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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 5, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE FEDERATED CHURCH OF HYANNIS "The Friendly Church." Carl F. Schultz , D.D., Minister SUMMER SERVICES For Folk of All Faiths Sundays at 11, morning worship, sermon by the minister. Guest soloists; Mrs. Warren W. Cook, organiBt. Sundays at 11, class for pro- church children tor the conven- ience of parents attending church. Sundays at 7:30 , Friendly For- ums, the 13th successive summer season, prominent speakers, Illus- trated lectures, announced weekly, Annnouncement of activities ot church organizations will be made through local items and the church calendar during the summer. Daily : the church is open for meditation. The minister is available for pas- toral counsel and service and may be reached at the church office , phone 298 , or the parsonage, corner of Pine and Harvard streets, phone 656. A cordial welcome is extended summer folk on the Cape for the season or for a single Sunday. More than 40 religious denomina- tions have been represented by summer guests. Special greetings are extended veterans. The church had more than 200 from its parish In the armed services. CHURCHES OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Services held in Masonle Build- ing Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Testimonial Wednesday evening at 8:00. Sunday school convenes at the hour ef the Sunday morning service. All welcome. The subject of the Lesson-Sor- mon will be "Man," and Included in the Bible selections will be, "The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit , that we aro the children or God." (Romans 8:16). FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "The Family Church" Rev. Gage Hotallng, Minister. Notices for Week of Sept . 8 Organ Meditation and Prelude at 10:45 by Mrs. Frances B. Clarke, "Now Thank We All Our God" by Karg-Elert. Service of worship at 11:00 with special music including anthem by tho choir: "Tho Clront Duy of Iho Lord Is Near" hy Martin; solo by Mr. Frank B. Mohuffey ; and offer- tory, "Andante " by Crnmni. Ser- mon, "Which Way from Hers?" Nursery for small children in the parish hall during tho morning service. Thursday, Choir rehearsal Is at 7:30 p.m. Church is open dully tor prayer nnd meditation, ST. FRANCIS XAV1ER CHURCH Catholic The Rov. Thomas J. McLean , pas- tor, tho Rov . George C. Lewln and tho Rev. Edward A. Duffy, curates. Sunday masses, 6:30 , 7:15 , 8, 9, 10 nnd 11 a.m.; evening sorvlco, 7:30 p.m. Daily mass, 7 a.m. ColifOB- wlows, Saturday, 4 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:45 luii. Sunday musses at the Saorod Heart Church (mission), Yarmouth 9 and 10 a.m., preceded by confes- sions. CAPE COD SYNAGOGUE 7:30 Friday evening, religious service. I ZION MISSION (North Street) I Mrs, Harriet Grace, Elder. 3:00 p.m. Sunday School; 8 p.m., evening sorvlco; Thursday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. Algln , the marine gum secreted by the leaves of a seaweed, WIIH first used as a binder for ink In China over 3000 years ago. Since* Its discovery In tho West In 1888, algln linn been used for Bcoros of medical ami Industrial purposes. HYANNIS CHURCH NEWS I LITTLE THINGS The power of little things to give Instruction and happiness should he the first lesson in life , and it should be inculcated deeply. —Rus- sell H. Conwell. Most of the critical things in life , which become the starting points of human destiny, are little things. —Robert P. Smith. Seeing that we have to attain to the ministry of righteousness tn nil things, we must not overlook small things in goodness or In badness, for "trifles make perfection ," and "the little foxes . . . spoil the vines."—Mary Baker Eddy. Trifles discover character more than actions of seeming Import- ance; what one is In little things he is also in great.—Swift. In great matters men show them- selves as they wish to be seen; In small matters , as they are.