit 'rons deed—• I'oIcb ! to us by conquest given : Ye provoke the windi of f leaven — Therefore purg ing sword and shot U»e «ve must mid spnre you not — Guardian of our Northern faith , Guide us to the'ik-ld of death ! ' E'er we've done, many a one, Shall weep they ever huw ilic sun— Douse the noble in his hall , To a fiery festival—> Dnsh the stubborn peasant 's mirth— Drown in blood his illicit hearth— Babe, or mother , never fuller— Spcnr the priest before thcfll tar— Onward uiijd avenge our wrong ! (Sod ii goofl , and Russia strong. " * Vide the blasphemous Manifesto of Nicholas I. in Jan. last. • '" ^» .__¦ -_—¦¦-—_—_ ¦ uradrt r -« _. "^ BAR1TSTA BI.E i I . M U K \ i n In constant a; attentiv e ciillomcr! . and llu. publi c , ibii t )„. u«* on hand , a full supp ly of (.OODS, in his line , consisting of CniriKli and French , hard -ptmmcrd , second! and p lain nml P A T E N T L K V J ' H W A T C H E S . j Silver , silver phited , a nd Biiuiui a t a),|r , ten , Oi-sr- rt , ( iciiii ;iiid iiiu.- tard Sj i non-i — silver plat- ed and Ij iiiiiuiri rr mfi l,:nll>-s— ¦ -il vcr mid silver phded , rind sK;el hfpec Nicies— Spc- lac Its , wj|h -1<11• s , a mi cmicitve (ihr ^c i — S p< -rlncl u 'ilasscf vt i.i s u it .ill ;\ i'^ \r, — u p e i c r mIv c i -steel and common Ra / • H i — F.mei will 's mil Ki tter '?! Razor Sirups— Iloiun—S h a v i n g St/ 'ip a nd Blushes. A good a x s o r t i n in l 'J LOOKIN G CLASSES. liritania and l>|i,( k tin Tea I'ots—Coffee do- li ritiiuia , hard melted , lu .iss , an d j ilaft? l,;im|n silve r plated , and brass Candlesticks —Knives and Folks—common , and g dt ed ge d Waiters— ^uuIV 'ts , a nd '1I a_\ s—U read Travs— pre's 'd and cut ^la ,< (" iislors— Salts— .Nurse Hot lies-— itrctift I'.IH- . ,V.-. Win ranted I ' -if/lit D.iy TIM E 1'IECES. liv er F' oinled and plain Pen cil Cases—suprrioi fy cacl J'encil ilvi -r anil steel l'en« — Winch Cri ui rds — I'ockel , and I' l- u U n i v e s — l,adies ' u a v elling and fancy Woi k li i-.Kets — fit iicy wire em tir oidercd do—p l ain morocco, nnd oriiaineuted work JJ.i f,'« , hair u o i k — ^'dd , « it n , cjass, ti ud coral B'M il. s—hair .Necklaces 1 , w i t h go 'd and p ill inoiiiiliii! .'—fill'1 (("hi , pearl set , a nil j et Finger Ki nd's—plain do—filiyri ' t1 and I'luin Knobs and Drops—fine ({old , peiiil set and j et liroath I'ing —f iiiiinoi) Jeweller 's ami {;i!t do —s teel and ilo ublc ({ill wais t buckles — Lockets—gold nnd silver j;il t Purses — velvet imd morocco do—g ilt and steel purse tops—coa l Piaster—Hooks and Kyi' s liv the );iii.v—a (/nod assortmi'iil of the lie^l ip ialil y silver eyed .Needles— tailor 's Sbetirs —Sci>. .,nrs , and Si i-¦><11" Sh e a t h s .ilvrr Side 'I hiiubl es—Tooth Urnshes — «m k Hoses—Cray- on*— black Pius — Sniill lioxes , tec. fci . with ;i Kiiod a .>ii)i ti ni -ut of ' (j old and (iil l Watch Furni- ture . Shell COM US—plane and oniiimcnti d imila li on do —Collin Plates . Cbif Ls , IVntrht -3. and J lusicti l llo res , repaired and warranted to perform well or no p,t v ie<|uir- id. Those who m.iv pleasi- to f ivour bin) with their custom , may depend on every endeavour to rende r an equivalent for tiicir ei>t,uui axemen! . li.n ustable , June '2(i. JOHN MUNROIJ , From the Washi ngton Chronicle. MARKLEY, Tlll^ MU ttDEKEU. "This is the blooiiieM shuine, The wildest snvag 'ry, the