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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
July 18, 2014     Barnstable Patriot
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July 18, 2014
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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3PI?*fWrtf UTI s*ft?iVtftASttV *"*'*/ ¦ U P %^V V I ^P %- ^^mS%*V I A' A' V ^ W W V" V i W By «•* P3t-|a1Classified,Bo* 5S0,Hydm& MA 02801 m l By Email: Cta*siTi«ANGLER MARSTONS MILLS: 1997 center console with Sports Memorabilia Auction grjHPYamaha and trailer & other collectibles incl. $8.400. (508) 737-2732 5?7AR 7PMSM ML&U 23' AOUASPORT:2001 MKI S^ M S ! It ™ Dual console. Osprey Sport Liberty Hall, 2150 Mam St. m Mnsm ^ J ^ . ,.. , . ,. , . Great condition many extras. GeneralHdiWaiW $13,900 firm. 508-477-6639 *m 20' BERTRAM:Moppie, 1969, CABINETMAKER- w ' ,h tra "ar ' nearti/ a" or'9'" Busy high end cabinet manu- nal 'j" jSSSSVSZJIS?*' factum looking for expert- Wffl SS M S* enced high end cabinet WU-'if-ttoi makers. Please send re- 15' BOSTON WHALER: Mis- sume, by responding to this chief, 1989; rare collector's ad or fax 508-778-9110. ed. Excellentorig. New Must have references and a galvanized trailer; tuneup very strong background in $6.900 508-353-8722 cabinet manufacturing. 13' BOSTON WHALER: 1988, Compensation based upon Super Sport with 2010 25HP actual knowledge and expe- Yamaha 4 stroke and 1989 rience in the field. Shoreland trailer, $6,500 or ¦MASSAGETHERAPIST: I B/O. Call Paul 978-815-2154 Licensed. Seeking a highly 17' CF BOATWORKS: CC; skilled, service oriented GPS; Sounder, 30 HP Honda professional who wishes to 4 stroke, watertight deck, build a solid massage prac low maintenance, trailer tice. Team cooperation req. $3,000508-394-7353Days, FT posintfnTsomenights 8, 774-521-3235 Saturdays req. Busy, Nights and Weekends. upscale, progressive studio in Mashpee. 508-477-1837 or email: Buyinga Car? I CapeCOuONLINEY/carS PowerBoals PowerBoafs 25' BOSTON WHALER: 23' HYDRA-SPORTS: 1989 Outage CC, this boat 2002, 200HP Yamaha, Walk has undergone a total resto- Around, Cuddy Cabin, Tan- ration by Kent Fabrications, dem Trailer, ExcellentCond. Boat is now in original cond $15.900. 508-330-0760 in all areas, from fuel tank to 20' KEY WEST: Dual console, T-top. Hull only. Great op- i30Honda 4 stroke, w/ win- portunity to secure a tre- ter cover & many extras, ex- mendous boat and repower cedent cond. $15,000. 508- as you like. Has trailer. 694-7554 or 413-210-7802 Email for pictures: 1(l 7,, FieiiBF i ice. SSSSe Bass Finder electric trolling Brewster 508-896-2306 motor w/batteryi FF, trailer, 33' BROWNELL: Documented accessories. $1100. w/ Fishery Operational 508-385-3923 SkS!?h2^?