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? One Day University
Aug. 1
7: Space is limited for this I
one-day event at Heritage Museums j
and Gardens in Sandwich,one of only j
three in the country,so call soon to •
register. Professors from Bard Col- :
lege, Yale University and American •;
University will talk on "What Makes ;
"Shakespeare Great?" "What Makes j
Mozart Great?" "Why Public Opinion j
Polls Are So Often Wrong," 9:30 to 1 j
p.m. in one hour lectures. Advance •
registration required, call 508-888- i
3300. $159, ;
h African Dance and
• Family Fun performance, Heri- ;
tage Museums 8i Gardens, Aug. 1, \
11a.m. to noon. i
• Drumming for Women: Wednes- j
days through Aug. 20,with Sue Land- j
ers and Tara Murphy, First Parish •
#'KJ Meeting House,
*1924 Route 6A, :
Brewster.$15 drop-in. j
•African Dance in Wellfleet,with •
live drumming, Thursdays, 6:30 to j
8 p.m. at Wellfleet Preservation i
Hall. $15- I
* • Monthly workshops on African I
Drumming in Brewster with Issa j
Coulibaly,79 Lakeshore Drive, Brew- \
ster on second Sundays, 4 to 5:30 ¦
p.m. More information: 508-274-8626. i
P- Yarmouth Senior
• Thursdays: The Bocce group :
meets weekly, 2 p.m. The Center's j
most popular activity! Join the fun. j
•The Center's Book Club meets i
on the second Thursday of each j
"month. For more information call •
Judy Keith at 508-827-4150
The Senior Center is at 538 Forest :
Road,West Yarmouth. Call for infor- j
mation or to register for programs, :
¥¦ Bourne Senior Center ;
The Bourne Council on Aging •
sponsors a variety of events at the i
Bourne Senior Center at 239 Main j
St., Buzzards Bay. More info at :
? Thrift shops are open j
• West Yarmouth Congregational j
Church Thrift Shop, 383 Main St., is j
open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednes- :
day through Saturday.508-790-3299. j
•Thriftique: TheVNAof Cape Cod j
runs this busy thrift shop at 1074 •
Route 28, South Yarmouth. Hours i
are 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues-Sat. j
Volunteers are needed, especially !
on Saturday. Call 508-957-7709. i
P Services to veterans
The Massachusetts Veterans' Ser- •
vice Officers Association reminds :
veterans and their spouses and j
widows that supplementary financial \
assistance is available through local •
Veterans Services offices. Contact I
the MVS0A at 800-827-1000, or visit
? Animal Rescue open
The Brewster branch of the
Animal Rescue League of Boston
is open from 1-4 p.m. on Sundays
for adoptions only, in addition to
its regular weekly hours, Tuesday
through Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Saturday 1-4 p.m. at 3981 Main St.
(Route 6A), Brewster. 508-255-1030.
¥ Barnstable Historical
The Barnstable Historical Society
Museum's current exhibit features
items from Barnstable's marine
story: harbors past,memorabilia and
photos,the building of the Howard
boats structure through the sum-
mer. The museum is at 3087 Main
St., Barnstable, across from Sturgis
Library.508-362-2982 or visit www.
Open through mid-October,Tuesday-
Saturday,1-4 p.m.
? Cape Cod Baseball .
League Hall of Fame
On hand are displays celebrating
the Cape League's 100-year history,
along with memorabilia from all
10 franchises and* honors for past
accomplishments by players and
coaches. Located on the lower
level of the JFK Museum,397 Main
St., Hyannis. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Monday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m.
Sunday; Admission includes entry
to JFK Museum. $8; $4 over age
65; $3 children 10-17; free under
age 10. 508-790-3077, or visit www.
? Cape Cod Maritime
The Museum's catboat Sarah is
launched for the season and offers
scheduled and charter sails for
adults and kids.
The Cape Cod Maritime Museum is
at 135 South St., Hyannis. Hours are
Tuesday-Saturday,10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Sunday noon-4 p.m. Closed Monday.
