August 26, 1912 Barnstable Patriot | |
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August 26, 1912 |
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• entert ainment
i The young summer people of this
'. village gave a pleasing entertainment
Friday evening, the proceeds to be
used toward a new piano at the
church. The committee wishes to
tha nk the people of Centerville for all
the assistance they have given in
helping them to make this entertain-
ment successful.
! As there were no programs the
numbers were announced by Miss
: Dorothy Worrell, daugh ter of Elisha
B. Worrell , a native of Centerville and
one of the many successful business
men of the city.
Following is the program:
Instrumental music, "The Candle
Dance of the Brides of Cashmere"
from the opera "Feramors " by Ruben-
stein and "Morning Mood" from the
"Peer Gynt Suite" by Grieg—rend-
ered by Margaret and Louise Russell.
Reading, "Mother's Day "—Mrs.
Harry Cutter.
Reading, The Christmas Dinner—
. Mrs. Harry Cutter.
The concluding number of the pro-
gram was the English farce "The
I Obsti nate Family" with the following
- cast:
Jessie Harford Grace E. Miller
[ Mrs. Harwood , her mother
Margaret W. Russell
Lucy, a servant Marion F. Miller
> Henry Harford , husband of Jessie
' Harf ord Gordon W. Russell
Mr. Harwood, her father
Laurence S. Crosby
James, Harford's servant
Henry S. Loomis
The most pessimistic critic would
ha ve hard work to find flaws in the
perfor mance which was certainly an
all star cast. It was a simple little
farce but the actors put life and bril-
liancy to it by their fine acting. Prof.
Napi er Lothian , a professional trainer
who is summering here, coached the
young performers.
Many bouquets found their way
over the foot-li ghts at the close of the
play, the handsomest going to Prof.
The hall was crowded with people.
The janitor brought down more set-
tees and many people were left stand-
ing in back. Ninety boxes of candy
were sold at inte rmission , and the
supply was not equal to the demand.
Mrs. Cutter , formerly a professional
reader , as usual held the close atten-
tio n of the audience who delight in
her natural , unaffected style. She is
a reader of extraordinary talent .
Ch urch Notes
Rev. Mr. Davis of Akron , O.,
preached at the Congregational church
Sunday morning on the subject "Find-
ing God." It was a powerful sermon
and the congregation was large. Mr.
Davis is the son-in-law of Mr. Herbert
Wright of "Mushroom " cottage.
The floral arrangements were very
beautiful , the artist in this line Mr .
Willia m Phinney being in charge for
August. The past two Sundays Mrs.
Horace W. Sturges has generously
contributed flo wers for the church
In the evening Rev. Mr . Wolfe of
Haverhill gave an interesting and in-
str uctive lecture , illust rated by stere-
opticon , on "Palestine ." Mr . Wolfe
has travelled extensively in Palestine
and other countries and his know-
ledge of Palestine was superior to that
which is take n merely from books and
the talk was next best to traveli ng
ourselves in the Holy Land. A silver
offering was given .
Mr . Vernon 13. Ticehurst and Earle
Clark of St. Johnsbury, Vt., arrived
Monday night at Floral cottage.
Mr . and Mrs. Ticehurst , Earle Clark
and Misses Lydia and Anna Howes
went to Dennis Friday after visits
with their aunts, Mrs. H. B. Sears
and Mrs. D. B. Snow at "Floral" and
"Sunset" cottages, respectively .
.Miss Ruth Hallett went away
Thu rsday morning for a visit at Nor-
folk Downs.
Mrs Howard G. Lumbert has been
entertaining a sister and niece from
the city at "Riverside."
Prof, and Mrs. Charles B. Stevens
are spending two weeks in Hyannis
with Mr . and Mrs. Henry A. Stevens.
At the Thursday eveni ng prayer-
meeting Miss Lizzie and Miss Elsie
Doane sang a selection very sweetly
with their fresh young voices.
Mr. John Pierson has moved to the
Hichman estate as caretaker during
the absence of Mr. Hickman, a pro-
fessional actor.
Miss Bertha E. Crosby and friend ,
Miss Florence Haskell, arrived the
17th for a two weeks' vacation.
Mr. Samuel Crowell and son Fred-
erick arrived at Wyanoke the 17th,
the latter to remain a week or two.
Miss Louisa Crosby arrived Satur-
day night , returni ng to Boston Mon-
day morning.
A memorial stone has been placed
in the park in memory of the mother
of Mr. Howard Marston and Mrs.
Helen G. Woodbury, Mrs. Sarah
Crosby Marston.
The Sewing Circl will meet at Mrs.
Melissa Hamblin's "Comfort" cottage,
Wednesday at two.
Dr. Samuel Loomis had charge of a
prayer meeting at Mrs. Straley's Sun-
day night for the summer residents
oi mm. vicinity.
