July 24, 1969 Barnstable Patriot | |
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July 24, 1969 |
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Gail Ann Pendrak was given in
marriage by her mother, Mrs.
Hinckley Pendrak, West Bay Road,
Osterville, to Frank Tho m a s
Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert E. Short, Oak Lane, Oster-
ville at a May 24 ceremony in Our
Lady of Assumption Church.
The new Mrs. Short is a grad-
uate of Barnstable High School
and Vesper George School of Art,
Boston. Her husband, also a BHS
graduate, is a veteran of the U.S.
Navy and is employed by Dorn
Electric Company in Hyannis.
Karen Aylmer of Hyannis was
maid of honor for the former Miss
Pendrak; Alexis Carter of Little
Island, Osterville was bridesmaid,
and the bride's nephew, Joseph
Pendrak, acted as ring bearer.
Best man for Mr. Short was
Dave Lewis, also a resident of the
couple's home village. Ushers were
Joseph F. Pendrak of New York
and Douglas Hopkins of Osterville.
The 11 a.m. double-ring cere-
mony was performed by Father
Monroe. A reception followed at
East Bay Lodge.
Gail Pendrak Weds
Frank T. Short
ur* FtmeralService
jjflj HYANNIS T.I. 775-0*84
—I ¦ ¦
Add livability to your home.
Let us finish off your attic or
basement for use as an extra
bedroom or family room. Our
experts do the job promptly
. . . and at right prices.
Come in or Call
WO B«ar«e« Wtf. Hycnnlf
Tel. 77M1M
//sJy ^LA
/W m%
i -*
. The purpose of these by-laws is to promote the health,
safety, convenience, morals and/or general welfare of the
Inhabitants of the Town of Barnstable, to protect and con-
serve the value of the property within the town, to increase
the amenities of the town, and to secure safety from sea-
sonal or periodic flooding, fire, congestion or confusion, all
in accord with the General Laws, Tercentenary Edition
of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 40A, Sec-
tions one (1) to twenty-two (22), or amendments thereto.
For this purpose, the height, number of stories, size of build-
ings and structures, size and width of lots, the percentage
of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and
other open spaces, the density of population and the loca-
tion and use of buildings, structures and land for trade,
marine business, industry, agriculture, residence or other
purposes are regulated within the Town of Barnstable as
hereinafter provided.
1. The Town of Barnstable is hereby divided, as shown
on a map entitled "ZONING MAP OF BAKNSTABLE,
MASS., DATED FEB. 3, 1969" and on file with the Town
Clerk, into the following Districts :
Residence A Business
Residence A-l Business A
Residence B Business Limited A
Residence C Business Limited B
Residence C-l Business Limited C
Residence D Marine Business A
Residence D-l Marine Business B
Residence D-2 Village Business A
Residence D-3 Village Business B
Residence E Highway Business
Residence E-l Urban Business
Residence F Industrial
Residence F-l Service and Distribution
. In this by-law, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated , unless a oontrary meaning is required
by the context :
(a) Single family dwelling — A detached residential
building designed for and occupied by a single family.
(b) Two family dwelling — A detached residential
building designed for and occupied by two families.
(c) Lot — A single area of land in one ownership de-
fined by metes and bounds or boundary lines.
(d) Lot width — The width of any lot shall be meas-
ured wholly within the lot at the building set back line
along a straight line parallel to a line connecting the in-
tersection of the front boundary with the lot side lines,
except that an owner of land may establish his own set
back line at a distance greater than that required and the
lot width may be determined at the set back line so estab-
1. The district boundaries shall be as shown on the
Zoning Map. The scale of the map and the figures entered
thereon are to serve as guides.
2. Where the boundary line divides any lot existing at
the time such line is adopted, which has street frontage in
the less restricted area, a use authorized on the less re-
stricted portion of such lot may be extended into the more
restricted portion for a distance of not more than thirty
(30) feet.
. The following uses are permitted in all districts.
a. Church or other religious purposes.
b. Educational use, which is religious, denomination-
al, sectarian or public.
c. Public utility buildings or structures.
d. Municipal , municipal recreation or water supply
e. Agricultural use, including farms for the growing
of fruits, vegetables and other produce, and the mainten-
ance of a greenhouse or nursery. Sale of the produce
grown on the premises is permitted.