«iS? 19 ' LYMAN:6eautifu«y ' tSvKK '^m ^mk restored- Comes with Dimini Sell S75K. 508-241-9955 , cuStljons & easy |oa(] 24' CARAVELLE: fiberglass, trailer. On Cape - $8,450. enclosed cabin, outriggers, 774-994-8918 ,Srt^^ h i a n 2 Q 0 n °n «" «»»: 2001, mint cond., o Be t Offe f 8 7 $ 60 2232 wi,h 115 yamaha 2 stroke ' or Best Utter 508 760-ZAK 165 hrS| M„ GPS fresn 21' COBIA: 1999 Center Con- water use only. $12,900. , sole, 225HP Yamaha 2 stoke Call 508-364-8211 in water. Call 617-970-7300 §£ ^ f t . pUlp,t ' 24' CROSBY STRIPER: 1968, K * $16,000 * gas, inboard, restored 2013, 508-428-8391 in water Beautiful condition. 1? , P0RTAB0TE; 2013 raiu7RiV?n7 va? Brand new ¦never used ' W JW m U W Pearlwhite, fold flat for easy 18'fUTTYHUNK: transport. $1,750 • Bluefin * 508-349-1035 CC, 2003, 90 HP 2 stroke ,-, «.„ „•„. ,nnn c„„H, „ „ Mercury engine, trailer incl., 2* * ""*!;S S ,u^anc" «7i;nn „, an 07n on7 RB97 er 260. Verv clean- Lovu $7500 or BO 978-807-6827. hours, 5,7 gF1; Bravo 111; AC/ 36' DAKOTA:Twin 225HP Heat, color GPS, Fishfinder Yamaha 4 strokes, kevlar $19.900. 774-836-6052 hull, bells & whistles, cus- ,,, «» n«v. I -„M, -IOOK trailer, $74K. 508-241-9955 New: risers pumps ^ 20' EASTPORTER wheel bearings, more! 70 HP Yamaha. Small cabin. $3700 or B/O 617-285-0879 Venture trailer. $2,800. 18' SEA OX: Call (508) 255-8707 • Dual console, 130hp Yama- 15.5' EDGEWATER:Desirable ha, roller trailer. CC, 1997, mint condition, $3500or Best Offer professionally maintained, 508-790-9375 7V «7 m n a n a Jgw c, h J S ^« «' «*¦ * '985 Monaco trailer, $7500 508-633-4665 Cuddy 350/260hp, tandem 26' FORMULA SS: 2005 Low trailer, new bellows, fresh hrs, fully equipped, Excellent water only, must see, $4900 condition. Pier 37 Falmouth, B/O. Call Bass River Marina $39,900. Call 508-393-3310 508-394-8341 or 508-292-9236. 23' SEASWJRLSTRIPER: 20' GRADY WHITE: 1992 2001 V Berth 200 Yamaha Tournament, 115hp Yamaha Tandem trailer Garmin GPS (150 hrs) with bimini top & Marine radio.trim tabs, trailer. $11,000. $14.000 (5081385-4171 • 508-790-9375 19' SEAWAY 20' GRADY WHITE: 78 Walk 70HP Johnson, with brack- Around, '98 175 Evinrude et, custom pilot house, GPS, less than 70 hrs. w/Trailer. fish finder, trailer. $6,995. New gas tank 8. more Call (5081989-2494 $5,800 508-360-6117 24' SLICKCRAFT: Cruiser, 15' HERRESHOFFSKIFF: 139 hrs. Excellentcond. Custom with 25HPMariner Nearlynew heavydutydual Outboard and trailer, axle trailer. $13,600. Must $3,900.508-241-9955 be seen! 508-771-4771 sellingYour car? Need to Sella Car? capecodONLlNEa/cars Call508-775-6201 PowerBoats SailBoats 20' TROPHY: 1999, 150hp 22'SAIL BOAT: Mercury 0/B, fish boxes, Has 4 sails and dual batteries, 2 anchors, a roller furler. brand new FF, GPS. Trailer $1,000 or Best Offer incl. $8500 508-487-1335 Call 508-367-0860 SPORTCRAFT 19' SAILBOAT: 1982 Lockley, 1998, 251WA, 225 JOHN- galvanized trailer, roller SON OCEAN RUNNER, LOW furling, 5HP Mercury.sleeps HRS, RUNS GREAT, TRAIL- 4 $3100 978-501-8479 ER & ELECTRONICS IN- 22- WESTERLY' CLUDED. ASKING 12,000 Make an offer! CALL BRIAN 774-228-1000 call 508-945-0656 daytime. "" "' Evenings & weekends Call SailBoats 508-432-2859. 