Wnliam S. Mayhew of Orleans is
visiti ng his nieces, Mr s. E. W. Childs
and Mrs. R. F. Richard s.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kennison and
Mrs. Abble Kenn ison of Providence
and Mr. S. Childs of Orleans 'were
recent guests of Capt. and Mrs. Au-
gusti ne F. Chijds.
Miss Mu riel Tappan is' the guest of
relatives here.
Mr. Simeon C. Childs was at his
former home here Sunda y.
A couple of days the past week
Miss Annis M. Stur ges was the guest
of two friends , grad utes from the
same college as herself. These
friends are summering at Cornhill ,
Cap t. Lewis M. White was recentl y
with his family at "Mobs " cotta ge.
Mr . and Mrs. Frank Hand y were re-
cent guests at the Scudder homestead .
Mr. Wilb ur Stewart was a week end
arrival at Mr. E. W. Childs' Park hill
cotta ge where the Stewart family is
staying this summer.
Mrs. Geor ge HasKe u ana emiaren
•eturned to Appanaug, K. I., today.
Mrs. Horace W. Stur ges and grand-
iaughter , Annis Small, went to
Stought on Satu rda y, Mrs . Sturges to
remain two or three days.
Anyone with communications for
:his column , addr ess the Patr iot re-
porte r, Mrs. Stephen C. Lewis, Cen-
terville, Cape Cod telephone 22-13.
Mrs . Roland Hale of Attleboro ar-
rived Frida y for a visit to Miss Car-
rie M. Kelley.
Mrs. Procto r of Wekonee Farm
was called away last week by the sud-
den death of a sister who came here
laBt spring for a few days to help
Mrs. Pro ctor settle. Mr. Pr octor went
to the funeral Fri day.
Miss Elizabeth Ayling of Boston ar-
rive d at the week's end at the "Bar-
racks ."
Rev. J. T. Theodore 's brother ar-
rived a short time since from Armenia
Mrs . Daniel S. Croweil of Dennis
arrived Sunday at Floral cottage for
a visit to her brothe r, H. B. Bears.
Throu gh the entert ainmen t of Fr i-
day night and pledges about $100 have
been alread y achieved for tlie new
Golden Wedding
Saturday, Aug. 17th, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence L. Baker observed their 50th
anniversary. They were married Aug.
17th, 1S62, by Rev. \Vm. H. Bessom.
M r. Baker's parents ' names were Al-
vin and Delana Baker of Osterville.
Mrs. Baker's maiden name was Bliss,
and her parents' names were Owen
and Caroline Bliss of Centerville.
Mr . and Mrs. Baker have two chil-
dren, Chester Baker of Osterville, and
their daughter , Mrs. Jen nie M. Dowd
of Medford . They also have seven
grandchildren and three great-grand-
children . Mr. Baker was a veteran of
the Civil war and is a member of the
Theodore Parkman Post 2(14, G. A. R.
L of Centerville, and Mrs. Baker is an
associate member of the Post.
f About forty of their friends were
present at the Golden wedding to ex-
tend their best wishes.
Mrs. Baker was assisted in receiv-
ing by Mrs. W. O. Crocker and Miss
Isabel Lewis, a grand-niece. Many
gifts both useful and valuable were
Mr. and Mrs. Baker are a fine look-
ing couple and both seem in good
health and spirits. Mr. Baker has
spent many years in the oyster in-
dustry and he and his good wife are
highly respected and loved. A neigh-
bor who congratulated them , told
Mr . Baker if he (the neighbo r) was
living here ten years hence and they
celebrated he would give him a turkey .
Peopio live long in Osterville and
few die.
Tho following poem written for the
occasion by Mrs. Joseph Dowd of
Charlestown was read : ;
Fifty years ago. dear friends , i
In youth's fair golden weather,
Hand in hand you started out . j
To walk life's path together.
Now 5u years still lind you ,
That pathway treadin g,
And with congratulatio ns,
We hail your golden wedding.
Entertai nment
An entertai nment presented Wed-
nesday evening a* Amusement Hall .
Wianno , was well atte nded , and very
well received , special praise being
iriven t ile Misses Hill for their Ping -
ing. All of the perfo rmers received
w<>11 merited applause , each one being
particularly well adapted to tl x-ir part ,
keeping their audience am used and in-
terested to the very end. which came
all too soon.
To Mrs. Huldah Tourose as coach
belongs the credit of arrangement and
stage management.
The rasM of characters prese ntin g
"A Hole in the Fence," was as follows:
HiiKiM lime.—Chester S. H;ill
Hobby Hunt—Kriiest (' craves
Mt ki—J. Hosweil ' erk lns
Cm-le Nat—W illiam H Ulclianlson
Knt lHTlne Kr .
-k ln.- Helen S. JarkMiii
Mai lt'e Trent Ma I., .lolmsoii
l.lnn ijNen Elleii |. Anil. -r -oii
Dr. Mann at M. E. Churc h
Last Sunday morning the M. K.
church was tilled , every seat being ta-
ken anil some standi ng outside , to hear
Rev. Dr. A. Mann of Tiinity church .
