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Sfiir f .fl y n p:ipcr c:ouu!:< In us , in which we J'>
n»( notice , Soil": ifvir' , icr(|i('( liii fj llic "Wo um.s-
rr .r. lt.ui. Rd ab. " Mmi .
v of our f' ;i pn |>«:o|il*- iv»
rtciulit , think i' ft •sii'>j'"''t in whir l) (dry *ir«- nut ,
neither tkii lie *i nil intcrcnlrt l , otherwise lli:ui
f -
fiitf- , which their iurUiMry nuil pf.rscvernnci:
ili-nwn from the sra. Hut , did tliny kn ow idl ihf
fid vtiiitsigcs thnt will present tlimnsclves to men
\>f cnp itnl , (is men of enterprise , we arc (( inliili iit
th ey would cmliavk in the .
«hi p, ipcrnltition. The
storms nre severe , the i;iil rs Iroinendoiir i, sweep-
in* every tilin g from the decks , :md pomr limes
(curing (lie shi p a wreck, lint , il pru-
rientl y ma nnged*
, wi th tlmt fuitlifu l Imroineter ,
%nod j udgment find steered hy prudence nnd mu-
tton , we see no necessity for eriooimlerin; ; fallen ,
or even nilvrrse winds , TIuwj uiikU and teim of
tliousnnds ,
in consequence of the bad weather she experi-
enced in doubling the Horn on her return ,would
have probably enublcd her enterprisiug owners
nnd crew to sny she broug ht home more oil thun
nny previous ship. As it was , it is believed her
cargo was sold for the most money ; h nnimtut-
»'d to g82,0O0—paying her owners the cost of
the ship, all the expenses of (he voyage , includ-
ing interest and insurance and leaving them the
¦hip, now valued at $-0,000. Most heartil y do
we wUh their prosperity to/continu e while iheir
exertions are so laudable ; and very commen-
dable should we esteem a similar umlcrtnkin g
from this pluce, and we see nut wh y it should
not be proftiluble too ;—hut we have t,(,i \\ it \e
hope of any such tiling, while the i-utcr -trUr of
our monied men scarcely extends beyond the
embellishing their own gardens , lest exposing
Iheir properly to the eyes of the public ihouhl
subject them to the oppre ssive ju stice of pay ing
thtir proportion of the public inxos,
How often do we see and hear people exclaim
agamit the unusual , umiulurul or uncouth man-
Mr,in which some people think , act or talk—
how eccentric, how singular (heir ways and
manners are. The people of different nations ,
countries , stutes , cities and towns lire not unfie-
,fl«ently the subject &i theme of our observations
M\4 criticisms. Art we not all labouring under
- fJiiMWrittule of similar or worse hubils ? Can it
bejjussible, that any one Nation , State , city,
few*,o.r«![»*<•', nourish mid lire subj ected to all
Wr.vrur.ti ;ill
ladder reaching lo the lop of the jar. On the
fippriiiirli of dry wenlhrr , flu." frogs ascend the
ladder , but when wet weather is expeeled , (hey
descend into the water . These animals are of a
bri g ht green , and in a wild stale , climb the trees
in search of insects , and make n peculiar sing-
ing noise before ruin. In the jar Ihey get no
other food than now and ihen a fly, one of which
we were assured , would serve a frog for a week ,
thoug h it will eat from six lo twclvu in u day, if
it con get them. — 'Vhe.n- Ilislnry .
The frogs mentioned in (he above neennnt ra-.i
he set,ii in our swmnps and low grounds where
t here is standing water , and bus hes growing
cont iguous. We noticed one , u lew evenings
since , in one of our i;inihlen , wh ich bnil slruyril
Iniin t he water and was nt the root of a bush in
search of those insects , which could not be found
in the water.