—Gam- liel Bradford. It's just the little homely thlugs. The unobstruslve friendly things, The "won't-you-let-inu-help-you " things That make our pathway light. —Grace Haines. ORLEANS Legion Post Gets Their "Leave " Blanks Application forms for settlement of iimis. .,1 leave of World War II veterans have been received by Or- leans Post 308 , American Legion, Adalbert A . fluids , post command- er reports. These forms for tho so-called "terminal leuwi \my ot en- listed men" have been made avail- able for veterans by the American Legion, Application forms mny be obtained at tho Orleans l'ost meet- ing at 8 p. in.. Motlduy in the Town Hall or from Post officials, _§_s_ WEST DENNIS Cubmaster la Named To Church Cub Paok Lawrence Lovoquist was chosen Cubmaster of the Wosi Dennis Cub Pack at a mooting in tho vestry of the Wost Dennis Community Church. About so parents of boys of Cub ago attended. Mrs . Ruth Hallott anil Mrs. Wil- liam Ryder wore chosen Cub Moth- ers. Movies on Cub Scouts were shown and parents were addressed by Bmlle 11. Hajar, Hold executive of tho Capo Odd Council , of Hoy Scouts . MORE MORE .. .. ! BOURNE American Leg ion Auxiliary Speaker Selected Carol Young of Sagamore, whoso attendance at Girls ' State at Bridge- water Teachers College this Sum- mer was sponsored by the Auxiliary of Major-General Leonard Wood f ont 2;ii), American Loglon, will re- port on hor activities nl u meeting Of the Auxiliary In tho Legion Hull last night. Officers wore nominated nl tho meeting which wus presided over by Mrs . Mildred M. Watson, presi- dent. The. meeting wus the firm of the Fall and Winter season, An automobile trailer , designed for sportsmen and farmers, will be equipped with a freezer unit and space for ouo pounds of game or fish. i GEMS OF THOUGHT At Cape Cod Hospital Sept, 1, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Sanborn, Dennisport. Sept, 3, a son to Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bunsford , EUB I Brewster. Elsewhere In Somervllle , Aug. 23, a daugh- ter to Mr . and Mrs. George Hing- ham. Selectman and Mrs. Steven A. Peters, Mashpee, nre the mater- nal grandparentB. In Wareham, Aug. 28. a son to Dr. and MrB. George P. Wolard, of Woods Hole. Aug. 29, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nickerson, North Falmouth. Aug. 29, a sou to Mr. and Mrs. .lumen White, Dennisport. Aug. 23, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Baker, Chatham. inlllimiirt MlllllimiHIIIIIHIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII J BlHTHh 'IIHrUlllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIllHllllllllllllllllilliiniiiiiiiii Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court To all persons Interested in the estate of AUGUSTA R. JONES late of Barnstable (Osterville) in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court praying that Charles M. JoneB of Barnstable (Osterville) , in said County be appointed ad- ministrator of said estate without giving a surety o nhis bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in Hie forenoon on the 24th day of September, 1946 , the return day of this citation . Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire , Judge of said Court, this 21st day of August, in the year one ¦thousand nine hundred and forty- six, j CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. Aug. 29, Sept. 5, 12 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To nl) persons interested in the estate ot MARY R. STUART late ot Chatham , in said County, de- ceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Ev- elyn R. Drake, of Chatham, in said County praying that she be appont- ed executrix thereof without giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon , on tho 24th day ot day of September, 1946, the return day of this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire, Judge of said Court, this 12th day of August , in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. CHARLES S. MORRILL , Register. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of MARIE H. IASIGI late of Barnstable, in said County, de- ceased. A petition has been presented to naid Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by Bos- 1 ton Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany, of Boston in the County , of Suffolk , praying that it be appoint- ed executor thereof without giving a surety on its bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney Bhould file a written appearance, in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 24th day of September, 1946 , the return day of this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell , Es- quire , Judge of said Court, this -7th day of August, In the year one thousand nine hundred and forty- six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. Sept. 5, 12, 19 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court. To all persons interested in the estate of LOUISE R. CRAWFORD late of Barnstable (Cotult), In said b ounty, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court for probate of a certain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased by David N. Crawford , of St. Petersburg, in '"e County of Pinellas, Florida, in said County praying that he be ap- pointed executor thereof without living a surety on his bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the orenoon on the 24th day of Sep- 'omber, 1946 , the return day of this • nation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell , Es- Wlre, Judge of said Court , this •' •tli day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred and lorty-slx. CHARLES S. MORRILL, o„ i Register, hept. 5, i2, ig * E& YOUR sSUUBfS [TE G A L N O T I O E 8 T^onwealth of Mattaehiuatta nonstable, ss. Probate Court. .rn all persons Interested In the ..tste of STUART F. SCUDDER Hte of Barnstable (Osterville), In iaid County, deceased: The Special administrator of said ..state has presented to said Court for allowance his first and final a° lf you desire to object thereto, vou or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 10th day ot day of September, 1946, the return day of this citation. Witness , Collen C. Campbell, Es- aulre, Judge ot said Court, this 17th day of August, In the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. Aug. 22, 29, Sept. 5 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable, ss. Probate Court. To all persons Interested In the estate ot RAYMOND M. CROSBY late of Barnstable, In said County, deceased. A petition has been presented to said Court praying that Edith A. Crosby of Barnstable, in said County he appointed administratrix of said estate without giving a sure- ty on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should file a written appearance In said Court at Barnstable before ten o'clock In the forenoon on the 10th day of September, 1946, the return day ot this citation. Witness, Collen C. Campbell, Es- quire, Judge of said Court, this 21st day ot August, In the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-six. CHARLES S. MORRILL, Register. Aug. 22, 29, Sept. 5 PASSBOOK LOST I Notice is hereby given that Pass- book, No. 16232. Issued by the Hy- annis Trust Co., has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to the sai d HyanniB Trust Co. to issue a duplicate book in accordance with Section 40, Chapter B90, Acts of 1908. Sept. 5, 12, 19 ~ .A _ "year without a Summer" oc- curred In 1816 when killing frost and snow were reported every month ot the year in New York , Pennsylvania, New England and even ns far south as tho Virginia mountains. According to one the- ory, the cold was caused hy great quantities ot volcanic dust in the air which pi evented sufficient sun- light from reaching the earth. In Sagamore, Sept. 2, by tho Rov . Thnmos McNulty, Miss Ida J. Ollva of Sagamore, and Anthony Svengll- ato of staten Island , N. Y. In Wellfloot, Aug. 31, by the Rov. Dennis Spykers, Miss Ruth J. Her- rfo of Wellfloe l nnd Robert P. Lin- sky of Provlncetown . In Holden , Maine, Aug. 26, by Rov. Ashley Smith, Miss Patla At- kins of Sagamore and Alden C. Mitchell of Bangor, Maine. In East Harwich , Aug. 24 , by Rov. Frederick Frank, MI BB Closti a M. Clurke of Wost Chatham and Guy C. Vnlloo of Edgewood , lt. I „ and East Harwich . In New Castle, Ind., Aug. 24, hy Rov. S. Allan Watson , Miss Elinor L. Harvey of Now Castle and Wnl- tev P. lUpp