Boston . Dr. Mann 's text was "Think
on these things. " The sermon was one
of "Treat power. The full house and
surrou ndings , all seemed favorable for
the crowd to hear the jriv.-it preacher.
Dr. Mann evidently has a catho licity
of spirit overleap ing the bounds of
church creeds and vet so orthodox that
he carries men both in and out of the
church . The sermon was strong ;'iid
eloquent and thought by many to be
one of the frreatest .sermons they have
heard .
At the close of the sermon Miss Alma
Hates , a young" lady whose parents
summer here , sang a solo that held the
closest attention of the audience .
Base Ball
Osterville played Craigville Friday
Score 10 to 2 in favor of Osterville.
Mr . Dexter Pattison is at home for a
short vacation. He will teach the All
Hound class next Sunday.
Rev. B. T. Livingston will preach
next Thursday nigh t in the Baptist
church . Mr. Livingston preached last
Sunday in Connecticut ,
Mr. Arthur Lewis, who is at home
for a visit at his father 's, has been suf-
fering with inflam mation in his eyes.
He is under the care of Dr. Kiimey.
Mrs. S. F. Braley. who has been at
the Mass. (Jen. Hospital , has so far re-
covered that she is able to be out of the
hospital , and is recovering in the sub-
urbs of Boston , hoping to soon be at
Miss Edith Jordan of Somerville is
visitin g at Rev . ('. H. Cook's.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Ti rnme of
Brockton visited last wfK-k at Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Bennett 's.
Mrs. [saline Coy of South Hraintr co
has been visiting her cousi n, Mtb .
Addie Crosby.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dowd and Mr
anil Mrs. Eugene Stevens , all of Med -
ford . visited last week at Mr . and Mrs.
C. L. Baker 's, coming by auto.
Herbert A. Pratt of Middleboro has
a sette r clog, Caper by na me. The
animal was with some of the family
at. Ostorville one day last week, and
probably became homesick , for it
started and made the trip to Middle-
boro, 4") miles, arriving in the middle
of the after noon on the same day.
There will be no dance at Cotuit
Thursday evening, Mr. McCann having
discontin ued these dances for season.
-— ' ——- ^
« XX V V* \
^> M J
i The friends of Mr. John H. Clark
gave him a surpYiae party on his birth-
day last Wednesday evening. Mr.
Clark was completely surprised, but
was soon able to entertain his guests.
Cards, music and games were enjoyed
duri ng the evening. Mr. Clark was
presented with a pair of military
brushes, Mr. Chas. W. Swift, making
; the presentation speech. Ice .
and cake were served, and a birthday
'¦ cake with prizes made fun for all.
i M r. Charles Taylor of Raynham
: was in town over Sunday,
i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow of Boston
j were at Mr. Albert C. Snow's one day
last week.
Mrs. E. S. Waite or Brockton is the
guest of Mrs. S. W. Hall.
Mr. Hudson Wolfe of New Orleans,
La., has arrived at Ainsworth cottage.
M r. Charles MacMlllin and Mr.
James Otis were week end guests of
Mrs. Geo. Otis.
Miss Lilla T. Arey is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Nathan H. Matthews.
Mr. Lawrence M. Thacher has ar-
rived from Atlanta , Ga., and is the
guest of his parents, Capt. and Mrs.
Edwi n Thacher.
Mr. Robert A. Davis of Boston was
at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J.
Davis', Thursday .
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson H. Edson and
family of Providence are at Mr. Alfred
Kelley 's.
Dr. and Mrs. Gorham Bacon have
issued invitations to the marriage re-
ception of their daughter, Elizabeth
Gorham. to Dr. Truman Laurance
Saunders of New York, to take place
at Matakese , Thursday, Sept. 5.
Mrs. Soranus W. Hall 1b visiting rel-
atives in Brockton.
Mrs. Charles R. Howes is spending
several weeks in Bethlehem. N. H.
Miss Julia Whelden spent Sunday
with Miss Cora E. Bassett.
Mr. Daniel Kelley of Falrhaven has
joined his wife at Mr. Charles R.
Bassett 's for a vacation.
Mrs. Max Helm was in Boston Sat-
Miss Minnie F. Matthews is at
homf from Boston for a month's va-
catio n.
In tho tempest Wednesday evening
tho house of Mr. B. T. Gorham was
Rtr ucK by lightn ing which entered the
I sloopinp room from the roof and shat-
tered a mirror within a few foot from
i!iom. The shock was severe. Mr.
Gorha m failed to find any signs of :
fire in tho house. In the Myrlck
house, occupied by Edward E. Burrltt ,
a mirror was broken.
l 4 *\Ji JL €/JL£rf
The dra ma "Our Wives" has been I
again jxTformcd to a large and de- j
lighted audience, bringi ng $125 into
the treasury . It has not yet been |
fully decided to what good cause the
net proceeds are to be applied.
