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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
August 19, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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August 19, 1971
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MRS. BETTY SOUZA Correspondent Cotuit 02635 Tel.4284289 UNITED FUND CHAIRMAN John j . Lynch Is chairman ol Cape Cod United Fund for Cotuit. MANUEL SYLVESTER Manuel Sylvester, 64 , of Shell Beach , Calif, and fovmevly of San- tuit , passed away Aug. 15 in Shell Beach. Mr . Sylvester , the son of the late Manuel and Mary Sylvester of Santuit , was born in Pico , Azo- res. He came lo Santuit in 1921 and moved to California - in 1934. Survivors Include his widow, Pauline; two sons, Manuel Jr., and Donald of California ; three sisters, Mrs. Maria Andrade of California and Mrs. Evelyn Syl- via and Mrs. Emily Frazier of Santuit; three brothers in Califor- nia , Joseph , Antone and Alberl; and six grandchildren. AROUND THE VILLAGE Mrs. William H. L. Thomas, with children Jay, Ann and Billy, from Georgetown , Md. is visiting her mother , Mrs. CD. Crawford , at her home on Oceanvlew Avenue. Mrs. Raymond E. Nystrom and children have returned to Califor- nia after a visit with her parents , the Francis Rennies. Christie Nystrom celebrated her third birthday while she was in the village and was honored with a party held at the home of her grandparents. Attending the party were Leslie Rcid , Chris and Moni- ca Barger , Garrett and Derrick Bird and Billy, Scott and Duncan Reid. CHURCH NEWS Thanks to all in the village who helped in any way to make the annual church auction such a tre- mendous success. Through the ef- forts of all who helped , over $1,350 was realized. John Christenscn was chairman of the event. Mrs. George Jaques of Marstons Mills is pinch hitting for the or- ganist at the church, George Ew- ing, while he is on vacation. Next Sunday will find Fr. John Smith in the pulpit and John Christensen as soloist. GRANDMA PERRY CELEBRATES HER 96TII BIRTHDAY Mrs. Marlon Perry, known af- lectionately in the village as Grandma Perry, celebrated her 96th birthday on Aug. 8 at the home of her son Bill on Piney Road. An open house was held in her honor , and all her relatives and friends were invited to attend. Besides her son Bill , she has an- other son , well known in the vll- I.EC.AL NOTICES LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby given that Sav- ires Pas<;book No. 12072-5 issued by the Chatham Trust Company has been lost or destroyed and that application has been made to said Chatham Trust Company to issue a duplicate book in accor- dance with requ irements of Gen- eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 167, Section 20. Auo\ 19, 26, Sept. 2, 1971 LOST PASSBOOK Notice is hereby Riven that Sav- ings Pa' ^bonk No iTfla.i i=-K ut»d hv the Chatham Trust Comnanv has be-m lost or destroyed and that anpl' cat'on has been ma^e to cflM Ph^'h"'-" *T'',nc,t Comnanv tr> tocue " r'unn cate book in accor- dance with requ'rem°«ts of (W>. eral Law Ter. Ed., Chapter 167. Section 20. Aug. 12, 19, 26 lage, Udell , five grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Grandma is a resident of Hyan- nis Nursing Home. ANNUAL MEETING OF COTUIT LIBRARY The annual meeting of Cotuit Library Association was held in the Kirkmar. Room of the library on Wednesday evening, Aug. 11, The well attended meeting was highlighted by underwater photo- graphy of the Virgin Islands ta- ken by Edward Moore of the vil- lage. During the business meeting, President Jim Souza announced that 25 shares of Standard Oil of California had been given to the library with the request that the gift be called the Ida M. Ander- son Fund. The donor of this fine gift , who wishes to remain anony- mous, praised the fine work Miss Anderson has done for all of us over the years. A standing ova- tion was given Miss Anderson by those present. Refreshments and a social hour were held after the meeting. Mary LeClair was in charge of refresh- ments. Those wishing to show their ap- preciation by adding to this fund may send their contribution to Co- tuit Library Ass'n., Miss Lucy Morse, treasurer , Cotuit , Mass . 