ot Cotult. In Wost Dennis, Aug. 29, hy Rov . Robert Wood Nicholson . Miss Car- olyn R. Milt nor of lirnokllno and William B. M . Dunne of Bedford, In Rust hum, Aug. 2fi , hy Rov. Weston W. Slogol . Miss Lornu 11. Bell or Moiiui Vernon, N. Y., and IGnsth nm , and Stanley E. llnrlon , Jr., of Enslham. In Austin , Texas, Aug. 27 , by Rov . Franklin unite , Miss Margaret It. Ilreneinim of Austin , and Arthur M. Handy of f'nlauniot. in Boston, Aug. 21 , Miss [rone Duffy, formerly of New Bedford , and Arnold L. Iliiilllolil , formerly of Hyan nis. IHWNIWIIII IHIIIHUNIUilUIIIHIIIIIIUIIIimNHIIIIIIIIHII WUllHrnillllllUIIIVHUIIIIIIIUHIUIIIIIIIIIIIlllllHUIIllll in Centerville, Aug. 30, Alex Wlrt inmin , agQij 56. In Wost Yarmouth, Sept . I, Mrs. J. Frank Symo, aged 60, , In Taunton, Aug. 29, Rov, Henry W. Mnier, aged 80, of Orleans, In Norlli Truro, Aug. 20, Herbert W. Whipple, aged ii5 , of Chatham, iii Hyannis, Aug. 28, Georgo L. Ryder, aged 74, of South Yarmouth. in Fall River, Aug. 28, Edward Gagno, brother of willlum n. Gagne of HyanniB, In llnrwlolinoit , Aug. 20, Arthur W. Llndholm, ngod 72, or Milton, WOODS HOLE Disabled Fisherman Is Towed Into Port Here Coasl Guard cutter General Greene returned lo huso lowin g Ihi ' disabled New Bedford llsheriiiiili , Venture I, from no miles southeast of Noiiinusliuid lo Now Bedford . The two crafts arrived in port nl 3:80, Wednesday. N .'IIH ui'iiei Coast Guards succeed- ed In floating mi unidenti fi ed auxil- iary yawl, aground nlioui two miles oust of Nantucket Harbor entrance, IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll DEATHS HIHUIWIUIUMtUMUUMUIUIUUUUIUMIIllUJIIIIIJIIIMJIJI' Classi f ied Advertising Two cents a word first Insertion; 1 cent a word each subsequent In- sertion; minimum charge for each Insertion 26c. Display rate on ap- plication. To order a Classified, telephone 1216 and ask for Ad-taker. • For Sale PROTECT your good blankets from moths for 25c a year. One spruy- Ing of Berlou slops moth damage for 5-yenrs or Berlou pays for tho damage. Tho Wallpaper Snoppe, 302 Main St., Hyannis , Mass. H I G H BACK HAND-CARVED Hall Chair. Will soli cheap. Box 12, Patriot Office. FOR 8ALE Colonial type Braided Rugs. Hand- made of now woolens; made in Hyannis. Call 80 Yarmouth Road. Tal. Hyannis 1352-J. FOR 3ALE ~ FLOOR PLATE GLASS SHOW CASE, 10x3x4 feet, electrically lighted. Call Barnstable 295-3. Beautiful cradle, 100 years old; also very old sofa and two old hat trees. MrB. John Cross, 00 Louis Street , Hyannis. Tel, 863. Hand Braided Rugs! All wool, expertly braided , rich colorful designs, to especially beau- tify Capo Cod Colonial Homos nnd Rooms. Room slues down. Liftlme rugs. No duplicates ! New and used Axmlnstors and Brondlooma; hand- hooked , and a few genuine Orien- tals. Rug Exchange, 113 Pacific Street , Rockland. Tel. 1553 , 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. • For Rent OARAGE near Main Street. Write Box 1 , Hyannis 7/12 It. • Wanted WANTED SECRETARY-COMPANION desires post on Cape summer weeks, Very experienced us private Booretnry; mature, trustworthy travelled, Flu- ent Crouch , drive ear, willing to travel , preferably South or Cali- fornia. Write Box E„ Patriot. (illtl. 'K BICYCLE with hand lirnli e. Cynthia Hunt, West Harwich. Tel, Harwich 38. " WANTED TO BUY A ,'1-DEDItOOM HOUSE near tho Wost end of Hyunnls. Tel. 1359-M. Business Opportunities BSBBaamBBBBagaggBBBsaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBm' BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES 8MALLH0FF & HAINEB INO. 282 Main Street Hyannis JSB5SSHB5B5BB «~*V.tW^» fc /-^ AjJ w«vJi v Jffl | , j &*\tXd» «S^ J ^\ \ UttteVW llPif G;-<*- *>*>«? \J ff P Wes* 6.r»A yJJL Shades I JLS?Snj[_M^£e 4» QrUer j /— i Insurance Real Estate J. L. ROGERS Orleans Tel. 110 Mail. V ' Tom O. Crosby REFRIGERATION SERVICE Bnvnstnblo 295-8 Est. 1!