Among recent guests in town are
Dr. Westwood , Boston, Mr. Willia m
Bain and friend from Chicago, Mr.
Charles Nickson, Mr. Earl Davidson ,
Mr . John M. Stone, Mr. and Mrs*.
McClellan , Roxbury, Mr . Barnabas
Bain and duughter Gladys , Mr. and ,
Mrs. David P. Howeu . New York , Miss
HtUie HaBB, Mr. Folsom and son, Mr. ,
G. E. Rayner , find Dr. Samuel Crowell
and wife.
.Miss i^iani .Mci aim oi iTo viueiice, i
i It. I., is spending a four weeks ' vaca - j
I tion with her mother , .Mrs. Josie Me- I
| Cann. j
Mr. and Mrs. Setli R. Nickerson i
are receiving congra t ulations on the j
birth of a little son born August 16th.
Miss Elva Nickerson of East Den-
nis is keeping house for her brother,
Mr . Seth R. Nickerson.
Miss Hope Malcom who has been
the guest of Miss Margaret Street has
returned to New York.
Mrs. Ernest Goodspeed and children
who were recent guests of Mrs. Her-
bert A. Smith have returned to West
Miss Helen Linnelt has returned ,
from a visit in Brockton. i
Miss Alice Healy of Brockton is the !
guest of her grandmother , Mrs. Fan- :
nie Kelly. j
Miss Patia Nickerson of East Den- ]
nis visited Miss Allio White last week. '
Mis. Herbert A Smith and Miss
Bertha Smith visited Plymouth last ]
Thursday. Miss Smith will teach in j
Plymouth during the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Church of j
Boston spent the week end at the
Con Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dexter White wish
to announce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Alexandrius White, to
Willie Thornton Nickerson, East Den-
As we go to press we learn of the
death of Thomas S. Spurr which oc-
curred at his home in Winchester Sun-
day, aged 62 years. Mr. Spurr was
town treasure r of Winchester 20 years ,
retiring a year ago. He was past com-
mander of St Bernard Commandry K T
of Boston, past high priest of Woburn
R. A. Chapter and had been district
deputy grand master for the 6th Mass,
district. He leaves a wife, a native of
this place and a sister of Mrs. L. K.
Paine, and one son, Rev. Geo. B. Spurr
Advertised letters In Hrannlsport Post-office
Ang. 24th: M. Anderson. Edith Andrew*.3. A.
Barnard, Bethlnb Bnker. Mrs. J. H. Carlson,
Emma Coss.Nellie F. Eaton. Lottie Egan. 3. A.
Rgan, Katberlne Eberhardt. Mrs. Ellsworth
Grant. Hojt H. Green. Annie Hopkins.H. Hope.
Agnes Haggerty. Katnerlne O Rourke, M. L.
Pattee, Mrs. Martha Plttman, Mrs. W. S. Bead.
James A. Bajnolds. Mr. Swerve, Mrs. Emma
Sayent, Mrs. Henry B. Ttrombly. Mrs.Thomns.
. Minnie VlRser, H. S. Winkoop. M. E. Williams.
8. T. Walklns. C. P. Wilder
j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Collins anc
j son of Orange, N. J., are visiting then
j parents, Mr. and M rs. J. J. Collins
j Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lefler and childrer
have returned to Auburndale aftei
spending the season at Mr. Collins '.
Prof, and Mrs. C. B. Stevens are
visiti ng Mr. H. A. Stevens and family
on South street.
Mr. W. S. Tucke r has sold his house
recently purchased on South street to
Mr. O. F. Bacon and moved into one
of the houses formerly belonging to
the Miller estate on North Ocean
street; now owned by Mr. James Mur-
Mr . and .Mrs. Hugh Ferguson and
sons retu rned to South Braintree
Thursday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs.
S. K. Sears.
Mrs. W. J. Nickerson of New Bed-
ford has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Rufus Cannon.
Mr and Mrs. Alfred W. Guyer and
Miss Alfa Brackett of Hanover, N. H.,
irri ved Tuesday in their auto to visit
(hei r relatives here.
Miss Pearson of Boston is at Mr.
3. H. Smith' s. Mr. Smith has a new
M rs. W. J. Harrison and son Parker
of Boston are at Mr. W. V. T. Hinek-
ley 's.
The High school opens on Tuesday
of next week.
M rs. H. D. Hinckley of Brookline
spent last week at Mrs. S. A. Hinck-
ley 's.
V. S. S. Gresham in command of
Lieut. II. D. Hinckley was in the har-
bor last week.
Mr. George A. Bradford from Boston
has been spendi ng his vacation with
his parents, Mr . and Mrs. D. P. Brad-
Master George Tilison of Middleboro
ca me down to Hyannis last week for
u su mmer visit among friends here.
Conducto r W. O. Osborne is shingl-
ing the roof of his barn.