A. Trailers.
1. Parking, storing or occupying trailers for living or
business purposes is prohibited in all zoning districts of
the town subject to the following exceptions :
a. Storage in a garage or other accessory building or
storage on the rear half of a lot owned or occupied by the
owner of the trailer. Location of trailer must comply with
yard requirements of the zoning district.
b. A permit may be obtained from the Building In-
spector by the owner of land for occupancy of one (1)
trailer for living purposes by non-paying guests for a per-
iod not exceeding twenty (20) days in any calendar year.
c. A trailer may be occupied as a temporary office
incidental to construction on, or development of, premises
on which trailer is located under a permit from Building
13. Tents
1. Maintaining or occupying a tent for living or business
purposes is prohibited in all zoning districts of the town.
C. Noxiops or Offensive uses
1. Uses which are injurious, noxious or offensive by rea-
son of the emission of odor , fumes, dust, smoke, vibration
or oi lier cause are prohibited.
A. Any lawful building, or any lawful use of a building
or premises, or part thereof , existing at the time the zon-
ing by-law was originally adopted in the area in which
such building or use is located , may he continued , although
sucli building or use does not conform to the provisions
B. Any change of a non-conforming use, any alteration
of a non-conforming building, or structure, when the same
would amount to reconstruction , extension or structural
change, any alteration of a non-conforming building or
structure to provide for its use for a purpose or in a man-
ner substantiall y different from the use to which it was put
before alteration , or for its use for the same purpose to a
substantiall y greater extent , shall be allowed only by Spe-
cial Permit of the Board of Appeals.
C. Any such non-conforming building which has been
damaged by fire or other cause to any extent, may be re-
paired or rebuilt , providing the owner shall apply for a
building permit and start operations for restoring or re-
building on said premises within twelve (12) months after
such catastrophe.
D. Sec Special Exceptions Section.
. Accessory buildings or uses located on the same lot
as the building to which it is accessory and customarily in-
cidental to any of the uses permitted in a particular resi-
dence district and not detrimental to a residential neigh-
borhood, shall be permitted in that particular residence
A. No building shall be erected or altered and no build-
ing or premises shall be used for any purpose in the fol-
lowing specified districts other than provided for in this
section or in Section P.
. Residence A District.
a. Detached one or two family dwelling.
b. Renting rooms for not more than ten (10) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
2. Residence Al District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Renting rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers by
a family resident in the dwelling.
3. Residence B District:
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Renting rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
4. Residence 0 District.
a. Detached one (1) family dwelling.
5. Residence CI District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Professional or home occupation use. See Paragraph
14 for definition.
c. Renting rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
6. Residence D District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
7. Residence Dl District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Renting of rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
8. Residence D2 District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Professional or home occupation use. See Paragraph
14 for definition.
c. Renting of rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
9. Residence D3 District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Professional or home occupation use. See Paragraph
14 for definition.
c. Renting of rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
10. Residence E District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Professional or home occupation use. See Paragraph
14 for definition.
c. Renting of rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers
by a family resident in the dwelling.
II. Residence El District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
12. Residence F District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
b. Professional or home occupation use. See Paragraph
14 for definition.
c. Renting of rooms for not more than six (6) lodgers •
by a family resident in the dwelling.
13. Residence Fl District.
a. Detached one family dwelling.
14. The term "professional or home occupation use " as
used in Paragraphs 5, 8, 9, 10, and 12 above shall be de-
fined and limited as follows :
a. The use shall include offices for professional use and
customary home occupations such as arts, crafts, service
businesses, antique shops and gift shops.
b. The operator of the use must have his principal home
or dwelling on the premises.
c. The use must be conducted in vhe dwelling or acces-
sory building.
d. Regular employees shall be limited to those persons
whose principal home or dwelling is on the premises and
one other employee. This provision shall not apply to
physicians, surgeons or dentists which professions require
clerical and medical assistants.
e. No external change in the structure of existing build-
ings shall be permitted.
f. Any new structures shall be constructed so as to
appear residential in character.
g. Adequate off street parking must be provided.
A. In any residence district all buildings, except one (1)
story buildings of accessory use, hereafter erected, altered
or enlarged, shall be located on a lot having not less than
the minimum requirements for size and width of lot, and all
buildings shall comply with.the requirements for set back,
side and rear yard, all as set forth in the following table.
B. In any residence district , a one (1) family dwelling
and its accessory buildings, may be erected on any lot
which at the time this by-law is adopted is separately
owned , or on lot shown on a plan of lots approved by the
Board of Survey and recorded in the Barnstable County
Registry of Deeds after March 3, 1953 for lots located in
Residence A and A-l Districts ; after March 7, 1950 for lots
located in Residence B, Residence C and Residence D Dist-
ricts ; after January 1, 1953 in Residence C-l and Residence
E Districts ; and after January 1, 1956 in Residence D-l.