$5, $4 students, seniors, under 7
free. Visit www.capecodmaritime-
museum.org or call 508-775-1723.
? Centerville Historical
Through Aug. 30: The museum's
"Year of Fashion" focus continues
with a new exhibit, "Bloomers to
Bikinis." Hours are noon to 4 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday. The
museum is at 513 Main St. 508-775-
0331, www.centervillehistoricalmu-
P Classic sports cars
make you see red
Toad Hall at Simmons Homestead
Inn,288 Scudder Ave., Hyannis Port,
maintains a collection of over 50
classic sports cars, restored, red.
j and in running condition. Open
j daily 11a.m. to 5 p.m. $8, $4 ages
i 10-16, children under 10 free with
I parents. 508-778-4934 or visit www.
j toadhallcars.com.
i > Coast Guard Heritage
The Coast Guard Heritage Mu-
¦ seum at the Trayser, 3353 Main St.
: (Route 6A), Barnstable, open May
j through October, Tuesday to Sat-
| urday,10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit www.
: cgheritage.org.
i > Historical Society of
Santuit and Cotuit
July 26: "Taste of Cotuit": Under
j the tent at the Dottridge Homestead,
i an evening of fine wines and tasty
• local food, with silent auction and
I live music. $50. Proceeds benefit
: programs of the Historical Society
i of Santuit and Cotuit.
: The Dottridge Homestead and
: Museum and Fire Museum at 1148
• Main St., Cotuit, are open for the
• season. The site also has an archive
: room, gift shop, Ice House and
j Historical Kitchen Gardens. Open
¦ weekends through Columbus Day,
: Thanksgiving weekend and during
.; Christmas in Cotuit weekend. The
¦ archives are available for research,
• and the Homestead and museums
; are available for private tours by
¦ appointment. Museum and gift shop
• hours are Friday to Sunday,1-5 p.m.
j to Labor Day and Saturday and
: Sunday 1-5 p.m. through Columbus
; Day. 508-438-0461.
j P JFK Hyannis Museum
The John F. Kennedy Hyannis
; Museum, 397 Main St., features
photographic, video and oral history
: exhibits surrounding JFK's days
: spent on Cape Cod. The museum
• hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday -
I Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday and
j holidays. Admission includes entry
• to Cape Cod Baseball League Hall of
I Fame. $8;$4 over age 65;$3 ages 10-
: 17; free under age 10. 508-790-3077.
I ? Osterville Historical
The Osterville Historical Museum
; is open for the season with featured
; exhibits "Sail into the Past: 100Years
i of the Wianno Senior" and "Shall We
: Dance." The Parker House, Cammett
I House and Boat Shops will be open
I for guided tours every Thursday at
: 11 a.m. The Museum office open
¦ Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. to
! 1:30 p.m. year round. Please call in
: advance.Admission is free.
Farmers ' market open Fridays
! through Sept. 19, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
: 508-428-5861,
The Osterville Historical Museum
• is at 155 West Bay Road.
More info: 508-428-5861;
I www.OstervilleMuseum.org
; P West Barnstable RR
The West Barnstable Railroad
\ Station on Route 149 is open for the
•' season, May to October, Saturdays
: 9 to 2.
Scenic Passenger Train - The
j Cape Cod Central Railroad's 'Scenic
' Passenger Train' runs through the
: sand dunes,cranberry bogs and salt
I marshes, on a 2-hour round trip to
: the Cape Cod Canal. Train schedules
• are available at the West Barnstable
i and Hyannis Stations.Tickets for the
j train from West Barnstable are sold
i at the station ONLY on Saturdays
: until train time.
