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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
August 19, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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August 19, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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C.G. Auxiliary Annual Rendezvous Division XI of the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, which covers all Cape Cod, will hold its annual ren- dezvous at the Flying Bridge, Fal- mouth, on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11th and 12. Free docking facilities are be- ing provided by the Town of Fal- mouth for Saturday night for those members arriving by boat. Din- ner will be served following a cocktail party starting at 6 p.m. On Sunday there will be a spe- cial meeting with the Director of the 1st Coast Guard District, the Captain of Group Woods Hole and the Captain of the Air Arm of the Coast Guard now housed at Otis Base. Artist Peter Max To Hold Exhibit At Sheraton Soon . . . . Serlgraphs, paintings and scul- ptures by the controversial artist Peter Max will be at Sheraton Hy- annis for a benefit showing Aug. 27 and public exhibition through Sept. 6. A portion of all proceeds, Includ- ing sale of Max work, will go to the Drug Abuse Foundation of Boston, a New England center for drug treatment, research and education. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF BARNSTABLE /f ^S ^ i f r W SJ&fg \*\\ , -»Ma*.. , U«\ BAIIXSTADIE J.I/ SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT THE COMMONWEALTH OP MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss To either of the Constables or any itolice Officer of Hie Town of Barnstable, Barnstable Greeting* IN THE N A M E OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, you (ire hereby directed to notif y and warn the inhabitants of said Town qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet at the Barnstable High School , Hyannis, Massachu - setts, on Tuesday, August 31, 1971, at 7 :30 p.m., then and there to act on the following Articles : (All articles not marked wit h the words "By request of" are submitted by the Board of Selectmen) ARTICLE 1: To see if the Town will vote to rescind the vote taken with respect to Article 1 0 1 at the 1971 Annual Town Meeting, which vote raised and appropriated the sum of $3,000 and authorized the Selectmen to remove all of the buildings known as the Lombard Farm from that property. (By request of Ral ph F. Lowell and others.) ARTICLE 2: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or appropriate from available funds $3,000 or some other sum of money for plans and specifications for the re- storation of the Lombard Farm buildings and direct the Se- lectmen to have such plans and specifications prepared. (By request of Ralph F. Lowell and others.) ARTICLE 3: To see if the Town will vote to direct the Selectmen to ascertain whether or not, federal , stat e or private funds are available for the restoration of the Lombard Farm buildings. (By request of Ralph F. Lowell and others.) ARTICLE 4: To see if the Town will vote to direct the Selectmen to invite proposals from possible lessees who might be interested in renting the Lombard Farm premises from the Town, but who would be willing to undertake at their own expense , designated portions of the restorat ion of said build- ings in accordance with plans for restoration approved by the Selectmen, and Avho would be willing to post a bond for such undertaking; and to authorize the Selectmen on behalf of the Town to enter into a lease with a prospective lessee obli gating the lessee to so restore the buildings or designated portions thereof on such 'additional terms and conditions as said Select- men deem proper. (By request of Ralph F. Lowell and others.) ARTICLE 5;: To see if the Town will vote to direct the Selectmen to appoint an unpaid Committee consisting of five persons, at least two of whom shall be residents of Prociucl 2, and at least one of whom , if willing to serve, shall be an archi- t ect resident in the Town of Barnstable , to make recommen- dations to the Selectmen with respect to specific plans for the