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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
August 19, 1971     Barnstable Patriot
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August 19, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MBS. BOTH GIFFORD Correspondent Marstons Mills 02648 Tel. 428-2223 MY PRAYER Mr Father that art hi heaven, make me simple, pore and true. Help tne ever to the right, Is all I ask of yon. I ask yon not for riches or wealth In any way. Bnt to he happy, contented and pain a friend each day. May my arms always he open to help a distressed friend, Show me the road to righteous - ness, that's all I ask- Amen. Helen Stets Mellx, Sandwich SUCCESSFUL The recent lawn sale on the grounds of the Old Post House and benefitting the Cape Cod Chap- ter of the Home for Little Wander- ers was a great success and a substantial sum of money was realized. President of the group is Mrs. Barbara Neitz, Mrs. Elvira Fltz- simmons was in charge of the sale and was assisted by Mmes. Fred- erick Colby, Edgar Wylle, Mae Dalrymple, Billie Kallock a n d Barbara Barnard. SORRY TO HEAR Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Pierce of Wakeby Road in the sudden death of her brother , Laurie Wick of Maynard , who with his wife Lillian, was on a month's tour of Europe. The couple visited their son- in-law and daughter, Sgt. and Mrs. James Hake, with the Army in Germany, who joined them for a 15-day tour of their native Fin- land. After leaving Jim and Jean in Germany, Laurie and Lillian con- tinued on the tour until they were In London, where he was stricken ill and died. Mrs. Pierce will spend this week in Maynard and attend services there. THE CHILDREN'S HOUSE Activities at the Children's House on Route 149 (the former L. T. Gifford Farm) continue with the Play Camp program on Life A- round Us which Included a trip to Bassett' s Animal Farm in Brews- ter with nine children in atten - dance and four adults. Paul and Donald Lebel staged a puppet show of short skits about safety rules and colors on Friday. The puppets were made by Mrs. Paul Lebel and daughters, Nanette and Andree, who assisted the play camp children. A luncheon was served to the entire cast and their friends. Visiting at the Children's House are Mrs. Robert Johnson's bro- Iher and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davenport and chil- dren, Mary Blair and Emily of West Hartford, Conn. Mrs. Daven- port is a former kindergarten tea- cher and she will assist Mrs. John- son in teaching at the Play Camp for the rest of this month. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Lebel and children, Paul, Donald, Nanette and Andree, entertained at dinner on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Steve DeLorey and children, Kevin and Mary Suzette of St. Louis, Missou- ri, who are summering at New Seabury. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome D. Pierce on Sunday were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baxter of Norfolk , Va., his mo- ther, Mrs. William B. Pierce and his sister, Mrs. Merrill Gifford . NEW BABY Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Childs are parents of their third son, Aaron Robert Childs, born Aug. 10 at Cape Cod Hospital. The couple's other children are Wayne and Jason. Maternal grand- mother is Mrs. Margaret G. Had- field of Hartford Avenue, here ; while Mrs. Persls G. Childs of Old Oyster Road, Santuit is paternal grandmother. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Loring G. Jones of River Road, here. LIBRARY NOTES The board of trustees of Mars- tons Mills Public Library met Wed- nesday evening to complete plans for the Ice cream social and open house at the library from 3 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 22, on the grounds of the library. In case of rain, social will be held at Liberty Hall. Library records show that on Aug. 22, 1891 a meeting was held in Liberty Hall to make plans to establish a public library, so seven shelves in the post office were made available for this purpose. About two years later , in 1893, a building was erected on the pres- ent site. Through great communi- ty effort and support, the new ad- dition to the library was added in 1966. From this humble beginning the library has grown, and on this 80th birthday has well over 6000 books and over 300 registered pa- trons. Invitations have been sent out to residents of the village to meet here that day and join in the so- ciability and help this worthy cause. The slogan is SUPPORT YOUR LIBRARY - USE YOUR LIBRARY. Funds are needed for the library to keep up with the demands of a growing village. Old records show that when vil- lagers gathered for a library so- cial 80 years ago, the men made ice cream and the ladles made the cookies, so in an effort to re- vive this custom there will be home-made Ice cream and home made cookies for all in attendance . All are welcome , and a large group is hoped for, at this once-a - year fund raising social. HERE AND THERE Diane Parker, Susan Melix and Lynn Hadfield left Sunday to spend a week at Camp Aldersgate in Rhode Island. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- nold Hadfield motored there with the girls. Mrs. Frank Famell is a patient at Cape Cod Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baxter (Julie D. Pierce ) , who spent two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J?rome D. Pierce, left Monday for Norfolk, Va. where Lee will receive further instruc - lions from the Naval office . From there, they will continue to Flori- da to visit his parents, then on to New Mexico for a two-year assign- ment with the Navy . Wayne W. Oehme of Southamp- ton spent the weekend with his wife and daughter Gretchen, who are vacationing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A . Parker of Route 149. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plummer and children spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Pierce of River Road, while they moved from their home In Lunenburg, to their newly pur - chased home in Pocasset. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wylie on Prince Ave- nue are her nephew , Robert Clapp, his wife and their year-old baby, who are vacationing here from their home in Boiling Springs , Penn. Robert's sister (Gretchen Clapp) and her husband, Richard Tucker, who were sightseeing on the Cape from their home in Gran- by, Conn., stopped by unexpect- edly to visit Uncle Edgar and Aunt Doris Wylie and were de - lightfully surprised to find that brother Robert , his wife and child were guests there. Mrs. Wylie says a grand time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Johnson and sons entertained at dinner, Grover Dillon , who was summer- ing on the Cape while on vacation from his studies at Chapel Hill, Raleigh, N.C. where he is major- ing in marine biology. Mrs. Charles Crocker and three sons of Newtown spent ¦several days last week in Boston and while there, attended a ball game at Fenway Park. Mrs. Carrie Wilkinson of Ash- by is spending several days with her brother and sister- in- law , Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hamblin, on Long Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hamb- lin and daughter Cynthia of Wake- by Road went to Ireland where they visited relatives. Mr. Hamb- lin returned to his employment after a visit there of three weeks, while his wife and daughter re- mained for a longer stay. Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Hamb- lin and daughter Amy of Lock Haven, Penn. are visiting their son Stephen , who makes his home here at the old homestead on New- town Road. Miss Nancy Nugent ol Now Jer- sey was taken on a tour of the Cape last week by her aunt , Mrs. Seth R. Hamblin , with whom she is spending the summer. Others in the group were Mrs. Charles L. Hamblin , Mrs. Carrie Wilkin- son. David Hamblin and Miss De- von Dlgby. Seashores and other places of interest were visited by the group. Miss Olive Lee , who visited at the home of Mrs. Charles Hamb- lin , is now In Maine. She is the librarian at Bridgewater State College. We are happy to report that Da- vid Hamblin, who was injured in an auto accident earlier this sum- mer, is gaining satisfactorily at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth R. Hamblin. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clementi and children , Dana, Karl , Jay, Glen and Scott of Andover , spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Duarte and children , Kimberly, Kenneth, Kel- ly and Teddy, on Lovell's Lane. The two families met a year ago at a Bible Class in Jaffrey, N.H. and have been close friends since. Mr. Clementi is a newscaster for WHDH in Boston and handles spe- cial television reports and Sky- way Patrol for traffic . While here, the group spent a day at Sandy week where they enjoyed a pic- , digging clams, picking up shells , as well as swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Artemus G. Grif- fin have returned to their home here after spending several days at their farm in Temple, Maine. Frederick T. Thifault , son