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July 18, 2014 |
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Wednesdays - July 23: Bert j
Jackson Quartet; July 30: The I
Skiffs. j
MashpeeCommons,Thursdays j
-July 24: Super Soulshine; July j
31: Four Guys in Tuxes.
Nauset Beach, Orleans, Thurs- ;
days-July24:JO&CO; July31: I
ChandlerTravisPhilharmonette. ¦
Village Green, DennisPort,Fri- ;
days -July 18: Monica Rizzio :
& Old Kings Highway; July 25: |
Cla da Bossa Nova; August 1: |
Kami Lyle Trio. j
Peg Noonan Park, Falmouth, '•
Fridays - July 18: Paradise ;
Rock; July 25: Cat's Melodeon; j
August 1: George Gritzbach.
P Thursday evening
The UU Meeting House,819 Main ¦
St., Chatham,hosts Thursday con- I
certs at7:30p.m.inJulyandAugust, i
featuring some otthe Cape's finest ¦
musical talent.July 24: Outer Cape •
Choral Chamber Singers, directed j
by Jon Arterton. July 31: The Jug j
Band,with fellow citizens at UUMH ¦
- come hear your favorite people! I
$10 suggested donation.
> Percussion Camps
Spirit of America Winter Percus- •
sion Ensemble offers a Summer ;
Percussion Camp on Aug. 23, for j
young people to learn basic percus- •
siontechniques or brush up on skills i
learned during the year. Camp runs ;
from 9to 5 at Barnstable Intermedi- ¦
ate School gym. Admission is free. :
Parents are welcome to attend. For \
information, call 508-255-4044 or \
visit www.spiritofamericaband.org I
v Famed tenor visits
West Harwich
Aug. 3: Tenor Anthony Kearns, i
a founding member of The Irish j
Tenors, performs in concert at 3 •
p.m. at Holy Trinity Parish in West ¦
Harwich, as part of a CD release I
tour promoting his debut solo :
album, With a Song in My Heart. \
Tickets will go fast, so call soon: i
> Chandler Travis at
July 24: The Three-0 play a
sunset cruise on the Harbor Star
out of Provincetown, 7 p.m. (Call
July 24: CT Philharmonette vis-
its Bubala's, 183 Commercial St.,
P'town, every Thursday through
Sept.4, 9:30 p.m. (508-487-0773)
July 27: The Philharmonette is
at the Fleetian (aka The Juice), 6
Commercial St., Wellfleet, 6 to 9
p.m. (508-214-0578)
July 31:....and they're at Nauset
Beach, 250 Beach Road, 6 p.m.
? Harvest Gallery
Wine Bar
There's live entertainment ;
Wednesday through Sunday at •
the Harvest Gallery Wine Bar, 776 i
Main St., Route 6A, Dennis. Music ;
schedule includes performers such !
as Jim Lough; Chandler Travis 3-0; I
Doc Raylove & Allen McGarry; Fred j
Clayton; Kathleen Healy and Toast |
& Jam. Call for specific dates and •
times: 508-385-2444, or visit the j
website at www.harvestgallery- •
winebar.com :
Music at the Grand Cru j
The Grand Cru Wine Bar at the ;
Cape Codder Resort & Spa, Route ¦
132 in Hyannis,features live musi- :
cal entertainment on Friday and i
Saturday nights, 8 p.m. with July j
performers including Bart Weis-
man; Fred Clayton Blues Band; i
Mike Garvan Trio; Jeff Lowe; :
Cerise & Charlie Jamieson Trio •
and more. Call for specific dates. :
855-861-4370. j
? Black Cat
At the Black Cat, there's live i
music on Tuesday, Thursday, i
Friday and Saturday evenings, •
including musicians Paul Good , •
Bob Chambers, Jeff Lowe, Fred I
Boyle and others. All at 165 Ocean ;
St., Hyannis. flours are 11 a.m. ¦
to 10 p.m. daily. Call for specific i
artist dates. 508-778-1233.www. j
? Island Merchant
The Island Merchant, 302 Main j
St., Hyannis, provides no-cover j
entertainment. 508-771-1337. Van- j
borkestra plays jazz , blues and j
soul July 19. For a full schedule, \
go to www.theislandmerchant.
com. There's a Merchant 's Jazz I
Jam with Bart Weisman on the 3rd i
Sunday of the month,4 to 7 p.m.