Mrs. J. Q. Baker and Miss Hettie G.
Baker of Hartford , Conn., Mrs . Wm.
F. Joyce of North Adams , Mr. A. W.
I Starratt of Milton , Mr. and Mrs. A.
P. Goss of Harwich , and Dr. and Mrs.
! J. M. Crocker of Cambridge were in
tow n to attend the funeral of Mrs. F.
P. Goss which took place at her home
Wednesday afternoon. Rev. E. A.
Hoyt of the Universalist church
officiating. The interment was in Oak
^ i i_» i ^ V,^ J i l t L\^ i V .
Mr . Thomas Phillips , who has been
summering at Hyannis , will leave for
New York after Labor Day to meet his
star, Miss Elena Leska, the Romania :
nightingale , upon her arrival from |
Paris. Mr. Phillips when seen at the j
Iya nough House last week stated that
Miss Leska will create the leading
role in "Somewhere Else," Luder &
Hapgood's new musical offering which
Henry W. Savage will produce in New
York the latter part of October. Mr.
Phillips intends to return to San
Francisco after the New York appear-
ance of Miss Leska and confer with
the officials of the World's Panama-
Pacific Exposition regarding his elec-
rrical creation , The Valley of Roses.
Mrs. Sarah Starr of Buffalo, N. Y.,
and Mrs. H. K. Hallett have been the
guests of friends in Onset for a few
George D. and Homans Robinson of
Springfield are in town .
The King's Daughters' tag day on
Wednesday netted about $125 for this
worthy cause. j
Miss Helen Perry of Mt. Vernon , I
N. Y., is the guest of Miss Clarice '
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker and
daughter are spending a few weeks in
Mai ne. j
Arnold Baxter, youngest son of Dr. I
and Mrs. John R. Baxter, entertained
a large number of his little friends i
Thu rsday afternoon. Games were
played and dainty refreshments served
On Friday afternoon Kenneth, the sec-
ond son, gave a party to his friends
which proved equally enjoyable.
Mrs. J. E. Odell of Newton has been
at the Eldridge Inn , the past week.
Mr. W. E. Cox is building a piazza
at the Hyanni s Inn.
Dr. E. F. Gleason is in town to re-
I main over Fair. Dr. Gleason has just
returned from a trip to Sweden where
he particip ated in the Olympic con-
j tests and won honors for his skill in
Mrs. J. Frank Small has been visit-
ing her mother in South Dennis.
Mr. Welden of Melrose has been the
guest of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Bartlett
the past week. Miss Anna M. Nicker-
son of South Dennis has also been at
Mrs. Bartlett's.
A party of friends made a surprise
call on Mrs. Grace Snow at her tent
on the Fish Hills, Friday. At noon the
ladies enjoyed a nice basket lunch,
and the afternoon was spent in a so-
cial manner.
Notice S. K. Sears' new adv. in this
issue, announcing great mark down on
summer goods. As this is Fair week
now is your opportunity to supply
your wants at a great reduction from
former prices.
Mr. and Mrs. Heman Eldredge have
closed their cottage, "The Anchorage"
and leave tomorrow for a trip through
Mai ne and Canada.
Mrs. L. P. Wilson, daughter and son
visited, relatives in Dennisport last
nf~ n nr~ .nknli T> Tlnin nt A1*/»Trna/ s
was the guest of Mrs. E. S. Gibbs last
Mrs . Judah Crowell has returned
home from the Fall River hospital
where she has been under treatme nt
for several weeks past.
Mrs. A. E. Dyer recently visited
relatives in Brockton and Middleboro.
Miss Anna F. Myer , who has begn
visiti ng her aunts , Mrs. W. R. Nicker-
son and Mrs. B. S. Gibbs, has retu rned
to her home in Roslindale.
Mr. Ira B. Bassett , Capt. Eleazer
Baker and Mr. Frank Crowell went to
the Vineyard one day last week in Mr.
Bassett' s boat , the Florence.
The next concert of the Behr Club
will take place in the Universalist
church Frida y evening. Mr. Howa rd ,
the violinist, Miss Mae Wilson, Mrs.
Hollingsworth , Miss Rosemar y Buch-
anan of New York will take part , also
Mr. Hallett Gilberte , the renowned
composer , who will play several se-
The annual Labor Day dance at the
Yacht Club will be the last of the
series at this popular resort . Mc-
Cann 's orchestra of Sandwich will
furnish the music.
Dr. Willard Crocker of Foxbor o, who
has been ill of late at his mother 's
here, was taken to Boston on Sunday
for treatment.
If you are not a subscriber to The
Patriot we should be delighted to en-
roll your" name.
—: — : .
Let this newspaper vror\t for you
through its advertisin g columns. "
le read all tne peppte yon
want aa cogtoman.; .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Crock er and
son William from Lowell and Misses
Mildred and Marion Crocker from
Ever ett have been in town for a few
days at the Iyanou gh House, coming
by auto. Mr. Crocker la a nephew ol
Mr. A. B. Crocker and the Misses
Crocker are children of George Crock
er of Everett , who is also a nephew oi
Mr. A. B. Crocjcer.