the hl 'imi-hcs , fii n h - . ri nd odium , inher ent to the j
litn nnr , fnmtlv , tha i llirv ;ue pernlp ir to them
and th em onl y. T l i 'n i s un quc-ti 'mnhl y mi »:-
qu ality in thiv , \v11i • 11 we are not or will in * be-
come 'cii' .itile of. I 'iiIIi/, if not t ire , ncrnrnpiui-
irs anil ai tc.tnN upon the conduct a n d '.o n v e r s a -
\toil of every one of the h u m a n rru i1
, nt som e our j
time or or< a-sion of his or hur life . We should
refl ect then , and a i t and speak accordi ng l y sold i
not l i e a t stran gers as thoug h we , nnd we onl y,
W i -re the p erfed , I fir; i i v if and polif ' w h e n
pr obabl y i n n n v of our customs and hiiliin are as
disg usting and n't loathsome lo others a», any of
theirs ta n possibl y he Io ns,
r.Avtjand 7) inlirn at tin: present day, cause
verv mmiv peop le to Utter a thousand bitter , un-
provoked malediction s against those who by pa-
tii -nl , until ing industry, h nvo acquired wealth ,
and a name Many men have lisen in the woild ,
in fame , honest , wel l meiiU - d fame , who wen-
traduced , nnd abused and vilified by those uho
were known onl y in some reli gions or politi cal
partv , anil who uere infinitel y beneath them in
every possible respect. Science , or k nowled ge
combined with moral excellence , makes the
man , in our enli ghtened land , A men: empty
deelaiiner in any politi cal broil , who has no sta-
bility o f character , receives no genuine respect ,
as ho haft earned none , and of course m«:iil s
noun. Moral worlh will ^ive a man a faii slaiu l-
ing, but he may not have temptation lo n ssnil
liim—in that ease he should claim no merit fur
his virtue. The keenest razor will never become
dull by contact with the air alone—its goodness
can never be (esled until il is liied. I here nre
thousands who when Iliey arc laid in the earth ,
will cease to be remembered , ond but n lew .
whose names will live as long as lime . Those
eminent men who planned and prosecuted their
plans , until they saw them comp leted , to whom
our country i'l a debtor , should ever he held in
gratefu l re membra nee.
All ntldrrss wits delivered In-fore (lie
TVr»|M-rnnc o Society, of IIys iimls , on Fri-
diiy afterno on , 2d in st. by Bkn.iamin !
'" •
FIam.ett, Ks(|. of I'rovidcnce , I». I. —
We ha ve hoard it well spoken of liy those
who list ened to it. We hope that the
effect produced , will he such :is to nlford
luiifh laslinj ,
' saiisfj irlion , to the sihle
and eloquent writer who is so zealously
engag ed in the cause of Temperance.
A new line of stages has been formed
to run between lioston and Providence,
for the better accommodation of the pub-
lic , and still bett er accommodation of the
proprietors. Fare to be #2,00.
We have been informed of the erect'
of two or more large stores , in Jarvisville ,
Sandwich , by the enterprising proprietor
of the Glass Works , Mr. J arvis. That
villag e, li as not its equal in our County ;
a larjj e amount of cap it al is invested and
a large quantity of glass ware is annual-
ly manuf actured there , which for elegance
and streng th , is not excelled by any, either
dom estic or foreign.
We have heard it mentioned th at fac-
tories are about being erected in East
Falmotith , upon « strea m that has a good
fall of water. We shall probabl y soon
feel the evils of the manufacturing sys-
tem, in our own County .
The Lowell Journal is to Oe issued
daily for the future on a small sheet.—
Manufactories will no doubt ruin our
country . A rail road from Uoston to
Lowell is to be built another season , and
many other similar evils are in progress,
erec t ing factories , &c How blind those
are who won't sec.
"n* The communication from our correspond-
ent at i'rovini'cioivn , will receive an insertion
next week.
W KU .VIvSOAY , SKI'T. 14 , I HM .
_ . ^ i
JJ emorrntir [{r/> ti/ilir 'in iVatl 'ng.
The l i i c n d s (.1 il"- >n i i o i i'd A i l i n i n i s t i . i l i o r i ,
met in UimiMiibl e , Sep t. li th i n s t . for t h e pu r -
pi nn (,l .,omin.i lin!! » '
-oK , :t'l , of W e l l f l i' e t . a n d
he w a i ( li.n en C h a i n n ai ' - V
ctihruk D in t ', o(
l- 'i i i r r i o u l h , Sc ie i . t i V.
Ur- .mli crl , uiiiii.iinoi i'l y, I" r r r o m mr n d lo t h e
K li - i o r s vj !' il;i.t Cu .iii
, < '*¦'¦<¦ . IK l t K . M l A l l
M A V O , of I Sr t- wsler , tm i^e nn t o r .
I d '.'itr t't , 'Mint u e c o r d i a l l y tipprove of t he
i i'i u i i n a l i n n iiinde l/y t h e h l a l e Co n v e n t i o n , held
n l W o rc est e r , 'in t h e l - t h i s t , to su p p o r t the
l i o n . M A Ji C I S 1\|(J H T( ) .\ , of T ai i n lo n , (or
( l o v e m o r , mid tlie H o n . . l u l l s Mll.l.S '>! ^ |i i i ng -
field , lor f,i'.
