August 24, 1831 Barnstable Patriot | |
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August 24, 1831 |
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In the Plymouth Memorial of Saturday
20th inst. we noticed quite a lengthy tale,
extracte d from the Ncic-England Maga-
zine, published in IJoston,by the Messrs
Buckingham editors ol' the Courier. It
bears about it,all t iic semblance and mys-
tery of enchantment. The facts dclinia-
ted , are of too romantic a character to be
found in existence at the present day, i
they ever were at any period. Honesty,
like that of Joe Natterstrom of New "\ ork
city, is rarely, if ever,found in humanity.
an d even a pplying the Golden-Ilule,(Do
as you would that others should do untc
you,) in all its purity, we do not hesitate to
say, it does not exist in that city or any
other. We ask not,that it should be said
of us,as tem ptation has overthrown some
of the greatest and best ,and it was the
peculiar prerogative of the Son of Clod to
be tempted and sin not.
New Accident.—At a storm on a Can-
ada lake,lately, a coac h with two persons
in it,
was blown from the deck of a steam
boat into the water. It was not nt first
known that nny body was in the coach ;
but when two passengers were missed,the
boat was put about ,and they were drawn
out of the stage,having been just able to
keep their mouths above water. They
had sealed themselves in the vehicle to be
out of the rain,
and keep themselves dry !
The ship Providence,Uongdoti,arriv-
ed at Providence on Saturday, from Liv-
erpool,whence she sailetl on the 1Mb July
Capt. ('.brought a Liverpool Journal ol
nf the \) \\\ July, which is one day later
than our previous advices by the SheflU'lil
at ISVw York. It contains no news of in-
iciest,except a greater prospect of an
amicable settlement of the affairs of Bel-
gium. The Ueforin Bill was to go to a
committee on Tuesday the IJtli ;and tin
question of its disposition in the House o
Lords had assumed an intense interest. —
The (ilobe states it as a report in well in-
formed quarters that the bill will be re-
jected by a majority of 8, t he bishop?
const ituting the majority. There was no
change in the Liverpool Cotton market
Cholera Mor hus —The N. V. Journal of
Commerce publishes a letter dated St.
Petersbur g,June IS ,which says this dis-
ease finds aliment in all cities , and ex-
presses a fear that that city may not be
free much longer. There was no Cholera
at Hamburg, July 1.
Till '
. Kubkcrifocr , having, eMablii ilied liimirlf
in Chatham ,at the Old Harbor , no tai led ,
)V ,r IIn: Store of jVJr. S m f l ' i E l d t i d f c t ,
intends < ;«i ty in(/ : as-
inres t lif pu blic That in hiii lini ' , (her e will hk no
mistake—AM garments w urrnntcd to fit.
JS'. It. All thos e who favour him with their
:ustum , in av depend on having their woik done
ill l|i<- slioiK - hl noli " - , »>" ! i" the. bus t mn niicr
!J j ' Cl. oiin an'! Tium mik 'i k , of every kind ,
will lie furnish ed on ihu most favourable term * ,
iv Mr Smith lAitr '
ul;.": , under his Shop.
c. f.dd y .
Nort h Chatham , A.i ^ . 22d , M i l .
N O T t O E ;
.AI.r.l) 1'ltOPO.N V l.s, rtill he rr-
< n \ e d h \ the s uli-ri iIm i . in I,, I, ill ..t t he
.iiin h I ointni ^ Mon e i*- , lor i hcl ot in tv el li.n n
¦l.lli lf , DMT l l till- Till .Ift V Ol SF.P 1T.Mltl '.R llc\l ,
il i |,ir Hi. rir , lion mxl comp letion ol ft
i "' h i i i o r ^ f , in t iiMo Hn of Uni'iuin iilr ,
>1 I In' t ,.| low ifi^-tlnucn ^itK , \ if :- '¦
S.iid U.mi m |o he I
jjT lVet in length , by W feet
in width v' >ini ir « Jpg li , with n I'upohi mi the
< »ini - , i\m l ii I' mii i/o s lid wi de in f iont , (he
whole width ,,| t yi I,milling
l lic (Mri i.m yl,|| ,,<• s ,,|,i iu,)|i\in> r , lo he of tin-
Immiiii ti ,1 i : \. d \u- , mill tn t io comp let ed by lh«
fust >lii\ ol Aiftu .i , J.