restoration of the Lombard Farm buildings and to st udy any proposals for their use and make recommendations to the Se- lectmen with respect thereto . (By request id' Ralph F. Lowell and others. ) ARTICLE 6: To see if Hie Town will vote to raise and appropriate yr appropriat e from available funds $60.00 to pur- chase Lot 2r9, Block 17 on a plan entitled "Lake View Heights- compiled by V.T). Bacon , Surveyor- 1914" being on file in the Town Engineer 's Office, from the Estate of Franklin II. Oath , as per agreement signed on August 4, 1971. ARTICLE 7: To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate or appropriate from available funds a sum id' money to '•arry out the survey of the Police Department recommended by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Inc.. pro- vided a grant of federal funds under Public Law 90-351, 82 Stat. 197, for which a request has been made , is granted. ARTICLE 8; To see if the Town will vot e to raise and appropriate or transfer or appropriate from available funds the sum of $4,900 for the repair of a culvert under Bay Lane in the village of Centerville , said funds to be spenl under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. (B y request of the High- way Surveyor.) ARTICLE 9: To see if the Town will vote to accept a gift of $1,000 from each of the following : John W. Ream Hilbcrl Sehenck George Collins Said funds to be used for the purchase of Conservation land at. Stewart 's Creek, Hyannis. ARTICLE 10: To see if the Town will vot e to authorize the Board of Selectmen to lease a certain parcel of land to Sigmont Bednark for a period of twenty (20) years at a yearly rental of $1.00, said land being bounded northerly by land of Sigmont Bedmark 15 feet ; easterl y by land now oi formerl y of Lindsey N. Oliver , 75 feet ; southerly by Maple Street , 15 feet ; and westerly by land of the Town of Barnstable, 75 feet. ('By request of Sigmont Bednark et al) ARTICLE 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to the Town Beaches salary account. ARTICLE 12: To see if t h e Town will vote to raise and appropriate $1,000 to be added to the sums voted for t h e erec- tion of a comfort station at Mill Way, Barnstable Village. ARTICLE 13: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or appropriate from available funds a sum of money for suppl ying and installing smoke detectors, lighting and vandal alarm equi pment in the Barnstable Public Schools, Said funds are to be spent under the direction of the School Committee . (By request of the Barnstable School Committee.) ARTICLE 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or appropriate from available funds a sum of money for the purpose of contracting with a security guard system for the Barnstable Public Schools . Said funds are to be spent under Hie direction of the School Committee. (Byj request of the Barnst able School Committee.) ARTICLE 15: To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) from the Public Law 874 Fund to the Out of State Travel Account in the 197 1 j Barnstable Public School Budget, (By request of the Barnsta- ble School Committee, I ARTICLE Hi: To see if t h e Town will vote to amend Article III , Chapter ill of the Town By-laws by a d o p t i n g a portion of a Certain zoning map entitled "Zoning Map (Sheet h of Precinct 3 August 4 , 1971" which map is on file with the Town Clerk and which portion of the Zoning map redesignates an RO-1 area and a portion of a Business Area as an RD-3 area. (By request of Elizabet h Warren et alfi) ARTICLE 17: To see if t h e Town will vote to amend Article 111 . Chapter 111 of t h e Town By-laws by adopting a port ion of a certain zoning map entitled "Zoning Map (Sheet 2; of Precinct 3, August -1, 1971" which map is on file with the Town Clerk and which portion of the Zoning map redesig- nates a portion of an HC-1 area and a portion of a Business Area *K an RD-3 area. (By request of Elizabeth Warren el als) AKTIOLE 18: To see if the Town will vot e to amend Article III . Chapter III of the T own By-laW K by Adopting a portion of a certain zoning map entitled "Zoning Map (Sheet . '{i of Precinct . 'i. August 1. 