28' CAPEDORY SLOOP: 1984 mfK8ffiB!80BSBoatllHJ 1 owner lightly used, well — —^ ^ — .^. S q n'^77 5?n u c m ,n n r ?d- 12' AB RIB: with 20 hp elec- m ^J£l 9 n T J [m trie start Honda. Boat '03, 508-385-2626 Engine '05 Excellent condi- 19' CAPE DOBY: Typhoon, tion. New trailer. Running $4000. OPTIONS'. Triad galv. lights. $6,700 617 543 trailer, $1800; Mercury 2 4348 West Dennis. MA ' stroke, $500; Tohatsu 4 ANCHOR- Stroke $800, 508-344-3056 Fortress FX-23 for boats up 14.2' CAPRI: Seldom used, to 45 ft. New. West lists Very good condition. 2hp $349.99. $225 Firm. motor, clean sails, furling 508-362-0375 iib ' traiie/o &#£; « B0*T TRAILERS: Aluminum 413-478-3045 Galvinized, Bunk/Roller. All 14' CAT BOAT: Eddy 8i Duff, Sizes.. Boat Brokerage Inc. North Haven, gaff, 350lbs. 10 Echo Rd, Mashpee 617- ballasfccenterboard, teak 640-2354 508-539-7930 trim, very good cond. rAitmc Call 508-758-6094 W\NUt HERRESHOFFS: 18' Buzzards Red 14 foot Old Town Osprey. Bay 14, beautiful wood Includes 2 paddles, $16,900, 18'5"AmericaCat 2 seato^ 2 tigrjowtsfor aiagjjg transport.$200508-385-4243 22' HUNTER:216, 2005, CANOE: Fiberglass, 17J* foot, - like new, seldom used for 5 , ™S 3 t ) ffi, yrs, bottom painted, ready <4) ,oan l ar ¥¦% $$ *• for water! trailer incl. ffif™Mn «?B New $22K, Priced for quick Call508-^40-3116 sale $6.995 508-272-7800 DINGHY: Aqua Dutch 8' 22' J/22: 1983 1 Design, su- „? £M J i & per cond. stored inside, new out ^ oa d ;u ^ u | e Q d 'n mast & boom, & standing & excel L e n n h 0 , n , dl i'Q 0 7 n „$950 running rigging, new bottom aataaagflL paint $7.500 508-775-5363 14' OLDTOWN: Stillwater 30' JEANNEAU' 1976 canoe, caned seats & backs, 5 sailvadar, 'gps, autopilot, $«£ ^ c n e B^ nLc n 0 n ndition- covered liferaft, dingy, 1/2 pn fJ^ J^° - $6000.508-255-1944 ——JflSA^ 12' 4- O'DAY: Widgon Like ™ «™ ft 2 5HP 2004 Under new. All original. Heavy, Sta- „ ° hIs- L'^e "ew c9nd ^ ble & easy to rig. 5'beim W^^i S S " Ready to sail w/trailer. t tf f l n M d S - l n M - $1200/BO. 508-332-8075 $5b0or B/O 508-349-1035 16' 9* O'DAY: Day Sailer, very I J, ,! -*-! , good cond, mast & boom 2 MHOSiOTdaW years old, tabernacle deck ——— fitting to make stepping 1M6 JEEP. Cnerokee 6 cy| mast easy swing kee draw- 4„ |it 4x4 on| 10 '3K % YaVa V 3^P W 0% Sr P 2 **• ncen ^ re P|aced ,uel Yamaha 3HP O/B, trailer, 2 ta k radiator exhaust sys. sets of sails. Centerville, tem ' water pump rear —$4,5QQ, 508-771-6612— braKeS| starlerT battery. New 26' RANGER SLOOP: Michelin tires. $4,250 B/O. Great sailing boat, Call Billat 508-509-2062 new rigging.