-n( . fJov »-rii '<»— J ili il v.1- "i'l ".-.e all
l a i r and h o i i u r a h l u iin uini to secure i h e i r elec-
t i o n .
llaolrtil , Thai t h e proccr d i n g s of t h i s meet-
in:; be si gn e d bv th e C h a i i u i n n a n d S e ne l a ry ,
a n d i i i s e n i.-d in t h e l!a:nslahle I'a t i i o t , J o u r n a l ,
and lioslou Si.iii • in ;i ti
JOSI -il'M HOI.IiltOOK , Chairman.
I 'f lAt.rif k Dnrix , Ser 'ry.
Accidents. Jona. (.'. Kilbourne , of
Provin cetown a hand on board schr. Cru-
soe, nin down at sea bv the Cumberland ,
and lu-r cr ew taken to Portland , bad his
it'S broken. Capt. Holmes of the C set
it , and i t is now doing well .
Th e speculatin g f0V er has been raging
in Lowell , for it few weeks past , perhaps
beyond all former examp le. N umbers ,
who but recentl y were in moderate pecu-
niary circumstances are now possessed of
independent fortune s , and all arisiti"
ft otu one , or perhap s at most , two or
! three fortunate sp eculations in lund.
M'.W Olt/ .KWH, Aug. 17. --A st orm of
wind and rain , of unexamp led violence for inu-
n v v e a i * , c o u u n e i i ced \ e s t e i d ay i n o r u i ne , and
has e o i i li n i i e d , w i i l i o u l linn h a h a t e i n e n t , up lo
(lie p i ese n t l i m e . !i<-fir (el y n n i ui 'le vo.vel in
poi l Inn escaped sei jo us d a m a g e , a m i llu-y h a v e:
iie .
-n ly all I/ecu d u l l e d r i s h or e , h a v i n g broken
Ih eii - ni'ioi in;:s a n d I h r o v . u do« n Hie s t a^ i u^ s
hv u l u i h t h e y were u n l a d e n or l a d e n .
The s t e a m e r s Hi J o h n , a n d I 'e l i c i a n a , »re
i i i i i r h d a m ag ed , hy h a v i n g r u n foul of bri g I'll-
g i i m , ol ' ISn -.t nii. T h e bri g has tier sl a i b o a i d
l i i i l w ; n k s a m i qu a r t e r s t o v e in , her m a i n i l i a u -
uels r a l l i ed a u a v , a n d h e r b o w sp r i t and li n ing
Illli ell I l i j l l i e d .
The shi p Flavins , of ISostoii , hud her chains ,
cut water , head , mid ini/.eu mast cniried away,
and (.on»idi:i able damagi : was done to her ri g-
Marque Hiilctus -, of Ne w Vork , hud her star-
board bow stove in , and leceived cousidetable
othe r damage—was fullv loailed for lioslou ,
with sut: a i ( ct it to n aiul lohaero .
U rig ltune , of 1'iovidence , received con-
si derable damage .
\U\-z, Aina/.on , of Philadel phia , a comp let e
wrei k.
liri^ Henry liennelt , of (io slon , hns sustain-
ed consideiahle damage.
Hi ij! t!lvs ->e s , ol' lioslo n , aru l shi p l' eail , Hoyt ,
were both iliiven a.-hoi e and sunk near ('ove rly
I ' l l i l ll .
liti f^ Sivhii , Hutll , liu.s been iniich inj ured gm-
eiH llv.
Ui '
i g (Jorsair , r.mrry,palled chain and steam
cabh h , (iinied away foie channels , uilh much
ot hei ilam:i!; e
Uri g M argaret , Scudder , hard aground , sides
chal Vil , wiudla .ss lorn from the deck , lost cables
aivl am hoi s.
A coppered shi p, boltoin up, has been seen a-
bout HO miles SK fi (Un lialize.
IJii g Doi l ge llealv , for Mar seilles , cast away
IH miles In the west of Ihe h\V I'ass. Captain
Ward came up in bri g Atlakapas , and reports
having seen »uvr .ial bales of cotton ashore near
hi shri ^.
T wo si-Ins , names unknown , were wrecked
near the Li ght House—fate of the crews un-
Tin: pilo ts from the SW I'ass report the dam-
age ilnue there much greater than at Hie lialiy.e.
