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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 14, 1831     Barnstable Patriot
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September 14, 1831
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t'rum l/ir .Veir Ytirk Cmisli lln/i on A L M A .\A ( ; <>l' IOHTIM0 . r lhere is a disposition scry pr<-v alent amo ng ihe species to look min lllfi r I ' llI I Ir<* destiny ; Id endeavour in as- certain bcfoicharM what is Id lit; their Condition— « hetlier licll or poor — fol Iu- i iaU' or 1111f<>rc1111;111¦ —li;i|ipy or niiser;il>li" . Tli;it they may Ifiim ;ill these things witho ut going to il fortune-idler—and tlius sa ve lioili time :iml iiionev—ss '" h i v e . with great care , stu dy iitul observation . concocte d for their use tin- IoIIosvmil: in- fallible lilies. All thai is neces-ary In the correct niicl<-1si:int lii> l ; ' I them is lor the reader j ust lit recollect ihe tiiniilh in which In; was bom. 'The y are arranged aft er the plan of the Firm It Almunmh . now uiilelv ciicnlatiiiL' in the new spa|ters — tiut ,in po int of per fect ;n curacy, will be found very I'.ir Id exo I that ("<»! • rj/11 production—especially when app lied to tin; latit ude and long itude uf ihis our first rate , true republican and cyei-bchm d country. N. B. T(t he especiall y read when the IMoun is in 1 'ci igree, an d near the lull.— Hut w ill answer upon a pinch, lor any other lime. Jam/a n/ .— lie that is horn in January unil lives to he a hundred years old, ss ill see many ; i cold day , and meet with ma- ny a heart equally as cold. His nose , unless we ll protected with fur or sonn othe r warm comnioiliiy, will In come as bluo ns a red potatoe every iiine he ven- tures to face a north easier ,when the mer- cury is below zero ; and bolh his ears and his feet will stand a tolerable chance to be frozen on the same occasion. In love matters ,it will in all probability go hard with him,should he chance to woo an icicle and many a mustard put." Should he happen to fail in money matters , he will,ten to one, be as poor as Job's lur- kies ; and finally, whether rich or poor , he will die for want of breath. February.— Ihose who are born in February, will ,for tin1 most part, never kno w which .side their hrrad is buttered — not because they will be stone blind or devoid of taste—but because the but- ler will be spread so thin. .Many ol them will fail in their own speculations ; and mine still will speculate upon iheii people's failings. Those who have one Quaker fool, will never make pood dan- cers ; and those who have two , in all likelihood, will not dance at all. And every son and daug hte r of them — unless they get married or die in season — will be old bachelors and old maids. Do not be born in this month ,if you can hel p it. March.— Ihose who enter the world in March ,will seldom meet with too much either of love ,frindship or compassion. They will many » time fall down and bump their heads in infancy ; will fie. quentl v beg in vain for coppers , ginger- brea d,and playthings in childhood ; will have more conceit , than either knowl- edge or pood sense, in youth ; an d have Cau se to comp lain , in a L'reater or less de- gree of the iiishiv h.nii rubs ilu-v veil! meet svi'.h duiinirilie rest nf th'-ir lives. They will every winter |)( . liable to mid* and coii'jhs ; and if tin y do not die ol Some other disease , will be likely to go off by a I li'iirisv <>r consumption. April.— Ihose who are born in A pri l, j will presently beji n t i cry ; and , shoul d i they live and prow up, w ill shed a (/real many tears before tlu-ir life is finished.— The females,when they have the hysler- ict f will laug h and cry in the same breath —and the males will generall y have cause enough to weep without an onion . Ma- ny of the wo,m.n w j|| | 1;|V(. degant head- i of hair , if they (]0 not spoil it wi ih comb- | and curling-irons ; and many of the mm will be in the habit of L'etiiii" >have d.