'< Miss Edith Cushing is entertaining
| some Smith College friends at her
. home here.
i „
Advertisein The Patriot T
.Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. Stacy are
spending a couple of weeks in Maine.
Dr. Henry Walcott and family of
Concord are spending a short timo
at Mr. Austin Johnson 's.
Mrs. Porsis Hawley, Miss IVrsls
H.-twlcy. Mr. Goorno A. Hawley, and
Miss FaiuiH' Mathewp on of Provl-
fi<>iici are at Row C. H. Walter 's.
Mr. Howard Browne of Mansfield
wa s in town last wook.
The ladios of tho summer colony
:i' Knelovoort Beaoh hold a fair on
Saturday wook. which was quite suc-
Mrs Ebon Prrry of Now Bedford Is
at hr-r rottago for .
i short time .
.Mrs. Prank Fortune and child of
Pittsb urgh are at tho Ocean View
I Johso.
On Monday evening of laBt week
Mr and Mrs. D. Frank Sears enter-
tained a lar^e number of their friends
at their new home recently erected on
.Main stH.-et ; whist , refreshments and
iim.sic made the evening pass most
pleas antly.
'/'h<; base hall games between our
boys :tiu\ visiting teams have been
(j uite an attraction and greatly en-
joye d by the large numbe r of specta-
Mrs . George B. Sears is In Carver,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
Tho second sale of aprons , food and
home-maile candy hold on Thursday
al'N.TUoon on the lawn of the M. K.
church was well patronized and a
t'ninii cin) success.
Miss Gladys White has returned
from severa l weeks' visit with frie nds
i n Reading, Ponn.
Mrs . Georgle Williamson has ro-
tur nod from an extended absence In
Mr. Rospoe Hi nckley of Middloboro
is at home for two weeks' vacation.
Misri Carrie Murch of Middlebo ro 1b
the guest of Mrs. Chas. Hinckley.
Mr . and Mrs. Evert Hinckley were
at M r. Chas. Hlnckley 's last Friday.
Mr . Newburg visited Boston last
Miss Mi nnie and Miss Dora Pearl-
sioin recently visited relatives In
Mr . and Mrs. Charles W. Crocker
of Chicago are at his brother's, Mr.
Nelson Crocker 's.
Mr. and Mrs . Thos. J. Collins and
daughter Faith have returned to
Everett after spending the summer
with Mrs. Colli ns' parents, Mr. and
Mrs . Luther M. Ryder.
The fa mily who have been living in
the Smith cottage this season have re-
turned home.
Miss Olive A. Hinckley has returned
from a long visit at her grandfaiher 'B,
Mr. James S. Hinckley, in South Den-
nis. Her brother William returned
with her from his visit.
Miss Eli zabeth B. Gilmore went to
Brighton Tuesday to visit her sister,
Mrs. Edward Sliney, returning on
Saturday with her nephews Edward
and James. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Sliney and son Thomas came in their
Mr. and Mrs . S. H. Appleto n of Bos-
ton , Mrs. Geo. L. Hamblin and Miss
Bertha Hamblin took a trip to Hyan-
nis, stopping at Camp Opechee, last
Mr. Gideon Lovell , Miss Mary Ham-
blin , Mrs. Harold Jones , Mrs . Chester
Crocker , two children and Mrs. Mary
Crocke r all took an auto trip to
Miss Addie Fowle of Boston is visit-
ing at Miss Minnie Baxter 's for a few
Mrs. P. B. Hinckley fs in Melrose
caring for Mr. L. F. Hinckley, who is
very sick at his home In that place.
We hope to hear of his reco very.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jones made a
visit to her daughter , Mrs. Carl Weeks
of Prince avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Jones ente r-
tained an auto party on Sunday.
Mrs. Lyda Baxter is visiting at H.
A. Mecarta '8.
Mr. Carlo Bounamici has purchased
a buildin g lot on the shore of the
lake near the residence of Mr. Burrell.
Mrs. Molly Poole of Weymouth is
visiting at C. C. Halletfs.
Mrs. Nellie Perry, who has been
living in Matfleld , has returned to her
home here.
Mrs. Henr y Cahoon is visiting rela-
tives away.
Clifton Fuller of Gardner was at his
mother 's, Mrs. Sarah Puller 's, recent-
, *y-
Mrs. Jennie Greene and son are at
' Mrs. Christina Bodge's.
Scott Lovell of Marion has been the
, guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. L.Lovell re-
1 cently. .
Increase your business by advertis-
iagvfo The Patriot
-Miss Frances Swift of Boston 1b a
guest of Capt. und Alre. L. It. Baker.
Mra. Emma N'lckerson and daughte r.