02635. COTUIT GRANGE RUMMAGE , YARD SALE A rummage and yard sale will be held to benefit Cotuit Grange in Grange Hall , Santuit on Satur- day. Aug. 21, from 10 a.m. -2 p.m. 411 IN COTUIT Plans for a 4H group in the vil- lage are being formed by Jim and Betty Souza. The program will start in September with arts and crafts as the main interest. The program is for those 13-19 years of age. The club will be open to both boys and girls. A few of the possible things that can be offered will be chair can- ing and rushing, shell craft , de- coupage , conservation, animals, i n d o o r gardening, photography, lincraft , crewel , lampshades, wood- carving and the reflnishing of fur- niture. Connie Souza, who is a senior at Salve Reglna College in New- port , R.I. and who will be doing her student teaching at Nazareth Hall in Hyannis this fall , has as- sured her parents that she , loo, will help to organize this program. As enrollment will be limited and already three have signed up for the program , It is requested that you register with the Souzas at 428-2269. COTUIT FISHING DERBY Standing^ in the Cotuit Fishing Derby have been released by its chairman , Gus Dahlbo of the vil- lage , and are as follow.;: In the bass from boat division , Warren Carstensen of Osterville leads with a 38 lbs. fish. In the shore divi- sion , Ed Savery is still in thp lead with a 24 lb. 15 oz. bass. In the blueflsh from boat divi- sion , in first place is Bucky Bo- tello with a 14 lb. 8 oz. beauty, and in this same division from shore , Gary Brown of Hyannis is lepd'"" with a 8 lb 8 oz. blue. In the Junior division from a boat , Wade Behhfian Is in the lead with a IS lb. C o*. bass, and "ChucVi" " Dottridce lends in the same division with a 5 lb. 8 oz. blue cau-h' from fhore. COTUIT (Continued from Page 1) Warranty and quitclaim deeds are those which may have a some- what vague history of lot lines or encumbrances, but for property transfer legal purposes are accep- table . Warranty or quitclaim property owners are given the original deed to the property and a copy Is held in the County Registry of Deeds office for the official records. This type of transfer is not registered in the Land Court , and while it is a perfectly valid real estate trans- action it does not always guaran- tee that lot boundary lines cannot be challenged. Property owners who wish to establish clear title to their land can petition the Land Court for a hearing. Property abutters are ser- ved legal notice that such a hear- ing is to be held , and they can ask the Court for consideration if the petitioner is being unduly deman- ding. A record of the legal and finan- cial status of every parcel of prop- erty in Barnstable County is re- corded at the Court House and these records are open to the pub- In 1965 the Register's Office .started microfilming the record of all warranty or quitclaim proper- ty deeds and encumbrances In the County. To date 400 of the 900 record books have been filmed. Current transactions are micro • lilmed dally. Money for microfilm- ing comes from the state. Measures are now being taken to assure permanent security of these microfilmed records. Abstracts of all real estate trans- fers up to Aug. 1 this year, with prices paid for the properties, have been mailed to the assessors of all the Towns in the County. Each deed now recorded must have a statement as to the pur - chase price , which is filed with (he registry. Currently there are 30 people employed in the Registry of Deeds. Both Mr. Weekes and Milton Welt , Assistant Register, stated that if their department Is to do the kind of job the County expects them to do there should be an additional 10 people on the work staff . While the present flurry of real estate transactions might seem un- usual, they expect this to remain the situation for some time. Large parcels of Barnstable County lands have been, and are being bought In blocks, then sub- divided , and houses built. Each transfe r of ownership demands checking and rechecklng to make . ->ure the records are perfect. When title searches are made for prospective buyers there must be a completely accurate Index so that any Hens or encumbrances on the property will not be missed. Property buyers are entitled to know that what they are buying is legally what it has been repre- sented to be. The County 's obligation is to have all transactions registered properly and its records up to the minute . Mr. Weekes does not anticipate a space problem In his depart - menl despite the added business. Both he and Mr . Welt are evaluat- ing space requirements now and will shift stacks and records a- round until they have achieved maximum efficient use of the pre- sent space. In summarizing the tremendous activity in property transfers