-- .Mo st of the wome n will t;et marri ed , ;! they can ; and the grey " mare wili li>- i quently be tin; better horse. As for im- men,they will some of the,,, \)C r jc | ,? amj the rest from poor to middling. May.—Those who nre born in May, if they have l ight hair,will very often have blue eyes , and fair complexions. .Many of the males will be nearly six feet high ; and many of the females will possess a beautifulshape,if they do not spoil it by dress. Both male and female will be much inclined to t ill in l o s e , r »pe c i . i l l v b e t w e e n ihe at'es i f m \ i ,c i i and t w e n t y live ; and sh o u l d lln v ni.iki pi u d c n l m a t c h e s , e nj .\ e ,,,nj h e a l t h, po ss e s s a U'ood t e mp er, h i s e o b edi en t c h i l d r e n and ple n t y of in .in \ , t h e y « ill he apt to lead a very c o mio i i.ihle hie. .In in .— 'I hose w h o are burn in June , and esc.ipe d i s e as e , w i l l be as bl o o m i i i'j as the , - .i t d w i l l s c a r c e l y k n o w w h . ii pain is . 'I he y w i l l f i| t l i e n i' t st p.i i t In a r d e n t |o\ e r > - - t h e lili 'l l of L'Diul e a l i l i" . and ihe W nim n n tin- lit-i mvllj,,,.,!, ,. ,,;" ;JS ap- , pi o ai l i all the i n h a b i t a nt s lied lo M.ilihe- • ' iui . ami summoned ihe place to surrender t he i e lemaineil w i l l n n the w.ills only a ¦ poor shep hei ,| and Ins w ife . ihe latter w hoin ,h.i s in'. ; lh it merning br ought a I lillle in).ni l mlo iln- vsoilil of misery, svas unable lo l e a s e her bed , and her husband ol course st aid w ilh her. 'I he a n x i e t y ami distress (if (he pour man mas' be more easily conceived t h i n desci died. I ' oi I n n a t e l y , h o we v e r , he j possi sseil both Coin.i.'e and sill e wdlies s : ¦ill 1 1 on the spur ol ihe moment helhouvhl hmis ell a scheme o| esca pe , ss h i c h alte r ei nbracili:1 , them In th. he li.islciied lit put , into e x e c u t i o n . - - - T h e i nhabitants bavin :' l uu oil in a Ire ndiiiis I n n i y had left al- most all lln ir pi ope ity al his di-pu-al ;so he had no dillicully in limlm^' w h a t was fet piiM le lor h i- pi n pose , namely a com- ple te < h lir.'e ol ill t s- . --11 a sill'. ; liisl ac- costed his lower man in unlit.n \ guise ,he tossed a w ay his slit phei d 's hat , whi ch lie r ep la ced uilll a Inii'e helinel , a W o i l d loo \v ide ; he buckled a long sword lo Ins side ,t h i e w a I'oodls cloak user his should- ers ,slui k Inn emnmous pis tols in his be|| .Hid pull ui'. ;on hoots so thick in the soli's and I) i' 11 in the heel-., lln'\ l i l t e d him iImiii I hall a loot lionl the glniiud lie hist- ened to them a pi odi'.uou s pair ol purlin'. . ' ¦ ¦pur s , ss hich were the fashion al tile t inie . Thus accoiitereil, he loithssilll betook biuisell lo (he sv .ills , ami leaning will) a pompous air on his sword , he listened cooly In the her.dd ,w h o a d v a n c e d luj um- lll(il) ihe s lllai'e to sill lender. 1 iieinl , saul Hie hero , as soon as Ihe her ald bad concluded Ins speech , ' |e|| your comm ander that thoug h I have nol ye t made up ins' mind to smieinler at all I mas' possibly he induced |o do so , pr o- vided he a :.'M i s |o 'lie Iluce following Con- 111; 11111- . in \\ Ji :cli Ishall make no abatement w h itever : - Isi. The gau ismi must be al- lo w c d lo in,m il mil w i i b mllilai y honors .'il. I 11' hs ei ami pi ope 11 y ol the i1111.11 j i- l a i i ts urn I h" |iro|ecl'il ; : U\, Tin y musl he a lhm i d ihe free ol ihe I 'roles- 1,11 , 1 11 li " iu:i. I h e hei ald immediati' lv lep lied that mi< 11 |it epos ) i i oils conditions could not lor a hi. iiiii i11 he listened |o -ad.leil |ha| Ih' 1 gai i ison w as knovs n lo he wea k , nml co ni'liided by j i¦' :iiri ileina'iulin" the inslati t sui :endi r ol the place , ' .My rood li iend , ' uns sven d the vhep- her il.