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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 5, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MRS. FRANCES ANDERSON « Correspondent UNITARIAN CHURCH ROT. Walter R. Jones, Minister PERSONAL S Mrs. Joseph Rocha and daugh- ter, Catherine, are visiting her I daughter and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson at Elkton , Md. Mrs. Irene Hallett and (laughter , Dorothy, of Lynn aro spending two weeks with lier sister and brother- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cary. Mrs. Robert Walker and son, Kenneth , of PoughkeepBte, N. Y„ spent the holiday woek end with her sister and brother-in -law , Mr . and Mrs. Lynn Poote. Rev. A. Holmio and family left Saturday to make their home In Hancock, Michigan. Rev. Holnilo will leach there and his daughter , Ruth , will attend Sliomt College. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cary and son, Robert , have been visiting his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cary at Brockton. Miss Jean Foote ot New York was a recent guest of Miss .lime Anderson. Mrs. Laurence lloane and daugh- ter, Gertrude , who hnve been visit- ing Mr, and Mrs. Robert Cary, have returned to their home In Wolpoje, Captain Robert Murphy, who is station ed with his ship "t Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days with ills father , Hugh Murphy. Mrs. Ethel Ma'gtfl Is having a two weeks' vacation from her du- ties at the telephone exchange, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony George and daughter , Helen , hnve been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ban- croft in Olalrmonl, N. II.. for a few days. > . Howlnnd. Mrs. Percy Titus was a week end guest of Mrs. Tracy Parker. West Yarmouth PERSONAL S Mrs. Ada M. W. Norton plans to closo her home next week and re- turn to Mnplewood , N. J. Her daughter , Mrs . Frank Ness or Wey- mouth is with her for a few days. Another daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bel- cher and husband of Maplewood, N. J., who were here all Summer, have returne d . Mrs. Kenneth T. Perry and chil- dren spent last week witti Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cahoon of Monument Pencil , formerly of West Yarmouth. Mr, and Mrs. Edward L. linen- sing of Venezuela, and Dorothy Ann who spent their (list Summer on Cape Cod In the Howard It . Mon- roe house, have gone to New York City, Mr. Duensing will go by plane to Barcelona, Sept. SOth, and the faintly will go later. They wore ac- companied by Miss Nancy Lord of Boston , companion of Dorothy, for n week. Mrs. Edward 1. Petow spent last week with her daughter , Mrs. Lloyd B. McManus ami family at Nan- tucket. Miss Marilyn Peak of South Hy- minis and Cambridgo will enter her senior year ot Jackson Col- lege Sept. 111. Her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Peak , Jr., plan to keep their summer homo open through October, Howard Peak, 8rd, spent his two weeks' vacation with them, ami another son, David, a veteran of World War II , left today for his Junior year at Nort h- eastern University, Allen i. Dinned- has returned to Bryant & Slratton Business School for his second year. Miss Miriam D. Sherman and her nephew , William K. Downey of Providence , who spent the sum- mer wllli her brother, Robert A. Sherman ami family, am returning this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon B, Fnrloy and family of Newton Center and Mrs. Farley 's father , Anselni L. Bacon , returned nfter a week at tho Lit- tle Old House In South Hyannis. Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon J. Du> puis and children returned from a week's motor trip through Ver- mont and New Hampshire, whoro they visited his brother , Alfred nt Wooilside , N. H. Mrs . Alfrod Du- puts and daughters , Grace anil Theresa returned with them for a week. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Pblnney were Mrs. D, .1. llogan of Syracuse, N. Y„ and Mr. and Mrs, John F. Geary of Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr . and Mrs. John A. Brady nnd John , Jr., of Clifton, N. J„ accom- panied by Mrs. Florence wtso of East Orange, N. .1 , anil Miss Hoso Madden of Passaic . N. .1., woro visitors for two weeks of Mrs, Brady 's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peak. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. linker of Nantucket were holiday week end guests of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bliigden. BARNSTABLE NEWS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Congregational Meeting House , 1717 , Rov. Robert Brock, pastor . Mrs. Ruth Glllmiin , organist. Miss Elizabet h Jenkins , Snpl . of Sunday School. Sermon nnd Worship Serv- ice, 9:so n. in., for the Summer months. Everyone welcome, LIBRARY Library opens on Saturdays , 2 p. ra„ closes 5 p.m. Mrs . Harold Weeks, librarian, TRAINS Trains from Boston leave West Barnstable for Hyannis 10: •*!1, ,'i::iil p.m.,