here , Mr. Welt , formerly executive di- rector of the CCPEDC, said "In- flation, which Is prompting some investors to put their money in land rather than speculative sto- cks, the scarcity of land on Cape Cod , and the growing population on the Cape , due In part , to the disenchantment some newcomers have for present urban living con- ditions, have helped to activate the real estate market here. And., there is just so much ocean area land available. " While Mr. Weekes anticipates that land values will eventually reach a plateau and prices will level off , there Is no indication at present that this stabilization Is imminent. LEGAL NOTICES Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Courl To all persons Interested in the estate of GERTRUDE M . NYE . late of Bc.instable (Centerville i . in said County, deceased. A petition has been presented lo .said Court for probate of a cer- tain instrument purporting to be the last will of said deceased bv Irene Drew Lahteine of Barnsta- ble (Centerville), In the County of Barnstable , praying that ¦ •¦he. be appointed executrix thereof with- out giving a surety on her bond. If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney should fie a written appearance in said Court at Barnstable before ten o'c'ock in the forenoon on the 14th day of September. 1971, the return dav of this citation. Witness , ALFRED C. K^TOHT. Esquire, Judge of said Court, this 17th •• ¦' *n«n»t. 197i . FREDERIC P. CLAUSSEK . Re~ 1 ter . Aug. 19, 26, Sept. 2, 1971 Deeds Activity The ninth Biennial Christian Sci- ence College Organization meet - ing will be held at the Christian Science Center in Boston on Aug- ust 26, 27 and 28. Mrs. Bart Cooper of Bass River and Miss Cheryl Mott of South Chatham are among those from the Cape who are planning to at- tend. Mrs . Cooper , a former teacher and a graduate of Cape Cod Com- munity College , will be enrolled in the University of Massachusetts in the fall to obtain certification to teach English as a foreign lan- guage. Cheryl Mott has been attending Vermont College and plans to en- roll as a sophomore In the Cape Cod Community College. Christian Science College Students To Meet Aug. 26-28 1 ^USI?iLSS^^^DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Pursuant to a warrant issued in the case of JOHN F. SHIELDS. ET AL, by the Probate Court of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, dated August 4, 1971 (Case No. 46733), appointing me Commis - sioner to make partition of land hereinafter described among John F. Shields, Walcott R. Ames and Everett Lewis, or his heirs-at-law, the tenants in common thereof , and directing me to make sale and conveyance of the whole of said land at, public auction , I will sell at public auction on the here- inafter described premises in Os- terville , Massachusetts, on Fri - day, August 27, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. the following said premises, situ- ated in Barnstable (Osterville) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: NORTHEASTERLY by Skunk- net Road , so-called; SOUTHEASTERLY by land for- merly of Christopher Lovell and now or formerly of George Lovell; SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerlv of George Lovell: and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of the heirs of James Tobey. Terms of Sale: Twenty (20) per of the purchase price will be required to Be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. WILLIAM KORKUCH Commissioner Route 132 Hyannis, Massachusetts Aug. 12, 19, 26 COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Pursuant to a warrant Issued in the case of JOHN F. SHIELDS. ET AL, by the Probate Court of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, dated August 4, 1971 (Case No. 46731) , appointing me Commis - sioner to make partition of land hereinafter described among John F. Shields , Walcott R. Ames and Helen MacLellan (as executrix and trustee under the will of Mary L. Crocker) , the tenants in com- mon thereof , and directing me to make sale and conveyance of the whole of said land at public auc- tion , I will sell at public auction on the hereinafter described pre- mises in Osterville, Massachusetts , on Friday, August 27, 1971 at 10:00 a.m., the following said premises, situated in Barnstable (Osterville) , Barnstable Countv, Massachusetts , bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a stake and stones standing on Bump 's River Road and land now or formerly of Ira L. Hinckley; thence Nor- therlv bv woodland now or for - merlv of said Ira L. Hinckley to stake and stone standing on He- man's Mill Road , so-called : thence Easterly by last nampd road to a swamu ' formerlv of Samuel Cros- by; thenoe Southerly bv land for- merly of Samuel Crosby and Ben- iam'h H-oiett to Bumn's River Road and place of be^inn ino-. Terms of Sale: Twenty '20 - per- cent oflth » purchase price ""11 he reau 'reri to be naid In ca=h by the purchaser at the time and nlace of the s«le; »nd the balance m twenty (20 ) days thereafter uoon rtpH,.