I or f nii lx* |>ii ni< iil mt , of itir
i,,.. ,, , ,,,:i v l.o «ccn M Mr. .1.
ROGF.MS. \M-lulr . l . No — . M,,,k0 l-Mr.T« #
Hum- on, iniii l thi- tiiih of AlU i l' ST next , or at
(lie Slot ,- ol 11.«- s,, Ik, i ,I,oi , in Rn, nsliihle , *lu»
w ill Imvr il iio m il,,. l_'||, Au g ust unlit the lima
ex p ires lol lani iiif pinposiil *
mattiikw conn.
Himistnhle . Jnl y Ci, IHIII e|>i»Hw
N O I I t I. . I
fB IUI-' 01,1 t
-,u . )<.¦,„ ¦;„. - ,
„. , ,./ 1 -
. : ,- , : •.,/ '
I .t ,i/i.<,' f , vmII iJi' i i In l > ! ; i « M M i on in, '
III.I W I'.HMX l \\ f n . ,
« l :trml ., I' n, M . t
Urlli; io n^ mii mh in i' nt \) - t ' { ,,i j
v ri«illl «l .Mi' r l iii:*ht> ij ii ' ill l p .i.t d o , \ M
' i rnt 'lli 'i < ol iill J rnoiniii ;\lioi H nif m\ y (c ,| |(,
ntti -ml. 1'iWiil n- ,
I'lt r.l'.M AN FOS1 t I
!, .1,
Cl rrk of tht I 'i rsl I m v t r f t i t i s t Suc y ut /i ' i n .>
¦»¦ .
Aii} ; '.'ill , ls ;l l.
wi n 11: ij :\i >.
si aukIom.v nv thk
Salem Lend f imnufactiiring Com
p any,
In SALEM, Mass .
'¦^ IIIS
. 1"
1> ii mmlo by n
| new piix i'Ai irn nll v iliriilril (iriiiiii n Cht'inisl , «ho hits u I'nlt lit
hl lor Ihr wh olr I n l u ll l'.mp iir , lol Id mmii's ,
mil « lin lins insliiii ti'd (his Coiiipiiny r rrli 'sivr-
i/ in Ilir in I »l iiiuUing it lor the uli ule I' lUH'tl
¦iliilr^ .
In coinp ii'ti ioss , \ihili -iirs s , l.o mity mid ' l.i ' ul
| /' One piuinil of llii n I.eail mm'tl " illi one
poinnl of I' ,u is Wlule I.eail nnil ^ louuit ln
Oil , " i ll hi' sii pi i ioi' in w hileiie s s |o
l"o poiiinU of I' urr Il liilt I.roil ,
niaile hv the usiuil |Moeess f
nnil " ill ruvi 'i' more tluin
ilooli le On1 stir-
l i u e . l I)
' 1 l
' aintci s must lie emelnl tint lo mM too much
Oi l lo this l.< iu! in uiio;; It.
Till iiho ve Wiiitk I.v aii , i^ I'm1 mile hy
I I Ki N S l l A W &. (' (».
No. ;tU , Iii tl in hlreel , H o s t o n ,
— Il7i» ha ve fur fnli -
A n ext ensive itosoi Imnit of it ltl'UH , I'A LN'I'S ,
nni l Dvi 'ing Dm I..1-, on lavoni alilc ter ms.
Aiig. ^ i i eo|h tni
V <> II. N A I. i: .
H«ir'V» F
l lIK unliM-i-i lier ofl'ciN for
a Ji^B|j'rTTU<(, I mi Ii- his valnalil e ^ pleas-
jnSTi'fVjj i
i ffi a" 1 n nil' in e, ii lew ioiIh '«esl
'^T rSS
in 1 t 'onil I loos e in lliunMa-
ile , <-i insisi iii(; of iihonl t uenty one iirre n of ex-
ellenl t illnr e , inoi\ it
a|anil piislin 'e L
D i
mil Sail ,M I. A \j (l \\ j « liii Ii pro ilo ' en iinnuall )
leu in I\m Ive l/ins iiir|;oo (l Salt IIav.
On llii 1
* i^ a laL^rnunl eoiniiio ilions
^-i111 il Siior nllai lij fl , ii Ilit rn , ll' mnl null
lluiii r.f U.'ti rn -ll i ript , anil oi lier unl liuililin ^ n.
