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Newspaper Archive of
Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
September 5, 1946     Barnstable Patriot
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September 5, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PRESIDENTS CLUB TO MEET The Fall meeting of the Presi- dents ' Club of the First District of the State Federation of Women's Clubs will he held in the Province- town Inn next Thursday. Mrs. William L. Fitzgerald , president, has announced that the program in- cludes a luncheon at one o'clock, a business meeting and entertain- ment. Reservations must be made not later than Monday with Mrs. George M. Allen of Provlncetown. LEGION AUXILIARY Officers for 1946-47 of the Legion Auxiliary will be nominated at the first Fall meeting at 8 p.m., Tues- day, in the new Legion Home, Barn- stable road. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER FAIR The two-day fair for the benefit of St. Francis Xavier parish, held in the new Legion home, closed Friday evening with a record at- tendance for the two days of 5,000. The affair netter more than $3000, which was several hundred over the 1945 auction and fair. Winners of some of the special prizes were Mrs. P. B. Mortimer, Bendix washer; C. Marchant Wilde, Zenith radio; doll with cape of 26 $1 bills , Miss Mary G. Devlin; Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. John S. Ger- linger, $10 each; M. Dolnlck, the Red Sox autographed baseball; Miss Marlon Crowell , pressure cooker; Mrs. Lucy Coleman, mas- ter toaster. Other winners were Mrs. Peter Cairns, Miss Lillian Kelley, Mrs. Helen Hlggnls, George Kelley, Miss Patrcla Terry, Mrs. John McGulre, James Doyle, Mrs. Charles Zam- aria, Mrs. P. H. Beach, Mrs. Nor- man McLean , Peggy Keleg, Henry F. Burns, Mrs. Therest Gilmore, Sally Wood , Marcella Ryan, Mrs. A. G. Cox and Rosemary Healy. Paula and Patricia Duttiont won first prize in the doll parade and Edmund G. Otis, 3rd, won first In the wagon parade. In a competitive vegetable, flower and fruit display, the Ryder Farm won first in vege- tables; Ida M. Johnston won first in flowers and William Klvernltls was first In fruit. There were games for children in the hall and tea was served both afternoons. The pastor, Rev. Thomas J. Mc- Lean, and the curates, Rev. George A. Lewln and Rev. Edward C. Duffy were present both days. PERSONALS Miss Sadie Atsalls, a graduate of the Fitchburg State Teachers Col- lege and Barnstable High school, has accepted a teaching position in Lunenburg. She Is to teach Eng- lish in the Junior High school, In- struct girls in physical education In the Junior and Senior High and coach the girls in basketball. Angus MacRae and son, Harold, left last week to visit friends and relatives in Maine, and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. McPherson entertained Mr. and Mrs. John R. Palmer, Jr., of Somervllle last week end. Miss Marie Waywood of Qulncy was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Robbins. Mrs. Isaac Levy and children of Brookline spent a week with her sister, Mrs. David Hasckel. The Misses Doris and Jean Clark of Boston, granddaughters of Mrs. WInthrop Mitchell , with whom they spent the summer, have returned to continue nt Northeastern Uni- versity and the Massachusetts School of Art, respectively. Bertha Souza has returned to the Sncred Heart Academy of Fair- ! haven for her second year. I Miss Pauline Souza of Santuit spent the week end in Hyannis with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Michelbacher and family hnve returned to White Plains , N. Y., after the summer at Harbor Bluffs. Miss Eleanor F. Howe of North Billerlca , former teacher at the Training School , was a recent guest of Miss Mury W. Murray. Merrill W. (Todd) Butler has re- turned to Auburn, where he Is prin- cipal of a school. He has been re- cuperating from an appendectomy. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Merton A. Broughton are her mother, Mrs. John J. McLellun of Invernis , N. S., and her daughter , Miss Gerry Mc- Lellun of New York City, who spent the summer with her mother. Mrs. McLellun expects to remain for the Whiter«and her daughter will return to'' rfew York in a few weeks. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sperl were her cousins and their wives, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Marsh of Hillsdale , Michigan , and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Marsh of Litchfield, Michigan. Coulson Hagerman of Albany, N. Y., recently discharged from the service , is with his wife and chil- ren at r the summer home of her parents , Mi and Mrs. Clarence W. Post, also of Albany. Other visitors have been Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Post of Alfred , N. Y. Miss Caroline Scanlon of Water- town was entertained for 10 days by Mrs. Marion B. Pease. Kenneth K. Benrse and fnmlly who sppnt the summer nt Seacon- set Island, hnve returned home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Rose and children or Boston have returned after oc- cupying the Ronrso home, nil sum- mer. A house is being built at Hyan- nis Harbors by Joseph Conoannon of Winter street on land purchased Mrs. Samuel Hermnnson and her Irom Mrs. Marlon Bagnnll. grandson , Robert L. Schuman , re- turned to Chestnut Hill after the summer with Robert's parents , Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schuman. Ho will return to Boston Latin school for his senior year Sept. 12. Holiday week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Cox wore her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tracy of Avon , her sister, Mrs. James Scorpio, her husband, and son, James Jr., of Providence; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cox and Norry Cox, all of Whitman. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie F. Rogers are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rae of Maiden. Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Cook have their niece, Adrianne Skin- ner, of New York City with them for three weeks. Miss Jane Miller Is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. Luclen Desertlne of West Roxbury. Miss Ha R. Fisher will be among the guests Sunday at the wedding of her sister, Miss Marjorie Wy- man and George in Am- herst. Mrs. Mary J. Marston has her son, John F. Marston and wife of Dorchester with her tor this week. Miss Candace Gleason, a 1946 graduate of the Bridgewater State Teachers' College, has a school In Woods Hole this season. Miss Elenore Klimm, also a grad- uate of the same school, has a teaching position In West Hartford, Conn. Dr. Clarence H. Matterson, pro- fessor at the Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, and his daughter, Ju- dith, left after a three weeks' visit with MrB. Matterson's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Harris . En route by auto, they will visit his brother, Curtis, and ,family in Syra- cuse, N. Y. Israel Paine will undergo an op- eration at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston. His son, Howard Paine and wife of the Canal Zone, are here until Oct. 1st. Hollis H. Wordell and family, took a two weeks' motor trip to Moncton , N. B., where they visited Mrs. Wordell's grandmother, Mrs. { John Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Guy H. Harris en- tertained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Philip McNelly of Bridge- port, Conn. Thomas J. McKeon , Jr., 17, who graduated from Barnstable High School in June , has been admitted to Norwich University. Irving G. Bodflsh , veteran of the World War II , of East Hartford , Conn., son of John D. W. Bodflsh , has enrolled In the Junior College of Physical Therapy of New Ha- ven , Conn., for a two years ' course. Before he went Into the Army, where he received medical training during his three and a half years' service , ne wus an uuenuam ui me Foxboro State Hospital , and this Summer he has been employed at the Cape Cod Hospital as an order- ly. He and Mrs. Bodflsh have re- turned to their home. Charles W. Megathlln , Jr., will enter Bowdoin College this fall. Janet Phlnney will enter her Sen- ior year at the Sacred Heart Acad- emy of Fairhaven , Tuesday. Caroline H. Morin will enter the Sacred Heart Academy of Fairha- ven next week for her first year, and will take up pinno, French and business. She attended Barnsta- ble High School for two years. Robert V. Mitchell , adopted son of Miss Veda Mitchell , and World War veteran , has been accepted nt the New England School , of Art of Boston and wil enter Sept. 23rd, He. graduated from Barnstable High School In 1944, and served 28 I months In the Navy, 15 of which were overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Stiles are on n two weeks' vacation , motoring to Canada. A recent guest of Dr. and Mrs. Julius Golden for a week was Miss Sara Krassln of Brookline , a sec- retary at the Pratt Dlagnotic In- stitute. Dr. and Mrs. Golden spent a few days in Newport , R. I., with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Adelson. Dr. Golden was stationed there while In the Army nnd they visited other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Julius P. Morin , Jr., and their twin daughters are living In the Morin , Sr., houBe on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mer- ton K. Goodall. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM- ELECT FETED Miss Suunle Whitney, who will become the bride of George Tsilc- nns, Sepl. 19th , in the Federated Church, wus given n miscellaneous shower at the Wequnquet Lake home of Mrs. Dominic J. Welch , with Mrs . Betty Dewnre and Mrs. Alfred A. Dumont assisting. A dec- orated rowboat was filled with the gifts and decorations and favors of the buffet lunch table were nautical. Those present were Mesdnmos Joan Brtcker, William Johns, Elea- nor Hurley, Dorothy Murray, Dan Hamilton , William B. Whitney, Lil- lian Brennan, Frank Buckley, Eu- gene Roy and Clara Holmes, and the Misses Jean Crocker, LouiBe MacPhee, Joyce Lorlng, Shirley Tripp, Madeline George, Beverly Bassett , Gertrude Merry, Eleanor Scudder, Mary Keveney, Anne Mc- Keon. Gifts were sent by others not able to be present. George Tsiknas, MIBS Whitney's fiance, was presented a chest of flat silver at a stag dinner party at i Charlie Maddalena's th esame eve- ning. The ladles adjourned to that place to join In the fun. Those par- ticipating Included Daniel H. Ham- ' llton, Paul V. CroBs, Arnold Lane, Thomas Aylmer, Edmund G. Otis, Terrence Rogers, Louis Moruzsl, James Shields, John Aylmer, Jack Lavel, Jack Dion, Henry Doudlcan, I Jr., Francis McGillen, Edward Dou- dlcan, Harry Crocker, Charles Mad- dalena, Wyvielle Keveney, Frank Mather, Armand Drouin, Henry Murphy, Harry McMinn, Patrick McKeon, Robert F. Cross, Jr., Ml- ohael Burns, Fred Kuch, Qrall Scudder. Sidney chase, wilS 8 ? Rodin, Alfred A. Dumont ja?' Paul Hurley and E. \hn ' Murphy. m"* i HYANNIS NEWS > PERSONALS Summer homes closed this week are those of Mrs. T. Raymond Ev- ans, C Gilbert Shepard. W. E. Shep- ard, Jr., and Dr. S. Dana Weeder. Julius C. Holmes, president of the T.A.A.C. Airways , is in South .America on business, but expects to return and spend a week-end with his family here before they return to Washington , D. C. Mr. Holmes is a former Brigadier-General of the Army. Mrs. John Morgan and children of West Orange, N. J., are visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Hall Berry of West Hyannis Port. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles W. Sheerin, D.D., hav eclosed their Squaw Island home and returned to Washington, D. C. YACHT CLUB The Hyannis Port Yacht Club closed Its season Monday evening with Its annual meeting and awards In the Hyannis Port Club. These meetings have been omitted during the war. Joseph G. Home of Pitts- burgh , Pa., is the retiring Commo- dore. Officers elected were John E. A. Fowler of Cambridge, commodore; William R. Sinclair of Indianapolis , Ind., vice commodore ; Whitney B. Wright of Brookline, treasurer, and Miss Mary King or East Orange, N. J., secretary. Nautical prizes were awarded for the season 's races as follows: July series; Senior class, Ross Richards of Pawtucket , R. I., Bettahav, and Louis F. Loutre l, Jr.. of Boston and C. Francis Loutrel of South Orange, N. J.. Mimi; Junior class, Dudley Richards of Uuwtucket , R. I., Bet- tanot and Edward Kennedy of Hy- annlsport, Tenovus. August series: Senior class . Ross Richards, and William R. Sinclair , Mimi; Junior class, Dudley Rich- ards, and Fred Wright of Brook- line, Shore Leave. Labor Day rac- es; Senior class, Ross Richards; Junior class, Edward Kennedy. Hyannis ANNIVERSARIES Tuesday wilt be the 30th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Williams. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lawes, Sr., occurs Saturday; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Hull will be married 18 years Sunday, and George F. Cobb will be 79 on that day; the 28th wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Anderson is Tuesday. NEWS AT THE ACADEMY Chief Pharmacist's Mate Frank B. Munger, U.S.N., ot Auburn, has assumed his duties at the Massa- chusetts Maritime Academy, suc- ceeding Chief Donald M. Meunier of Danielson , Cgnn., who is to re- port for sea duty. Chief Munger , has been in the Navy 20 years and served 3Vfc years in the Pacific during World War II. His last as- signment was on the new Destroy- er Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Chief Yeoman Eleanor Lambor- ! ghlnl of the WAVES, whose home is In Bryantville , and who served here over a year, has been trans- ferred to the Naval Air Station at Quonset, R. I. Comamnder Franklin A. Manuel , U.S.N., of Whitman, Senior Engi- neer officer nt the Academy for 3% years, is on an extended leave at his home. He was given a dinner at the Mayflower Cafe by a small group of his associates. All Steamed Up About Nothing The flnest fiuvor coffee is achiev- ed by having Hie water just below boilin g, brewing tests have shown. HYANNIS PORT NEWS m\mW&&CLOCKS a\\\\ \\\%$%T f'IflrTt"V" ;' ' ¦¦'^fc 'T F> ¦ pltj^ KITCHEN ^ l |ljgP^ ALL POUPLAR MAKES ^IP?^ CINDERELLA Jewelry SHOP 346B Main Street Phone 1S06 Hyannis MRS.CAN r T | MRS. CAN JlThey say canned food - i f'We'H have plenty will be scarce next ^ ^L I '° ^"**' wi . nter— Wu e MM . Go*, NO WORRIES THIS WINTER for Mrs. Can. She canned garden fresh vegetables and fruit this summer when they were plentiful, so that her family will eat well in spite of scarcities that the government has stated will exist this Winter. Anyone can can successfully — if they use up-to-date methods and a little care. And how glad you'll be next winter 1 With the help of your home canned food, your family will eat and eat well, in spite of scarcities — and you will be help- ing by releasing more food to the Famine-starved people. WM\1 V^^r WASTEFATSTcANH ELP J I&kvfm SOAP SHORTAGE 1 H i W>FS0 SAVE S0ME EVERYPAY j k (Vfe^ l Bring Them ,n To Vour Butcher B r >^^ | L FOURCENTSAPOMNPWEPAYj p | | Cape & Vineyard Electric Company ^M ^MM—IIMIIllllBlllBllillllWMtlilMilBIMIII Will i II — ¦¦ ————— | J J M Thoughtful property ownerB rely Jm ' $ ¦' O&t more and more on the Insurance i^Mra vra survey as a proven guide to de- '» !» $ §M Pendable insurance buying. We'll -^e^fJiwSjfili? Prepare a survey for you with- ^^PfsSgE*' out on'teation. GEORGE H. MELLEN, JR. (for"""!,- "• **"•<•" lOmmon. d.> -"¦- ...J. NSURANCE ni m sm MEN'S Coat Sweaters mm-wL\ 'MT/' In Am 1 00% Wool Worsted Brown Heather, Oxford and Navy $5.00 Others from $3.95 to $10.95 P URITATV Clothing Co. _j_ ^| 40S Main Street Hyannis PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Dr. HeatlT Optometrist IS NOW LOCATED IN |t|« NEW OFFICE 288 UNIO N ST NHW I IISDFOKD ' 4 Doors W.iit of Former I .o0ati„„ Tol. 3-081T "'"""'nil It's Time to think about those Christmas Photographs COLBY PHOTOS Phone Hyannis 348 For Appointment 317 Main Street Hyannis 34 South St. Hyannis 1721H E A R L E R. G R E E N E PUBLtC ACCOUNTANT TAX CONSULTANT , Formerly associated with 15. L. Pride & Co., Cert. Public Accountants of Boston iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNin DO YOU KNOW that when you save the SYS- TEMATIC WAY at thlp bank, you know how much you can save in a given time or how long it will take to save a certain | amount. j Let us tell you more about I our plan. ! ^. HOlf* miA mm Hyannis Co-operative Bank West Main St. & Scudder Ave. I Hyannis j miiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii WISE BOY! tor quoOflsd motorists ©fW* T i n faipMter Note these prices 600 x 16—4 ply $15.70 650 x 16—4 ply „... 19.05 700x16—4 ply 21.60 TRUCK TIRES 700 x 20 to 1000 x 20 Now in Stock [ B. F. Goodrich Tirog ~) J. P. MORIN I AUTO SUPPLY 252 Main Street, Hyannle ROUT the Rust m REPAINT YOUR CAR • — Banish unsightly and de- structive rust. Preserve vital sheet-metal surfaces of your car or truck by repainting now. We nre equipped to meet your every painting request expertly and promptly. | We Service All Makes ! Hyannis Garage (Off Pleasant St.) Hyannis Mass. HHH|HM|EBH!R!i :'.''""* Ifo BOSTON ^ Ior NEW YORK I (NEWARK; IFrom I HYANNIS I NANTUCKET I MARTHA'S VINEYARD M 1 FALL SCHEDULE I ¦ EFFECTIVE I I SEPTEMBER 10 flj Limousins Sarvice from m Mansion House, V. Haven IFor Information and M Reservations Call ... I HYANNIS 1800 I NANTUCKET 1140 IVINEYARD HAVEN 1040 hfe|.