| ? West Parish
The historic 1717 Parish Meet- :
' inghouse, 2049 Meetinghouse Way
: (Route 149), West Barnstable, is I
• one of two surviving First Period :
: New England meetinghouses. Built
: in 1717 and authentically restored, ;
i the post and beam structure was
• the site of Barnstable town meetings
j for more than 130 years and has ;
¦ housed the West Parish of Barn- •
: stable congregation for almost 300 ;
: years. Open daily, free of charge, 9 |
j a.m. to 4 p.m. for self-guided tours, i
• Memorial Day to Columbus Day. ;
: www.1717meetinghouse.org
j ? Zion Union Heritage
• The Zion Union Heritage Museum, j
: 276 North St. in Hyannis features •
¦ artwork and memorabilia by Cape j
' Codders on the Cape's African- .;
: American and Cape Verdean history. ;
Admission is $5 for adults,$4 for ¦
¦ seniors,$3 for ages 10to 17
,andTree i
: for younger children. 508-790-9466.
i ? Bourne Historical
; The Bourne Historical Society, •
• 30 Keene St., Buzzards Bay, is a I
: nonprofit organization devoted j
j to preserving the history of the •
; Town of Bourne. BHS maintains i
: the Aptucxet Trading Post Museum ;
: in Bourne Village, a restoration of
¦ Plimoth Colony's first trading post, i
: Hours are 10 a.m.to 2 p.m. Mondays, i
: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 \
: p.m. Admission is free.
Call 508-759-8167 or visit www. :
I bournehistoricalsoc.org.
; ? Brewster Historical
The Brewster Historical Society :
i is at 3171 Main St., Brewster. 508- \
• 896-9521, www.brewsterhistorical- •
• society.org/events.html
j ? Brooks Academy
j Museum research library and
I photo archive open by appoint-
i ment year-round. Museum ex-
i hibits open Thursdays, Fridays,
: and Saturdays through Oct. 11.
j Thursdays, 1-6 p.m.; Fridays &
: Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. Admission
i $3 for adults; free for members
j and kids to 18. Office Hours
j Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
I year-round.
The museum is at 80 Paral-
:lei St., Harwich. 508-432-8089,
l org.
: ? Cape Cod Museum of
Natural History
The museum,
'869 Main St., Brew-
:ster,offers a full calendar of events
: year round, including talks, walks,
: classes, special lectures and book
: signings and other presentations
I of interest to the wider community.
Go to www.ccmnh.org or call
! 508-896-3867.
: P Chatham Historical
TheAtwood House Museum,home
: of the Chatham Historical Society,
: 347 Stage Harbor Road, is open for
: the season, www.chathamhistori-
: calsociety.org.
i ? Chatham Marconi
Maritime Center
The Center is open through Aug.
31, Tues.-Sat., 1-5 p.m. Sundays, 1-4
p.m. The museum is at 847 Orleans
Road (Route 28), North Chatham.
P Edward Gorey House
The Edward Gorey House , 8
Strawberry Lane, Yarmouth Port is
open for the season.
Through Dec. 28: New 2014 ex-
hibit of "F is for Fantods - The 28
Books of Edward Gorey's Fantod
Press." Hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Thursday-Saturday; noon to 4 p.m.
Sundry.$8, $5 students,seniors,$2
kids ages 6 to 12. 508-362-3909 or
visit www.edwardgoreyhouse.org.
? Falmouth Historical
Society & Museums
on the Green
The Museums on the Green,55-65
Palmer Ave., Falmouth. Hours are
Tuesday-Friday,10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
i Research library is open Tuesday
' and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ap-
: pointments suggested.508-548-4857,
? Heritage Museums &
Family Fun Fridays: At Heritage,
summer Fridays are days for the
whole family, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
with special activities, lawn games,
music and magic. On the Outdoor
Concert Stage: July 18: Music by
; the Toe Jam Puppet Band; July 25:
; Singer/songwriter Wayne Potash,
: all at 11a.m.
Heritage Museums & Gardens
j is at 67 Grove St., Sandwich, and
; offers programs and events year
: round. $18, $8, youth'agds 3-12,
: free, age 2 and under. A schedule
; of program offerings is available at
i 508-888-3300,x 175, or visit
i ? Historical Society of
Old Yarmouth
Historical Society of Old Yar-
; mouth's Captain Bangs Hallet House
• Museum, 11 Strawberry Lane, the
j Cape's only mid-190
' century sea
j captains' home and 18,h century
• Colonial kitchen open to the public. •
The museum is off Route 6A,