'I'lieRe piciiitH -h lend limn tin: Count y roinl to
he Mallioin , on uliieli are v alnahlo pi i> ih fj eK ,
,ihii li mnv he anplii-'l |o the ('ml , or Mni hin l
I 'in lirri / , tins hiiil i lm^ rtf -W/ H' orlm , or n ^'>oil
U'hai l, ill a small rx p i nbi: , or lo r a Shi p V anl.
To r liny of tin 1 ahove nientione il lir iinehe n ol
uMii cKSi , '
lie facililM -N alloiileit on tliu phi ci: ar<-
tot kii rpa svi - il hv niiv oili er h il tin Iion ill th in
[ lountv I' or a man of hiniineh * , n piofi usioniil
man , or l
l peiHon ilehiroiiH of opeiiin|> u Public
lloi m: thii. in every way » ileo ii alj li- hilnalion.
| fl -'or li:rui H, or any fnrtli er inforinnlion ,nj i -
ply to the mi liM-rilier on the pieinihvh ol to
Fiarnslnlilc , Ai< k. Dili , lH:il.
f ^i
f l^ lir. sii liseiihri - wonlil inlorm Ihe puhlie ,
| that Iiih .Wnriiir (iim'/iimm /, nt the Narro w *
In Wn rehn ni , in now reiul v for thr ireepiion of
V k .jsk i.s , o f nny si/.e under MW tom—on th «
lolloiviii ^ t erms , vi r. :—
\' i y s for haulin g out nnd lannrhinp, inrlinlin ^
all cSprn si ^ of lilliouj , iij r. mo tircnt y mils pel '
ton , aiiil k//rl-
Ui nil , "
ill liml f ver y ifiins; iii'i i'smii y for cnt iveu
ient e nnil ilfs|ii |(fll .—(' a i penlei « , ('uiilkrn ,
l' in>hei , 1'laiik , IvjF1"
1! l ||r i I'it' h HarreU , )vo.
" ill he sup plied itwesireil , nnd lilacIt Hi nilh woi Ut
by ii In si i.Hr HorUman , c an he pro ' ineil in thn
yanl. This Huil Way has the ail vanlii f ;e over
niMnv ollu is , in the conveni ence of working on
t he bottom of Vessels , as all ihe W a y * me re-
movi il , |'
,ivin g a free pussft ge nniler Ihe Yo»mT»
liotloin. H. NY Is.
W i i i e h a i n , May ~, IH I ll. llulo
Tbe V. S. Hi>v. Cutter Morris , from
New York,will) orders lo inspect all cut-
ters,anil to explore tbe waters aml coasl
of l
c 17. States, arrived at Hootbbay '
inst,Cnpt. Derby is aided by Lts,Joseph
Ciol d,
Jobn C'k'i
-Hicr and John Marten.
In •FMmouth , Cnpt William Nye, Jr. to Miss
t'.lizn C Hiinmick , l>olh of Falmnul li.
In I
'ldv iden rc , Mr. (ieorjj c M. KichinonH , ti
Miss Ann , vuuirgvvt fluughti.T of Chief .lin>tici
ilil y.
In Nantuck et , Mr. Frederi c k W. lluu cy t(.
Mis» Marv J. I'addock
In I'hiln ilcl phia , Mr. John A. Muiistahle , of
thin rily , to j%
li»s Mary Swain , Ifttc of Devon-
rtiire , Kny.
In Ynrmou lh , Mrs. Tlwmkliil , rel ict of the late
Mr. Reuben HycW, Hgr d 07
In F'almonth , Captain Job I
' . Wood , of fon - :
•tun ption , after a linj cnnj and distr ess ing Kick-
Mim Uhod n I
I. Cror Uer.
In Prov idence , Capl. Joh n N. Sumncr , agcil
In Brookfn hi , Mr. James Ros « , a revolution a-
ry pennioner , 74.
In Leicester , Cnpf. William Spiajue, fiH .
l Sea— This Day , (Wcdncs 'yJ \'Z o'cl'k 5 in
21—(loo p Jni. Lawrence , Dot-ton ,
" Mefit-nger , do.
18th—schr Albert , Bacon, mackereling ".
Sloop Volant , Huckim , Boiton.
20th—sloop Coin. Hull , do.