[A large number of ilher vessels lereiwd
considerable damage , belong ing princi pall y to
Southern Slate- ;—a l-'r. bri g tio m Itnrdeaux was
eulirclv lost , having bee n diiven ashore—crew
saved. Shi ps Shi'jihenless , and He len Mai ,and
bri gs r .lvua, and Jikcj iIi Spiagui -, were towed
to sea It'tli J
We publish to day, at the request of
several persons, the act abolishing in p art
the barbarous usage of Imprisonment lor
debt. It is subjoined. — 'Vranscrip t.
Sk c. I. l>e it enacted by the Senate
and Hoiisi! of Ilepresentiilives , in (ieneral
Cour t assembled , a nd by the authorit y of
the same , Th at from and after the first
d ay of.fitl y nex t , no person shall be aries-
ted , held to bail , or imprisoned on mesne
proce ss, or execution , lor any debt less
than ten dollars contracted subsequentl y
to that day.
i^KC . '2. Be it further enacted , Th at
from and alter the first day of Jul y next ,
no female shall be arrested , held to bail ,
or imprisoned on mesne process or execu-
tion , for any debt contracted subsequentl y
to that day : Provided , that nothin g here-
in contained shall be constructed to extend
to any case in which any female shall be
charged as trustee , for a sum exceeding
ten dollars , in any Jud gment rendered bv
the Supreme Judicial (Join t, or Court of
Common I'leas.
Ski:. :> 15e i t further enacted , That from
and after the first d.iy of July next , it
shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court
or Justice of the Peace , wh o ni.iy issue
any execu tion upon any j udgm ent iVitind-
ed on any contract , made subsequ entl y to
the said first day of July, so a» to vary
the form of such execution , that the same
shall not run against the bod y of any IV-- e debtor , nor against the bod y of any
other debtor ,unless the jud gmen t , ex clu-
sive of costs , shall amount to the sum often
dollars ; and the form of all writs of exe-
cution which shall be issued upon a jud g-
ment founded on a former j ud gment , a-
pinst any female whose oti
inal debt
shall have been contracted subsequentl y
to the said first day of Jul y, (th e amount
of which ori gin a ll y shall have been less
than ten dollars) shall be so varied as not
to run against the bodies of such debtors.
A ppr oved bv the Governor , M arch ]<) ,
1S:> 1.
Sulem, Sept 3.—A fri end from Man-
cli estet informs us that short time since
M aj or Hurley Smit h, wi th some of his
laniily , were in the pastures just at sunset
ga t hering a few berrie s, when th ey came
in contact with huge Rattlesnakes , av era-
ging in leng th dvn to six feet. Maj or
Smi th succeeded in mastering them , by
killin g tw o and taking the third alive ; he
placed his foot upon the head until it
wound itself into a coil , and taking it his
hands carried it some distance to hi s
house and secured it in a bo.; several days ,
until it attempted to make its escape ,
when he ki||(.(|j t. When the snakes
were first seen they h ad their heads erect ,
apparentl y read y to spring upon th eir un-
welc ome visiters. The one taken alive
had thirteen rallies, and ihe others seven
and nine We understand that these
venomous reptiles have been uncommonl y
n umerous tin* present season in that \\c-
ini ty. -— Itcq if itcr.
American Semnrn tit Jamaica. —We
f<'H considerable pleasure in being able to
state , that the utmost harm ony and good
fe< ling exists between the Officers of the
American vessels now at I'ort lloyal , and
the dflicers of llie N avv on tlii -> station ;
so much , indeed , that a keen and discer-
ning eye. is required to distinguish (when
lh''V! sons of Neptune are rnintj lcd togeth-
er j the Iiiilish from the American , lot t o
a casual observer , ihi difference is percep-
tible , and ihey appear to have one com-
mo n object in view. On ,Mondy, Com-
modore F a r q u h a r , of the Blanche , vi sited
Cap tain .Shubikk, of thy Viuceimes , and
remained on board. On the Commodore 's
leavin o; tin* vessel, a salute was fired in
comp lim ent to him. Tuesday Captain
J ackson and his officers < iiteila ined the
American o!Ji<:eis on boar,I the Magnifi-
cent. On Wednesday they wen; enter-
tained by tin 1 gun-room officers of His
Maj esty 's shi p Bl anche ; and we under-
stand that Captain Shubiiek of the Vin-
ci lies , and commandant Tattnall of the
(¦campus, with their officers, h ave accep-
ted the invitati on of the Commodore to
pactake of an elegant breakfast on board
the Blanche this (lay. The Com-
modore has , we understand , i nvited our
Lieu tenant (iovKtior Sir Willoug hbv
Cotton , Lieu tenant (General Kni »hl , -
Reg imen t , Colo nel 1'aitcrson of the Roy-
al Ar tiller y , and the ollicers of the gani ^on
at port Royal , willi several oilier distin-
guished i ndividuals , to meet their friends
and (fiK' .sls. In the eveniucr (In: American
gentlemen entertained the officers of the
squadron on board die Viiicciinr-s. Built
vesels , it is said , leave our shores on
Sunday , but should they not do so, we
h ave been informed that Captain Sliubrick
and Captain Taitn all , willi their officers ,
will dine with Sir Willong lib y Cotton , at
ilie ( ieneral's residence , in Duke street ,
on Sunday evening. Such interchanges
of good feeling among tiie officers of the
freest nations on earth must lead to the
most p leasing results. — Jamaica p ap er.