vilest stroke, That ever wHll-eyed wrath , or scaring rage, Presented to tht) tear* of soft remorse." I have often thoug ht that a very inter- esting work i)iigbl«bt> compiled from the records of the criiniiml courts , in various • parts of the United Stall's/' The Annals of Newgate , the Old KaiOey trials , and the French Causes Celebres , have furnished some of the most thrilling pasages in mod- ern novels. Wfao can peruse, without iihuddering the,iidveniures of such mon- sters as Cathftine IIttvs,Tu rpin,Madame Voisin, Burke,and The Murderers of M Fualdes ? And yet, however appalling bv Irii- rfcital of their rnorrnit trs , I think our " youn n; connlry " c;in produr.c a r;ita- l rui (/(; ol' inotist ct s ;it Icist c( |(iall y as lior- rilili 1 as ;iny to \>r found in iIhc rccord-i of fiilicr I' rftK li oi1 Kn^ lish tl otirt s of Jus- ticf . Tin 1 roli' ii 'tv iinij rnurd iT commit- t ed l>y yonni ; Drsha — liis life saved hv tin ; pard oning pri p r fonsi|K,ra ,,^ un der the mtW e of the moon , as to the course l|,ey take, and tl,,ir appearance a- bove water, the lull ami change of that lu- minary being Ihe periods at which they may be sought with most probability of success. Indeed lunar influ ence seems 1 to occasion phenomena "fa very curious ; nature . It is confi dentl y a ffirmed , that it is not unusual for men on board a shi p, u liilel ying in tin . moonli ght with tlfir faces exposed to ill ' 1 beam s , to have tlwir muscles spa smodicall y distorted and their months drawn away—aff ections from which some have never recovered ; others have been so injur ed in their si'_r ltt as to : lost; it for severa l niooths. Fish , \ \ \n'i\ tak en from the sea wat er , ari d hungu p in lit/ lit of the moon dm ing a nii_dit , have ac- quir ed such deh'tcii olis qualities ,that when . ea ten tin ; next dav, the infected food lias produced violent sickness and excruciat - iii <_r pains. We have conversed with peo- ple who have been themselves disordered alter havin g part aken of such fish. It is hazardous to touch on this subject ; we re- peal what we have heard Irom those who ouidit to be believed , and who would not affirm that of which (hey themselves were not persii 'idi-d. The stat em ents are I-ft lo he con firmed or disproved by others who have better opportunity than we had of ascertaining their foundation in fact." Scarle t us lila—An officer in full reg imentals pasiing ihrouL'h a street in Dublin , appr ehensive lest he should come in contact with a chimney sweep, who was passing towards him exclaimed " Ho ld u{]\ you black rascal. " " You wi'in as black as mi; before you were boil- ed ," rep lie d sooty. /It irlif r and the Umbrella —On one of the late stormy days accompanied with heavy showers of rain , a sturd y country- ma;! was sitt ing on the roof of a coach be- tween two dand y ish young fellows ; his phys ical strength enabled him to keep his umbrella suspended und er those ol his less powerfu l compani ons , who were much an- ; noyed by the ill ip descending betwixt the nape of tin ir necks and tin ; collars of ' i their coats , as well as from a deluge which soon ttmlc all the shim.1 of their while Iroiv- sers. The shower heingover and the um- brellas closed and laid at their backs on t in- roof of thi: coach , our young friends b y winks and nods determined to remove all further nuisance