1971" which map is on file w i t h LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NQTICE the Town Clerk and which portion of the Zoning map redesig- nates a portion of a Bn«in ' ¦¦¦ area as an RD-3 area. (By re- quest of Frank Falacci et als) A R T I C L E L9: 10 hue a the Town will vote to amend Art icle III , Chapter III of the Town By-laws by adopting a portion of a zoning map entitled "Zoning Map of Precinct 3 (Sheet 4) August 4, 1971" which map is on file with the Town Clerk and which portion of the Zoning Map redesignates a Residence A area as a Residence B area. (By request of Noel Sabat t et als) Article 20: To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 111, Chapter 111 of the Town By-laws by adopting a portion, of a zoning map entitled "Zoning Map of Precinct 3 (Sheet 5) August 4, 1971" which map is on file with the Town Clerk and which map redesignates a Residence A area as a Residence A-l are i '" fi I MT ARTICLE 21: To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 111 , Chaprer i n of [lit: iuvi. uy-iaWS o.> adding to Section P, Special Exceptions, Paragraph 10 the following sen- tence "A special permit, for a two family dwelling in this area shall require a minimum lot of 20,000 square feet , a front yard set back of 40 feet , and side and rear yard setbacks of 15 feet . (By request of Noel Sabatt et als) ARTICLE 22: To see if the Town will vote to amend Article III , Chapter 111 of the Town By-laws by deleting Para- graph B of Section J. INTENSITY " REGULATIONS-RESI - DENCE DISTRICTS, and inserting in place thereof the follow- ing paragraph : B. In any residence district , a one (1) family dwelling and its accessory buildings, may be erected on any lot which complies with the applicable provisions of Chapter 40A of the General Laws. (By request of the Barnstable Planning Board ) ARTICLE 23: To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate or appropriate from available funds the sum of $3,000 to be used by the Barnstable. Drug Abuse Advisory Committee for general expenses including secretarial hel p and supplies. (By request of the Barnstable Drug Abuse Advisory Com- mittee.) ARTICLE 24: To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate or appropriate from available funds the sum of $500 for the Barnstable Historical Commission for general expenses in- cluding typ ing and supp lies. (By request of the Barnstable Historical Commission) ARTICLE 25: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer and appropriat e from available funds the sum of $300 to be used for necessary expenses by a Police Building Study Committee to be appointed by the * Board , of Selectmen. ARTICLE 26: To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout and relocation of a portion of a certain way located in the village of Hyannis, known as Fresh Holes Road extending from St ation G+b'8.30 to Station 12+76.33 as shown on a plan entitled , "Town of Barnstable Plan showing layout and relo- cation of a portion of Fresh Holes Road, Jul y 2, 1971" by David II. Greene , Town Engineer with boundaries and mea- surements as reported by the Selectmen under date of August IS, 1971, and authorize! and instruct the Select men to purchase or take by eminent domain on beh alf of the Town Hie land or interest in Hie land within tbe sidelines of said layout for this purpose and will raise and appropriate a sum of money for the payment of land damages. (By request of Robert E. French et al ) And you are directed to serve this Warrant by post ing up attested cop ies thereo f at each and every Post Office Dis- trict and by publishing the same in the Barnst abl e Patriot , a liewsjmper published in Hie Town , seven days at least before the Special Town Meeting. HEREOF F A I L NOT. and make due return of this War- rant , with your doings (hereon , to Hie Town Clerk at tbe time and place id' meetin g as aforesaid. Given under our hand this sixteenth day of August in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy- one, I']. Thomas Murphy George L. Cross M a r t i n E. Hoxie Selectmen of Barnstable A true copy Altest : RUTH C. JERAULD Clerk of Select men DOROTHY WORRELL Correspondent "enterville 02632 Tel. 775-2714 HISTORICAL SOCIETY TO MEET The annual meeting of Center- ville Historical