Distressing Accident.—Yest erday af-
terno on , James , a fin e y outh , about 11
years of age , the youngest son of the late
J ames. M Vanim ,i>f this city, being tempt-
ed by some obj ect lo venture out on the
roof of bis mother 's house , (near three
stories hi gh ,) sli pped off and fell , head
foremost , on the pavement , and w as in-
stantl y killed. Wash. Int.
Poli ce. Cij urt. —^ esterdny , John Plan-
t a in , colored man ag."d about 21 , wa s lined
cean , and while in the stream , on Sunday,
being intoxicated , attempted to escape
ashote in one of the bri g's boats. Ano-
ther boat with the I'd mate and two men
pu t oil' to sjei'/,c him , and on Hearing him ,
struck him with an oar. In ihe scullle he
drew his knife and atteinbted to slab the
I'd mate who j umped into the water and
escaped with a scratch onl y.
Ch arles Foley, sailor on board British
bri g Margaret , pleaded guilty lo a charge
of stealing about $100 from the cabin , and
was committed for trial.
We are happy to learn that the young
men who attacked a gentleman in Bow-
il oin iS'qtiarc , on Comm encement evening,
hav e been hound over for trial at the
Munici p al Cour t , after a carefu l exami-
at the Police Court , by Mr Ju stice Rogers.
Mlirrlcr most foul.— The Ithaca Re-
publican states that on the 26th , fiuy C.
Clark , of Ithaca , murd ered Iris wife Fan-
ny, in a shocking manner. lie first
knocked her down , then choked her till
she was nearl y senseless,when he nearly
seq aratetl her head from her body with an
fixe , and mang led her face, arms and
breast in the most shocking manner. —
Th« reason is supp osed to be because she
had caused him to be imprisoned for i l
treatment of her. She was 4-t years of
age, and h as left five children. Clark
made no attempt to escape, and he was
[iut in prison.
Montreal, Sep t , 1.— In consequence
of the passing ol" the late Colonial Trade
Act admitt ing pork ,beef and Hour from
the United States duly free , (Joverment
have determined on the abolishment of the
office of Warehouse Keeper at Quebec ,
n ow hehl by Willi am Stringer , Esquire.
A s Quebec , however , is a Uca warehous-
ing p or t , such portion of the hue Officei 's
duties , are not a ffected by the passing of
the Act , will in fu ture became the duty of
the Collector of Customs at that port.
Quebec, Aug. 29.—Am ong the officers
on board the Blanche from Jamaica , is
Ali F.O'
endi , son we und erstand of the
Pacha of Egypt. This gen tleman is one
ul several natives of Egypt who liave
been put on board Eng lish shi p s of war
by the present enterprising Pacha of that
country to receive a good naval educa-
Accidents.—An apprentice of Mr.
Wm. V. H omer , Crockery War e dealer ,
l' ni on-sireet ,sli pped throug h the scuttle in
the story, on Frid ay afternoon caug ht
hold of the second floor, but his strength
failing, fell to thp l, )WPr fl (,oron |
)1S i)HC |
The Eve. Gazette says ' he vas taken up
f eless. He has been s,.Vera' time s bled
—and we are happy |
O hear le is likel y
t o recover. ' -A man hy tht name of
Rounds , dr owned himself on Saturday,
in Providence.
In New York a young grntV-man na-
med Allslon of S. Carolirri , wl»lo return-
ing from a ride nn Wednesday i fternoon ,
was tin own from his chaise , ttie horse be-
ing fri ghtened by coming in contact with
1 of ihe numerous obstructions in ih«*
st reets , and had his thi gh br oken near the
socket , a dangerous ficture .