$1850.00 B/O 774-368-0374 capecodoNUNE^/cars AutosforSale AutosforSale 2012 BMW: 328i 2007 JEEP: Commander Black w/grey leather, powet S heated seats, tow package,, cruise, CD, rear park assist, power moon roof, roof rack 2nd row skylights, Flex Fue 4.7 L V-8 94,800 mi. $12.500 firm 508 450-055C 1997 JEEP: Grand Cheroke 197K, clean title & inspect- ed, immediate sale, a lot a 22,700mi. Convertible, Auto work done, Call for details, transmission, 6cyl. Warran- $1.400. (774) 810-5726 ty though 7/2/19. Never 2011 LEXUS: RX 350 seen snow!! Mineral white 25500 mi., Silver, Like New metallic w/ Dakota saddle Navigation Rear Camer; brown leather, M Sport Pkg, FactoryWarranty Trades Ac- Premium Pkg, Navi, Harmon cepte£) Donna (508)615- Kardon, BMW apps w/ real 6056. $34900.00. aSSL.use mug**™m« SiZLTJSrjft ^0 ^ ^888:9300. iPhone 5 Connect snap in Black, Auto transmission adapter, iPod music adapt- **K *£. CD. Stjreo.pb er, no accidents. Auto Check Bg Leather Great Cond. report $39,900 SEATS 8. $21995, Call (508) 428-5151 2010 MERCURY: Mariner, 2006 BMW: Xi silver, sedan, ,A,M/FM, AC, Sync Pkg, auto, 6 cyL.AWD 57K mi, ps/pl, power mirrors powe loaded moon roof, leather ™onroof, UKENFJtf. int. like new, excellent cond. , ,HwV m- Sl 'v o er /fi0ne D, $13.400 (6171 803-3491.^ 4cyl p^ m 7 P >?k!5' 6 R 0 n 0 ftR Or B/' 2003CHEVY- Call 774-487-8086 Tracker white, 6cyl Auto M01 MERCURY: Sable LS transmission, 110K. Great Premium Ed , unbelievable condition. $4900. cond- leather moonroof, sm-*M-A no" smoker, well maintaine 2008CHRYSLER:SEBRING S'U S S ! ^ * Dark blue, CUNVERTIBLE, 'f 77 OlMMOB LE: Cutlet Loaded, leather, low miles, Supreme, hardtop coupe, very good cond. $12,900. 350 eW™; iu}° shift on •508-681-8460* "°or. bucket seats $6500. 2001OOOGE: INTREPID SE „ , , " " ' , 97K, Very clean, new tires, 20n TOYOTA: IPR US V brakes, must see & drive! M! " ' - V.? 3)816'5?3?- Always serviced! Off-White, Wagon Auto. $3,200 Firm (508) 454-3747 " E ^ J t i 9iu»cnDn. -n,,,nH»rhirrf front-wheel dnve, Loaded, 2002 FORD: Thunderbird uke New lrnmacU|ate one r A „„rfS' owner with very low mile- uood condition. q.91 nnn $10,000or Best Offer J2'j££S?cni ip> Call 508-896-9541 M"6 TOrOTA: SOLARA , 9nm cftpn r„Jn, »Lri, (508)862-8097. Red, Con- ^ L f ^ D: H^ m Jr,aJ,^ vertible, 6cyl., New Tires, u^ J r^\Z £S Summer driven only, low bumper rack, stereo, new mj ,p, mint ticinn tires. $3,500 or Best Offer. ™ ^ ~ T^ S Call 508-775-7984 2001 VOLKSWAGEN 1999 FORD- EXPLORER NEW PASSAT, 55.000 mi., M 4 ° wS; Smiles, (508)896-2464. Wagon, Auto Clean!, $1,500 or B/O. transmission 6cyl front- ran RnR-inq-ifl8i wheel drive, Loaded, 1-owner,