Miss Doris, will reside here with Mrs.
Loira Bangs.
Krt-d Keene has a position in Porto
The bouse formerly Capt. George ;
Nickeraon's has been bought by Capt.
Arthur L. Nickereon of West Dennlu. •
Mr . and Mrs. John Anthony of Mel-
rose were guesta at Jethro Baker's re-
Mrs. Horace Nlckerson and family
of Providence are at B. M. Nickeraon's '
Harry Nickerson of Providence is
in town.
Mrs. Watson F. Baker, Jr., has re-
turned to BoBton.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chase of Provi-
dence are at his grandfathe r's, An-
thony Chase's.
Miss Abbie K. Baker is spending a j
few weeks with relatives In Lynn . 1
Miss Edith Nickerson of Lynn is i
visiting MIbb May L. Hinckley. '•
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith and
sons of Brockton recently visited her (
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mitchell i
George Nlckerson, Jr., is in town. 1
Mr. and MfB. William RogerB and '
sons of Chelsea are at the Joseph j
Rogers homestead. (
Mr. and Mrs. William Bragdon and \
son and Mr. and Mrs. William Linn
are at Mrs. Mercie Bangs'.
Miss Gladys Williams of Providence
is a guest of Misses Ada and Eva
Mrs. Lucy T, Matthews and Miss t
Bella Matthews have returned to their
home In Haverhill , after two weeks' i
vacation. I
Many ills come from Impure blood.
Can't nave pure blood with faulty di-
gestion, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. 1
Burdock Blood Bitters stren gthens -
stomach, bowels and liver, and puri-
fies the blood. '
isapt to think that bis Inter est ltes with '
i iMd-ftsd-otl paint.
No; it lies with a bettor paint tbsn that : .
It lies with a paint that coeUso mot*sna
oatJut *tesd'Sad'Oii tiro to one.
"Lsad-and 'Oll Is good for t year *
" is s *
commoa ssfinf. no, good !Md««sd-oU
is food tirif mn.
A coodJob of Devo*isgood for 0yssrs.
Wbstl Doss a painter's Interest Us
with a paint that cote bis bvsiasss to
fcslfT A
Yes;tor It doubles It too. li ons paint- 1
sr*spaintlaststwioass long ssanother 's,
whogetsthe basinet *is that towaT
Sold try J. E. &B.Bmtt ft Co., Booth
BfSMfs, A- D. BUkepesce Co, West
, sod B. F. * W. L WmUta,
Ostar rllls.
A Painter I:
" "' " ' ¦ . V,;
. roll W.
. .;,: ':! Tuesday
!. linan-
: M:- . Whitney
. \; : .--sti'in Jiiitl
:.,- • i., -v from the
;¦. - ' ¦ • . . •, <.• •.• y <.'iid of
. . ••
' - ¦
. •.
.<>;• was so
:. -. . "
¦ . - . • :. '. i ".-od the
:¦ ' . ¦ ¦
. numbers.
- - ' •- ..n-fd Mr.
:. •
: :v.::>:, -ian. She
¦ \ > ¦ numbers
i- :'< • '" '
. . ..
¦ . ¦
¦ \u r<> in the
f '¦ '¦ ; ' " ¦ ¦
. ;.r;y every
: '¦'¦¦' - '
:w!V from
' , expressed
. . ¦ :. ':\ s^eased
• •¦ .. ..r.'i v;ikes
• .. periorm-
. .
. J
" - A J. Chase
¦. . - Iv-smoiid
; .,:¦¦:. Mrs.
Halle tt .
.' i'.owlc-s,
¦.. , .ratable ;
. ¦¦
tl'0 Hal-
. her , Mrs .
.- .• .-' ilo usman-
..-. '- . • - - • : • • Yarmouth;
- . :¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
- i s : M r s .
"• ¦¦ ' • - ' i :> . Thomas
. Oster-
>.i !:- :v.und the
- " ¦¦•¦ ¦'
.- ' ¦¦
.- li r e r a t i o n s ,
'¦ •
' ¦¦: ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '.
' ¦:• .-:;•.;-• evening,
'-: -' - ' •-
:• "¦;;; be given
; -
- -
• ; ¦: •¦ . . - ;- - o r e . A l l
- =¦¦'
•" ' '
• ¦ ¦¦ • - .
' ¦
_• • \ r , x o f f i
c e t h e
¦" ¦
' '
¦- :
' ¦ - ; • • • : ¦
: : : . : ¦
. •
. : < ¦: ¦ . N o re-
"'" ; : ' ' ' • • ¦
;:¦:>¦ ::!;(! avoid
" ' ¦ '
- ¦
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¦ : •
¦ ¦ ¦ ' ::
¦ ¦:¦ ; •
¦- . i ii u ' d o w n
¦ ¦' " :
¦ ¦¦¦¦ ' '¦:-• : ¦ > : B o s t on is
¦¦¦ ' ¦
- ¦ ¦ ¦ '
. "¦" .¦:: • Thursda y
': : - '
• - .