22, bii g Her-
ald , Doaue , from Bostun for I.ahrador , w i»lic«l lo
»>e rcpnrlf d. Spoke , Aug. 11 , ic hr Uecatur ,
from Grand Ban k.
The Plvmou th Memoiial stales , that a bottle
•ni foun d on the shore of Monumct I
'oinl , in
I'lyioouth , on t he H(11 inst. ronlainin sr the follo w -
ing, in manuscri pt—soim: ol il.c words hting il-
leg ible—
" Brig Charles , from Havre , Perkins ,
sprung aleak off Grand sui .k in 1 hou r
and 10 min utes.
" Crtw took to hoat—2 pass enj '-rc , Gil-
bert and Charle s Dernarrc los—2j ili Jul y. IBil.
—God save u». "
New Bedford , lOth_i,rr 5hip Phenix , Gaul-
ner fm Pacific Ocean , 24fJ0 bbl« oil. — 14th , »ir
bri g Amaz on , Charleston—schr Roderick , Bos -
ton—sa iled , (hip Uic hujond , Tucker , Pac ific (••
cean .
New Orleanii .SOth—cl 'd, ihi p Albree , Great-
on, Liverpool ; bri gt Carroll , Tob y, Boston.
Norfolk , Aug 8—arr schri Daniel , Boston , for
Rich mond ; Caroline , do do.
In Ham pton Roads , bound up, sloop Mercv ,
Baker , 12 days fm Si Barts , bound to Boston ,
put ia in distress.
Salem , l-llli-- an slo o p Mornin g St ar , ,ui >
V nik.
Prrniilrnrr , Vilh— nrr btij Grn .T .icks .in . r,t)
M.iehin * . sc lirs Thom as nnd Vietor y , U.ui^ m
sloo ps Ttnder. Snn dw ich ; Rap id , Ka lni .unii .
Pi.rtliind , l- llli — arr In i° S.ill y \' hrt , fm
BiKton : Hope k SiKan , Maine
>'r«port , I."nil— h
t schr Pocaliontas . hound
I'liila ilel phia . 14th— nrr bri e Barrl. iy. nml A
coi n , and sehr Siisnii , fin Hos lon.
>oifolk , 10th — nrr in the Ruads , |,n' jr ,
fm Hmto n.
Richmond , 11th—bil ow , sohr I'.nvo y , i m Hoj .
toil ,
At Si Pirrr es , l*>th nil. bii g- Joh n, Sinnv , of
Brunswick , dis 'g.
Newbn ryp nrl , l'.'tli— mi si'hr , Ifiu n ' ,
Hoslon , I'etlrl , Col by , do
Portsm outh , Hlh— ni i hi iy Ii i« , llnr .ln^ , 42
lU fm Li verpo ol : Selu Dmer Pa, kit . Pence , I'm
Dover ; sloop l-'Ush , llod ^ in< , do
liallim oie , I2ih—, 1 , 1 , l,, iu , Pm-ket ,
Tolninn , Ho^tiui—sai led , hn^ (J. iud llelurn ,
Slinekfoid. New Oi lcan* ; Mnslial .
Ney. lLud-
iiij T, t lo'lon ; Vi , to r , Cluise , do .
Ne w Orleans , Jul y 2,'»—cl d , sell Daniel Web -
iler , Lewis , Boston.
Provid ence li 'u li — schr Lvdia , Smnll , Rds ton ;
schr s Cliua l' i«her , Austin , New t )i leans , Ma-
ry, Week s , do ; Ho iton , Iiom Uiillimoie .
Baliim oie , l.'lih— j iii schr llnr tey , tf lio w , 1-1
dii vs fin Monli x o It.iv
Al SenwrP' s Point loth , bri g Pionee r , Bosto n
j oiiod up, sch r I'.iivo v , Itos lon , bound down.
Ch ail i slon , 2lh — sailed , shi ps Nimiod , ami
Snrnh Pinker , l.twi pnol.
New OiIi iiiis , 1s t— ii ir srlirs l.illv , Hull, Nns-
¦nil , NP— cl ' il , ship Ohio , I'.ldrtd gc , >ant * .
Providence , lSih—an schrs Cere-" , fm Saoo ;
Mo rning Mar , Huth ; Decalu r, Mm lii ns .
Arr ul Ilii xliurv , ISe plune , Smile , Liver pool.