Residence D-2 and Residence F Districts and before the
date this bv-law is adopted.
Side Rear
Area in Frontage Width Setback Yard Yard
Sq. Ft. in feet in feet in feet in feet in feet
RESIDENCE A 7,500 75 20 iy2 iy2
RESIDENCE A-l 7,500 75 20 7V2 7V>
RESIDENCE B 10,000 100 20 10 10
RESIDENCE C 15,000 100 20 10 10
RESIDENCE C-l 15,000 125 50(30) 15 15
RESIDENCE D 20,000 125 30 15 15
RESIDENCE D-l 20,000 125 30 10 10
RESIDENCE D-2 20,000 125 50(30) 15 15
RESIDENCE D-3 20,000 125 50(30) 15 15
RESIDENCE E 35,000 160 50(30) 25 25
RESIDENCE E-l 35,000 160 30 30 25
RESI DENCE F 43,560 150 50(30) 15 15
RESIDENCE F-l 43,560 125 30 15 15
Setback Distances shown as 50(30) above means 50 ft.
from center line or 30 ft. from sideline , whichever is larger.
A. No building shall be erected or altered , and no build-
ing or premises shall be used, for any purpose in the fol-
lowing specified districts other than provided in this sec-
1. Business District.
a. Wholesale or retail stores or salesrooms.
b. Retail trade service or shop,
c Offices and banks.
d. Restaurants and other food establishments.
e. Place of business of baker, barber, blacksmith, build-
er, carpenter, caterer, clothes cleaner or presser, confection-
er, contractor, decorator, dressmaker, dyer, electrician,
florist, furrier, hairdresser, hand laundry, manicurist, ma-
son, milliner, newsdealer, optician, painter, paper hanger,
photographer, plumber, printer, publisher, roofer, shoe-
maker, shoe repairer, shoe shiner, tailor, tinsmith, tele-
phone exchange, telegraph office, undertaker, upholsterer,
f. Gasoline and oil filling stations and garages.
g. Apartment houses, subject to section M.
h. Hotel or motel, subject to section N.
i. The above listed types of business uses are not intend-
ed to be all inclusive and any other ordinary business use
of a similar nature may be carried on in a Business District.
2. Business District A
a. The same uses as permitted in the Business District,
except that hotels and motels are excluded.
3. Business Limited District A.
a Building for medical purposes and offices for pro-
fessional use subject to a Special Permit under Section P.
4. Business Limited District B.
a. Motel, hotel, lodging house, parking area for auto-
mobiles subject to Special Permit under Section P.
5. Business Limited District 0.
a. Professional or home occupation use. See Section I
for definition.
b. Small retail businesses common to a residence dis-
6. Marine Business District A.
a. Building, sale, rental, storage and epair of boats.
b. Retail sale of marine fishing and boating supplies.
7. Marine Business District B.
a. Building, sale, rental, storage and repair of boats.
b. Retail sale of marine fishing and boating supplies.
c. Retail sale of fishing bait, fish and shellfish.
d. Operation of a commercial fishing business exclud-
ing commercial canning or processing of fish .
8. Village Business Districts A & B
a. Residence.
b. Retail store, professional or business offices, bank ,
Sersonal service store or shop.
. Highway Business District
a. Same uses specified in a Business District.
10. Urban Business District
a. Same uses specified in a Business District. Except
that in Osterville Urban Business District. Hotels and
Motels are excluded
. Industrial District
a. Same uses specified in a Business District.
b. Lumber, fuel, feed and ice establishments.
c. Contractors yards.
d. Manufacturing and industrial uses.
12. Service and Distribution
a. Warehousing and distribution facilities.
b. Servicing, storing and processing of goods in transit.
c. Facilities for service type trades, including shops
and storage yards.
d. Offices , garages and related facilities for all such
A. Any building hereafter erected in any Non-Residential
District shall comply with the minimum requirements for
size of lot, width, set back, side and rear yard requirements
set forth in the following table : (Appendix B)
B. In an Urban Business District or in a Highway Busi-
ness District, each lot shall have a green strip ten (10)
feet in width along each side abutting on an existing road-
way, on which grass, bushes, flowers, trees or a combina-
tion thereof , shall be maintained.
C. In a Highway Business District, each lot shall'
have a green strip ten (10) feet in width along each side
abutting on an existing roadway, on which grass, bushes,
flowers, trees, or a combination thereof , shall be maintained.
D. In a Business Limited C District the use shall retain
the essential residential character of the contiguous resi-
dential district, including minimum lot size and setback
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