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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 5, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CORN ROAST GREAT FUN Despite the threatening weather Hie corn roast held last Thursday evening to benefit the Library was enjoyed greatly. A fine variety of food including frankforts, corn on Ihe cob, garden fresh vegetables and ?u'ts Plu8 (delicious home- made pies, made up the very satis- fying supper menu. It is hoped that next year the weatherman will be more cooperative and that many more will Join in the fun.' . PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Metcalf and two daughters, Jane and Sally, bare returned to their home In Wal- pole. With them as their guest the past week at their Wequaquet Lake cottage was Miss Nancy Boy- den of Walpole. Others occupying their cottage during the season have been Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Crandall and oon and daughter, Paul and Jacqueline, of Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Butler and chil- dren ot Bast Walpole, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coleman with their son, John. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Pickett of Mor- gantown, West Virginia, left on Wednesday to spend ten days at Nantucket. They arrived last Fri- day to visit Mrs. Pickett's mother, Mrs. George Snyder. Miss Jean Nichols, a junior at Wellesley, is visiting her grand- mother, Mrs. Snyder. MISB Sarah Nichols , who has spent the sum- mers here, returned to Newton on Saturday with her aunt, Miss Doro- thy B. Snyder. Miss June Norton of New York, who has been a counselor at Camp Wono In Brewster this summer, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard D. Blelcken. Norton teaches kindergarten in Brooklyn and is the author of several sing- ging books for young children. Miss Dorothy Worrell left today to attend the convention of the English Speaking Union in Boston. Mrs. B. D. McKenzie is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. V, Carey, in Low- ell for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Robblns and family have returned to their home after spending the summer in Miss Worrell's camp. Fisheries Division Complimented It Isn't often that the Division of Fisheries and Game receives plaudits on the results of their ef- forts in propagating and conserving wild life and when whisperings of praise come to Director James F. Power for work which has been performed by his staff , they cannot be ignored. For the first time In many seasons, sportsmen are not only beginning to realize that the Division sets a production goal with the determined purpose of fulfilling It, but they can now see for themselves the ecord produc- tions achieved by the State Game Farms. This year , more pheasants and quail have been released than at any time during the past ten years. Moreover, the birds releas- ed are larger and In better condi- tion than at any previous time. All of this proveB that (he Division 's accelerated stocking program has paid good dividends. CENTERVILLE NEWS Barnstable Hinckley, Lilla F. ot nls to Ross Deluetras ot at, Richards , Adolpho et «x to Man- uel M . Prnda. Nickerson , Nellie li. to Freeman M. Nickerson. Butler, William J. to Roman Catholic Bishop of Fall River. King, Clinton T. to doraldlno King. Hallt 'tt , Russell to William V. Swift. Grnco S. Mabel to Theodore T. Lthgham ot al. Rums, Helen V. by Admr. to Walter J. Kennedy. Hatch , Dorothy B. to Clovor L. Poyanl et ux. Klrklnml, Clarence S. ot ux to Centerville-Ostervllle Firo District. Demetras, Ross ot al to George K. Churchill et ux. Robinson , Romans et ux to Springfield Safe & Deposit Trust Compnn, Town of Barnstable