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Celebration this year honors the :
late artist Robert De Niro Sr., actor/ I
arts philanthropist Robert De Niro ;
Jr. and award-winning author Ann •
Patchett, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Complete :
information available at 508-487- \
9960 or atthe FAWC website,www. j
fawc.org :
FAWC,at 24 Pearl St. in Provinc-
etown, offers photography work- •
shops (July 20-25; July 27-Aug. 1), I
as well as weeklong workshops ;
in creative writing and the Visual \
Arts, through Aug. 29. It's not too I
late to sign up - registration is :
on a first-come basis. Visit www. ;
fawc.org/summer for information •
and registration. Questions? Call I
508-487-9960,xl03. j
The artSTRAND Gallery at 494 I
Commercial St., Provincetown, is ;
open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Works \
on view at www.addisonart.com.
I Cape Cod Art Bar
The Cape Cod Art Bar is at 11 •
North St. in Mashpee Commons. I
The Art Bar holds ongoing classes j
for kids throughout the year.Adults ¦
can take a painting class with I
Marcia R. Wise, or a "Words & I
Action" workshop for performers j
and writers. \
Open Mic Nights hosted by I
David Jackson feature musicians, ;
poets, performers and audience \
members , on the first Saturday :
of the month. j
The Art Bar holds ongoing class- j
es and Friday Night Workshops I
in meditation, painting, drawing, I
art therapy, yoga and more. 508- :
477-2788. :
> Lyman-Eyer
The gallery, at 432 Commercial ;
St., Provincetown, is open daily, 11 :
a.m. to 4 p.m. 508-487-3937, or visit j
Millstone Gallery
Sculptures by Benton Jones j
are featured at the Millstone •
Gallery, 3090 Main St., Brewster, i
508-896-2452. :
Eastwind Gallery
The Eastwind Gallery,34 Main St., I
Orleans, is open Monday-Saturday, :
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 508-240-2133 or j
visit www.eastwindgallery.com. •
> Creative Arts Center
The Creative Arts Center, 154 \
Crowell Road, Chatham, is open ¦
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through I
Friday. Call 508-945-3583 or visit :
Rowley Gallery
The Rowley Gallery at 84 Route j
6A, Orleans, is open 11 a.m. to 4 \
p.m. Friday through Sunday. 508-
255-3690. j
Studio Gallery
The Studio Gallery, featuring
original paintings by Robert K.
Roark and the photographic art of
Anita Winstanley, is open 11 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday,
and Sunday by appointment "or
Roark accepts a limited number
of private one-on-one art students,
at levels from beginner to advanced.
The gallery is at 766 Main St.,
Dennis. 508-385-4713.
? Fine Arts Work Center
Provincetown's Fine Arts Work
Center, 24 Pearl St. has announced
that the FAWC Summer 2014 catalog
is now online. Visit www.fawc.
org/summer to see the upcoming
summer offerings. Programs run
through ,Aug. 28. In addition to
drawing, painting, printmaking,
photography, poetry, and prose,
FAWC offers exciting new work-
shops in cut-paper, sculpture with
plaster, writing for television and
screen and food writing. 508-487-
9960, ext. 103.
I Cape Cod Museum
of Art
• Free Fun Friday, 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. No charge for museum admis-
sion all day!
• Through Aug. 3: "Personal
Reflections: A Retrospective Col-
lection by William R. Davis." Free
with museum admission.
• Through Sept. 7: "Treasures
from the Cahoon Museum of Ameri-
can Art," 20 artworks fro m the
Cahoon's permanent collection.
Summer Art Camp: Eight weeks
of camp for kids ages 6 to 12, 9:30
to noon Monday through Friday,
with a different theme each week.
$175 per week; visit the website for
a detailed list of classes.
The Cape Cod Museum of Art
is at 60 Hope Lane off Route 6A in
Dennis.508-385-4477. www.ccmoa.
org for more info.
¥ Art and events at
Cultural Center
The Cultural Center of Cape Cod,
307 Old Main St., South Yarmouth,
features year-round events,art and
literature classes and exhibits for
all interests.
July 18: Reception celebrating
Deborah Forman 's new book ,
Contemporary Cape Cod Artists, 5
to 7 p.m.
July 19:"Ragtime Craze,
" lecture/
recital by Robert Wyatt, including
archival recordings and clips. $20.
July 20: "Remembering the
" a world music concert/film/
talk by Gary Stroutsos, 8 p.m. $15.
July 24: "Mariposas (butterflies)
Auction for Education," sponsored
by Honduras Hope,6:30 to 9 p.m., a
fundraiser to help reduce poverty
of two communities in northern
Honduras. $25, available at www.
hondurashope.org. More informa-
tion at 774-994-0782.
July 25: James Montgomery and
the "Blues Legends Show," "gutty
blues ... and moody sonic works,
8 p.m. $30.
Aug. 1-3: 13th Annual Celebration I
; of the Arts,featuring dozens of lo- j
i cal artists and artisans selling their ¦
: wares. FREE. Opening reception 6 I
: to 8 p.m. Aug. 1; open from 9 a.m.to :
| 4 p.m. Aug. 2; noon to 5 on Aug. 3. :
Aug. 4: Hot Brazilian Jazz Con- :
: cert,Bossa Nova and Samba-driven :
: rhythms played by Fabiano de ¦
• Castro on piano. 8 p.m. $20.