Ai r nl Plvm Hlh , lluunah , Siiuino uK , Tmks
l-l.ini l, '27ili ult.
Portland , llhh — nrr si his (irnpe , Wuril , from
Keniie bunk ', Sal ly, Kieeuiun , Hunco ck for Itos-
Pliiln iWi pliift , li '.ih— arr Ini g Olis , Chandler ,
fill Mulnpi , Jul y III. l
| no \in«
Al so mi lili es Ann Mniid , M»iduioie , Trini -
dud , 22; Yellow Uinl . Tilioii , Im Mula -u ;(7 ds
—s( hi Supei ior, fi oni Si Johns , PR. Is Cl'd ,
bri g Siiiiwiniil , iiu ", fcchr llo pt iV Siiriin for
S| Johns , iNH.
At Rich mond , 1tit 1> , schr Caroline , Sears , lio s-
Sehr Fornax , Percival , Boston , nt Alrxaudiia
previous to 1-lth.
Fredeii i khliiir g, 12lh— hit sclir Loiie , H ard
ing, IInli lii*.
At New Orleans .
'{( lib nil I
.dwin , to sail saint
day ; Helen Mar , -ll h him ; Susnn , Whil luill .anc
.Majesti c, r.aslet hrook , for Cou es , (ilh and 1<>lIi
— Coiiiiui s Miry, Im Ihe Downs , iiih erlaiii ; .lo
sep li Spriigii f , lionlou , next day — Arr ^l>t , hli f;
hwan , Snell , lios ' on.
Uiilli moie , i'j lh—nr r bri g All nnlic , Peie rs,
fui Ha\nna , 1 2 ; M hi Coloinbia , I' mker , from
I'oit no I' l lin e. Sailed in , Ion 7(
J W, bri g Kag le, fm Ha
vana for Boston.
18th Julv , lat 43 15, Ion 47 'i'.l , barque Tur
bo , of Boston , 27 ds from MatanzMH for lire
I llh inst. lat 'if> , (on 7'<, bri g Hope, from Ha
vana for Boston.
OfT (.
'ape Halternt , vhi p Mar y ii Susan , I'i ds
fin Liverpool fo r Charleston.
l.'j ih inm. lat .
'{8, Ion 72 30, bri g Chalcedony
'i !
2 day s fm N«. w Orleans for Bohi on.
l.'iiii , 21 leagiu-i hi: of Cape May, schr La-
dies ' I>e!igbl , l'» days from Baltimore for Bos-
Ion , w illi Ions of for emast , and ma inmast sprung
—intended to put into New York.
Glh iust. brig Helen , Itom Triu idud , for Bos-
Lat U2 , lo ng 7> , bri g Regulator , Kni ght , 2 dt
from New Yo rk.
.)ih imt. schr Hy las , from Kxum a , for Boston
An:: l , " ii llieGr aii'l Bank , t chi Reunion , of
Proi in' etown , v s ilh 1<>< H> fish .
2Ki h , lat -I1
" , Ion 43, bri g Kli/.ah<;lh, of Bostoi
fm Baltimo re .
lOi li iri f t off Long l»l and , hii
Panama , froi n
Legho rn , tor Philadel
BOHTO\ A»g '¦">¦—^ rr 1>
^'P George , Kea t-
ing, fr om F' licnos A y re s 22' 20-
Bri g Lev ant , F.ldri dge , trom Bait.
S>hi Patrio t. S(- ars , fm Brewstei " .
': sanim.-! , bi.U-r, Piovidtau ".
" \ u I¦ii"\ . Ciou i II , >,Mv YoiU.
: 1' iho . I,,.in H.ulVol il.
" I' n I'm,in. >\>'Nv York.
" A IImih . Ki dci , do
Sl.w p I' luncri. lin ker , Nin llnl knl
At rpiaian hi iu Ahiii.i , Fos ter , St \ un cut 'I'M
mid Si I' humns 27th nit.
loth—arr. hii g Swan , Atkin s , fiom Philadel -
Hchr Mnrdonnugli , Fndcrw ood , New York.
" Alci I. Ha ll, loi ' ilo .
('I d . I,, j, : ( o rdilin , F.llis , Trinidad , Culm ;—
«i hr Favorite , Bci r v , I'hihld .
iTih— nir. schr Wm A. Turner , Washington.
M' .
Came up fio m ipiarnii. bii j; Kng le , fro m lln -
van n.