¦ ¦'
:- ., -¦:; ;: M. Waitt
• • : k - h : re s .
,. "'¦
" ¦" ¦ ' * ¦•- ¦ "' ¦:: '. ¦¦
homo from
' " ¦ : ' ¦ ::¦ .
¦ '" ¦
'wo weeks '
' ' : ""- .'.:' :¦' ! K. HuRse 1
•'• ; ¦
' ' •"• '¦
' •:n\;iy und re-
¦ : : • ; ¦ : •
..••¦fit of the
; ¦ ¦ ¦
• :-'i vr- n in the
. " ¦'¦¦
• v. r.inij . Music
' „ : -:' ¦ • •. . fi v e- pieces.
,..;¦[¦ -[ ¦;'" ¦ - : Marsh all , Mrs.
"¦ :
' -¦ ' '¦ . "¦ ¦
'. -<¦ motore r ] to
',_, '
," " ¦ ¦
-'¦k a n d . called
,..r .;: ¦"- ' ' ' ¦• :-• • '.imed from
' ' ¦ ' {
• •- .
¦¦ ¦
' • ¦k because of
;.' 1 :''
." •- " ' ¦¦
' - ,
-n ? Thursday
r ,;. '
':-; •• • ¦
:> Miss Eliza
¦ ' - : l ¦¦
¦ • ..
' \;- came d o w n
,./ . ,.
. .
" ¦
'¦ " ¦ :
? vaca t i on . I
. .
. "'
'¦' ' ¦
' ¦:¦' . ¦
• !:') has been I
' : '
• ' • •:¦
. ';nf exchange I
" ¦
. ; •
; ¦
-¦ ¦
" *
i^ 'r
'• ¦'¦ ' "'¦:• •••.iiVl has been
(¦ '¦' '"
, " .' "' ' ¦
¦ r-'
-latives in
.'. .', ' ' ' " ' '¦ >;!)rJken of in
7 '
' •
¦ ¦ ¦ • "• •.i'io. It was a
.- . , :
" ' ¦¦¦• 'M as well as
;:• '
„.':. '.' -r . 'ipoint , the net
[;. .;/.
,/ ' : '
"• • "
.•; . One of the
> .
- ."
¦ ¦
•¦ <•. r-voninK was
•...; i-.
. '¦'¦'¦ Asa Spades ,"
.'. .
¦ ". :ik a page,
¦. .
, ' '"-hj if-fially tht
•.;-, ...;¦ ' ¦¦
'I "on of New-
' w
r' '"¦
'• j iuofits of her
.;/Y '
"¦';.. ' ' - ;
Port Angeles
r ;-.: ,
' ¦¦' ¦
• !¦?.. Marcus N.
.;.¦ .'', ' .[ ' ¦> has been the
: v,
' •!'.:.-? <¦->', return-
' ' '
. |
l / ,
l Ct «»
•'¦' ;• ¦; ¦¦
¦ • '
' ¦
- 'lie it^uest of
a :
;.. , .
¦¦' Haker .
.. ¦
• •,;, ,.
' '. . '>' Providence.
;s ;/
., ' ' • ¦ ' ni ght to visit
;'*•• r,..
',',.. . ' "¦
- -1rl the Misses
¦'^'rjr: i , ' ' " "it" home in
' cv;e
;. ., ' - weeks.
' ¦
.. " ¦
¦'" :¦• Chipman of
^¦\<<- r '- . ' ; ii Mr. and Mrs.
i!' ,!,
I ':¦
'-• ;!:,- . . . '
; ho has been
r'&t'.-,i".. ' . ' r !:' summer , left
^| liars-
. .
'"" '- '"
•" B^rbara, Cal,
f Ki hr^,.,. ' ' .. '¦ ¦;;
''-i'i for several
"?¦• Mr? ¦
, '"" " :
•¦' as a guest hei
,."r;- jfJ;. ';'¦ ' s; !
-o»is, Mo.
'Si «S2 •-„:;:¦„. " a: '!"'> of Newton if
t v/-
" "" ' - :'r - Mrs - Samuel S
7'fi ^rV V
- "'"kf: r v i8ited Monu
i- a
M - / ¦ ¦ * '
,;-son or
;;, s-.-.s . s. J. MacNel
i- v
'nH \y ". lno 'ored from Bos
, Li
'iii'ii r-
""'*1 !
'r:companied bj
Str- Mr "r0 . :4'«» Mr. Danie
S^M r ^
' ¦" i
KVrr ls with hli
»l-t :ir"i Mr- ', oston Thursd ay.
J f? Mr ", ," '
lai »e» W. . Nye ar
\i?°Uth MSleS S- WeSt01
«lu.V StoBrt«» i» th
S Horc«ce L. Sherman.
.vm. ..;„„
__ -_
r "
£<:: - -
0 '
¦ ' -