Rep orted De
fe at o
f the Russians.—
The Courrier des Kta ts b'
nis has the fol-
lowing respecting the reported defeat of
the Russians by the Poles. It would be
hi ghl y gr atif y ing if the report should be
confirmed by latei arrivals , but the pre-
sumption is that it is without foundation.
li The rep ort was current at Pj ris , Ju-
ly 29, that a great victory h ad been gain-
ed by the Poles. A fter much hesitation
some journals decided upon publishin g
t his news, which was received via Frank-
fort and Met/.,and which we know not
how to believe ; for being know.ii at Pari*
on the 2!)th , it cannot be supposed that on
th e 31st the French Government had
learnt nothing official respecting it. L«
Qtwlidienne observes that the Russians
after havin g passed the Vistula near the
Prussian frontier did not commence their
march towards Warsaw until the 21st ,
that battle could not have been join ed
before the 2r >th ; and that it is impossible
that the news should have reached Paris
on ihe 2i)lh"
Odessa, J une 12 (27-)—The causes of
cholera have increased considerable with-
in the two last days ; at the same time a
good portion of the parties arc saved when
attended to immediatel y. Th e following
mod e of treatment has been found verv
efficacious :—Cop ious bleeding, a warm
ball) , a dose of 5 grains of calomel , re-
p euted, if not effectual , cerry hour , with
20 drops laudanum , if spasm is violent ,
and strong rubbintr of Vhe arms and legs
with vinegar . The patient to be well
plied during the whole time with weak
The surp lus silver coin has been so
great in London ,that the bank directors
have bt?en obliged to resort to the ex-
pedient of converting it into bars. The
consequent loss, allowing for the wear of
coinage, is not less than 12 per cent.
Th e Secretary of the Navv , nnd Com-
missioners, have visited this port the past
week , and inspected the Navy Yard H ar-
bor, &c.— Portsmouth Journal.
Mr , Jlewit.
—This eminen t Tempe-
rance adv ocate has arrived at Liverpool ,
Eng. and pr oceeds to London to be pre-
sen t at a meeting on Temperance to bt;
held there.
Cholera Morhus at Cronstadt.—A let-
ter has been received in this chy , vi;i
Hambur g, from an Am erican shi pmaster
dated Jul y 1-1, which states that some cas-
es of the Cholera bad occurred among the
Am erican shi pp ing, and that the captain
and one or both the officers of the shi p
II eroin<* , had died. Shi p Heroine, Gurr-
e|l , of New York , wasa t Cronstadt,at the
last account.— Pal.
We were informed yesterday that there
is no doubt that the wife of Carrara carried
wi th her to England th e whole of the valu-
able j ewelry of the Princess of Orange
that remained undiscovered at the time of
hi s arrest. Carrara himself states that he
buried it in the garden attached to the
house in which he resided. The spot has
been found, but the j ewels are missing.—
Th eir value is supposed to amount to near-
ly a milli on of dollars. — N. Y- pa.
A man 's own good breeding is the best
security against other people's ill man-
ners. Chesterf ield.
Insurrection at Ciiraccan. A British
man-of-war , arrived at Jamaica , reports
iha t from Jam icia Royal Gazette , 6(h til t.
We learn from accounts broug ht by his
.Maj esty 's shi p on t!ic 11th May the black
population of tin: Caraccas rose and took
forcible possession of the gaol , f rom whi ch
they liberated about 150 piisoners. Tin:
Governor ol the* prison and several others
wer e killed , bu t the Police , aid ed by tin;
inhabitants , restored tran qui llity. Tlie*t r
formed themselves into a guard , and a-
boul 1 10 persons concerned in the rising
were arrested , of who m thirty (includin g
two women) were shot. At Santa M,ir-
lli a the Tirudores revolted , and on the 2r>
Jul y took possession of the fortificatio ns
and imprisoned the authorities. On tlit *
2~ ih the militia , assisted by the Indians
who came in to supp ort the Government
succ eeded in quelling the revolt.
dale at M! I' alliinurc A-
nieri cari , of Fr iday, says :" The schr.
\ irg inia Ann , Tay lor , at this port yester-
day, in 20 days front St. Piern'S, Martini-
que; r ep ott s tint a violent hurricane was
experienced there on the 11th August ,
which blew all tin.-ve ssels from their moor-
i ri^-i , ex cept two French shi ps. Great
damage was done to houses , lumber, boats
Arc. A full laden li ghter and crew were.
missing ; supposed to be lost. It was
said that grea t damage had been suffered
at Port Royal. "