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Barnstable Patriot
Barnstable, Massachusetts
July 18, 2014     Barnstable Patriot
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July 18, 2014
Newspaper Archive of Barnstable Patriot produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"Wegotsteam heaf inCLOC production By Susan Blood BRIDGET DRISCOLL PHOTOS GOOD GRIEF- Babe (Melissa Carson) and the gang at the factory replace grievances with grins in a scene from Pajama Game There will be no sleeping in College Light Opera Company's production of the week, The Pqjama Game. With a strike on the horizon, there's a lot to keep workers at the Sleep-TitePajama Factoryup at night. Tensions are high, and if that's not enough, the lure of a late night rendezvous at Her- nando's Hideaway is practically irresistible. It's amazing anyone gets any sleep at all. It may look like a 1950s com- edy,but The PajamaGame is full of seriousthings, includingwage wars, sexismand some seriously snazzypajamas. Timestudyman Hines (Will Hawkins) keeps everything on schedule and to the minute, until a seven-and- a-half-cent raise is delayed and a slow down is called by the Union-asif Hines didn't already haveenoughtoworryaboutwith his girlfriend Gladys (Rebecca Brudner). When Gladys isn't busy keeping the boss' ledger under lock and key, she could be anywhere, and with anyone. Hines' latest concern is the new factory superintendent, Sid So- rokin (Billy Hicks). He needn't worry, though, because Sid is instantly smitten with the head of thegrievancecommittee,Babe (Melissa Carson). Sid and Babe's happiness is short-lived, however, as their own principles and commit- ments drive them in different directions. Babe stays true to her Union, while Sid must do the job he was hired to do. Lucky for the Union, Sid knows what he has to do to safeguard the company, and he's not above a little Hernando's Hideaway dalliance to do it. Hicks and Carson are won- derfully paired as Sid and Babe. Carson's Babe is strong and smart, holding the stage when- ever she appears. Hicks is right there with her, catching the eye of the Sleep-Tite employees and winningovertheaudience. They havegreatchemistry,andwecan't help but want it to work out for them (as their characters and in their own careers). There'salot of behaviorthat's likely not in Babe's company handbook, giving the cast even more opportunity to shine. As the philandering Prez, Bruce Barger is sketchy in all the best ways. Brudner owns the stage withher 1950spin-up/secretary persona as untamable Gladys. Hawkinshas great comedic tim- ing in his role as the company's time study man and amateur knife-thrower. Theorchestra,asalways,takes the production up a notch or two. Terrificperiod costumesby Susan Boyle capture the spirit of the time, and choreography by Esther Widlanski is pulled off perfectly, as is the original choreography by Bob Fosse in "Steam Heat." While it's always fun to see whohas returned from theprevi- ous season, it's also exciting to see new performers at CLOC. This cast is full of new faces, all of whom are fantastic. As Heidi Kloes' Director's Note mentions, the original Pajama Game gave some of our biggest stars their first chance to shine. With that as a precedent, who knows where we'll be seeing these talented youngperformers in the future? College Light Opera Company presents the The Pajama Game through July 19 at 8 p.m. at High- field Theatre in Falmouth. Next up: Carousel, July 22-26 at 8 p.m. with a matinee July 24 at 2 p.m. Fortickets($35).call 508-548-0668 PJsarethefashionof the nightinPajamaGame CONTINUEDFROM PAGEA&E:10 ? PFLAG of Cape Cod PFLAG supports, educates and advocates on behalf of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, their family and friends. The group meets on the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at First Parish Brewster and the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the UU ¦ Fellowship of Falmouth. I ? Camera Club at Art Association The club meets every second j ; and fourth Thursday. Educational j : pre-meetings are at 6:30 p.m. Pho- ¦ : tographers of all levels are invited. The Association is at 3480 Route = : 6A in Barnstable. Call 508-362-2909 j j or go to j i ? Barnstable Newcomers The Barnstable Newcomers Club j ; is open to residents of Barnstable's ; j seven villages, and meets the third I j Wednesday of most months. No j ; limits to length of membership - j I everyone's a newcomer forever. ! Refreshments and social gathering are followed by a featured speaker, j Call 508-771-9654 or visit www. ] ? Cape Cod Branch, NAACP Meetings are held on the second I Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. \ at Zion Union Heritage Museum on North Street in Hyannis. ? Barnstable American Legion Post 206 The Barnstable American Legion Post 206 meets at 3 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at the Barnstable Senior Center, 825 Fal- : mouth Road,Hyannis. Members and : i newcomers are always welcome. • : For information, call adjutant Joe • : Fallon at 508-760-1937. ? Finnish-American Society The Finnish-American Society of ; i Cape Cod meets the third Saturday ; : of each month (except December), j I from noon to 2:30 p.m. September i j through June, at First Lutheran j • Church, 1663 Main St., Route 6A, • I West Barnstable. 508-775-4514. j ? Rotary Club The Rotary Club of Barnstable- • j Sunrise meets Mondays at 7 a.m. j at the Hyannis Golf Club, Route 132, Hyannis.Visitors welcome! ? Irish American Club The Irish American Club of Cape Cod meets at 1 p.m. every third Sunday from Sept. to May, at the new location, 822 Route 28, South Yarmouth.508-775-6987. ? Circle of Knitters Knitters of all levels meet at the Brewster Ladies' Library, 1822 Main St., from 10 a.m. to noon on the last Wednesday of the month. 508-896-3913. CONTINUEDONPAGEA*E:ff Events TIME FOR FUN-Timestudy overseer Hines (Will Hawkins) poses with the Sleep-Tite gals at the factoryinPajamaGame. ON THE COVER