to James S. Condlnho. Town of llarnstablo to John E. Frnzler et ux. Handy, John L. to Anne S. Ollf. ton. Hinckley, Hannah E. by Extrs . to Elbert T. Little. Donne, Eugene F. to Elizabeth F. MonI ague. Montague, Elizabeth F. to Eu- gene F. Doano ot ux. AdiiniH , IXMI IS R. to Georgo J. Fink. Bradford, Ernest S. et ux to Jos- eph Morey et ux. Bourque, Joseph A. to A. Harold Cnstonquny et al, Champagne, Francis j. et al to Russell I'. Evans. Selberllng, Franklin A. to John L. Handy. Rosengrou, Eric W. ot ux to Har- old E. Brooks, Jr. Carlson , Andrew to Roger E. Carlson. Cummings, Ernest o. el ux lo ' Karen K. Moshor. Nye, Francis T. ot ni to Herbert 10. Cook et ux. Woodruff, Robert W. to Donald c. Bowon et ux. Ootell, Earl to Loo Glenn. Oils , Jnmcii by Exlr. to Mubel E. Wright. Kerr , George M. ot ux to Leon- ard F. Anderson ot ux. Kingman , Frederic w. to Harriet c. Kingman, Silver , Itebocca C. to Georgo W. Silver ol al. Utile , Laura L. to Edward A. Barrier, Brewster I lowland , Irving to John Z, Dal- rl/.o. Loo, Mauvloo N. et ux to Milton M. Gray, Jr . Chirk , Willi am E. to Warren V. Nickerson. Johnson, S. Taylor Jr. to War- ren v. Niakerson, Hooper, Amy (!. to Thomas F. 1 Hooper, I Dulled Lunch Corp. lo Roimldo Csstlzllons . I Oummingsi Jennie L. to Edward J. t • III fill l't UX. WI IIH IOW , Moo F. to Georgo G. j Locke el ux. Alexander , Jesslo P, to Rulpb W. (,'ulilii el al Trs. Giilda, Ralph W. to Eli/.abolh G. i i r e l l . j Giilda , Ralph W. lo Ralph W. (lulda an dSon, Inc. Chatham Allen , Henry II. et. ills lo Floyd 1 E. Rowland. Metiers , Gortlo M. lo I'lslher A Oliver. Million , Ernest W. lo William ,1. Tilt ley. llowi'H , Nathaniel 10, lo Henry W. Pclnrson. Proedman, Samuel et ux to Fran- cis A. Hremiior ot ux. Byrne, Mary H. to Arthur G. Hu- bert et UX. Ilarlgo , Ann II. IV) Norwell A J I'hllllpH el ux. Torrey, Leonard II. lo Elizabeth] It. Gushtnan, SHOW , Rebecca T. nt al to JOH- cjiii w. Nickerson, IDldrodge, E. Oyldo to Earl A. NIclieiHon et al. Cushman, HUlzuljolb II. to Leon- ard II. Torrey. Ahell, Itolllii lo Frederick 10. Rogers, Dennis McUowoll , Anna N. lo John II. Lombard!, Price, William el ux to M . JOB« opll Kell ey et ux. Gleildoli , HullOrt A. lo John .1. 1 ll 'llonm-ll et ux. Richards, Christina M to Helen J. Towno, iinuiiiaii , Caul io. io Florlno c. Ferns, FeriiH , Florlno 0, to Paul IB. Banman et ux. Wright , Stanley M. to John Zln- lievlcli el ux. Howos, Oscar S, to Wlnthrop D, Dean ot ux. Kalloy, Edward B, et ux to Da- vid II Lane , Jr. Dane, David II. Jr. lo Kenneth M lOldrld ge ol ux. Metiers , Faith C. Tr. to Wlllard ' II. i'liilllps ol ux. Murra y, O, Thomas to Warren V. Nickerson. Edwards, Loiter II to Warren V. Niakerson, Nickerson , Warren V. to Roger K. Sampson ol al, McDow ell , Walter K. lo Paul V.\ Baxter el ux. McDowell , Walter K. lo Tyra Thulen. Segrinl , Louis to Rlnuldo GUH - pair et ux. Byrne, Louis A , lo Albert iiullt et. ux. Ilreen , Mary L. to Cliarles T. Gibson et ux. Nickerson, Earl 0, to Union 0, Houghton. O'Keeffl, Margaret M. by Admr. to Charles Heimlich! at al. Welch , Arthur J. to Wesley II. Trott, Jr. Chapman , Gerard to George Mc- Dowell. Ellis , Lillian H. lo lioinenlco Del- Voccblo «t al. Preston, Mae Lincoln to Edward w. Preston ot ux Kolloy, Gertrude to Mahollo E. Hall. Small , Lilla U. et al to Bird Pate. Campbell , Willlum hi Admr. to Murzlo G. Snow. Caneiieiii , Bernard C, ot ux to Lewis II . Dickey et ux. Bftker; Harriot H. ot al to Wal- ter H. Rackofon. Raker, Harriot S. et al to Lewis II. Dickey et ux. Howes, Inez N. II. to Percy H. Marsh. Falmouth Donklll, Mary Wheolor to Leeds A. Wheeler. Soza , John M. to Donald A. Law- rence et ux. New Bedford Bargain Store Inc. to Mario Roberts Haro. LouthtM-hy, Mildred 