• do not he loo r,i -II. I ads i -.e you to iiiloi m sour (ii-ncral from me , thai | rio lliinv Inn my deMie lo avoi I blood sln-d I con hi make me think of sui ri ndei ing on i any t e i m s svhaley er , ami j ilease to add , th at ll lie does hot ch'j use lo agl'iM! to those 1 base a head y s t a t e d ,he svill pain I po ssession of ihe (own only al tin; point of the s svor d', for 1 s w e a r to so u by the f.iitli ol an liiini' , 1 man and of a cln , as svell aw by the honor of a g' lilhmen , that Ilie garrison has received a reinforcement In: l i t t l e ih cams of.' So sas inpthu she|)hei'd lighte d his pipe and pulled away with an aii of tip 1 most corisumate Twnclmltinrv. Confounded by th is appearance of boldness and security the In iah ! thoug ht it prudent to return , an d state to < y the svord of an ( hoiic- t iri 'iri anil f.'ui i- 'i'i n,as well as by the honor ol a pci.ile . ' ie i., '.:; it ihe t»;»ri i>on w ,il offer you no ii.j ury. i Ife tiii-ii pla ced hims'-lf by fionsalvoN I slirn.;) ,a nd follosvi-d hs the troops ,pabsed ; th rough scseral s;!'• 1.1 and ( bt r'-'ts j till at lentil' , tu!;::ug a narrow luiio ' I 'eiinit me to oiler this mark of my es- teem, " lie said good naturedlv , ' for the valiant gariisou of () .;ei sheini. |5y the hand ol a soldier , I ens y you possession of such a ieinloi cement ; and sou must let me present sou w ilh a purse of gold , lor the use nI the voting recruit. I lie ilii-ii stoopeil dow n anil kissed the ileli'hi iul moihei and her boy , ami imil- li'd the hull . f .lea vim.1 , ihe shep herd toboiisl lor many a summer tlay and svintcr night j of ihe success ol his stl alagein. Aimrii ii (mil I '.n^ laiiil. — The foliow- im; svas found among Mr. lluskisson 's pa- pers :— , h'1 slopped before ;\ mean lookim: house , I a nd ha \ in", pies ailed on 'ionsal so lo enter i lie led hi m into a sm ill room , where lay i Ins wile ,a nd her iillle bos beside her. | ' \o ble ( ieueral , ' he said poi ntiui' to the I lurmiT ,' th is is our p.irrisi 'ii ;ami this , " In* added , t.ikin;; his son in his arms , ' the 11 in loi cemet il nl which I (old yo u. A w a r e nosv ol the ical st.ile of mailers the altsui di: y ' ' ' ;' t<^ the trick, moved even Spauisii i.'i'as ns .uiii i)nns,il\ii e ase free course to his mil ill. Then lak- im; oil a rich rold chain st hich decorated Ins person , he passed il round the neck of t h e o i l i n t . " I'rnliriKi l l) iu/i) i ;iir hvtirvrn John Hull ami his hratlirr Jaunt/inn. ( Date, .lulu. I.V.Y ) Jonathan. —~ You are a vcrv good nml constant customer , John ,al my sho p, for lloui ,hoo ps . Ma si's , an d many other aili- c.les nfmv trade ; you are good pay ,and I am alw a ss "lail to :leal s\ ith you. John. - I In lieve all you say--I svish lo continue a good customer ; but Imust say sour mode ol dealing ss ilh me is hard. I.very t ime Itravel Ui, or send lo your sim p ' Sunday or mil ,) I am obliged lo pay double loll at the tin npike.pike gate , w huh is close beloi e it. Jonathan , — You need nol tak e, that trouble . I prefe r sending my goods to my customers by one ol my porters ;S.: as they are al ways ready ami punctual in delivei mi' the packa ges , Ido not see wh y sou slioulil complain. John. —I com plain because my osv n carl am i horses have nothing to do ,ami my peop le are upon the poor-rate ,svliilst I am pay ing you for poilerage . ] svill mil "o on in th is wa y . Jonathan. --Well I we svill consider of il nev i ( In isi nia- , s\ lieu ihe partners in ou r linn nnj < I to talk ovi r ihe concern. 'John P inaius patient lor another yea r ; when , IiimIiii" the Sunday loll still contin- ued , he a- ks w hat In oilier Jonathan and his III ill have decided. ) July , ]H.'(i. Jo nathan. —We have re- sol ved to grant a m w lease ol the tolls , wilhout making any alteration in the tei ms. John.— ^ on have ! then I withdraw my c ustom. Joiialhar' .