>2<1 — i • Services Offi ri tl PAINTING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Ni so, Powers & llumsay Hyannis 18B8M lliii-w--84RK SINGER REPAIR HI'iltVICE. hi I'liiiiiiiini mid Orleans every Tucs day. All make sewing machines re- paired; work guaranteed, Now Singer Sowing Machines nnd sinn- er Vacuum Cleaners on display, or- der yours today, Tho singer Shop, A. MacEnernoy, Sherman Squuro, Hyannis, Tel. 1810. MISCELLANEOUS Wedding Stationery, Engngemont and weddin g Announcements, In- vitations, Calling Cavils, Mx Day Service, Tho Patriot Office, Hyu n- nls. Tel. .Hy. 1216. 60CO LABELS—83.60 Parcel Posl Paid, i In. x VA; Hod or blue luli ; in rolls, holder Inolud oil . Bond einili with oilier. Patriot onice Hyannis. Tel, liy. 1216. SALES BOOKS ion hooks of 50 piiils $11.0 1); 500 books, $1x50. Cash with order, Patriot Office, Tol. liy. 1216. FLOORS KANIlKIl AND RIO- finished, Linoleum and tile renew- ed, Cull HyiiiinlH 55W3. HyunnlM Floor Service, iiox 0, Conlorvlllo. ANTIQUES REPAIRED AND RE- (inlshod. First (|iiuiliy workman- ship and reasonable rates. 0. I1'. Freeman , H, I ping Street, Hyannis. Tol, ais M . FLOOH KAND1NH ft IIKKINIKH- INH . Also machines lo rent. Wall paper Shoppo, Tol, llyimulH 1755 PAPER IIANflINO - INTERIOR it lid Kxlorior Pnliillng. floor Re- llnl liliic . Arvlrl W. .liicohsiin , 23 School Street, HyanniB, Telephone 1142-M. tf Subscriptions Taken For— BOSTON HERALD BOSTON TRAVELER BOSTON POST lo collie liv inliil HELEN M. BERRY Bass River , Mass. ^ft& iPfe^ iSis^ Jack's Bike Shop 17 ItitriiNlitlil.- Hi,ml II? JIIIII IM General Contracting Onrpontry - Painting Landscaping Hamblen - Rogean, Ino. H yannis Mux 5011 , M UMS . Telephone 7««w Depot Square Tailors 253 Main HI runt , ilyiinnlH Special Announcomont Wo aro pleasod lo iiiiniiuiico a now , prompt mid ofllolonl olonu- sing ii ii il pressing servloo, Ex- tra IlllO QUALITY work lit now below (i. i*. A. colling prlaos, Work fully ruin unlived lo your satisfaction, Try us onoo ami yiui will continue our sorvlco. OPEN from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Tol, Ostorvlllo 4042 CLARENCE M. MacLEOD PI \No TUNING rieiialrln a Reteltlny (20 years oxperlonco ) M.iri.iuim Mill,. M.II.II. • Moats unil Accessories MULLINS FISHING GEAR INO. MOW llliilll nun II II It II I C A N K tested Moor- Ing lino , start the season right hy using out-proof, rot-proof ami Worm-proof mooring lino. Mu- rine hardware of aU kinds. JACK BEST Plumbing and Heating Tol. HyiiiinlH 1AH5 III Chestnut HI. Hyannis , Muss. CRANBERRY PRODUCT IO N SEEN A8 THIRD LAGE8T IN HISTORY Indicated production »r cranber- ries for Massachusetts this year is the third largest crop on record wiih an expected 535,(100 barrels compared wiih iho 1048 harvest of 478,000. The 1040 total Is exceeded only hy iho 1042 crop totalling 572 ,000 barrels und the 1087 harvest or B05t000 barrels, according to Um New England Crop Reporting Serv- ice nl Amherst. Early Hiacks are expected to ac- count f'ir alioul 5K per ecu! ot pro- duction mid Howes 3K per cent. Weather conditions worn favorable 10 ihe heavy bloom und a I'.ood sot ot trull wus secured on most lions. Insect anil fruit worm ilaiiiugo this season has boon IlKht. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Hand Braided Rugs Omul for GO years. Why worry after that . Now England's larnnst selection of Beautiful All Wool itiir . :. , menu fireplace up to mom sizes (1x12. If you wish to houutlfy thai Capo Cod Colonial homo with those lifetime niKs , will lake youni in irado. itiiK Exchange, 118 I'u- oiflo Street, Rockland. Tel. 1658, !l A.M. to 9 P.M. Now and lined I Wiltons , Axmlnlst ers and Broad- looms, 80UTH ORLEAN8 General Kirk Commended Cape WAC Officer WAC 1,1. Mary li. Wlnslow , who operated, tai Monomoy Theatre In civilian life , lias been commanded by MaJorConeral Norman T. Kirk , surgeon general for supervising the musloal comedy. "Call Me Mrs,", at itliii Oliver benoral Hospital. Augus- ta, Os, Khe was stage managi r and hu«- | biess manager of the production , 1 and tils oueted in it More than 12,00 personI watched tlm play when It was presented »t Kurt MeClellttn , Ala., on AUK . 4lh, I.t. Wlnslow Is a daughter of Mrs. Lawrence Kwlim of South Orleans, ' Hint began hor basic training al the Third WAC Training Center, Fori [Oglethorpe, Oa., on March «, 1948. ~ Z^SiSfSlr8 Yes' lhe G- r Bm of "JU*,*iP ^^Sw55\ ^ Ri ghts offvrs you the Q r w chance to