8. to Webster D. Tlbberts. Cavannugh . Sophie M. to Loomt R. Renl. Randall , John F. to Willia m La- -Route et ux. Randall , John F. to Paul F. Soza et ux. Moulton , Joseph L. to Emniii A. LaBoBilore ot nl. Barrier, Edward A . to Ixxi T. Foster. Wood Lumber Co. to Hugo TUB - slnarl. Williams , Clara F. to Clara F. MoCormlok, Wall , Harry T. ot ux to Anno II . Hatch. Hubbard, Edna T. (o Bernard W. Stone et ux. Thoabo, Albert A. to Wareham Savings Rank. Smith, Aaron to Frank ,1. Me- Farltind ot ux. Dyer, Wilbur A. et all to Wilbur A. Dyor. Dahlborg. Charles F. by Admr. to Edward N. Dahlborg. Bourne, Hannah us. et al to Wal- ter N . Fairfield ot ux. Trimmer , Corn Hollo to Howard 10. Milieu et ux. Chase, Cordolln 0. lo Ralph D. Slinonenn et ux. ICeene , Dorothy tl. ( oFulmouth Tap A Cocklall Lounge, Inc. Town of Falmouth to Hiram O. F. Harlow si ux. Lawrence , Willlum E, et ux to Ralph 10. Lawrence et all. Shannon , Florence 10. to John J VanHlrlen et ux. Adams, Adrian io. ol ux to Jes- sie M. Adams . AdaillS, Jessie M. lo Adrian E. AdiiniH at ux. Roblbns, Isaac H to Dorothy o. KOOtlQ et ux. Gardner , Joseph L. et ux to Ma- rlon ii. Odom, Handy, Alton L. to Wil liam L. Ilaiiihliti et ux. Welch , AgnoH M. lo Frederic C , K UIIZ el ux. Parker, Annie A. W. by Trs to Elsie ||. Mnllsoii. Harwich Lee, Olive W. It. to Dorothv W 'Cordon, | Thompson, Riddle u. >-t ni« to I Dorothy W. Gordon. Thompson, Frank II, ol nls to I Dorothy W. Gordon. Blgn C. Jerauld. iiucii , Mnrgarol F, ot nil to En- i" Connor , Wilborl II. ol ux lo Ooo, C, It I i I ux. Bennett, Itulh J. to Francis L. Cassldy el al. Chase , Snrall B, Ol all to Mar- shall Slelie niuunn , Jr. Howes, Mary II . lo Sheldon II. I Fairbanks. Hoggs , siiinu.ii j, ot ux IO James I A. Cotter et ux . Ford, Mary to Alden c. Brett ei ux. Hall , Gershoni I), lo Henry G. Ostrandos, Allen 's Harbor Properties, Iua. 10 Alexander II. Stewart ot ux. Kendiick , Bernard L. to Waltor C. Conroy ct ux. Orulm, Raymond T. lo Lester W. Murphy, Lttwtoil, Charles N. el. ux to Al- bert. II. Warner ol. ux. llulll , Albert 10. ot ux to LOII IH A . Byrne, Maahpee Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. to Federal Land Bank or Springfield . I'elers , Hleven A. to Hurry Smith, Murray, .louse lo Henry N. Hpohr. Orleans Meals, Helen A. lo Paulino II KiiHlon. I'nIn.- . William I) , el. ux lo l.i-lila 11 Itlddell e| ux. I'erry, Nelson B\ ot all lo Alfred J. Leoiiardl el ux. Brown, Arthur ID, ol al Lo Henry N. Baxter ol ux. Patterson, Robert w. ot ux to Henry N. Baxter ot ux. Hlgglns, Frank 0, by Extor to Ralph w. Qulda Hlgglns, Ail Inn - il. ol ux to Kiilph W. Oiililn Mills , Ferdinand W. lo Norman I''. Ilondi'loks ei nl. MiilTi-ll , Nellie I' , lo ClOOrgO II. Iloyd el ux. Illnes, Mary A lo HUSO Nelson. nines , Mary A . to Herbert A. Baker, Coleman, Dennis hy Ad mix lo Maurice D, Gill. Sandwich coiinuinoKHcii Ranch Co, lo Elis- abeth T. Vimhuiililili el al. Devlin, Edward ,1, el ux lo llort- rmii ii. Shelley ot ux. Garland , Mnudo It. el al lo Or- villi- Garland nt al. Fish , Harriet A. to Angelina M. Jones ei nl. Burke, Margaret E. i oMary G. Sims. Burke, Margaret io to Blhel it. hueklliejlall. iieriweii , Mary L io Christine V. Manning, Mannin g, Christine V. to Mary L. ll erlwell et al Wellfie et Freeman , Abhlo O. lo Charles C. Ryder . Magulre , Frank G. lo Alfred It. Crolghton et ux. Mortor, George F. lo Treasiirn Cove , Inc. lilhbons , John N. to Ernosl C. 