Society Is to take place Tuesday evening, Aug. 24, at 8 In the parish hall of South Congregational Church. Elections will be held and annual reports received. Speaker oi the evening r*s been suuiouneed as Col. Eugene S. Clark of Sandwich , who will Vive an illus- trated talk an The Great Beach. This la Ms latest lecture and will tell the story of the geology, eco- logy, and history of the outer bea- ch of Cape Cod from Peaked Hill bars off Provincetown to the south tip of Monomoy Island in Chat- ham. The new color slides of these scenes were made just this winter by Col. Clark . Aerial slides will also be shown , taken by Richard Kelsey of Chat- ham, a professional air photogra- pher , and by Leslie Arnsberger , superintendent of Cape Cod Na- tional Seashore. Members and friends are invit- ed to attend. NEW OFFICE OPENS A new sales office has been opened in CenterviMe on Route 28 in the building occupied by Cape Cod Bank and Trust Company, - that of Nlckerson Homes, a subsi- diary of Nickerson Lumber Com- pany. In charge is Harry Prebble, an architect, who received his train- ing at Beaux Arts Institute of De- sign in Denver and at New York University. Before coming to the Cape in 1970, he was associated with architects in the aforemen- tioned cities, establishing his own practice in New York City in 1945. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. Mariano Brunori of Arch- bald , Pa. has announced the en- gagement of her daughter, Judith, to Thomas V. Eagan of Center - ville. Mr . Eagan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Eagan of Aruba , Netherlands, Antilles. The wedding is to take place Aug. 20 in Pennsylvania. The cou- ple plan to live in Coral Gables; Fla., while the bridegroom attends University of Miami School of Law. AMONG OUR RESIDENTS Recent visitors of Mrs. Stuart Baker of Phiwney's Lane have been her son John of Tuckahoe, N.Y. and two of her grandchil - dren , Donald and Ann , son and daughter of her son Donald of Easi Chester , N.Y. Ann remained for e longer visit with her grand- mother , after her brother Donald aud her Uncle John returned home. Mrs . Baker and granddau- ghter Aim went to New York la- ter , when Mrs. Baker (Jean ) visit- ed her folks for a week, returning home wilh her son Rcid of Tucka- hoe, for his brief visit here. While there, Jean reports trips to Play- land at Rye Beach , New York and to Sterling Forest Gardens in Tux- edo, N.Y. Now visiting Jean Baker are her daughter Barbara from Long- wood , Fla., with husband, How- ard McGahan , and their three children. They arrived in their mobile home. While here , the fa- mily, including Jean and son Alan and family of Marstons Mills , spent a day touring New Hamp- shire. Guests of Mrs. Frank Horn are daughter , Mrs. Scott Scudder , and children of Rochester, N.Y. Mr. Scudder will join his family later in the month. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. William E. Beldan on Fal - mouth Road have been son , Rev. William E. Beldan , Jr., Mrs. Bel- dan, and daughters, Kathryn and Kristyn of Storrs, Conn. ; also dau- ghter , Mrs. Douglas R. Mulhollen, and husband from Springfield, Va. Mrs. Roger S. Jackson and dau- ghter Elizabeth (Betsy ) of Cleve- land , Ohio are visiting mother and grandmother, respectively, Mrs. ; Robert L. Masson at her home on Hornbeam Lane. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blanche at their home on Shoot Flying Hill Road were their son and wife from Boston. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The sermon topic for Sunday , as announced by the pastor, Rev. Robert H. Sargent , is An Answer To Billy: Is The Church Useless? In observance of Council Of Chur- ches Sunday, there will be read a statement prepared by the coun- cil , which will indicate some of the services in which it is involv- ed in connection with its ministry to the communities of Cape Cod. Ushers who will serve are Mi- chael Richardson and John Rob- bins. Greeters will be Mr. and Mrs. Anders Nelson. IN THE SERVICE Navy Petty Officer Third Class Robert A. Gregorie Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gregorie Sr. of 1030 Phinney's Lane, Center - ville , is serving aboard the dock landing ship USS Plymouth Rock at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard , Portsmouth, Va. His ship was given its 10th Atlan- tic F l e e t Amphibious Assault Award for meeting operational committments in a superb man- ner. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr . and Mrs. Anton W. Schmal- hofer Jr. of Strawberry Hill Road have announced the engagement of their daughter , Karoline Rober- ta , to Charles Bertram Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Holmes of Locust Lane, Barnsta- ble. No wedding date has been set. CENTERVILLE NEWS REAL TORS COLUMN § Nol all real estate brokers are REALTORS. They are _. lv REALTORS only if they are members of the National /J5 j| | fc. Associat :on of Ro.i! Estate Boards. To become a mem- /'' jf'^fNsuM ber of this organization a broker must demonstrate • ! YIgH r i his.professional competence and must subscribe to an V ¦j§'-fH? established code of professional ethics. This means he ^SffSr is pledged to protect your interest . -»AtiV ss»iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa»aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |y t r t . r a r i r r r r r r r t r t . ^+ r rr f r r+ r. , ^^sasssass s^" j! ^|> L John A. jj 279 Barnstable Road, Hyannis | J |% «% mm | 1 | v » »#» #»*» Nr#aV»»>V**# » » »»##J I 775-16B5 JOHN A. LEMOS Established 1927 MLS ROUTE 28 WEST YARMOUTH William E. Dacey, Jr. 775-3322 Realtor-Developer-Builder 570 WEST MAIN STREET - HVANN.S | ^ j fc[Jfl| jfj 8j H MO ^JtA • SELLING? • BUYING? IW fM M i l LISTINGS WANTED |j|jjjjy^ ^ ^m W ¦ ¦ ¦ REYNOLDS REALTY ~~~ ~ 772 MAIN ST. OSTERVILLE Mr* & MfS' Wm* D' Kn0tt TEL. 428-5711 REAL ESTATE Sales & Rentals -_ .., , — — , *.»-,... -.* Tel. 362-3169 CECIL I. GOODSPEED Main St. Barnstable & SONS OSTERV.LLE 42M919 HELEN W. ROBINSON —— MAIN STREET COTUIT CRAIGVILLE REALTY 4WW564 "Small Home Specialists" Craigville Beach Road 775-3174 GENIEVE C. BEARSE — Opposite the Library Dudley & Kerr centemiie 775-08&5 REALTORS, SALES and RENTALS HELEN M WEBSTER COTUIT, MASS. 4284929 ; - ¦ Berry Avanue Wail Yarmcwtt r^ l -^l ^ Viy i«" ' u REALTY f » Vivian and Al Nault WffS- - *-- > 627 South Main St. ! ^4/" ' ^ Centerville, 7754158 , "«Kto V^Mp MEMBER M.L.S. < m* m T^ 1 * \ Natural Gas t Drys Your ; \ Clothes £ Naturally! ^ ?.<«>????????«•>???? SPECIAL TOWN MEETING WARRANT TOWN OF BARNSTABLE THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Barnstable, ss To either of the Constables or any Police Officer of the Town of Barnstable, Barnstable Greeting - I N THE NAME OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MAS - SACHUSETTS, yon arc hereby directed lo notif y and warn the Inhabitants of said Town qualified lo vote in elections and in Town affa irs to meet at the Barnstable High School , Hy- annis , Massachusetts, .on Tuesday, August 111. 1971, at 8 : 00, then and (ben- lo act on tbe following Article - ARTICLE 1: To see if tbe Town will vote to transfer and appropriate $3,366.25 from the State Aid lo Libraries Ac- count for the maintenance and increase of tbe free public li- braries of the Town , said stun to be apportioned among tbe free public libraries of the Town by tbe Town Library Com- raittee. (By request of the Town Libra ry Committee!) And you are directed to serve Ibis Warrant by posting lip attested copies thereof at each and every Post Office Dis- trict and by publishiug the same in the Barnstable Patriot, a newspaper published in the Town , seven days at least before tbe Special Town Meeting: HEREOF FAIL. NOT, ami make due return of this War- rant , with your doing's thereon , to tbe Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting as aforesaid. Given under our hand this nineteentli day of August in tbe year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy- one. E. THOMAS MURPHY MARTIN E. HOXIE . „, _ Selectmen of Barnstable A True Copy Attest : Ruth C. Jerauld Clerk of Selectmen NEW QUARTER—Town tax collector Ronald Hamsly has moved his offices across the hall at town hall nto the space previously occupied by town clerk , wio has moved to former welfare offices. Here Ham- lily's secretaries, iPersis Childs, left , and Georgie Burgess, right, both of Cotuit, get accustomed to .heir new desks.