by sl i pp ing thi- coun- tryman 's umbr ella from the coach , to the wider expanse of road below. Having ihus far prospered , a nd allowed the horses to proceed till the umbrella was nearl y lost sight of they suddenl y turne d round and observed to their nei ghbor that the umbrella had dropped of' and was lying mi the road far behin d ; and he immedi- atel y jumped down in pursuit of bis pro- tecto r, and ran alter the lost treason! with the speed of a racer. In tin: interim our dandy friends gave coachee . r)S to drive on but t hey were much surprised to find that when Hodge bad nearl y regained bis now muii latc 'd, but once comfuriable defence (coin tin! pitiless storm , he onl y looke d down , and glancing back at the retiring coach , he turned round , and with redoubl - ed speed soon was able lo exert his strenu- ous lungs with that persuasiveness of lan- guage which induced the driver to pull up and at the same time produced some tre- mulous sensation on the nervous system of his half drowned fellow traveller s .— Hod ge qui ckl y regained the roof, and with " al l's ri ght—go on ," replaced him- self in his former seat with out the sli ghtest pou rtra vance of dismay. His companions with equal sang /raid soon observed , '•why Friend! w here is now your umbrella and you not pick it up ?'' " W hy lawk , CJeiiiinen (says he) when 1 comes to look at it , I sec as how it was one of yours and thought as how may hap your might like to ru n ufivr it yourselves. " Quizzical but not Quizzable.— As a parly of young men from the City were ridin g a few days since through Cam- brid ge, being somewhat vinous , they a- mttsed themselves with "tricks upon trav- elle rs ;''— laug hing at their queer an- swers. The sport went on tuenl y until one of them asked a sober citizen if he would '* have the goodness to inform him in what State they were "-?' State of In- toxic ation Sir " was theJready reply of the interro gated. The yming men 's heads bent to the ir saddle b/ws. They rode : on , satisfied for the piresent , that there was was no fun in quizzing.— Transcrip t. The coronation Robes of George tho IV. have been lately sold at Auction , and did not fetch much ; either because each monarch must have new suits , or because there are some fears that Royally or its pagea ntr y is going out of fashion. No t ime has yet been appointed for the coro- nation of the present King and Queen of England. The largest shi p in the world was re- centl y built at Constantino p le, and was to be launched-last spring. Her name is the JMuh moud. She has a flush deck , and is nine feet-wider in her beam than the largest of our line of battle shi ps! Her length is 2'M feet and her width 68 feet ; and lut sides are four feet six inches thick. t Frenc h Sup erstition in lf> . r«!).—Francis H. the husban d j> \ Mary Queen of Scots, whose hea lth vy«s giving way, went by the advice of his pliysieians to Blois , celeb ra- ted for the mildness of its climate. While on his journe y he found the villages thr ough which he passed , deserted—the 1 ' renth peasantry having heard , and full y believing, that the. nature of the King 's comp laint was such that it could only be cured by his bathing iu the blood of youn" childivu ' e A Hard Master. Old A^lry one even- ing when his band was p lay ing an over- lure , went up to the born players , and asked whv they were not [(laving. Th'-y sa id (hey bad tw enty burs rest. "Rest !" says he ," HI ha ve uobodv in my company ; I pay y ou U>x p lay ing not for resting /" True fiie nd shi p, as Tuil y ob serves, proceeds from a reci procal r-t 'Ttn and a virtuous resemblan ce ,,( manners. When such is the ba siis , the vaiiety in c i l a i n ten ets and op inio ns is of no ill consequence to the union , and will scarcely ever un- loose the sot in! ties of love , veneration , and esteem. Swi f t. Most of our follies have a reference to the op inion of others. SHE.VTHIiNG COPPER. —The suhsrril MT S, ' ngcii ls (or iheTnuntdii Copper f' miipaiiv , me couxl ftMtly siipp l i<< I itit ii nu ussnt liurut <>l Slieathiiifj Copper , nml iiill cnii<«> orders fur any descri ption of sheet Coper to be executed at sliui I notici! . ATKINSON fc ltOI.MNS , n 23 liiwil " Imli.i Mrert , Huston. , CABINET FURNI TURE. ^^-^-^T??^\ Tin HE subscriber p'}--- -'- • :.:\Ty! _i_ ''as on hand , h"_.:: 1 'j r ^2 ' Qy : '?"' ' and will make to or- i v' .i, ,H\];s *if |uf der , Furn iture of eve- )iin t ; Fishing nud oth- er Vrvsels wi th Stores , which th ey will sell on the most reasonable terms. TH OMAS IUNI) , OIlHIi HltOOKS, Jr Boston ,I->b. Mt li , XH'J l . ep is.'Jnu) [Tj 'IO MOW PATTEKNS.r.n Ol' ' Hust on (J.irvrd Ciimhi , latolv finished til IVillurd s COMII fa ctory, upposi l the Old South-church , ISostdll. ","l,ndies are invited to examine them hefore durcliitsinjj . tf J 'X'i SIDNEY AZNSWORT H, fl lAISH MAKK H , {Opposit e the Custom Ho use, i/i Hums!attic,) CMAISKS and WAGOA.S repaired ami painted. June 26 OOPARTNX 2RSHZP NOTICE. 5 \ ,M I'. S A. H M I I' II , luiviii i, ' taken Mr IVIM.IAM C. IUUJ0KS , into (,'op art- n c i ~ l i i |) w it l i h i m , t h e fj i i - i i i n ' s s will tic c u u - d u cii \\\\ Miirkct Mieet , — It litre thin/ lim e on Imint — A L'eni-ml j i-sui I uieut of /('/¦. '.S'V 1X1 ) 1.1 (S OOI) S i1,- (ilt()t;i;i Ui:S , for th<; supp lv ol l i i i d i i s , iinil Iiinii ^ liii)^ ol' Family, .Ship, nnd Fishi ng Sloi i's. IJust nn , F. I). Si tlh , 1831. rp i.,2m f' O I I . N C. k , f .l l \ !!I,KS C'OUK ', l i m i n g l uiun ' d ;i r u i i i i i ' i i i i i i i in Ir. -idi: uII 'it fur v ,i|c , ;n ihiOr s t un : , N ,> J 2D , W i K l i i uj i t u n iti<-et , ( i t i i i d door no t t h ii o i n b u i n m e r- s l i i .'i' l ,; r . W K i t i hn m no ^ , of [ ' h i l i t d e l p liiu , I' l i 'i i r h Hi nt I' .uM o n i n n n u f s i e - turi 1 . AKo , Hij ri lr.rtiig, C/i hnniy J'iirts nnd UiiikI Hn scs, « IioIi . 'miIi: iiimI letiul. (| j '(' o>upi i.-,r'iJ in ihff above block , i« an ex te nsive ass o r t m e n t of — Xti w and Cliciip Pnllcni s — (, 'u u i i l ry Tu i ( l <' i s lire p.'ii l i c u l m l y i n v i t e d to p x a i i i i t i ' 1 IIm'iii , \tf i n i s d'' .M^ 'u r d lv M-lected an d lil.inul.H I;j i (m) for I h r i r T i . nlc . W i t h tin.1 loiv p r i r i ' i l p;i it< >r>M above- i i i c u l i o n - ed will l>e Ur )»t (Mjn-> i ;m t l v on h ; t n d i I mi ^ i 1 of s uj t r - ri ur iiud I 't e ^ a u l i cli o i c i ' v a i icty . 'I *fi• ii ^ tot U \vill tjr r I'^ 'tiliii l y m- - j iti-i ii -.t ii ¦c l i a rn s t a b l e P a t r i ot Oj f i c r '," BLANKS of all kinds , furnished at short notice . 07"-W Ordcr x, directed lo the Pub lisher, will be promptly attended to.J^fl J 15