'I'esHou et UX. Yarmouth Wood , Georgo W. el ux to Win- ston N, WIlllinarHli. Maclvore, L. R. nt all , Trs. to Vivian Martinson. Ooodolc , Ruy L. to Ethel M. Qoodule, Blagden, William R. to Fraderlo F. Scudder. Wood , George W. ol ux to Ruy- IIIOIK J *A. Hi. Germain. Elmore, Samu el D. to JuillieltO F Dull' et ux. Byrne, Louis A . to Charles De- Reuzls. Bonardl, Qeorge ¦'¦ to Catherine M. (lurbarlno et al. NEW DEEDS AT BARNSTABLE METHODIST CHURCH The Rev . J. L.. Butler, Minister. ' 7 o'clock , Evening worship with sermon, "My Shepherd", by the| pastor. Music by the church choir. ! PERSONAL8 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stnuett are now living tn Yonkors, N. Y. Mrs. Slnnett is attending a Nurses Ca- ' I det School and Mr. Sinnott is a 1 radio technician at Wostover Field. Harvey is the son of Ray Slnnett , formerly of Newtown , and Bpent his boyhood here. | Mrs. Frank Laphnm with Mr. and | Mrs. Aittainomi of Osterville at- i tended tho wedding of Albert Alt- i tainom l which was solemnized nt 1 the Finnish Lutheran Church nt Wost Barnstable on Sunday at 2 1 o'clock. Mr. Aittainomi wus best ! man for his brother. Little old Marstons Mills had lots of company for the weok ond. Mrs. | Daniel Htggtns and Miss Amorotto I Lurcher of Wost Roxbury were nt "Cedar Crest"; Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Buckley and family visited tho Golemons; Irving JOHOB of Dorches- ter visited his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Jonos, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Horace Martin of Cambridge I nt one of the Coleman cnttagos. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J, O'Brien i and two sons of Watortown have been spending two weeks at tho I Coleman camp. Mr. O'Hrlon roturn- , ed homo Tuesday, but the family j will remain until next week end. Mrs. Edwin Coleman and son, j Ted, with his friend , Edward Cnnl- I son, nil of Springfield, who have i been visiting Tod's aunt Edith in Cotult . called on his undo John Coleman Sunday. Luther Nickerson of Cotult ciune with them. Dinner guests of the Coleman oiV- Sunday were Mr . and Mrs. Victor Antler- | son of Santult. . FAMILY PARTY Mrs. Fonlon Smith of Seattle , Washington , came by plane here two weeks ago to visit her niece . Miss Emily Laurence of the Plains. On Sunday a dinner party was given In her honor with 1(1 guests present. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sparrow of Easlliam; Mr . and Mrs. Donald Sparrow of Cam- bridge; Mrs. Hillings and daughter, ..lean , also of Cambridge; Mr. and Mrs. John Rynrd Smith and son, | Charles , and Mrs. Herbert Snillh or Hyannlsport; Miss Phooba Smith and Miss llerlha Crosby. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Montgo mery of Bristol , Conn., came to the Cape especially for Ibis occasion and spent the week end with Miss Laur- ence . Mrs. Herbert Smith, who is till , was the oldest relative present. Whllo vlslllng here Mrs . Foilton Smith attended church at SI. An- droWB-by-the-Sea where she wenl with her husband -1(1 years ago. PERSONALS Lorlng Jonos , Jr., has purchased a piece of land , formerly owned hy Robinson Weeks [ [ m-m fel 1^1 ^V JM Importance of cleaning your furnace means a great Sav- ing of Fuel—as dirt on the* baffle plates on your furnace act ns an insulator. Dirt in your stove pipe retards draft. For furt her particulars and price call Hyannis 233-W-2. E. Henry Phinney HOMER A. PHINNEY COAL - WOOD - ICE - FUEL OILS 145 Yarmouth Road T«L. aa3wa Hyannis M^Stl HYANNIS WEST DENNIS 1 DR. NORMAN T. HUGHES OPTOMETRIST All records of my predecessor, Dr. Harold F .Hinckley, are on file in my ofllce. 344 Main Street Hyannis, Mass. ¦I I ¦ mil ¦¦¦I I I ¦ f ' - * * ' " " ¦ ¦— -"-"-" . ¦t 9 .¦..•..¦..¦II «M*I ^ m *.¦¦ CROSSWORD PUZZLE . . . - - . - - J. . . . . . . . . . . ^--.. . - . ¦ . . . . . ....... ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ « , ¦ ¦ ¦,,¦, ¦ ¦ ¦ , «I .«..«.^I * na ¦ ¦ a. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ o i*