? Pain D'Avignon
Sample bar bites at Pain i
D'Avignon 's Cafe-Boulangerie , •
with music by Perry Rossi & En •
Fuego featuring vocals of local :
musician Chantal Joseph, every :
Wednesday night from 8 to 1
. «
Open daily from 7 a.m. (Dinner •
6-10 p.m. Tues-Thurs. and Sunday; :
6-11 p.m. Fri-Sat. Bar open to 1 \
a.m. Tues-Sun.) Directly across J
from Barnstable Municipal Airport :
in Hyannis. 508-778-8588, www. j
paindavignon.com , •
P British Beer Company \
There's something going on i
• every night at the British Beer ;•
: Company, 412 Main St., Hyannis. ¦
: Open 7 days. For more info call :
j 508-771-1776. i
- O'Shea's Olde Inn
O'Shea 's Olde Inn, 348 Main .
; St. (Rte. 28), West Dennis offers :
• entertainment year round. For ¦
: schedule, call 508-398-8887.
i 'P- Five Eighty Six Bistro ;
and Bar
The 586 offers live entertainment,
: from jazz to piano to contemporary i
• rock, Fridays and Saturdays begin- ¦
ning at 9:30 p.m. at 586 Main St.,
Hyannis. Complete entertainment
listing at wwW.fiveeightysixbistro.
com or call 508-778-6515.
? Riverway Lobster
Dine and listen to jazz, swing,
Latin and pop onThursday evenings
beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Riv-
erway Lobster House, 1338 Route
28, South Yarmouth. Schedule at
? Roadhouse Cafe
The Roadhouse Cafe, 488 South
St. in Hyannis, features live enter-
tainment on Fridays and Saturdays
from 7 to 10 p.m. in the piano bar.
On Monday nights, enjoy live jazz
from 7 to 10 p.m. Call 508-775-2386
or go to www.roadhousecafe.com.
iffi STAGE:
> Comedy for P'town's
Aug. I
: Humorist David Se-
daris performs a laughter-filled
evening event at 8 p.m. at Town
Hall, Provincetown. Tix: www.
> Cape Cod Theatre
Project 2014
The Project is back for another
season of staged readings, all
performed at 8 p.m. at Falmouth
Academy,7 Highfield Drive. Upcom-
ing: • July 18, 19: Seawife, by The
Lobbyists and Seth Moore. • July
24, 25, 26: The New Sincerity, by
Alena Smith.
$20 per play.508-457-4242,www.
> Academy Playhouse
Through July 19: Kander and
Ebb's Cabaret, with performances
Tuesday through Sunday at 8 p.m.
$24, reserved seats.
July 23 through Aug. 23: Les
Miserables, with performances
Tuesdaythrough Sunday at 8. $26.
Through Aug. 30: For the kids:
s Little Mermaid,with perfor-
mances every Friday and Saturday
at 10 a.m. $10 general admission.
The Playhouse is at 120 Main
St., Orleans. 508-255-1963, www.
? Barnstable Comedy
The Barnstable Comedy Club
is on Route 6A in the center of
Barnstable Village. Box office:
508-362-6333; www.barnstable-
*? Cape Playhouse
All performances are Mondays
through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.,
Wednesday matinees and 1
" Sat.
at 2. $21-$80.
Through July 19: The prize-
winning musical 7776.
July 21-Aug.2. Perfect Wedding,
an English romantic farce.
Aug.4-16: Pump Boys & Dinettes,
a Countrified Musical.
For the Kids - through Aug. 22.
| Performances are at 9:30 and 11:30 :
• a.m. on Thursdays or Fridays. $11.
Upcoming: July 18: "Beauty :
| and the Beast ," National Mari- j
¦ onette Theatre: July 24: "Alice in ;
: Wonderland"; July 25: "Legend I
j of King Arthur"; July 31: Magic of j
: Scott Jameson.
Box office: 508-385-3911, www. j
: capeplayhouse.com :
The Playhouse is at 820 Route ;
' 6A, Dennis Village.
j ? Backstage at Cape
Backstage tours are back! Up- \
: coming:July26,Aug. Sand23*from :
: 11a.m. to noon. Visit the Playhouse j
\ scene shop and dressing room, ;
: view memorabilia and posters , •
: learn how scenery is built and :
: moved. Tours start in lobby, limit •
• 15 per tour. $7. Reserve at 508- •
i 385-3911.
; » Cape Rep Theatre
• Through July 19: Cape Rep •
I presents Richard Bean's hilarious I
: comedy One Man, Two Guvnors, :
i with performances Tuesday and j
: Wednesday at 7,Thursdays through I
: Saturdays at 8 and Sundays, June I
; 22 and 29 at 2 p.m. $30.