Al ipifin in bii g Gen. Mercer , Ada ms , from
Si .lu pn de Cubn 2i'lh nil. Left , sdii lien
l!i unks , nf Siilem , ili» 'g.
S. hi Auroin . I liiie liinsnn , Ma nsnnilla . 2Hd ult
— Le ft ,
I.evani , Sc uiwood , t ,lo(i< Tsiei , do do ; Jane ,
I" o.-t ei , dis ' i;
( I d , m Iiis Page ; Boston , nnd Oilcans , Ncw-
Yin k , Sall y Ho pe , Pi o\ idenCC .
ISlh — nil - hi i;: ('hah , doiiv , Nick er*nn , New
Orleans 20th , S\V Pass 21st nil. I2lh insl hit
^iS , Ion 7S 1 2 passed shi p Indian Chiel 'i from
\'i11;iil in toi Kollei dam.
S, In Rose in Bliu iin , Ciowcll , fill Middl cto w n
Peipiot , Hale s , tin New Yoik.
Came up from ipiai .in In ie. Gen Mererr.
( l i l , hi i£s Iaten I, Kendall , Cowes and n mnr-
kf l — Palm , Lincoln , I' tnh i'l —s c hr Henri CI.iv ,
!Sick(isoii , Ma llmioie ; Win Tell , l)o\e r.
l'.'lh — nrv bii g Con giess , Dixe\ , fin Li verpool
June L
v l
Schr Daniel Webs ler , Lewis , fill New Oilcan s-
Hist nit NF. Pass 2d nisi. spo ke fit h hiss nil
I ol lu^a-i , sl n p Albree , t iri 'alon , it ds Iroiu IS Ol -
lenns hit l.ivet pool .
Scbr Vc .v pci , W akem nn , fm New Yoik.
" Mi rror , Hall , do .
Via ipiatiiu. M' hr Aurora , and Sea Flower.
At ipiai an. bi ig Mai v .Line , Mch h inn , fro m
Mobi le , 22d nil , and has landed tinci men al
the 11I June. Lcll , bii g Mos
COW , Nol l is , dis ' {^.
l if; V iclor , T'hase , liallimoie.
" M arshal Ne\ - , T' io\»< II, Hallimoi e.
" Biig Sliawmol , \\ ni^ ', Philadel p hia.
Sch r 'I'mK , Howes , New Yi nk.
" Gentile , Howes , do.
Sloo p Mechanic , N'u kelson , do .
" Veh x iiy, Lewis , Ha lifax , I3l1i S nst. Left
bri g Cordelia , Lime , for Uoslon , '1 ; st hi Polo-
mac , lleais , Iiom Alexnu. ilis 'g. Bii g Pedlar
Gn en , Iiom f.oni lou for Jlo s lou , pill in in '- poh'i ' \
(! I K M I - A"7"v uia'l'- from i
l lmedium , to the
extreme of Fa
¦¦ ii ion , '"
s uit the ta nte ol ' lus '- '" ¦ •
tomtrs . J
W II 13 " ill f -' nii -. b I r.lMMi No r- 1, of the bc -.l
kind , and at tl. " lo w e s t f .rii (.,.
barn v.aW', Ou. li, Ib-t". tl
I' O II H A \
j K .