Summer Arts Day Camps for Kids :
: ages 8-12: Weeklong workshops in j
| arts & crafts, music, photography, \
: jewelry making and papier mache, ,
: through Aug. 8. $125,covers materi- I
; als and snack. For more information, ;
: call the Center.
Information on all the Center 's I
; events and classes may be found ;
i at 508-394-7100 , or visit www. j
I culturalcenter.org :
Exhibits, talks and
workshops at PAAM
I The Provincetown Art Associa- :
: tion and Museum, 460 Commercial ;
• St., hosts year-round exhibits , ¦
I classes and workshops. I
PAAM offers seasonal classes as I
! well as a Master Class series that ;
: runs throughout the year. Call 508- I
i 487-1750 or visit www.paam.org.
Museum hours are Thursday ;
I through Sunday from noon to 5 I
: p.m. to Sept. 28: Daily til 8 p.m. j
; Mon.-Thur. and til 5 p.m. Sat. and ;
: Sun. (Fri til 10 p.m.). Admission is I
: $5 for nonmembers. *
•: Osterville Men's Club i
Osterville Men's Club meetings I
: are held the first Wednesday of I
; the month at the Doubletree by ;
¦ Hilton of Cape Cod, Hyannis, with :
: -a social gathering at 11:30 a.m. and :
j lunch and meeting at 12:15 p.m. For ¦
j information, call 508-790-1299 or \
: visit www.ostervillemensclub.com/ I
Gills Club
The Gills Club meets at the Cape ;
i Cod Museum of Natural History, •
j Route 6A, Brewster. Admission is i
• free, ages 8 to 1081 \
The Club is an educational I
: initiative by the Atlantic White :
; Shark Conservancy, dedicated to j
i connecting girls with Gills Club j
i science team female marine bi- :
: ologists, in person and online, to ¦
: share knowledge and encourage •
: young women to take leadership
j positions and inspire others with ;
; their passion for sharks. 508-896- \
: 3867; www.ccmnh.org ¦
: :* National Railway
Historical Society,
Cape Cod Chapter
West Barnstable Train Station i
; scenic rides are open for the sea- \
I son - Saturdays 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. j
: through Oct. 25. Excursion trains :
; depart the depot at 11:55 a.m. and \
¦ 2:55 p.m. :
Historical Society meetings :
j are held at the West Barnstable j
• Train Station, 2469 Meetinghouse •
j Way, Route 149, and at the West :
: Barnstable Fire Station during :
the winter months , if available.
For more information, go to www.
i Trout Unlimited
The Cape Cod Chapter of Trout Un-
limited meets the second Wednesday
of each month at Liberty Hall, Main
Street, Marstons Mills. For meeting
information, contact Scott Dietrich,
president, at 508-776-9667 or email
him at ccflyfish@hotmail.com
Cape Cod Bird Club
The CC Bird Club meets at 7:30
p.m. on the second Monday of each
month, September through May, at
the Museum of Natural History, 869
Route 6A, Brewster, www.massbird.
Progressive Club
This social club has been meeting
for more than 27 years - new mem-
bers are welcome! Make friends,
listen to a speaker or enjoy enter-
tainment. Meetings are the third
Wednesday of most months, at the
Barnstable Senior Center, 825 Route
28, Hyannis. 508-648-7006.
•: *¦ Cape Cod Bonsai Club
The club meets at 7 p.m. the sec
: ond Monday of each month (except
: Dec. and Jan.) atthe Yarmouth Senioi
| Center, 528 Forest Road, West Yar-
: mouth. For more information about
: membership, contact Charles Orr al
• corr@hutkerarchitects.com
% Cape Cod Dads
I Cape Cod Dads can share par-
; enting experiences , plan "daddy
: downtime" and schedule play dates
: and group activities in a new social
: group that 's forming on Cape Cod,
¦ the brainchild of Cape resident Doug
: McHugh,who wants to form a group
: to connect with other fathers on Cape
; Cod. You can connect with the group
: on Facebook at Cape Cod Daddies.
Bead Society
The Bead Society of Cape Cod
• meets the third Thursday of each
: month (except December), with
: social hour at 6:15 p.m., meeting at
| 7. Dennis Public Library, 5 Hall St.,
• Dennis Port. More information may
: be found at ccbeadsociety.blog.spot
PJ^^U^T Hyannis Summer *
L Festival<
m Saturday 10-6 1Sunday 10-4
Village Green ~ Hyannis
Over 100 Booths of American Made
Arts, Crafts,Food &Music!
Sea Glass, Jewelry, Photography,Silk Scarves,
Pottery, Rope Bowls, Doll Clothes, Blown Glass,
Fiber, Floral Design, Watercolors, Chimes, Oil
Paintings, WearableArt, Metal Spirals, Acces-
sories, Ceramic,FolkArt, Block Print, Tile, Flags,
Scrimshaw, Pet Gifts, Shell Craft, Turned Wood,
Slate,Authors & Illustrations, Soap, Leather,
Calligraphy,Candles, Swith Plate Covers, Herbal
Dips, Jams, Jellies, Honey,Oils, & More!
Free Admission • Rain or Shine
GPS Location: 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA
Directions: From Route 6 take Exit 6