— The devil you do ! (Aside j We mistook him in be a more patient ass t han he proves lo be. llosv shall sve con- liive to iuiup him bat .k to our shop ! " M I S C E L L A N Y . Ihe accounts receive d by Iucsrlay nii.'hi 's mail , (says the I 'oslon Daily Ad- veihscr. y 'lo not essentially contradict the repoiis lint have alread y reache d us, rc- hilmg to the re volt of the blacks. The Richmon d Comp iler of Au g. 'J'j th, slates most ol the rebels sveie runaways , ssho ha d broken out ol the swam ps ,to lohand do mischief—that fesv ,if any, ofl bc pla n- tation-han ds had j oined them — ami in one case ,a master tu rned out svilh his sla ves to meet a parly coming lo attack him ,an d Ihat two ol ihe assailants had been k'lletl , a ihiid wounded and the rest put to llii/hl. Th'1 number ol insurgents , il is thom d.t , did not exceed '/<)() . A |e|- lei from .Mm In eshorough ,dated Aug. 2(> v ay<, that l i"in ibe best iuioi million neai ly \' M negroes have been killed , and the Jail at Jerusa lem is lull to overflowing. It is su pposed they are entirel y su ppressed if not all kiil'-d and taken . The number of white victims has been computed al ' .>[) . JJelo'.v i-> an extract from a letter by Gen. K pp'"- ,oi'J' iing the Iticlnnond troops lo Mini u;as iheir set vices sverc not letj uir- cd. In,m Ilii. ltir.ltiw,r.d IVIi i% o f I 'riiiuij f U t n mi;- I li': artillery company returned this morning. 'Ibey ha(| landed at Siniih- fi'-ld arid we re rtijoii t to lake up their line ' re- ceist ' il an oi .h i- irom (ien. l'.ppes to re- tur n, us the 'u sei v ices we ie unnecessary. The 1111 11 >w in;' is an ext ract fi oni (Jen. I'.ppes ' des p i|i |\ |o C;ip|. Hich.udstlU : '- S'Uithtni 'tml , Ji'r. Ai m:, 1. '!, lS.'JI. " 1 h.ive lo leanest you svill direct the (roops to retur n— pei lecil y satisfied that they e.tmtnt hewaiitin;;, i\s ihe nurty nri' dispelsed ,and trtttn the best information no i i.i'uiIt "- 'if v i'f their re-usscinl>l ing— ce, larily not tor mmie ume. " I '.S. The insurgents* nrft dispersed. 1'ifiei'ii have been killed and Isvclvo In jail." It is nosv svell ascci laini'i!that tlic hnnd of negroes sv ho eoniniilted the. horrid murders in Souihainplon , svere com posed rhieliv or entirel y of runaways ,who luivc long inlesled the ssvamps of that Country. Their object svas probidy tit raise an in- surrect ion among the slaves. Hut they have comp letely tailed. The Uichmond Dragoons nrrived in Sout hampton on Wednesday night. They svill probably get bac k this evening or to* IIUII' I' OV Vl A letter from l 'ctevsbul'g, written lust night ,gives the following information : " 1 have jusl rend a letter from lo his father ,dutcd yesterday [at .Soulli- iimpton.J He states that he Was among the Ih. sl t hai went in pur.milof tlic negree.1 They comuieiiced near the North Caroli- na line,direct ing their course towards Jer- usa lem , led nn by a fellow called dipt. i\al. Turner ,(a black)—lh( (he v c >tr. ADVUUTISINK—S.-venly l ive rcitls per <<|iihi i' , Iui llui 'f jtisi ' i li ' ins , — lill\ cents pet li.ill »(|iiurc ; nml n( Ihi ' rale ol Iwi - Ive innl a li.ill (¦¦ti ts per square Im r.n Ii ailililiiuud iiiM'ilion. EARNSTABLE PATRIOT. rUBI I M I K l l KVKIIV SV J I l M < l n v limiMJC , •inf. iiiioH r.\ *i ut t i i k I' i.m- (ii i ii i: a n d n n t i f r i v ii i 'pii «i i k rut: Cci r im- I!iic. f., nv S. U. DIKunr ti . Soinrthm^ Ncir .— Some days since a merchant of our village svho has recentl y come a mong us,svas induced by his next door nei ghbor , to sell his whole stock ol goods by wrig /if , ihe neighbor agreeing 10 [jay at Ihe rate of 7T) cents per pound. Th" sto ck svas foithsviili sent to tlw pub- lic Kcalv.H and the. sveight riseeira iried, svhe n the seller found lo lu 's infinite kui- piise ,that he had made sale at a loss of 11bout $1200 from cost. A pretty cou- si'le rable ' bite' ibis, for the 'cliy' of litica.—Observer.