-vv -** th* df">H '"^h"'' t.«rnw, If any. to be announced at the time and place of wile. „„„„„„ WILLIAM Kr" " ^ T7< ^H CorPv~ ,"",ri"n'' Route 1"2 Hvannis , Massachusetts Aug. 12, 19, 26 LEGAL NOTICES COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Pursuant to a warrant issued in the case of JOHN F. SHIELDS, ET AL, by the Probate Court of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, dated August 4, 1971 (Case No. , 46732) , appointing me Commis - i sioner to make partition of land hereinafter described among John . F. Shivilds, Walcott R. Ames and Everett Lewis, or his heirs-at-law, the tenants in common thereof , and directing me to make sale and conveyance of the whole of said land at public auction, I will sell at public auction on the here- inafter described premises in Os- terville, Massachusetts, on Fri - day, August 27, 1971, at 10:00 a.m., the following said premises, situ- ated in Barnstable (Osterville) , Barnstable County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner at a stake and stones by Skunknet Road , so- called; thence Westerly adjoining the woodland now or formerly of Jonathan Par- ker as trees were marked to a stake and stones; thence Norther- ly by woodland now or formerly of Benjamin Hallett as the trees were marked to a corner pine tree that was marked; thence Easter- ly by woodland now or formerly of the heirs of Allen Goodspeed; thence Southerly by the road 10 the first mentioned bound but ex- cepting that part described in a deed from Samuel Crosby, Jr. to Owen Crosby dated March 13, 18- 59, recorded at Barnstable Regis- try of Deeds in Book 68, Page 483. Terms of Sale: Twenty (20) per cent of the purchase price will be required to be paid In cash by the purchaser at the time and nlace of the sale; and the balance in twenty (20) days thereafter upon delivery of the deed. Other terms, if any, to be announced at the time and place of sale. WILLIAM KORKUCH Commissioner Route 132 Hyannis, Massachusetts Aug. 12. 19. 26 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Barnstable , ss. Probate Court To all persons who are or may become interested and to all per- sons whose issue not now in being may become interested in the trust estate under the will of FRED E. HEYWOOD late of Barnstable (Osterville i in said County, de- ceased , for the benefit of Rubv Hevwood et als. A petition has been presented to said Court - by the trustee of said estate for authority to sell , at private sal", certain personal estate held bv him as such trustee, If you desir° to obieet thereto you or your attorney should fUe n written appearance in said Court tit Barnstable before t°n o'clock in the forenoon o^ the 14th dav of September 1971, the return dav or this citation. . _. _,«__ Witness, ALFRED C. KNIGHT. Esquire , Jud^e of said Court, this 10th d°v nf August 1971. ' FFF^RIC P. CLAUSSEN , Register Aug. 19, 9fl °nj ? ")-7i LOST SHARE BOOK Notice is h°rebv "iven that Re- rial Share Account Book No . 5114 issued by Sandw«»»« »« - '-' cfoflr>iqm Trust Company to Issue a duplicate book In »cc- <•* "'•?h ¦"•u 'r^ments of Opnprnl L«w T*r. Ed . . Chapter 167, Section 20. Aug. 5, 12, 19 REPORT ANY ERROR IMMEDIATELY The publisher will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion, The Patriot reserves the right to edit or' reject any copy received for publication. ART SUPPLIES hyannis art supplies "your cape art supply headquarters" Sherman Sq., Hyannis 775-2976 BOAT YARD (Hyannis) ' " BRADBURY MARINE, INC. Formerly KLIMM'S BOAT YARD COMPLETE MARINE SERVICE 157 Pleasant St. 775-1707 BOOKS 7 Z ~~ COME IN AND BROWSE — at "THE WORLD" Bookstore, spe- cializing in Christian books, paper- backs, bibles, etc. Located on Cove Road, Orleans, (in "Yankee Ped- dlers" shops) 255-4473 CABINET MAKING ROD ADAMS, INC. V j our J-ortnica Center Custom Built Cabinets Hyannis Tel. 775-2416 FEED & GRAIN ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦K M Cape Maid Farms, Inc. Wild Bird