• July 29-Aug. 23: The Tony \
i Award-winning musical The Light I
: in the Piazza, directed by William i
| Roudebush, with performances \
• Tuesday/Wednesday at 7 p.m., i
: Thursday through Saturday at 8, :
: Sundays, Aug. 10 and 17 at 2 p.m.
i $30-$35.
• Through Aug. 26: For the whole :
: family: the musical You'
re a Good
• Man, Charlie Brown, with per-
: formances at 10 a.m. Mondays/
: Tuesdays. Through Aug. 28: The
; family musical Lyle, the Crocodile,
: performances Weds/Thurs at 10
: a.m. If it rains, we go indoors!
; General admission is $10. Group
• rates available.
• Dinner theatre: Seasons of
•; Love: A 20th Anniversary Celebra-
• tion of Musical Dinner Revues, at
: the Old Sea Pines Inn, 2553 Main
: St., Brewster, presented by Cape
¦ Rep and directed by Scott Storr.
: Performances are 6 p.m., running
: Sundays through Aug. 31 and
: Mondays, Aug. 11 & 18 and Sept.
i 1
.$67 includes dinner,show,taxes,
: gratuity.
Cape Rep Theatre is at 3299
i Route 6A, Brewster. Box office:
: 508-896-1888,www.caperep.org.
; ? Chatham Drama Guild
CDG presents Neil Simon's
: comedy The Prisoner of Second
: Avenue, directed by Scott Hamilton,
\ throughJuly20,with performances
j Weds/Thurs/Sat at 8 p.m., Sunday
I matinee 4 p.m. $18, $15 students,
j All seats reserved. 508-945-0510.
For the kids: Froggie Went A-
¦ Courtin', an original play for young
: audiences by Cape playwright
j Steph DeFerie, directed by Karen
• McPherson, through Aug. 8, with
: performances Wednesdays and
j Fridays at 10 a.m. $10 kids, $5
i accompanying adults. General
: admission.
CDG hosts Open Mic Nights
throughout the summer on the thirc
Sunday of the month at 8 p.m. Doors
open 7:30. $10 suggested donation
For info or to pre-register,call Scoti
Hamilton at 508-945-1943.
CDG is at 134 Crowell Road
Tickets: call 508-945-0510, or vish
? College Light Opera
CL0C performs its 46th seasor
at Highfield Hall in Falmouth,witr
performances at 8 p.m., Thursdav
matinee at2 p.m.$35.508-548-0668
Through July 19: Pajama Garni
(Adler & Ross)
July 22-26: Carousel (Rodgers &
July 29-Aug. 2: Les Miserables.
} > Cotuit Center for the
• Through July 21: The music a
The Last Five Years,by Jason Robert
Brown,with performances Sundays
and Mondays in the main theatei
at 8 p.m. $17-$20.
•ThroughAug.2: "FatAss Cancel
Bitch Outside the Box and Occa-
sionally Al Fresco," with Christine
Ernst,Thurs/Fri/Sat. at 8 p.m. in the
Studio. $12.
July 19: "PlayPen 2014," an eve-
ning of six 10-minute plays, 8 p.m
Just 24 hours earlier,none of these
plays existed. Six playwrights, si>
: directors and 24 actors will prepare
: them in just 24 hours! $10.
Cotuit Center for the Arts is al
! 4404 Route 28.508-428-0669,www
; 'P Elements Theatre
Aug. 8-10, 14-17: The famec
: theatre company performs ar
' epic outdoor production of Julim
: Caesar, directed by Danielle Dwyer
: CJ, 8 p.m. (Dinner Theatre on Aug
| 9, 15 and 16 at 6 p.m.) Tickets anc
; information: 508-240-2400; www
.; elementstheatre.org
: > Eventide Arts
Eventide Arts performs on the
: Gertrude Lawrence Stage, Dennis
i Union Church, Route 6A, Dennis
: $25. Box office: 508-398-8588.
: > Falmouth Theatre
FTG is at Highfield Theater or
• Highfield Drive, Falmouth. Box of-
: fice: 508-548-0400, or visit www
; falmouththeatreguild.org.
i r Harbor Stage
: The theatre presents Uncle Vanyt
i by Anton Chekhov, in a new ver
: sion by Robert Kropf,through Jul\
•; 12, with performances Weds.-Sat
¦ at 7:30 p.m. The theater is at If
I Kendrick Ave., Wellfleet. Box of-
: fice: 508-349-6800
I Events