of Mr. and Mrs. Thifault , is spending these two weeks at Camp Burgess. George T. Gifford is employed at the Gulf Gas Station at the A. G. Griffin Apartments. A REMINDER Do not forget the annual auc - tion of the Marstons Mills Athletic and Civic Club set for 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 21 in Liberty Hall on Main Street. General chair - man is Jeff Condinho, while auc- tioneer will be Bill Thew. Funds earned on the project will go to the scholarship fund. Articles are being sought for the auction and will be picked up If a call is made to Jeff at 428- 2674 or to the A G . Griffin Shop BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday wishes are ex- i ended this week to Postmaster Loring G. Jones Jr . and his fa - ther, Loring G. Jones Sr., N. Geor- ge Silva , Artemus G. Griffin , G. Thomas Gifford Jr., Edward A. Macomber, Reggie Gifford , Re - becca Setler , Lisa Macomber, Pamela Edwards, Barbara De- Lomba, Greg VanKleef , Rhonda Gifford , Roger Macomber Jr., Mrs. Elsie Degrace and Mrs. Angle WeIk. CONGRATULATIONS Wedding congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Knute Carlson , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Motto , Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lapham and Mr. and Mrs. George Welk. HARSTOMS MILLS! Annual Meeting Of APCC Aug. 31 The Association for the Preser- vation of Cape Cod will hold its annual meeting Aug. 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Hall A of the Sci- ence Building, Cape Cod Commu- nity College In West Barnstable. Following an opening coffee hour and Informal get acquainted session there will be a business meeting with annual reports and election of directors. Program for the evening is titl- ed Why Cape Cod Is Going To Hell and Where Do We Go From Here? with a panel of experts leading off the discussion with five- minute presentations on the critical Cape problems they have been Investi- gating In conjunction with APCC. Panelists will be Dr. Arthur N. Strahler ( fresh water resources); Walter Cronkite (on film, forests); Dr. Herbert E. Whitlock (chemi- cal warfare); Dr. Morton Gorden (dump crisis); and Lee Frankl (land use). BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert St. Pierre (Claire O'Nell ) Race Lane, Mars- tons Mills , boy, 8 lbs. 6 ozs., Aug . 5. Mr. and Mrs. Arne H. Ojala (Melody Trowbridge) Rte. 6A , West Barnstable , boy, 7 lbs. 15 ozs., Aug. 5. Mr. and Mrs. John Delia Morte (Barbara Rushton ) Main Street, West Barnstable , boy, 8 lbs. 1 oz., Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Riedell (Sha- ron Frager) 77 Scudder Road, Os- terville , girl , 7 lbs. 14 ozs., Aug. 6. • « It'salloverAugust20iSi! Our 10th Annual Appliance Birthday Sale ends on that date. Why wait? Com'on in now and savel • Save 10% on electric ranges & dryers • Save big on built-in dishwashers and water --ss^SSEa heaters • Get $15.00 worth of frozen food j^B 535^J! .*» coupons free with any freezer or frosf!ess \_ ~ \ j ^ X . refrigerator-freezer • Good sobefion of ^^Ss==^=^ ^ ^ models and colors still available. Con- B ^ ^. venient budget terms / M ^, _-~====^5^ri Frigidaire Flowing Heat Electric Dryer ^ ^¦ ^^¦ H Sp A l Regularly $179.95 O '' ' ( {J f ^ S ^ ' i \ NOW $161.95 T j T^ K J • Dries clothes gently, evenly • Has per- t^^ Yv/ manent press cycle • Automatic dry cycle * " «*¦*,«*,Mttbb ^| CAPE& VINEYARDELECTRICCOMPANY 'Purchased from us ciunng tins ca.e and \tig£t6/ mmm »MW.mmn installed on our Unas. tgSMttMEMBMMEEMMMM^BninEBSBSB SKM * Authorized New Car Dealer For M. G. JEEP AMERICAN MOTORS Over 120 Cars in Stock SEARS A U T O SAL ES Rt. 6A E. Sandwich, Mass. 775-7972 - 775-7959 Open Evenings 'til 8 P.M. »?????«•??? ????*•*•,> ? Diamonds ... I i Choosing a diamond can be a4 ^pleasurable experience . . . Hke4 rfalling in love ! Come in audi I see. ? @) j Member of American Gem ? Society ? i AfW Cc.Gwi f \ l JEWELERS T t 422 Main St. Hyannis I • Kanyon A. Carr, R.J. I i Louis C Emrich, R.J. 1 t ^ f^ A T ^ w CAPR COD'S ^ ^ - »* * ^ p ^ 5 GOURMET RESTAURANT r"T\ & K 1 V LR Ltr^s rimDiningfo rmorethem " • Quarter Cantury TFXJW a\ Mfc 28, SOUTH YARMOUTH 4(f^?§*»* < DAILY-YEAR ROUND $3 Wm s y&m 4* " TeL 398-2l72 ^^ • a S W IS *' V Atpopular creditcar* moemptmi | INSURANCE (3K *)\ \ and ANNUITIES ^ W ^ j ? J f Frank G. Thacher Insurance Agency I ? Robert G. Dowling — Robert G. Dowling, 3rd X A 251 South Street Tel. 775-1620 Hyannis, Mass. I _.^, * a The great feel and fit n U t H R M I I M i i J I What collld iM- better than slacks that move with i l l llff l l la you an