tl idSrtHV
rMlH li»n
b«ciiber being nboii1
MBSImiS& -^- '" /" ''O«vc fluin lliis place ,
^M^"ii'¦I«BS otTern/or mile bin I>\V IOL-
BSSMS i.ixc ; j ioi hi:, ij ai{ \ ,
and Olhei out Bii ildWgn^wilh about twelve a
crt * of LAND "d/i)i
g Ilie name , plenhiint-
ly situated in Hyagn'
"' ITnl. on t he. south >ido
of Biiiiistnb lv , 4Mwr iH?yliurf "t liy unnit Har-
bou r. /
— A li * O
A bout .10 n!'^H H H A V ,
! |
O i' l Y.7.1;"- V (j |, BoUon . riive do ors
' j ™ kun i ii '/f I'"' k ~'iW" ') '' :>11
"" hand , and is
, oii ' il y iiiao ulai. luii lg riiush ett ol ( ve 'y i|i- -
.-.«.i i |iii ' -«i , '.',hi ( h hi: olfi.-flL loi sale on the iiiosl
j iea- .o uabh: t '-i MM. / \
j Co iiou , Wool i-n M/iiufa
fc|ur y and Maihiin -
, Bni -ii i' t of every d> ^« ipli on , made to order and
wai lanlcd lo f
clinid. 1
Biii hh Ma kci s. irnfy be Kii ^ p lieil as usual with
, all M,rli of painle iHiloiks Olid Handle* , Aiiki-
i'. an Ronian an d Pi(miau Biisll '-i. , Cdie i-«:d "i
un dies» i.-d. ; Bru Ui Miik*- r \ Bills , '
' J 22 v »i >:Si>r ,K . \ '
. he paid lo inly one , n ho will g ive
si n h inl oiquition us wil l eiuivicl iiuy per-
son , tin In spa Ksiu v on the t o w n s pmpeily on
Snnih / .Yi (7. ,,bv Imiiug and *
-nn »ing awa y any
wi mi l
, rntnli i ii-niff f i k r r i r s , >V'
- wilboii l u w i i l
tin pei ui il liu|i t so n one of th e undersi gned
( iiuiiui t li c. *" All npTsons will eiiiili on llieir i hil
illen or sel v aiipl^ lgainst coniinill iiie, any Hen-
pass on si ,id -property, under any pretence w hat-
evi l , as t hey w ill be prosecuted th ei i-lor . Due
until e w i ll be giv en when permits will be g rant-
ed lot |;alh eiin u ci nnhei I ie».
B A R N A B A S C I I I I ' M A N , Committee.
Barnsla h le , Aug Di li , IKII.
N O T I V K .
THK subHcriheiH have formed it coparliMr
ship and will trans act ( 'ommih (oN iil ;s/n£«n,
under tlie fnin of \
l\o. 4, Centra l tvllllrf , Ho»(0li
~v fB IIIJ l yj liwiib i-r offeis- for
v B./il.lin/s, ».ib nbout (illeen
hnndinl fc< I »/ \ l/^-IV<>
K S, Mini eig ht
iicies ol I,A N l/ , we l»ir\i |e(| for Suit Work a.
Sa;d liuil 'lio| « , fa ll IVJ .lkAinl Laud , ly ing at
If vii ii ni» , in ihi hmilli liart ¦
S.ii'l Sail \\ iil. i«(• uBul five yeuin old
and iu good i'|iiii , wi ^tWpiivil ege
a good
iiill |ioa d !<< ( 1-4(1 \su\k y ur
\ ' ,i f iii t her pin ii( iitart i , please call on lli r
mhn , or M'm>ri Da v n, IIi n¦•« '¦< i. Al.ltKICr IMNCK I.KV
My mini., April 25, lb-'Jl i
N O T I t
K .
ff^ lir.
x l.isl for tlu > town
Rnin ntable ,
|lor 1h: (I , in in the IhiihIh of Ihe 1'olle t to r ,
w ho is auth orised to dis count for voluntary pay
mi-iiIs , as follow K,vi/ :
W ilhiu ,
'tll dnyii fiiiin (B*l t
1'.ii the acco miu niliiflo|l of the iiihabilants in
the IN'ni t h W eslrnl l\iu| 'South West ern (' olle l' -
lion Hislii cls , I ha ve Innde in i aii;; cineiiln wild
Mr. I'httrln ll. llmsli i/, nnd Nlr. l.uthrr Iliiuk-
li -y, tn tii ke Ihe 'l ax l.iMa lor su iil Dmliic ln
loi t hw ilh.
Hill nota ble , .Iid y 2:id , IHill.
Sc OO.
NO. 4« Ci;n-hi *iTWuahi ,
I IIOHT () .
\ \
W ILL ki i-|iron v tanll y on |,atid and for »afe
It I/' N S I N; G I I I C C | N (i ,,f all nz*fc ,
M \ N |I . I . \ IJOPI-'., SI'I.' N Y A H N. '
Or . at
lelllll. —GAMf il o i Rl' .f .l - .i, , CA l : l > s , J I ^ W «
l. i!'., a*- . f| ( ,ui the iiniiiuliietoi y ol J o -mIi Rob-
bui -i ; F.-(| ol I'l y ioouth , will I,,: fi n in.h '-d i» any
' p iaulil y at shmt i c , a,,i | i,« leuiM ,
>'/ app ly ing in abo ve .
.Ma t c h