Foods — Grain Purina Chows — Pet Foods Route 28 — Hyannis — 775-3782 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK OFFICE EQUIP. & FURN. NEW STEEL FILES $34.95 Each Del. Cape Cod H. M. Meserve Co., Inc. Hyannis Tel. 775-0433 OIL-FUEL MURRAY'S FUEL OIL OIL BURNER SERVICES 24-HR. SERVICE CONTRACTS 2-WAY RADIO CONTROL Dennisport Tel. 398-2408 PAINT LLOYD'S NORFOLK PAINT STORE 382 MAIN ST. HYANNIS 775-1091 CAPE COD COLOR CENTER RUBBISH REMOVAL CLOUGH & HIGGINS COMMERCIAL CONTAINER PICKUP — CESSPOOL PUMPING — GENERAL TRUCKING 775-1179 — 775-1351 TREE SERVICE CAPE COD TREE SERVICE • COMPLETE TREE SERVICE • BRUSH CLEARING • LANDSCAPING HYANNIS PORT TEL. 775-5448 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ELECTROLUX REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Salesmen and salesladies needed 775-7533 Route 28 — Hyannis HELP WANTED Need intelligent, reliable 20-40 age, part-time assistant interest- ed in design, September to June. Write Box X , Hyannis, Mass. 02601 I NSTRUCTION A person who can speak a for- eign language is worth two peo- ple. Learn French, Italian, or Spanish. Paul K. Germani Call 428-8901 KITCHEN CABINETS BRUCE R. LOVEJOY Co. KITCHENS-Designcd-Installed FORMICA BATH ROOMS & VANITIES Show Room & Office Main St. RTE. 6A BARNSTABLE 362-3639 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FRANCES DOREY Landscape Contractor LAWN - WOOD CHIPS - FENCES TREE AND BRUSH CUTTING Tel. 775-905C West Yarmouth, Mass. CLEANERS (Hyannis) SPARTAN CLEANERS Fast Cleaning Service 242 Barnstable Road Hyannis Tel. 775-8119 MOVING & STORAGE CHILDS MOVING & STORAGE Agent: MAYFLOWER WORLD-WIDE MOVING SERVICE HYANNIS Tel. 775-5544 Zoning Article (Continued from Page 1) loot retaining wall abutting the land has made this a difficulty at the present time. Other zoning articles to be con- sidered are Article 16 to change an entire RC area in Precinct 3 allowing 15,000 square foot lots to RC-1 with 20,000 square foot mini- mums and eliminate the business •/one. changing it, to a RD-3. Arti- cle 17 asks that a portion of this area be changed. Article 18 would redesignate a part of the Business /.one from behind the Rainbow Motel up to the precinct line and to Route 132 as RD-3. Articles IS) , 20 and 21 apply to land in South Hyannis and seek change of zoning from RA (7500 square feet minlmums and one or two family homes ) to RB or 10, 000 square foot minimum lot sizes and single dwellings , or retain the 7500 square foot minimums but disallow duplex houses. Another alternative for the area is to add lo the Exceptions under the by - laws a sentence upgrading lot si- zes to 20,000 square feet for any two- family dwellings permitted to be built there. All zoning articles will be fully ( xplained at a public hearing con- ducted by Chairman Paul C. Br- own of Barnstable Planning Board starting at 8 p.m. Aug. 25 In Cafe- teria B of Barnstable High School . Victor Borge At Melody Tent Sunday, Aug. 22 Victor Borge , the pianist who has entertained and delighted au- diences throughout the world with his offbeat wit and artistry, is ap- pearing at the Cape Cod Melody Tent on Sunday, Aug. 22 at 8:00 p.m. for one performance only. Borge is a phenomenon. The pi- ano is his only prop, but what he does with a concerto or a sonata is what the show is all about. No matter how often he plays in New York , his shows are always sell- outs. A triumph in the fifties and six- ties , Victor Borge shows no signs of slowing down in this decade as he continues playing before hun- dreds of thousands of enthusiastic music lovers all over the world. Tickets for Borpe 's show AN EVENING OF MUSIC AND MIR- TH, wh'ch Iroludea a pitted ntanist from Istanbul , Sahan Arzrunl , and a coloratura soprano, Marylyn Mulvey, may be purchased at the M"'o Jv 'rent box off,ce f'-om 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily, or may be reserved by phone at 775-9100. COTUIT KETTLEERS—It was almost for the Cotii.t Kcttleers this week in thz Cape Cod Baseball League playoffs. Cotuit edged Falmouth 4-3 Tuesday, but yesterday Falmouth came hack in a squeaker lo top Cotuit 2-1 to win the best-out-of-three. Aborc are the Kcttleers. In front row, from left arc Scott Coleman (bat boy). John Varga , Brian Shorty*v, Mike Johnson , Charlie Manlcy, Bill Souza , l'.rtilic MtaMaheh and Mike DcRosa , (bat boy). In back r>w are , from left, Coach Jack McCarthy, Bob Roe- iicr , Jim Summers, Rick Burley, Ty Brcnnan , Hi', i Phillings and Don Douglas. (Howard Studios )